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Tommi By By fourteen, I had come to realize that my home life was tedious experience. A zealous father who felt that religion and God's will would take care of our needs. A beautiful mother who believed in the sanctity of marriage and obedience to her husband. And I was an only child with no one else to bear witness to the turmoil. I was always the brunt of my father's anger and frustration. I would hear his raging daily. "That kid is a freak of nature. This is God's punishment for me marrying you, Katherine. God is telling me that I should have married a believer." "Now, Thomas. You and I both know that he is still young. The doctor said that he would catch up to the other boys in time. Don't torment yourself this way." "He's a deviant. Fourteen years old and no sign of balls! He looks like an eight year old! My own son?" "Honey, the doctor said that his testicles are still there inside his body, just not in his scrotum. He's told you that. He's even offered to perform the surgery to help them drop." "Martha, if that's his body, that's his body. It's God's will. I don't believe that we should fool with the lord's decisions. Surgery is the devil's tool. If the boy is meant to be a man, it will be God's decision. I just think he's is punishing us for our sins. Or maybe he is punishing us because the child is from your womb." Named after him, Thomas Phillip Mason, I never became what he wanted. I fell short of his ideal of perfection. Whether it was school, personal effort, or simply being his son, I felt inadequate and out of place. Each night, the arguments would begin again after he had been drinking. So, with God's decision, I had no testicles and no testosterone in my system. My body grew bigger but not to my father's satisfaction. Existing in his sight, in his house, only made him angrier. I spent the best part of my life at home staying out of his way. I hid in the woods out near our house until close to dinner. As soon as dinner was over and I had done my kitchen chores, I fled to my room to escape his wrath and glare. Sometimes, when he was leaving for a church meeting, I would linger and talk to my mother over washing and drying the dishes. "Mom, do you ever think that dad will like me?" "Tommy, he loves you but he is too confused to speak his heart. All his frustration in his job and life, he bottles up and reacts when he sees you." "It's frustrating for me, too. I don't know what to say when people ask me how old I am. They think I am ten and everyone else looks fourteen. I hate it. It's not fair." "I hate it too, sweetie. If I could, I would not put you through this. But, you know how your father is. He just doesn't believe in surgery, medicines, or anything that's not in the bible." And so nothing happened. I kept to the sidelines, as everyone else grew taller and developed further as teenagers. By sixteen, all the boys I knew at school had hair around their growing penises and scrotums. They had developed deeper voices; some even grew mustaches. They had all gotten taller and developed muscles throughout their frames. Me? I was nothing. At 5'4" and skinny, I was a nothing. I was soft and underdeveloped. My voice remained high and squeaky. The only hair I had was on my head. Sometimes, people mistook me for a young girl because I still had baby fat on my body. My ass was round. My chest was soft and the fat seemed to center around my underdeveloped chest. My face had no definition and looked child-like. My arms and legs lacked muscle and were skinny and undefined. I grew taller but not older. To fight this baby girl image, I kept my hair cut in a crew cut to try to look more masculine, but that didn't help. In the mirror I saw a twelve year old. My genitals were terrible to look at. My penis never got hard or erect. It was small and only dangled down because there was no scrotum to push it back up. Since my balls remained deep in my body, the scrotum never grew or stretched. So my dick flapped down against the space between my legs that should have held my balls. But, when I lay on my back and searched, that spot was as smooth as any on my body. I hated gym. I hated being compared to my classmates physically. I kept to myself. At high school, I watched the young men and women in their mating dances. The flirting, the kissing, groping each other. I never felt that heat or attraction. I was an outsider. I was certain that I was a freak like my father said. All this emotion was bottled up deep inside me. It was frustrating to have no friends. To walk from one class to another, alone in a school of 850 students. To sit by myself on the bus, to eat by myself in the cafeteria. I buried myself in my computer and reading. I got good grades but was reluctant to join anything cause I was so different. Whether I was home or at school, there was no escaping my body's failure. I hated to compare myself to the boys who roamed the halls. Occasionally, I was allowed to be part of a group until I realized that they regarded me as a pet, a little brother. When I was seventeen and a senior, my dad was killed. He had been driving home one night from a church meeting. The drunk driver that had hit him never slowed down. Fortunately, he had purchased enough insurance to get him buried and kept us out of harm's way. Sometimes, I sensed that my mother felt relief not to have to silently endure his rants. With my father gone, the house became my refuge. I used my computer. I did my homework. I stayed inside. I did little or nothing except play video games, watch television, or listen to music. When it came time to apply for college, I told my mom I wasn't interested. After some discussions at the kitchen table, I admitted that I didn't want to feel the stares and the harassment from a new group of people at a college. "Mom, I look like a twelve year old and I am turning eighteen. I'm a freak. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything." "Tommy, you are a sweet and wonderful young man. You are making too much out of this. Let's go see the doctor in the morning and see if he can help you with your dilemma. I don't have the same feelings that your father did. If there is something to do to correct you growth problem, we can do it together." The next morning, I was shattered by the doctor's news. "It's long past time to correct your body, Tommy. Time flies." The doctor shook his head sadly. "Your testicles were allowed to atrophy and were long ago absorbed back into your system. They don't even exist any longer. The only way were can change your lack of physical development is to use external treatments. We can try to correct the problems with injected hormones. But, it will be a difficult and painful treatment of growth hormones. Testosterone is a tough chemical for the body to absorb." "Doc, I want to be like everyone else more than anything. I'd be willing to try anything to look normal." There were tears in my eyes as I sat there in his office. "Look at me. I'm stuck in a child's body. I don't want to be treated like a cub scout all my life." "Well, Tommy, what I propose is a daily injection of testosterone. We will start out with tiny doses and see how much your body can take. It will require a lot of lab work- ups. Before we are done, you will feel like a pin cushion." To make a long story shorter, I went to the doctor's office and the lab as often as necessary. I took shots and had blood drawn daily for six weeks. Unfortunately, my body rejected the shots almost from the beginning. I lost a lot of weight including any muscle tone I had developed as a teen. After trying daily injections, pills, weekly time capsules, and an injection drip while lying in the hospital, we had to admit that my body was not going to allow the treatments to continue. I was teary-eyed with frustration as we sat in the doctor's office two months later. My mom held my hand as I nodded through the doctor's assessment. "Tommy, I am sorry. All the lab work and all the medications are too strong for your body. Whatever we have tried has failed. Your body has stopped growing." I understood the words, but had trouble believing them. I was stuck in this child body forever, always being the brunt of the joke, never able to be like everyone else. "Jeez. I was hoping I could look more normal when I headed to college. I just wanted to be accepted, to be liked, maybe even loved." "Well, this is going to sound far-fetched. Have you ever given much thought to going in another direction?" I looked at the doctor. Was he offering me an alternative? I was ready to grab any straw out there. "What do you mean?" "Well, we could try other hormones that might be less aggressive to your system, estrogen for example." "Female hormones?" "Well, it's an alternative. You could try them out and see how your body reacts to them." "Turn me into a girl?" "Actually, a woman. Your body is an empty vessel waiting for a signal. While your chromosomes say male, your body is stuck in puberty. The female hormones might help you to grow up." I started to shake my head from side to side as the room began to spin. This was too strange to consider. I found myself crying and sobbing. "No, this is not fair. It's not right. I don't want to be a queer, a sissy. I don't want people to think I'm gay, or a fairy." "Well, Tommy, at this point, it's only a suggestion. It's something to consider. You wouldn't be any worse off than you are now. If the hormones take, your body would start to grow. You would catch up to your peers in a few years. Eventually, you could have corrective surgery and live a full, rewarding life as an adult." "As a woman?" "It's just a suggestion, Tommy. You are almost eighteen, and technically an adult. Just consider it food for thought." The ride home was a comedy act. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think that I did both several times. My mom hadn't said a word for an hour. She was there, but silent. Finally, when my ranting and raving stopped, and I had some deep breaths, she spoke. "Tommy," she said quietly, turning the car onto our street. She looked me straight in the eye. "You are missing the point. Being a woman is wonderful." "But, Mom!" "No, you aren't listening. If you can't get your body to help you become a man, the doctor says you have another choice, another chance to try to be part of the crowd. Instead of being a handsome man, you could become a lovely woman." "Mom, it's too strange." We turned into the driveway and parked. We walked into the house. "Tommy, come with me." I followed my mom to her bedroom. Since my father had died, the bedroom and the house had been slowly redecorated. Gone were all the traces of my old man, my father Thomas. The room was decorated in feminine simplicity and had a light, airy feeling. My mom began to undress laying her clothes out on the bed. She smiled at me. "I want you to undress and take off your clothes," she said. "C'mon, it's just you and me. Let's talk honestly here." My mom and I both stripped down to naked. I don't think that under normal circumstances, I would have been undressing in my mom's bedroom. But, she had seen me through all the lab tests, the probing, the shots, and in the hospital. I was emotionally a wreck. I probably would have done anything she had asked at this point. After all, she's my mom and all. I stripped and shivered from the air on my body and the experience I had been through that day. "Come over here." She stood by the mirror. I came over and stood where she indicated along side her. She turned me around and we looked into the mirror, side by side. I looked at us standing together and saw a lot of physical resemblance. We were both about the same height. My mom was about 5'7". I was a little shorter than her. My mom was slender and shapely. Our hair was the same sandy blonde. After the month of blood work and reactions from the hormones, I was almost as thin as my mom. Of course, my mom was a beautiful woman with a very shapely body with or without clothes. "You have more of my genes than your fathers." My body had no shape or definition. I was skinny legged, had baby fat all over my hips and waist. My chest was shrunken and my shoulders and arms were skinny. Even after six weeks of my body rejecting the testosterone, I simply looked bad. "Tommy. You have nothing to loose if you try. If it works you could grow up to be my daughter and look like me." I stared at my mom. I noticed how pretty her face was, even in her late thirties. She had her arm around me. Her lovely hip brushed mine. With my baby fat and ignoring my tiny boy's penis, I might have passed for a very young girl with a boy's crewcut. I sighed. I cried. We hugged and laughed. I felt good in her arms, her hug made me feel safe. She was warm and soft and comforting. She smelled wonderful and was my best and only friend in this world. "I'm scared, mom. It's too much to think about. I never thought that I would have to change my sex. I don't think that I can do it and I am really tired of being laughed at." "Tommy, you will still be the same wonderful person. Your heart and soul are not changing, just your outside shell. You are a caring, sweet person and you will always be my wonderful child. You will just be putting on a new smile each day." "But, what if it doesn't work, or leaves me halfway, or scarred. I don't know, mom. All along, I thought I was going to grow up and be a man." "Like your father?" "No, of course not. I wouldn't want to be like him." "Like me, then?" I thought for a minute and started to sob. I stood there naked, crying my eyes out. We hugged. We kissed. We finally laughed and cried together. Maybe everything would be alright. I guess I would have to try in order to find out. I began my treatment the next day in the doctor's office. Back and forth from the endocrinologist to the lab, shots and pills. Over the next month, I had no body rejection reaction to the estrogen. Instead, I started to see signs of acceptance in my body. Rather than suspend the treatment, I was given the fast track with a psychologist and a psychiatrist. I met with my counselor twice a week. The biggest concern in the medical field was that I would become unstable during my transition. My attitude was I wasn't transitioning at all. I had never been a man, so becoming a woman wasn't dropping one sex and heading to another. My nipples puffed up within a few days. I felt a sense of calm and relaxation that I had never felt before. The scale told me I started to gain some weight back. I knew I had gained fifteen pounds, but it wasn't showing in my arms, shoulders, or stomach. I started to grow taller. My mom laughed when I questioned where my weight was going. Since the mirror day almost two months ago, I had found myself sharing my feelings more and more with my mom. I did not feel ashamed of my body and presented myself with only a towel wrapped around my waist, fresh from the shower. "Look in the mirror. I'll show you where you are growing." "Now drop the towel and turn sideways." I turned sideways looked at my reflection. For the first time, I was examining myself critically. With my mom's guidance, I saw that my butt and thighs were getting heavier. While my waist was slimming, but I could see the change below. Standing sideways, I could also see my puffy nipples; some extra fat appeared to be pushing them out, forming small cones. My body was changing. I was losing my baby fat. I was growing into a female. "Jesus" was all I could mutter under my breath. "Thank Jesus, Tommy. He and Dr. Bailey are giving you a new chance in life." With the daily trips downtown to the doctor and the lab, I decided to forgo college applications and stay home for treatments. No one noticed the changes when I graduated high school. With clothes on, it looked like I had grown an inch. I spent the summer in the doctor's office, my house, or the back yard. I never went outside the back yard. I quietly disappeared from the world. Time flies and I was changing daily. Wearing a T-shirt and shorts, I could not pass a mirror without an inspection. The pores on my face and body grew smaller. The fat on my face disappeared and my facial bones seem to be accented. As a result of this leanness, my eyes appeared larger. I could seem a chin, cheekbones. And if I wasn't imagining things, my lips were getting more prominent and puffier. My face was changing and maturing. Gone were the crewcuts. The increased vitamins and hormones had my hair growing rapidly. It was the first time in my life that I had to comb my hair. It was thick, silky, and the same sandy blonde color of my mom's. It grew over my collar and over my ears. I started to grow pubic hair around my penis. I noticed hair under my arms and fine hair on my legs. My mom told me that it was time to learn how to shave in the shower. After a series of bloody tries, we took and shower together and I caught on to the tricks of turning the water on and off and using plenty of shaving cream. I also learned about creaming my body with lotion after showers to prevent drying skin. I started to use deodorant and powders. My body began to shift weight noticeably. On the bottom, my hips and butt grew larger. I noticed it in my clothes. My jeans and shorts were tighter and harder to pull up. My waist didn't change. Mom bought a treadmill for the basement. I began to exercise daily. Running kept my changing body tighter. While I saw more fat below my waist, my waist didn't change at all. The exercise helped to keep my stomach flat and trim. I began stretching and doing crunches. My body was changing and growing, but I was determined not to become a fat cow. Speaking of cows, my chest was changing noticeably. My nipples grew larger and seemed to harden at any change in my mood or room temperature. They became my first sign of sexual stimulation. Yep, I could feel myself grow excited whenever I brushed them. Touching them made me warm inside, full of pleasure. The aureoles surrounding the nipples grew much larger and pinker. The fat around my nipples started to form a rounder shape. I was growing breasts, small ones. Sometimes at night, I would lie in bed and fondle my breasts and feel the tingling throughout my body. While I was having a lot of adjustments to make in the daytime, the nighttimes were full of newly found pleasure. I would actually feel the blood rush to my penis and it would become full of warmth and heat. While it would not grow enormous, it would fill up and felt good when I held it. I would fall asleep each night fondling my breasts and rubbing my penis. After six months of hormonal treatments, it was September. I had not been out in public for a long time except to go to the occasional movie after dark with my mom. I knew I had changed, but I wasn't ready for the small time gossip and whispering. I confessed to my mom my feelings about being seen and people laughing at me. "I've been thinking about that, too. Let's see what I can arrange." That night at dinner, my mom had the biggest smile on her face. "We are taking a week to go into Washington. We'll stay in a hotel. We'll go shopping. We can see a movie. And no one will know either of us. "I've made all the arrangements. The doctor will see you in the morning and inject you with a time delayed shot that's good for a week. Then we can go away and you can see the daylight again without feeling so self-conscious." In the morning, I began to pack. My mom walked into my room and saw the suitcase on the bed. "Nope, no packing. Take your CD's, your Walkman, and your books. Pack your toiletries from the bathroom and leave everything else behind except the clothes you are wearing. We are going shopping!" We left Columbia, Maryland and headed out on the interstate. Instead of going south towards Washington, we headed north to the Whitemarsh Mall. We parked and mom turned towards me. "Take off your shirt and pull down your shorts." I looked at her with big eyes and did what I was told. "Lift up your arms." Mom drew a tape measure out of her pocket and wrapped it around my chest. She drew it around my waist and my hips. This wasn't easy cause we were still sitting in her car. "Get dressed. I will be back in ten minutes. Sit tight." I pulled my T-shirt back over my head. It was one that I had owned for years, a favorite. I hiked up my tighty- whities and pulled my shorts back on again. Mom arrived back with a large shopping bag. She opened some packages and tossed me some white panties and a bra. They landed in my lap. "See if they fit. That bra is a front closure so you can do it without a lot of fuss." She had the biggest grin on her face. Her enthusiasm was catching. The panties were cotton briefs. The tag was marked size six. The bra was marked 36A. It softly padded. I shimmied out of my clothes and quickly pulled on the women's underwear. Everything fit fine. I enjoyed the smoother feeling of the cottons and the support the bra gave my chest. Before I had a chance to even blink, mom tossed a top and shorts my way. The top was light green and the shorts were khaki. The cap sleeve top was marked small. As I pulled it over my head and adjusted it, I noticed that it did not come down to my waist. It was cropped slightly short and exposed the edge of my tummy. I looked at my mother questioning and all I got back was a smile. She had a tear forming in her eye. "Let's go, kiddo. Tempis Fugit." I slid the shorts up over my new underwear. They seemed to be a great fit. They were form fitting over my butt and hips and snuggled up nicely around my waist. Oh yeah, I was able to tuck my dick in the underwear easily between my legs and nothing showed. "Let's go, Tommy. We have shopping to do." Mom grabbed her pocketbook, opened her door, adjusted her sunglasses, and stood waiting for me. I took a deep breath and got out. I felt naked and exposed. I tried to cover my jutting breasts and my exposed tummy with my hands. My mom had already started walking, so I did not have time to think about what I looked like. I had to run around some cars to catch up. "Yo, yo, yo. Mom! I can't do this!" "You already are doing this. C'mon. Nobody knows you here. It's time to jump in the pool and swim, sweetheart." I found myself entering the mall. Looking in the glass doors and the reflective mirrors, I was surprised to see that I did not look too bad at all. Other then the clothes I wore, I was looking at the same face that had been changing in the mirror for the past six months. Mom dragged me to a kiosk that sold gold chains. She did all the talking. Before I could say boo, the girl behind the stand had opened up the divider and motioned me to have a seat. Two minutes later, I had black marker on my earlobes and finally a pair of little glittering studs in my ears. My head swam as I listened to the care and maintenance of my newly pierced ears. As we walked round the mall, I was still having trouble coping. At each turn, the mirrors reflected back this image of my bra and bulging tits. I stopped several times to take in my own reflection. My narrow waist and the shorts accenting my widened hips and rounded ass. My mom grabbed my arm, saying, "C'mon, you will have a lifetime to enjoy mirrors. We are only getting started here." The next stop was a beautician in the mall. I was in a chair and spun around to face the mirrors. The beautician was spraying my hair flat with water and chatting to mom and me. "Nice thick hair, and such a lovely shade... how about some ends cut and a little shaping?" I nodded starting at my big eyes. Fortunately, my outfit and newfound body were hidden beneath a drape of cloth. After ten minutes of clipping and trimming, she started applying some products to my hair. It had grown a lot longer in six months, no more crewcuts. It was not really long, but with a blow dryer and some gel, the beautician was giving it some body and some definition. The hair framed my face and I could see my newly pierced ears reflecting the light of the beauty shop. I looked cool. My mom piped up, bringing me out of the fog. "Let's do some eyebrow waxing while she's in the chair." She? I was the she. The beautician nodded, and I was tilted back. Hot wax from a pot was applied to my eyebrows. A few painful rips later and I was looking critically at my thinned eyebrows. I stood like a goof while my mom and the woman chatted. Credit slip signed and my mom pulled me out of there. Down through the mall we went. I was being led along. We walked into Macys and up to the counter that sold makeup. "Hop up, Tommy and sit still." I found myself sitting in a tall chair. A pretty lady in a dark smock came around and started talking about skin tones and colors with my mom. The woman was applying makeup to my skin and she and my mom were nodding together. When she finally turned a mirror my way, I was looking at the face of a teen girl. I had on mascara and shadow, but only enough to accent my blue eyes. I had on a real light coat of foundation, blush, lipliner and gloss. Nothing seemed out of balance, nothing seemed wrong. I took some deep breaths to keep from hyperventilating. I looked very pretty. Mom gave my hand a squeeze. I continued to study my face in the mirror while mom paid for the purchases. I listened to the make-up specialist talk about daytime and nighttime makeup, removers, and all the details that seemed to blur. I knew that my mom would be there for me to fill in the gaps. Ears, hair, make-up... all too much. Sensing that I was filled up with too much info, we took a break to eat some lunch in the food court. We talked small talk. I was not really ready to contemplate what had just taken place in the past three hours. As I stood to head for the bathroom, mom reminded me of the reality of the situation. "Tommy, check the all important sign on the bathroom doors. Don't enter the wrong one and frighten some boys." Jesus! I suddenly realized what had taken place. It was moving a little too fast. "Let's go together, honey. Come on with me." After using the stall, Mom insisted that I come over to the mirror not to merely wash my hands but to also repair my makeup from eating lunch. We shopped the rest of the afternoon. New sneaks, shoes, a new jacket, more underwear and bras, more tops and bottoms. Pants, shorts, and I bought two dresses. So strange trying them on. So strange. Finally, we filled the car and headed towards Washington for our week's adventure. But, I won't bore you with that story. After all, "Time flies."

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This is a story is based on events described to me by Dawn, a very sexy bi girl from Iowa, USA. Taking the last bottle of Bud left from the night before out of the cool-box and opening it; Dawn slipped two aspirin onto her tongue and washed them down. "Damn, I sure need this," she spoke to herself. Her head ached badly; it felt like a little guy wearing big boots was kicking inside her brain in time with her pulse. Then she went to the washroom, splashed some cold water on her face and...

3 years ago
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Hazing for Victor and VictoriaChapter 2

Victoria stood at her locker trying to remember her lock combination, She gave it three tries at it before giving up and reaching into her jeans pocket for her 'Memo Notes' for the right directions and numbers. Victoria needed these handy reminders for a number of things or else she'd be lost. She looked to her right and not far down the school hallway she saw her twin brother, Victor, talking with a very attractive girl. Victoria smiled at the thought of her introverted brother getting to...

4 years ago
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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 25

By HosieryQueenPart 25I quickly went into my apartment and found my handcuffs and took the elevator back up to Jaiden. I got to the apartment again and started rolling some joints while I took another beer. I thought about Lauren and how she was doing right now. If she just kept on getting fucked by Roger. started bothering me again. But then again, Jan had just fucked me. So I should maybe relax a little!? Mmm, that cock felt so good inside me. And his warm cum filled my pussy so...

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The CavemanChapter 25

I will not be Hugo. I will be another name with many parts, Linda says. She tells me I must learn this name and some other things as well. When she explains I am not pleased. I do not wish to pretend to be another person. But she says it must be this way in order for me to have the ID that is so important. In this place—in this time, I think again—it seems there are many people whose work it is to know each person from the time the person is born. She says that all this knowledge is...

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The Price For Being A Bitch Chapter 5

‘I have to tell you that this violence worries me. Men are stronger and shouldn’t take advantage of that by being brutal to women, especially not their lovers.’ Hearing him refer to me as his lover warmed me, but I really wanted to add spanking to our sex life for two reasons. I felt that if Charles could take out some of his pent-up frustration, anger and distrust on me, a little bit at a time, it would speed the healing. There’s that expression ‘take (what is owed) out of his/her hide. The...

2 years ago
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Read before you sign pt82

"Good slut, my cum and your cum will be your favourite meal...Now it's my turn to cum and make your ass a cum dump!"Laura grabbed Rebecca's legs and began to pound her slave hard."Fuck!" Rebecca groaned."Here it comes slut, ENJOY YOUR FIRST CREAM PIE!" Laura roaded as she began to shoot load after load into Rebecca's ass. "FUCK!"Laura cock began to stop shooting, and she collapsed onto her slave.Rebecca began to cry. "Thank you, Mistress, for being my first time.""You are...most welcome...

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The Street

I was younger then. Much younger.But I was even then hooked on bondage. I remember the exact moment when I became interested in SB. I was sitting in a small adult theatre in Copenhagen and was watching a succession of BDSM films. Back then it was 8mm (non digital) and usually the theatre owner strung them together on one large reel so he didn't have to change reels more than every twenty minutes. As a woman it was fairly unusual to sit in an adult theatre with a load of groaning men huddled...

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Belly Dancing Wife

I’ve always loved belly dancers, I think they are sexy as hell and over the yrs I have convinced my wife to give it a shot. She always thought it would be a nice idea but never keen on exposing that much of herself. A few months ago, about half a year, I went down to a local Arab store, in some downstairs slightly smelling of marijuana type premises. The intent was to buy my wife a nice belly dancing costume. She had already started to learn and was going to be involved in a performance so I...

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My Dark Awakening IV

In my new position, I was sent back to college, in my class the professor had the chairs arranged around the perimeter rather than in rows like normal. Directly across from me was this pretty black girl. Latisha. She was very short, far from fat, but I call her round. Her booty was held high. She had brown eyes, and lips a man could die for. Her lips were just a little thicker than normal, and seemed to shine with a smile all the time. She had breasts so beautiful and large, they would jiggle...

2 years ago
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The Season To Remember Part 2

I stifled a yawn and climbed onto my bed, running a hand through my spiky hair. ‘Are you going to bed?’ Taylor asked, sitting on the bed next to me. ‘I think so.’ I nodded, pulling off my shirt. ‘Goodnight.’ She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. ‘Night.’ I moaned sleepily, returning the hug. I exchanged words with Reece and Shayla, who were both already in bras and panties and getting ready to climb into bed, before undoing my belt, dropping my pants on the floor next to...

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Dhanwarlal gets my ex Chapter Two

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part One – Meeting with Amishi I woke up one fine Sunday to Amishi’s call. ‘Are you free today?’ she asked. ‘Yeah, you want to meet?’ I replied with hope. ‘I need to tell you something, meet me at our spot in an hour’ saying this she hung up. I hurried to the bathroom for a...

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Jim 8211 The Trainer

Hi I am Pankaj. Coming straight to story, this all Happened last year, I live in Society, and our society have 70 houses, 30 tenements and rest flats. I must thank our society builder, all this happened due to him. Our Builder had allotted a private Jim for Society purpose only with club house too… It had multipurpose Equipment, Cycle, walker, twister and weight lifter. No one use to use Jim hat frequently. Now I being a Engineering student use to study out of town. Last year when I came for my...

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Experience when younger

I never really liked my body. I was always disappointed in it. I never had muscles, just a really skinny flat body. My arms were flat and my chest really wasn’t toned. The only thing I liked was my face. I have brown eyes and light brown hair that goes down to my cheek bones and doesn’t cover my face.But by far the worst was I developed very late. When I was 15 I was finally getting some pubes. I didn't get any under my arms until I was almost 17. I hated it. I wanted to grow with my entire...

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On The Job Sexual Encounters part 3

While we were embracing each other in bed, relaxing, we were chatting and laughing, she had admitted to me that it was her first time ever with another woman, I was shocked asking “and how long have you been working here?” She said “I was the last to be hired, don’t get me wrong, I love sex, I was first fucked by Julio and that was when he interviewed me to be hired” I smiled asking “and that was it?” She said “No, he has been fucking me every time he is here” I said “I meant the...

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dorm mate series Minka part 1

Dorm mate series: Minka Part 1Prologue: I had a lot of fun crazy wild roommates in college. This might have been the most frustrating experience, but one of the best.Preview: I was getting fed up. She has kissed me, sucked and touched my tits slept with me naked and now didn’t care if she tasted my girl gunk. I started to feel bad about all the guys I teased in the past, and than I remembered I was pretty easy.Fringing or fringe is a term not a lot of people have heard of, I even know a few...

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Crazy Friday with neighbour

Well if you have read my previous stories about my neighbour you will have an idea of whats coming.If your all settled i'll begin.It was the Friday before christmas, Crazy Friday its called and we were going out with friendsfor a few drinks we intended to start early and finish at a reasonable time before alot of the dickheads started to get pissed.I lay on the bed reading after my shower and waited for my wife to come into the bedroom after her shower she did with a towel wrapped around her...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 11

It was clear as soon as he entered her apartment that SHE was stoned out of her gourd. She sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her nose and nodding off. "I'm sorry, Joseph. I needed it." "It's okay darling, but I'm beginning behavioral therapy and will not make love to you when you're high. Did you call your father?" "Yes, and he was thrilled. We'll head down there tomorrow night. You better fuck me by then or I'll be nodding at the wheel." "I promise." "I'll be strong if...

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Chameleons Story Ch 01

**From The Author- This is, after all, amateur fiction, by someone who is an admittedly awful speller, so I ask you to be patient with my mistakes. The next chapter will be along as soon as I can get it onto the computer, it’s currently on the table in scattered sheets of paper. LOL I hope you enjoy this.** I lick my lips nervously and open the door before he can knock again. He stands there, leaning against the doorway, looking more like mythology manifest than anyone I should be allowed to...

2 years ago
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Stranger falling in love with her daughter

I answered a Craigslist ad asking for help on adjusting to a woman’s husband’s request to start being nude. I suggested going to a local nude beach and check things out. That didn’t really fly. She said her husband wanted to be nude at home, in front of her and their daughter. Okay. That’s not unheard of. I asked if he walks around with a full erection. She said sometimes. But, mostly semi hard. I asked if her daughter knew about all this. She said they had the sex talk years ago. Besides she...

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Vice is nice but

The raucous sing-song of squeaking springs vaguely filtered into my sub-conscious as I slipped in and out of a light, restless sleep. A slight breeze gently ruffled the curtain at my bedroom window as it tried to relieve the oppressive heat that had built up during the day. I glanced at the clock beside my bed. 5:30. Still a couple of hours before I had to get up. I turned over, trying to get back to sleep but the bedsprings seemed to get louder, more insistent. Soft, hushed sounds drifted from...

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Gym stud breeds surprise

There I was working reception at the local gym three employees failed to turn up for work, when the Boss turned up with two identical twins blue eyed blond haired European studs well muscled and looking very fit,,and i couldn't help but notice their rather large bulges in their tight identical nylon shorts, i was just an ordinary guy tall slim build and totally bisexual i bounced both ways sometimes having both gf and bf at the same time. The Boss was a woman she was a former powerlifter and...

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Mind over Matter Chapter 2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter contemplated his situation. Somehow he had been given the power to control other people’s minds. He knew that there was some kind of moral or ethical problem somewhere in this, but at this moment, with two hot girls sucking his cock and licking his balls, it was kind of hard for him to see it. Besides Tanya, who he had fucked so thoroughly not too long ago, Sara, Tanya’s flat...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 37 Conflicts

April, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday night, Bethany came to my bed, but because of her restrictions, all we did was cuddle. Kara had graciously given up her Sunday night to Bethany. On Monday, Bethany went to the UofC library. When I arrived home from class, she told me that she’d talked to Loyola and would be taking a summer class. She’d also talked to her professor in Madison and arranged to go up on May 7th to make her presentation. After dinner, I told her about my call with...

1 year ago
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Office Party Seduction

*** These are stories written by us both, Husband and Wife. We text each other during the working day taking the stories back and forth. #these, separate the texts# #You and me. Meeting and seducing each other in a quiet hallway away from the party. I lead you to a quiet side office and slowly let my hands wander and feel your hot body in the dark.# I lay you down on a desk and kneel in front of you. Taking full advantage of your lack of underwear. I make you spread your legs for me. So I can...

Group Sex
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Meeting My ExGirlfriend Chaya

Hi guys, I am back with another story. This is related to my other story with my ex-girlfriend, Chaya. I had . Many people have traveled to their hometowns during the lockdown period, and I was amongst them. I was having a good time with my friends as I visiting home after a long time. While I was on the terrace, I saw my ex, my neighbor, Chaya. She was married now but still in good shape. She was fair in color and was wearing a salwar kameez. Our eyes met, and we moved towards each other. Our...

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The Office Temperature Rises Tom and Lori

Lori and I had become steady lovers after the first "spur of the moment" fuck we'd shared in her office and then after she invited me to her house while her husband was out of town, we were "deep in lust" with each other. Lori's a very pretty, sexy-looking 25-year old and her husband apparently was just overworked or stressed with his medical school studies and one of the things that got neglected were the hot sexual needs of his pretty young wife. If you've never experienced having an...

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BB And Dra

(We join our ‘lovers’ in mid-chat) ____________ B B: How are YOU at back-rubs? B B: Massages? B B: Sensual or otherwise? Xan: Really good….. REALLY GOOD Xan: I should have made a profession of it Xan: An all around good back person B B: I am, too!!! B B: Backs, Fronts, Legs, Feet… I’m GREAT w/ FEET B B: necks B B: buttocks B B: thighs B B: arms B B: shoulders Xan: Okay, I get the picture B B: pussies Xan: OKay Okay Xan: I gotta go to bed Xan: I’m about to pass out from the...

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Truth Or Dare With Lost Sobriety

It was a warm and wonderful weeend. We and our guests were making the best of what our backyard had to offer. Three couples, some in the sun and the others in the pool and spa. An ever changing combination but with the constant of the amount of adult beverages lessening as the day goes by. Non had taken it to success but on the other hand it had become a form of liquid courage. The first sign was after I retreated Jill’s back she told me to not bother clasping her top back together. I had not...

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Pleasing Her Boss

It was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat down on the...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 6

Robby woke up late Saturday morning, his back stiff from sleeping on the couch and a sour taste in his mouth. He sat up and looked blearily around the room, taking note of anything that might be different. He felt vaguely disappointed that there wasn't anything different after the events of the night before. He felt like his whole world had changed, yet nothing in his vision supported that. He looked at the table by the couch and saw the two glasses he'd left there last night, one filled...

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The Wishing Stone

The Wishing Stone Part 1: The Wishing Stone Part 1:ObsessionBy Darqside I will never forget the moment the world as I knew it, ended. Of course, I had everything to do with it. It all started several years ago?I was a college student working on my capstone?my final project that would make or break me?earn or deny me of my degree. My major involves art?and so in many ways I had to come up with some great artistic design project.? The problem was, I had no subjects to work with. Well...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 42

After lunch I had a private meeting with four Senators, arranged by the White House, in the White House private dining area. It was a business over lunch meeting. Two Senators were from the judiciary committee and two from the terrorism subcommittee. We ate with just small talk, mostly about the hot dry weather and a little about the IRS changes. After the waiter cleared the table and brought weak coffee, the Senators started fishing. “How long were you following the Harrisburg group?”...

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Reading in Bed

(Author's Note: This piece features characters from my novel To Betray a Master. Context needed for this scene: Aurianna has a metal prosthetic arm and Matthias used to be a demon) Aurianna’s eyes flickered open as she felt Matthias’ arm move. Resting against his chest, hair damp with sweat, she must have been out a few hours. The dwindling candlestick confirmed her suspicions, and lead her towards a second conclusion. Matthias had been up reading the entire night.“You’re still up? Go to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Romantic Massage

After years of giving her shoulder massages while at work, I’d convinced my store manager, Lori, to let me practice doing a full body massage on her. She’d had professional massages many times, so I was quite interested in hearing how my skills compared. I was on my way over to her place now, we’d waited till her husband was out of town as she didn’t know how he’d take her getting a massage from me. When I got to her place I grabbed my duffle out of the car and headed up to the door. Lori...

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Ek Din 8211 Teen Chut 8211 Part 1

Me Vijay hu or dikhne me fair, fit and smart hu.. Me apke k sath mere sex experience share karna chata hu, jab mene luckily ek hi din me teen chut ka taste kiya… Me Mumbai me rehta hu or har Month Gujarat or Maharashtra me official sales trip karta rehta hu.. Is bar ki sales trip kuch alag hi thi jab 1wk Gujarat tour se vapas Mumbai lot raha tha.. Gujarat tour mene mere office friends k sath Ahmedabad, Vadodara or Vapi mein meetings ki thi jaha mene khafi new friends bhi bana liye the.. Or...

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Cousins Deep ThroatChapter 7

After his initial come all over Cheri's thighs, Clay proved to have twice as much stamina as his brother Jeff. Before Cheri realized it, Clay had grabbed her and the two of them had fallen into the pond. "What are you doing?" she sputtered, coming up for air. "I just wonder what it's like to fuck in the water," the boy laughed. His fingers crawled against her flesh and pubic hair. Then they were twitching in her cunt-slit and stroking the round, pink nub of her clit. Electric shocks...

2 years ago
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You Are Who You Are Chapter 4

Ch 4 The next day was one of the best in my life. When we woke the next morning, we were just aglow with our new discovery. We kissed and fondled until we were ready to get out of bed. "Do you want me to pick out something for you to wear today?" "I would love that." She climbed out of bed, wearing nothing. I just loved her full-figured body in the nude, jiggling and shaking. She opened dresser drawers and gathered some clothes. She tossed a light handful of clothes. One of...

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Married man brutal cherry pop

This happened when I was stationed in Fort Gordon, GA (Augusta) in 2010.I met this 38 year old married beefy bear through craigslist. I was originally looking to get fucked by a daddy but ended up meeting up with a man that was vers but more bottom. He was on post for some additional training, as he was a contractor with a big government office. We met up one day, took us some time to get together, as I had to find a way to break away from my friends for a few hours. We finally met up and went...

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Komal Ke Sath Chudai

Hi friend I am back..I hope apko meri real life ki stories acchii lag rahi hongi…pehle mein new readers ko bata du ki mera nam amit hai.aur meri age 19 yrs.hai.aur mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 5 inch chauda hai.mujhe rough anal sex karna bahut achha lagta hai..agar koi women mujhse satisfy hona chahati hai jiski age 18-40yrs hai aur who Delhi mein rehti ho. toh woh mujhe be jhijhak mail kare chut.ka par.full privacy guaranteed.. Ab mein apko wo baat batata hu jo mere sath tab hui jab me 10th...

2 years ago
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GangbangCreampie Rose Lynn G352

Rose Lynn sits on the pedestal excited to start her second gangbang here with us. She lets it slip that she has done other gangbangs after we took her gangbang virginity but we are prepared to make this one her second best. In Rose’s own words she says “it might be the best.” Kris is the first to taste Rose and finger bangs her until she’s lubed up and ready for the other cocksmen to take turns fucking her. They all get their turn on the pedestal before it’s time to turn her over for some...

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Slam Dunk

Slam dunk By vaman I checked into the hotel and they upgraded my room to a suite on the 20th floor. It is a private floor with a concierge. The suite has many windows, which overlook the river. As soon as I shut the door, I started a bubble bath. I extended each gleaming leg and shaved them closely. My legs, long, blonde hair and model's face are my best assets. I think that I could be a leg model. I patted myself dry and wound my hair up in a...

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Teenage Adventures Chapter 3

Over the next few weeks, Maria visited almost daily, and her appetite for sex seemed to increase as her pregnancy matured. Timothy did his best to satisfy both Ms. Alsover and Maria, and had on some days been able to achieve up to nine orgasms. Obviously, the boy was healthy, Ms. Alsover thought to herself, but she also noticed that as the days wore on, the boy's youthful fountains of semen turned into a few hard-won droplets.Ms. Alsover feared that between herself and Maria, perhaps they were...

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Some might think Part II

Well, hello again to all you readers out there. If you read the first segment, you all know that I was a little frustrated from my weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get the Venezuelan BBC I thought I'd get :( ... but I did get a call back from one of my Haitian friends, unfortunately a lil too late, on Sunday night, after the Chldrn were back home. I wanted to have him come over so bad, since I hadn't seen him since August but knowing that I'm not a quiet one, I had to decline. I finally got a...

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Off The Deep EndChapter 5

One of the inevitable results of teenagers being away from home and in close residential proximity for even a short period of time was the opportunities for relationships to form. Not so much amongst the junior high students who had an earlier lights-out time and a staff member sleeping in a barracks-style dormitory with them, but definitely amongst the senior high students who had twin-share rooms. Because we were now in the tenth grade and therefore senior high students, we were able to...

3 years ago
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Sexy Badi Sali Pe Kabu Kaise Kiya

Hi how r u all.mera naam rehan khan hai.meri umar 28 hai.meri shadi ke 3 saal huwe.meri biwi ka naam wahida hai.meri 6 saliyan hai meri biwi unmese 5vi hai.waise tho mere sare saliyan badi khubsurat aur sexy hai lekin meri 4vi Sali tho bahuth mast badan ki malkin hai.usse pheli baar mai meri shaadi me dekhtey hi main ne thanli isse chode bagair meri jindagi aur meri mardangi hi bekar hai.uska naam ruksana hai. Wo 29ki hai lekin lagthi 24 ki thi.uski figure 34 28 36 hight 5.2 whight...

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