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From the moment she walked in, I knew this was an appointment I wouldn’t soon forget. Her presence commanded my attention immediately, and I stood dazed for a minute with my mouth slightly agape. It wasn’t just her looks, although she was undoubtedly beautiful; she exuded confidence and power, and damn, was it sexy. She stood in the doorway eyeing me for a moment and smirked as our eyes locked briefly before sashaying her way into the room, letting her handbag drop from her shoulder to the floor.

“Welcome, Mrs Waltham,” I said, snapping back into professional mode.

“Ms,” she quickly corrected, casting an inscrutable glance at me as she removed her long coat. 

“Apologies.” I forced a polite smile in an attempt to disguise the inexplicably nervous state she had put me in. “Please, let me hang that up for you,” I added, almost tripping over my own feet as I rushed around the table to take her coat. 

I hesitated in front of her as she seemed to tower over me in stilettos, hands placed firmly on her hips and that disarming smirk still lingering around the corner of her mouth. She made me feel like a schoolboy again, stammering in front of the stern headmistress. Her eyes followed me as I walked to and returned from the coat rack in the corner. Our eyes met again and I gulped, painfully aware of what was to follow.

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, she interjected, “Am I supposed to get naked for this or what?” The very thought elicited a deep pang of lust in my core.

“Many people do,” I replied, resisting the urge to mentally undress her, “But some keep their underwear on. It’s really whatever you’re comfortable with, Ms Waltham.” I retrieved a towel and handed it to her, momentarily allowing my eyes to drop to her tantalising cleavage, then directed her to the small changing room.

It was impossible to tear my eyes away from her as she strode away. The protuberant curve of her ass, accentuated by the tight black pencil skirt, drew my gaze, which then wandered down the backs of her thighs to her shapely calves. My cock began to stir and I chastised myself, pushing the many inappropriate thoughts that had manifested from my mind.

She emerged shortly after with the towel wrapped around her, her cleavage still prominently on display and her wavy dark locks collected in a loose bun. I stood on the other side of the table, fussing with the arrangement of my various oils and implements so as to avoid eye contact. There was a slight tremble in my hands which I fought to temper. 

I averted my eyes as she positioned herself on the table and draped the towel over her buttocks and upper thighs. When I turned to begin the massage, I gulped again, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Her body was a work of art, from the definition of every toned muscle to the even golden tan that glazed her unblemished skin. She was not slender and fragile, but strong like an Amazon, and clearly someone who took great care of their body.

The gentle, generic relaxation music floated through the room as I drizzled oil between her shoulder blades and began to spread it across her back. Almost at once I could feel the tension she carried that must have brought her here; the muscles were taut and often knotted. As the scent of jasmine and bergamot filled the air, I began to rub and knead, applying pressure where I could feel her stress.

I pressed down hard between her shoulders and asked, “Does that feel okay?”

She did not reply in words, but gave a long, sensual moan of approval. The noise was almost sexual, and I could feel the familiar stirring in my underwear again. I pressed again, untwisting the knot, and I felt her entire body relax beneath my hands as though she were now putty for me to mould to my will. Another low moan escaped her lips and a surge of blood made my cock twitch imperceptibly.

I shook my head as though to shake out all the incredibly unprofessional thoughts that were now running through my mind. I had given hundreds of massages to incredibly attractive people, but none had made me yearn in quite the way Ms Waltham did. Unconsciously, I bit down on my lip as my hands glided down her body to massage her lower back. Her soft skin, glistening with oil, was irresistible.

The towel concealed her from her hips to halfway down her thighs, stretched tight over her round rump. Despite my harshest self-scolding, I was semi-erect and the bulge in my loose shorts was becoming increasingly noticeable. As I poured more oil over her legs, I forced myself to think unsexy thoughts, praying I would be soft by the time the hour was up. I couldn’t help but laugh as I conjured up mental images of old, ugly naked people, wrinkly and saggy, flashing me gummy smiles—it was an effective strategy as my arousal began to subside.

I worked the ball of my thumbs into her sinewy calves and asked, “Are you a runner, Ms Waltham?” I had originally trained as a sports massage therapist and knew a runner’s legs when I had my hands wrapped around them. I guessed from her physique that it was no idle hobby either.

“I am,” came the muffled reply, “I’m training for the Edinburgh Marathon.” This was followed by another low groan that caused my hand to slip from her leg momentarily. 

“Is it your first?” I was keen to keep talking to stop my mind from wandering further up her legs than my hands were permitted. Her thick thighs were all muscle and I had to really work hard to knead the tissue. 

“I…” She faltered for a moment, purring her approval as I went to town on her legs. “I did London when I was young, but I’ve only gotten back into running in the last two years.”

To get as deep as I wanted, I had to bear over her—it would have actually been easier to get on the table with her—and I let out a small grunt as I applied the pressure through my fingertips. When I reached the point where her thighs met, she readily parted them to allow my hands to encircle her leg.

As she shifted, the towel rode up a little to just below the cleft where her buttocks met her legs. Noticing this in my peripheral vision, I gulped once more, but dared not redirect my stare from the muscles in my hands. I moved further up her leg and again felt the slight tremble in my hands.

She went on, seemingly oblivious to the battle between arousal and professionalism that raged inside my head. “I got pretty caught up in my career and stopped taking care of my body; I got pretty fat actually.” There was no trace of it now, I observed, my fingers lightly brushing the skin just under the edge of the towel.

“So, I just decided.” She became loud and firm, and I lifted my hands from her to readjust my shorts. “I wanted to get in shape, and run another marathon before I turned forty.”

“Well, you’re certainly in great shape,” I said, moving to the other leg, “But forty must still be a wee way off.”

At that, she lifted her head from the table and laughed. I had genuinely not meant to flatter—I couldn’t have put her at a day over thirty-four. Her body shook in my hands as she chuckled and the towel rose another few millimetres. 

“I’m five months away, you charmer,” she said, trying to turn her head towards me without moving her body. Her body vibrated with another laugh and my oily fingers grazed the underside of her rear, just for a second. She seemed not to notice.

“You look excellent for your age…” The words slipped out before I could catch myself and I cringed, turning away to wipe my hands clean. I tried to recover with, “I hope you don’t mind me saying so.”

She lifted herself up onto her side, catching my eye with that intense stare, smiling almost wickedly as she covered her breasts with one arm. “Do I mind a handsome young man telling me how attractive I am? What do you think?”

My face went red hot as I blushed from the neck up. I opened my mouth to reply but quickly closed it again when I realised no words were forthcoming. All I could do was stand with a meagre smile on my face, hoping beyond hope that her eyes would not drop to my obvious bulge. She flashed a most definitely wicked grin before lying back down on the table.

I took two deep breaths, before resuming. “I’ll do your arms now, if you could just lay—““Actually,” she interrupted, “Could you spend some time on my glutes? I do a lot of sitting at work.” She reached down to lift the towel onto her lower back, exposing her bare bottom. My cock positively jumped at the confirmation that she had not kept her underwear on—if she had been wearing any in the first place.

Her perfectly round ass had the same golden gleam as the rest of her body, with not a tan line in sight. I gulped down a large swig of water, my eyes glued to the delicious rump she had just exposed to me, and tried to compose myself before responding. Alas, there was still a discernible tremor in my voice as I croaked, “Yes, of course… Ms Waltham.”

It wasn’t part of the standard massage, but I had rubbed many an athlete’s rear end. Never, though, had doing so made my cock throb with lust. Gone from my mind were the saggy old men and women, forced from my thoughts by the taut, ripe arse of this gorgeous woman. I spread the oil over her cheeks, hyper aware of exactly where each of my fingers were at any given time. 

The massage began in earnest, my thumbs pressing deep to relax the muscles, and she hummed her satisfaction, driving me absolutely wild with desire. I worked on one cheek at a time, drawing the tension out with my expert fingers, my hard dick aching to be released from its restraint. She moaned louder and more consistently, as though she knew the effect she was having on me. 

Just as I was almost done, sweat dripping down my face and neck, she moved her legs apart again, wider this time, revealing her clean-shaven pussy, glistening with beads of what I could only assume was her own arousal. “Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look,” I repeated in my head, trying to look anywhere but her mouth-watering opening. But no matter where I looked, my eyes were magnetically drawn back to her moist entrance.

Then, quite suddenly, she pushed her arm beneath her body only for her hand to reappear between her legs. I was mesmerised, the massage all but forgotten, as one of her long fingers slid along her slit, gently easing her lips apart. Her manicured nail sank slowly into her, followed by the rest of the finger, and she let out a throaty grumble of pleasure. She started to draw it out and push it back in, painfully slowly, as her thumb pressed down on her clit, making small circular movements.

I had removed my hands from her completely at this point and stood awestruck, hardly able to comprehend the reality of the situation. My mouth hung agape as I stared at the stunning woman, more than ten years my senior, now masturbating on my table, drowning out the relaxation music with the sound of her erotic moans. I could feel the ache between my own legs; I could feel the wet spot on my shorts formed by the pre-ejaculate leaking from my cock. I didn’t touch it though; I didn’t even think about it. The scene before me was hypnotic—I was paralysed by desire.

She let the towel drop to the floor as she rolled onto her back, raising her knees and spreading herself open as far as the table would permit. There was fire in her eyes now. They roved over my body, lingering on the strained, damp fabric of my shorts, then locked onto mine, communicating a thirst—a need. Her hand slithered to her mound, the tip of her middle finger just touching her protruding clit, and she mouthed the words, “Eat me.”


I automatically moved to the end of the table, tightly gripping the back of her thighs and pulling her down the table so her ass and pussy were right at the edge. Emboldened by the passionate heat of the moment, I leaned down between her legs and took an erect nipple in my mouth, gently biting down as my tongue danced in circles over it. I moved to the other, grinding my pulsating erection against her wetness, eliciting an, “Oh, fuck!” and causing her to lift her hips towards me, pressing the tip of my cock against her sensitive nub.

Her fingers pushed their way into my hair and gripped tight, pulling me up to her mouth into a sloppy, fevered kiss. Then she pushed me back down, reiterating her one command, and I crouched at the end of the table, my mouth level with her sodden cunt. I ran my hands up the back of her thighs, holding her legs steady as buried my face in her. 

My tongue delved between her folds, lapping up her sweet nectar and seeking out her entrance. I pushed in deep and her strong thighs clamped around my head, muffling the obscenities she now uttered. I explored her as deftly as I could, sometimes licking slowly along the length of her slit, sometimes darting rapidly in and out of her wanton hole. Her legs shook as I devoured her; she urged me on with her squeals of delight, and pushed me deeper with her firm hand.

My lips closed around her swollen clit and I held it in my mouth, sucking gently as I looked up to lock eyes with my delectable massage client once more. Her eyes were still full of that power and confidence, but now tinged with a deep need. Her chest heaving as she breathed deeply, she mouthed her second command: “Make me cum.”

Freeing one leg from my tight grasp, I brought two fingers to her now frothy entrance and quickly entered her. I began to thrust my thick fingers in and out of her, and my tongue relentlessly thrashed on her quivering clit. Her whole body squirmed under the double assault and her pelvis gyrated to match the rhythm of my mouth and hand. It was only a matter of seconds before she grabbed my hair with both hands, violently shaking as her climax erupted, contracting around my fingers and saturating my beard with her juices.

I removed my fingers, holding her legs steady again, but continued to slowly lick her until her last convulsion subsided. When I stood, her arms and legs hung limply over the edge of the table like a rag doll. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open as she gradually regulated her breathing. Her radiant body glistened with sweat. I picked up the towel and started to pat her down, making her laugh before she reached up behind my head and pulled me down into our second kiss, softer this time but no less heated. She took the towel from me and stood, finishing the pat down herself. 

With a playful wink, she disappeared into the changing room, leaving me trembling from head to toe, clutching the edge of the table to stop my legs from giving way. She emerged very shortly after, straightening her blouse and looking every bit as breathtaking as she did when she walked in. But for the few stray hairs and a slight flushing of her cheeks, there was no evidence that she had had anything but a perfectly ordinary massage. She crossed the room to retrieve her coat and bag and I thought she might leave without a word, but she paused, then came towards me.

She drew close to me, towering over me again in stilettos, and brought her face close to mine, that disarming smirk less subtle now. Without saying a word, she lifted a crisp fifty pound note into the narrow gap between our faces, just long enough for me to see what it was, then slipped the generous tip into the pocket of my shorts. Her fingertips traced the outline of my still hard cock, making it ache and throb all the more, as she pressed her lips firmly against mine. As she broke our kiss, she grasped my length tightly in her hand and I gasped. She leaned into my ear, the smell of jasmine and bergamot strong on her skin, and whispered, “Next time, I want this.”

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I got off work promptly at 5 o’clock and texted Liv the second I got out to the parking lot. I quickly typed “hey bud, ima go grab and be home by sixish” on my Blackberry before hopping into my Volvo and heading downtown. A friend of a friend had gotten some pineapple kush, and I was so excited by the promise of a hooked up sack for the weekend. Olivia is my best friend in the entire world. She and I are what NBC’s The Today Show reports as “stiletto stoners”. We’re both young, successful,...

4 years ago
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The next morning was a race. I was awakened by the cute “candy striper” bringing in my breakfast. I was starved. It tasted so good I just gulped everything down. As my tray went out the door, a maternity nurse instructed me to get up...which was surprisingly easy...and get comfortable in a large chair by the window. Breast feeding was such a treat. Already, we both knew exactly what to do. He was hungry and my breasts were so ready for him. A contented feeling came over me as I sat holding...

3 years ago
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Time marches on

Hey it's Rose again. I'm 21 now, and still my hormones rage on, but at least I have full control over my body. I'm still a hermaphrodite. I decided to keep my penis, I guess you could say my life wouldn't be as fun without it, but lets not get dorky, I'm not gonna name it. I'm 5'11" tall now, my red hair is still waist length, I've only cut it once since high school, but just to line it up with my hips. I'm very happy to say the most that's changed about me is my penis grew a little bigger,...

2 years ago
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Ariela Ch03 New Secrets

“Would you care to explain to me, General Atrin, why I cannot continue my conquests and why my armies are spread as thinly as they are?” she spoke in a soft gentle tone, but one that was obviously masking a deep fury, her eyes flickering from the map of her land up to the meek looking General who, after so easily switching sides from Belind to her, had, to her surprise, served her with a surprising competence and loyalty, the only two aspects that meant he was not currently a smear on the far...

1 year ago
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GoldDigger LoverMother

Anyways, my father remarried a couple years ago; my biological mother, Whitney, married my father 2 years before I was born, and she died in a big pile-up on the Eastern Highway coming home from work when I was a 1-year-old. I’ve never seen a picture of her, but I reckon she had black, silky hair and sharp green eyes, because I couldn’t have inherited them from my brown-haired, hazel-eyed Dad. Yeah, I’m fairly certain Trisha married Dad for the money. Trisha is a complete bombshell, and my...

3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 4

Before I asked about the Green clan, I struck up a conversation with the bartender about the town. I learned about the small rural police force, and even where the police station was located. I learned that there were no detectives as such employed by the town. They were mostly the shift supervisors who just managed the cases on the local level. Once the neighbor discovered the Green clan, the patrol officer took one look, then went outside and threw up. He called the shift supervisor who...

4 years ago
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Nurse Pramila Ke Saath Jabardasti

Hello iss readers kaise hain aap sab? Mai aapka purana dost fir se ek baar nayi kahani lekar hazir hoon. Is kahani ko padhne se pehle meri baaki pichli 3 stories(55 saal ki bua ki zabardast chudai part 1 and 2 aur bua ke jaane ke baad) zaroor padhein. To jaisa ki meri pichli stories se aapko pata chal hi gaya hoga ki mujhe badi umar ki auratein bahut achi lagti hain, unke jism mein ek alag sa hi nasha hota hai jo mujhe madhosh kar deta hai. To ab aapka zyada samay na lete hue sidhe point par...

4 years ago
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Outdoor Sex

Introduction: flirtation forplay on the outside Hello my Brothers of all colors. This information will benefit you and your wife or girlfriend Its about foreplay on the outside leading to hot heavy sex in the bedroom,Now think about it when some men act to macho and non romantic this tends to make the woman mad,and then the men have the nerve to ask for exciting sex later.when you act like this expect a slap or her turning over.Well Im here to help Now this isnt a perfect science,we all have...

3 years ago
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Tropical Heat

View notes please. Diana stepped out of the shower and snagged a towel that had been hanging on a hook. The clear glass walls of the shower and the tan tile and marble surfaces of the bathroom were damp from the steam. Brian had taken his shower half an hour before because her shower was larger than his. His basketball shorts, t-shirt and boxers lay in a pile on the counter where he had left them, he must've changed directly into his day clothes after his shower. Diana noticed a large wet spot...

1 year ago
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LeashChapter 3

A soft, warm glow from the bedroom lamp poured out into the hallway and served as a beacon as I led Sarge to the open doorway. The long, black leather leash wound tightly around my palm creaked intoxicatingly with each flex of my hand and served as a reminder of my dominance and connection to his carefully-bound scrotum. As I strode through the familiar entrance, my turgid member led the way, having been drawn out through the fly of my trousers by our guest a few minutes earlier. I wondered...

1 year ago
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Shes Wishing for What Hes Wanting Part 1

**Side Note: The story has a bit of an intro. If you want to skip over it and get to what's good and juicy, go to part 3. I would highly recommend reading the whole thing through, just to know what the fuck is going on and enjoy the story as a hole. Enjoy** --=1=- She was a relatively quiet one, Lena Taylor. But that was only until you got to know her. Tall, skinny, and secretly playful. Ok, so a few details about her: She had long straight brown hair with bright green eyes. She had a small...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

"It's the perfect place for a picnic, I promise you," she said as she grabbed the lunch she had made and stuffed in a grocery bag at home. "Won't the church mind us using their parking lot?" he asked as he glanced toward the church going stragglers chatting by the front walk. "Nah, I'm friends with Pastor Robertson," she said with a cheeky grin as she slung the blanket over her shoulder and turned to wave. A black suited man and his wife waved back cheerily. Then she turned to Glenn...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 03

After hearing that graphic description of his wife’s adulterous afternoon, Matt was surprisingly buoyant. He put his arms around her in a firm embrace, saying, ‘Damn it, honey, that was quite an experience! As I told you before, I sort of expected something like this so I wasn’t shocked. Also, also as I told you before, it doesn’t bother me a bit. ‘Look, I fucked Jane, but there was no guilt because there certainly was nothing between us. She thought that I was Tony. I, for practical purposes,...

3 years ago
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24 ChristmasesChapter 8

“I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me,” Lola says, giving the older woman a hug. “It wasn’t a problem,” Vanessa says. “Enjoy the gift.” “I will,” the girl says, pushing her pink, square framed glasses onto her face. “I just hope Scotty will like it.” “I’m sure he will,” Vanessa says, watching the girl slip through the exit. She stands there for a moment longer, thinking about the idea of giving such a gift on Christmas Eve. Her enjoyment of both the silence and thoughts are...

2 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 18

"I wish I could lay out a step-by-step plan that will assure you that I have our future well mapped out, but the truth is that there are too many variables for such precise planning," I told Amanda as we sat looking out over our little valley. "All I've got to offer is an idea of what we may have to work with and what we can do with it." "Okay," she said, leaning her head upon my shoulder. "That's better than what I've got now." "All right," I said, taking a deep breath. God, I...

2 years ago
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An MMORPG where Combat is replaced by sex

‘Long ago, before the creation of this world, the gods came up with an idea so powerful, they had to place barriers of patience and reason to stop it from consuming all. Eventually, these gods grew tired of this world and built a world where all could indulge in their amazing idea. Then-’ Skip, skip, skip! Pantasy Star Online is a vr MMORPG with the most realistic feeling and looking graphics on the market and I’m way to eager to get into! Let’s get to the character creation already! Ok, here...

3 years ago
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Just Another Day in DulceChapter 5

School started. Everyone in my classes now wore tunics. There had been a few last year who were late to get a tunic but all now wore them. Our teachers, of course, wore tunics. Frequently, a teacher or a student would bend over one of the sex benches. Sis did any time she could. We had two classes together and she was late twice during the first week. One teacher was male. He bent her over his desk and flipped her skirt over her back. He gave her two swats with his paddle and then fucked her...

4 years ago
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Halloween Teen

Years later, as an adult, I was at the video store one day, and they were selling off a lot of their old ex-rental VHS movies, and I found an old copy of “Poltergeist” on the rack, for two bucks. I bought it, and took it home, but I never got around to watching it again. That was about a year before my marriage broke up. I’ve got to say one thing here, and that is, divorce sucks. I guess I didn’t need to tell you that. It’s one of those things in life that’s self-evident, like, the Pope’s...

2 years ago
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A Year to Remember

Chapter One: January It's 7.15 am on Monday morning. I wake up with a start as the clock radio on the chest beside me suddenly blares into life. I raise my tousled bed-head off the pillow to peek under the curtains. It is still dark. I hate January. Christmas, gone and forgotten. My birthday, the fourth, also gone, and another eleven long months without an excuse for presents. I groan inside and flip over onto my back, stretching out my long, slim arms above my head, arching my back, and...

Gay Male
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Candice Dare Kim Gold The Color Of Love

Kim Gold and her handsome black man were celebrating an anniversary. Her boyfriend suggested they spice things up a bit so he invited Candice Dare to celebrate with them. SHe walked in and damn was she looking fine. Blonde, thick, and ready to fuck! It was both of their dreams come true. Candice started by pleasing Kim. She licked her pussy to get her nice and wet. Once Kim was feeling revved up, they moved on to her man. They both went neck deep on his large black cock, making him feel like he...

1 year ago
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Gromets Plaza

GrometsPlaza! Are you a bit more perverted than you should be? You know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the hottest lingerie, latex, bondage, all of that fetish stuff. Are you into that? Well, you clicked on this review which means that you MUST be into it. I’m glad to tell you that you came to the right place then. Of course, when I say that you’ve come to the right place that comes with a few caveats. The first one is that this isn’t a porno video site. Nope, this is a gallery and...

Sex Stories Sites
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A Way With Words Part 1

*** “Looking out over the hillside, he got the feeling that everything was going to be just fine from then on, the end.” *** “Oh my god” Steven said aloud even though he was the only person in the room. He felt relieved, as if a huge weight had just been lifted from his young shoulders. He could finally rest, his mind was at peace knowing that his story was finished. Steven stood up from the hard wooden chair and stretched his aching muscles, locking his hands together and...

4 years ago
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Forced aunt

To all ISS readers and especially incest readers, this is my true life story and I want to thank this website for introducing me about the great feeling of having an incest relationship and that too with my own aunt. The incident happened just a week ago. My name is Sunil and could say the youngest boy who gets entangled in the incest web at the age of 16. There might be even younger boys than me but as far as I know, mine is a 100% true story. My first encounter happened with my aunt who is my...

3 years ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Switch 3

From a great story by Heather St. Clair. Unfortunately J. Whedon and the mutant enemy own the copyright. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Switch 3 By Eric The infamous vampire Spike 'the Bloody' leaned back and relaxed. Listening in at Buffy's house was better than the soaps he used to watch during the long day light hours. Dawn whined at her sister Buffy who tried to keep her temper (often failing). Willow and Tara where back together again. Bland...

3 years ago
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Fujhi Ki Biwi Ka Dard 8211 Part II

Hello ladies thanks for your mails yours sidhu again with the second part of my story.() Doston hope karta hun ki aapko meri first story acchi lag hogi, kyon ki wo ek real story thi, jaisa ki maine aap logon ko kha tha ki main aunty ko lagatar 2 saal tak kaise choda, main aapko next story mein bataunga, so its my next story “Fujhi Ki Biwi Ka Dard part – 2” to dosto aunty ne mujhe apne hi ghar ke pass PG dilwa diya or main wahan pe shift ho gaya. Fir main aunty ko sham mein choda, main...

1 year ago
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Die geile Teenie Fotze Teil 2

Der nächste Morgen,wir werden wach und neben mir liegt diese süße TeenieFotze, nackt, glücklich und breitbeinig. Ich schiebe zwei Finger in ihre kleine enge Fotze, küsse ihren Teeniemund und sage zärtlich, Guten Morgen, meine kleine Ficksklavin.Sie öffnet die Augen, strahlt mich an und sagt, Guten Morgen, mein Meister. Ihre Finger sind so geil, stöhnt sie und bittet mich mehr zu machen, tiefer zu stoßen und härter.Aber ich lasse sie zappeln, ziehe die Finger aus der nassen Teeniefotze und...

2 years ago
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Gniit Girl Ki Chudaai

Hi dosto I’m Raj (kalpnic naam).I’m good looking ,well shaped body(5’10”) having tool more than 6′. aaj mein aapko apni 1 sachi kahani batane ja raha hoon.graduation complete kar k delhi niit south-X se 1 short time computer course meine addmission le liya. 10-15 dino k baad 1 ladki hamari class me aayi uska naam Sonam tha wo gniit ka course kar rahi thi. uski kuch classes miss ho gayi thi so usne sir se request kar k new batch mein classes attend karne ki permission li thi.wo aa kar mere piche...

1 year ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 8

"Projekt Katgut, Rachel speaking." It was Monday, 15 minutes before I was due to get out of there. I really didn't want to deal with the phone. "Rachel, it's me, I need a huge favor." Brittany had this habit of assuming my availability was a given. She wasn't used to me having a life. Fortunately for her, I didn't. "Hey Britt. What do you need?" I cradled the phone in my shoulder while I started finishing up for the day. With her taking up the line, nobody else could call in,...

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