Mr. Coyote And The Mermaids free porn video

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By C

I. The Journey

Every now and then, Coyote had a yen to travel. Since he was (generally)a considerate coyote, he would map out his itinerary and get a hunting licensefor the route he planned to take. This time, he was going to the seaside territoryof Lemuria, so he looked into the cost of a fishing license. To his delight,he found he could do a week's worth of unlimited fishing and hunting for areasonable fee. "Just let me pack!" he said. He loaded his magicbackpack with all the gear he could think of, including a small harpoon. Thenhe set out.

He went on foot, whistling and occasionally howling to pass the time. Withina few days, he'd arrived in Lemuria, a place of lush forests and pretty seasidevillages. The forests were as he'd remembered them from an earlier trip; ifanything, they'd spread and gotten denser. The farms and villages were a differentmatter. Every one he came to appeared to be deserted. Grain was rotting inthe fields. What's up? he wondered.

He decided to investigate further, and he picked a village where the foresthad encroached almost to the very shore. Another oddity: across from the village,about a half-mile out at sea, was a big island with a sheer, rocky face, overhanginga cove. He had been up this coast once before, and had never seen this island.Sudden geological events were not unheard of in the Land of Mythica, so maybethis was no big deal. But he wanted to learn more.

He went from door to door in the village. Every cottage, it seemed, wasempty. He was just about to give up, when someone shouted out behind him: "Put'em up, varmint!" He turned and saw an old man in ragged clothes. Theman had a double-barreled shotgun pointed straight at Coyote's cojones. Hequickly raised his paws.

"Uh, sir, you may be laboring under a misapprehension . . . . " Coyotebegan.

"Hunh?" said the old man. Then he said: "Hang on a minute. . . ." Keeping the gun trained on Coyote, he reached up and pulled whatlooked like plugs from his ears. "Just tell me this, son. You some kindafay?"

"Certainly not," said Coyote. "I catch and eat fays."

"Well, you came to the right goddamn place. They've taken over."

"Before we, uh, go any further sir, could you point that thing in anotherdirection?"

"What? Oh, sorry." He turned the barrel downward. "I supposethis wouldn't have done any good against fays anyhow."

"Exactly," said Coyote. "It takes--you might say--a specialtouch to catch and kill a fay."

"And I s'ppose you're tellin' me you got that touch?" the manasked in a harrumphing tone of voice. Coyote nodded proudly.

"Cocky little carnivore, aintcha? Well, 'scuse me while I put theseback in. You can come to my place for a sitdown if you want; just speak realloud."

So Coyote accompanied the strange old man to his home.

When they got there, the man showed Coyote a place to sit and gave him atin cup with a throat-burning liquor in it. Then he took out his earplugs again. "Idon't think I'll need these till nightfall. That's the only time so far thatI've heard the call."

"The call?" Coyote asked.

"You deaf, son? The call. It's a beautiful . . . singin' like, andwhen you hear it, you want to head out into that goddamned forest . . . orinto the sea. But if'n you do, that's the end of you. Most of the men hereaboutsheard the call . . . and followed it."

"Why don't you begin at the beginning?" said Coyote. He had aninkling that what he would hear would be familiar.

"The beginnin'. Well, it's like this. Part of the order of nature isforests that don't get too big, and islands that don't appear outta nothin',and women mindin = their menfolk.Leastways around here. We're not quite as magical along the coastline as someo' you other folk. No offense."

"None taken."

"Well, inside o = one month,nature went out the window. The forest came down and swallowed near everythin'up. That goddamned island popped up outta the sea. And the women stopped obeyin'their men. In fact, they all left, includin' my wife 'n' two daughters! Purtyredheads, all three of 'em, and sweet 'n' mindful of their place, until thingschanged. Then, when they was gone, the call . . . the singin' . . . it started.One man after another went in search of the voices that was callin', and theyall disappeared. I think they all died, I do. I knew my number'd be up sooneror later, so I started wearin' earplugs. I hear the call--only at night sofar--but it's faint, and so far I can fight it. Still, I ain't young, and Iaint gettin' stronger."

"Please go on," said Coyote.

"After the others was gone, I started seein' fays everywhere. Usedto be, you'd see somethin' like that once or twice a year. But now the airis full o' little butterfly gals. Real purty little things, but mean as snakes.They killed my dogs, my cat, my goats. They . . . they drink blood. I thinkif I ventured out a ways into the forest, I'd see other, bigger fays, justbefore they kilt me. So I don't go there. I don't think the call comes fromthe forest though; no, everytime I've heard it, it's been comin' over the water.From that island."

"I think I can help you," said Coyote.

"How's that?"

"Well . . . this sounds like some manifestations I've read about. Insome places, at some times--nobody knows why--the forces of magic get out ofbalance. Here it looks as if the female force has gotten stronger than it shouldbe. When that happens, all the evil female fays within hundreds of miles flockto the site of the imbalance. They're hoping they can add their energy to what'salready there and make the change permanent. If they can do that, they maycreate a separate female realm, into which unlucky males are transported fromtime to time for them to torture and kill, or . . . ."

"Or what?" said the old man.

"Or . . . the change might spread, till all of Mythica is infected."

"So girls might take over everythin'?"

"Evil girls," said Coyote. "In most species--except some spidervarieties and a few others--men wear the pants and girls wear the panties;good girls know the difference, and submit. Bad girls want more, and reallyevil girls, with enough supernatural power, want everything there is. Somehowyour wife and daughters were corrupted, and so they left."

"Good gods," said the old man. "Can you get' em back?"

"I don't know . . . ." said Coyote. He had an inkling the answerwas no, but he'd break that to the old man later.

"So you'll help me? I mean--you got lotsa reasons to do it on yourown account."

"Exactly," said Coyote. "But, believe it or not, I thinkI'm going to need some female help." Without explaining himself, he pickedup his backpack where he had left it on the floor and walked out into a clearingin front of the old man's cottage. Once there, he rummaged around in it untilhe found the box he was looking for and pulled it out. In big letters on theside, the old man could read: ACME SEA SPIDERS: FUN FOR THE WHOLE HUNTING FAMILY!Coyote opened the box and pulled out what looked like a gray silk bag. He turnedto the man and said: "It's been dehydrated for storage and shipping. Couldyou bring me a pot full of cold water?"

When he was given the water, Coyote slowly trickled it down over the bag,until it looked entirely soaked, then he laid it gently on the ground. Withinminutes, the bag grew in size, until it was about as big as a medicine ball.Next, Coyote and the man could see long black legs poking through the materialand slowly shredding it.

"I'm none too partial to giant spiders," said the man.

"You don't have a thing to fear from these girls," said Coyote. "Theyhanker after a different prey entirely."

"How do you know they're girls?"

"In this species, they're all girls. They woke up one morning and foundthey could do both jobs now, and that was the end of the boys."

"Oh," said the old man.

It took half an hour, but finally the bag was reduced to a few strands ofdirty-looking silk. There, in its place, stood three night-black spiders, eachas big as a mid-sized dog. "Are you our Mommy?" said one of the spidersto Coyote.

"I'm none too partial to spiders that can talk," said the oldman.

Coyote motioned him to be quiet and approached the creatures. "I'mnot exactly your mom," he said. "But I'll do what I can to help youout. You're sea spiders, and your favorite food comes from the sea. But you'restill a little young and unsteady for an ocean voyage, so I want you to gointo that forest and see what you can rustle up. Bring it back here by tomorrowmorning. And for goodness' sake, don't kill anything until I've had a chanceto look at it. Can you do that, girls?"

"Sure, Mom, but it'll be hard not to eat anything till then."

"Fair enough," said Coyote. "Get yourself a meal, but savesome extras for me." He turned to the man. Just then, something yellow-wingedcame fluttering by and headed into the forest. Coyote got a clear view of it:a butterfly girl, about the size of an adult cat, dressed in a yellow shiftwith matching panties and heels. She didn't seem to have noticed the spiders. "Goget her, girls," he said, and they went scuttling off.

"Butterfly girls are mean and stupid," said Coyote. "Unlessmy girls catch something else, we won't learn much. So let's just cross ourclaws and wait for the morning."

II. Butterflies Bagged

Next morning, after a restful sleep in one of the old man's spare beds,Coyote went out to take a leak. He paused in the clearing in front of the cottageand whistled. Sea spiders like to ambush their prey directly rather than waitingfor it to blunder into a web. They prefer webs for storage,

and that's exactly what confronted Coyote as he looked out toward the forest.A huge, trembling expanse of silk, gemmed with dew, stretched between two treesin front of him. It took a second for him to process what he was seeing, butthen he made out that the web was decorated with more than dewdrops. Stuckto it, at regular intervals, were about twenty captured butterfly girls, theirarms pinned to their sides with silk, their wings fastened together behindthem. It was their frightened trembling that made the web tremble. Coyote realizedjust then that he could hear the girls' piping, high-pitched voices. Some justsobbed with the hurt of their capture. Others cried out: "Caught, caught,caught . . . ." "Stung me . . . stung me . . . ." "Why?Why? Why? . . . ." Coyote strode over to the web.

Seen close up, they were strikingly pretty little fays. They had yellowwings, or white, or blue, or green, or red, and their outfits all matched theirwing-color. Near the middle, he saw the yellow girl he'd caught a glimpse ofthe day before. He reached up to pull her from her sticky prison and discoveredthat she was quite easy to detach from the surface on which she'd been mounted.He was a little careless, and she reached her head down and bit his paw.

"Ow, you little bitch!" He hurled her to the ground. There wasnow a tiny hole in his forelimb, welling blood. He got a band-aid and disinfectantout of his backpack and treated the wound. He then picked the girl up off theground, much more carefully than he had handled her before. The webbing stillbound her tightly, and his grip was firm, so all her squirming and strugglingwere in vain.

"Bad doggy!" she piped. "This . . . can't . . . be happening!Bad doggy!"

"But it is happening," he said. "Now tell me: who's yourleader? It'll hurt a lot worse if you don't."

"Leader? Everything got good. We came. You . . . spiders . . . can'tbe happening!"

"Did someone tell you this would never happen? Did someone say youwouldn't be caught?"

She just stared at him, a look of complete bewilderment on her lovely face.Obviously, she knew nothing. She and her sisters had just flown where the kindof evil that fostered them was strongest.

It was time to finish up. He gently slipped one of his claws beneath thewaistband of her panties. She began to wail and beg: "No! No! No!" Heignored her pleas and drew the panties down to her ankles, which were boundtogether with webbing. Then he pushed her legs back and put the very tip ofhis tongue against her vulva. (He knew that the venom secreted by his tonguewould start a burning itch there.) She screamed and discharged a salty-sweetmix of honey and vinegar. He swallowed this with relish and kept massagingthe space between her legs. She squealed and cried; he could plainly see thetracks of little tears down her diminutive face. He kept on going. Her strugglesbecame more violent, and her feet started kicking. He counted six orgasms--sixdischarges of delicate liquor--before her body stiffened in his paw and shewas gone. He opened wide and swallowed her.

Just then, the three spiders came out of the forest, each with a trembling,kicking addition for the giant web. "Marvelous work, girls," saidCoyote. "I've had one already; if you don't mind, I'll take another fiveor so to finish up breakfast. You divvy up the rest and I'll do some reconnoiteringin the forest."

"Sure thing, Mom," said one of them. Together, the four huntersattacked their meal.

III. Vampires Vanquished

After the sobbing and the tears, the squeals and the shrieks, and the pluckingof many pairs of little panties, Coyote spent the rest of the day exploring.At dusk, he decided to plunge into the depths of the forest. It was at night,after all, that the call came. The spiders asked if he'd be safe, and he toldthem (with foolish bravado) that he could handle himself.

He shouldered his backpack and set out. After a few minutes of walking,he found a stream full of chilly water. He stopped to drink. As he greedilyguzzled, he heard an unmistakably feminine voice: "Are you here to hurtus?"

He looked up and in the twilight he could clearly see three beautiful, smilingwomen, each with brilliant red hair. They wore red shifts that reached to justabove their navels, white panties, and red and white pumps. Each had a pairof velvety red batwings. One, the woman who'd spoken, was clearly older thanthe other two, perhaps in her thirties. The younger ones were about eighteenand nineteen. The old man's wife and daughters , Coyotesaid to himself.

"Am I here to hurt you? That depends, ma'am. I'm not too hungry atthe moment, but if you're evil fays, that won't help you."

"Evil? Goodness no. We just wanted to be free, and now we are."

"How many people have you killed in just the short time you've been'free'?"

"Why . . . no one at all. Don't be silly." Her smile had beenreplaced by a look of anger. "What do you have against ladies who choosetheir own paths?"

"Your proper paths were chosen for you when you were born in Mythica:to be protected and cherished by men, and to obey them. May I ask, ma'am, whendid your husband last take you to his bed?"

"About . . . a month ago," she said, with the look of someonedistracted and half-dreaming on her face.

"He slipped your panties down, didn't he? Just like all the times before,all the way back to your wedding night?"

"Yes . . . . " she said. Coyote inched closer.

"Those panties are a symbol: of your weakness and vulnerability, andof your surrender to the good man who pledged himself to look after you. Whenhe took them down, he was claiming what's . . . ."

"Mom!" shrieked one of the girls. "He's trying to hypnotize you!" Allthree hissed and bared long, sharp canine teeth.

Foolish to try that trick on three at a time , thoughtCoyote. He squared off and got ready for a fight. Then, to his dismay, he realizedthey were hypnotizing him. "You can't move," they said in unison. " You're weak. . . you're vulnerable." His paws dropped to hissides.

Just then, three dark shapes dropped down from the overhanging trees. Asea spider landed on the bosom of each vampire and clung there. The wickedtrio screamed as needle-sharp fangs pierced their tender flesh. They beat atthe spiders with their fists, but these just glanced harmlessly off the hardblack shells. Soon the powerful spider toxins did their job, and all threefell thrashing to the ground.

"You've saved my life, girls!" said Coyote. "I don't knowhow I can repay you!"

"You're our Mom; of course we saved you!" said one of them.

"Now--I know you'd like to chow down," said Coyote, "but vampiresaren't very good to eat. If you're hungry, I want you to go look for some morebutterfly girls, OK?"

"OK, Mom," they said, and off they went. Coyote was telling thetruth here; the three spiders, of whom he was starting to grow very fond, mightget sick if they feasted on vampire.

He went over to the three captured women, who were moaning and whimpering,and started to question them.

"Why should we tell you anything?" asked one of the girls. Coyotebit her on her already wounded breast. When she was done screaming, he said: "That'swhy."

"Tell him . . . everything," said the mother, her face wet withtears. "Just . . . tell him."

So they did. It was a band of mermaids who had set off the imbalance withpowerful magic they had recently discovered. They had caused an island to thrustup out of the sea and used it for their headquarters. They had made the forestspread. They had summoned in every evil female fay who would heed their call.And they had gone to work on the human beings in the neighborhood, seducingthe men to their destruction and turning receptive women into fays. The motherand her two daughters had drained the blood of dozens of men, as well as afew women who wouldn't go along.

"And now for your punishment," said Coyote. He strippedeach vampire of her panties, then
held the garments, wet with urine and honey, up to the sky. (Each lady hada pubic patch of the same
unnaturally bright red hair that adorned her head.) "Since you've dishonoredthese," he said, "they
can kill you now." Realizing what was coming, they shook their heads violentlyand begged for
their lives. Unmoved, he strangled each woman with her own underpants. He thenwaited by the
bodies until they turned into dust

IV. Nereids Netted

When Coyote met up with the spiders back at the cottage, he said: "Ladies,it's almost time to get your sea legs." He explained what they were goingto do, and then they had the best sleep they could.

They got up just before dawn. He took his harpoon out of his backpack andgripped it firmly in his right paw. Then the fay-killing quartet went downto the shore. They looked out at the island and could make out the cove quiteclearly. "That's where they'll be," said Coyote. "Let's go whipsome pretty ass."

The spiders walked out onto the water, then began to dart back and forth,like skaters on ice. When they'd gotten fully accustomed to the new surface,each spun out a sturdy cable from her behind. Coyote twisted these into a singlecable, which he tied around his waist. Then they were off. They took an indirectpath, weaving here and there over the water, but all the while gradually approachingthe island. Coyote's plan was for the spiders to drop him off on the island'sfar side, along with the cable. They would then proceed to the cove, to carryout their part of the assignment.

When they reached the shore, Coyote took up the cable and wished his bravecharges good luck. Then he headed inland, the silken line in one hand, hisharpoon in the other. The ground

rose quickly, and soon he was climbing rather than walking. Finally, he cameto a cliff, from which he could see the mainland he had just left. Right below,two hundred or so feet down, was the cove. It had a narrow beach. Lying onthe beach, very close to the water, were twenty or more mermaids--sleeping,he hoped.

He untwisted the cable into its three parts and tied these end to end. Thenhe made one end fast to what looked like a secure outcropping. He tied theother end around him, just under his shoulders. Down he went, hoping to relyon hand- and toe-holds rather than a single strand of spider silk. At one pointhe did lose his grip; the silk turned out to be as strong as steel, and hewas able to swing himself back to the cliff-face without a mishap. When hereached the end of the spider cable, it was a safe drop to the beach, so downhe jumped. He hit the sand and immediately hid behind a bush.

All the while he was climbing down, the mermaids hadn't budged. Apparentlythey were resting after a night devoted to evil. He now got a better look atthem: beautiful, of course, they were women down to their groins, with bigscaly fish tails of the most brilliant colors: turquoise, scarlet, lime green,yellow, orange. In each case, the mermaid's hair was exactly the same coloras her tail. They lay there, many of them snuggled up together, as if theyhadn't a worry in the world.

Coyote stepped out from behind the bush, the harpoon ready in his rightpaw. Just then a blue-haired, blue-tailed beauty sat up, raised her hands aboveher head, and said: "Oh no girls, we're caught!" The others sat upas well and, laughing, put their hands up, too. "We're caught! We're caught!" theymerrily repeated. The blue girl then fixed his eyes with hers. "Drop thehurty thing right now," she said. And he did. He had never felt a morepowerful hypnosis in his life. "Now just stand there." A tornadocouldn't have dislodged him.

She threw back her luxuriant blue hair, then began to stroke her breastswith her hands. "Is this where you were planning to stick me?" sheasked.

"That was one possibility," Coyote allowed.

Next she rubbed her belly, then drew a long-nailed finger along the hairlesscleft at her groin. "More possible targets?"

"That's right."

She took a deep breath. "We lost track of a lot of our agents on themainland, so we figured something was up. To judge by the number we can't contactanymore, I'd say you're pretty efficient. And I can tell . . . other thingsby looking into your eyes."

Now he had to hope that all the blocking spells he knew would deflect herfrom more important information to less.

"You seem to be completely without mercy." she said. "You'dbe amazed how many people have a hard time killing a girl. But you got a tastefor lady fays a long time ago. You like doing 'em."

"I can't lie, Miss. I surely do."

"Why do you think that is?"

"It's the pretty face. And the pretty body. And the pretty, perfumedslit down below. I could've eaten sheep, or goats, or whatever, but I learnedearly on that a pretty body that was squirming and trembling, a pretty facethat was begging for its life . . . . Well, Miss, it was more than just aneating experience. And of course, if she's evil, well that takes it up anothertwenty notches."

"Why's that so important?"

"Because she's a threat to Mythica. And something about the gall ofit: here's a world where males really do take care of their ladyfolk: alwayssmile for them, always get them flowers, always hug them when they cry, andalways do what they can to protect them, including laying down their livesfor them. A female really is on a pedestal here . . . ."

"If she follows orders. Some of us aren't so good at that."

"Some of you are evil."

She laughed. "You're absolutely right, Mr. Coyote. My friends and Iare evil." She gestured to the other mermaids and they began to laughas well. "We want to replace peace and order with destruction and chaos.Men guarantee order, so we're down on most men. But I think there might bea place for you in our group. I want disorder, but not too much. I could usean enforcer. I'd feed you really well: all the disloyal fays you can eat."

"How long would I have to think about this . . . offer?"

"A minute or so. Would you really rather be dead?"

She had the fatal weakness of all female fays (indeed of all women): shecouldn't stop talking. But she was inexorably pushing him to a point he didn'twant to reach. If he said yes, just to go along with them, he might be subjectto an obliterating curse for breaking his word to supernaturals. "Whenall the men are gone, how do you plan to, uh, make new evil fays?"

"You've seen our magic at work already, Mr. Coyote; you know it's prettystrong. All lady fays who've come within the range of it can now inseminateone another. So men just aren't necessary any more. We'll keep some aroundfor entertainment, of course."

"How'd the imbalance come about?"

"We made it. We learned a spell that would cause a local disturbance.The mermen got wind of it just before we killed them, poor dears." Morelaughing from the cruel cuties. "The next step was to cram as many badgirls into the area of disturbance as we could, and we did that, too. The imbalancehas spread, and it looks as if it'll continue spreading."

"All of Mythica under your fin," said Coyote.

"That's right," she said with a smirk. "Now what are yougoing to do?"

"I like to know who I'm agreeing with. What's your name?"

"Pantanassa. I need to know what you plan to do."

"That's a pretty name, for a very pretty lady."

"This is getting a little annoying. The next word out of your mouthhad better be yes, if you don't want to die."

"Ye-," he started to say.

At just this moment a mermaid shot up from beneath the water about ten yardsfrom shore, pointed out to the mouth of the cove, and screamed: "Sea spiders!" Seaspiders!" Several more girls surfaced and repeated the cry.

Everyone on shore now looked out to where the cove gave way to the broadblue sea. There, skating toward the beach at a leisurely pace, were the threespiders, two at either arm of the cove, and one in the middle. You couldn'tsee it, but they were drawing a huge net, a kind of purse sein, behind thembelow the water. To judge from their screams, the mermaids knew very well whatthe spiders were up to. Some just clutched at their breasts or tore at theirbeautiful hair and wailed with terror. (Nothing frightens a mermaid more thansea spiders.) Others dived deep, in hopes of swimming under the net they knewwas coming. It was no use. The spiders had secreted several wads of hardenweb,a special stuff that takes on the density of stone or metal within minutes.They'd used the lumps to weight the net so that it reached all the way to thebottom. And, unlike a human net, it had sticky strands that caught any girlwho tried to lift it and swim underneath.

Realizing the sea was a dead end, some of the mermaids looked to the landfor their salvation and started slithering for tree cover. Pantanassa was oneof these. They had forgotten Coyote, and, panicked as they were, they couldno longer bind him anyway. He snatched up his harpoon, ran to the mermaid leader,and flipped her on her back with his foot. She raised her hands in supplication,all her arrogance replaced by tearful terror. He brought the harpoon down hard,right between her navel and her cleft. The sound that came from her now washalf groan, half shriek. He knew she wasn't going anywhere, so he pulled outhis weapon and went to the next girl, and the next. Within at most a few minutes,he had harpooned every fay on the beach, twenty or so girls. Meanwhile thespiders had come ashore. They drew their big net out of the water, and it heldat least another thirty. The spiders dashed from victim to screaming victim,both theirs and Coyote's, pumping a strong dose of venom into each. Once stung,the girls could squirm and beat the sand with their tails, but that was aboutall, aside from crying bucketsful. (Pantanassa cried more bitterly than anyof the others.) Coyote then spent the next couple of hours disentangling thenetted fays and lining everyone up on the beach with a twist of web pinningher arms to her sides.

Caught fays have a scent that's incomparable: a compound of honey, pineforests in autumn, and steaks crackling on a grill. When a fay is incontestablybagged, when her body knows its time has come, her breasts quiver and ache,her nipples harden and sharpen, and a rich, frothy milk spills forth; her cuntsecretes--sometimes spurts--a clear honey-like nectar; and the tears that pourdown her cheeks are perfumed. Every delightful liquid that she now distillsin the extremity of her grief, pain, and shame contributes to the unforgettablefragrance. Coyote had greedily inhaled the scents of the netted butterfly girlsand the three luckless vampires. Those were faintly discerned preludes comparedto this: fifty or so mermaids, all ravaged and ruined! He drew in breath afterbreath charged with their aroma.

When everything--and everyone--had been put in order, it was time to leavethe island. The spiders used their hardenweb to make hooks as strong and sharpas steel. Coyote slipped a hook into the belly of each mermaid, just aboveher vulva. Every one of them squealed pitiably when she was stuck. He thentied web cables to the hooks and clutched all the free ends in his right paw.The spiders would tow him, and he would tow the mermaids, back to the mainland. "Yourlast ocean voyage, ladies," he said. The mermaids sobbed and wailed inresponse.

The old man was loafing disconsolately on the beach when he saw Coyote andthe spiders

come out of the water, pulling their spectacular catch behind them. He whoopedand ran over to help them. Soon all the mermaids were at a safe distance fromthe water. No one would escape today.

It was time now for a speech. Coyote faced the trembling, crying, shudderinggirls and said: "You've murdered the mermen who were appointed by benevolentmagic to be your husbands, protectors, and masters. You've murdered God knowswho else. You've thrown the realm of magical energy into disorder and imbalance.You've brought a horde of fays as evil as yourselves down on this innocentneighborhood. Have I missed something? I have three hungry, hard-working seaspiders here. I think they deserve the first pick." He turned to the spidersand said, under his breath, "Save the leader for me." "Sure,Mom," they said and started their meal.

A sea spider likes to grip a captured mermaid somewhat in the manner ofa man holding a sandwich with both hands. It plants two legs on either sideof the victim's groin, then pumps in more venom to minimize struggling. Asthe girl falls into a cycle of powerful death orgasms, the spider starts suckingout her juices. So it happened now. "No! No! No! Please, Devil, no!" themermaids cried, or "It hurts! It hurts!" or "I'm caught I'm caught I'm caught!" (thistime without laughter). The spiders were hungry, so each took three victims.The rest, except for Pantanassa, they wrapped and saved for later.

Coyote went to Pantanassa. "Your turn," he said.

"I'll obey! I'll obey!" she shrieked.

"I'm sure you will. I think I'll try those breasts now." When thewails, sobs, and whimpers were over, when she was done trembling, when shehad flicked her tail for the last time, he stretched his jaws wide and swallowedher whole.

"Did you . . . did you find out anything about my wife and girls?" the old man asked. Coyote was fishing for an answer when a strange sound filled the air, something like the whirring of a dynamo.

"What in the gods' names . . .?" said the man.

"It's time for Redress," said Coyote, glad for the interruption. "There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of evil fays in the vicinity. The restored balance won't tolerate their continued presence. Just look!"
A vast cloud swarmed in towards them. When it got closer, they couldsee that it was compounded of hundreds of butterfly girls, flying in erraticcircles, emitting fearful little cries. The cloud hovered now above the bigspider web. Then, one by one, each fay gave an especially poignant squeak anddropped onto the sticky silk. Soon there would be no more room. Realizing whatwas happening, the sea spiders quickly spun new swatches of webbing, and thesewere soon occupied as well. "Tarnation," said the old man.

"About your womenfolk," said Coyote. "I, uh, saw three redheadedfays on the island . . . . The Redress hit there right away . . . and theydied. I'm sorry."

"That was prob'ly them," the man said. "'Bout what I reckonedwould happen. Oh well." He pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nosewith a big honk. "Say: you and your, uh, friends are welcome to stay herea while. I'll spend the week tidyin' up, and then I'll be leavin' myself. Nothin'keepin' me here now."

"Thank you sir. A few days to rest up would be nice. My spiders havegotten their sea-legs, so I've a feeling they'll want to head out as soon asthey're finished here."

And so it was. Within just two days, every evil mermaid had been suckeddry. It took another three days for Coyote and the spiders to polish off allthose bad butterfly girls. Long before they finished, the ground was litteredwith tiny panties, looking for all the world like little flower petals. Whenat last every wicked fay had been brought to justice, Coyote and the old manwaved goodbye as the three plucky spiders skated out to sea. Then Coyote shookthe hand of his host and set out for home.

V. Incident of Travel

Coyote was making his way back along the coast road. He was at the outermostlimit of the magical disturbance he had helped to quell, and he witnessed onelast example of Redress before the landscape became dull and routine. He wascoming around a bend in the road when he heard an agonized scream, clearlyfemale, from the forest to his left. Curious, he followed his ears a few hundredfeet into the woods, where he came upon a clearing. There, backed against atree, was a land fairy, one of those fays who rely on their size and theirstrong legs to save them from predators. Her beautiful though rather plumpface was framed by thick, night-black hair that reached to her waist. Her great,round breasts were enclosed, barely, by a lavender shift. Her tummy swelledgently out over lavender panties. Her big and shapely legs were set off byhigh heels, again lavender. She was formidable, but she was in mortal trouble:her face was now red and swollen with weeping; her breasts quivered like dollopsof jello; her panties were soaked. What mighty bear or lion held her at bay?Nothing of the kind; just a common tomcat.

The Redress had weakened her right before the young cat came wandering by.He saw her and scented her fear, and so he ran up and snapped at her leg. Insteadof kicking him aside with a crushing blow, she screamed and tried to run away,but a strange fatigue enveloped her. She had barely made it to the tree beforeshe could go no farther. He was playing a game with her when Coyote came uponthem: nipping at one leg, then the other. She shrieked with every bite. Atone point she cried out: "Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" But thecat didn't comply. Coyote looked on, fascinated.

Finally, with a great effort, she raised one leg as if to kick at the littlefeline. His response was to dart in, leap up, and plunge his teeth into theband of lavender that stretched between her thighs. Her cry now was a long,bitter, shuddering wail. She fell gasping to the ground. The tomcat came upand started tugging for all he was worth at the waistband of her underpants.

"Let me help," said Coyote. While the little cat looked on withsome degree of suspicion, Coyote wrestled the bagged fay's panties down herlegs and over her toes. Sobbing, she struggled against him, but it was mostlyher weight that made stripping her an effort. When he was done, he had to catchhis breath. Then he pulled her legs far enough apart to allow the cat to runin and bury his tongue in the black-furred wetness of her cunt. She wailedagain when the rough tongue went to work.

She looked at Coyote, and recognition now dawned. "You . . . you didthis," she gasped.

"Yes I did, Miss."

"It was g-going to be all . . . all right. I was going to be a f-finelady in the bad girl kingdom. Then you came along . . . . You k-killed us all.You killed us!"

"That's right," said Coyote, "with plenty of help."

"It . . . took two . . . two b-bears to b-bring my momma down . . .and I've been . . . caught by a cat! Caught by a cat! I'm so ashamed! Oh, mypanties . . . my panties! Ohhhhhh, Momma, it hurts! It hurts it hurts it hurts!Unnhhh!"

"It's all right," said Coyote brusquely. "It feels good,too; admit it. And besides, you're going to be dead very soon. Why all thefuss?"

"Momma! M-momma!" she cried as the first of her death-orgasmscame over her. It took a full half-hour for the kicking to stop.

"Have a feast, little guy," said Coyote, and went on his way.


Same as Mr. Coyote and the Mermaids Videos

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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Andee Learns Just What Stays in Vegas

Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Fernanda Teenage Lust

I had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...

First Time
3 years ago
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas

Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...

3 years ago
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 2

Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas

Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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In the theater with Miranda Cosgrove

Miranda checked herself out in the mirror for her date with Jake. She lifted her black denim skirt that as already a bit small up another quarter inch. To show a bit more of f her alabaster legs. Her red Paco Chicano racer back top was extra tight to show her perky braless B-cup breast. Her lips were painted with the right amount of red lipstick to make her look the right amount of slutty just the way Jake liked it.The whole purpose of the out fit she was wearing was to tease Jake. Tease her...

3 years ago
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 3

Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...

3 years ago
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 3

Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

4 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 1

Andee edged her way through the crowd surrounding the luggage belt. She was happy to finally be off the plane after the three hour flight from Toronto, but still had some peculiar emotions about being in Houston. Ever since her encounter with Don back at the conference in Chicago she had been maintaining a casual connection with him, mostly on a professional level. When she received his invitation to come to Texas for a few days to explore first hand some of the research developments his...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight

Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...

3 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 2

Andee woke to the sound of the shower running. Looking at the digital clock beside the bed she saw that it was just after 6:00 a.m. As she sat up in the bed, she was trying to shake out the cobwebs and jetlag in her head when the realization of what had gone on the night before became obvious. She was naked but couldn’t exactly remember at what point during the night her lingerie had come off. She rolled out of the bed, made her way to the closet and pulled on a t-shirt from her suitcase. She...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Andee Loses a Bet and Her Panties

The whole matter began shortly after Andee’s 38th birthday. She had made one of the biggest decisions of her life and cropped her long brown hair into a cute “pixie” cut. It was a drastic change in her mind, and not long after she began to feel that she wasn’t being “noticed” as much as she had been when her hair was long. “Men prefer long hair,” she complained to her husband one night, not long after she made the dramatic transformation. But despite his constant reassurances, she still felt...

Wife Lovers

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