Cuntbusting historia
- 1 year ago
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At the age of sixteen, James Fletcher rode a dirt bike into the hills of Hollister, California. At some point during that ride he lost control of his vehicle. Several hikers later found the bloodied teen lying facedown in the soil, and immediately summoned an ambulance. He had no recollection of what had occurred, and was later diagnosed as suffering from a nasty concussion which led to temporary loss of long term memory. For two days James lay in a hospital bed. His face had been severely slashed by detritus and he required a thorough deep cleansing of his wounds followed by numerous stitches. His teeth were saved by the braces that he was wearing at the time, although they had inflicted similar wounds on the inside of his mouth. During his stay in the hospital, he occasionally would mumble various phrases, which was perfectly normal for someone with a severe concussion. His family would speak to him, but he would seem surprised every time they arrived. After that time, he recovered his memory somewhat, although the doctors were forced to explain that he had lost two days of his life that he would never get back. Altogether he had been extremely lucky, and despite some superficial bruises on the rest of his body, relatively unharmed.
Two months later, James went off to college. The University of Idaho had accepted the young wunderkid on the basis of his grades alone. Having graduated high school at fifteen due to high intelligence and poor socialization, he was thrust into the world of a four year college at the tender age of sixteen. Despite being a legacy, he was of course denied any chance to become a fraternity member and as a result migrated to the dorms. The next year was extremely unsuccessful for him both academically and socially, since he was not welcome at any social activities due to his youth. This isolation impacted upon his ability to study. James spent most of the year hiding in his dorm room, and avoiding the company of others as well as his professors. During one of his rare attempts at making friends, he lost his virginity, being raped at a party by another male student taking advantage of his inebriated state. After that James drank considerably more, in his dorm room, with the door locked. He flunked out at the end of the second semester.
Returning home, James joined the Navy in a vain attempt to gain some meaning in his life. Consigned to a role as an intrinsic loser, his naval career was just as brief as his college experience, lasting only a year. During that time he spent most of his leisure avoiding reality, retreating into the computers that he worked on. He chalked it up as another example of his failures.
Now eighteen, the young man returned to college at a local community. He occasionally studied, more to keep the parents he lived with off his back, than out of any desire to actually succeed. It was during this period that James tried to lose himself in music, playing the guitar. His professors all agreed that he had real talent, if he would just apply himself. James did, more out of the love of music than the desire to succeed, and learned the great composers, their works, and his own talents and limitations. Somewhat more mature at this point, he applied to a conservatory in Los Angeles which accepted him upon audition.
Music became everything to James. He played his guitar constantly, working diligently to improve his craft. His skills improved along with his people skills. Despite his successes, he discovered, over the course of two years in the city, that there was nothing that he had that a hundred others wouldn't do for less money. He wasn't the right gender to sleep his way to the top, and his family was not the type to hand him a record contract on a silver platter. The initial eagerness now abated, James began working at minimum wage jobs in attempt to make ends meet. He truly believed that his chance was just over the next rise.
Despite these things, James fell in love with a woman over the internet, which had become a bit of a haven for him. Their relationship was passionate but brief. She became homesick after moving to Los Angles from her home in Texas. Agreeing to return with her at her promise of marriage, James drove her to her home. Her parents loathed the "cracker from LA" from the beginning, and banned him from their home only a few weeks after their arrival. With no money, and no hopes left, James accepted defeat and returned home to his parents.
At the age of 23, James left home one last time. He accepted a small clerical position at a local newspaper and found a small dingy apartment in a bedroom community near his home. It was there, after a long night of playing the guitar loudly and drinking heavily that he wrote his suicide note and prepared to write off the rest of his life as just one more mistake.
James swirled the last few drops of the sake around in the small plastic cup. The liquid ran around the lower rim of the cheap cup, collecting briefly on the small raised surfaces inherent in the plastic, before coalescing into a small pool. He inhaled deeply, then tasted the liquid again. His thoughts turned back to communion, remembering the first taste of wine. This was similar, but with an aftertaste of slightly burned rice. He thought about how he would probably like sake more if they added a butter flavor to it. Overall, as a new experience, he considered the sake just another waste of time.
He sat on the mattress that lined one side of the room he resided in. It wasn't a home. He knew that this was the place he was going to die in when he rented it. A television, a toilet, a microwave and a bed were the only furnishings in the place. It was a place that maintained the basics, but nothing else. He had no yard, and his ancient Plymouth needed to be parked on the street, necessitating that he not spend any time in the house before six, lest the parking police come and take it away. Weekends were the only exception.
He tossed the plastic cup into a corner, and pulled his guitar into his lap. It was a nice instrument, not expensive, but not cheap either. His back rested against the wall as he closed his eyes and began picking out a slow piece. There were no chords in the song, just notes rising and falling with his breath. As he played, his eyes opened and lighted on the note he had finished writing. It had been spat out perfectly from the bowels of his computers printer. He had considered creating a more immersive experience for the note, by burning it onto a CD along with some samples of his better work, but immediately reconsidered when he remembered how computer illiterate most of his soon to be audience was. Better that the police have no ambiguities about his motives.
Near the note lay a bottle of pills. James didn't know what was in them, and he frankly didn't care. He just knew that they would do the job if he took enough of them with alcohol. An acquaintance from school who had sold them to him, had warned him that although they would help him calm down, they could be extremely dangerous. Noting the now empty bottle of rice wine at his feet, he ironically reflected that step one of his was done.
Breathing deeply, James finished the last note on the guitar, then placed it reverently on a nearby stand. His vision moved to the mirror that graced the wall nearby. His gaze swept across his face, tired and defeated. He was an average man, with a high forehead that gave the false impression that he was prematurely losing the dark blonde hairs on his head. Normally his hair was parted on the left, the bangs occasionally crossing over his right eye, but to say that he was now unkempt was an understatement. The small clumps of his bangs hung down over his grey eyes that had never developed laugh lines, partially shielding the view that he had long considered not only unattractive but downright homely. The overall shape of his hair framed the rounded face beneath. He took in his own visage, with the high cheekbones that his sister had always joked about wanting to borrow. There was three days stubble along the line of his curved jaw, but even that did not amount to much, considering how little he had ever had to shave.
"You look like shit." He mumbled to the reflection in the mirror. The athletically built man in the glass did not reply, eliciting a non-committal grunt from James. Jeans and a shirt had been his standard dress for years, and he thought it was only fitting that that particular garment be the one he was found in.
He stumbled to his feet, and moved to the bottle that squatted menacingly on the table. He closed his eyes one last time, trying to get up the courage to finish what he started.
"Don't fuck this one up too." He murmured as he reached forward. The bottle was light in his hand, as all such bottles were. The cap wasn't childproof, and came off easily in his grasp. He looked in at the small white shapes within, trying in vain to quell the fear of the unknown that was rising in him. He nodded softly with deep regrets, and began to tilt the bottle. The lethal chemicals began to roll within the bottle, closing towards its lip, when a familiar sound floated across his mind.
The sound was not the sound of the ocean, even though the ocean was near to his abode. The words that reached his ears sounded far off, like a sound that was not so much real as imagined.
"Giving up on your life so easily." The words were hauntingly familiar. Something grasped at his soul, and he felt compelled to listen. His hands dropped limply as the bottle dropped from them and fell, scattered its contents across the deep orange and brown rug. Eyes wide, he turned, looking in the direction of the sound.
Near the large sliding door that was the only entrance to the room, there was a figure. It was indistinct, the shapes seeming more of a dream than a true vision. They melded into one another, reflecting images that could not be reflected. James felt a strange attraction and a familiarity that he did not understand.
"You have found me once. This time I find you. I am the spirit that would guide your life." James had no words to respond. The vision in front of him had not moved, but the words were clear in his mind.
"What are you?" The question came out hesitantly. Uncertainty clouded his mind again. Was he hallucinating? He had seen this sight before, but he could not recall where, or when.
"I am the vision you saw in your pain." The words were true. He was unable to comprehend how he knew that, but the words forming in his mind were nothing but truth. "You sought guidance from yourself, but were only a child who knew nothing of your life."
Visions flitted through the mind of James. Visions of his youth, his childhood. And then a day that was forever blocked from his mind came to the fore.
"I remember you..." The vision, the pain, the blood. It had been buried in a dark, black place in his mind for so long, and yet it was there again, burning in his mind like it had happened five minutes previously. He remembered that brief moment of flying, and the pain afterward.
"You were not ready. A child cannot learn from himself when he knows nothing." James sighed, his vision taking in the creature that seemed nothing more than the vestiges of a drunken nightmare. Perhaps that is what this truly was, and not a memory at all, but a drunken figment.
"You're not real." James denied the creature. He turned, and dropping to his knees, began to collect the widely scattered pills. He had gathered a few when he felt a light touch on his shoulder.
He turned, and saw a hideous face of a laughing dog. No, not a dog, a coyote. The face itself shifted into indistinct shapes once again, and James thought he could see the figures of a bird, several men, and a snake come and go through the swirling mass.
"You have learned much." The voice in his head was nearly deafening. He wondered if he was going insane. Visions were not a good thing. In history they tended to get people killed or committed. Learned much, he mused, yeah if you count seven years of being buried in shit as learning.
"Fat lot of good it does me." James' reply was sharp. He had had a plan tonight, and it didn't involve mystic fucking spirits getting in the way of his suicide. Anger, an anger he had thought long buried crashed into his mind. How dare this thing interfere with what he needed and wanted to do?
The face of the coyote appeared again in the clashing swirls that clouded his vision. The creature laughed. It laughed loudly and heartily. The sound was not frightening. James felt an urge to join the mirth that was inspired by the joyous sound. The rage left him suddenly to be replaced by a sense of wonder, and hope ran across his mind as he looked on the laughing face.
"Would you like to benefit from your newfound wisdom?" The face changed into the bird that James recognized as a raven. The bird's voice was grating, but carried the same weight that the laughing coyote had. The black glossy feathers that gave the impression of deep mystery were the most prominent feature in the creature's wizened face.
"I can't." James realized as the question was posed to him. Could have, would have, should have were the hallmarks of his life. To benefit from his wisdom required that he go forward, and he couldn't. There was too much pain in the past. There was no reason. The hope was dashed as he felt the welling of the regret that had brought him to this point.
"You can." The face became that of a monkey with a crown upon its head. A broad smile crossed its face as it too faded into the swirling morass. James realized that he was on his knees before the vision that permeated his very being. He could do nothing but listen and respond. In a small corner of his mind he wondered if he was already dead.
"That day that you first met me was the beginning of the end for you." The face of man with pinched features came into view. The smile on his face was not as pleasant as those from the earlier faces, but it was earnest. "From that day on, every day has been a step to this point."
"Yeah, well if I knew then..." James shouted at the creature as the face faded into the vague shapes that had been present before. He had never been ready for anything in his life, he realized sadly. Too many mistakes by a child not ready to make the decisions.
"Do you want that time again?" The face that appeared this time was also doglike, but faded too quickly from the vision to be distinct in his sight.
"No point. I'd just fuck it up again." He spat out. Even if he could do it all over again, there was no way that he could change anything. He'd still be a kid of sixteen with a hard-on for anything that moved with a wiggle. Better to just end it now than to live through that hell again. Better to suffer for his choices as he always had.
"A challenge." The face became that of an old wizened man. It lingered longer on James' face, a soft smile crossing its lips. "Become that child-man, and change it for the better." The face was instantly replaced by the laughing face of the coyote once again, which continued, "But it isn't fair."
"What?" To go back, to do it all again, and to know the errors. That had been a dream for so long.
"Not fair at all, to let you have all the knowledge you do now. It's only fair if everything isn't exactly the same." The coyote smiled, its teeth becoming visible as its lips curled back from its teeth. "If you take the chance, one thing will change. One thing that will give your life a different cast."
"What?" James gasped. This had to be a hallucination. Only a hallucination would offer him the chance to do what he had always dreamed. That time had held so much promise, and he had squandered it in the pursuit of nothing. For that had been what his younger self had sought. Nothing.
"One letter." The face of the Raven returned, the words quiet and precise. "One letter will be changed, over time."
"One letter." It was delightfully cryptic. Perhaps the creature would change his name to something embarrassing. A grade in a required course changed. Something that would throw everything else off, and set the tone differently.
"Only one." The pastiche had returned. It seemed that the entire cosmology present had come to a consensus. Laughter sprung forth, with a humor that escaped James. They seemed to be all sharing some private joke. But that wasn't right either, since the creature before him was not a many, but a one with many aspects. It had made its decision, and now waited patiently for him to make his.
"For that chance, I'd do almost anything." James sighed, tears running down his cheeks. The hope that radiated from his heart was overwhelming. He could do it again. He could do it right. So what if one little thing changed? The mere chance to would far outweigh any minor effect. "Let me go back."
There was no other sound than the laughter that rang in his ears. The vision became brighter swallowing his entire vision with a light that engulfed the room. There was a taste in his mouth of dirt, and of copper. A warmth permeated the back of his hands, and his whole body began to ache. The light turned to darkness, and James closed his eyes, hoping. The emotion filled his soul, as he slipped into the black.
The first thing that James noticed was the stiffness in the right side of his face. As he opened his eyes, the pull of the skin along his cheek caused slight pain when the scabs upon it tugged. Judging from the amount of hardness along his face, he realized he must have torn the flesh from at least half of it. He began to open his mouth, feeling the small scrapes of metal on the inside of his lips. Braces, twisted and protruding, which cut slightly into him. The pain was mild, but it served to sharpen his awareness. Gingerly, he brought a hand up to his face, and ran it along the healing wounds. The slight contact did not hurt much, but it brought home the amount of injury he truly had. He noted with some distraction the small IV that was inserted into the back of his hand.
Turning his attention away from himself, he looked about the room where he was. Across from the steel bed where he lay, a television mounted on the wall blared out some inane sitcom. About him, there were numerous tables, all with closed drawers. The walls were slightly off color, and rough from what he could see. The floor too was a white color, but speckled with numerous flecks of some other material. Set against one wall, a doorway lay wide open, with a hallway beyond.
It wasn't the nicest hospital James had ever been in, but it would pass muster. James turned his thoughts back to the last memories he had. He recalled drinking. Actually he remembered drinking quite a bit. He hadn't driven or anything, had he?
It took a moment before James remembered writing his suicide note. He sighed inwardly, realizing he must have fucked that up too. Can't he do anything right? It was obvious what had happened. He must have taken the drugs and they didn't do what he had hoped. He must have had his stomach pumped, and now here he was.
He reflected a moment more. But that didn't make sense, his still slightly exhausted mind interjected. If he had tried to commit suicide he wouldn't be alone here. There would be a suicide watch. Heck, they probably would have chained him to the bed. And why the facial injuries? It didn't feel like burns, so the only way he could have got them is if someone had dragged him to the hospital on his face. James chuckled slightly at the thought of his overweight landlord trying to manhandle him to a car by dragging his legs. Not very likely.
"Oh, you're up." The voice was his mother, Anne. Oh god. The last thing he needed after an unsuccessful suicide was his mother. He waited for the recriminations, as he turned towards the door.
"How are you feeling?" the young looking woman at the door asked him. Young? James stared at his mother; at least she looked and sounded like her. The woman in her late thirties who looked back at him had an expression of concern on her face. There was no anger; just an affection and what seemed a sense of worry. His mother?
James never remembered her looking that way. The woman he remembered was older, almost fifty. It was a rare moment when she didn't criticize him, and the concern that this woman was showing was totally the antithesis of that scorn. An instant or two went by before James finally realized that she was his mother, but she had gone through some radical transformation. She must have had one of those makeover shows do a number on her. That would probably explain her changed attitude as well.
"I'm okay, I guess." James mumbled. The drugs he had taken must have done a number on his vocal chords, or his hearing, because he could have sworn that the voice that he answered her with was several notes higher than it should have been.
Smiling at him, Anne moved into the room from the doorway. As she did so, James glanced over her form. She had obviously lost some weight, falling from the hefty woman size to the full-figured woman size. Her curly hair was worn a bit longer than she used to wear it, but the dark blonde coloration was the same. He noted with some distraction the lack of grey in her hair. She continued on, pulling up a metal chair with a plastic seat, and sitting on it, next to the bed.
"That's nice hon." Anne commented, her gaze moving up to the television that blared in the room. "What are you watching?"
"I wasn't watching it. It was just on." James commented, unable to believe how good his mother was looking. It was like ten years had been peeled off in an instant.
"Good. Rots your brain." Anne replied, picking up the remote control and switching the set off. The silence in the room was a bit disconcerting, but he didn't comment. How much longer was she going to keep this up before she lowered the boom?
"You look nice, mom." James tried, a bit unsure of what to say. He knew there must be something wrong with his ears, because his voice still didn't sound right.
There was a pause as Anne looked at James. He waited for the lecture, mentally bracing himself for the load of crap she was about to dump on him. She took a deep breath, then spoke some words that shocked him.
"I don't think you should go riding with Randall anymore." The comment was brief, and said in such an offhand manner that James was momentarily dumbstruck. Randall? Her second husband and he had never gotten along, even when they had gone out riding together. But they hadn't been riding together in years, ever since that one time.
A flood of memories raced through James' mind. Images, neither real nor unreal, flashed before his eyes. A laughter; a savage burning laughter that he would never forget. He glanced down at his hands again, past the IV, to truly look at them. The small scar on the back of his wrist that had been there from childhood was larger, no longer almost completely melded with the rest of the skin. The hair on his arm no longer was the deeper blond that he remembered, but a thin light brown that covered considerably less. He was back in that hospital, two days after nearly killing himself on a motorcycle.
His eyes widened, and a broad smile crossed his face. It hurt to smile like that, pulling hard on the scabs that coated his face, but he knew they would heal. He was back! He hadn't forgotten anything. He remembered it all: His life, Los Angeles, the Navy, College. Everything was there. What year was it? He had to remember. There was so much to do. He began to chuckle, and while it pained his body to do so, he had to laugh.
"James, are you alright?" Anne's voice cut through his inner monologue, and she stared at him with a severe expression on her face.
"I'm fine, mom." He replied, trying unsuccessfully to wipe the smile off his face. He wasn't fine. He was better than fine. He had been given his life back and he had no way to explain that to the woman in front of him. In fact, he reflected, I better not tell her. First thing that will get me is slapped right in to the nearest mental institution.
His mind whirled, trying to remember what he had said to her earlier question back in... God, he couldn't remember the year! He remembered that he hadn't gone out with Randall ever again, so he must have agreed with her.
"You're probably right about that, mom. I don't know what I saw in motorcycles anyway." You got that right, he thought to himself. The last time you sat your ass on a motorcycle was at sixteen and it left you right where you are now.
"I'm not saying you shouldn't ride, but I think that dirt bikes are a little too dangerous, honey." Anne continued. Her face smiled at him softly. James looked into her hazel eyes, and nodded.
"Yeah." He agreed, leaning his head back into the pillow fully, and noting the long hair that pressed into the back of his head. Oh lord, he mused, this must have been the year I wore my hair long. He swore a silent oath to get a haircut as soon as he got home.
"Maybe in a year or two, you can get your license and try again, but I just don't think..." She was reading a speech, James realized, shutting off his attention. He remembered how she would go on and on for the better part of forever. He nodded, not knowing what he had agreed to, but not really caring. His mind was occupied with his memories, trying to recall everything possible about what was going on. The year, dammit, let's see... counting back...
Nineteen ninety three. It had to be. The year he went off to college was the ninety three, ninety four school year. SHIT! Idaho! What the fuck was he going to do in Idaho? All they had up there was blue skies and cow shit! Hang on, it wasn't that bad. This was college, remember.
"... good news is that the doctor says you're healing a lot faster than normal for..."
College! He could do it right this time. No more trying to bang everything that moved. Hell, he hadn't been successful the first time, since Nineteen year old girls wanted nothing to do with a kid. Two months from now. Hmm, better write off Rush week, even though he recalled that it had probably been planned already. Well, he'd just have to cancel now, wouldn't he. No frat would be stupid enough to let a sixteen year old in.
"... although they're a bit concerned about some things that showed up in your CAT scan..."
At the thought of college girls, he found himself becoming slightly excited, a mild bulge beginning to form in his sheets. Shit. James had forgotten how easily aroused he had been at sixteen. He'd have to work doubly hard to not make the same mistakes he had before. Remember, buddy, he told himself, you didn't get laid the first time. Well, not willingly at any rate. Oh shit. Mental note: do not go to Delta Tau Delta party! Underline that one twice! He had no intention of losing his virginity to a guy the second time around.
"... so we're going have to have you stay here until they finish the..."
Do the military again this time around? Why not? If he finished college at eighteen he could be an officer at nineteen. Heck, he could probably get into the academy this time through, with what he remembered! Retirement at thirty-nine, with a nice fat severance package. So many potentials lost! Not an instant to waste. Two months seemed like an eternity.
"... love you. James, I know that you're in a lot..."
Tests? The last few sentences that Anne had spoke reverberated in his mind. He didn't remember staying for tests. Not after two days.
"... so, I guess I'll let you rest. Call me if you need anything." Anne finished her statement, and headed towards the door, pushing the small chair back into position. She closed the door behind her, leaving James alone in the silent room.
Tests. Something about his CAT-scan. Dear lord, that spirit didn't give me cancer or something did it? James remembered those final burning words along with that laugh. One letter would be changed. Arrgh. Why did he have to be so stupid? It would be something debilitating, wouldn't it. It had to be. Something that destroyed his life without giving him the chance to live it right. Didn't he have a canker sore on his mouth earlier? Oh god, canker to cancer! No, he touched his lips, he didn't have any of those. What else, could it be though? He ran through the various combinations of his name, trying to find an embarrassing nickname made by changing one letter. Nothing jumped out at him. Well, whatever it was, he'd find out soon enough.
James reached for the remote with his left hand and flipped the television on. On the screen four people sat around trying to figure out a way to get into some girls pants. Oh yes, James thought. Some things, like prime time television, would never change.
The next morning, James awoke to find a large portion of a scab on his pillow. Sometime during the night, it had just fallen off. With some disgust he flipped the vile sloughed skin away with a gesture of his left hand.
Ambidexterity had always been one of his few talents, not that it ever came in useful in this day and age. He touched his face, amazed to feel the new skin under his fingers. It was smooth, as all new skin is. Now he knew that something was wrong.
James distinctly recalled spending weeks indoors, embarrassed by his injuries. What had taken weeks to heal, had been reduced to a few hours. Not only that, but the few teeth in his mouth that he remembered being loosened were solidly set. There was a deep, overriding fear welling up inside James.
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Chapter 2 My mouth went dry at the sound of her voice. I swallowed hard, and then turned around. Laura was leaning against a table wearing a black silky bathrobe and black high-heeled shoes. The bathrobe did little to hide her curves, and I could see her nipples through the smooth fabric. My cock hardened instantly, and I smiled. One of the best things about being bi-sexual is that my dick gets plenty of attention. And I couldn’t wait for Laura to get her lips on it. “You took your...
ENFORCED DISCIPLINECHAPTER 1.Cynthia duly arrived at Edward Lassiter's school, a small but ultra-select establishment in a beautiful but lonely part of the Maritime Alps, which catered for awkward girls who required correction and training. As such, it had been chosen by Mrs. Partington, Cynthia's stepmother to receive her for a period. Though some twenty years of age, the girl had been a source of worry and trouble to her stepmother and this had culminated her activities in becoming involved...
Xxlayna Marie just wanted to prank her step brother, Damion Dayski. However, she got much more than she bargained for. She placed her camera down and hid inside of a hamper to scare him but instead she ended up witnessing her step brother masturbate to a penthouse magazine. Eventually, she did jump out and scare him anyway but he wasn’t very happy to find out that she was filming the entire thing. Damion decided to snatch her camera and refused to give it back. After trying to get it back for...
xmoviesforyouI was inside my car on day, sitting in the back, waiting for the day to pass, so the night, cool and soothing, would come about decently. I was on the run you see, from a crime most people now-a-days would call stupid and rather ill thought out for someone like myself, a straight-A student at Jasmine High, the north side school of the city Winchester’s Peak. The city was likely named that, because of the high cliffs and mountains that toward the north of the city. Not really a humble...
Please, please, PLEASE leave me a message / comment if you enjoy this story. It is a complete work of fantasy....But what a fantasy it is!!!Okay, I admit it. I had drunk WAY too much at the Christmas party and did some stupid things, but I never dreamed in my wildest dreams things would go to where they did!! I mean, I am glad I did not do anything really stupid in public and I am thankful that Jim and his wife drove me home, but what happened after the door closed and they drove off, just...
Hi this ram from amalapuram , na mail id Avarikina secrete sex kavalante mail cheyandi…this story in telugu,na friend sandhya valla chelli chinni Ni denga,valla akka ku taliyakunda naku line vasedi oka roju tane natho matladindi ,nanu ne ku chasukovacha ani adigindi ,nanu chasuko ani chappa ,tanu navvindi. Taravata oka roju na number teaukundi ,aa taravata oka roju school ki valletappudu nannu lift adigindi nanu lift eacha tanu appudu 9th class chaduvutundi,dani kallalone kamam dans chastundi...
Why do they schedule appointments late Friday afternoon? Easy, they are one of the world’s largest companies, certainly the largest in their industry and one of our biggest customers. Also, our rep can’t seem to say no, and no skin off his back, he is driving distance. Worse, the meeting is in Hartford, and if you have ever tried to get a flight anywhere from Hartford on Friday evening, you know there might not be one and if there is, connections and layovers are involved. And it’s snowing –...
Ive been on xHamster just over a year now. I’ve met and talked to a lot of interesting people, both men and a few women. I know some people get impatient with me because I need to get to know someone first before we meet. Well, that brings me to Cody. Cody is not his real name, he is also married. I asked for permission to write this story and he granted it as long as I changed his name and didn’t discuss his business. Cody owns his own business and is very well off financially. He’s 6’5, dark...
The Stop: Since we had our bags with us, we didn’t need to wait for them to be unloaded. The Savannah train shed, while large, was not as large as the one in Philadelphia. While walking toward the exit, we heard a man remark to his friend that the waiting room ahead of us was an octagon 80 feet in diameter. From this, it was fairly easy to estimate that the train shed was about twice that wide and maybe five times that long. When we passed the clock in the waiting room, it indicated that it...
It had been a quiet couple of days which gave me time to do some chores at home, Lisa came and went like teenagers do and I hadn’t heard from Amanda but I was just glad of the rest.I sat out in the garden enjoying the late summer sun, schools were back and life was getting back to normal after the summer break.It was just after 2pm when Amanda called and asked if I knew how to set up a desktop computer, “Yes” I told her as I had done it many times before, she told me she had a client called Mrs...
(My good friend Riz was very upset the other day when I wrote story of another friend. ”You don’t love me anymore. You never have time or interest to write my stories.” She blasted me. I explained to her. I can keep up pace with express trains but not with supersonic jets. Riz’s fucking life has so many incidents in such short intervals, you start writing about one incident, another ten would pile up before you write few sentences. I can only write her biography after she decides to stop...
Arya Fae’s boyfriend moved out suddenly, saying he needed ‘time to himself’ or whatever THAT means, and had to come collect the rest of his junk! She wore some sexy black lingerie so that he could see what he was missing- but the asshole sent his friend Isiah Maxwell to do his heavy lifting! Typical. At least he’s a very considerate and HOT friend… maybe there WAS something else he could do for her- like stuff her box full of cock! She leapt into his arms and onto...
xmoviesforyouCockatoo Part 12 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke up to find my ear being nuzzled and kissed from behind. Mmm, that's a nice way to wake up, I thought. I felt a hand slide over my waist and begin to rub my cock. Even better, I thought. I remembered that Pao had stayed the night and rolled over to see...Areeya's face smiling back at me. If it were possible to jump two steps back when you're lying down, that's what I did. "My God, where did you come from?" I...
Previously on the Sexual Saint… Omar ‘I’m going to fuck the shit out of you Melanie. You’ve always turned me on parading those legs around here like you do.’ Omar said, lifting the horse-tail attached to the toy in her ass, his hand moving the butt-plug up and down inside Melanie’s tight hole causing her to squirm. He rubbed the head of his dick along her slit and around her clit. He felt Melanie’s juices flow and sank his cock into her warm pussy. He placed his hands on her hips with the...
It's summertime and I am staying in my cottage by the sea together with my two girlfriends, Sarah and Vivienne. We've had dinner, and now we've put on a little clothes to go for a long walk through the dunes along the beach, maybe all the way to the old light house. Home in the cottage we have all been naked, since the weather is really warm enough for that. But in consideration of other people that might also be out for a walk we have put on some light summer clothes. I am walking along...
This explanation is compliments of Gnostic God and IBM In the beginning, there was chaos and the Universe was without form and void. The Lord looked upon His domain and decided to declare His presence. “I be” he said, then to correct his grammar added “am.” If the Lord had decided to work on irregular verb conjugation first, this wouldn’t have happened. God would later curse the English language for its part, but in that moment IBM came into being. The Lord looked out upon the IBM He had...
It didn’t look like much had changed thought Bill Meyer as he parked his car in the garage of his townhome. While he had a nice time doing his ‘Wintering” in Florida this year, it felt good to be home. On the drive back he gave some thought as to where he would do what he termed ‘Wintering’ next and came to the conclusion that there was no need to wait for the fall of the year to do some vacationing. Going out to the west coast was a strong possibility because of Maggie being there as he did...
Dear all My name is Ashish and I am here to share with you all my experience of having sex with my married office colleague which till date is going strong as ever. This incident started 3 years back when I was working for an MNC in Delhi and this colleague of mine Nisha was also a part of our back end team as is the case with all companies we were also good friends and we had a group spending time together. Let me describe Nisha she was a good looking female not those stunning beauty types but...
In continuation with the first part, I asked Usha what the surprise it was, but she refused to tell me, she just asked me to come over to her place ASAP.”Oh, you’ll see, you won’t be disappointed,” and she said she’d be ready for me.I reached her home, opened the unlocked door, I knew the door would be unlocked for me, and I went in. I looked in the kitchen, where she often waited for me, then went back to her bedroom, there on the bed was Usha, naked and sprawled out, next to her was another...
Hey guys and girls.. Hi again from johns. I would like to write my story without wasting anymore time.. It was a lazy rainy day. Exams were nearing. I was too lazy to study.. The rain actually was a refreshment to the hot sun. I made up my mind to study. I walked into my study room and took my book. Suddenly my door bell rang. It was neha my neighbour. She was beautiful. And had a wonderful structure 34 28 32. She was my junior at college. I invited her in. The weather was perfect. I asked her...
Hello ISS readers.. Ready ho lun hath me liye ya chut me ungli daale? Well I am also a very old regular reader of ISS.. Bahottt stories pdi h yahan! But apni koi nhi daali.. Aaj single hone pe mood kiya to socha likh daalu! Hindi hi rkhte hain..Ye mere first time ki story hai! Kaam ki hai..Aur kaamsutra ki bhi.. Tyaar hojao lustyioo- So frst of all.. Mai ek punjabi munda 23 right now in bangalore (both factors sexy) ;) .. 5’8” smart funny friendly.. Lun lmba motta taaza! Working in it mnc.....
Duvrach had been bored at the event, even if it was a ‘necessary evil’ of his wife’s social agenda. Yes, the Empress turning up had been a surprise, though he just put it down to Amantil increasing her popularity amongst the lower orders, something that he would deal with ruthlessly should his plans come to fruition. He, therefore, as was his wont, stayed at the fringes of the gathering, merely watching as various drones and a few worthies tried their best to make themselves more noticeable...
It all started when my girlfriend went away for a week. Shumaila, my girlfriend, went away to visit her parents. Her older sister, Anjum, whom she lived with, had stayed behind because she couldn't get the time off from her job. Although I was over at their apartment practically every day, I hadn't planned on going over there while my girlfriend was away. All of that changed that Sunday when Anjum called me. I was surprised when I picked up the phone and heard Anjum's voice on the other end....
EroticMy loving wife had been talking during so much time about one of her office’s mates: a very interesting sixty years old woman called Pam.Anita described her as a very attractive lady. Pam was a long time widow and she looked to be funny and a very nice company.One day I finally had the chance to meet her; when Ana asked me to pick up her after office. My wife was there at the entrance of the building, chatting with a slim beautiful woman, dressed in a very sexy outfit.I knew she was the famous...
Before Warden Saunders could leave the room Bill called to see when they could get started. While he and John were talking Warden Saunders said something to Brenda, and left for her office. Brenda interrupted, and informed John her Aunt suggested they work in Bill’s area, since there would be workmen in the apartment for much of the day. John passed this on to Bill, and said they’d be there in a few minutes. While Brenda cleaned the kitchen John pulled the top sheet from the bed and covered...
"I wonder how he keeps them all satisfied," I wondered out loud."Lots of viagra or a severe case of priapism, Master," Marcia hazarded. "Or maybe they have to pleasure each other while he watches."The first place that I wanted to stop was a toy booth. Marcia had an amazing sexual capacity, and the more orgasms she had, the easier they came. If we wanted to win the contest this afternoon, I had to get her warmed up. The booth had every possible shape, size and variety of dildo, vibrator, and...
It is rather a sophisticated club and we meet about once each month for an evening of wining, fine dining and societal exchanges. The men all wear tuxedos and the women all wear fine evening gowns with no exceptions to the dress code. I suppose one meeting is pretty much like the last and so I will relate what was a fairly typical evening at the club when we dined there earlier this month. Daddy’s driver collected us both from our apartments and we drove to the venue seated either side of...
I am a sexually desirable woman with what some call, a high sex drive. If i was a male, It would mean masturbating up to three times a day.But I am a woman, with a hot body and I am constantly thinking about sex.So you might wonder if all the men in village, where I live have a permanent smile on their faces, and their wives and girlfriends hate me, I would have to answer honestly and say they dont, why?I dont fuck them, but I want to, and they know it, so just being in that mindset, is enough...
Empress Leak! Ready for some leaked Ghana porn videos and sex tapes at Empress Leak aka Empressleaks? I don’t care what your interests with amateur ebony porn are, but since you are reading this, chances are you are looking for a site with some hot amateur ebony smut. So you love them big bootied chocolate sisters, huh? No need to be ashamed; we know how nasty some of these whores can get. The good news is, the site up for review today offers just that — not just fap inducing porn featuring...
Black Porn SitesCopyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 6 -- Not Very Ladylike By Wanda Cunningham "Did I hear my name?"...
Sunday March 12, 1843 We spent this morning going over our lists. I was amazed that we had everything from every list, as well as a lot of things we had added when we saw them. The one thing not on the lists that I’d seen and wondered about was a small set of mill wheels. They were big enough to grind grain and would need water or animal power to turn them, but were much smaller than the wheels at the big, commercial mill along the Kentucky River back home. We were still debating the mill...
---I don’t know if I have followers here interested in some personal stories and experiences but I will try now also this approach since this blog is being made some time ago and maybe it is of someone’s interest.As you can see from the videos that I share, I like naughty women who are open to dirty sex. Not as a form of degradation but just as an expression of my own preferences and desires. Mostly I like the connection with the woman on more than just sexual level, so being just kinky is not...
Triumvirate Book 6 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Downtown Area Aiden shifted in her seat, uncrossing and re-crossing her legs as she futilely tried to subtly tug the skirt of her dress down a little more. While she'd certainly worn clothes that rode just as high on her legs before, the light, open feeling of the skirt had her feeling much more vulnerable. This was compounded by how her date never missed...
Page Six Last seen: Luke Brown, senior at prestigious Kingston School for Boys, at Zabar's buying ingredients for an Ice Box pie. Two days later, Thursday for those of you who didn't get into BC Calc, Emma's doorman buzzed up. Amanda was out with her family, as usual, leaving her no choice but to go home, and smoke cigarettes out her bedroom window for most of the afternoon. Her parents were both out getting ready to redo her room, the twins were at practice for their various sports...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Bob was cruising the beach looking at all the beautiful boys when his eye caught this one good looking boy who was about 18 - 19 yo. Bob took a picture of the boy when he noticed that the boy was smiling at him. The boy wiggled his hand into his shorts and manipulated his package. This was a hint that the boy was interested in Bob. As Bob sauntered toward the boy, a sexy smile crossed his lips. "Hi," Bob said, "you come here often?" "Only when I'm...
GayThe nightclub is packed tonight, you can hardly move. Every direction you turn you bump into someone, rub against them, they rub against you, but this just cann't be helped, and you know inside you love it! Your body loves it! It's been so long since you were involved in any type of intimate contact, your body is craving it, your mind is craving it, you just need to be fucked! With that said its easier said than done, especially when you're in your early thirties and a little bit on the plump...
FetishDas Praktikum 28Ein zweiter Versuch Wenige Monate nach Richards ersten Geburtstag sah ich, dass bei mir alles besser läuft als geplant. Die Agentur hatte mehr Kunden als ich mir je geträumt hatte. Ich hatte einige gute Mitarbeiter, sodass ich mich mehr um den Kontakt zu den Kunden und um grobe Absprachen wegen unserer Ideen kümmern konnte, und die Feinarbeiten machten meine Mitarbeitenden. Natürlich motivierte sie auch ein entsprechender Bonus, aber den konnte ich mir leisten. Je mehr ich...
with out hesitation you slapped my ass till it was red raw every spank made me that little bit harder and alot more horny .... ' im so horny mr i love being teased and slapped about let me grab my ankles for you mr it will make my skin tighter for a better slap and a tighter fit around ur blak dick :) ' i grabbed my ankles and closed my eyes both men were behind me know slapping my botty ' grab those red little cheeks pal and hold em wide apart for me' the black man said he did just that but...
Hello friends. I am Vinith, 20 years old. This incident happened with my classmate Anushka. Let me tell about Anushka. She is a thin girl with moderate color and medium-sized assets. She is moderate in weight. A perfect Mallu girl for love and sex. We met in the first year of college and since the first day, I had a crush on her. She also showed interest in me as I was a class topper. But we both never openly proposed. This incident happened in the 2nd year of college. Anushka always used to...
I would like to introduce myself… Im Anthony, Born and brought up in Hyderabad (I stay at himayathnagar). Im new to this site. I have never thought that i would post something about my personal life, but the reason for me posting here is…. I need a female sex partner., Any age. Someone to satisfy me. I never had this feeling of ejaculating thinking of women, but yeah i had a girl friend when i was in college and we got physical but broke off cos of family problems. This incident is about me...
Incesti m killer my sis name is neha [name changed] she is not very sexy but has attractive body..which i like most..i don’t look to sexy either..its just that i haave lot of me this a true experience.. i was very close to my sister in my childhood..but as my age grew i started to get feeling from inside to feel her my fifth class i just hugged her very tightly for the first time..the excitement grew more and more.. there after whenever i get chance i use to look at her...
We had been married for nearly 5 years when we started talking and exploring our bisexual sides. It was a major turn on for me to always imagine meeting men for quick hookups or her being there to guide us along and tell us what to do. She had always said that she wanted to watch two guys be totally uninhibited with each other. I told her our day would come sooner or later and sooner seemed to be the better answer. One Saturday afternoon she had been out to the mall with her friends shopping so...
‘Have a safe flight,’ Becca says, kissing me one last time before I enter the airport. ‘I’m really going to miss you,’ she adds as more tears spill out of her pretty blue eyes. I hug her tightly once again. ‘I’m going to miss you too. I wish I could bring you with me.’ ‘We’ll come visit, but not until you’re settled. You have to somehow let them know it’s a one-way ticket still,’ she chuckles. ‘As soon as I tell them the whole story, Tim will be glad I don’t have a return flight, he won’t...
Story Codes:? mm/ff rp bd nc pony preg.Link
Jared, your college boyfriend is finally telling you what he's been hiding from you all these years, but what could his secret be? You've been dating a year now, and you thought you knew everything about him. First thing's first- Who are you? ((This is my first story, please don't hesitate to provide feedback!))
FetishEverything in this story is true. It alI happened like I've written it to the best of my memory.I had a long term relationship with Jane starting when she was about 21 years old. She was a former gymnast, about 5'1" and built like an hourglass with ample boobs and a gorgeous round ass. When we started seeing one another, and as I got to know her, I found that Jane was a "nice girl", loved her family, was kind, quiet, and a little shy… the kind of girl you would want your daughter to be, but...
Chapter 1My life kinda sucks right now. I haven’t had sex in several months and I miss the companionship. It’s not that I couldn’t attract someone initially. That’s not a problem at all. I’m 6’ 4” with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a strong, square jaw covered in stubble. I’m muscular with just enough leg and chest hair to be sexy but not bigfoot, and I know I’m good-looking. But the past couple of years, I’ve developed an “issue” that keeps me from pursuing dates and relationships. I’ve had...
Watersportswell as the last story ended i said i thought she was to drunk to remember!It was a few weeks later me and my wife was just hanging around the house andthe phone rang it was her mom and she wanted to know if i could come by hergrandmothers house before work (she stayed there awhile to) to pick up somelimbs that fell in the yard, so i said sure i will be there shortly. As i pulled up her grandmother and aunt were leaving to get there hair cut and i waved and walked in, not noticing that there...
It was the weekend before the 4th of July and Eric and Jennifer were getting packed for their week long vacation from their long beach California home to traverse city in Michigan making sure they had everything they needed for their vacation they have been dreaming about for a long time they were packing up and loading their Chevy suburban for their day and a half cruise to traverse in and leaving at 7 in the morning they were only a few hours into the trip before the both of them got bored...