Loosening Up - Book 9 - Fantasies Among The WeedsChapter 35: Unveiling The Mystery Author free porn video

A dozen people sat around the Prentiss’ Media Room. The occasion was the debut of Rose, Danica, and Odessa’s first porn video. They were all present and used the term ‘first’ because they intended to do more of them because it had been so much fun, so rewarding, and so naughty compared to most of their counterparts in Muggleland – all the world just outside the gates to the Circle with a few exceptions.
They weren’t the only girls at the university to make videos with Circle-X, nor were they the only Circle members. A few of the other pledges and new members had also done something over the past year but these girls were part of Dave’s family in many ways.
Mike Holiday was also in the room. He wanted to see the reaction of Dave, Alice, and the other older Circle members present to the video he’d done with the barely legal girls. He admitted that they looked like the youngest girls he’d ever filmed, and he was actually worried about being called on the carpet by some government agency for violating the state laws regarding adult videos and sex with a minor. His worry was mitigated because everyone had lots of ID, plus many of their parents belonged to the Circle.
The storyline of the video was that three young couples had come back to one girl’s house after dinner and a movie, ostensibly to have dessert, but it was more or less understood that everyone would make out a bit before the triple-date would end. Mike commented that in most videos like this on the Internet that while the girls might be around twenty years old, the men were often even in their forties, which he said destroyed the integrity of the plot line.
The casually-dressed girls were giggly in the video, and they started going from young man to young man giving them kisses. Soon, they engaged them in a card game reminiscent of Truth or Dare, only it seemed there were more dares than questions about revealing some ‘truth’ about one’s self.
As the card game went on, quite rapidly, clothing started to disappear. The guy named Jack in the video became naked first. He had a majestic boner that the girls all twittered about before the game continued. Rose became naked next, and in rapid succession the other players. Of course, no one had shuffled the cards. Mike conceded the deck had been appropriately stacked for the movie.
After nudity, came exploration and then some out-and-out fucking as only hot, horny college students can. Rose initiated a switch, and soon, the six ‘stars’ of the video entitled ‘Triple Date’ were swapping every few minutes. A few of the supposed parents also got involved when they caught the teens, looked appropriately shocked, but then wholeheartedly joined in, the older men relishing the teenage pussy.
The sex scenes were well and tastefully filmed and edited. Dave told Mike, “Your close-ups of the cocks doing what they do best to a pussy, were really well done. Just the right amount of light, moisture, female leakage, speed and pace, and everything else to carry those scenes. Well done.”
The video ran eighty-eight minutes. There ended being seven men and five women in the video – the movie’s ‘stars’ plus Alice and Kat. During the movie, the ‘stars’ managed to suck on, sit on, and elicit orgasms from the seven male cocks belonging to Matt, Toby, Jake, Mike, Dave, Aaron, and Doug. Every star-studded cunt got to wrap around every able-bodied cock. There was a lot of laughing and giggling.
On the weekend, Dave was surprised to see the ‘Freshman Group’ (as he’d come to refer to Matt, Rose, Toby, Danica, and Odessa (a sophomore), plus their friends) show up with their love interests from campus – Chet, Misty, Mitch, and Jocelyn. Odessa wasn’t considered a freshman by the university, but Dave grouped her into that crowd because they all hung out together. Odessa stated that her love interests were still growing within the Circle, so she had moderated her prowling on campus.
Of course, it didn’t take long for some of the younger Circle men to notice and instantly fall in love with Odessa. She was a thing of beauty to behold, and upon meeting her everyone became enamored by her personality and charisma. Moreover, she was smart and had a knack for figuring things out based on minimal information about the topic. Dave thought again at what a great doctor she’d become.
The group of nine were sitting around a picnic table on a warm morning in March having coffee from the ‘endless urn’ that the kitchen staff kept alive from six a.m. until late afternoon. Dave strolled over to say hello, and also to bask in the near nudity the young women displayed.
As he got to their table, Rose jumped up and gave him a wonderful full-body hug and kiss on the lips. Danica and Odessa followed. With each of the women, he allowed his hands to cup their tight little butts and pull them into his own groin. The others looked on with interest and smiles. Chet and Mitch had the added emotion of lust as they watched.
“Welcome back to the Circle. I hope your continued visitations are an indication of not only interest in a specific person, but also an interest in the Circle in general.”
Jocelyn answered, “That sums it up for me. Yes, I admit to especially liking Toby, but now I’ve come to appreciate Matt and everyone else sitting here. I feel kind of privileged to be in this group, and to be here at the Circle. I watched the latest episode of the TV series on Wednesday night with Misty, too.”
Misty nodded. “I guess I’m coming into greater acceptance of what you all do, but I have some disconnects here and there. If I were to end up joining the Circle, I wonder what I’d tell my parents. They’d go ballistic just knowing I was sitting around wearing only a bikini bottom with a group of similarly clad people.”
Matt teased Misty in a partial reply to Dave, “Misty never had a teenage rebellion, and I don’t think she plans to start now.”
Dave laughed, “Well, Misty, sooner or later that rebellion will emerge. Supposedly, in my reading, the longer it’s postponed, the harder it becomes for all involved – and the more explosive.”
Chet said, “Mine was kind of quiet and took place between fourteen and sixteen. I could feel myself developing my own set of beliefs and values independent of my parents. Occasionally, I’d announce one of my fundamental disconnects with them. At first, there’d be a fight or spat, but they came to see that I was an independent thinker and that the reasons for my beliefs were based on a strong and valid value set. We just didn’t value the same things.”
Misty asked, “Like what?”
Chet chuckled, “A girl’s virginity and waiting until marriage to have sex was one area they were concerned about. They missed that I was responsible, wasn’t going to terrorize my dates, didn’t want fatherhood just yet, and that I was kind and empathic with my dates.”
Misty looked a little shocked, “So, you’ve had sex with a girl?”
Chet nodded. “I have. It’s a wonderful phenomenon. I’m not blowing my own horn, but I have been told I’m good at it.”
Rose sighed, “Present company excluded, so far, unfortunately.”
Chet said to Rose, “I want to get to know you better. You’re just moving along faster in this relationship that I am. On top of that, you have a boyfriend AND you have all the other men in the Circle to keep you satisfied. I’m still dealing with that high level of competition.”
Dave commented, “We haven’t discussed jealousy and competition in the Circle 101 class yet. Maybe I should put that on the docket for Monday night. My quick response to you is that it’s not a competition and to not be jealous of the other men Rose encounters.”
Mitch chuckled, “Clearly stated by the man that has ten wives.”
Jocelyn added in a teasing tone, “And who makes love with the other women in the Circle as well.”
Dave smiled, “It’s also not a numbers game. I love the women in the Circle. Just so you know, there is no requirement or even peer pressure to sleep with everyone or any particular person in the Circle. Over time, as friendships mature, people find that adding the physical dimension creates a more complete and pleasing encounter.”
Jocelyn asked, “When do you know it’s the right time to become physical?”
Dave shrugged, “When in any relationship do you know it’s the right time? Take the Circle out of your thinking. There are some crazy answers to that question, to my way of thinking.”
Chet said, “Like what?”
“Oh, we won’t do anything until the third date, or he first has to meet and be nice to my parents, or my girlfriends have to approve of him as good for me, or I expect to be wooed with flowers, scented candles, love songs, and poetry before I succumb. The girl, usually, will set up conditions; if the guy stumbles through the hurdles in the right way, suddenly he’s surprised when she jumps his bones.” He laughed.
Chet held his hand to his heart and started to recite to the cluster of females. “Oh, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day’s most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right...” He paused and asked the group, “Shall I go on or is that enough poetry?”
Rose put her head on Chet’s shoulder, “You kind of had me from ‘Hello’.”
The whole group broke up laughing.
Jocelyn added to the mayhem, “Maybe I’m dating the wrong guy. Toby hasn’t called out Elizabeth Barrett Browning poems for me.”
Toby quickly moved, and got down on one knee in front of Jocelyn, looked adoringly at her, and picked up where Chet had left off. “I love thee freely, as men strive for right; I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.”
Toby leaned forward and kissed Jocelyn’s knee, and then the back of her hand that he’d taken hold of, and then, as he stood, he kissed her in a long lingering soft kiss on her lips as she up-tilted her head to him.
Jocelyn fanned her face. “God, you guys are so sexy. I didn’t expect any of that.”
After the conversation drifted for a minute, Chet announced, “I guess I have a confession to make, a confession that I am intimidated. Rose, I really do like you and my affection for you grows daily, but ... and this is more than just you have Matt in your life ... well ... you’re so experienced, or seem to be. I’ve been with two girls in my life and just from you living and existing around the Circle I’m sure you’ve been with lots of guys. I just wouldn’t measure up.”
Rose instantly was in Chet’s lap. “Chet, baby, this isn’t a competition and I don’t plan to compare you to anybody else. Don’t worry or be jealous. I like you for who you are. Period. End of sentence. There are no conditions I’m placing on this, such as you have to eat pussy better than Dave or have a longer dick than somebody else. We will have our relationship, and that’s that. It’s not contingent on something else happening or some comparative rating. To my knowledge, none of the relationships are conditional in the Circle; well, except for being in the Circle.”
Rose continued, “Besides that whole issue in only a temporary one, at least around here. Eventually, you’ll develop relationships with many of the other Circle women and pledges. Heck, you and Jocelyn may also form a loving relationship. My nose will NOT get out of joint if and when you do that. At a minimum, what will happen is that you’ll be aroused, get other ideas, do fascinating things, and you’ll bring all that back to our bed when we happen to be the couple that’s making love.”
Chet lamented, “But you’ll keep meeting other guys.”
“And won’t that be to your benefit when we make love because I’ll be showing you some of those techniques and bringing you off in unimagined wonderful ways.”
She paused and then took the discussion in a different direction, “Chet, I really like you and you already know I love Matt. Matt is my rock and I am his steadfast girlfriend for the rest of time. Despite those commitments to each other, we have agreed to expand the love we have to other people. I would like you to be one of them. I will give you the same commitment, if you wish, but it will run in parallel with what I’ve said to Matt, to Toby, to Dave, and several other men.”

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