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"Hello?" ...[pause]... "He can't come to the phone just now, Ginger; I'm making his lunch. Can I help you?" ...[longer pause]... "Oh, yes, I remember, he mentioned it last week. This Saturday, you say... What time does it start?" ...[pause]... "Oh, that's much too late, Ginger; that's almost his bedtime. And when does it end?" ...[pause]... "Oh, good gosh, no! He won't be able to keep his eyes open. And he can't drive. How would you two get there? And how would he get home?"...[pause; Mommy's face darkens]... "Of course, I know he's twenty-two, Ginger. I'm his mother. And being a mother makes me responsible. So I have to say no. It's just way too late. You have no idea how pouty and cranky and disobedient he gets the next day when he's up too late. And he has Sunday school at eight in the morning and I won't have him yawning during practice for Mrs. Matthews' children's Passion play---they've been working on it in the church basement for weeks and Tommy plays a little angel who stands in the back holding a shepherd's staff, and in the last scene he gets to walk to the front holding the staff on his upturned palms and present it to the little boy and girl who play Jesus and Mary. He's so cute in the costume my housekeeper Gabriella made for him. It's all white and made out of organza and tulle! Next time you come we'll have him model You won't recognize him. ...[slight pause]... What's that, Ginger?" ...[longer pause, with numerous attempts to interrupt]... "No, no, it has nothing to do with you, Ginger. Of course, I trust you with Tommy. I can tell you're a nice, responsible girl, and very mature. It's Tommy. I don't want him subject to bad influences at his age. We're Christians and we have strong family values. I won't permit him attending a rowdy rock concert where the performers scream out swears and boys do nasty things they shouldn't and even many of the girls---not you, of course---but many of the others act wild and lewd. Why, Mrs. Connors, who lives next door and I've known for thirty years, told me her cousin Agnes went to a concert like that years ago and saw three demons hovering in the air above the stage!" ...[longer pause; more failed attempts to interrupt]... "He can, too, make decisions, Ginger! Did he tell you that? That's nonsense and Tommy's fibbing! We're a close family and there's nothing 'sick,' as you call it, about a boy talking things over with his mother about what he can and can't do." ...[pause]... "Well, you're entitled to your opinion, Ginger, but no one else thinks I'm babying him! In fact, you might be interested to know that Mrs. Matthews and our minister visited several weeks ago and complimented me on my parenting skills. 'A loving relationship and Tommy's so lucky,' those were their exact words, and 'Every boy should have a mother as caring as you!'" ...[long pause]... "And no, you can't speak to him now, Mindy. I told you, he has to eat lunch and then it's his naptime."...[pause]... "What? Yes, he's right here in front of me listening to every word, and you'll be pleased to know he's wearing the same cute outfit he wore when you were last here, the one with the over-the-shoulder back straps and the big 'smiley' buttons and the appliqu? on the bib of a little girl in a bonnet with her pail next to her digging in the sand with a little shovel. He looks adorable. Gabriella dressed him in it and told me how surprised and delighted you were when you saw him. She told me Tommy was so proud when you told him he looked darling and bent down and kissed him on the cheek. How sweet of you! You must be very good with children... It's not every day an attractive young lady stops by to visit Tommy. I wish I could have been here! I hope it wasn't too dull for you, with Tommy confined to his playpen. He can be a little trying and tedious when he's tired after his 'lunchies.' And I suggest you don't take everything he tells you too seriously. Like all little boys, he exaggerates and likes to tell stories. Gabriella told me you and she had a pleasant chat after she put him down for his nap." ...[long pause]... "Well, that's very nice of you to offer, Ginger. I'm sure, if she's anything like you, your little sister will make an ideal babysitter. How old is she?" ...[slight hesitation]... "Thirteen? Well, Ginger, to be honest, that's a little too young for a babysitter for my son. Tommy can be a handful, you know." ...[pause; Mommy rolls her eyes but doesn't betray any hint of irritation to Ginger]... "No, he's not 'socially isolated,' as you call it. Where did you get that idea? Did he tell you that? Tommy should not be using big words like 'socially isolated' when he has no idea what they mean. Besides, he's fibbing again. Tommy has church school on Sundays with lots of playmates, and I,ve scheduled playdates for him three times a week with little neighborhood girls. That way, Gabriella can keep an eye on all of them. They have loads of fun playing dolls and dress-up and having tea parties. These are boys and girls who are more appropriate as playmates for Tommy at this stage of his life. He's just not ready for dates with girls his own age, what with all that trash and sex they have on their mind every second. Maybe in a few years when he matures but not now... Oh, my! Now Tommy's upset. He gets so embarrassed when people talk about him! He just stamped his foot, Ginger. And I can see he's balling up his fists for a Mr. Tantrum... Now he's crying. Oh, dear, dear! And he was so happy and relaxed before you called." ...[short pause]... "No, no! Ginger, I'm not blaming you. How would you know how testy and irritable the boy gets when he's constipated and hasn't had his daily bowel movement on the potty. He's usually very regular but for the past few days his BMs have been very small, like tiny, brown balls, two and three at a time. His pediatrician, an old friend of mine, Dr. Doris Higginbotham over on Tulip Street, you probably don't know her but she has a funny saying that always makes Tommy laugh---'Beans! Beans! And more beans---keep a mean baby clean!'---and I'll have to stop by Heavitt's later for a bag of lima beans, which are his favorite. I'll give him an extra big helping during din-dins tonight. That should make him happy. Oh, he gets so very cranky when he doesn't have good BMs." ...[longer pause]... "Yes, that's true. It's best you not call this number, Ginger. Nosey little ears like his like to eavesdrop and he just gets so upset listening to grown-ups talk about him even when they're saying nice things. I'll text you my cell phone number and we can have a nice chat in private later." ...[pause]... " What's that?" ...[long pause; no attempt to interrupt as she listens; a smile appears on Mommy's face]... "Oh, yes, Ginger, of course, I understand. No, I'm not the least bit upset. I understand fully." ...[pause; Mommy's smile broadens]... "No, no, his feelings won't be hurt. And you shouldn't feel guilty. You visited him once, Ginger, and Tommy was so excited he babbled about you for days! How many other busy, popular girls your age would take the time to visit a boy like Tommy as you did? He's not exactly a boy all the girls are beating down the door to meet." ...[Chuckling at her own wit, Mommy pauses to look at her defeated son in front of her---a picture of dejection. He stares at the floor, his narrow shoulders are drooped, his eyes are swollen with tears, and--- like every other disappointed little boy dressed in a pink shortall that screams sissy---his tremulous lower lip is puffed out over his upper; 'he's just so cute!' she thinks]... "Yes, of course, he'll understand." ...[long pause; Mommy's tone suddenly hardens]... "Oh, that's too bad, Ginger. Did he ask you to buy the extra ticket?" ...[pause]... "He did?" ...[pause; Mommy fixes her abashed son with a severe glare; Tommy shifts uneasily from one foot to the other and back as his petulance slowly gives way to fear]... "That was so naughty of him. Oh, my, you should have talked to me first, Ginger, before buying him a ticket. Well, you needn't worry. That little stunt just earned him a date with Mr. Paddle upstairs across my knee." ...[pause]... "Oh, no, no, no, Ginger, it's not your fault. I'm glad you mentioned it. I'll sort it out with you afterwards. How much was it?" ...[pause]... "Good grief! That much! Well, I know one sad little tyke who lives on this on this block at # 4463 who won't be waiting Saturday mornings for the jingle-jangle of the 'Mr. Frosty' truck coming down the street. No more running outside with the other children clutching his allowance in the palm of his little hand and buying a chocolate fudge ice cream cone from the Mr. Frosty Man. Instead, he'll be donating his allowance every week to his mommy to pay her back for reimbursing a certain sweet girl named Ginger for a certain ticket she bought for a certain naughty little boy who never got to use it and never will!" ...[She gives Tommy the same supercilious grin she always does when she wins another easy victory over the hapless boy. Suddenly, however, Mommy sits up alert and listens intently; Ginger is telling her something important]... "What's that? Say that again. Really, now! No kidding?" ...[Tommy's ears perk up. Should he dare to hope? If he can only get out of the house and go out with Ginger! He looks up into his mommy's face for some sign. He sees the corner of her tight lips twitch; her grey eyes stare fixedly at him betraying nothing of what she's heard; and her brow furrows. His hopes soar only to crash a moment later. He watches the triumphant, smug grin spread across her face and a familiar merriment dance in her eyes. She almost seems to levitate when she knows she has foiled his designs once more. She finds it amusing to dangle liberty before him and then snatch it back just before he can grasp it, to keep him her prisoner. It's the kind of satisfaction a cat must feel cornering a mouse and knowing it can't escape]... "Oh, what luck, Ginger! That's such welcome news. Of course it won't save Tommy a trip over my lap this afternoon but it will leave him more excited each Saturday when he hears the jingle-jangle of the 'Mr. Frosty' truck." ...[Turning to Tommy but making sure to keep the phone close so Ginger can listen as she lectures him in the self-consciously didactic tone a parent often uses with a small child guilty of some harmless offense but who won't escape punishment]... "Well, Tommy, you'll be pleased to learn that there's a strong, handsome young man living around the corner from Ginger---a young man, by the way, Tommy, who can live all by himself and is mature enough not to need a mommy to watch over his every move. Ginger tells me she has had an interest in this boy for a long time, ever since grade school, in fact, and now this boy has finally reciprocated her interest and has his eye on her, too." ...[raising the phone back to her mouth to address Ginger]... "It sounds to me, Ginger, like the proverbial match made in Heaven." ...[back to Tommy]... "Well, as luck would have it, Tommy, Michael--- that's his name, Tommy; such a manly name, isn't it?---Michael asked her to go to the rock concert Saturday night. She begged off knowing she had promised to go with you. But now she knows you're too little to go, she can say yes to Michael who would have been her first choice anyways if she hadn't pitied you so much. Well, that's that! I always say, everything works out for the best... Ginger's happy with her new beaux. Michael's certainly happy with her. And Tommy's happy in his nappies playing with Gabriella and his Barbies. All's well that ends well!" ...[Mommy raises the phone again to speak to Ginger]... "Oh, by the way, Ginger, that's another reason Tommy can't go Saturday night. I'm going out myself on a date and I've already asked Gabriella to babysit. It wouldn't be fair to call her at this late date and cancel; she's so good with Tommy getting him nappied and ready for beddy-byes. And he loves playing dolls with her!" ...[pause]... "What's that? Yes, thank you, I will. William's a bit stodgy but very proper, and he's a good role model for Tommy. In fact, he'd make him a very fine daddy---very firm and serious and no-nonsense, the perfect man to keep Tommy on his toes. William and I are attending the church social Saturday night at St. Martin's. And, by the way, same to you, Ginger: You, too, have a nice time at the concert. You deserve it after all you've done. I'll be thinking about you. Call me Monday with all the exciting details. Oh, first dates can be so much fun when two people like each other. I'm so romantic, just a little girl at heart myself! I can see the two of you Saturday night---a pale, misty-eyed girl swimming in the arms of a dark- and-handsome stranger and the strong, masculine man protecting his girl at the rock concert from roughnecks and those awful motorcycle with tattoos! It sounds so romantic! I'll tell Tommy all the details after you call. I know he'll want to hear all about it." ...[long pause]... "What's that? You'll be at work Monday and can't call? And then there's the holiday picnic by the lake on Tuesday? And Wednesday's your soccer tournament. Oh, dear, dear, yes, of course, I understand, Ginger. 'Busy! Busy! Busy!' That's life for popular girls nowadays, isn't it? 'Busy! Busy! Busy!' for girls like you and 'Bean! Beans! Beans!' for boys like Tommy... You just go out and have yourself some old-fashioned girl fun and don't you worry about an old prissy worry-wart of a mommy like me. No need to call! And don't give Tommy a second thought. He's just fine here with me and Gabriella." ...[sudden change in Mommy's tone of voice]... "Stop that, Tommy! I'm sick and tired of your attitude. ...[to Ginger]... "I think he whispered a swear under his breath." ...[to Tommy]... "You just turn around, mister, and march yourself up to the bedroom and be quick about it. Pronto, do you hear! You can sit on your time-out stool in the corner facing the wall and wait for me. There'll be no lunch today, buster, so naptime will be extra-long, do you hear me? Now start marching! You've earned yourself not just a spanking this afternoon but a visit to your potty-room for a soapy mouth wash. Imagine, Ginger, a naughty word in front of his mother! Shameful! And no more pouting with that lower lip stuck out like a big whale, Mr. Potty-Mouth. When I'm finished, you'd better be wearing your happy-face with a big smile on it, or it's back over my lap 'til you do. Do you hear me?" ...[turning back to Ginger]... "Yes, bye, Ginger... I'm sorry you had to hear my tirade at Tommy. He can be difficult when he doesn't get his way. Please come visit us if you can... Tommy just loves to see you! And have an enjoyable time at the concert Saturday night with your boyfriend. We'll all be thinking about you!" *** ...[Strangely, the two women don't ring off; they stay on the line but don't speak. Mommy's face stays tense, alert... Waiting... Listening... She hears Tommy as he pitter-patters in his slippers up the stairs and down the hall; she hears his bedroom door close quietly. She walks to the foot of the stairs to make sure he's in his room and not eavesdropping. Satisfied, she returns to her seat in the parlour and whispers sotto-voce into the phone]... "Well done, Ginger. It worked perfectly. You should have seen him. Crushed like a fuckin' bug... His male pride not just in the toilet but flushed down the sewer... Perfect! I'll call in about a month or so. By then he'll be settled back down doing his baby-thing, masturbating up a storm in his playpen and starting to forget. We can set up another 'visit' like the last one. Just a 'surprise pop-in' like you were in the neighborhood and decided to drop in. It's best I be gone and only Gabby be here, just like last time. He's too fuckin' shy and scared around me. Plus, Gab and you make a great team---it was pure genius, that savvy, classic move with Gab ducking out of the room to give you time to set up that 'conspiracy-with-little-Tommy' bullshit... It worked like a charm. And to think he thought he'd be 'rescued.' Fuckin' laughable, what a gullible little sucker he is... I'll send the check. Look for it in the mail by next Tuesday. If you don't get it call me on my cell. You were great, honey... So sweet and innocent! So fuckin' believable with that 'Oh-I'm-so-concerned-about-Tommy' routine. It's all that practice with dumb Johns, kiddo... A real bitch, girl, a real ball crusher! That's what you are! 'Talk to you soon."

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My Mom11

When I arrived home she was sitting on the couch in her robe with bandages still on her eyes and her arm still in a sling from a separated shoulder. Her hair was dirty and stringy and I could tell she hadnÂ’t had a bath since she got home from the hospital. I had talked to the Dr. on the way home and he had told me that there was no reason to have the bandages on. It was just that she did not want anyone to see her face. I said Mom when was the last time you bathed? She said I donÂ’t know...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 6

Tonya whimpered as the Doctor put a blindfold on her. She felt the table start to move as he pushed it. He pushed the table out of his office through a back door, and down an unused hall, to an exit. He opened the door and pushed the table into a garage, where his van was sitting with the back doors open. He wheeled the table up a small ramp, into the van, and up to a set of brackets. He connected the table to the brackets, and it was held securely in place. He hooked a small plug between the...

3 years ago
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ltttle girl slut2

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

4 years ago
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True Confessions

After being assaulted by Daniel, Charlie and Bruce and then being repeatedly taken advantage of by them together and separately, I found my self craving big black penis'. It took little or no convincing for Charlie to trick me over to his Uncle Horse Dick Harry's home and the two of them take turns with me. Nor did Bruce have any trouble tricking me to his cousins apartment and after having a staged wrestling match have him take advantage of me and being caught by his drunken cousin and being...

2 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 6

She came padding into the kitchen. I said, “Okay. First lesson is to wear shoes or at least socks. Nasty things can find feet and be very painful.” She blushed. “If your shoes are still too wet, let’s get you in a pair of socks.” She smiled. “Follow me.” We went into my bedroom and I pulled an older pair of athletic socks from a drawer and handed them to her. She sat on a chair in the room and pulled them on. They were “tube” socks so worked though she had smaller feet than I did. “Sam,...

3 years ago
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Wcked Stepother Part 1

Arabella was in a maths class when one of the office ladies came in to fetch her. The instruction was that she was to go the head teachers office immediately, the women seemed agitated. Arabella was not worried about the summons because she had done nothing wrong and did not have a reputation as trouble.Mrs Garton the head teacher was unusually pleasant normally being something of a dragon to all the girls. Being asked to sit down and having been given a glass of water Bella realised something...

4 years ago
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Ass Bandit

Lance – the man of the house Tiffany – the horny drunk chick ======================================================= Tiffany called me at work one Friday and told me she was drunk and in the mood. After several minutes of conversation that, luckily, hadnt erupted into an argument, Tiffany mentioned something that immediately brought me to attention: baby oil and ass-fucking. Id been waiting for another chance with this girl, especially the chance to fuck her ass, and her current state...

2 years ago
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Jakes Saga Ch 04 Extra Credit

He knocked on the Ms Dyers door at 6:59. She opened the door, wearing a hot pink robe and heels, her hair done in a ponytail, and lightly applied makeup. She walked him through to the spare bedroom. Instructed him to take his clothes off, leaving only his underwear on, and come out when he was ready. He walked out in his boxers. She eyed him up and down, clapping her hands "marvelous" she announced to herself. She then led him to the kitchen, where he noticed a rope, and a blindfold. She...

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The ForcePart 2A

"What does it feel like?", Holly asked. Diane smiled, and said "It feels wonderful. It's like I suddenly found a piece of me that I didn't even know was missing." "It doesn't hurt?" "Oh, no! It feels great!" Holly got a slightly envious look on her face as she watched Diane slowly raise herself up a bit; I took that as my cue to slide my finger back out of her - but only about halfway, before easing it back into her. Holly watched all this, and saw Diane's smile get even wider...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True For Me

In this sex story, I'm a huge fan of the two famous pornstars Madison Ivy and Nicole Aniston. Madison Ivy and Nicole Aniston are on a road trip but during a really bad thunderstorm, their car breaks down and they have to find shelter. They arrive at my house and catch me watching porn of them having lesbian sex while I'm using my black, long and veiny fifteen inch dildo to fuck my ass. A Dream Come True For Me By Ricky Famous pornstars Nicole Aniston and Madison Ivy have been on a road...

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Salvation Ch 2 The Governors

Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...

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Svetlana my Nemesis my Love

My heart was beating so hard that I was wondering if it was going to jump right out of my chest .This was the letter for which I had waited. It would tell me if I was accepted. I looked at the address again to make sure that it was addressed in my name, not my parent’s. I didn’t use our letter opener, I didn’t have time for niceties, I simply ripped the envelope open and started to read. The third paragraph finally revealed the secret. I was accepted. ‘I got accepted,’ I shouted, bursting into...

4 years ago
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Die Frauen der Mitarbeiter

Er war Abteilungsleiter in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen. Das bedeutete er konnte einstellen und entlassen wie er es für richtig erachtete. Bekanntermaßen siebte er beinahe unerbittlich aus. Bis auf ganz wenige Ausnahmen gab es in seiner Abteilung nur Top-Mitarbeiter. Keiner konnte sich erklären wie es zu den jeweils drei bis vier weniger guten Mitarbeitern kam, die nicht so schnell gefeuert wurden und in einem Fall sogar schon mehrere Jahre in seiner Abteilung waren. Diesen einen...

4 years ago
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My Hot Wife Rashmi And Her Adventures With Doctor Friend

My name is Arun and I am from Bengaluru. I am a doctor and got married two years back to a beautiful girl whom I loved by named Rashmi. We are 30 years old. She is a really gorgeous bomb (34-24-36) and very bold and beautiful. She is also a doctor and works in a hospital like me. Recently our sex life became routine and both are disinterested in sex most of the nights. I told her that she has to change her dressing manners as you are doctor only in hospital and not elsewhere. To my surprise she...

2 years ago
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Sallys Secret LoverChapter 4

Sally Denham stood at her living room window, peeking through the slit of the heavy drapes to watch John Blodgett and his dog emerge from her doorway below and cross the square. It seemed to her that they had been in her apartment a long time, although it was still only mid-afternoon, and she wondered if anyone had noticed their entrance or exit and been curious about it? But she could not waste time worrying about that, she had to get herself cleaned up. Still naked, she moved about the...

5 years ago
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Me and mike after

10 days after Donna, Mike and I had had a threesome we were sitting round the pool when Mike came over and sat next to us, after the usual pleasantries Mike said to me “Will you come up to my room I want to show you something” I looked at Donna and she said “Go on then”, I stood up and Mike and I walked towards the stairs.On the way up to his room I asked him “Where is your wife?” “Over by the pool she’ll be alright for a half an hour”, the lift doors opened and Mike walked towards his room,...

2 years ago
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CumLouder Marina Visconti Marina VisconTiTs

Another spectacular beauty arrived from the far away and cold Russia. She’s only 18 years old and her name is Marina Visconti. As it couldn’t be in any other way, we’re gonna pick her up with the van. She’s really happy to see us and wants to get in as soon as possible, but we won’t make things easy for her. She’s gonna have to show us her big and powerful reasons so we can allow her to get in the van. Her boobs are wonderful, fantastic, awesome, … ohhh...

4 years ago
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first time

Before I write this I need to tell you something about me I am 65 now and in good shape 40d 30 36 I am told a lot that I look about 35 or 40. Iam a member of a church and part time high school teacher I am also married and had never been with no other man but husband until this. We have two grown daughters who are married and they live in another state. our house is big so with the girls gone it was even bigger my husband travels a lot with his job. I am here a lot alone I keep busy working...

1 year ago
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Fun with mom and dad

100% fiction! my always talked about my mom and how he would fuck her wile she slept. one night he was fucking her as she slept so i watched he then stopped and told me to try. i got in between my moms legs and slid my cock in and started pumping slowly so i dint wake her. i started to cum in her after a few minutes. she woke up and i tried to pull out but she pulled me close to her so i kept fucking her. she kept moaning louder and louder as i pounded her warm wet pussy. dad stopped me and...

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The hotel was booked and we had both agreed that we would meet in the bar and enjoy a nice glass of wine. I was a little shocked when you and your hubby turned up as my expectations were low that it would actually happen. We enjoyed a good conversation and the time came for us to leave him for a while and go up to the room.During the drink I had feasted my eyes on your wonderful figure, those long legs encased in sensuous black seamed stockings and high heels accentuating your calves. In the...

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Emma Watsonrsquos 18th Birthday

Emma had just finished making a short video about turning eighteen. She was very happy! Now she could do grownup things, like have sex, without worrying about her chosen lover’s getting cold feet. She had big plans for tonight!There were plans for a birthday party, where she had decided to pick out two hunks to “leave her breathless!”She had made plans for tonight since she was sixteen. She planned on wearing a black dress which was suitable for a sixteen year old lady. But she had also...

2 years ago
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YoungerMommy Slimthick Vic Mommy Will Teach You To Be A Man

Slimthick Vic is at her wit’s end with her stepson, Nathan Bronson. His bedroom is a mess, but Nathan isn’t interested in helping her clean up, especially when he can lay around getting peeks at her tits and pussy beneath her slutty clothes. When Vic challenges him, Nathan reminds her that she’s his dad’s trophy wife and that she’s not in charge her. Leaving the room, Vic returns with a paddle. Nathan is in disbelief as Vic tells him to bend down, pull his pants...

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The Weakest Link

The Weakest Link Humiliation (a Very Short Story) Round one passes uneventfully. The team wins ?750 but votes off contestant Dee, who never answered a single question correctly. Anne: It's the end of round two and you've won ?220. Please cast your vote for The Weakest Link. The votes are cast. Mary has the most votes, being named four times. Anne, turning to contestant Leslie: Leslie. You voted for Mary. Why? Leslie: I'm sure she had the most questions wrong Anne. Anne: What...

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Me My Mom My Aunt

My name is Nitin. I live in a small house in Pune with my widowed mother and her cousin sister. This happened around 11 years back when i was 17. My mom was around 40. Mom's cousin sister lived with us to help us with the household chores. Her husband had left her after 10 years of marriage for another young girl. My mother's name was Radha and my aunt's name was Shalini. My mom was 40 yrs old. She is slightly on the fatter side still had a smooth sexy body. Her breasts were huge, must be...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 6 Dark Passion

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk I woke up into darkness to an owl’s soft hooting, my women around me. I frowned, not sure why I came awake. It was still night or early morning. I should be asleep. I felt like I needed more but ... Something didn’t quite feel right. I sat up. Zanyia had slid off of me at some point and now lay in a tangled mess of limbs with Greta. Nathalie was hugged by Kora with Ava and Aingeal beyond them and... Ealaín wasn’t in bed. I spotted...

5 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 10 Metes and Bounds

Graydon found himself standing in a recessed doorway set three feet into the side of a dull-red brick wall, a wall that stretched away for fifty feet in both directions. High above his head he’d seen a row of closely-spaced wooden-sash windows, some displaying flower-pots on their sills with curtains in their upper half. Must be apartments up there, he guessed. He faced a stained glass-paned door, massively framed and fitted with heavy bronze hinges and locking pull handles. Gold-leaf...

1 year ago
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Forced Breeding

Welcome to a more fucked-up side of, a subreddit called r/forcedbreeding/. Now, I am pretty sure that my hentai lovers will know what the fuck that means, and as for those who are not familiar with the term, basically, forced-breeding is all about the extreme sex fantasies combined with impregnation.Now, I know that I might have lost like half of you after that sentence, but for those who stayed still, you are bound to love what r/forcedbreeding/ is all about. Finding such a specific...

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The Breaking of Tracy part 3

part 3 Hot and Cold Her mouth runs the length of my shaft, up and down. Eyes staring up at me, unblinking, the pace of the blowjob quickens. I'm hardly paying attention. I'm starting to believe that I've made a misstep with Tracy. She understands now that she must bow to my will, but it's hollow. Which is normal. But I did too much too fast. The cow should not have been slaughtered until the next day. Tracy needed time to come to terms with her situation, let her surroundings sink in...

2 years ago
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My Fiends Are VampiresAnd They Want To Use Me and My Friend For Sex

Introduction: This was the first fic i wrote after a very long time…yet another vampire fic. Who are you? I dont know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was why are you here, at least I wouldnt have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didnt need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I dont even know him,...

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A Most Dangerous Game Frank

A most dangerous game: FrankIt’s a poor excuse, but I was ‘On the rebound’. Well, maybe not. Rebounding suggests bouncing back --   after my divorce it wasn’t a bounce, it was more like a splat.  Three years earlier I abandoned my own grad studies to work so we’d have a reasonable standard of living while my new husband finished at Harvard Law. He graduated, passed the bar exam and started a career.Our marriage began fading for reasons I didn’t understand until I learned he was having an affair...

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Sorrels Long Journey to Love Ch 03

Fletcher had a lot on his mind as he curled up in the bed that rested along the wall of the small bedroom sandwiched between the laundry room and the library. He’d been sleeping downstairs for nearly two years, ever since his wife died. He lay there on his side in the half light coming from the kitchen. Beside his end table was a picture he and his wife had taken shortly after their youngest was born. She was cradling the youngest, the middle child was standing between them, his right hand on...

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