Loosening Up - Book 9 - Fantasies Among The WeedsChapter 32: Holidays Chaos free porn video

The relatively calm autumn came to a crashing end before Thanksgiving. There were a number of reasons for this change to chaotic behavior. Many in the Circle were affiliated with the university, most as students – students, most of whom, became frantic about the rapidly ending semester and the amount of course material they still had to digest in order to get a passing grade.
About two-hundred Circle members and pledges, the largest number ever, decided to stay in Sarasota for Thanksgiving and-or Christmas, and to involve their relatives in some way inn that city instead of returning ‘home’. The trek south to Sarasota became a favored activity because the weather started to really suck everywhere north of Florida and a serious winter hadn’t even arrived officially. For instance, Washington, D.C. got eight inches of snow; every road in North Carolina flooded; downtown Cleveland experienced a tornado and then a foot of snow the next day. Sarasota weather remained sunny and warm most days with light breezes, and only a brief passing shower once a week.
As various relatives arrived or came to tour the Circle, the relaxed dress code and nudity gave way to complete bikinis or more. Many women had a hard time even finding the bra for what had once been a designer bathing suit, and when they did the bottom part was more worn and sun-faded than the top. Even more conservative clothes were pulled out of drawers and closets and worn to appease the eyes of elder visitors and relatives.
Beyond that, Samantha and the others conducting the home-schooling program for the Circle, closed up shop for Thanksgiving Week. All the kiddies were home with siblings, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and all sorts of other relatives and friends.
Of course, the evening group sex sessions on the patio or in the core living room on Friday, Saturday, and occasionally Sunday also vanished completely. Couples did form, quite covertly, and snuck off to someone’s home or townhouse to make love. Occasionally, two, three, or four couples would go off together and have a small sex party. Dave was sure there was a precipitous drop in the number of daily orgasms.
Erin assumed the role of Public Information Officer for the Circle. She got several students on her roster to help give tours and to do introductions to ‘famous’ people. Felicity stayed around and brought her parents and brother over from England for the American Thanksgiving. Owen made himself available. Ken Toomey also promised to give a talk about his airline accident, even though it happened years earlier. He had a motivational talk he’d put together based on nearly crashing the injured plane. Dave put together a talk about technology in the year 2050, and gave it several times to two groups of members and their guests.
Tim, Adesh, Lisa, Grace and the other nurses staffed the Circle Clinic from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon and even Thanksgiving morning. Services were free and anybody, member or guest could come by for a confidential conversation about any aspect of their life with a doctor or nurse. They were surprisingly busy with health questions long suppressed.
After figuring out that there were going to be over three-hundred people for Thanksgiving dinner, Bobbie made a command decision. She announced to the Circle that there would be three separate servings at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 p.m. Thanksgiving afternoon. She also assigned people and their guests to a particular hour, allowing them to swap around.
She conscripted volunteers for each of the servings from one of the servings at another time in the day and from her usual cadre of service helpers. Her two sous chefs were also working.
Each meal serving came off without a hitch under Bobbie’s watchful eye. Also, each serving was done so well that each group thought they were the only ones being served dinner that day. As usual the meals were five stars in every way.
Erin had also been assigned as the head of the social committee for the weekend. She enlisted Ashley Steerman’s help, and got a combo to play for her. Ashley sang a few of her hit songs after the last meal service, and then Zoey and the Circle appeared and did five of the songs that Zoey had written, including the rising hit ‘Circle’. The audience was relatively large for the performances, and each song was met with an ovation of appreciation. The combo played for dancing a little later, but most people drifted away after a half-hour.
The last of the guests left on Sunday after Thanksgiving. After verifying that fact and tending to the children, a small orgy occurred on the patio that was a reunion of loving hyper sexed friends who hadn’t been able to easily be with each other for well over a week. Everyone’s repressed exhibitionist tendencies roared into life. Dave reminded himself that the Circle was full of people that liked to make love.
The following week was a scramble for many in the Circle. Term papers were due, and then exams started. The students Dave was closest too were in a near panic to get everything done before the semester ended. Odessa, Piper, Bunny, Elaine, and Tina were frequently in his presence, but with their noses in their books or their fingers dancing over their laptop keyboards. He tutored Odessa about two of her courses, and helped several other students. There were many other tutoring sessions underway by other Circle members with other students.
Concurrently, Erin and the others she conscripted to the social committee put up holiday decorations throughout the Circle. The palm trees on the patio were wrapped in little sparkling white lights as were key doorways. Mistletoe was widespread. Four Christmas trees loaded with lights, ornaments, and tinsel appeared, with the largest being a twelve-foot tall tree in a protected area on the patio. Garlands bedecked the core.
At dinner one night, Erin orchestrated the drawing for the Secret Santa event using the fancy app that Tan had designed. Dave was happy when he drew Tanya Peterson’s name. She was finishing up her senior year and about to start on some kind of career, so he had some ideas for what would help launch her out of college and into the workforce.
Another series of events also started as December got underway: Holiday Parties. The second Saturday of the month, EneRG had a large party for employees, significant others, and alumni. Dave qualified under the last banner, and was welcomed to the party like the prodigal son had returned. He never realized how well-liked he was at work until that event.
Knightsbridge Manufacturing held their party by taking over the Club Ecstasy. Of course, there were no strippers, but a nice dinner was served and ‘Santa’ showed up with a long list of presents for the various managers and executives that provoked great laughter that a seasoned comic would have found hard to top.
Dave got asked by Heather to accompany her to the Retail Software Company’s party. Of course, there were about ten other women there he’d been intimate with, so they were all hanging on his arms, and telling him how horny they were for his services.
Julie brought Dave and Alice to Owen’s celebration at the combined Bennett Foundation and Bennett Corporation parties. Although it was held in a large open area in the Zenith building that served as a large cafeteria, the party could just as well have been in an upscale club. The place was amazingly decorated and the entertainment superb.
Many people knew that Owen had two wives, mostly from the TV show, and while they’d met Julie because she worked with them, they hadn’t met Alice. She got a very warm reception from everyone. When people realized that Dave was there, a crowd formed and even more autographs were sought. Dave and Alice wisely only did ‘selfies’ with the questing person.
At every party Dave attended, more than one person asked him how they could become a pledge and eventual member of the Circle. At first, Dave gave them the old, straight answer. Come and hang around, meet people, act like a Circle member, and see if the lifestyle and your new friends are to your liking.
After the tenth person at the Retail Software party had asked, Dave started to worry about a huge influx of people, so his answers to the question became rather flippant. “Well, bring your STD test and we’ll see how many people you can handle.” “Do a porn video with Circle-X Productions, and then we’ll talk about it.” “Can you prove to me right now how much you like sex?”
The last question got tossed in a tongue-in-cheek way to a cute girl named Penny Amore in her mid-twenties who’d asked about joining the Circle. She grinned broadly, and in a bubbly tone said, “Wait here. I’ll be right back. I have a partial answer to that.” She disappeared and returned about two minutes later. She tried to give Dave her panties and bra. Dave pushed them back at her, “No, you keep these.” He started to laugh. This girl had moxie. She was also laughing at having called his bluff.
Penny teased, “You can give them back to me after you screw my lights out. And, I know you probably want a relationship with me, but that can come later. I’m serious. If you come with me now, I’ll show you a comfortable place we can be for a half-hour without interruption.”
Dave demurred but chuckled, “Errr, if you watch the TV show you know you need a recent STD test.” Dave was tempted. Penny was more than cute; she was beautiful. Her eyes smiled. Her long brunette tresses framed her face, and now that she was without bra, Dave could see the large areolas through the fabric of her dress with the bullet-size nipples starting to poke through.
The words were barely out of his mouth before Penny handed him a folded paper from a pocket in her skirt. “See, I planned ahead. I hoped you’d be here. I really like you just from watching all the episodes of the TV series and reading the book that your wife Cricket wrote. I’m sure you’ll like me, too. We will have a great relationship that’ll go on for years – decades even. I’m that certain. We WILL fall in love and that love will persist and grow” Penny’s tone was serious; more serious than any of the previous questioners.
Dave stared at Penny for a full minute weighing his options. He finally said, “Let’s wait. Give me everything I need to know about how to contact you, and tomorrow afternoon please come by the Circle. Ask the gate guard where to park, and walk between any of the houses on the Circle to the patio. I should be around there or will be soon.”
Penny grinned, “I will be there. I know where you are; I drove out there once, but I was intimidated by the guard at the gate. I’m determined to do this – to join and to be as close to you as your wives. I’ve even done a lot of the loosening up things you did with Alice. I wrote them all down from the way Cricket reported them in the book and then started in on the list.
Penny did show-up on Saturday afternoon wearing a scoop-neck top, Bermuda shorts, and sneakers. Instead of leading her away for a romp in bed, Dave progressively introduced her to more and more of the people who were around on the patio. Soon after her arrival, Penny stripped down to a monokini – the only other piece of clothing she wore. She’d come prepared for that eventuality. Dave evaluated her willingness to interact with the other men and women in the Circle, and a few of the other pledges, as well as how shy or embarrassed she was given the partial nudity.
While Penny usually stayed close to Dave, she did go off for some fashion show-and-tell with Ginny and Carol, and then with Matt and Rose to see how they’d set up their ‘home’ situation with Toby and Danica.
Penny was doing very well on the criteria Dave found him evaluating her on. She was social, loved the people in the Circle – especially after recognizing them from the TV show, and had a keen intellect and sense of humor.
Dave explained that he had another Christmas party to attend that evening, so had to leave about five to get ready. Penny asked whether she could come back, and he encouraged her, but after New Year’s Day. The initial brashness in her approach to him at the RSC party was gone, and replaced with a more reasonable adult. She looked disappointed but promised to be back.
The following weekend on Friday afternoon, Dave flew his Cessna Citation up to Macon, Georgia, accompanied by Owen, Greg, and Paris Sexton. The Atlanta Group’s Holiday Party started that night, all night, all the next day, and into Sunday. To say some sex was involved was to make the understatement of the year.
Greg and Owen had brought their portable tattoo kit on the plane. Thus, Saturday most of the Atlanta Group got tats. Of course, when the women got a tat, they had to ‘pay’ Owen or Greg with the ‘fuck of a lifetime’. They were a very eager group of women.
Paris was very popular with the men, too. She described herself in her introductions as a nymphomaniac, and her behavior that weekend left no doubt in anyone’s mind but that she had understated her case. She only seemed to be content when she had a cock moving in and out of her body, and more than one was preferred.
There were a lot of laughs at the party, too. Ian and Renata’s home that had been about thirty miles away, had been moved to the tract of land Owen had procured for the group. Tours were given, plus Ian had mile-by-mile videos of the house relocation that fascinated everyone.
Lean Donaldson seemed to have adopted Dave for the weekend. She was his first coupling on Friday evening after dinner, and then she made sure he was fulfilled for two more rounds of joyful sex after that. She was back in his bed to sleep, and to enjoy a middle of the night round of intercourse, and then gave a notable wake-up blowjob.
As Saturday progressed, Lean was solicitous in ensuring that when Dave was ready for sex, she or one of the others got orchestrated onto his cock, sometimes even participating in a threesome. Dave stuck with her Saturday night to her delight, and they made love three times and then cuddled through the night again.

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