Tommy free porn video

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Tommy © Titania Midsummer People Jeff and Linda Scott Their only child, daughter Lily Lily's friends - Sophie, Catherine, Brigitte Phillip and Emily Sorenson Their son Tommy and daughter Katie Mrs Krieger - next door neighbour of the Scotts. ******************* "I once had a boyfriend who was a transvestite, you know, a cross- dresser." Lily had used a brief pause in the conversation to change the topic from the usual bitching about the males where they worked. 'They' were a group of four young women, mid to late twenties, all very good- looking and expensively dressed. Some would call it power dressing but that could be almost anything these days. All four were rising stars in their professions. Perhaps it was the effect of the second cocktail that prompted the outburst. Certainly it got the attention of her three companions ensconsed in a trendy bar. She paused not only for effect but was wondering if such a confession was sensible. "Come on, come on. Don't keep us in suspense." This from Sophie. She was in marketing and was the most pushy of the four-some. Not that the others were shy violets. The other two were Brigitte, a stock broker and like Sophie a bottle blonde; and Catherine, a lawyer and hair that some called 'fair', between brown and blonde. "Well..." Lily looked around but her companions were all ears, and there didn't seem to be any eavesdroppers on nearby tables. "I was sixteen turning seventeen at the time, no longer jail-bait but still na?ve, and a real handfull to my parents. Anyway, one Friday morning I said 'Mummy, can Tommy come over and sleep with me tonight?'. Now my mum's pretty laid back and not someone to fly off the deep end, and she was used to my weird urges. She said 'I think I need more information. What exactly did you have in mind?' Now I hadn't quite realised what I was saying, but I certainly wasn't thinking of full on sex. I explained 'Oh I wasn't thinking of having sex or anything like that. It's just that we get on well together, he makes me laugh, and he smells nice. I was reading how in Sweden courting couples are allowed to sleep in the same bed, but seperated by a big bolster down the middle. We could do something like that.' Her audience had to laugh. "This sounds fascinating. Go on," from Brigitte. Lily continued. "Well my mum said 'Lily dear, I don't think that's a good idea. I doubt if any bolster could keep two young teenagers apart, and I know your father will back me up.' So I said, 'Oh Mummy, I hate it when you don't trust me. We would be as good as gold. I don't want to have sex for years and years, if ever, and I know Tommy feels the same.' Which was probably true at the time. "Now my mum didn't want to provoke a hissy fit by calling me a liar, or by laughing at my protestations which would be the same thing. 'There could be a compromise,' she suggested. 'We could fit you with a chastity belt. "Have you ever seen pictures of those things? They look awful and so ugly and uncomfortable. I already knew that then and I said so. "My mum changed tack 'Then what about that old wedding telegram Take a tip from one who knows Tie your nightie round your toes. Maybe you could wear a modified nightie? "I giggled, then I thought about that. 'If I had to pee dining the night, how would I do it?' 'We could leave a funnel with a long tube in the bathroom. You would have to work it up from the bottom between your legs.' "Again yuk. 'Mummy,' I said, 'that wouldn't work sitting down; and standing up I think I would spray everywhere.' Then I had an idea 'But much easier for a boy. Tommy could easily point his thing into the funnel whilst standing up in the shower cubicle. That's a great idea!' "It wasn't premediated, but I had trapped my mother into agreeing to the sleep-over. All she could say was, 'Well, I need to see if your father will agree, and he probably won't.' "But I knew he would as my mum could get my dad to agree to anything. I've seen her do it often. Usually to get me out of trouble. "Anyway, my mum telephoned Tommy's mother and explained what was happening. Amazingly they both agreed that it was good for young people to get to know each other, provided it didn't go too far. Tommy's mum, Emily Sorenson she was, thought the nightie idea was very clever. 'I just hope he doesn't get too upset wearing a female garment.' "So my mother and I went shopping. From the local hardware we bought cable ties and thin rope. From a nightware shop she bought a suitable nightie. Pale blue because we figured pink might turn Tommy right off. It was the longest we could find, in a fairly heavy shiny satin. It had rather pretty white lace trim round the hem and the collar. "The nightie had wide shoulder straps but no sleeves. Should she sew them up to keep his hands inside? She discussed it with me. 'Do you want his arms outside? They could wander where they shouldn't.' By this time I was a bit concerned as to what I had let myself in for. But I certainly wasn't going to show any of those doubts. As it was we decided to keep his arms confined inside, so mum sewed up the arm holes. "The nightie had a few buttons down the front so to be safe she sewed them up so that it was wide enough to slip over his head but not his shoulders, nor was there room to poke his arms through. Then she sewed some rope into the hem so that it was quite restrictive, but still easily wide enough to slide a funnel on a tube up from the bottom. That last item she made up from a length of garden hose, a plastic kitchen funnel, and some spacker tape. "Being Friday evening, when my dad came home from work he really just wanted a drink and to relax after five days of challenging work. When mum explained about Tommy sleeping over he felt he should raise strong objections. However what with the precautions she was taking and the whole thing being a fait accompli he just made a few token noises and dived for the drinks cupboard. "Tommy came over to join us for supper. He had walked as his house was less than two blocks away. During the meal very little was said about the arrangements for the night, however dad did say 'If you want a lift home in the morning, you need to be up early. I'm leaving at seven for golf.' Mum added some emphasis. 'Next door old Mrs Krieger is a real nosebody. She is a dreadfull gossip and goes to a different club or meeting every evening. If she sees a boy walking out of here in the morning the news, misinterpreted, will be all over the village. So when Jeff drives out make sure your head is down out of sight till he's round the corner.' "After supper and leaving Jeff to watch TV the three of us went to my bedroom. Mum took charge. 'Now Tommy, I know Lily has briefed you.' Actually I hadn't, but that didn't mattter. 'Take off all your clothes except for your underpants. Hands by your side.' So she pulled the nightie over his head and used the cable ties to link each ankle to the hem. 'There. Done!' she said. 'Now if these or anything else is cut, torn, or broken in the morning you two will never see each other again. You understand?' We both nodded agreement. 'If you need to pee during the night there is a funnel and hose there in the bathroom. Stand in the shower recess to do it, then flush it with the shower. Any emergencies then come and wake Jeff and me up.' "Tommy went to walk down the corridor to the bathroom intending to inspect the arrangement. He nearly fell over, hobbled as he was by the tight hem. We both laughed and he blushed. 'Lily,' my mum said, 'he looks really pretty when he blushes. Especially in that nightie. If I just pretend that it's one of your girl-friends sleeping over I'll feel much happier.' I had to say, 'Oh Mummy, don't be cruel. You're making him so embarassed.' And she agreed, 'Yes you're right. Sorry Tommy, no offense meant. I'll leave you two together. Sleep well.' As she left the room I called out, 'Night-night Mummy.' "I remember feeling a bit shy, so I chose a fairly demure brushed cotton nightie and turned out the light before getting undressed and putting it on. I already had Tommy lying in the bed by then. When I got in beside him it really was a thrill. I was also pleased that his arms were trapped inside that satin nightie. It meant that I could kiss him without having his hands where I didn't want them. I could tell he was excited as once I brushed his tummy to find he had a raging erection. Anyway, eventually we both managed to get to sleep. "Of course we both overslept so my father refused to wait for Tommy but shot off for his golf just as Tommy was shuffling into the breakfast room, actually the kitchen. "My mum took charge. Having used a proper electrician's tool to clip the cable ties she said to him 'Now go and take that nightie off, drop it in the laundry, and put this on'. She handed him a rather feminine dressing gown. He was hoping to put his own clothes on, but not knowing where they were he did as he was told. In fact I think he rather enjoyed the soft clinging material of the gown. "Breakfast was almost over when mum broke the news. "Children, we have a small problem. The old lady next door is a terrible sticky-beak and gossip, and is always peering out of her window. If she sees a boy leaving here in the morning she will draw the wrong conclusion and we will all be embarrassed by the ensuring gossip. Originally I had planned for Jeff to drive Tommy home - he could have ducked down till we were out of sight - but Jeff has taken the car. So what I propose is that we dress Tommy as a girl and he can walk home. His house is only two blocks away, that's five minutes max." "Of course Tommy was very anti this idea. 'But why can't I stay here until Mr Scott gets home?' My mum didn't really want him hanging round all morning, so made up a white lie. 'That doesn't really work. Lily and I were planning on taking the bus into town to do some shopping. Look, you won't be seen as we will walk either side of you, and you can wear a big sun bonnet. Just flouncing a skirt will be enough to fool old Mrs Krieger. And I'll ring your mum so she knows what to expect.' "So mum and I fitted him with a skirt and blouse, and a bra with big falsies underneath. Then we looked at him and decided that to anybody walking past them in the street he still looked too much like a boy. So we had fun making him up with some blush and lipstick, and clipped on some dangly earrings as well. "He was allowed to wear his own underpants, but with the skirt wafting across his legs, the pressure of the bra straps on his back, the pull of the falsies, the taste of lipstick, the tingle of the clip-on earrings he felt quite stimulated. As he explained to me later, he got such an erection that it pushed through the fly of his underpants. The result was a skirt draped over a very unladylike bulge. "Mum noticed immediately. 'We can't have that big swelling there. It totally ruins the cut of the dress.' So she marched him upstairs to her bedroom. She told me to stay where I was, but of course I pussy-footed upstairs as soon as they were out of sight. I heard mum say, 'Now lie down on the bed on your back,' and peeking I saw her grab some stuff from the en suite cubboard. She returned and pulled his skirt up and underpants down. I'm sure he did not know what was going to happen and the apprehension had deflated his cock somewhat, but when she started to fondle it it soon sprang up again. "I was enthralled and no longer hiding as mum had her back to me. Then she turned and caught me looking. I might have said 'Mummy! What are you doing?' 'I'm just getting rid of this unsightly bulge under his skirt. And I wish you hadn't crept in on me like this. However, now that you are here a short lesson on male anatomy wouldn't hurt. You have probably done some feeling around, but I doubt if you have had a good look in daylight. I was not fazed, in fact I was fascinated. After observing for a few seconds I asked 'Mummy, can I have a turn now please?' "As mum later explained, she thought, 'Well he is her boy-friend so I guess that's a fair request.' So she replied, 'Yes dear. Now let's see if you can start from the beginning. To make these things go down you do this,' and she gave his erect cock several hard fillips. Tommy yelped 'Hey, that really hurt!' But it had had the required result as he quickly deflated. I took mum's place on the edge of the bed and under her direction used the soothing cold-cream on his hurt member, massaged his balls gently, and kissed him sweetly. I found it odd and rather thrilling to taste the lipstick he was wearing. Once he started to grow again, mum handed me a small packet. 'Every young lady should know how to roll on a condom. So here you are.' So with a bit of fiddling I opened the packet and after one false start (it was upside down) I rolled it on. "It was not long before Tommy, to his great relief, did indeed come. Mum was quick to point out how with a condom the cleaning up was much simpler. 'See! No sticky sheets or embarrassing stains on clothes.' "He looked around for his underpants and was about to retrieve them when mum winked at me and said 'Now just a minute. If you're going to pretend to be a girl you don't want to be wearing those. Here, I think Lily can find you something more suitable. So I went to my room and picked out a pair of dark blue schoolgirlish cotton briefs with white frills. They were fairly tight, which was just as well as they compressed his boy bits to be less noticable. Later he admitted that putting them on felt nicer than his rough underpants." "Once we got him dressed again he really did look sweet. His legs weren't especially hairy so from a distance you couldn't tell, but I did make a mental note to get him to shave them one day. He was still reluctant to go walking down the street in drag so I suggested we run. 'You just have to run like a girl,' I told him. 'Kick your heels out to the sides and wave your hands in small circles as if you were polishing a car.' "And that's how we arrived at his home. Both red-faced, me from the running, he from that and the embarrassment of greeting his mother and sister looking like a girl." Lily paused briefly. Her companions were absorbed in the story and all wanted to find out how the affair played out. So Lily had to continue. "Well Katie, that's his older sister, and his mum were both very sympathetic. They didn't laugh or tease him, though they did laugh when they heard how old Mrs Krieger had been fooled. Then we all sat down for a cup of tea. "Now I recalled how he got that bulge when my mum and I first got him into a dress. So I told Katie and her mum, Mrs Sorenson, that I thought that Tommy was really enjoying dressing up as a girl. Of course Tommy blushed again, (he did look pretty when he blushed), and was very unconvincing in his denials. Mrs Sorenson said, 'I've got things to do so I'll leave you kids to play dressing up games. Call me if you need me.' Which was really carte blanche to do what we liked with Tommy. "First we shaved his legs and under his arms. Katie was for taping his thing down with surgical sticking plaster but I pointed out that pulling it off later would very painfully rip out his hairs. Instead we shaved his pubic hair as well, and then taped his thing down. We left just the tip peeping out low down between his legs. "Katie produced a pair of false boobs. She admitted that she had only worn them once as her mum ticked her off saying they looked gross and her own boobs were quite nice as they were. Anyway, we stuck them onto Tommy and then proceeded to dress him. That took some time as each item of clothing provoked some debate and then had to be rummaged for. Eventually we got him dressed in stockings, suspender belt, silk french knickers, bra, a really tight half slip (Katie narrowed it on their sewing machine), and a little black cocktail dress. After we had touched up his makeup and added a wig he looked gorgeous. "Once we had him in high heels taking tiny steps, all he could do in that slip, we called in Katie's mum. 'Well,' she said, 'looking like that we can't call him Tommy any more. He needs a girls name.' That's when I had a brain-wave. 'If he's no longer a tom he must be a cat.' So that is how, as a girl, he became Kat with a K. It also let him pass himself off as his sister to those who did not know her well, or as a cousin to those who did. "So that weekend Tommy was Kat all day Saturday and Sunday. He even slept in one of his sister's nighties. It also became the routine every weekend till we finished school. Friday afternoon he got out of his school uniform, dressed as Kat, and walked to my place. There we slept chastly together and in the morning he would continue as Kat for the rest of the weekend. We were not completely chaste; I would usually give him a hand job with my arm up his tied-on nightie. Then one day I went to the hardware and bought some identical cable ties and the right tool, 'sidecutters' they call them. That night I cut him free and we made out. That's when I lost my cherry. We still used condoms, but as we were too shy to buy them from a chemist he or I would get them from a dispenser in a public loo. "Life went on like that for several more weeks. Then one Friday evening when I went to my stash of duplicate cable ties I found they were missing. Instead was a packet of condoms. Oops! My mum knew, but she never let on. I suspect she never told Dad but he probably guessed. "Weekends became an exercise in dressing up Tommy. Once we ran out of interesting clothes of our own we would hire outfits from the local fancy dress hire shop. I remember once he was Alice in Wonderland, another time an 18th century courtesan - all huge skirt and tight thin bodice. Tommy was great. He would play along talk in falsetto and ham up the parts. Caroline butted in here. "But what were you two thinking? What was motivating you? Lily hesitated a moment. "Partly it was a hangover from when we were little girls playing with dolls. Now Katie and I had a life-sized doll we could dress up. For me it was also the thrill of being a tease. Once he was taped up, or rather taped down, of a Saturday morning the more sexy clothes would get him really aroused without him being able to get release. At least not till the next Friday night. I guess I just liked being in control." "Anyway, let me finish. Once our final exams were over and we were both out of school for good, Tommy declared that he wanted to really look a girl, permanently. That would mean a lot of expensive operations. Amazingly his parents agreed - I guess they realised that his weekend cross dressing was more than a passing fad - and being pretty well off they paid for it all. So over the next twelve months Kat missed an awful lot of lectures. How she passed at end-of-year I don't know. (By this time I was thinking of Kat as 'her' now, Tommy and 'he' seemed so long ago). Her operations included bone surgery to thin down her face and forehead: Adam's apple shaving and vocal cord shortening; skin transplants for no more beard, a boob job and stomach binding for a narrow waist. The biggest change was the bone surgery to widen her pelvis. That had the intended co-product of giving her a 'pocket' into which she could hide her boy bits. So now, even stark naked, you could not tell by looking that she had once been a boy. But if you got into bed with her you could tell! Lily drew breath. It had been a long story, nevertheless it had held her audience. Eventually Sophie broke the silence. "Well, what now? Do you still see... her, see Kat?" Lily replied, "Of course. We are still the very best of friends." She looked directly at Catherine. "Aren't we, Kat?"

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Hot For Teacher Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11 BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP! Oh god, it's way to freaking early! I reached out slapping my alarm clock off the side table onto the floor, making a load bang as it slammed onto the ground. Doing so make me jump right up and out of bed. "Jeez, you idiot," I said to myself picking up the clock and putting it back and making my way to the bathroom. As my eyes were still adjusting to being up, I started to take a morning piss. As I looked down I saw my red toenails....

1 year ago
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Harem girl part two

"What time is it," Dee asked with yawn as she was being roused awake by a hand shaking her shoulder, "leave me alone, I'm so tired!?!" This time the shaking was more persistent and a voice intoned almost harshly, "all three of you get up at once, the prince requests your presence immediately, and he shall be more than a little disappointed if you keep him waiting!!!" Midori, Dee, and Gracie had been sleeping together in a huge king sized bed, struggled to their feet while trying to wake up from...

4 years ago
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Brother Fucks Sister Before Her Marriage

My name is Manu, 19 years old, studying in Bsc first year. My sister Charu is 23 years old and is getting married next week. Charu is a sex bomb, 5 feet 2 inches, small woman but with big tits and a round ass. Her hair is cut like a boy’s. If she had small tits, you would think she was a boy. I have seen my friends stare with lust at my sister. I confess that I too lust after her. Since she is my sister, it is a sin for me to lust after her but what can I do if my sister is as sexy as Charu...

3 years ago
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Kittens Unlikely Allies

Kittens, Unlikely Allies My mother sat in her seat surrounded by her kittens and her Advisors as the Fang sped toward the Sol system and the tiny planet called Earth. If I didn't love being a girl so much I would have happily shed my skirts for rough trousers and leather armor. I hadn't been born a girl, but my mother had been the youngest of her sisters and no one had paid attention to her or her offspring since it was her oldest sister who was in line for the throne of Lyconia....

2 years ago
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Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola. Lo lo lo Lola. Lola had just turned fourteen. Her party had been a roaring success, as far as she was concerned that is. All of her friends had been invited. She had received a ton of presents. Everyone had watched movies, talked, and played games. Several kids had sneaked away to play spin the bottle. Lola had even been able to sneak away and take a turn. She had kissed Jacob and Troy...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Apartment8217s Girl 8211 Part II

Hi Friends I am back with the next part. That night I could not sleep and was feeling like fucking Mounika in all possible angles. I was thinking of her and masturbating, I was fantasizing of sucking her pussy and 69 position and many angels. That night I almost shagged 4 times thinking of her. Next day morning around 11 I got a call from Mounika. This time it was different number from a phone booth and she told sorry for leaving you like that yesterday. I told I don’t want your sorry and don’t...

3 years ago
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Slut MommieChapter 5

After my experience with Suzie in the shoe store, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. No matter how much I tried forgetting what happened that afternoon, I couldn't, the memories of me being seduced by that young woman kept coming back so vividly in my mind. The feeling of guilt usually associated those feeling but somehow my mind suppressed them, somehow the feeling of joy... the feeling of closeness with that beautiful girl always made it feel like it was right. My relationship with...

2 years ago
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The Sex Shop

My wife looked so hot! She wore sexy green glasses and your hair in a tight ponytail.  The sheer black shirt she wore showed her braless breasts very nicely.  She wore a short plaid skirt that really showed off her legs and loved the attention it drew from men and women. We entered the shop and were greeted by a cute woman in her mid-thirties. She had long red hair and dressed very retro, which we both like."Hi, guys!" she said enthusiastically."Hi," we both answered at the same time, laughing...

1 year ago
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The Great Shift Kiyomis Tale

The Great Shift: Kiyomi's Tale Mariko Everyone remembers where they were when the Great Shift happened. How can you not? Unless you were one of the lucky 7%, you wound up in the body of a stranger. You were younger, or older, or shorter, or fatter, or a different race or sex. Even those not directly affected had to deal with a world suddenly turned on its head. Most were horrified, but to me, it was a gift from heaven. One second, I'm lying in my bed at the Shorecrest Retirement...

3 years ago
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My Son brings me another Part 6

We found another family.This time my heart didn't miss a beat as the bus pulled into it's space in the school ground, right next to the pickup. I didn't have a problem seeing the Sergeant standing with the principle. And as I walked over I realized I had assumed something. When he had said 'one of my girls went and got pregnant' I had assumed she was Army. The girl standing so proud beside him was obviously his daughter and if she was a day over eighteen I was an old maid. So, what was the...

2 years ago
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horny and pregnant pt 2

The fire flared in here eyes, and Dave would have bet she'd just creamed her panties. Looking into his eyes, she licked the dribbled milk off her fingers, and then slid her hands down her body to the flaps of her unbuttoned jeans. "You mentioned staring at my ass, right?" she asked. She turned around and slid the jean over her ass and down her shapely legs, bending at the waist. Dave just stared en rapt at the round, full ass before him, it's cheeks separated like two perfect hemispheres by a...

3 years ago
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Actions Have Consequences

       Tom was in luck and now able to indulge in one of his cross dressing fantasies. His wife, Linda, had left for a full day meeting.  Since his company had cut back Tom was only working three days a week and this was one of his day’s off.  He told Linda he would cut the grass but had finished it and hour ago.        After relaxing with a cool drink, he started rummaging through Linda’s closet to see if there was anything that he might put on.  While Linda was much smaller, he thought he...

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first text translated into English

ITINERARYWhere the story of a man who wants to exist in your eyes ..........A LOLA ...It was while visiting a website, a complete accident that I came across this ad. This site did the rest not primarily designed to encourage meetings have but like any site is now complying with pages dedicated to meetings. Since I 'was there, but I read the profiles are not very inspired that night I did not even used the filter searches for a particular profile fall or even a region. If evidence is needed...

1 year ago
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Winters BladeChapter 7 Hide

The rain was on the rampage again, hammering roof and flooding downspouts, drowning ears with a sound like TV static, overcome occasionally by walls groaning with the gusting wind... ... and punctuated with soft cries and slapping flesh. "Oh yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Yeah. Just like that. Yeah. So good! Yes, there! Mmmh Mmmh Mmmh Mmmh..." The sexy elf leaned forward and bounced several kisses on her faux-eskimo's salty bald head; he tried to bite her nipples as they did jumping jacks...

1 year ago
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Nights at the Sex ShopChapter 8

Tova spends the next couple of days in a funk. She hasn’t seen Kenton since the other night, but no one needs to tell her that he is gone either. She can feel it. She can feel it just like she can feel most of what is going on around her in the shop. She can feel other woman’s feelings as they are fucked, as they shop, as they look in the mirror at themselves. She can feel the men’s feelings when they get their cocks sucked, when they are plowing their way into someone’s ass, while they jack...

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The King of Chinatown

Nancy and Diana had just finished their second bottle of rose wine for the evening, gossiping about how their handsome teacher Nick, and all the implausible kinks he might have. In truth, neither of them had much sexual experience to begin with, but since they were a little tipsy and had nothing better to waste their time doing, this was entertaining enough. "I bet he has a sex dungeon" Diana said, trying to give a sultry look before bursting into laughter. "I bet he like spanking bad girls"...

1 year ago
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Sex Slave MotherChapter 6 Mother Tattooed Pierced and Ringed

Mark and Tommy were in hog havens these days. Their own birth mother truly belonged to them totally, completely and thoroughly. She is now their most treasured procession and private property. In other words, they owned every inch of their beautiful mother's luscious creamy smooth voluptuous body. It all started as fun and games. At first Mark and Tommy was trying to make and train their mother to be their sex slave during the week of their spring vacation. They have succeeded beyond their...

2 years ago
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Lessons from Allison part 1

   To this day I can remember the greatest dream I have ever had as though it was last night. I was about eleven or so and I dreamed that I was lying in my bed and Alison appeared in my door. She was dressed in a short, revealing white nighty and staring at me with a naughty little smile on her face. “I thought I’d drop in to say goodnight,” she said. Then she sauntered toward my bed. She planted her lips onto mine and then looked into my eyes with that same devilish smile. “I love you...

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In Relationship with my Friends Socks

It all start when i was little i had no friends and my little sister was still small i made up a friends of my socks i would play games and do kids stuff hell i don't remeber much other then that but it didn't help that when i got older to my teens that notice that socks seem to turn me on but hell teens and all we couldn't controll are selfs but for me i fell in love with socks all socks, female socks more then anything else but that was the past. hmmm who am i hmm good question

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 11

After her exhilarating and devastating afternoon of fucking with Rick, Laura somehow felt worse than ever. The problems she had hoped to solve or forget festered even more. It wasn't as simple as Rick had thought. She did like fucking with him. God, it drove her crazy with lust and she had phenomenal climaxes. Her body ached for days after he finished with her. But it didn't make her want Karen--or Rina--any less. She dreamed of them both, every night one or the other. And even worse, she...

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Innoncent Cum Slut

So little about myself. My name is Becca. I am 19 years of age. I have long blond hair, light brown eyes and a tiny little body. I'm roughly 5'2" tall, weighing 103 lb. At first glance I may seem like a pretty innocent girl, but the inside is a whole different story. I have a 34C chest, 25 and half inch waist, and a few body piercings. Over the summer, I got my nose studded, barbells on both my tongue and my nipples, and a dangling belly ring. Oh wait I almost forgot, I also had my inner labia...

Group Sex
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The Chair

Morning came and he woke her with a long, deep kiss. She smiled up at him, expecting more, but he kissed her one more time then got in the shower. She waited for him to come back. When he did he dressed and continued about his routine. As she got up to dress, he told her to put on her sexiest bra and panties underneath her work clothes and he’d think about her like that all day. Little sparks of excitement ran through her body. She slipped on the red lace bra that was just about see through,...

Straight Sex
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Lesbian Dream PT2

My attention was taken away from the movie when I heard three light knocks at the front door. As I got up from the couch to answer the door my heart jumped with excitement because I knew it was her. Now, for the past week, I've been trying to figure out what is going on with my body because my hormones have been on 100. All it takes is for Kendall lick her lips or give me that "imma fck your world up" look & I turn into a damn typhoon, but that's a story for later. So, I open the door and...

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rajni gangbang with bunch of black guys

I have been married to my wife rajni for 7 years. She is a very attractive woman with leg legs and small firm breasts. We have 2 c***dren and in general we are just an average couple but at times we do like to spice things up.We were out in a pub getting her drunk enough to go to our favourite spot where she would let me screw her in the car while people watched from outside. It was several weeks since she had met one of her "colleagues" for sex and she'd got bored with our usual sexual routine...

3 years ago
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Taken Chapter 1

I hurried along to the tune of my ipod, my knee still hurting from volleyball practice, but I ignored it. I’d made a dive for the ball and landed too hard. The sun was out for the first day in 2 weeks. The warmth was a nice change. I occasionally shifted my backpack around,the weight a bit overwhelming. As I neared the next driveway a truck suddenly pulled in, fraction of an inch away from hitting me and I froze; nearly on the brink of emptying my bladder. “Watch it asshole,” I swore, surely...

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Teenage Cum Slut

"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit it in my tiny little pussy." Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He always took me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, and even when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping, especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gear and would sit there patiently while I tried on everything in sight and never once complained about how long it took. He even took me lingerie shopping, even though he...

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Enjoying Wife8217s Close Friend 8211 Part I

Hi I am Amit and this is the story of how I got to relish a fair sexy and fresh south Indian girl who was my wife’s close friend. All names are changed for anonymity but the incident as such is true event. I and Aarthi (my wife) are married for 6 years now. Both of us have had a very open sexual mindset right from the days we were dating. She has sexual intercourse with few boys in college and I had tasted a few pussies in my college days. We were open and honest to each other and allowed our...

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Salvation Ch 19 The Trustees Inspection

Since then there had been a steady trickle of patients, all in need of his special treatments and along with them had came their parents and guardians, eager to learn the many techniques and treatments with which to keep the children clean and full of vitality. Samuel had been judicious in the use of the income that his clients had provided him. He had needed staff, but he'd recruited them with care, offering them low wages in return for opportunities that were seldom afforded by other...

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Coffee Shop1

When she walks over it reminds me of the first time we met she has her long flowing red hair down and she was in a black fitted dress and white leather heels. She comes in to the cafe everyday around this time and I always sit back and watch her. The way her body simply moves and how she keeps her head high and how the boy flirts with her behind the counter. Then she looks over in my direction, but I don’t look away I keep my eyes on her even when I sip my coffee. She blushes a little, but she...

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Sunita 8211 My Father8217s Personal Secretary

Since I am new to this site, let me first introduce myself .. I am Vinay Sharma ( my close friends call me vikky ) .. I m 24 years old and m from pink city Jaipur .. My father is a well known industrialist of Jaipur ( sorry, i cant disclose his name ) .. U can say that i m from a high class family .. This is a true incident which happened to me last month .. So , without wasting any time, let me start the story .. This story is about my father’s personal secretary .. Her name is Sunita .. She...

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Horny Bbw Bhabhi

Hello bhabhis and aunties, mera naam ashish hai and meri umar 25 hai mai hyderabad se hu and meri mail id () hai any bhabhis and aunties from hyderabad can contact me through my mail id.And mai dikhne mai handsome hu,and mere hathyar ka size 6.5 inch hai,chalo aab aapko jyada bor na karte huye story pe aaata hu. So is kahani ki heroine ka naam deepika hai,and dosto mai kya bolu vo bhabhi ka figure ek dam current dene wala tha,unka size 383240 hain ye mene unse badh mai pucha tha. So aaabh story...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 15 Ft Worth Redux

I’d kept the FBI-seized grey Escalade, circa 2015, while I was back in Kansas City. It had been my intention all along to stock up, go back to Texas, and fuck Bob Randolph over. And now my stock was sitting next to me as we barreled south through Missouri, a corner of fucking Kansas, down Oklahoma and north Texas into Dallas / Ft. Worth. I smiled at Kim Rhee, one of Harold’s little whores. Borrowed for an illegal sting. I picked the youngest looking one available. He smiled back, happy with...

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Babysitter Surprise

PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex football player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years.He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape.Oh, and he loves the ladies! Part 1Tom is at the home of his long-term friend Kate. It is a huge house in the suburbs. He has been asked to chaperone her to an evening garden party across town as Kate’s husband is away on business for...

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Bike Accident Lead To Handshake With Mom

Thank you all for your feedback regarding my previous story My Innocent Mother Changed As A Hot And Horny By Our Relative series. For your further feedback contact me in Any aunties or girls love video sex chat, or just sex chat please feel free to contact me. Your identity will be protected. Coming to the story… As I mentioned in the earlier story after this incident my mom never allowed me or uncle to make love to her except the last deepawali day. This is a different incident which happened...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Ashley Adams 22347

What a pleasant surprise! Ashley Adams’s husband showed up at her office and decided to give her a little sexy time for her lunch break! The horny boss is so excited she’s getting a nice nooner, and her hubby even brought sex toys! A nice big dildo, some anal beads and, of course, a strong pair of handcuffs, all for Ashley’s kinky pleasure. But after her husband cuffs her to her chair, skirt down and big natural tits out, he has the best surprise for her — he’s leaving her there! Turns out he...


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