Teacher free porn video

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Teaching the blind wasn't what she had planned on doing for the rest of her life. Matter of fact, teaching the blind wasn't what she had in mind at all. Her student, Anthony, was from a wealthy family. And as his teacher she was given a small cottage on the estates, a weekly salary, and one day off a week, Sunday. All in all a very good position. As a young widow it was either teach, or work in the sweat factories. She chose teaching.

It had been a full year now, since her husbands' death. About eight months working with Anthony. Anthony, or Tony as she called him in private, was a full-grown man, whose family tended to treat him as a child. She guessed his age at two and twenty. Tall and well muscled. Dark hair. And the lightest blue eyes she'd ever seen. Tony had been born blind. He'd been sent out of the state when he was nine years old. He spent a few years learning how to read Braille. How to write both free hand with a ruler. As well as using the machine that writes in Braille. He'd come home reading and writing. With some basic math. But no history, Science, or Math above the seventh grade level. His mother had tried to teach these until last year.

Last year he'd decided learning at mothers knee wasn't a thing an adult male would do. Now Amanda found herself teaching this man all about the sciences, history and math that his mother didn't cover. She was hoping to begin teaching him French soon. But not today. Today was a very hot August day. The air was still and thick.

Smiling at Tony as he approached she says "Anthony. I've a splendid idea. How would you like to take a ride to the shore?" watching his face alight she continued, "we could take in the shade of the gazebo by the water. The ocean breeze should keep us cool. And you could continue your science studies there."

At her last words his face fell. She smiled. Being blind he never realized just how much emotion showed on ones face.

"Yes, Mrs. Amanda, that sounds fine. Shall I have the horses saddled?"

"Yes Anthony, you go do that, I'll go change into my riding clothes" She touched his arm lightly as she passed him.

Going to change she had no doubt the horses would be ready and waiting for her shortly. Tony knew his way around the Estates very well. He'd memorized the amount of strides to each building. It was amazing to see. From a distance you'd never know he was blind.

Taking a moment to secure the pins in her hair she gazed in the mirror. She'd finally put on some weight since her husbands death. Her hair had regained its shine. All in all she didn't look too bad. In fact, she looked much younger than she felt. She was 19 years old. Married at 16 to her sweetheart. They'd been so happy. Together they had felt like they were going to rule the world. It all ended in one horrid night.

Memory's started coming back to her. Her husband had been very late. The storm outside raged unabated. Then came the knock on the door. Opening the door, there in the rain stood her husbands best friend. Mark. One look at his face said more than she wanted to know. She fainted at his feet. When she came to Mark told her that her husband was riding home with him in this storm. A bolt of lighting, or perhaps the crash of thunder, no matter, something had spooked her husbands' horse. Thrown, he landed on a rock, which caved in the side of his skull. He never moved again. Her husband was dead.

Shaking her self mentally she hurried down the stairs. By the door she grabbed her books and out she went. Two beautiful horses stood, saddled, and perfectly groomed, at the foot of the stair. She wasn't afraid to ride. Her husbands' death wasn't the fault of the horse. Or anyone's. It just was.

Touching Anthony's back, out of habit, simply to let him know where she was, Amanda stuffed the books into the saddlebags and mounted. The spirited horse pranced, eager to be off. The surly footman aided Anthony, much to his annoyance. Once mounted, they turned and began their journey.

Anthony's mare had been with him many a year now. The horse had been trained well by the best trainer in the county. She knew how to follow another horse, and needed no guidance from Anthony. Side by side Amanda and Anthony rode in the hot sunshine. Chattering about everything and nothing. Avoiding the subject of his last test. Once at the beach they dismounted and let the horses wander in the shade of the trees.

They strolled down the path to the little gazebo. Well, little wouldn't be correct. The family used it for parties. It was quit large. All open. Save the roof. This kept out the harsh summer sun, and saved many a picnic from a summer shower. Once they were alone, Amanda could be herself. Tony was easy to get along with. He didn't stand on ceremony as the rest of his family. He'd eat with his fingers, if he thought no one could see. He'd sit crossed legged on the floor. He'd drop the Mrs. and she'd drop the formal "Anthony". And that's just what they did.

Amanda settled on the floor and hearing her, Tony joined her. She handed him his books and told him to continue to read where he'd left off before. With a quiet mumble of complaint, he began reading silently. Oh it was hot. The ocean didn't offer much relief. Once in a while a wind would stir a wisp of her hair but it wasn't as steady as she'd hoped. Glancing at Tony absorbed in his reading, she unfastened the first 4 buttons of her blouse. Without too much movement she lifted her skirts to feel the cooler air on her legs. She glanced at Tony. He was frowning.

"Tony? What is it?" She asked

"This story." He replied tapping the page. "This book isn't like anything you've set me to read before."

She smiled. "No? Don't you like it?"

"Its not that." He paused. She could see him struggling to find the right words.

"Tony, its me. Say what your thinking."

"Its vivid." Again he paused. "It has gotten me thinking. This couple, This Jamie, This women:" Again a long pause.

"Tony, go on." With a resigned sigh he did, "I'll never have that."

She blinked.

"The two of them, against all odds, they found each other. Fought hell and earth to be together. I'll never have that."

"Sure you will Tony. Someday you'll..."

"Oh stop it will you?" he cut in harshly. "I'll never have a woman. No woman would want a blind man to lead around by the hand like a child." He tossed the book aside.

"And who am I to question that?" He stood and turned his back to her.

"I'll never know..."

Amanda waited. When he didn't continue she prompted. "Go on."

"Its bad enough I can't see. That I see with my fingers. My touch. But it's hell knowing I'll never touch what I want to see. Do you understand? "

Amanda sat there, not comprehending. Touch love?

"I'll never feel a breast. I'll never touch a woman." Anthony went on almost as if speaking to himself.

She just thought oh, that kind of love.

"I'll never know what it feels like inside to make a woman sigh at my touch. Tremble. Hell! I may not ever feel the touch of another's lips save my own mothers on my cheek!" He spun and faced the spot where he knew she sat.

"Can you understand? I know what you look like. But I'll never know what you LOOK LIKE."

Amanda nodded. Her shocked brain forgetting he couldn't see. He was speaking of things that one didn't speak of to a teacher. Speaking of things one didn't speak of at all. Anthony reached out and touched her hair.

"I've been told your hair is red. Like fire. Like heat. I can feel the smoothness of your cheek" his fingers touched her cheek " the shape of your nose." he smiled as his fingers tapped the tip of her nose. "The curve of your moth... but what of..." his fingers trailed over her chin. As slowly as his words he fingers moved south. "What of... the rest... of... you?" His fingers stopped at her collarbone.

"What of the rest of me? What do you want?" Amanda asked in a hoarse whisper. He was very still. Finally he answered.

"I want to touch you." Was Anthony's hoarse whisper.

No, she didn't want to think on this for long. For if she did she'd never have the courage...

"Then touch me."

After the barest of moments he made up his mind. His fingers trailed downward. The feather soft touch grazed the swell of her breast over the corset. Slightly trembling fingers finished the buttons on her blouse. Smooth hands pushed the blouse back over her shoulders. Gently he tugged the shirt free of her skirts. His hands traced the curve of her neck followed the path down over her shoulders sill moving, till he reached her very fingertips. He'd touched her hands before, countless times. Yet, never like this, he traced every line on her palm and lightly tickled between each.

Retracing his path he once again cupped her neck. Amanda could feel her pulse race, and knew he could too. Slowly his fingers returned to her breasts, still covered by the chemise. Over the corset they slipped. Down the still boning to the waist of her skirt. Back up, once again, and Anthony cupped the underside of her breasts through the corset.

"This doesn't feel at all comfortable." softly he whispered

Chuckling softly Amanda replied, "No, it isn't at all."

In for a penny in for a pound she thought. Amanda untied the skirt and wiggled her way out of it. She lay back on the wooden floor. Kneeling, he traced the entire corset. Not brave enough to go lower.

"Can you be free of it?" Anthony wished out loud.

Without a word she unhooked the front hooks of the corset, and sighed in relief as the tight bond slipped from her. Today's fashion didn't make the corset necessary, but she liked it all the same. Without it she tended to relax too much and hunch over. The air rushed over the thin chemise. It felt much cooler than it had just minutes ago with the many layers of clothing gone. Anthony's hands returned to their exploration. This time with a firmer touch. Almost kneading the circulation back into her skin around her rib cage. With a daring that shocked even her, she quietly sat up and pulled the chemise over her head. It joined the skirt beneath her. When Anthony touched her again he froze. Sweat broke out on his face. He knew now that she was totally nude before him. Save for her stockings. Making up his mind, his hands moved from her ribs to her breasts very quickly. One hand captured each, as if he feared his prize would be taken from him. Slightly squeezing and lifting, feeling their weight.

Knowing Anthony couldn't see her, she watched his every move, something she'd never dared with her husband. It seemed to heighten her arousal. Her nipples became very erect. His gentle exploration, the innocence of his touch and simply knowing she was his teacher in this as well, was almost over whelming.

Moving once again slowly, his fingertips discovered her nipple. Which puckered at his touch. Looking at his face Amanda could see that he was very focused on what he was feeling. Around the nipple he went. Finally touching the very tip of it... Lightly pinching. When he finally twisted a bit she inhaled sharply.

"Did I hurt you??" Anthony asked, alarmed. Such an innocent.

Amanda shook her head no. Then realized that she had to force herself to speak.

"No, Tony. It felt..."

She couldn't go on. Somehow she knew she didn't have to. He resumed. She lay there as motionless as she could. Leaving her breasts, sliding over her rib cage he found her navel. Anthony's large hands flared over her hips. Shifting his weight, his touch studied the curves of her legs. Right down to her shoes. Grasping each heel he slipped her feet out of the slippers. She fought to suppress a giggle as he tickled her feet.

"So tiny" Upwards again he went. Amanda's breathing came faster. His soft touch. Again at her navel, he moved lower and she stiffened. He slowed. But didn't stop. His fingers met with curls. She could see he was mildly surprised. His fingers twirled the curls around his fingers. It was very hard to lay still. Slowly she opened her thighs. His hands followed the curls further south. With butterflies touch Anthony traced the outer lips of her vargina. She bit her lip. He slowly separated these and with his other hand touched her.

A soft cry escaped her. Amanda was well moist and Anthony's fingers slid over her with ease. He touched that bud of pleasure and when her hips moved he circled it. Deciding he liked the reaction he did it over several more times. She'd buried her hands in her hair to keep from stopping him. His finger dipped lower. Still lower, his finger touched her anus. She groaned loudly. One hand smoothed her thigh. The other decided to explore the little opening he'd discovered. When he dipped his finger inside of her, her hips jerked upwards to meet him.

"Oh God! Tony!"

She thrust herself upwards to meet his finger as he withdrew it. Finally touching his wrist she guided his movements. In and out of her. Until finally She shuddered and released. Opening her eyes. She looked at him. He was bewildered.

"Its ok Tony. You just... just... Pleasured me." Pulling him down to her she whispered," let me show you..." And she licked his lips. Softly at first she kissed his lips. Very gently she nipped his lip. Amanda's eyes opened so she could watch his face. Her tongue licked the very spot she'd just bitten.

Teaching the blind wasn't what she had planned on doing for the rest of her life. Matter of fact, teaching the blind wasn't what she had in mind at all. Her student, Anthony, was from a wealthy family. And as his teacher she was given a small cottage on the estates, a weekly salary, and one day off a week, Sunday. All in all a very good position. As a young widow it was either teach, or work in the sweat factories. She chose teaching.

It had been a full year now, since her husbands' death. About eight months working with Anthony. Anthony, or Tony as she called him in private, was a full-grown man, whose family tended to treat him as a child. She guessed his age at two and twenty. Tall and well muscled. Dark hair. And the lightest blue eyes she'd ever seen. Tony had been born blind. He'd been sent out of the state when he was nine years old. He spent a few years learning how to read Braille. How to write both free hand with a ruler. As well as using the machine that writes in Braille. He'd come home reading and writing. With some basic math. But no history, Science, or Math above the seventh grade level. His mother had tried to teach these until last year.

Last year he'd decided learning at mothers knee wasn't a thing an adult male would do. Now Amanda found herself teaching this man all about the sciences, history and math that his mother didn't cover. She was hoping to begin teaching him French soon. But not today. Today was a very hot August day. The air was still and thick.

Smiling at Tony as he approached she says "Anthony. I've a splendid idea. How would you like to take a ride to the shore?" watching his face alight she continued, "we could take in the shade of the gazebo by the water. The ocean breeze should keep us cool. And you could continue your science studies there."

At her last words his face fell. She smiled. Being blind he never realized just how much emotion showed on ones face.

"Yes, Mrs. Amanda, that sounds fine. Shall I have the horses saddled?"

"Yes Anthony, you go do that, I'll go change into my riding clothes" She touched his arm lightly as she passed him.

Going to change she had no doubt the horses would be ready and waiting for her shortly. Tony knew his way around the Estates very well. He'd memorized the amount of strides to each building. It was amazing to see. From a distance you'd never know he was blind.

Taking a moment to secure the pins in her hair she gazed in the mirror. She'd finally put on some weight since her husbands death. Her hair had regained its shine. All in all she didn't look too bad. In fact, she looked much younger than she felt. She was 19 years old. Married at 16 to her sweetheart. They'd been so happy. Together they had felt like they were going to rule the world. It all ended in one horrid night.

Memory's started coming back to her. Her husband had been very late. The storm outside raged unabated. Then came the knock on the door. Opening the door, there in the rain stood her husbands best friend. Mark. One look at his face said more than she wanted to know. She fainted at his feet. When she came to Mark told her that her husband was riding home with him in this storm. A bolt of lighting, or perhaps the crash of thunder, no matter, something had spooked her husbands' horse. Thrown, he landed on a rock, which caved in the side of his skull. He never moved again. Her husband was dead.

Shaking her self mentally she hurried down the stairs. By the door she grabbed her books and out she went. Two beautiful horses stood, saddled, and perfectly groomed, at the foot of the stair. She wasn't afraid to ride. Her husbands' death wasn't the fault of the horse. Or anyone's. It just was.

Touching Anthony's back, out of habit, simply to let him know where she was, Amanda stuffed the books into the saddlebags and mounted. The spirited horse pranced, eager to be off. The surly footman aided Anthony, much to his annoyance. Once mounted, they turned and began their journey.

Anthony's mare had been with him many a year now. The horse had been trained well by the best trainer in the county. She knew how to follow another horse, and needed no guidance from Anthony. Side by side Amanda and Anthony rode in the hot sunshine. Chattering about everything and nothing. Avoiding the subject of his last test. Once at the beach they dismounted and let the horses wander in the shade of the trees.

They strolled down the path to the little gazebo. Well, little wouldn't be correct. The family used it for parties. It was quit large. All open. Save the roof. This kept out the harsh summer sun, and saved many a picnic from a summer shower. Once they were alone, Amanda could be herself. Tony was easy to get along with. He didn't stand on ceremony as the rest of his family. He'd eat with his fingers, if he thought no one could see. He'd sit crossed legged on the floor. He'd drop the Mrs. and she'd drop the formal "Anthony". And that's just what they did.

Amanda settled on the floor and hearing her, Tony joined her. She handed him his books and told him to continue to read where he'd left off before. With a quiet mumble of complaint, he began reading silently. Oh it was hot. The ocean didn't offer much relief. Once in a while a wind would stir a wisp of her hair but it wasn't as steady as she'd hoped. Glancing at Tony absorbed in his reading, she unfastened the first 4 buttons of her blouse. Without too much movement she lifted her skirts to feel the cooler air on her legs. She glanced at Tony. He was frowning.

"Tony? What is it?" She asked

"This story." He replied tapping the page. "This book isn't like anything you've set me to read before."

She smiled. "No? Don't you like it?"

"Its not that." He paused. She could see him struggling to find the right words.

"Tony, its me. Say what your thinking."

"Its vivid." Again he paused. "It has gotten me thinking. This couple, This Jamie, This women:" Again a long pause.

"Tony, go on." With a resigned sigh he did, "I'll never have that."

She blinked.

"The two of them, against all odds, they found each other. Fought hell and earth to be together. I'll never have that."

"Sure you will Tony. Someday you'll..."

"Oh stop it will you?" he cut in harshly. "I'll never have a woman. No woman would want a blind man to lead around by the hand like a child." He tossed the book aside.

"And who am I to question that?" He stood and turned his back to her.

"I'll never know..."

Amanda waited. When he didn't continue she prompted. "Go on."

"Its bad enough I can't see. That I see with my fingers. My touch. But it's hell knowing I'll never touch what I want to see. Do you understand? "

Amanda sat there, not comprehending. Touch love?

"I'll never feel a breast. I'll never touch a woman." Anthony went on almost as if speaking to himself.

She just thought oh, that kind of love.

"I'll never know what it feels like inside to make a woman sigh at my touch. Tremble. Hell! I may not ever feel the touch of another's lips save my own mothers on my cheek!" He spun and faced the spot where he knew she sat.

"Can you understand? I know what you look like. But I'll never know what you LOOK LIKE."

Amanda nodded. Her shocked brain forgetting he couldn't see. He was speaking of things that one didn't speak of to a teacher. Speaking of things one didn't speak of at all. Anthony reached out and touched her hair.

"I've been told your hair is red. Like fire. Like heat. I can feel the smoothness of your cheek" his fingers touched her cheek " the shape of your nose." he smiled as his fingers tapped the tip of her nose. "The curve of your moth... but what of..." his fingers trailed over her chin. As slowly as his words he fingers moved south. "What of... the rest... of... you?" His fingers stopped at her collarbone.

"What of the rest of me? What do you want?" Amanda asked in a hoarse whisper. He was very still. Finally he answered.

"I want to touch you." Was Anthony's hoarse whisper.

No, she didn't want to think on this for long. For if she did she'd never have the courage...

"Then touch me."

After the barest of moments he made up his mind. His fingers trailed downward. The feather soft touch grazed the swell of her breast over the corset. Slightly trembling fingers finished the buttons on her blouse. Smooth hands pushed the blouse back over her shoulders. Gently he tugged the shirt free of her skirts. His hands traced the curve of her neck followed the path down over her shoulders sill moving, till he reached her very fingertips. He'd touched her hands before, countless times. Yet, never like this, he traced every line on her palm and lightly tickled between each.

Retracing his path he once again cupped her neck. Amanda could feel her pulse race, and knew he could too. Slowly his fingers returned to her breasts, still covered by the chemise. Over the corset they slipped. Down the still boning to the waist of her skirt. Back up, once again, and Anthony cupped the underside of her breasts through the corset.

"This doesn't feel at all comfortable." softly he whispered

Chuckling softly Amanda replied, "No, it isn't at all."

In for a penny in for a pound she thought. Amanda untied the skirt and wiggled her way out of it. She lay back on the wooden floor. Kneeling, he traced the entire corset. Not brave enough to go lower.

"Can you be free of it?" Anthony wished out loud.

Without a word she unhooked the front hooks of the corset, and sighed in relief as the tight bond slipped from her. Today's fashion didn't make the corset necessary, but she liked it all the same. Without it she tended to relax too much and hunch over. The air rushed over the thin chemise. It felt much cooler than it had just minutes ago with the many layers of clothing gone. Anthony's hands returned to their exploration. This time with a firmer touch. Almost kneading the circulation back into her skin around her rib cage. With a daring that shocked even her, she quietly sat up and pulled the chemise over her head. It joined the skirt beneath her. When Anthony touched her again he froze. Sweat broke out on his face. He knew now that she was totally nude before him. Save for her stockings. Making up his mind, his hands moved from her ribs to her breasts very quickly. One hand captured each, as if he feared his prize would be taken from him. Slightly squeezing and lifting, feeling their weight.

Knowing Anthony couldn't see her, she watched his every move, something she'd never dared with her husband. It seemed to heighten her arousal. Her nipples became very erect. His gentle exploration, the innocence of his touch and simply knowing she was his teacher in this as well, was almost over whelming.

Moving once again slowly, his fingertips discovered her nipple. Which puckered at his touch. Looking at his face Amanda could see that he was very focused on what he was feeling. Around the nipple he went. Finally touching the very tip of it... Lightly pinching. When he finally twisted a bit she inhaled sharply.

"Did I hurt you??" Anthony asked, alarmed. Such an innocent.

Amanda shook her head no. Then realized that she had to force herself to speak.

"No, Tony. It felt..."

She couldn't go on. Somehow she knew she didn't have to. He resumed. She lay there as motionless as she could. Leaving her breasts, sliding over her rib cage he found her navel. Anthony's large hands flared over her hips. Shifting his weight, his touch studied the curves of her legs. Right down to her shoes. Grasping each heel he slipped her feet out of the slippers. She fought to suppress a giggle as he tickled her feet.

"So tiny" Upwards again he went. Amanda's breathing came faster. His soft touch. Again at her navel, he moved lower and she stiffened. He slowed. But didn't stop. His fingers met with curls. She could see he was mildly surprised. His fingers twirled the curls around his fingers. It was very hard to lay still. Slowly she opened her thighs. His hands followed the curls further south. With butterflies touch Anthony traced the outer lips of her vargina. She bit her lip. He slowly separated these and with his other hand touched her.

A soft cry escaped her. Amanda was well moist and Anthony's fingers slid over her with ease. He touched that bud of pleasure and when her hips moved he circled it. Deciding he liked the reaction he did it over several more times. She'd buried her hands in her hair to keep from stopping him. His finger dipped lower. Still lower, his finger touched her anus. She groaned loudly. One hand smoothed her thigh. The other decided to explore the little opening he'd discovered. When he dipped his finger inside of her, her hips jerked upwards to meet him.

"Oh God! Tony!"

She thrust herself upwards to meet his finger as he withdrew it. Finally touching his wrist she guided his movements. In and out of her. Until finally She shuddered and released. Opening her eyes. She looked at him. He was bewildered.

"Its ok Tony. You just... just... Pleasured me." Pulling him down to her she whispered," let me show you..." And she licked his lips. Softly at first she kissed his lips. Very gently she nipped his lip. Amanda's eyes opened so she could watch his face. Her tongue licked the very spot she'd just bitten.


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Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Thomas Eagle's eyes popped open at the unexpected startling sound. His heart was beating loudly as the noise dragged him from a deep sleep. He lay still for a moment, then groaned and grabbed his phone to shut off the alarm. He was still exhausted from his past several weeks of roaming the hills in Afghanistan as well as the long flight back to Ft. Bragg, NC. To top that off, after they were released the night before he and some friends from his unit who did not have...

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"Judi, wait up please," called a tall, thin teen-ager. "May I walk with you? There's some things I want to talk with you about and on the way home is a better place that at school." "What do you want, Chaz? I don't have time to put up with your kidding today. I have to get home," the 18 year old told him. Judi Washburn was medium height, 5' 6", with a medium build. She had no single feature that stood out however the combination of ALL her features made her quite attractive. The fly...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Mother was a wonderful woman of 36 years of age that summer of enlightenment. She stood 5 foot 1 inch in height and weighed 115 pounds with red hair. Her body was normal and hot, she had measurements of 34-24-34. After going through her drawers I learned she had a B cup for the rest of her bra sizes. Modesty in the home was nothing, we walked around in underwear all of the time. All someone had to do was to ask to have their back washed and helping...

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"Excuse me, Mr. Deeson?" Kevin Deeson looked up from his computer at the sound of the voice and focused on the startlingly beautiful woman standing in his classroom doorway. "Are you Kevin Deeson?"she asked. " Yes, I am," he answered the woman. The woman said, "I"m Amy Jo Miller, the new biology teacher, and I will be in the classroom next door." "Please come on in I'll be with you in just a second, I have to finish entering these last few items on this purchase order." "I'm sorry, did I come...

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A Lonely Transmission

: : : : : Emergency broadcast detected. : : : : : : : : : : Boosting signal. : : : : : : : : : : Recording. : : : : : And another thing had tumbled into my body. Freakin' debris. It gets everywhere. Can't a corpse get some peace? It already looks so beaten up. Strange. The face still looks like it is just taking a nap. In the freezer that is. Oh. Wait. The transmission. It started. Hi! To everyone out there that might pick up this broadcast. I need help. And please ignore my...

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Gay Sex Tourism

Jeffery Pope had lived a blameless life. The 54 year-old, dark-brown man was the epitome of a provider-protector. He graduated from North Carolina Central with a degree in science education. He was a high school teacher until he felt a calling to become an EMT. He enrolled in a program at a community college and got certified as a paramedic. He did that for a while. Eventually, he decided he wanted to be a real estate broker. Jeffery enrolled in an online program to earn a master’s in real...

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A Mothers Discovery

It al l started out like a typical Saturday. I was able to sleep a little later than usual and, since it was so pretty outside, decided to enjoy my morning coffee out by the pool. It had been terribly hot all summer but we had a nice rain the previous evening and the morning air was not only somewhat cool, it made all of the colors in the backyard more vibrant and the smell of all of the flowers around our patio sweeter. There were hardly any clouds in the sky that morning, so I knew it was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 53 War is Hell

January 30, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “There goes the luckiest man in Iraq,” General Norman Schwarzkopf said as he played a video of a laser-guided bomb destroying a bridge just after a vehicle had crossed it. “Damn!” Elyse exclaimed. “Those videos are amazing, but it’s making this war too much like a damned video game,” I groused. “The damned country is already too ‘gung ho’ for this war as it is.” “But you want us to win, Snuggle Bear.” “Once it started, my only concern is our men and...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 28 Yes I Meant Everything

September 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you sure, Tasha?” I asked. “I’ve never done that and I’m not sure I know how.” “The book said some people enjoy it while others don’t. Will you try?” “I think I read the same book,” I replied. “The Joy of Sex?” “Yes, that was the book. So you know how it’s supposed to work?” “Mechanically, yes, but Tasha...” “Mishka,” she said gently. “You are my first lover, and the one I want to experience everything with. I’ve told you that for a long...

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Satisfying My Beauty With My Love

Hey guys, I am Rahul, I have graduated my Computer Engineering. I work at an IT firm in A’bad. The story goes in this way. I am in a relationship with my girlfriend since last 5 years and had a lot of sex with her showing how much we love each other. So this Story is a pick of those sex sessions. My first sex encounter with my girl. We both were getting frustrated with our sexual urges so we decided to have a lot of sex. One fine day when I was alone at my house, I made a plan to call over her...

2 years ago
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My Lesbian Slut

My Lesbian Slut        She was a beauty from the first time I met her. I knew I had some one when I called for a real estate agent. When they said, Veronica Price I knew she was going to be a sexy slut.        I ordered a dildo, the Magic wand. I ordered a lot of rope. And IK ordered me=any other things including a water gun.        When she came to my house I was aroused. She had a big ass. And maybe a D36 breast. She was a blonde and those 7 inch heels made her look sexier in that black...

4 years ago
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Missing my love honey

Hi friends its gabby again with my second sex experience at my maternal grand parents house in moga with my loving boy friend honey. As i told u earlier about my 1st sex with honey at his room . That was so nice awsome. After that we come more close that we strart talking dirty with each other with no limits .nd i start rubbing my red soft pussy every night while talking 2 honey. And honey also massage his peenis . We both imagine each other .. But we both were satisfied with that as we have...

3 years ago
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The most horrible person in the world

I went with Cait to a funeral one time, it was her aunt on her mother's side and I didn't know her at all but she asked me to come and I did. We had to drive for almost three hours to get there, and Cait's dad was driving and her mom was in the passenger seat and Cait and I were in the back, and it was just that Friday a few days before that we had been at the gym again and not counting that first time she hadn't done anything to him except sometimes she jerked him off while I sucked it, even...

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Presthaven School for Boys

?Augustus come through, don’t dither boy! You’re already late for our meeting and I cease to believe why???I’m sorry Sir, some of the bigger boys were hurting me, and they kept pushing and shoving me in the corridor??That is a fault only of your own boy, you were instructed to arrive here promptly at half four. Why should I sacrifice ten minutes of my life because of your own ability to be punctual? An extra punishment will go your way Augustus; I will not tolerate this kind of...

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Just Like Pretty Woman

Just like Pretty Woman You know looking back I suppose that a part of me had always secretly wanted my life to turn out the way it did. I mean I had always enjoyed dressing up in my sisters or Aunts clothes, applying my make-up, acquired sometimes illegally, from the pharmacists, in a rather ham- fisted and amateurish fashion. Padding my bra out with sponges stuffed into stockings, to give me the appearance of a beautiful pair of breasts. As I got older, I started to realise that...

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Second Squad Third Platoon E CompanyChapter 5

Voice! There is another monster we just met and barely survived against. It is a flier that we call Stuka. I guess you saw how little our bullets could do against it, so we need a better weapon to handle it. We figure that a shotgun with exploding pellets would do the job. Can you come up with something like that for us. Hopefully, it will work as well as the PIAT does. By the way, can you fix the PIAT so that we will have a variety of warheads? The explosive one works great in the right...

3 years ago
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Mark and Debbie Naked In SchoolChapter 2

Wednesday I hadn't arranged a time to meet Debbie last night and, for the first time in almost five years, I walked to school alone. Shit I missed her. I missed the banter; I missed the closeness; I'd give anything for last night not to have happened, but it did and, somehow, we'd have to get past it. Only right now, this instant, I couldn't see how. I arrived at the undressing area and all I could see was the spectacle of Steve and Debbie in deep conversation. Even from here I could see...

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Roxanne from my Engendered Species

Roxanne (transexual/bisexual story)It was a normal Saturday night apart from the fact that the world cup was on and England where playing their opening match against Italy. I had visions of most of the pubs being very busy for the 10 o'clock kick-off. Now I have nothing against football but I am not a fan, my parents where never into it and my friends often only passive supporters. I enjoyed playing football, but I wasn't good at it, I was very small and my exposure to sports at primary school...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Soul Mate

I met her online. I know how silly that sounds, but I don’t care. It’s better to have someone perfect than not at all. She added me on a social networking site that I can’t even remember. I don’t use it anymore. It was just a random add but we ended up living a lot closer than we thought. Five hour distance. I would stay for a week at a time, she lived with her mother and sister, which we thought was funny because I lived with my father and brother. We both lived in small towns, walking...

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Baap 8211 Bete

Hi friends. This is Rahul back wit my story. But this is a bit different. Hi friends. This is Rahul back wit my story. But this is a bit different. Its only about man to man sex . Means gay sex. Some instructions for new readers. This is a purely imaginary story. My story includes scat(shit), water sports and many other forms of kinky, dirty and nasty sexual acts. For the people who don’t enjoy all this, stay away. For other, you’ll be in heaven, AGAIN. Pehele mai aapne family ki thodi aur...

1 year ago
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Helping Sarah

Every morning, just as late. I opened my younger sister’s door to find her still in bed, hand draped over one edge, covers askew. I pull the rest of the covers off and begin to shake her awake. As any guy my age would, I don’t skip the chance to admire her sleeping form. Her normal PJs are an oversized t-shirt and cute cotton underwear. Today is no different. She is above average for sure, related or not. She groaned in protest, covering her face with a pillow from the early morning light....

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Shakespeares Birthday

The first time that I saw Zara Kelly she was in The Red Dog, surrounded by a bunch of Hooray Henrys in expensive suits. It was late in the summer of 1978 and I had just started contributing to a magazine called Sailors’ World. Back in those pre-email days, you either faxed in your copy (but I didn’t yet have a fax machine), you put it in the post (making sure that you retained a carbon copy, just in case), or you delivered it personally to the publisher’s offices. Blue Neptune, the guys who...

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My name is Trent, I am 16 years old, reasonably good looking, 5'6" tallwith green eyes and dark brown hair. I grew up in an army villagespecifically for military personal. All our neighbours were militaryfamilies and even the primary school was for military c***dren only.We had lived there since I was 5 which no doubt fostered my lust formen in uniform. One day when I was 14 a new family moved into the housenext door. Their names were Betty and Terry Harden and had 2 youngdaughters but it was...

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The massage that change my life

One day I was feeling in some pain inmy neck and all over my back. I didnt think nothing of it because I usually take some medicine to get the pain away. That usually work for me because… One day I was feeling in some pain inmy neck and all over my back. I didnt think nothing of it because I usually take some medicine to get the pain away. That usually work for me because the pain will go away, and I can continue on my day. Today the pain was unbearable. It will hurt if I turn my head ,...

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Saas ki chudai

Mai simranjeet ek punjabi family sai belong karta hoon.yai baat koi 5 saal purani hai.meri wife kuch dino kai liyai apni causin kai ghar jammu gaye hui thi.un dino mai akaila hi ghar par tha.Sardiyo kai din thai.Muzai sexy books or blue film ka shonk tha.sexy books merai ghar par pari rahiti thi,jisay mai bed kai nichay rakhta tha. Achaanak meri saasu ji mumbai sai jo apnay bhai kai yahan gaye thi aa gaye.kuch baat cheet hui or mai unkai liyai chai bannanay chala gaya tab tak woh fresh ho kar...

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Fiftytwo Year Old Anns Sexual Passion For a Young Man with a Big Cock

For Jason, it was just like any other Thursday night. The twenty three year old loved to frequent a popular night club in the downtown business area after work. He was a good looking young man, who had a beautifully sculpted body. If Jason had any complaints from the women it would be the fact that his nine plus inch cock was way too big for them to handle. He just loved to use it on unsuspecting young women to the point that they would beg him to stop. Jason had a pretty good success rate at...

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Let me back up and tell you about myself. Firstly, my name is Kale, yes like the vegetable. My wife is Maria, and our son is Kevin. My parents had divorced when I was in my early teens and my Dad, Kane, had married my step-mom Karen. Anyways, we live in Tennessee and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Nashville life. Growing up my parents traveled a lot, but after the divorce my Dad, all of us kids and his new bride settled in Nashville. I have 3 other siblings who live in other states, but that...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 224

Brenda stayed with Angel until the young woman had taken a quick shower, brushed her teeth and put on the pajamas the Matthews had left for her. "Wow, you look sexy in those," Brenda said with a grin. "Motherrrr," Angel said, drawing out the word, but she couldn't hold back a giggle. "Well, you do." A few minutes later, with Angel in bed, Brenda leaned over and kissed her daughter on the cheek, the young woman smiling up at her mother. "I feel like a little girl again with you...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters V and VI

V: If You Love Someone, (Technically)Set Them Free A wave of dizziness seized the mind of Prototype B the moment he opened his eyes. So many thoughts jumbled around in his head as B regained consciousness. Blatz...love...bitch...school...Pierson...Prototype...cook...clean... gum...sexy... The thoughts alternated in a torturous swirl as B put his hands to his head, hoping the maelstrom would ease up. Unfortunately, the feel of his fingers at his own forehead did not do much to...

4 years ago
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The Holiday Day One

Day 1My wife Sarah and I stopped at Zara’s house. Zara and Rhona were waiting. Excitedly the two girls threw their bags in the boot of the car and jumped in the back. The girls were both around twenty, several years younger than Sarah and me, but they both lived with their mums and neither seemed to have a boyfriend. Zara worked with Sarah and had jumped at the chance of a week’s holiday away from her mum’s watchful attention. Rhona, Zara’s friend, had readily agreed to make up the four.As we...

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Harry Potter Loves You Part 9

Part 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...

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Cuck Fetish real story

ok story time xD (bear with me)hmm i believe i got into this fetish by watching some porn of it.my BF is Asian and very passive. he doesn't take what he wants and is too gentle. he is not very large down there either. but im not a size queen or anything at that doesn't really bother me too much.but its the fact that hes not very manly. he cant grow a nice sexy beard and doesnt have body hair. so hes not very masculine. this is probably the tipping point where i succumbed to this fetish. me and...

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Tammy Lisa and Karen part 1

It was Friday and the first thing I wanted when I got home was a nice warm bath to clean off the day’s hard work. I filled the tub with hot water and added some bubble bath. I shaved my legs and underarms. As I slid under the hot water I looked at my toes peeking through the bubbles, and realized I needed to reapply some polish. After a long soak I got out, dried myself off and went to my bedroom. I looked for a nice pair of sexy panties to wear, but was not happy with what I had, so decided it...

4 years ago
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The Good Life

Some of you may have read the 2 stories that I have posted already. For those that haven't let me say this My name is Tony I'm 5'11" 265lbs 53yrs. and my cock is not hugh but better then most and my wife and her (girls) said that I know how to use it. Kat my wife is a walking godess, she is the love of my life but, she has this thing where she loves to find married women that has never had sex with another female and not only fuck her body but her mind too. She will watch women all the time and...

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Date Rape Drug

Date Rape Drug It started out innocent enough but sure changed in a hurry. I had invited three of my friends over for the afternoon to plan our science project. The teacher paired us up but that was fine because I had known all three since we started school, years ago. We didn’t hang out together because I was a nerd, Jim and Bob were jocks, and Hank was just a pervert. My mother and sister had been out shopping and asked me to help them carry bags in from the car. The guys took...

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Behen Ko Choda

Hello friends mera naam ravi hai. Me baroda se hu. Ye meri pehli story hai magar sach hai agar likhne me koi bhul ho gai ho to maaf karna. Pehle me apne baare me bata du meri height 5.9 weight 70 west 34 hai. Me avg. look hu ab story par aata hu ye story mere baju me rehne wali ladki ki hai. Use me apni behen manta hu. Wo mere liye apni sagi behen se bhi badhakar hai. Uska body status 5.7 55 30 hai. Uski boobs size 32 hai. Wo avg. hi dikhati hai magar uske boobs ki wajah se puri galli use...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 10

“Through the gates of Hell! As we make our way to Heaven! Through the Nazi lines! PRIMO VICTORIA! On the 6th of June! On the shores of Western Europe! 1944! D-DAY UPON US!” -Sabaton, “Primo Victoria“ Luc and Ramirez were the last to arrive at the meeting, stopping so that Luc could examine the van the tank crew had used to get into the castle. He spotted the smuggling compartments that had been carved into the van’s interior and concluded that they’d been a rush job, but good enough to...

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The Filipina

The Filipina ? One ? ??????????? ?May pagkain po kayo?? ??????????? Hope in the brown faces crowding the window underlined the children’s question. But Mia shook her head with an apologetic smile. ?No, I have no food for you. Maybe later, I’ll have something, okay?? ??????????? She watched the children run off along the narrow street, barefoot in the dust, eagerly followed by a bony and yapping dog. Since the Japanese had come, food had been less plentiful; the black market choked what supplies...

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Trans step sister

When I graduated high school my mom remarried. It took some adjusting when we moved in with them. John was my new step dad he was kind of a hippie guy. His daughter was transgender. Kate .She was a tiny thing very petite 5’3 pale skin and skinny. She would walk around in her bikini. She had little boobs and as much as I looked I never seen a dick in her bottom. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Actually she’s very cute. We got along fine and I was her protection when she needed it. It...

2 years ago
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Firsttime part 2 a walk on the bi side

After my one night with Mick I headed back up-town to my apartment. It had been a one-time thing, I was sure. We'd exchanged numbers but I didn't plan to call, this had been so far outside my experience and I told myself that I was completely straight.... right?Except I couldn't stop thinking about what we'd done and it became the most prevalent image in my masturbation fantasies. And I was masturbating more frequently. Lying on my bed and stroking my cock thinking about him pushing his hand...

1 year ago
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The Story Of Angel And Jason

The music was pounding in my ears as I was trying to find my boyfriend in a huge crowd of partiers. He was hard to miss; he was 6’1”, blonde hair, green eyes, and a great build, six-pack and all. I finally found him grinding with another girl. I stormed over to them and dragged him away from the dance floor. As we were getting into his black BMW convertible I loudly asked him, “What the hell did you think you were doing?” He laughed and said, “Just get in the car, Angel.” I angrily went in and...

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Soul Man

“Hey Alice!” Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, “You like that singer… Hank Brooklyn, don’t you?” I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction. “You can have this if you want,” she continued shouting, “It’s just come in the post.” Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see. I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked...

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Ranu randi

Dear readers, I want to narrate a story to you all, which is based on a real incident that happened to me last year. Though every author claims his story to be true, but many I am sure are not real. Mine, is a story, based on real incident that was my first and only experience. I am a quite ok looking smart guy with good height (6 feet) and good physique (70 kg) with stylish hair and brown eyes. My fair complexion and my personality always catch an eye of other girls. But somehow despite of...

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If I Was A Worm

“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Lee rolled over in bed to find himself nose to nose with Tania, his girlfriend of almost a year. Tania looked back at him without a hint of guile in her expression. Lee sighed and closed his eyes. He had been expecting this question. Dreading it, even. By all accounts, the only “right” way to answer was basically to lie. “What?” He said, buying time. Tania averted her eyes in feigned nonchalance. “I dunno, I just feel like if I was born as a worm, you...

Mind Control
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To Hell and Back Again CH 9

The Hellwind blew strong this night. Baroness Graveek could hear its angry scream rattling against her shuttered windows. She liked the sound. It well suited her current mood as she paced around her spacious bedroom. The whip in her gloved hand coiled and twisted across the floor with every restless flick of her wrist.Layers of skirt whispered across the floor around her restless, stocking-clad legs. Stiletto heeled, thigh-high black leather boots clicked against the wood with every step.“First...


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