Coyote Meets Melkor
- 3 years ago
- 27
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The threesome with Laura (né Julie), George and myself started out being like it had been in the VIP booth in the strip club, only much more comfortable in Laura’s bed. The one bedroom apartment, midway up the modern, tall condominium building, faced the Ala Wai Canal rather than the ocean, probably making it cheaper, but I always liked the view of the soft green mountains that separate the windward side of Kailua from the leeward Honolulu. Two sets of dressers and two vanities in the bedroom made clear May (known as Maura for dancing and escorting) shared the bed with her. Pictures of the brunette and the cute, deceptively innocent looking strawberry blonde, looking every bit her Irish heritage, both together and separate, further revealed their lesbian relationship.
It ended up becoming a lot more intense in the comfort of the bed. Laura brought out a strap-on with a long, narrow dildo. Once more that night double penetration was on the menu. This time I took the place of Jesse, with Laura riding me, and George taking my place fucking her anus. Her preference became clear when she tended to twist back to kiss George until the intensity became too much, and she lowered her face to my chest and basically took our fucking passively, shivering with multiple orgasms.
I did the best I could to finish things off, focusing on my gorgeous friend and her bouncing boobs, which she fondled, and her gaze presented her at both her sexiest and most loving. So many cums that night desensitized me, but I managed to let both the physical friction and the visual sexiness combine to achieve one last orgasm. It felt almost painful when it happened, like, to make a very unsexy comparison, dry heaving, there was so little sperm left to shoot.
George made her exit afterwards. Laura barely noticed. A quiet mewl of disappointment was all she could manage. Left alone with her, I did what she did. I slept.
I awoke with her looking at me. “Why didn’t you fuck Mona?” she asked (Mona being George’s escort name). “I would have liked watching.”
“Or you would have liked sitting on her face.”
She pouted. “I wouldn’t. She said she’s not into that.”
“True. Sorry. George and I have been friends since forever.”
“Why tell me her real name?”
“It’s time for honesty, Julie.”
She stiffened. “How...did you know.”
“Relax. I’m not a cop. I’m private.”
“A PI?”
For some reason she relaxed. “That’s kind of sexy. And your name?”
“I’m still Joe,” I chuckled.
“So...what are you doing with me? Is it about May?”
“It’s about a mutual friend of yours. Do you know who I mean?”
“Since we’re a couple, pretty much everyone’s a mutual friend.”
“I think you know. Kyle?”
“I don’t know anyone named Kyle,” she frowned, but I detected a slight curve of the lip. A subtle smirk.
“He’s known by different names. I know you’ve met him as Kyle. He’s in danger. I think you might know that as well. I’m here to help him, not hurt him. You know where he is.”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
I sighed. “A lie isn’t much of a lie when I know the truth. Where is May?”
“She had to go home. Family emergency.”
“Where’s her home?”
“Baltimore? That’s a long way away.”
“Like I said. Family emergency.” She grabbed my penis gently and tugged. “Let’s forget all this and get back to where we started. I like you, Joe.”
“I like you, too.”
“Why don’t you clean yourself so I can suck you.”
“You should join me.”
“I will.”
As I got up, I said, “You know I’m telling the truth. About Kyle. About him being in danger. About me being on his side.” I sighed when she shrugged and I went to the bathroom.
Moments later, I heard the sound of the bathroom door locking. “Shit,” I muttered. It actually had a deadbolt.
“I’ll have the super let you out in an hour or so,” I heard beyond the door. “He may be a bit angry at you for what I tell him, but I’m sure you can take care of yourself.”
“I’m on your side!” I shouted, and got no response.
It took me a minute to clear my head of frustration before I figured out this could be a room of refuge from a scary john. Why else the bolt? So there must be a key. I looked through drawers and the linen closet and found it shoved into a packet of tampons. “Smart,” I chuckled, knowing men have an aversion to such feminine products. Opening the door, I found my clothes, my wallet on top. She had taken the couple hundred I had left, not much considering how much I had already spent on her, but had left the credit cards and my ID cards, including my PI card. I wondered if she grabbed one of my business cards and hoped she did.
She also left my cell phone tucked into my suit jacket. It still had some juice in it.
“Sandy?” I said into it.
“I’m following her,” she said. “George gave me her cell number so I can track her if I need to.”
For a brief time without George involved in sex the night before, she had found Julie’s phone and had it call hers, on silent mode of course. Luckily it hadn’t hidden its number. She also jotted down the last two numbers called. What can I say? I can be quite distracting in bed.
“Good,” I said.
“What are you going to do?”
“I thought I’d call Kenneth. And Dotty. I’d like him to see if he can track down information on May, on her family supposedly in Baltimore and if I can find a way to contact her there. I’d also like him to locate students and teachers who might have known Kyle and the sister and the dead girl at Reed, and maybe more importantly, at any school Jason attended, and have Dotty do some interviewing.”
“You think Jason has a history of abuse?”
“Me too.”
“But first, since Julie offered me her shower, I’m going to use it.”
“Make it quick.”
“I will.”
“And head to the office. I have my notes there. Sounds like we’re of equal mind, but you might find them useful.”
“Of course.”
By the time I finished showering, Sandy had sent me a text with an address. An older part of Hawaii Kai. Large houses, but nothing like the newer fancy houses nearer to the ocean, one in which I had been raised. I called back.
“She left after arguing with someone just inside the door so I couldn’t see him,” Sandy said. “An older woman came out, looking like her mother. She also scolded her before embracing her. I decided to stay. I can trace Julie.”
“Call Harold,” I suggested. A hapa hoali skip tracer we used about as much as he used us. “Have him watch the back door.”
“Good idea. You?”
“Heading to the office.”
At the office, I looked through Sandy’s notes. She pointed out Kyle had been camera shy. The only semi-clear photo they had had been from the California drivers license he had managed to create despite the phony name, with an address south of Mission in San Francisco which turned out being a hotel. The exaggerated smile he did for it had almost been a disguise.
But there had actually been other photos gleaned from surveillance video at the San Francisco airport. She had Special Agent Drew Jones, an old FBI acquaintance, and more, my mother’s longtime boyfriend, fax them to her. All had a figure wearing a Dodgers cap and dark glasses. Except when he had to remove them when passing through security. Even then, he seemed to keep his head as low as possible.
Despite these evasions it became clear he had a remarkably handsome face. Somewhat broad with high cheekbones. A brownish complexion as if always tanned. An old school Latin Lover. “Navajo,” I thought out loud. “At least partly. Or a more southern tribe with similar features. Mexican.”
Within her notes she had a drawing. My partner had been busy. She had sent a friend from the Honolulu police who had remarkable skills at rendering faces from a victim’s memory, and had used Bill Whiteman’s. “Definitely Mexican,” I murmured.
I called Kenneth, my genius hacker, at his home in Seattle. However busy he might have been consulting and creating software, he always had time for me. “I need you to look into the family of May O’Shaughnessy,” I said. “Recent resident of Hawaii, but whose family supposedly lives in Baltimore. I need a phone number to the family manse. Also Jason Whiteman of Tacoma Washington. Anything about abusiveness in high school or college. And see if you can track down his sister, Jeanne. And information on a Kyle Oates and an Emily Whiteman, born Emily...Moore. They supposedly met at Reed.”
“You should call Dotty,” he said.
“Next call.”
“Of course. So you’ll be visiting?”
“Dotty and friends would like that.”
“And you wouldn’t?”
“So you can steal my wife?”
His marriage to his amazing full-bodied wife Sandra had been the last time I’d seen him a few months before. As we were wont to do, Sandra and I flirted with each other, but nothing more. It still must have been odd to have a woman in full marriage regalia flirting with another man. Everyone I knew at the wedding understood. They might not have known the details, that I had actually fucked her with her new husband present, also fucking her, and in a private moment before leaving Seattle the first time I met her having her give me a good-bye blow job in the front seat of her car, at her insistence, but some had their own, similar connections with the groom, though they didn’t flaunt it the way the bride and I did. Two of them didn’t flirt with me either, but Mila and her loving partner Gail kept me company in bed during my stay. It could have been Kenneth there instead of me, with me fucking his wife, but that definitely wouldn’t have been appropriate. Sandra and I had talked about that happening, but it hadn’t. Yet.
We laughed at his suggestion, despite the sort of undercurrent of truth behind it. I would never steal her. But I might fuck her.
“She would be a steal,” I finally answered. “But her heart has been already stolen and kept secured, and by a horndog at that.”
I could almost hear his shrug.
My phone call to Dotty, a lovely blonde former drummer and current disciple and colleague, had an expected and insistent question. “So you’ll be visiting?” she asked.
“Hopefully,” I answered. “I may need to be other places.”
“What other places?”
“Baltimore and maybe Mexico.”
“If you’re on the mainland, you stop here,” she growled. “A certain someone who for some reason thinks you’re her hero would be hurt if she knew you didn’t.”
“So don’t tell Mila.” When she sighed, I added, “Think of it as a surprise if I come, and not a disappointment if I don’t.”
“Try. Please. I miss you too.”
“I’ll stop by,” I promised.
Another call came in while we talked, luckily late enough in our conversation not to be a problem. “I need to take this,” I said.
“Of course. See you soon.” She hung up before I could respond, and the other call came through.
“We got him,” said Sandy.
“Harold?” I asked.
“Yeah. When I approached the front door, Kyle or whoever tried slipping out the back.”
“He is notoriously slippery.”
“We’ll be there soon.”
“See you then.” I hung up.
When the three arrived, Kyle proved as handsome as I thought he would be. More actually. And much smaller. Maybe a foot smaller than me, making him 5’6”. I handed Harold cash and he thanked me and left. Kyle didn’t look happy.
“Julie fucked up,” I said.
“Yeah,” he sighed.
“Will that be a problem?”
He looked at me stunned. “What do you mean? I would never...”
“We know,” said Sandy. “Sit.”
It surprised me she didn’t need to uncuff him. Sandy must have noticed. “He insisted it wouldn’t be necessary.”
“And you trusted him?”
Sandy shrugged. “The way he reacted to the possibility made me reluctant.”
When Kyle sat on the futon, now a couch, we scooted two rolling office chairs in front of him.
“Not fond of restraint,” I asked him.
“And jail?”
He actually shuddered.
“A poor choice of professions if you can’t take the consequences,” I remarked. “Claustrophobic?”
“I think it’s more than that,” Sandy speculated. “I think he can’t stand being held against his will. Like a feral animal, who’d rather gnaw off his limb rather than be struck in a trap.”
“You think he runs that much on instinct?” I asked her. “He seems rather clever.”
“I think his cleverness is instinct.”
“Like the proverbial Coyote. Does your tribe subscribe to those tails?”
“My tribe?”
“Navajo or some southern offshoot. Mexican, aren’t you?”
He didn’t answer, but I saw the truth in the barest of flashes in his dark brown eyes. “Not very talkative.”
“He was in the car,” Sandy smirked.
“Let me guess. He wanted to know all about you. Did he mention how pretty you are?”
“Of course.”
“And he deflected your questions.”
“Didn’t question him. Wanted to wait until we got here.”
“And his accent?”
“You’re better with that. But if I had to guess, Southern California.”
“Any trace of Mexican Spanish?”
“Like I said, you’d be better detecting it. But I think he knows to hide it.”
I nodded. “Probably raised amongst Gringos. Ran away when young. Great with the ladies, especially prostitutes who are innately suspicious and inured to the charms of men. A whorehouse?”
Another subtle flash in his eyes.
“We could all use some breakfast,” Sandy suggested. “I’ll go to the diner.” We had one of those retro diner chains nearby. A real diner just didn’t fit into tourist land. And the hotel restaurants were notoriously expensive. “You drink coffee?” she asked him. He nodded. “We have cream and sugar here, so you don’t need to be any clearer,” she chuckled. When she left, he looked forlorn.
“Hoping to charm her?” I asked him.
{There is no sex at ALL in this tale.) +++ I sighted carefully on the gray animal, the big female had just stepped past the huge mass of blackberry bushes. One of her pups had eagerly appeared first, it wasn’t the one I wanted, not really. I knew the bitch would be not too far behind. It was coming up on 10 PM, in late July it stays light fairly late, now it was dark enough that I could see but barely. The animals moved like ghosts. The electronic caller I had set up and hidden in the...
Coyote and the Wolf part 7 Lobo sat in the wagon, blind to all that surrounded him. Time had lost all meaning to him since the day he watched the inn go up in flames. Taking with it, the leopard Snow and his lover Ku'o. Having lost all hope, he refused all food or drink, preferring instead to abandon existence. Even when food or water was forced down his throat, his body would reject it soon after. The wagon had stopped, reaching it's destination, but it barely registered in Lobo's...
Coyote and the Wolf part 6 (Sorry, no sex in this chapter, but it is an important link in the story) High above the gathering clouds below, a metallic figure glistened in the deep blue sky, it's wings spread to catch the thermals that kept it aloft. Aside from the rushing of the wind, there was complete silence up here. The clouds from above, were blinding white from reflecting the bright sunlight. A tiny figure burst through the clouds, flapping it's wings strongly, gaining altitude....
“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 3 Ku'o was awakened by the loud ruckus the morning birds were making. Rolling over slightly to check on Lupo, he found nothing but sheets.“Swell, here I am aching for a little morning relief, and that wolf decides to take off early.” he thought to himself. Ku'o didn't stay angry long, as he had grown quite fond of the wolf, not to mention the scent of him drove him mad. Looking down at the throbbing erection between his legs, he said “Well little...
Written by Koyote CHAPTER ONE - THE PERSONAL AD I ran across an advertisement in the personals section of the newspaper. It was a simple little advertisement but it was intriguing because of what it promised. The ad simply stated: Large breasted woman looking for worshipers Rewards given only to those who can worship properly. There WILL be a test Only serious need apply, call (nnn) nnn-nnnn. Large breasted women are my weakness. I start drooling every...
We could have brought Lieutenant Nakamoto into it. Far more resources from the Honolulu police to capture a fugitive murderer. Except he wasn’t a murderer. Both Sandy and I were nearly certain of that. I needed to be more certain. Nakamoto would have been pissed if he knew. But he actually did know, as did the FBI. They both knew Julio had flown to Honolulu. They just didn’t know what we knew. Or that we believed he wasn’t a murderer. Except Special Agent Drew Jones. We had asked him to fax...
After Julie’s mother and I showered together in a space hardly big enough for the both of us, cleaning off the sweat and the sticky residue of sex, and particularly that which clung to my anal probe which she cleaned lovingly to the point of gaining some stiffness in it, I stepped out of the tub alone. “I’m going to have a bath,” she told me. “But need to use the toilet first.” “I’ll dry off outside,” I offered. “Thanks.” Julie surprised me when I exited the bathroom. “You fucked my...
“Slippery fucker,” I muttered, sitting across a glass dining room table from a woman dressed familiarly in a diaphanous pink robe. A stewardess. The stewardess who had been reluctant to pick out Julio from pictures, the robe obviously Julie’s mother’s. The attractive dirty blonde young woman, about Julie’s height, midrange for a haoli girl, had let Julie and I into the sleek modernist cabin after we waited a couple minutes for her to answer the front door bell. It could only be described as a...
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Living with Glee A silly, silly Whateley Academy story by Souffle Girl Dedicated to all the fellow fangirls out there, and to all our friends and significant ones that have to cope with our babbling. --------------- Notes from the author: someone asked me if my Whateley stories are canon. They're not, they're just fanfiction. Also, this story contains a couple of not-so-hidden references to Mass Effect and Skyrim. They're just that - an homage from a...
In less than an hour you pull up in your pickup truck, barely able to park the truck before hopping out and rushing to the door. You're in simple clothes today wearing a white cotton tank top and some tight shorts. Your hair is pulled back and in minimal makeup (which only makes you only more beautiful in my eyes). I stroll to the locked door to let you in, and as soon as it's open you grab me and kiss me. It's a kiss full of need and desire. Your mouth parts as your tongue reaches out to...
I have never met a man or woman as confident as the young woman who took my anal virginity. She was not dominating, or arrogant, just very confident in herself and her judgments of people. How she knew a guy like me would give her what she wanted, and what I learned to want, I still do not know. We met when I was doing a work survey of a local university to add some decorative pieces to the administration areas and the student union's offices. I had started up a specialty business to do...
It was Saturday night followed by my college graduation and next day I was moving back home with my parents. Oh! How I dread that stifling environment. “Perhaps maybe I should have one last fling,” I said to myself. I reached home and took off every last piece of clothing and stood naked in front of the closet. I gawked at my clothes to find just the right piece for the night, which I was hoping to get a little crazy. I grabbed a matching black lace bra and G-string set, so I felt extra sexy. I...
Straight SexMeg came up to me and said" Hey baby, when I lookat you it makes my pussy so fucking wet". She kept doing all this dirty talk to my cock became rock hard,then she saw this and took my hand and led me to her bedroom. When we got there she made me strip to my underwear. Then out of no where all her college friends came from the closet and started laughing at me, shouting boner boy. "You thought you could fuck me, me pathetic pussy". I was embarrassed, I was humiliated, I wanted REVENGE!SI wanted...
Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend’s husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles…as long as Diana got to watch! There’s no way I could ever do that… Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to tell her heart...
She sat across from me on the bus, sexy, confident, long legs, firm breast and a mini-skirt that if she didn't watch it. Would reveal her sweet treasure, that's the game, (them) women trying to see how close they could come to showing us(men) with out actually showing us. She was very good at it, crossing and un-crossing her legs. Each time I would strain to catch a glimpse of her panties. One time she caught me looking, instead of the "how dare you look", she just smiled. Warm and...
I had thought that she might be a very easy pick for me. That’s why i had tried my luck but every thing went wrong. The whole night she didn’t even let me touch her. Whole night i was imagining the consequences. I was embarrassed and frightened that what will happen to me if she tells this to my mom or her parents. What will they think and do with me, and above all my whole reputation, which was of a descent studious guy, was at stake. I was frightfully waiting for the morning. I slept...
IncestRuthie had just gotten home from school, and walked in the backdoor. She knew Lucy was still at school and her mom was the only one at home, before she could even tell her mom she was home she saw her in the living room laughing with Cecilia. Without a second glance Ruthie stomped up the stairs to her room. She sat in her room staring at the ceiling, not bothering to change out of the flannel skirt and white Polo shirt she had to wear as her school uniform. She heard the car outside. She...
“So I get one wish, and it only lasts twenty-four hours?” I was having trouble wrapping my head around this.“That is correct.”“If I wish to win the lottery?”“You will be wealthy for only one day. It will be twenty-four hours just for you, but real time will be one second. You will return to the exact spot you started at almost instantaneously.”“If I die or get killed or hurt…”“You will return in the same condition you are now, just one second older.”“Um… shit. When do you need to know? I can’t...
HardcoreI’m a little feminine and maybe gay with a small frame, good figure, and nice round bubble butt. And, even though I’m feminine, I thank God I was blessed with a nice, fat, 8 inch cock. My name is Jimmy and I’m a freshman in high school and live with my mom in Ohio. My mom is 56 and not beautiful, but attractive, she’s the weight she should be, but more like an older woman’s body. Her boobs are big but a little saggy and her waist is straight and not so tight ending in what I think is her best...
We begin this week’s episode in the middle of a sex scene ... No dogs here though – just two slim, young, attractive women – near naked (they each have stockings and suspenders, one is still wearing a bra) ... Rolling around on a big white bed, kissing passionately, tongues pushing into each other’s mouths – mouths open so we can see the wet contacts, tongues wrestling in a very show-offy way ... They are clearly aware of the camera. We recognise the bra-less woman by the line of dog-paw...
I raised my fists, guarding my face as I circled him. I kept eye contact, I saw the little jerk as he geared up to punch, I saw the jab coming right for my face, I lent sideways dodging the jab and countering with a cross into his side before stepping back out of range. we circled again but I quickly moved forward with a front kick to his stomach which he blocked but he was slow in bringing his hands back up to block his face meaning my jab got him square on the nose, he raised his hands to...
So this was the same year I graduated High School and I was not the most attractive or popular guy so needless to say I never got any action in my school years so I decided to try to get some through craigslist personal ads. I was 18 of year (if you catch my drift) which I could have just waited two more months but I decided hell with it. I posted couple ads with no success and at the time I posted my number because I did not realize the danger of it yet, I remember getting a call from a guy...
Three years have now passed since my wife first submitted to me. We have been married for 33 years and in a few months we shall celebrate our 34th anniversary, where I intend to push her to her new-found limits.Each morning starts with her sucking my cock until I either instruct her to cease or to continue to completion. Every time I come in her mouth she swallows all my spunk. If for any reason she has been sloppy and soiled the sheet through failing to swallow all or allowing her to drool...
Cuckold husband gets more than he wanted.My wife sent me a second letter:Honey, I've been naughty again. I know you like me fucking Brad and his friends. I like it so much too! I could tell how turned on you were Tuesday when I called you to come home. Remember? Brad was just leaving and I was obediently laying on the bed for you. Our bed. The bed where we conceived our c***dren. The bed where Brad had just finished fucking me.He was so good!!! He always is. Not like you. His dick is so big and...
Founded in Manhattan in 1967, the Artemis Club was and still is an unusual thing. Eight up-and-coming women in the business world came to realize shared niche interests they had, and made a group out of it. It started as the ladies bringing pretty things along to clubs or one another's houses, but over time word got out. More and more, they had other people wanting membership, and willing to pay no small expense to do so. In 1972, the de facto head of the club Miriam Chase decided to buy up a...
BDSMAn adventure story with mind control, telepathy, rape, retribution, step sibling sex, sister-in-law sex, mother/son and aunt/nephew incest, step mom sex, a miraculous cure, Ets, murder and an intergalactic war. All the principal characters (at least the ones who have sex) are over 21. Enjoy, let me know what you think of my tale. Jb7. * Part One (Introductions, an assault, an intervention, and an offer) Ray Antony Edwards paused his ATV at the top of the rise to consider his options for...
You leap onto the bed eagerly, landing on all fours. You might've had trouble finding the right guy in the past, but this time, you're totally confident you've found someone who can put you under his control. Your heart is fluttering all over the place as you wait for him to finish pulling his legs out of his pants from behind you, and you can't contain an excited giggle as you wiggle your bare tushie at him enticingly. All the work, all the failures, it's all behind you now! Even if this guy...
Romance"You have arrived at your destination," your phone chimes from the passenger seat of your car, letting you know that your long road trip is finally over. Just to be sure, you grab the paperwork that you'd stashed in the glove compartment and compare the address on it to the number painted on the side of the rusty mailbox next to your car. "36 Lone Pine Lane," you say to yourself as you confirm it. "Looks like I'm home..." You pull the car into the gravel driveway and up to the small farmhouse,...
We had decided to have some different fun tonight we would go out with our own friends and at the end of the night would go to the same club and act like strangers and see how the night went, we got dressed at friends houses so we had no idea what we were wearing and went out for a good night of sexy fun with our own mates.The night went well for me having a few women show interest in me through the night as we wondered from pub to pub. I looked out for her in case we bumped in to each other...