Restless Ch. 01 free porn video

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I was inside my car on day, sitting in the back, waiting for the day to pass, so the night, cool and soothing, would come about decently. I was on the run you see, from a crime most people now-a-days would call stupid and rather ill thought out for someone like myself, a straight-A student at Jasmine High, the north side school of the city Winchester’s Peak.

The city was likely named that, because of the high cliffs and mountains that toward the north of the city. Not really a humble settling, but it was home. This man, named Jameson Winchester, founded the city as a gold-mining settlement back in the seventeenth century. Now enough talk about that, let’s get back on subject. The crime was committed was rather simple and fast, dangerous yet satisfying.

How could a boy, at the age of sixteen, murder oh, so easily. Well, that is a question I needed an answer to, but in time, I shall receive the answer by looking over my past. Let’s begin, shall we?

* * *

It all began two weeks ago, when I was in band class, enjoying myself by playing a song that I had been composing for about a week now, called A Jasmine’s Glow. It was a gentle composition on my silver lined, black painted flute with valves of gold that flowed like watery lullaby, in a river, soothing and relaxing. It was a pleasant sound to my ears, a most silvery warmth that radiated gently as the quiet air leaked out of the passage and flowed into my surroundings.

Yeah, I know, to most, the flute is only supposed to be played by women, who are kind and gentle, not a man, who is rough and doesn’t care about most of the things he does. Well, in my opinion, I love this instrument. It’s a beautiful piece of work that gives off essence of majestic melody. The flute I’m playing belonged to my ancestors, going back to the time of the crusades. Engraved on the side of the flute reads In Nomine Patris ET Filii ET Spiritus Sancti: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It has been well kept and well handled, only the one’s whom are willing enough greatness can handle such a beautiful instrument. My ancestors were assassins in the crusades, working for the Church, and apparently severing the word of God. Though I never really thought of the Crusades as correct, I still accepted the gift that my great grandfather had bestowed upon me when I was merely a child. Nevertheless, I thanked and accepted my heritage and took pride into this instrument, learning from the inside out, just as my ancestors did before me.

Everyone in my family is a Christian, all of them except me. I never really believed in any of that. I always found it to be completely unrealistic. I have my reasons for not believing in God, it’s a long and painful story. I don’t feel like telling you about it, not yet at least. I guess with more time given to me I will feel comfortable speaking on it. God was never on my side as you can guess, but nevertheless, that’s only part of the reason why I don’t believe in such a lie.

As I sat there on my red plastic chair, writing the last few notes of the song that I had been composing, I noticed that everyone else had been talking about random things. I assumed was the only one who likes to compose music. The voices of kids were talking about their boyfriends or girlfriends, football games and home problems. There was other talk about the homecoming dance that was to be held next week, but other than that there wasn’t really anything else interesting on topic to actually point out in my surroundings. Though it was rather interesting what you can find out from just listening in on what people have to say, there people had always been the boring kind to me, then again, most people are.

Well, since we’re talking about my interests and me, let me tell you a little more about myself. My name is Adam James Carter, but most people in my family have taken the liberty to call me James. I didn’t mind it, because my mother called me that for most of my life, which is fine by me, but lately she’s been calling me Adam, which I found rather strange. Most people don’t even realize that my name is Adam, but then again no one asks. I never liked it. It sounds too classy to me, then again my family is very classy, although we never had money to show it. My mother had always been the kind to talk about marrying a rich guy with a mansion and many cars so she can live in happiness, but that didn’t seem appropriate for ‘love’. I mean, how could you just say that you were willing to marry someone for just the money that he has made? It was pretty messed up on some extent.

I remember how my mom used to come home late from work to be able to pay off the mortgage payment on her, well, our house. She ran two jobs, having a shift for the morning and night, so I never really got to see her, because she always got home around two o’clock in the morning. I did hate that. I had no one to talk to, so all there was left to do was do my homework or compose music. At least she kept a roof over my head, I had always thought, but sometimes, you need more than the comfort of lonesome and infinite expression to be able to cope with some things.

Anyway, as I walked from the band hall, I swept my long hair out of my face that kept being blown over my eyes, due to the wind. I adjusted my hair to my liking, and then fixed it so that it didn’t fall over my eyes. I liked to wear my hair long, but the thing I didn’t like about it, was that I had to groom it so often. Winchester’s Peak had always been a really windy city, but after a while, you get really annoyed with it, especially when you walking about side the band hall due to the way the walls were placed made the wind even more powerful as they passed by.

I walked down the halls of Jasmine High’s Astronomy Hall shortly after my encounter with the menacing wind, searching for my last period class of Astrophysics. It was a decent class, but not really my thing. Although, it was very fascinating, the pictures of outside material that floated along in space. I really loved the beauty and wonderful scenery that the cosmos had to offer to us. Come to think of it, I guess it was an interesting class, but the only thing that killed it for me was the math portions of it. So as I walked into the room, I glanced at the projected screen and hoped that there was a lecture and not math problems.

Turns out that it was a lecture, but we had some problems at the end to solve. My teacher began talking about many things that I hadn’t known about. He mentioned something about Sacred Geometry and how it was all proportional to the cosmos. It was all very interesting to learn, but as I sat there watching my teacher explain the planets, I just began to stare at the pictures of the wall, dazing off into thought of why I’m here at school just wondering if any of this matters.

Dreams and visions came to me of all of the worthless causes of what people call an education. I really didn’t see why I’ll need certain skills like algebra and calculus. It’s not like it benefit me in my music career. I noticed that I’d only need music and writing for my music career because I was only planning on writing music for a living. I then began to ponder of what my teacher was talking about and how he explained the creation of the universe…

A paper ball fell on my desk, distracting my thoughts. I looked, and examined it carefully, knowing who it was from almost instantly. A person by the name Andy Garcia, he was some guy who always picks on me, recently, for some reason. It’s like that I’m his favorite of all guys to pick on. ‘Hey, Adam, why don’t you look at me you little prick?’ Andy said, cockily, as usual.

‘Why should I?’ I questioned rather upset and sick of the bullying. ‘Your sight isn’t worth my memory.’

‘What did you say, punk.’ Andy walked over to me and bent over right in front of me. I could smell his bad aftershave that radiated off his horribly shaven neck. His short spiky hair, all messy and completely torn apart f
rom the last time he had tried to pick on me. I had it and attacked him with a pair of scissors, but shockingly, I was caught, but knowing Andy Garcia, he’s as stubborn as a donkey getting orders form a new owner.

‘You heard me,’ I replied, emotionless in my tone. Where’s the teacher, I thought inside my head. I was scared, but not really for the reason that you might think. I was scared because I knew that there would be more to pay if I get involved again with this guy. ‘I don’t have to repeat myself.’

I hate it when people try to push me around. I’m pretty strong for being five-eight in height. I’m not scared of getting into a fight, it just that Andy Garcia play dirty, most likely has a blade on him. I would’ve squared him off then and there, but his buddies, Cal and Sam, were behind me, their essence reeking off stupidity and pathetic rage. Knowing them, they’ll grab me from behind while Andy starts going at me from the front, like before, too many times to count.

They’ve pushed me around to many times, and I’ve had it with them. Next time will be the end of them, and I mean it. As I stood up, I kept eye contact with Andy, looking straight into his brown eyes, filled with hate and anger, with my electric, cold green, sapphire eyes, radiating with bloodshed and terror. I was ready for it, and I wasn’t going to back down, not anymore.

‘Hey,’ a voice, from the right side of us, said in tone of fear and nervousness. ‘Adam, can you come here, and help me with my assignment?’ So happens, the voice was coming from a girl by the name of Elisabeth Marie Patterson, a young lady of high-class standards. Though she was all classy, she did not let her status get in the way of her relationships with people. Elisabeth never took anything for granted and was always grateful for what she had or received.

As I replied, ‘Yes, I’ll be there in a second.’ I remembered who she really was. One of the most popular girls in our school, of course not at the time food chain, as some say now-a-days, was trying to get my attention. I don’t mind helping her, it wasn’t a problem at all, but the thing was that most people would find this a very strange move for a girl of popularity like Elisabeth.

‘I’ll deal with you later, puck,’ Andy whispered in my ear, as I passed him.

‘Agreed,’ I whispered back.

I walked along the back of the rows of desks, heading over to Elisabeth. She waited patiently for me to arrive. She smiled and asked. ‘How do you do this problem?’

Other than me being mesmerized by her beautiful hazel-green eyes, that came with a set of long, well-kept eyelashes, so long they touched the bottom of her eyebrow, I explained how to calculate the trajectory of a meteorite heading towards the Earth at 2900m/s from a 2.68 x10^6 miles away from the planet, to originate with the time it would take for impact.

‘Wow, how are you so smart if you don’t pay attention in class?’ Elisabeth asked me after I help her with some more problems that she was having trouble with.

‘Well, honestly, I’m not that smart, I just have good memory of what the teacher says occasionally.’ I replied, not as rude sounding.

‘So why don’t you pay attention?’

‘Well, honestly, I don’t care about school that much.’

‘Oh,’ Elisabeth replied, kind of confused at the response I gave her. ‘I’m surprised.’

‘Well, you don’t have to tell me that,’ I smiled. ‘I can tell.’

‘You’re very observant.’ She chuckled. ‘Sit down, please.’

I sat in the desk in front of her, facing Elisabeth. I really wasn’t sure why she was talking to me so suddenly. I’ve never even spoken to this girl, who was smiling away as if she hit gold, but yet her grin was warm and sweet.

‘So what’s up with your life?’ Elisabeth asked, breaking my thoughts.

‘Nothing really,’ I replied, wondering why she asked me that. ‘Why you ask?’ I asked, trying not to sound all that rude.

‘I’m just trying to keep the conversation going. Can I ask you something?’

‘Sure, I see why not.’

Elisabeth looked around, probably to check if anyone was watching. ‘What’s up with that Andy guy, always picking on you?’

‘Don’t know,’ I replied coolly. ‘I would’ve squared him off then and there, but knowing his friends, they would’ve got me from behind and beaten the crud out of me.’ I said this low to the point of a whisper. I didn’t want to start anymore conflict between us.

‘Personally, I don’t like fights. It scares me when I see some people going at it.’ Elisabeth’s voice was shaky. ‘I mean, seriously, you haven’t done anything to them, so I don’t see the reason why they keep on torturing you like that.’

‘Don’t know why, but I’ve had it with them. Next chance I get, I’m not holding back.’

‘Don’t be like them, please,’ Elisabeth said, lowly. ‘It won’t help at all. It’s not worth your time to be dealing with them. Just come and talk to me whenever they start trying to pick on you again, OK?’ She seems really serious for some reason. Why would a girl like her care about a ‘nobody’ like me?

That last statement did get me thinking. Why does she even care about me? I continued to think on the repeated question. It’s not like I’m some guy to die for. I’m just some random guy who is only dust in the wind, driven with and by rage, and jealousy, sorrow, and agony, nothing more, nothing less. Why is this girl so worried about me getting into a fight? I don’t even know her.

‘If you so wish,’ I replied, sympathetically.

‘Good,’ Elisabeth chuckled and tapped my shoulder with her little fist. ‘Besides, you’re not a bad kid, and know where you’re coming from. I’d be really upset if someone would pick on me too. Hey, if I were to tell you that I was never this popular, would you believe me?’

‘Maybe,’ I replied, thoughtfully. ‘I don’t know why you’d like to me.’

‘Well, it’s true. I was never this popular. I was always a shy person before I entered high school.’

‘Oh, wow, why so?’

‘I don’t know honestly. I never really liked talking to people that much, but then again I never liked being alone. I was too busy with my studies, as well, for friends, I guess you can say.’

‘That’s interesting. So why are you talking to me if you don’t like to talk to people, no offense.’

‘Simple, Adam,’ Elisabeth chuckled. ‘I’ve changed my ways. I’m more outgoing now.’

‘Oh, of course what else can be the reason?’

‘You speak differently from the others.’

‘Oh, how else would you like me to speak? Does it bother you?’

‘No. It’s just that your way of talking is different than other people. I’ve never heard anyone talk like you before.’

‘How is that, if you don’t mind me asking?’

‘Well, for example, you just asked ‘How so?’ instead of just asking how? Do you get what I mean?’

‘Of course, it’s actually quite simple to comprehend what you mean.’

Elisabeth chuckled. ‘You sound so smart.’

‘I’m really all that smart. I just have a high form of vocabulary. I was brought up that way.’

‘I wish my parents would’ve done that with me. I want to be smart now and have a ‘high form of vocabulary’.’

We laughed. It was nice that I was talking to someone like Elisabeth. She seems like a pretty nice girl to talk to.

The bell rang for school’s release from today’s classes. ‘Well, it’s been nice talk to you,’ I said to Elisabeth. ‘I need to be getting home, lots of things to do.’

‘Why don’t you walk me to my car?’ Elisabeth smiled standing and slinging her bag over her shoulder. I noticed the way she moves is like water, so majestic, and free.

‘Sure,’ I replied, putting on my backpack, not to fast or slow, but just at the right speed. I didn’t want her thinking that I was nervous or anything.

As we walked through the crowded halls, filled with students, eager of heading home for dinner or after school activities, it was rather dif
ficult to walk through the hallways, I guess you can refer to it as walking through Jell-O. Elisabeth and I turned left towards the staircases.

‘So, Elisabeth, what are you doing after school,’ I asked as we stepped down the student-ocean filled stairway.

‘Call me Lisa,’ she replied faintly. The noise had been drowning out her voice out. ‘I never like Elisabeth. It’s too classy if you ask me. Oh yeah, I’m just going home. I need to baby-sit.’

‘Oh, cool,’ I replied back.

‘And you?’

‘I’m just going home as well. I’m most likely just going to stay there in boredom.’

We exited the building a few minutes later, after weaving and dodging traffic in the hallways. The parking wasn’t filled with as much students as I thought it would, having walked through an entire ocean of them.

‘So, I guess, I’ll see you tomorrow,’ Lisa said, as she entered her car, which I have to give her credit for. It was a Mercedes Benz, not classy at all. I wasn’t sure what model it was, but I guess it was some extremely expensive type.

‘Yeah, I see why not,’ I replied, smiling.

‘Cool, that’s a date. See you, Adam.’ Lisa drove off into the sun.

I felt pretty good that I was talking to this girl. I didn’t feel alone for the first time. Now you may be wondering, don’t I have any friends? Well, of course, but only two, maybe three, depending on the third one’s mood, but I’ll introduce them later when you meet them.

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PornWorld Eliza Ibarra Skinny College Nympho Eliza Ibarra Fucks Friend in Daddy8217s Hollywood Home

Eliza Ibarra, a skinny college slut, has just moved into a new luxury home that her step dad, whom she fucks regularly, pays for. While showing the place off to her friend Jason, Eliza explains to her friend that she fucks her step father regularly and in return he pays for a luxury house in the Hollywood hills. After explaining the situation, she takes her pants off and starts masturbating in an attempt to get him to fuck her. Unsurprisingly, Elizas tactic works like a charm. Almost...

3 years ago
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Camping With Kathy

We were camping together, early in our relationship. She had never camped before, and I, well, I camped a lot. Several reasons: it was cheap, it was flexible, and I enjoyed being outdoors. She, on the other hand, found every single thing new, and exciting. From hiking in to the campsite (and she was petite enough, that a large bookbag was about an appropriate load), to selecting a tentsite, to setting up the tent, and opening the sleeping bags to let the insulation loft back up, it all was fun...

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"It's the ideal woman." "I'll tell Gloria Steinem on you." "She won't care." "I'll tell Andrea." "Tattletale! If you tell my sister, I'll stop rubbing your feet." "I knew male chauvinists were stupid. I'm not going to tell her until after you've rubbed my feet. Anyway, once upon a time you would have noticed that more than my feet were bare." "I do notice. But people don't say: 'bare-torsoed and pregnant.' Can't think why. You do have cute feet..." "Swollen with...

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My Hidden Fantasy

(To the xhamster reviewers: I take credit and ownership for this as I am the original writer when I had a now defunct and useless xhamster account.)I was playing a video game on my Xbox 360, and i was having fun. For the record, it was Forza 3. But as I was playing, my apartment door got knocked on. I open the door, and in walks two hot looking girls. One was named Carrie and the other one was named Racheal. Well, it was nice to see them again. Racheal was a BBW with blonde hair, and huge tits...

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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

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Distorted Swamp Doll Ch 03

Several weeks had gone by since the rave at Carnelian beach and Victor Savage , a police officer with the Obsidian Police Department, was on patrol in the early morning hours, looking into the disappearance Fawnie Dimple. The beach had already been searched so he went to search around the young woman’s home which she shared with her brother in Hematite. As he walked down the road, the smell from the sulfur swamps would cause his to close. When he finally rounded the corner and arrived at the...

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The Justice Warriors

Richie Riley cautiously approached the nondescript warehouse in the middle of the city's industrial district. His incredible nano-tech armor, designed by his mentor the one and only TechKnight, was currently in stealth mode, making him virtually undetectable. Stealth mode automatically camouflaged him to his surroundings in real-time making him virtually invisible, especially while standing still while also hiding his heat signature and absorbing radar waves. Richie Riley or CyberSquire was one...

2 years ago
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So Many Stars

‘Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.’ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations * It’s an old story, really. Been told a few times too, I reckon. About an old man — well, not really old, not quite yet, anyway — but an old man who’s followed his heart and run into a few potholes along the road more or less traveled. A man you’d have thought was old enough to know better. My story, if you want to know the truth of it. I think I’ve got the beginning down, maybe...

3 years ago
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ScoutChapter 13

It finally got hard dark, so we headed back to Jake Witherspoon's ranch house. No lights were showing, so we checked both front and back doors to see if either one was unlocked. The back door was unlocked, so we decided to go in that way. I had a premonition of danger, so I stood to one side as I opened the door. Damn, was I lucky I paid attention to my hunches. An explosion like both barrels of a 10-gauge shotgun went off, and segments of the door frame disappeared. Shit, that Witherspoon...

3 years ago
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The Twins Meet Phil

Kimberly and Madison Tucker lay sprawled and heaving together in Kim's bed, the huge dildo their grandfather had bought for them joining their luscious, 14-year-old bodies and deep in the their eager pussies. They moved to and fro gently together in the rays on morning sunshine, softly moaning, eyes closed, is orgasmic bliss, legs entangled, hands stroking, bare breasts rubbing together, nipples fully erect, clits jumping. "Phil," said Kimberly, blinking open her lovely eyes. "Why didn't...

4 years ago
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CoriolanusChapter 11

The Romans had gone, we were alone. We could organise ourselves as we chose; and each tribe chose to manage themselves. That was as expected, the tribe organisation had mostly been left to themselves, unless they rebelled. So they had plenty of administration in place already. There had been little mixing of tribes, the main tribes I mean, since the Romans had arrived, so they were happy to return to that way. Nominally the local Romans were under the authority of the tribe; most of the time...

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Holy ObligationChapter 9

I woke up the next morning to the blissful feeling of Maria wriggling her warm, ample ass against my hardening dick and a hand full of soft breast. I rolled Maria's stiff nipple between my thumb and forefinger and was rewarded with a lustful groan. She craned her neck back and found my mouth with hers. Apparently the skills developed in sucking cock translate well into kissing. 'Hungry' wasn't the term here, 'ravenous' seemed to be more applicable to how Maria seemed to be when it came...

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The Key Club

We started with just two couples, but it soon grew to five.I'm married to a gorgeous Latino. Veronica has very long black hair, dark eyes, sensuous lips, and the best body I've ever seen. And her sex drive was wearing me out! She would want sex in the morning before I left for work, then again as soon as I came through the door every afternoon. She would be all over me, kissing me, rubbing on me, rubbing my cock, until I took care of her. Then at bedtime, she would want me again! I guess her...

4 years ago
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I wasn't very experienced when I went to a nude beach mainly to look at naked guys. I settled on the little sand there was and there didn't seem to be anyone around. I had stripped off and enjoyed the sun on my bare skin when a guy walked down from the bushland behind the beach. I couldn’t help but look, but he was built. For an older guy he was no flab and tan from head to toe. His chest was covered in thick black hair with a wisp of grey now and then for character. I couldn’t stop myself from...

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Call from my cousin sister

I got a call from my cousin sister vijju….she told me to come to her house immediately…since her parents were not in station i thought there might be some problem at home so i got on my bike and raced to her place.i better tell you about vijju, she is 16 years old, i’m 17 by the way, she is about 5 feet 2 inches tall and measures 34-30-32, she has golden brown skin, shoulder length black hair and to my delightful surprise….a very good lay.i reached her house, and rang her doorbell, in my haste...

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Sexy MotherinLaw

Melanie was not your typical 42 year old married woman. Yes, she had a husband of over 20 years and she had three grown c***dren. But Melanie was something else that very few people realized or observed out in public -- Melanie was a very attractive and very sexy woman, and she had a very active and nearly insatiable desire for sex and sexual attenion from men. It didn't matter whether it was her husband who was attending to her needs; Melanie craved the sexual pleasures that men could give her...

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My Just Rewards

I was a Captain in Black Ops dealing with amongst other things psych ops, prisoner interrogation and re-education. Once I finished my tour, I started a psychiatric practice with 3 friends from the service and med school. It took a couple of years, but we now have a fairly profitable practice. When we were first starting our practice, everybody at the office decided that Wednesday nights we would all unwind at Farlows. It was one particularly tough week when we all decided to retreat to Farlows...

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Warming up at the adult store

That afternoon I said Victor I wanted to purchase a new dildo. He smiled and replied we could also get a new butt plug, for the obvious use of loosening my bum hole for my sweet husband’s pleasure when taking me in the ass…Next day at midmorning we went to a local adult shop. Once there, we walked in and looked around slowly at all the toys and other stuff…After a while we decided to buy a huge silicon black dildo which was slightly thicker than my husband’s cock and most definitely a few...

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Bad Teacher Ch 01

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are of legal age. This is a work of fiction, but if you expect good dialog, flawless grammar and a non-stereotyped story this is not a story for you. Chapter 01: Using the opportunity to blackmail my best friend's motherI woke up early in the morning with a yawn and rolled onto my back. As my mind came to life I remembered it was only Tuesday, so the weekend was still far far away. Waking up and knowing there was another boring day of school ahead didn't...

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24 hours 5 years 10 months Ch 06

‘It has gotten better for us in the last couple of weeks Genevieve. These counseling sessions have made a big difference. As you know, we’ve been doing the homework you assigned. Both Jim and I have calmed down quite a bit and it’s feeling so much better.’ ‘That’s right. Marie’s been wonderful. I think that she’s finally feeling that I’m here for real. And that I’m starting to see her other side too. She’s starting to feel free to be who she is again. Me too. Pulling back and having us start...

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My New Sex Life

Note : This story is completely fictional! I got married a year ago and going into the marriage I knew my wife didn’t want kids or a lot of sex ether. I stupidly thought that once we were married, I could change her mind about the sex thing, but it got worse. I haven’t seen her nude or touched her in the last seven months and my poor cock is about ready to dry up and blow away. My wife is a rising star in a brokerage firm, works a lot of hours and I run my web design business from our home. My...

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Russells Mom

This is about Russell’s Mom.To start with, my name is Jay and my best buddy for most of my life has been Russell and this is about my 18th birthday. Well at least the celebration of it the weekend following my 18th birthday. As I was still in High School had to wait until the following weekend to whoop it up and that is just what Russell and I had planned.So early Friday evening I drove over to Russell’s house to pick him up with plans for both of us to head up to my parents cabin for the...

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Clues Perfume

Author’s note: Perfume names may or may not be real. Also, I did not use an editor this time. The scent was new, at least at our house. Sometimes troubles in relationships are not talked about, but there are often clues. I am Richard Stevens Jr., 35, married to Jane Stevens (nee Silvers) 31. We have been married for 6 years, and are trying to have a child. I am currently the CEO of the family corporation R. S. V. Corporation. We produce furniture for the office environment. I met Jane...

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Chapter 6 of Wifes Story

Chapter 6 of Wife’s StoryReuben and JC got on the road at a good time after rush hour and were making good progress hoping to be home in the early afternoon. Reuben and Lem certainly gave JC a lot to reflect on; how will this affect her marriage, what about her pregnancy desires, and what happens if she is currently pregnant. It’s been 3 weeks since Reuben first fucked her and he may not have gotten all the way out of her, like he promised he would, but left enough of his sperm in her to make...

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Bob Jacqueline Jae and Shaft

It was only a few months ago, and I had been working back late in the office one evening. There was only myself and Jae, our receptionist. Jae had only been working for our company for no more than 6 months. Every time I would walk past her desk, I would make a conscious effort to stop and chat to her. There had always seemed to be a bit of harmless flirting between the two of us. Jae was an attractive voluptuous women, with all her curves in all the right places. She had large breasts, a big...

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Autumn in New York0

By Marc Rollins Tannia. I first met her at work. I worked at a pizza parler in New York, near my apartment. I won't give the address or the name, but it was a popular place for the kids to hang out. We both worked in the back, making pizza, cutting pizza, and all of those other little tasks people like us did. The first day I was there she trained me, showing me the ropes. She was about 5 foot tall; give or take, i never really asked, just guessing. She had the longest jet black hair i...

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This Stays Between Us Right

Not expecting company I sat for a moment before rising, giving a fast stretch and opening the door. Standing there was an unexpected surprise, a pretty little red head with wide green eyes, a curvy little body, and a nice little rack, make-up streaming down her face. With no rain in sight, I quickly sensed she was distraught. “Are you okay?” I asked her, “Can I do anything to help?” It was apparent that there were many things that I wanted to do to her and I made no attempt to hide...

4 years ago
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No Rules Part 4

“So, did you get permission?” Ashley asked. It was Saturday and she was talking on the phone to Jill. “Yeah, she's still fooled about you.” “About me?” Ashley gasped, “What about you. You're the one that's got the hots for my stepbrother. Does she know about that?” “No and I'm not going to tell her. Besides, you're not being fair. I just asked if you could fix me up with him.” “Right and you bought that nothing little girl skirt just to wear to church. You don't have to tell me what you're...

Straight Sex
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt11

Chapter 13 To Mark's huge relief he witnessed Lisa opening her shorts. Without the tight fly holding the dildo in place it would fall out, at least if Lisa hadn't taken a hold of it to put it neatly back on Mark's night stand. Lisa took off her shorts completely and her panties along with it. It was instantly clear that her neatly trimmed pussy was sopping wet. It smelled strongly, not unpleasantly unlike John's boxers. While it did smell way better to Mark it wasn't having the same...

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Dangerous games

Indeed. .. it all started as a silly game. My stepsister was a couple of years older than I was. I was around 16. Still the gap in experience was wider.With me also lived my two younger siblings; 6 and 5 and her blood brother at 11 or so...There was this day, in which we were playing in the bedroom and as annoying as I can be I was wrestling the three younger ones on top of the bed... in good nature! I managed to immobilize all three quite effectively and they would shout for help... our...

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CHAPTER 1 - DEFINING AND LEARNING OF A DICKWhen I was at high school, it was the first time that I learned something about man's dick and having sex. I was starting to wonder it. My friends who have boyfriends know about much more than me. Because I do not have a boyfriend. My best friend told to me, "I hold my boyfriend's dick. At first it was very small. But after I started to jerk off his dick, it was get bigger, bigger and bigger. His dick had been huge. His dick got so big and it couldn't...

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Lindsays Dirty Secrets

Mr. Franklin smacks Lindsay's ass bring her back into reality, she couldn't help but think about last night when she got home and used her dildo and how her fansty is all coming true right now, Mr. Franklin sits at his desk and demands Lindsay to suck is cock so he can cum and leave no evidence behind. She does as asked and gets on her knees below his desk and grabs his cock and starts bobbing on his dick taking it all and not being scared to rub his balls. Looking up at her boss seeing the...

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