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{There is no sex at ALL in this tale.)


I sighted carefully on the gray animal, the big female had just stepped past the huge mass of blackberry bushes. One of her pups had eagerly appeared first, it wasn’t the one I wanted, not really. I knew the bitch would be not too far behind.

It was coming up on 10 PM, in late July it stays light fairly late, now it was dark enough that I could see but barely. The animals moved like ghosts.

The electronic caller I had set up and hidden in the grass was squealing, it sounded just like a Rabbit that was hurt. The pup leaped and then was directly over the speaker.

It hesitated, expecting there to be a creature to grab, then realizing something was wrong, started to turn.

‘Pop pop!’ I put two rounds into the big female, right through the side of her chest from less than 20 feet away.

Then I swung the little .22 caliber auto loader towards the pup.

Coyotes are like crazy video games when surprised, they explode into motion and head every which way at once.

I managed to get off 13 more rounds in probably two seconds, maybe less. It didn’t help that the second pup had appeared, breaking my concentration for just a moment.

At one point one was moving sideways to me, nearly flat on the ground, the other was coming directly at me in confusion.

All I hit was air.


With 500 head of big fat Ewes in my southern pasture, doing what I just did was something I had to.

In late Summer and early Fall the big female Coyotes are busy training their pups, teaching them to kill. Of course, to survive they need to kill, it is the way of nature.

For me to survive, keep the baby lambs that are born, it falls to me to kill, also.

Distasteful is the best description of that process, I never liked having to do that at all.

As a boy growing up, my Father taught me the ways of the land. He was a hard man, and thought nothing at all of dropping every Coyote he saw.

I must have inherited a bit of my Mother’s gentleness, because while I would shoot a Coyote, even drop one of my neighbor’s dogs that sometimes slipped in and ripped the hell out of a flock of our Sheep, I never felt good about it.

I sighed, gathered up the big female and dragged her body to the barnyard, digging a hole and burying her.

Back at my house, I cleaned the rifle, reloaded it making sure a shell was in the chamber, then leaned it up against the wall behind the door.


It was three days later I saw the signs once again, one big ram had fur pulled out of it’s rear flank, and was limping.

I saw the blood on one rear leg, knew it was from a Coyote and not the typical sore foot Sheep get regularly.

That meant the pups were still at it, trying to kill something. But a full grown ram is not that easy for Coyote pups to handle, they need the big female to teach them what to do.

When Sheep run, which is their first defensive action, the chase is on. Pups run up behind and grab, getting a mouthful of wool.

Not understanding the need to go for the throat, often their efforts are a failure.

The baby lambs are quite another situation though.

Running my Honda 350 four trax up the back side of the place, I spotted the big Buzzards circling and knew.

Using their lead, I found the lamb, about a week old. The predator that made the kill was obvious, a Bear breaks the neck and feeds on the carcass, a Cougar picks it up and often takes it away. Dogs bite and slash at the hind quarters and will kill all they can catch.

Searching, I found the small tracks in nearby dirt.

Nothing to do but go back on the hunt.


Two evenings in a row I lay out by the trail, Mosquitoes biting my neck and all I could do was lay there quietly and take it.

Nothing appeared.

I found two more lambs down, this was getting serious.

The 3rd evening, I stepped out onto my porch which is up high facing to the East. I can see most of that portion of the place from that vantage point.

Motion. I saw the grass move, then out stepped one of the Coyote pups. It’s ears were up, alert.

I reached past the little .22 and grabbed the old Marlin .30-30, the range was too far for the light weapon.

The Coyote stepped further out of the Bulrush plants that filled one of the drainage ditches.

It was 120 yards easy, not a shot I could make with confidence. I sighted, squeezed off a round.

Down the animal went! That was when I saw the second one, it was running. I got off two rounds, levering the shells into the chamber as fast as I could but hitting a Coyote running flat out at 120 yards is not an easy thing to do.

The second one vanished into the bramble bushes. I hopped onto the Honda and rode out to collect the pup.

When I pulled up and shut off the engine, I saw it was still moving, it’s hind leg twitching. I reached up and pulled my .45 caliber pistol I keep strapped to the handlebars, walked over to the animal.

Just as I sighted to finish it off, it opened it’s eyes and looked at me.

It was a very young animal, probably less than a dozen pounds. I stood there and just could not fire the weapon. Glancing down, I could see it was a male, but it was so small I suddenly did not want to kill it.

I expected the animal to leap up and run but it didn’t, it just lay there, panting. Reaching down, I grabbed it right behind the head, getting a good grip.

Coyotes can nearly turn inside their own hide and bite, those fangs were serious.

Even as a baby, the thing of course had very sharp teeth. But it hung from my hand, limp as a dishrag.

I had a roll of tape in the back of my ATV, I reached in and used it to tape the animal’s mouth shut so it could not bite.

Then I taped it’s hind feet.

I had already spotted the bloody slash across the back of it’s skull, the round had skimmed bone but that was all.

Why, I do not know to this day but I loaded the critter onto the back of my bike and headed for the house.

I made it maybe 20 feet and all hell broke loose!

The thing managed to lunge enough to throw itself off the machine onto the ground, then even with it’s mouth taped shut and only it’s front feet free it was snarling and trying to run.

I had to chase it, using just it’s front feet and trying to bound with it’s rear legs, it took off at a pretty good clip.

I grabbed it again and taped it’s other feet, then used more tape to hold it down on the back of my machine.

Lord was that thing snarling. It sounded like it it could get loose it would happily try to kill me.

‘There, you little bastard!’ I said, as it glared at me with one eye.

Back at the house, I put it in the pen I used for my Border Collies until they are trained enough to trust. The bottom edge of the woven wire is buried so they can’t dig out, and high enough they can’t get over it.

Getting the tape off of it was interesting, after I found some ointment and coated the two inch long gash in it’s head.

Finally I used my pocket knife while wearing a set of welder’s gloves.

It bit at me several times, once even piercing the glove, drawing blood.

I think it knew it got me, because it then retreated to a corner, looking at me with a satisfied expression.

I put in some food and water, not sure if it would have anything to do with that since my smell was on it, then I went up to the house and left it alone.

Four long days went by, each day I went down and just sat there, speaking softly, letting it get used to me.

All it did was stay in a tight little ball, jammed into a corner, those eyes never left me.

I named it Slash because of the now fast healing scar across the back of it’s skull. I had thought of naming it Yoti the Coyote but that sounded

Usually a wild animal caught like that just lays down and dies, it is what I expected it to do.

Stubborn, I kept up the visits, moving slowly, speaking softly. Those eyes never stopped staring at me.

The fourth day, I saw it had drank some of the water.

By the eighth day, it ate some of the food.

After three weeks, I could look out the window at the pen, Slash was now moving around, obviously looking for a way out.

Holes appeared alongside the fence line, but I had buried the wire deeply, even curling it backwards under the earth.

Then I saw one of my Collies approach the pen, at first Slash retreated. The Collie left, then returned again.

Finally one day they stood on each side of the wire and sniffed noses.

The Collie I called Jen was a big 40 pound female and more or less the boss around the house, and she had two pups of her own. I always thought that maybe, just maybe that was the key?

Things progressed until Slash no longer ran to a corner when I approached, the day he ate right in front of me was a great success.

By the end of six months, he would let me pet him without instantly turning to bite.

Using the food as a reward, I began to require Slash to do something to earn each bite. That took a very long time, then finally one day I saw his eyes change when I gave the command to sit and he plopped his rear down on his own.

Those eyes still watched me intently, but now the expression seemed to be one of curiosity rather than fear.

One day we were out in my training field, I had it surrounded by wire so it couldn’t get out. I keep a half dozen of the older ewes in there. They know what to do when they see the Collies, so quickly the dogs understand what my whistles and hand motions mean, plus the ewes give them a little help.

I let Slash off of the lease to see what would happen, he sat there and watched as the young pups I was training moved the fat Sheep back and forth.

Just one week of that and I took Slash out there alone, he and I and the six ewes.

I gave the whistle that tells the Collies to go out around and move the ewes to the portable corral, Slash took off like a shot and in no time had the ewes in there.

Of course, at the sound of my whistle the ewes would have done it by themselves but Slash went right to the position he needed to be in, copying exactly what my Collies did.

‘Well, I’ll be damned.’ I mumbled to myself, handing him a little treat as his reward.

Glancing down, I saw Slash looking up at me with what I took to be a satisfied expression.

There was a moment there, it can’t be explained. Slash and I had formed some kind of crazy bond.

At the end of a full year Slash slept at the foot of my bed.

I had never even allowed the Collies to do that, those are not pets, they are tools.

What was Slash? I have to say I just do not know. A friend, perhaps?


Word got around, in our area of the world most of the other ranchers run Sheep, a few cattle.

One day I was sitting on the porch and I looked up to see Henry Wilcox coming down my road in his impossibly dirty green Chevrolet pickup.

Slash retreated long before he came into sight, just like he did when Sherry, our mail lady came by, or the meter reader, anyone at all that was not me.

Slash hid from everyone.

‘Hello, Dan.’ Henry climbed out. Henry was around 70 years old or so, he had two steel legs which one would think would slow a man down but it sure didn’t seem to.

‘Henry. Good to see you! Grab a beer, there is some in the cooler.’ I waved at the small ice chest I had sitting on the porch.

Henry made that odd looking swing of his hips as he set first one foot on the step, then swung up, then the other foot and repeated the motion.

Walking on flat ground you couldn’t really tell he had artificial legs, but climbing he of course had to find his balance at each step.

‘What’s this I hear you been raising a damned Coyote?’ He asked, the moment he sat down. Henry was not known at all for beating around any bushes, he was a gruff and no nonsense kind of guy.

Of course he had Arthritis in every joint, and a perpetual scowl that made folks that don’t know him think he was mad at them.

‘Yea, just a pup. I have him tamed.’

‘Ain’t no way in hell you can tame one of them filthy things.’ Henry tipped back his can of beer and drank half of it in one pull.

‘Seems like I can.’ I told him.

‘Where is it then?’ Henry demanded.

‘Under the porch, he doesn’t like strangers much.’

‘Under the porch? You mean, right here?’


‘Jesus Christ, Dan. You need to get rid of the fucking thing, next thing I know it will be sneaking over and killing my lambs.’

‘Naw. I already have Slash running with my dogs. He knows about Sheep.’

‘Yea, sure. Reason I am here, I lost four head over the last week.’ Henry’s tone went bitter.

‘It isn’t Slash, he sleeps inside in my bedroom.’ I told him.

‘Yea, well, I see it I will put a bullet into it.’ Henry growled.

‘If he gets over there, you go right ahead and do that, but if he is on my side you best be careful I don’t see that.’ I told him.

‘I will shoot every fucking Coyote I see!’ Henry snorted, setting down the empty can. He got up and made his way carefully down my steps.

‘I mean it, Dan.’ He said, stopping at his truck.

‘Well, I just told you, Henry. You be staying off my land, Slash isn’t going to give you any troubles.’

Henry glared at me but got into his truck and left.


It was only about a week later, Slash and I were headed to the barn to put out grain for my flock.

It was getting close to time to load up this year’s big lambs for market. It had been a good year, we had lost just one ewe that had gotten down on her side and was so fat she couldn’t get back to her feet.

I make the run twice each day and sometimes find one or two down. If I get there in time I roll them back upright and off they go, this one was down behind some brush and I missed her.

While I was dealing with that Slash took off, a few seconds later I heard him tip his head back a howl. I went over there, he had found another ewe down on her side and let me know.

I rolled her back upright and she took off in panic, then I reached down and patted Slash on the head. He stuck his tongue out happily.

Now he walked along with me towards the barn, I glanced down at him.

Coyotes don’t get real big, maybe 35-40 pounds is about all. Food can be hard to come by out in the wild is why.

Slash was coming up on 60 pounds and still growing.

The truth was he looked to be a bit intimidating, I understood that. Lately in town there had been a few comments, local folks don’t like Coyotes very much.

I just figured it was none of their business.

Just as we got to the barn, I saw the deputy coming down my driveway.

Slash instantly headed for the porch, vanishing underneath it. But the deputy saw him since it was about 200 yards to the house.

‘Hi, Dan.’ He said, getting out.

‘How’s things, Carl?’ I asked.

‘About like always. You know why I am here, got a complaint.’

‘About what?’ I asked, yes, already knowing.

‘You raising Coyotes. They are wild animals, that is against the law.’

I knew about that part, and figured it would crop up sooner or later.

‘Hell, Carl. It’s just a Coyote, and Slash is all trained. He even works my Sheep with the Collies, he won’t hurt one of them.’ I protested.

‘Henry down the road says he lost four more lambs, and he says it has to be yours that is doing it.’ Carl looked towards the house.

‘Lots of Coyotes around here, Carl.’ I told him.

‘None the size of what Henry says that thing of yours is.’
I didn’t answer.

‘I got to see him, Dan.’ Carl said finally after sizing me up.

‘All right. But I need you to get back in your truck.’ Carl looked at me but went over and got in.

I walked over to the porch, it took a bit of coaxing but Slash finally came out. I could tell he was extremely nervous, he kept glancing over to where Carl was.

I walked him to the training pen, put him in and shut the door. Then I waved over to Carl.

The moment he got out, Slash retreated to the far corner and turned to face him. As Carl walked up, Slash bared his teeth.

‘Man, he is big, isn’t he? He don’t look very damned friendly, either.’

‘He is friendly with me.’ I looked at Slash, told him to sit.

He instantly sat down, but kept his teeth bared.

‘So. You say he doesn’t ever get out?’ Carl asked.

‘He is free to come and go as he pleases, he just always stays with me.’ I told him.

‘I thought you said he never gets out?’

‘I said he just never leaves my side, unless someone comes around. Like I said, he isn’t my Coyote, he just hangs around because he wants to.’

That was a very lame explanation, I knew, but it was the best excuse I could come up with.

I mean, if a wild animal sticks around because it wants to, is that my fault?

‘Dan, we have to pick him up. We have to stop this, Henry is raising hell.’

‘Fuck Henry, Slash isn’t causing any troubles.’ I told him, getting a sick feeling.

But there wasn’t a damn thing in the world I could do about what I knew was going to happen.


That afternoon, a crew showed up. They ended up shooting Slash with a dart gun.

I guess the best description is that I was mad as an old wet hen. They were all eyeballing me, I had my pistol strapped onto my hip but managed to keep enough control to not start using it when I saw Slash go down.

Slash trusted me fro some reason and I felt like I had let him down.

They were smart enough to put Slash in a cage all by himself but it was terribly small.

I drove down and talked to him but he was not responding well.

‘I will get you out of here, Slash.’ I told him. His dark eyes looked at me, it almost broke my heart.

Over the next few weeks, I had to drive into town every day to feed him, Slash refused to touch anything that anyone else gave him.

Plus everyone had to leave the room, if anyone else was nearby he would not feed, would not respond except to display his teeth.

They would not let me in the cage with him, but I could touch him though the bars. After a few days, he came willingly to me, even licked my hand.

I kept telling him I was going to get him out of there, it was almost like that calmed him down, like he understood?

Probably just my familiar soft tone of voice of course but I felt like that.

Every day I had to leave to care for my own animals, then I hired a crew that year to haul my lambs to market.

Finally came the day of the court hearing.


The surprise was it went fairly quickly, I spoke about how Slash and I had become friends, how he worked my flock just like my dogs did.

I didn’t mention that I had first shot him, not wanting to give them any ideas.

The key was when I explained that the animal was free to come and go as he pleased, so it was not me keeping a wild creature against the law, he stayed because it was his choice.

‘You feed him, don’t you?’ I was asked.

‘I put food out for my dogs, if the animal wants to come in and join them it’s no different than if any Coyote sneaked in and found the food dish.’

‘He is feeding that thing!’ Old Henry yelled out but the judge shushed him.

‘It’s no different than if a Deer comes down into your garden!’ I retorted loudly, getting myself shushed.

That was a bit of a reach but I saw the judge nod his head.

‘There is no evidence that this animal has harmed any livestock at all. So I can’t order it destroyed.’ The judge said.

‘I order the State to release the animal back into the wild.’ The judge looked at me, then banged his gavel.

I was miserable and happy at the same time on the way home that night.

I had lost a friend that I had crazily become attached to, but I had managed to save his life.


Where they took Slash, I have no idea. They refused to tell me. But at least they didn’t put him down.

I went back to my ranch, back to my work.

Winter came and went, then it was Spring and the early lambs arrived. By the middle of Summer, I took stock of things. I had lost just one Lamb, that one was taken by Buzzards that had come down on a ewe in labor.

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Allie Nicole and Athena Faris are total tennis nerds. Since they are stepsisters, they grew up idolizing Venus, Serena, and all the other amazing tennis stars they watch on TV. Today, they sneak by one of their idols security and knock on his front door. He usually hates visitors, but when he sees how hot the girls are, he invites them inside his house. Soon, the chicks start making out as their tight, young pussies soak through their panties. Then, they pull out the tennis studs giant racket...

4 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 57 Mickey

I reported back to Captain Foster and requested leave for a week, saying my wounds had been acting up. Real trouble was I could not stop thinking of Mercy and seeing her torn body in my dreams. He told me to stay away from Pamela and wrote me out a pass, reminding me that General Washington and a French general were expected soon. Neither Missy nor her daughter was overly happy to see me. Missy was entertaining a white-bearded gentleman in a long-tailed coat, old-fashioned wig and high boots...

4 years ago
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my first sex part 4

We arranged a time to meet, me and Rosa.. I booked a room in a motel so we can enjoy our day together...She had a day off from her work. It was was a sunny summer day...I picked her up and went straight ahead to the motel..She had that lovely smell .. She was wearing a tight jeans with a tight yellow shirt,, her boobs were so big...We had a little chat .. About her life and work .. She was tired from hard life..specially that she is a maid and no longer young she's now in her mid...

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The chubby shopper

I was sat outside the supermarket having a cigarette whilst waiting for my wife to finish doing some shopping when this mature lady came and sat next to me. As we chatted away she said she was 38, unhappily married with two c***dren. She was about 5'3", with a chubby midrift, what I would call chubby mature my favourite catagory on xhamster.As she smoked and we got talking Donna appeared, she sat with us and soon the three of us were getting on like old friends. As time went on Donna said to...

2 years ago
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Dhanwarlal gets my ex Chapter One

“Hahaha...excuse me what?” I interrupted my own laugh. “Oh you didn’t know?” said Ramesh. “No, of course not!” I blurted alarmingly. "You mean to say Amishi spent the night in Dhanwarlal's house?" I asked shocked. "Yeah, I thought you knew...haven't I said this to you already?" Ramesh replied. "Of course not man, this is serious, tell me everything" I requested. "That night as you already know we were four guys and your ex girlfriend hanging out at the brewery" Ramesh started....

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Touring Under PressureChapter 2 A Big Night

Alex and the others got to the Reliant Stadium early, though still later than Patricia and her band had. Still, their passes gave them access, although the door guard gave them a wary look. Alex knew that band members typically gave these types of passes to groupies that would sometimes hang around the entrance, so he could only imagine what the guard thought of him and the women surrounding him. However the man didn't say anything, simply shaking his head as they walked past. Strangely...

3 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 6

Saturday morning could have been a scene from a 'B' movie about high school girls. Of the eight gathered in Teri's rec room, Rebecca and Tessa were as giddy as the rest. Somehow, Cal thought they should have been helping to organize things and bring some order. Didn't happen. Since Sam had asked him personally, he took her first. She had changed into a tube top, which was apparently the uniform for the portraits. He started with the same approach he had used on Rebecca and Tessa, trying...

5 years ago
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Hayleys Babysitting Shock

Hayley was thinking about her first job as she lay on her bed, she was going to baby sit for her drama teacher. Hayley was sixteen years old; she had lightly tanned skin, longish brown hair, and was just about average height. She was wearing a white T-Shirt that stopped at the waist so you could just see her pierced belly button and a knee length denim skirt. Her breasts were a size 34B and you could see their shape through her T-Shirt. She looked over at the clock on her bed side table; it was...

4 years ago
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Star Whores XXX The Jawa Girl

I know it's a narrow window. If you're not out of here by the age of twenty five, you never will be. The trick is, once you're old enough. you have to know when to start working for yourself and you also have to start establishing your independence to do so. Some families won't lift a finger to help you, others will sabotage your efforts, and some know you'll never be able to escape no matter how much you scrape, scramble and save, so not everyone manages it. There are many different...

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Marching Band Part 40

I heard Mr. Ford blow his whistle, indicating the end of another practice. Over the last few days, I'd been spending more time with Lauren. After that amazing night, I'd thought of her every time I masturbated. I even sometimes forgot that I had had sex with Becca. After Mr. Ford dismissed us, I walked up to Lauren. She smiled when I came up to her. "Hey, Matt!" She said, reaching out to touch my arm. "Hi, Lauren! What's up?" I said, looking into her beautiful brown...

2 years ago
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Legend of the St Albans Sanatorium

It was Halloween night in southwest Virginia. Katie and Tommy decided to go for a drive out to the old abandoned St Albans asylum.The legend of the ghosts of St Albans Sanatorium dated back to the beginning when it was a school for troubled boys, then it was closed down by the state and used to house the people the state claimed to be insane. The doctors performed horrible experiments on the patients. Several people died from those experiments and were reported to haunt the place searching for...

4 years ago
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Not really a story, more about what I want.I am a Bi curious guy. I love pussy, but I really like cock. What I am looking for is a smooth feminine guy or tranny that would let me use him/her for an experiment... an experiment to see how far I'll go.First, I would like to meet in a neutral place, somewhere private of course. I need to be discreet about it all.I would like him to drop his pants and let me play with his cock. I'd kiss it, suck on it, rub it against my cock. Once he is totally...

3 years ago
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Bachpan Ki Kutai Ka Badla Teacher Se 8211 Part 6

Hello dosto main Yuvan ek bar fir hajir hu aapke samne. To dosto aap log jante hai main ab tak Priti bhabhi aur Shweta bhabhi ko alag alag aur eksath (samuhik) chod chuka hu. Mujhe bahot accha laga ki yaha tak aapko meri pichli kahani bahot pasand aai. Ab aage badhate hai. Us din main bahot thak gaya tha do do tagde mal chodke main ghar jake so gaya. Subeh 9 baj gaye the main fir bhi nahi utha. Fir achanak room ka darwaza kisine khat khataya. Maine nind mein darwaza khola. Mere to hosh hi ud...

3 years ago
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BBC to stretch my Holes Gay

This is how it started. It was a one of the random porn flicks one watches as a young man discovering the internet. It involved a big, tall, well built black man randomly knocking on the door of a tiny blonde girl. She opened the door with a bit of a look of fear in her eyes. She was a good actress! Whatever stupid small talk they had soon involved him putting his huge hands on her shoulders and forcing her down onto her knees. Then it came! She unzipped his fly, and had to reach almost half...

2 years ago
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My Super Hot Cousin

Hi guys, it’s Rohit and I’m back with yet another sexual experience I had in recent time. For all those who haven’t read my previous experience “Marvellous Mami” let me introduce myself. I am Rohit, staying in Mumbai. I am 18 and studying engineering. I am 5’9″ and have an athletic build. Coming to the incident, this happened in the last week of January. I had a short 1 week holiday from college and my parents had to attend a relative’s wedding in Pune. My mom asked my cousin aunt (Masi) to...

4 years ago
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Z and the Truckers

Z’s Walks a Truck Stop   Z came to visit me.   I live in a much smaller town than Z.   We don’t have the theaters like she does but she brought her sexy outfit anyway.   Had a fun warm up at my house.   We haven’t seen each other, since the last Theater visit, which had been a few weeks ago.   I treated her to a great elegant dinner with wine. Z, out of character, had two vodka martinis. She felt and would continue to feel the affect, especially, the strong martinis.   We went back to my...

3 years ago
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Weekend with Daniel part 1

-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...

1 year ago
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The Sports Team

It was the end of another rough, exhausting sports practice on the field, the sun had been beating down continuously for days now without a drop of rain since. The 17+ football players all retired to their dressing room, sweaty, hot and ready for an exhilarating cold shower. The players casually removed their sports gear, dropping it to the floor. They pealed off their wet, tight tops, and sweat trickled down their tanned, muscular bodies, from their big shoulders down their big, tight,...

2 years ago
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Reddit SlutWife, aka r/SlutWife! A naughty subreddit dedicated to all the hot wives out there. It is a perfect place for men who appreciate the beauty of experienced women who are, unfortunately, taken. Well, if that sounds like something you might want to check out, you are welcome to explore r/slutwife/. I mean, Reddit is free and all the subreddits as well, so you can enjoy exploring as much as you fucking want.It is what it is; there are no hidden meanings. This is a subreddit where you can...

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2 years ago
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My Minotaur Part II

As he worked the sturdy oars once again, I sat demurely in front of him this time, utterly cowed by the power of him. I bought him with my money, but now it was he who owned me. I studied the great muscles for perhaps the hundredth time. The disc of his bicep was pumping with each stroke, my eyes widening appreciably in time. But somehow I tore my gaze from those engorged knots of strength to his equally impressive thews. Between those, the center of my world hung behind its curtain of simple...

4 years ago
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Love One AnotherChapter 5

Mom was breathing hard and was trying to say something. She finally spoke, "That was the single best orgasm I've had my entire adult life. I don't know how we are going to tell your father, but I don't particularly care about that at the moment. Bring your dick to my mouth. I want to suck off whatever didn't go inside me. I pulled out seeing my sperm dripping from her for a moment, before I took my mostly soft dick to her mouth. She reached for my dick and got me in the right position,...

3 years ago
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Breeding an Old High School Friends Lactating Hotwife

Most of the cuckold stories I’ve read are from the perspective and in the first-person voice of either the husband being cuckolded or his hotwife. But I’m happy to provide my story about fucking and impregnating the wife of an old high school friend. This happened several years ago, when they moved back to our home town of Birmingham, Alabama.My name is Sam, and I’ll first explain the early years of my friendship with Jeff, before getting to the main events in the story. I was born and spent my...

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The teen play trilogy Part 1 extended version

[extended version] Emma and Jenn had been best friends forever. Their mothers had been next to each other in the same ward and have been friends since then. They were now both 14. Jenn was the older of the two, she was tall, had long blond hair, green eyes and was attractively slim. Her father worked abroad and her mother worked long hours as a assistant bank manager, to make enough money to live in the posh estate were their house was. She had an older brother, Warren, who had just turned 17....

First Time
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Yolanda and the Sprite

Cum Girl’s Faerie Tales: Yolanda and the Sprite   Author’s Note: There is a vanity about faeries and it is their preference to tell tales about themselves. I have narrated this story as I heard it from Yolanda. I hope you enjoy it.  Cum Girl x The pain was intense, fixed in her abdomen it sent forth slithers of agony making Yolanda’s body twitch within her comfy bedding. It had started late in the afternoon, a dull rumbling rolling around her stomach, occasionally exacerbated by sharp cramps....

4 years ago
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Mein dominanter GayFreund 1 Kennenlernen

Das richtige Kennenlernen und ausgiebige Ausleben meiner Bisexualität verdanke ich einem Freund, den ich während meines Studiums kennenlernte. Erst durch ihn habe ich so richtig und ungehemmt meine Schwanz-Geilheit ausleben können, und so viele neue Facetten meiner eigenen Sexualität entdeckt. Ich lernte ihn gegen Ende meines Studiums kennen, und leider zog er nach etwa 10 Monaten berufsbedingt weg. Diese Zeit mit ihm war für mich sexuell die intensivste und erregendste, die ich bis dahin...

3 years ago
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Catcher CultureChapter 4

As he looked down at Cindy's helpless body; her youthful pussy shiny and moist with excitement, her tight little anus clenching and dilating expectantly, Fenton could not draw his thoughts completely away from Hortense; how he had wanted to masturbate for her. He could not understand the power of the woman, and how it had gripped him so quickly, but his cock yearned for relief. He smiled down at the petite Cindy who looked sheepishly back from her gagged face, seeming to sense some...

2 years ago
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Seduced Young WifeChapter 10

Lynn Shaffer watched the scene unfolding before her eyes with horrified fascination. Her body had pushed itself up against the wall of the luxurious cabin, and her eyes were wide with this final, and greatest humiliation. She couldn't believe Mark would do such a thing to her, would willingly fuck another woman right before her eyes. Her mind reeled with intermingling feelings of jealousy, anger, and yet a strange and perverse excitement as well. She stared at the full, luscious body of...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 25 La Nouvelle Orleans

1 September, 1686 Afternoon Two day's out from La Nouvelle Orleans Scarlet's wound was all but healed. The metal piece had not been deep and his upper arm had required but a single stitch. Constance told Jack she felt ready for him. Then after informing the rest of the crew that the Captain's cabin would be unavailable for the next two hours she and Scarlet entered the cabin closing the door after them. Once inside Scarlet couldn't help looking intently at Constance completely absorbed...

1 year ago
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Dreams come true

I wanted him. How desperately I wanted him I cannot begin to tell you. Alone at night I thought of nothing but his face, his arms, the white and pink and ivory blue of his delicate skin, the curls of his hair, the soft smile of his lips, the glitter of his eyes. But he wasn’t there and I sat alone, the bottle before me, the bottle pouring into the glass, into the glass until there were only shadows. And then sleep. But even in sleep he towered above me, lay supine below me, his every curve and...

4 years ago
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Sams YearChapter 3 North of the Gawlers

They rattled along the highway for a while in silence. “You work fer the Ghan?” “No.” “Yer not a herder.” “No. I’m just on walkabout.” “The local band’s goin’ in a few days.” “New moon?” “Yep.” “Yer early fer the birds.” “That’s OK.” The country west of Pimba is totally arid, and devoid of free water, surface or underground, though there are a few rock holes, or. In the summer it can be extremely hot: in the springtime, though, this country has great attraction for birdwatchers and...

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The DreamChapter 6

As told by Karen McGifford... I stripped in the car without being told and buckled myself in. One tit was hanging while the other was crushed in place by the belt. I held my pussy lips without being told as well. “You showed good restraint until the very end, Honey,” Master called me by my stripper name. I rolled my eyes and looked at my feet. He didn’t see because he was driving us away. Two different strippers were outside smoking pot as we left the parking lot. “The reason I let you...

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Miss LJ Foot Therapy

My name, well that’s not really important. I work as an assistant accountant for a retail company based in the United States. My boss, LJ, stunning in every way, and basically ran the finance department.She was mesmerising, in every way. She was my boss, my redheaded goddess. If you looked into her eyes, it was as if you were in a trance. She had lips like suctions cups. Her breasts, my god her breasts, just perfect in every way. She would always wear a press up bra and a slutty top, which...

2 years ago
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The Occasional Mind ReaderChapter 12

Brian woke up as Heather stirred on top of him, with the bright sunshine seeping through the curtains covering the large bedroom window. He glanced over to see it was already seven and shook Heather awake. "Heather, we have to get up, it's already seven my dear" he said, trying to wake her up. "Go away, you big Meany. Can't you see I'm exhausted from my ravishment last night by my brute of a lover?" she moaned while burrowing herself under the blankets. "Fine, I'll take the first...

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Fates Prey

Their names were Jackie, Alice, Rachel, and Michelle. They were ordinary girls, for the most part. But something strange seemed to follow these girls all of their life. None of the four girls could seem to keep their clothes on for long, leading to all sorts of embarrassment at their seemingly inescapable nudity! It seemed that these girls were Fate's Prey, and that's exactly what everyone called them! Jackie was 21, a daring and outgoing girl who wanted to be part of something bigger than...

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Never judge a book by its cover

Ever since I joined this site, my sexual appetite has grown immensely. One of the first things I began getting into was Chatroulette: I watched videos of women helping random men masturbate and it (quite unexpectedly) got me very excited. The first time I went on Chatroulette, I skipped through five minutes of dicks until I stopped at a young couple. I froze, unsure of what to do next. The woman slowly started sucking the guy’s penis and then picked up her pace, bobbing her head faster and...

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Changing Human channels

I woke up pretty early on the first day of summer. I was finally a senior, and now I was going to enjoy a perfect summer vacation before I head off to school. I really didn't want to go, but at least I could get out of my step-families house. Its not like their strange or anything, but its been ever so strange since my dad passed away. I climbed down the steps and sat on the couch next to my step-sister, Taylor. Her largely breasted body jiggles as I plop down next to her on the couch, and her...

5 years ago
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The angel and devil in Erica

So you can see, things can get a little old in the bedroom. In college, there was always enough sexual excitement to keep me going, whether it be the first few times with my girlfriend Jenny or just being on a campus, seeing people going at it at parties or hearing people banging in the dorm rooms. When my Jenny wasn’t around, I could flirt innocently with girls in my classes. But the thing I missed most was my Jenny’s friend Erica. Every guy has fantasies about his girlfriend’s best...

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Reddit Pee

Reddit Pee, aka r/Pee! If a subreddit is literally called ‘Pee’ what the fuck else would you expect from it than horny girls peeing? Well, if you are into that kind of shit, you are more than welcome to check out r/Pee/, because the subreddit is hot and free. Obviously, all the subreddits are free, and you can explore as much as you fucking want, or continue reading to see what the heck you can expect.So, are you into pee porn? Not necessarily porn, as long as you enjoy combining naughty and...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Hitchhiking adventures 2

Part 2 of 3 I recommend you first read part 1 The story so far: In the summer of 1982 I was a very femme New Romantic hitch-hiking from my internship in Belgium to Brighton for a couple of weeks surprise break. After a couple of lifts an English Trucker who offered to give me a lift the whole way to London picked me up. After I flirted with him, thinking he was straight, he told me that because he had signed me on as his drivers mate to the ferry, that i had to stay the night in...

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