RuthieChapter 2 free porn video

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I looked out at Ruthie. She was moving her head as she listened to what I was sure were unfamiliar sounds--much different sounds from what she was used to hearing in the city. I spoke from the door telling her to come in, as it was getting colder. I made coffee and as soon as it was poured, I asked, "Ruthie, how long can you stay? I asked you to be with me for the funeral. Could you possibly stay longer?"

"I can stay for awhile as I don't have anywhere I have to be. The thing that we cannot get away from is, I'm a burden to have around. You have your work and I am sure some sort of social life. I do not want to take any of that away from you. I have never been out of the city and I am glorying in the different sounds. I heard some birds, which I think, must be crows. Far off I could hear some heavy trucks grinding up a hill somewhere. There are fewer sounds, but that makes them the easier to identify. If I could stay for a little while, I'd love the new experience."

"And I'd love to have you here until you can't stand it anymore." That ended the conversation and I went about finishing what had to be done, by calling the funeral parlor. Having everything set to my satisfaction, I made that call to this man Peter as I had promised. After giving him the details, I said, "Peter, I have the funeral parlor setting up a web-site. Just for the reason that someone might want to have a picture to remember Nan. It can be downloaded and anyone can send his or her condolences. Her parents and mine will be here. They would like to hear how her friends felt about her. They might like to see that she had friends other than family."

The funeral was to begin at one p.m. three days hence. It could not be sooner, for the parents, hers and mine, would need to come from across the country. Mom stayed with me, of course. My step dad was unable to attend. Nan's parents came, but chose to stay in a motel, although I had a free room and asked them to stay with me.

I introduced Ruthie to Mom as being Nan's friend. Just like me, Mom was not at first aware of Ruthie's blindness. Ruthie and Mom sat at the table while I prepared lunch for them. I could see Mom being upset that this young woman was letting me serve both of them without pitching in to help.

My mother caught me alone and whispered that she didn't think much of Nan's friend. "Mom she is just out of her element here. When she is in her own environment, nothing can beat her. Don't worry about it."

After our sandwich, Ruthie stood and as she had heard me stack the plates in front of her, she proceeded to carry them to the sink. No trouble at all. I was watching her, proud that she had learned the location of everything in the room. "It is time I got dressed. I will be only a few minutes. I just have to slip on my dress and put on my hat." I was almost ready and so was Mom.

Ruthie went into her room. Fifteen minutes later Ruthie spoke. "Ralph, I need help as I can't find my brooch. Nan gave it to me and I wanted to wear it. I know it is here somewhere, I just can't put my hand on it."

"Mom, would you help her? I want to warm up the car." I guess the jewelry was right in sight when Mom went through the door. That is when Mom became aware that Ruthie had a disability. This earned me a very painful pinch when we got in the car. "Mom, isn't Ruthie amazing? She forgot to put on the light in her apartment and I talked with her two hours and was sitting in the dark before I realized she could not see. She has only been here three days and can navigate around the house better than you can."

"Ralph, I don't know why I put up with your shenanigans. Where did I go wrong? Anyway, dear, I think you are lovely. It is a good thing in one respect, though. If you could see him, you would say, Christ, look at the poor ugly man. Pity the woman that marries him."

"Ruthie, if you could see, you would say I was a perfect picture of," I paused and then continued, "my mother."

Ruthie was smiling at our banter. We needed something light to take our minds off where we were heading. I pulled my car right in behind the hearse. The doors to the church were closed, but a funeral attendant was there to open them as the mourners came in.

I took Mom's arm while whispering to Ruthie to just grasp my coat and follow me. I seated Mom in the second row of pews and then guided Ruthie in beside her. I then went to the first row and took up my place beside Nan's parents. I glanced back over the congregation, seeing my co-workers and several of my friends. I sat down and waited for the funeral to begin. I heard several more people come in but I did not turn around.

I had asked the minister to keep the service short, as there would be few here who actually knew my wife. He led off the ceremony by asking everyone to sing "In the Garden," stating that this had been a favorite song of Nan Burnam's. Then everyone recited the 23rd Psalm. Nan's mother stood and related a few things about her childhood. She said Nan was such a happy, wonderful child and how she was going to be missed by all that knew her.

I felt I should say something although the minister had said earlier that it wasn't expected of me. I stood and faced the people. "I met Nan while in school and dated her for a year. I lost track of her while she completed her education. One day I found her at my door. Shortly after that, we married. From that day on, my heart was always with her as hers was always with me. Together and apart, our love was always there and it never wavered. I truly am going to miss her, my wife, my love." I sat down.

It was totally silent as my words were contemplated. I heard someone get to their feet behind me. "My name is Peter Gruber. My company employed Nan for the last two years as a secretary. She was a wonderful young woman. Troubled at times as all God's children will be, but the waters were calming before her and leaving the rough waves behind. We that knew her, and there were many of us, who are truly lost that she was unable to rejoin her husband before she was taken. She wore her love for her husband where everyone could see it. Nan was truly a unique person and we will miss her."

I had asked a three-person gospel group to sing, "Farside Bank of Jordan," to conclude the services. As the mourners passed by the casket, Peter Gruber shook my hand offering condolences. He then stretched his hand over to Ruthie, leaned over, and kissed the cheek she presented. I heard her murmur, "Uncle Peter, what you said about Nan was perfect. Thank you."

The churchwomen had a lunch prepared for those that wished. I escorted Ruthie with a guiding hand down the stairs. I whispered, "You have some explaining to do. For some reason, I feel some things have been kept from me."

"Yes, I suppose it looks that way. You must remember why Nan was in Boston. We did not know you. I think we do now, so we will be more forthcoming about our association with her. We will talk about it later. May I ask Uncle Peter to come to your house to explain?"

"Of course. What about my mother? This is not really any of her business."

"Let me handle that. I am a poor little blind girl. If I ask her for some help, she can't very well refuse. That will give you some time with my uncle."

There were seven couples and Ruthie's uncle that had driven up from Boston. They were in a corner by themselves having coffee and sandwiches. I went over and shook hands with all the men. Most of the men were aged forty or older. The women were all under thirty, I would guess. Even I could tell that none was married to each other. Although I did not doubt that all had been intimate.

I made a little speech. "I would expect that all of you knew Nan more intimately than I have in the last two years. I hope you have enjoyed the association. I received a letter from someone in Boston two years ago, saying that Nan was safe in your care. I appreciate that more than I can say. I knew my wife had a problem, and to be honest, dealing with it was beyond me. I am so fortunate that she became part of your group and taken care of so well in every way. Thank you all for coming today to help me say goodbye."

The women all hugged me and the men again shook my hand. Mom asked when I returned to her side, "Who are those people?"

"Those were some of the dearest friends that Nan had. She worked and played with them while staying in Boston."

"Well it was very nice of them to come."

Peter had overheard this exchange. I had the feeling he had been watching me as I made my way around the room. He smiled at me and I gathered I was acting in a way he approved of. "My niece says she is staying with you for awhile. I thought she might be going back to her apartment with me, so I drove up alone."

"Please don't take her away from me when I'm just getting to know her. She surprises me delightfully at every turn. I have a feeling she is a person that will be one step ahead of me as long as I am associated with her."

"You don't mind that she can't see? Most people would be uncomfortable around her."

"No, I don't mind at all. Please don't worry about her while she is up here with me either. I will take care of her to the best of my ability. Would it be possible for you to stay over tonight and return to Boston tomorrow?"

"Just a minute, let me talk to my lieutenant. It is Friday night and I did have some plans. Maybe he will forego his pleasures and fill the role I play in the planned event." From what he said, I knew it was a party night for his group. The idle thought crossed my mind that my Nan would miss this one. The addiction she had was as dead now as she was.

Peter followed me home. I let Ruthie ride with him, giving her a chance to tell him about me. Mom rode with me. She said she thought Ruthie was beautiful--too bad she was blind. My mother had never really liked Nan. I had never given her any details about Nan and me and she was unsure how much time we had spent apart. Now she would be out looking for a new mate for me. From the tone, I suspected she had struck Ruthie off that list already because of her disability. I hadn't yet. Too soon to have a list anyway.

Ruthie asked if Mom could drive her to a store, as she needed some personal items. This left Peter and I alone. I got out a bottle of Dewar's and sat down in the living room. "Ralph, I'm going to tell you some things that no one outside our little group knows about us. Mainly because of Ruthie, but also how you have handled the situation of your wife and her needs. I trust you and that is enough said about that. You can call us a fetish club. An extremely safe fetish club.

"For some reason, women's fetishes seem to be more extreme than men's. The men in our group exploit the women, there is no doubt about that. The men also are there to satisfy the needs of a particular woman's fetish, so it works both ways. You were aware of what Nan needed. She was the only one we have ever had with that particular 'need' if you will.

"We have one woman that likes pain derived by someone spanking her. Two women like oral, both giving and receiving, and we have one that likes to be in restraints and helpless. Some women like to be dominated and some like to dominate. A woman will do almost anything to satisfy her needs. Nan was unique in that men, many men, were needed to satisfy her. Therefore, there was no need to cross over into other forms of sex to satisfy the men involved. Are you following me on this?"

"Yes, because I was intimately aware of Nan's needs. Where do you find women like this, for instance, how did you find Nan?"

"Nan came to us from someone who knew her in college. She knew the requirements and that she would be fully satisfied if we let her in. Sometimes we hear about other women from their husbands who want their wife more satisfied than they, themselves, can accomplish. We are very, very careful in our selection. Both with the men and the women. Hygiene is at the very top of our list of requirements. It has to be in this day and age.

"Now, for a little more information, I do run a legitimate business. Nan was employed with me for four hours a day. The business is not big enough to employ too many of our so-called secretaries, so I can only give them a limited number of hours. We also arrange safe places for some to live as I did with Nan.

Others live at home. In other words, if we receive some benefit from one, we look out for them. Often we manipulate them, as I had to do with Nan. That is why she ended up living with my niece, although Nan never knew that it was planned in advance. That has never happened before because Nan became like family to me. I loved her like one of my own children so she was given special treatment."

"How did you come to form this group? I gather from everything you say that you are the head of it."

"Before I explain how, I have to explain myself. I have always been curious about what makes humans act as they do. I have concluded that if you look deep into a person, you will find things in their make-up that are considered outside the norm. Having said that, the question is what is the norm. I am sure if you went to a shrink for a long enough time, he could discover something about your behavior that is against the law of the land, or something society frowns upon. The people that I deal with just may be extreme and unable to control it than what is considered the so-called 'norm.'

"I discovered early on that I am a voyeur. I discovered this when I came downstairs one late evening and found my oldest daughter having sex with her boyfriend. I was riveted by what I was seeing. I watched, never interrupting what was going on. I will be clear, it was not that the woman was my daughter for I have absolutely no interest in incest. It was the act of watching a couple having sex, totally involved unto themselves.

"When someone has a fetish and it is being taken care of to the point where they are oblivious to their surroundings, that is where I get my most satisfaction. Do I ever want to join in? Absolutely not. Do other people know this about me? My wife does and reaps the benefit on Sunday after one of our parties. Ruthie knows about it for she is my confidant, more than anyone else in my family is. I spend a lot of mornings talking with her about the different ones in my charge.

"Every one of those women that were at Nan's funeral today is in my charge to some extent. I have never been intimate in any way with them. I try to push every one of them to control their needs. I know if they don't, they may end up down in the red-light district selling themselves just to find a few minutes of satisfaction to feed their fetish. Do I feel I am providing a service--you bet I do? Can you imagine where Nan would have been if I hadn't been there to watch out for her? Think about that."

"Thank you for the explanation, and yes, thank you for taking care of Nan. I have her diary. You were almost successful in sending Nan home to me. It was written in the diary when she was coming home, in another two or three weeks. She wanted just a little more time to be doubly sure that when she came home, she would be mine forever. Then Fate stepped in and it was all for naught. We all are losers by her dying."

"I take it you are going to put thoughts of her away and move on?"

"I am. What else can I do? Actually, I suppose I have just been marking time anyway. She went away and it was unknown to me if she was ever coming back. Now I know. I am thirty years old. Maybe some way I can regain my zest for life that I had when Nan came into it."

"Good. You are wise. One question, is there anything in my group that you would be interested in doing? I'm asking only as someone that is extending a service to a friend."

"No." I chuckled. "If there was something, I wouldn't take you up on it. That would be like kicking Nan when she was down. Too hypocritical."

"Again, good, and another question. Is it okay having Ruthie stay here with you, after I have told you that she has knowledge of my group?"

"Yes, of course. I think I admire her even more." I got up and laid a fire in the fireplace, explaining that my mother liked to sit in front of it in the wintertime. Ruthie would be able to hear it crackle and smell the apple wood that I had picked out of the woodpile. The added warmth would be welcome when the two women came in.

I excused myself to the kitchen and set about preparing a light supper. I took two cans of tomato soup and added some extra strong cheddar cheese to it. I put a pan of baking powder biscuits in the oven. I finely chopped some onion and took a pound and half of hamburger and an egg, seasoning of salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and mixed it all in a bowl. Making the patties up ready to put in the skillet, I buttered six buns seasoned with garlic powder.

I cheated, for I had bought prepared salad mix but the dressing was my own. When I heard Mom drive up, I started the soup so the cheese would melt. I then put the buns in the toaster oven, the patties on the stove and pulled the biscuits out of the oven.

As Mom and Ruthie came through the door, "Supper in ten," I yelled. To me the supper had been simple in fare and in preparation. Peter gave it raves. Ruthie said it was delicious.

Mom said, "Ralph, I didn't know you could cook. That is the wife's job. Must be Nan had been laying down on her job and turned it over to you."

My reply was, "Nan has been in Boston quite a bit lately." Mom did not need to know how I had lived my life in the last two years. I saved some of the biscuits and gave my guests a choice of homemade strawberry jam or maple syrup to top them with for dessert. Ruthie had never tasted either, so I split hers and covered them with the different toppings.

Same as Ruthie
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My first penetration As alwaysvery true

If you may recall, many months ago (and in one of my other reports) I had let my suck buddy Dave rub my arse hole with his hard cock, and cum over my back, which excited me greatly, but never felt the desire to let him enter me. Since then, I have had that niggling feeling of wondering what it would be like to have him deep inside me. I tried a couple of times to get some idea by using a courgette, trimmed and shaped to look like a cock, which had, shall we say, pleasing results, but my...

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Jessicas Choice

That said, she capitulated and lay back on her bed as she waited for him to approach. Jerry, Nick, Sam, Ashlee, Jessica and Mike were all home on Spring Break from college. She dreamed of this day for so long. Mike was Sam's brother. Sam was Nick's girlfriend. Mike was not as handsome as Jessica's brother Nick, but she was not interested in his looks. She wanted him inside her now. Jerry, her current boy friend, was long wide and thick, but Mike was bigger. At least that was what Sam said....

Straight Sex
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 3

Before I left Kay’s house, she told me to wear casual clothing and be sure to have the smaller bag with me. I was also supposed to get shoelaces for both the bag and downstairs. When I slept on Saturday, the new key that I was wearing was a constant reminder that I was now dating a very dominant woman. So far, it has been a little more than I bargained for but, I really do enjoy being with Kay. I left my house in plenty of time so that I was able to stop at a low-cost shoe store and pick up...

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Bobs evening with a call girl

This is something I don’t do on a regular basis, if anything it’s only ever happened on a couple of occasions in my life. This time stood out in particular to the rest, and on this occasion my wife was the one who had suggested the idea. Jacqueline was going out with the girls for an evening of drinking and dancing. A few of her friends needed to let loose and get away from the family rut for an evening, any excuse for a good time. As Jacqueline was about to leave, she had said very...

4 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 4 More Questions Than Answers

Brett Stevens turned to look back as his Ram Charger turned from the driveway and picked up speed on the gravel road. All five Magi were in the first Ram Charger and their seconds were following in the other. Both vehicles followed an Arizona state police cruiser. He turned back, facing front. He glared at the police car ahead of them and demanded, "What the hell was that about, Whitcomb?" Karl Whitcomb could only turn his head and glare at the leader of the Americas Council. "Oh, for...

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Kim and Alex ch1

My second story, kind of a long one, but there's more to come, please comment or let me know if you like it. Enjoy! Kim was a cute high school freshman. A lovely brunette number with shoulder length hair, cute little dimples, and a great set of tits to match her perfect ass.Kim’s boyfriend, Alex, was on the varsity football team at her high school and one of the most popular guys in town. Kim felt like Alex could be with anyone he wanted at school, and she felt lucky that he had chosen her over...

3 years ago
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My Canadian Adventurre

One day while surfing through the profiles on a swinger’s web site that I go to, I saw a new profile with a picture that looked very familiar. The name on the profile was Hot Jade. She was an 18 year old bi Asian female looking for men or women from 18 to 50 years old. Her photo was a shot of her totally nude, kneeling on a bed and she was HOT++. That’s all I can say about her body is that she looked hot++. She had a sweet young face and a smile that just made me melt every time I looked at...

4 years ago
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Dad Fucks My Hot Mallu College Junior 8211 Part 1

I am a guy studying in a private medical college in south India. My dad is a good looking man who is 50 years old. He is a bank employee. I studied hard and got into a medical college in the nearby city. After a couple of years, there came this junior girl called Amaya who was extremely hot. We seniors saw her the first time when freshers joined the college and we were awestruck by her beauty. She had the perfect body with wonderfully-sized boobs, long black hair and beautiful lips which could...

1 year ago
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Little IndiansChapter 9 Life inside with Pamela

Life soon settled into a sleepy, dream-filled routine. Each day was like any other. Everything the inhabitants required was within the four walls of the house, and the melancholy emptiness of the outside world discouraged them from leaving its comfort, except for Dee, who was still in the habit of taking an afternoon walk. The six of them had settled into a routine. A little time was taken in the mornings to keep the house clean, and to do all of the other tasks associated with maintaining a...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 14 The Surprise Pt 4

“OH FUCK!!!!! That was fun.” Amanda barely let out her comment in between trying to catch her breath. Sam and I waited patiently for Amanda to catch her breath and answer Sam’s question. While I waited for her, I looked at Sam, “What do you mean what should you show me next?” Sam chuckled for a moment before speaking, “I think that is something your girlfriend should answer not me. I’m just obliging what she asked me to do.” I had to ask, “Why are you doing this for Amanda and me?” Sam looked...

Love Stories
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La vicina

È estate e fa caldo, ma l'aria di questo sabato pomeriggio di luglio che entra dalla porta finestra aperta è l'ideale per la mia pelle accaldata dall'orgasmo. Sono qui, stesa e ancora nuda sul divano, dopo essermi masturbata fino a venire. Sono a gambe aperte che mi sto ancora accarezzando la figa rasata e fradicia, coccolandola mentre gli ultimi spasmi la sconquassano. Nonostante la porta del balcone sia aperta, nessuno mi ha visto grazie alle tende. Non ci sarebbe nessun problema, in caso,...

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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 16

I was telling my five year old her favorite bedtime story, one found only in the Book of Life. “So the Moonlight Angel tired of her abuse and imprisonment and grew more fearful of her fate. She tried to escape the Ogre, running from his cave and leading him on a desperate chase. He caught her just as two of her sister Angels appeared to aid her in battle. They fought well but were hard pressed and the Moonlight Angel received a terrible wound, for the strength of the Ogre was mighty. The...

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Fun With Young Store Lads and My Senior LoversChapter 3

As I slowly made my way down the stairs, I could hear the guys chatting away in the living room. I decided to eavesdrop in on their conversation. I could clearly hear Steve and Frank discussing my arse! "She has a fantastic arse, hasn't she" I heard Steve say. "Yes it's a beauty, ain't it?" was Frank's reply. To this I heard Keith, the very young lad, say, "I've watched her wiggle it around the shop a few times, a real cock tease, isn't she" Bill interjected at this point,...

3 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 20 A Demonstration of Competence

“As you would expect, Miss Fara, those that wish to progress in the art of Kòngzhì Rén have to demonstrate their understanding of the principles of the art and their ability to put it into practice.” Mary Tang was explaining to Fara and the others how the process of examinations would work. “It is sufficient, at this stage, only that you prove to me you can put into practice the four Paths: the Hand, the Cane, the Rope, and the Look. You must also show an understanding of the four pressure...

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A wild night with an ex girlfriend Part 2

The night continue….. After our dinner at the hotel restaurant and a couple of hours in the lobby bar chatting and a few drinks we headed back to Maree room. When we got in we lay in the bed giving each other soft kisses for a while then sje gave me a nice massage. After the massage we went to shower together and in the shower I started to massage Maree perfect tits and sucking the nipples. This make her moan softly and start stroking my now rock hard cock. After a few minutes of this we...

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Chakra Bonding

Two women stood in the kitchen looking into the living room. On the coffee table stood their latest purchase from their favorite sex shop, a board game still shiny with plastic wrap. The blond turned her head away from the game and bent gently to retrieve something from the refrigerator. Her perfect silhouette was contained within a deep purple dress that included a corset-like front and white trimmings. The skirt portion jutted from her hips in a downward diagonal that cut off abruptly above...

1 year ago
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Thirty Milky Days Day 2

Thirty Milky Day - Day 2 by Fahzbehn I awoke slowly to my alarm going off. Smacking the snooze button, I began to roll over to get fifteen minutes more sleep, when the weight of my chest pulled me further than expected. My eyes bolted open and, in the dim morning light, I slowly looked down at my body. My large, round breasts were there, of course, along with the rest of the curves of my body. As much as my mind rebelled that the last two days had been some kind of dream, when...

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Mummy Ki Chudai Paraye Mard Se Part 8211 2

Hi desi hot sex readers jaisa ki aap sab jante ho ki kaise humare upar ke kamre me rent pe rahne wala uncle mummy ki line marne ki kosish karta hai lakin jab mummy ko pata chal jata hai tab mummy unke upar bahut gussa karti hai. Jisse uncle bahut dar jate hai. Uss din ke bad se karib 3-4 din tak mummy kapde sukhane bahar nhi aayi. Lakin 3-4 din ke bad mummy kapde sukha rahi thi. Mummy bar bar upar ki taraf dekh rhi thi lakin upar uncle nhi the . Lakin thodi der bad hi maine dekha uncle bahar...

3 years ago
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I am telling this true story because even though I was treated as a filthy cum sucking, ass fucked sex slave, it changed my life for the better..except NOW I'm ADDICTED to CUM!I was in high school and had always thought I might be gay but wasn't really quite sure. I had experimented a few times with a neighborhood boy I was in grade school with but really all we did was kiss each others cocks and a couple of times we jerked of together. I had always liked seeing the guys in school naked in the...

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Minorhmmmm may not be

I hope you like my earlier real life story . I had promised that i will write about my continuation of the story in my next mail- so here it is As you must have known I had taken the address and ph no of the anglo indian girl in frazer town , Bangalore. I often used to come home from college – atleast twice a month (home food pulled me more) I used to catch the late night train on friday and land into bangalore on saturday 5AM. Two visits to bangalore and i could not find time to catch up with...

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DEMON Part 2

“Yeah, that's God.” She leaned forward, her large breasts pushing against my chest, and her arms to the sides of my chest, rocking back and forth slowly In my cock. “Oh my god. Our Lord and savior is an asshole.” I sighed, wrapping my hands around her, except my hands were at the bend of her back. “So you're literally a demon? Or an angel?” “It's all just a profession really. Choose whether you wanna chill with humanity or fuck with them.” There was one big question on my mind though....

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Nikkis Story Slippery Susie Part 8

Slippery Susie - part 8 (Nikki & friends) FMMM by wile_e_coyote_mn1 Nikki admired a lot about her mom, but it was her easy going attitudeand obvious lust for life that she thought were her mother’s bestattributes. Having just turned 18, Nikki felt bad for her friends thatdid not have the same close relationship with their parents as Nikki didwith hers. She had always felt she could share anything with herparents, even if it was something she had done wrong. Yes they could getupset...

2 years ago
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Amy Dear Amy

Author's Note. If your looking for a story with sexual activity in it, this is not the one for you. This is not an Adult story. It is a Sci-Fi with a Transgender nature I would be appreciate your comments on this story and also any suggestions for future story plots. Donna Allyson McCleod; Email via: donna- [email protected] Amy dear Amy By: Donna-Allyson McCleod Chapter 1 The accident had shaken up the community. Not that accidents had not happened before in...

4 years ago
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One day after school1

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all started my sophomore year in high school. Let me tell me about myself first, my name is Jake and I am about six one, and one hundred seventy pounds. I had played football my freshman year so I hit the weights a lot. I have dark hair and everything else is brown. This year I kicked off the football team for throwing some ones “equipment” out of the window of the bus and...

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Imogen Chapter One

Imogen – Chapter One I needed her the moment I met her. Dark brunette hair, framing her lovely face. Her deep, large eyes and inquisitive eyebrows gave her an innocent presence. Her luscious, pouty lips were enough to send me over the edge. A cliché I know, but it’s the truth.    She walked tall – even though she, herself was not – swaying her hips gently, almost not at all. Her shoulders sloped gracefully into her back, and her bum: round and supple. Her skin looked smooth and sun-kissed in...

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Broken Bliss CH 4

Broken Bliss Chapter 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning, and realize Mom hadn't come in to see me last night. Had I done something to offend her? If so I needed to make amends. But first things, first; I had to pee. I walked out to the kitchen, hoping to catch Lisa before she left for school, but heard her driving off instead. Mom's bedroom door was closed, so I knocked with me knee, but got no answer. I checked the garage, and saw...

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EvilAngel Cherie DeVille Cadence Lux TrashTalking MILF8217s Anal Threesome

Pale, all-natural young cutie Cadence Lux and busty MILF Cherie DeVille are big-booty blondes eager for a nasty anal three-way. Lucky director Mike Adriano watches the horny girls eat each other’s asshole before joining in, tongue-fucking their sweet rumps. Soon Cherie and Cadence are gagging on his massive cock in a sloppy, ball-licking, ass-eating, spit-swapping, double blow job. Moaning and talking trash, these filthy sluts take turns stretching their sphincters with Mike’s thick...

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Leather Lace Inc

Leather & Lace Chapter 1 - Temporary Initiation By the White Knight I responded to a call from my temp agency to be at Madison and 63rd, at 9:00 am on Monday morning, for an undetermined length assignment. Short on money I really wanted to make a good impression, hoping that they would keep me on for a while, so I showed up a half-hour early. Walking into the lobby of the brown stone building, I was immediately met by a doorman. He asked if he could help me and I told him I was looking for the...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 5 from Preachers Daughters

Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...

3 years ago
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Hot Chocolate Lover

Lexington, a colleague of one of my friends, was introduced to us all in the pub, and I got on well with him right from the start, despite me being a twenty-year old student and him being a good seven years older than me. That same evening we met I let him know that I was bisexual, just so he was clear, but thankfully although he seemed completely straight, which may have just been subconscious preconceptions on my part about a well built, shaved bald, over six foot tall black guy, he didn’t...

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The Unexpected Domme

The coffee cups and dishes on the table suddenly came alive as Jenny slammed her fist down on the table. “Dammit! It’s just not fair!”Her neighbor, Sylvia, sitting across from her was startled. “What’s the matter, Jenny?”“It’s not fair; David travels for work all week and when he comes home he’s always horny, which I guess is a good thing because it means he’s not cheating on me when he’s away. But we don’t make love anymore, he just climbs on top of me and he’s done in a flash and then goes to...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

Be careful what you wish for Mike had worked a long hard day and was looking forward to his three day weekend as he pulled his car into the driveway. It was a nice place they owned, his wife and he,wayout here in the country like it was. In the summertime like this,he did not bother to park the car inside so he just left it sit outside and went into the house. When he got in the door, his surprise started. He was greeted right away by his wife/mommy as he stepped into the...

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