Teacher free porn video

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That is IT! I have had it!
I can almost feel my blood pumping as I storm down the hallway, the offending piece of paper held tight in my hand.
Part of me is glad the k**s have gone home; I’d hate for them to see me so pissed off but he has crossed the line this time!
He started here only a few months before me but he’s always acted like I’m some… two bit part time teaching assistant!
He’s an ass! A complete ASS!
“Mr Laskin!” I shout as I storm into his room, seeing him at his desk marking papers.
He looks up at me with a boring expression on his face. “What is it Miss Tiller?”
“How DARE you give Timothy Johnson detention on Friday!” I snap, slapping the paper down on his desk. “How DARE YOU!”
“He was talking in my class.”
Oh I want to slap him.
“So you give him detention on the same day as the chess contest?” I want to punch him so hard! “He has been working his ASS off to get into this contest! He needs to be there! This could cement his future!”
“Then he shouldn’t have been talking in my class.” He doesn’t even look at me now. “I’m allowed to punish my students how I feel pleased.”
“Then give him his punishment on Monday. Or Thursday. Just not Friday!” I feel my heart pounding, the anger clawing at me. “Give the boy a chance.”
“I stand by my previous statement.”
I can’t help it as I slap my hand down on the desk so hard it stings me. “God dam you Laskin! Have a heart! I know you are only doing this to get at me. So let the boy have his day. Punish him fine but not on Friday.”
His eyes look at me with such a blank emotion that it makes me even angrier and that fucking cocky smirk of his.
“You’re so fucking hot when angry Miss Tiller.”
My heart skips a beat, unsure if to be insulted or flattered. Instead I end up angry. “What the fuck did you just say?”
“Tell you what…” He stands, reminding me that he’s a far bit taller than me. “Let me smack your ass and I’ll call off the detention.”
I can’t help but scoff as I put my hand on my hip. “You know I can call that both harassment and blackmail.”
“Have I touched you?” He says, leaning forwards. “Have I forced myself or done anything? I’m only offering a deal.”
Oh that smug pretentious bastard!
“I will not.”
“Then Tim Johnson is going to miss his chess match.” He says as he sits again, holding the carrot right before me.
I turn my head away, thinking about the boy. He’s worked so hard, shown so much potential and this ass is going to take it away from him. I can deal with this. I can put up with this dick for him. I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. “Fine. Deal.”
I close my eyes so not to see that cockwipe smirk as he stands again and walks around the desk, standing behind me. I can smell that awful aftershave of his, the muskiness that invades my mouth and nose.
“Hands on the desk.”
I’m in this now, I have to go along. I place my hands on the edge, gripping it tight, bracing myself. When nothing happens I turn my head a little. “Get on with it.”
To my disgust, I feel a kiss on my shoulder, between my shirt and my collar bone. I wince away, feeling it burn into my skin.
I feel something wrap around my hip, resting on my stomach as he presses against my back, his other hand finally touching my ass. I suppress a shiver and take a deep breath to calm myself. “Just do it.” I hiss, waiting for this to be over.
“All good things come must to those who wait.” He quotes, the smug bastard. “I want you to be ready for it. I want you to want it.”
I feel the growl before it comes out. “You little shit!” I snap, pushing off. “You think I’m some toy to play with? Well fuck you!”
He smirks, not trying to stop him. “That’s what I intend, Miss Tiller. Or rather, for you to fuck me.”
“And why, in all the heavens would I do that?”
Before I have chance to realise it, his hands snap out, grab the back of my head and our lips are smashed together. I gasp and wiggle, struggling to get free but somehow I manage, stepping back and into the desk, my eyes fierce as I quickly wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. “You bastard!”
I can’t help but breathe hard as I stare at him and he stands there. His gaze moves, I feel it move, from my face to my neck to my chest, like I’m a slab of meat for him.
Slowly, he steps forwards and reaches for me again, his hands on my hips this time, slipping his hands down to behind me. “You know, why don’t you just admit it; you like me.” I feel a hand slowly slide down and grip the bottom of my skirt. “That’s the reason you fight against me.” It pulls up, the fabric rolling up. “We are like… fire and water. The closer we are to each other the more we burn.”
I’m panting now, not from anger but from something else, knowing my skirt has risen far too high but I can feel that he’s right. He burns against me. A brilliant fire that just wants to destroy everything it touches. I hate him. But this heat is delightful.
His hand has moved, coming to the bottom of my shirt, sliding up wards. My eyes close again and I turn my head away as I feel him grope a breast over my bra.
A second too late I realise and reach for his hand but he’s already found it.
I know.
Because he chuckles, leaning into my neck. “What’s this? A peeping bra?”
I want to roll my eyes but they are closed… so he pulls my top off me completely, tossing it to the floor. The bra is indeed a peeping one, as he so happily said, basically just a small scrap at the base and transparent lace, easy to see my skin from the other side.
He purrs, still gripping my breast. “Oh… now why would a respectable young teacher like you be wearing a naughty thing like this?”
I don’t reply but I do turn my eyes to him, almost daring him to say it.
I can see it in his eyes. He’s thinking about it. I open my mouth to speak but he grabs both my breasts this time. “Oh I see. You were after the promotion.”
I feel my words freeze in my mouth, wanting to slap him.
His grin is fowl to look upon. “You were going to try and fuck the head master, weren’t you? Get the promotion that way?” He chuckles fingers going through the slits and beginning to toy with my tits. “Did it not go to plan, Miss Tiller? Did he turn you down? Or did you lose your bottle and not offer?”
I want to slap him so hard but my hands are locked gripping the edge of his desk. I breathe hard but I don’t feel the anger of before. It’s a little more. A hotter, darker breathlessness.
He stares at me and I feel the heat grow. Even more with that shit eating smile. His hand cups my cheek, his skin hot but he leans in once more. His lips press firmly on mine, hungrily turning left and right in want. My eyes drift shut and I lean into it as well, pressing back just as hard. My hands reach up to his neck holding him to the kiss.
My knees feel weak and lean back on the desk, him stepping into the gap created, our lips still pressed together but he pulls my skirt up, right up to my middle. He leans off my lips just enough to see what I’m wearing below, a matching thin black lace strap.
He pecks my neck and nods, reaching back for something. I frown as he lifts something to my eyes, a pair of scissors.
I frown, glaring at him. “Don’t you dare.”
“You think you have a choice?” His voice is still hot and I still hate it but I hate now over how it makes me feel. How it makes me want. Want him.
The scissors go down, the point pressing against the fabric and what is behind it, teasing with the pressure. Then, I feel them slip under the fabric, one blade either side.
I take a deep breath as one side is cut.
The other side is cut.
£20 of underwear. Cut to ribbons by this bastard. And he just keeps on smiling, pulling it off.
“I hate you.” I manage to whisper as he stares down below.
“And I you. But right now all I want is this lovely looking pussy.” The scissor have been put away so when presses between my legs now is a finger, rubbing up and down a little. “And look…” The finger comes away and into my eye sight where I can see there is a thin transparent sheen to it. His smile grows, pressing the finger against my lower lip, wiping it off. “You’re wet.”
“Go to hell.” I spit but my argument gets turned around when he slips the finger in my mouth as I speak, rubbing it against my tongue. His other hand is doing a similar action down below, pressed inside and rubbing against the roof.
I so want to bite down on his finger, hard.
The finger in my mouth is removed but the other doesn’t, in fact a second one joins it. I bite my lip to stop a groan, feeling it spread a little. I can almost feel the breath between my legs as he kneels, looking at it, rubbing those fingers up the insides of me.

I bite back a whimper at the sensation, even more when I hear the pleased purr as he pulls his fingers out. I swallow hard at the empty feeling but then a wetness is pressed against my mouth. "Taste good?" I hear him ask, smug and cocky.
I open my eyes and stare hard at him. "You bastard. You fucking shit."
"Such mean words Miss Tiller." He chuckles, moving closer. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that words can hurt? I think I need to come up with a better use of that dirty mouth of yours."
I glare at him, having a bad idea what he's up to. Here I am, shirtless, in a peeping bra, my underwear stripped away on the desk of a man I can't stand and just had my pussy fingered.
I watch in a near helpless manor as he walks around the desk and holds my shoulders from behind. "Lie back." I hear him whisper, pressing on me to get me to lie down.
I don't know why but I do as I'm told. In for a penny as they say. I lie back, my skin cold on the wood of his desk but I look up at the man behind her. I can see his smirk and his smugness and his arrogance as he reaches to his hips and begins undoing his belt. "What's wrong Miss Tiller? Where's your fire gone?" He bends forwards towards me, hovering just above my face. "Or maybe you want this?"
"In your fucking dreams." I snap out.
"Ah, there it is." He says in a purr, leaning back and reaching for my hair, brushing it out of the way, shifting closer and revealing the cock he's just freed from his clothing. "There's the dirty mouth my cock is so hard to get into." He moved it in his hand, stroking it as it's pressed on my lips. "Open up."
His voice is harder now, rougher, none of the mockery and teasing from before. I stare at him, upside down and let my lips loosen a little.
A rough thrust forwards and I fight back a gag as it hits my mouth. I close my eyes and shudder as it's withdrawn and trust forwards, the whole thing filling my mouth. I feel the blood rushing to my head and I fight the urge to bite down.
My mouth is so wet, I can feel it spilling out and down my face and over the cock.
Mr Laskin is groaning with each thrust, his hands holding my face as he pulls back and pushes forwards, making me take his dick in my mouth. One hand moves from my face to my breast, roughly pushing the fabric aside and grabbing my breast. The feeling of his hand on my tit is quite good in a way and I let out a purr I hope he doesn't hear.
"Ohh?" He says and I know he has. "Do you like that?"
As if asking the question, he gives me a sharp twist on my nipple and I gasp on his cock, making him laugh. "Oh you do, don't you."
I want to bite down but his other hand pulls off my face so both are in his hands, shifting them back and forth, pulling them to their extremes in all directions, all the time with my mouth stuffed with his cock so each moan and whimper he can feel.
He laughs and suddenly pulls out of my mouth and lets go of my breasts. "Oh you are such a slut."
I'm gasping for air, quickly cleaning up the spit that's on my mouth. I try to sit up but he huffs and pulls me back by my hair. "I'm not done yet slut. Turn over."
I stare at him but do turn around so i'm lying flat on my stomach, my legs now reaching down to the floor. "Happy?"
"I won't be until I hear you screaming my name as I fill you with cum."
My face goes bright red at the bluntness and I feel my body shiver at the words. Fuck, is he turning me on?
I watch him smirk and walk around his desk, his hands reaching for my ass and lifting up my skirt as he does, revealing everything behind. I swallow as I feel his hand on my ass, smoothly caressing it. "I won't spank you." I hear him say as a finger runs around the rim. "Cause then you might leave. So I'll just... pinch you instead."
I yelp as he does just that, the sharp pain making me flinch and gasp. "Oww!"
"Oh you like it, confess it." He laughs, pinching again before moving his finger to my asshole once more. "Tell me, have you ever been ass fucked before."
"You shit! I'll kill you if you dare!"
"I'll take that as a no then." His finger presses a little on my entry, pushing in. "I better stretch this out then... or you might get hurt, and we wouldn't want that, would we Miss Tiller?"
His finger... oh fuck it feels tense. I grab the edge of the desk as it's pressed in, slipping past the tension before becoming easier. I feel myself panting at the effort taking one finger in me took.
"Oh, so tight..." He chuckles, pulling in and out slowly, stretching the limits. "I'm going to enjoy this little hole."
I pant as it continues, even more when one more finger joined the other, a tight fit that makes me feel hot and wet. I grip the desk until it hurts but then his other hand reaches under me and gropes my chest, pulling me off the desk, changing the angle of his fingers below.
I tremble at the sensation and close my eyes, panting. I feel his hand, both of them, burning on me.
"Oh yeah, such a tight ass." He laughs, closer to me now.
Suddenly the fingers are pulled out and the hand is gone from my chest. I open my eyes and turn to look back, wondering why he'd stopped. He's there, smirking as he looks me over before looking down at my ass.
I frown but then he gives a quick sharp and hard slap on it, making me buck forwards.
He nods. "Right, there, deal done. You can go now."
I stare in shock at him. It takes me a moment to work out what he's done. I said he could slap my ass... and now he has... but I'm so hot and horny that I can't just... walk away now.
I close my hand into a fist, swallowing my pride. Fuck him to hell but I need him to fuck me.
"Fuck me." I whisper.
"What did you say?" He asks and I can hear the smirk on his face.
I turn my head a little. “You heard me.”
“I want you to say it again.”
I swallow harder and try to get my breath back but I’m hot. I’m hot and… so… wanting. “I want you to fuck me.”
A pressure holds onto my hips and I feel something pressing on my soaking hole. “I knew you’d want it.”
“You asshole.” I swear at him.
“Oh? Asshole? Would you like me in yours?”
The pressure, the tip, of his cock shifts upwards, pressing now on my back hole. I gulp and shake my head. “N-no…”
“Yes Miss Tiller.” He purrs, pressing harder. “I softened you up… so now…”
I feel my eyes widen at the force, a tip pressing on my entry. It’s bigger than the fingers, bigger than I expect, tighter! It presses in. Fuck! Fuck! I grip the desk and bite my lip as I want to moan.
Then, as it slips in, I feel it a little easier. Still stretched but at least in and easy.
But then he pulls back, just to the tip and in again… “Fuck!” I swear, arching my back, head lowered and feeling the whole of my body burn at the feeling.
“Oh yeah, I’m going to destroy your ass. When I’m done, you won’t sit down for weeks.”
I groan, unable to keep it back as he does just that. Water is in my eyes, feeling him slam in again and again. Shit this is so turning me on. I pant harder, feeling as if it’s building in me. He’s going so fast, so hard! Shit it feels good!
I hear him panting, feel him holding my hips tight as he fucks my ass. Faster, faster, I feel it stretch, feel the massive cock in me!
And then… something is inside me… something new. He’s stopped moving... rammed all the way to the base and… oh shit…he’s cum in my ass!
With a quick movement, it’s pulled out and I can feel it being slapped on my ass. “Tell me… did you cum?”
I look back at him and swallow, shaking my head. “No.”
“Good. Because I want you to cum on my cock.”
“You heard me.” He smiles, pulling away. “I’m gonna fuck you in the pussy and you are going to cum on my cock. But right now… I’m going to make sure this little ass isn’t forgotten.” I yelp as my ass is slapped suddenly. “Don’t move.”
I watch as he walks around the desk, panting for breath as he comes into my view and reaches for something. I can only gasp as he holds out a banana. "You.. you’re joking right?”
“Oh fuck no.” He’s laughing. “I’m serious. This is going in your ass while I fuck your pussy. I bet you will like it, you little slut.”
I can’t believe what he’s going to do… but when I feel the tip press on the loose wet lips of my ass… as it slides in with little resistance… as his cock tip presses on my pussy… and slides in, pressing up on the fruit in my ass….
The mixed sensation of them both… fuck its too much!
“Does that feel good?”
“Yes.” I gasp, not caring if I admit it.
“You want me to fuck your pussy now?”
I nod. “Yes.”
“What the magic word?”
I roll my eyes. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“Please fuck my pussy!” I yelp, desperate for it now.
He pulls back a little and begins a slow, painful pace. “Only since you asked so nicely.”
The pace remains slow… painfully slow. With my ass filled too… I can’t take the slowness and begin to rock my hips, hoping to get it faster.
“What’s wrong slut?” I hear him ask, laughing. “Too slow for you?”
“Yes its too fucking slow! Go faster! Please! Fuck my pussy harder!”
The pace finally gets faster, I feel him get faster, fucking me harder, he pulls on the fruit in my ass, pounding it in with his trusts.
I feel the heat, I feel the pressure and I feel my ass and pussy getting tighter as I reach my limit. I’m going… I’m going to… I can’t it much longer.
He’s laughing, grabbing my arms, pulling them back so I’m off the desk and arching towards him.
“Are you going to cum?” He whispers in my ear. “Are you going to cum?”
I swallow and nod, ashamed of the sounds coming out of my mouth. “Yes!” Oh fuck I’m so close! I wanna cum so much!
He gets faster! Faster! Groaning… and… and… oh fuck! I gasp with release as I finally allow the orgasm to hit me, cumming on the cock in my pussy and feeling it mix with the fluids from his cock. I whimper a little, bucking my hips with the last bits of the excitement.
Finally after a moment, he pulls out and I feel it slap on my pussy, the wetness, the whole feeling of it slipping around the outside.
I grip the desk hard and pant for breath, unable to get my head around what I just did.
I feel his hand on my ass, smoothing it down before roughly pulling the fruit out of my ass, another wash of relief as he does. “Well then…” He leans over my shoulder. “Same time next week Miss Three-Holes-Filled?”

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Xmas High Jinks By Gambler Dec. 14th Santa Claus couldn't believe his eyes; FBI and SWAT team sharpshooters surrounded his secret house in North Pole. The siege was a total surprise to him and his trusted elves, not even the best security systems in the world installed around his house had detected the covert teams of law enforcement officers. They skillfully took positions that covered all possible escape routes. A few squadrons of F-15s and F-16 fighters from USAF...

1 year ago
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After IT The First 40 Days A Commonwealth Struggles to AriseChapter 5 Lock up your Daughters the Navy is in Port

(June 12 — Day 21, Emmonak, Alaska on the Yukon River) It was another night drop on the tundra as the Airborne Rangers dropped silently around the villages of Emmonak and Alakanuk on the Yukon River. Harvey Kline was rousted from his bed at 5 a.m. with an M-16 stuck in his face. He started to shout the alarm but most of his pirates were already dead. As Harvey reached for his pistol, the young Corporal thrust the bayonet into his throat. It was no more inhumane a treatment than he and his...

4 years ago
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Growing UpChapter 3

Waking up the next morning under a pile of well-fucked, very sexy women convinced Justin that joining the Confederacy was the best decision he had ever made. He planned on giving them his best efforts as thanks for the incredible group of women he now was blessed with. As he lay there, the AI interrupted his reverie to tell him he had a call. "Sergeant Desiree LaFleur wishes to talk to you." Not having the least idea who that was, Justin replied, "Ok, put her through." As soon as he...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Maid Jyoti

Hi ISS readers, I am Rupali from Chandigarh. I am a newly married housewife of only one month. We have part time maid working for us. My first day of married life started on that wonderful day when, my husband gave a party for his friends. I didn’t know how to cook. The maid, who was 35 years old, did all the work. Me and my husband was very much pleased. My husband used to drop her home in his car. When they left, calling bell rang. A tall dark man was standing outside. He suddenly came...

2 years ago
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The Commute

Part 1 We Meet Each day I get on the bus for the long ride to Rome from our little village. Everyday there is this beautiful woman, dark hair, always dressed in something sexy that shows off her lovely body. And each night, we again ride the bus back. With winter, the sun sets early and the ride back to our separate villages makes most of the people catch long naps till we reach home. I started saying hello to her, but not setting close. But each day I would find a seat closer...

4 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 167

“Americans worship technology. It’s an inherent trait in the national zeitgeist.” —Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War “SIX 6-MINUTE MILES followed by a 5.5-minute mile,” Jock yelled at us Thursday. “I want to see you building for a kick at the end of your races.” We were practicing at The Plex where Saturday’s race would be held. That meant we’d take a mile on the outdoor track to start, then feed ourselves into the 10k course from that point on. The New Haven...

4 years ago
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Office Affair 8211 Part 1 Kinky Sex

Story has both Hindi and English Parts also this is my first sex story. Hello My name is Sameer Singh,Male, Age 27 Height 6″ Weight 75″ Biceps 15 inch Waist 32 ,inch Chest ,46 inch.Fair. I am regular to Gym Work for an MNC in Chandigarh And I have a great sex life. Before coming to the story I must tell that name of the girl is changed. This is back when I was 22.This was my first job. Though I am pretty rich but I work cause I hate business. I joined the company. And was pretty friendly. Girls...

2 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 20

“Her father?” said Chester Quigley. “Yes, I’m sure of it,” said Harry Sheldon. “But, which father?” said Chester. “How tall was the guy?” “Short but stocky, maybe one-seventy,” said Harry. Chester nodded. “Her real dad, not her bio dad, but the one who raised her, David Carter,” said Chester. “Well, we’ll just wait and see which of us comes out on top in this is little competition,” said Harry. “Jenna gets all the free junk she wants. I want her hooked and in our pocket and sooner rather...

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Doctor visit0

She jumped up and ran to her closet to find some clothes. All that currently covered her petite athletic frame was a pair of white boy panties and a t shirt. She stripped down to her little panties and pulled a soft spaghetti strap cream colored summer dress on over her head. She never ever wore a bra as her 19 year old frame currently kept her double d breasts firm as could be. Those besides her ass were her best feature. She slipped on some sandals, jumped in her Jeep and drove...

3 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 23 A Photo Shoot in Huntington Hall

A very eerie silence settled over the university once all the students had departed for the holidays. A couple of coffee shops in the student center remained open to serve the handful of students living off campus not traveling, but the dorm area was totally deserted. Even most of the RA's had left. A couple of her co-workers were coming back right after New Year's, but Cecilia was the only RA who would spend the entire Christmas break in the dorm. The dorm's manager decided to make her...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I

I will start out by telling you all that I am 19 and my boyfriend it 20. We have been together for over a year. I am 5'5" with long dark hair and bright blue eyes. He is about 5'7", dark hair and he also has blue eyes. We are very intimate with each other every time we get the chance.One day, we had the house all to ourselves. Since this doesn't happen very often, we both knew what this meant. We were going to have a long wonderful day filled with sex and romance.He had stayed with me the night...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Loving you in the Kitchen

As we walked into the house, you immediately walked into the kitchen and started making dinner. I put the groceries in the kitchen on the floor around you, as I headed to the living room to put in the movie we rented a few days ago and start setting the table. After a few minutes you yelled to me that the food would be ready soon. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed your hips. You smiled and continued cooking. I stood behind you kissing the back of your neck, when suddenly, I felt you...

1 year ago
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Truth Seeker Pt 1

My stomach nearly in caves on itself as the fucking asshole blondie puts his fist in my gut. Blood coughs up everywhere. “Are you finally going to tell me why the hell you were fucking creeping on our property?” “I swear, I’m just here to read the meters, I’m with the electric company. You guys are way over past due on your bills.” The smile I fail to hide gets quickly wiped away with a backhand from the sandy blonde-haired man that looks like he spends way too much time crossfitting....

2 years ago
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My transistion part 4

I didn't hear from John until Thursday. He called me at work to confirm our date for Saturday. Of course I said yes. I got home that night to find Lisa was sick. Let doctor Jill take care of you my girl. I gave her some medicine and she went to sleep early. I was left to my thoughts. I wonder where he's going to take me. He said Paris but come on, me. What dose he see in me. Dose he know I was a man once? Or dose he only see me as a woman. I started to worry. To over think...

2 years ago
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Strange ways

One of my mother's best c***dhood friends came to stay with us when I had just turned 18. My mother and Karen had been best friends since high school and went to the same college. They knew each other real well and it had been hard on my mother when Karen moved to another state after she got married. That was over 10 years ago. Karen had not found the right man until she was in her 30's. My mother had got married pretty young and a few yours later had me.Karen had was going through a very...

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My French getaway

I wanted to tell you about my little trip last week .It’s a long story but I hope you enjoy it. I spent the week in France with an old friend and her family, my husband was away and I didn’t want to spend the week alone at home. Now we only see each other once in a while and it has been a few years since I saw the whole family, her husband and two sons. Once in France, they met me at the ferry. I was shocked at how well they all looked, especially their two sons Martin and Glen who were now...

Wife Lovers
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MorganChapter 2C

Morgan stood at his little cooker warming some soup, he had checked on Susan a few minutes ago and thought she would wake up soon. When he heard the bedroom door open he turned towards it smiling shyly. Susan stood in the open doorway looking terrified. “Hi, did you sleep well?” Morgan asked as cheerfully as he could. He was scared, if she screamed or whatever now he could be done for abduction or even worse. “Um, yeah like a baby, uh how did I get here.” Susan asked softly. “Uh you fell...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 332

When I entered the conference room, I recognized Dr Bennet from my last overhaul, then there was Drake, my case officer, and two women I had never seen before. I sat across from them all and kept my mouth shut. Probably a first for me. "Well Maxine, we are holding this consultation verbally rather than just implanting our findings. So far we have found you respond better, if you have input." one of the women said. "That is true, I do tend to go along better, if I have some idea where I...

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Cooking With Mom

This story happened when I was 17 and through my parents divorce and the shuffling of k**s I wound up living with my Mom, just her and me. Her boyfriend had moved out a few months before. And even though Mom went through a wild phase right after the divorce she didnt seem to date much now. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a long time buddy that lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad, also divorced. His Dad, Bill, had a...

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Arkansas rain

Marie had known James for almost a year. There are folks in this small suburban town in Arkansas who gave her the look, because she treated James same as she would with any of the young white males around. James was black. Marie was the daughter of an upright, white, and church going family who ran the farm in rural Arkansas. That did not bother her. She did not care for all their snide whisperings or her own parents’ unspoken disapproval. James had come into her life when her daddy took him...

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My Aunts Neighborhood Boys ClubChapter 4

"I'd like to suck you, Robbie, if you'd like," I heard myself saying. I couldn't believe that I added, " ... if you'd like," to the end. He's a guy. How dumb. "I'd love it Laura, nobody's ever done it before." I moved up next to him as he flopped on his back and took his dick in my hand. By this time I'd watched porn videos of blow jobs and hand jobs and fucking and lots of other stuff so I had some ideas to try. I bent down and, holding him steady, licked around the head...

1 year ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 14

Rebecca. I got the impression today that Marjory was a little jealous of my relationship with Rory. I don't mean she wished she had found him first. I think she just wishes she could find someone who would last more than a couple of dates. I also detected for the first time she felt her height was a drawback in the romantic stakes. Rory also detected something like that too and went out of his way to reassure her. Marjory was right in her assessment of what he said to her. When my man sets...

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Oil of RosesChapter 6

The Captain woke up briefly as he was once again washed. Two pair of hands rinsed his body with warm washcloths and with love. He drifted back to sleep. He came to for a moment as either Twat or Mounds shifted position, curled up next to him on either side. Sleep reclaimed him. He woke up, carefully crawled out of his bunk, not disturbing his sleeping crewmates and went to the head, then caught a shower. As he dried himself, his stomach rumbled so ominously he could hear it over the...

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InterracialBlowbang Arietta Adams 10112019

Arietta LOVES BBC. It’s what she lives for. She’s got plenty of other interests too of course. She’s a cheerleader, she volunteers in her community, gets good grades, attends church on Sunday. Arietta is a well-rounded girl. She’s a good friend and still lives at home with her parents but there’s one thing that’s always on her mind: getting BBC. There’s a park near her house and on her way home from practice she sees the same group of guys playing...

4 years ago
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Fresh Dorm Angel Scissored Splits

As Vee and I walked into the showers, the girls that occupied it all stopped what they were doing and stared. Vee and I just looked at each other. We both blushed at the same time. I thought it was because it was the first time they had seen me naked. That’s why I blushed. But Vee knew the real reason. I found out as the flat-chested girl, I almost ran into entering the showers for the first time, took it upon herself to initiate the embarrassment. ‘Well, well, well, if it isn’t the two...

2 years ago
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Martinas Story Chapter One

Martina's Story - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Myself: Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl. Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend. Chenille: My older half sister. Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter. Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter and Jennifer's younger sister. Sian: My lesbian mother who is...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbor 1

I had to go out of town from San Diego to Atlanta for a week on business. Carol and I had hot steamy sex on Sunday night before my trip. She told me she wanted to give me a pleasurable send off. We sat on the sofa watching TV and Carol said  ‘I want to see your cock.’I looked at her beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes and said, ‘Certainly, my dear.’ I stood up, unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out. It was still soft. ‘No, I want you to remove your pants so I can see all of the hair around...

1 year ago
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Camping with Katie

This is a follow-up story to ‘Sarah’s Friend.’ Please see my profile page if you would like to read the stories in sequence. — Ever since Sarah had brought her friend Nadia to stay at my place for the weekend, she’d been finding new ways to keep herself entertained during her bi-weekly visits. As a divorced father, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before she stopped seeing me as regularly, so it was important to me to make sure that I accommodated her wishes as best as I could. I wanted her to...

2 years ago
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Chudai Hi Chudai

I’m ali (name changed) from Islamabad.Pakistan I am 5. 9″ tall good looking and 7″ long 2.5″ thick dick. This story is about my lovely virgin hot sweet and little cousin . She is my father”s sister”s daughter. They live in Multan. She have 2 sisters and she is 5. 2″ tall not so smart not too fat but nice looking with green eyes 28c boobs big gand and small & sweet pussy with out hair on her cunt. She is only 18 years old. She has great smile and color is white like milk. Friends woh aisi thi...

4 years ago
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Oh BoyChapter 9

I didn't try to break the sound barrier on the way down, but I kept up a steady speed of about eighty all the way. The hypos (highway patrol) usually don't bother you if you don't try to outrun traffic, but they like to help you with some flashing lights if you want to lead the parade. I made one stop to pee and get some coffee, and arrived at the Port Charlotte training facility and Grapefruit League ballpark about 11:20. I was sent to the office to check in and was treated as any other...

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DHS 77

Author’s Note: Once again I want to thank Techsan for taking time from his busy schedule to edit this story for me. Judging from the number of red marks in the edited file Techsan returned to me, this story proved to be a challenge to him. The acronym DHS as used in this story stands for Deep Hypnotic Sleep.This is not a scientific term but it suggests a condition of the mind that would make it receptive to being controlled by others. Please provide feedback. It is the only payback we...

3 years ago
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Now You See Me

I pushed him back against the wall of the night club. It was an attempt to hide us in the darkness, pinning him. Feeling his arousal, his member pressed hard into my stomach. He grabbed one of my legs and raised it, firmly holding onto me by my buttock. As we kissed, I couldn’t help grind my ever increasing wet pussy against his building hardness. His hand deftly pulled the thin material of panties to one side. He groaned when his fingers made contact with my velvety cunt, feeling my wetness...

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My girl

I am a regular reader of sex stories and some of the readers known to me Hello horny and cool gals, I am back again I would like to introduce my self for the new readers I am from Hyderabad a software engineer working as a system admin and I am 6 feet in height, well built this is my second experience, first one I wrote my experience with Parvathi and this incident happened with Sita about Sita she is very fair and white in color. She is 21 and doing her medicine in Hyderabad, she had a pony...

3 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 7 The Marshes

In the low places the air grew foul, and the stench seemed a living thing, as if the filth of the world had washed into the sloughs and marshes, and had taken root there. And the stench was not alone. Swarms of wetland insects, some of which they had never encountered before, plagued them to the point they were tempted to turn back. Doe had fashioned face coverings from the bark cloth, and they helped a little, but even these had to be wet, and that meant dipping them into the pools they...

1 year ago
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PervMom Emily Addison My Extra Thick Stepmom

Not only does beautiful Emily Addison have some of the prettiest blue eyes you will ever see, but she also has an amazing set of tits and the thickest legs in town. But when her stepson overhears her talking to another guy, he threatens to tell his dad about her secret affair if she does not suck his dick on the spot! Later, Emilys stepson finds their refrigerator totally empty. He confronts his stepmom and then slams her tight MILF snatch to teach her a lesson. A couple days later, Emilys...

4 years ago
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99 Things that make my Pussy Wet

1. The blues. Something about that hot, steady rhythm just makes me want to take my clothes off… 2. Goth girls. Streaked purple and black hair, tattoos, a sexy little tramp stamp on the lower back, navel rings, tongue studs… nipple rings… ripped fishnets and high heels, dark clothes and dark moods. Makes me want to peel it all off and find the soft spots underneath, the sweetness at the center… mmmm.3. Feeling a hard cock pressing against me from behind, that insistent, early morning hardon,...

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