Coyote HidesChapter 5 free porn video

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“Slippery fucker,” I muttered, sitting across a glass dining room table from a woman dressed familiarly in a diaphanous pink robe. A stewardess. The stewardess who had been reluctant to pick out Julio from pictures, the robe obviously Julie’s mother’s. The attractive dirty blonde young woman, about Julie’s height, midrange for a haoli girl, had let Julie and I into the sleek modernist cabin after we waited a couple minutes for her to answer the front door bell. It could only be described as a cabin because of its purpose of peaceful sanctuary, sitting at the end of a road that had gone from pavement to pebbles during its last stretch. It also had no means of communication with the rest of the world. No telephone lines. No cell tower. A place for absolutely beautiful tranquility, sitting in the lushest part of Maui, with its own little stretch of beach.

We had passed only one car heading in the opposite direction on the winding road. Not long after the powder blue Mercedes SLR passed, we reached the end of pavement. I had Julie note down the license. It hadn’t been driven by a woman, nor by Julio, so I couldn’t be sure he was in it. It could have also been dropping him off. No such luck. A modest compact rental car parked in front of the cabin made that more doubtful.

The pretty stewardess smiled sadly at us when she finally opened the door. She had smaller but no less well formed breasts compared to Julie, and a fuller but also quite appealing ass. Her almost transparent robe revealed her own version of feminine perfection.

“Julio here?” I asked her. After she shook her head I sighed, “He expected us.”

“He wrote something for you,” the blonde finally spoke, and we watched her ass shift nicely under the robe as we followed her to the dining table. Julie took as much interest in the shifting as me. The yellow legal pad with neat, masculine writing, showing confidence and care in its character, lay on a table in front of a chair. The stewardess sat across from me.

“I’m starved,” said Julie, and found Tupperware and guava juice in the fancy steel fridge. She nuked enough food for all of us. Meanwhile I read:

Detective Solomon,

I couldn’t be sure if the chains would come out this time. You seem like a nice enough guy, and I almost trust you, but not enough to risk my life.

Millicent (she prefers the diminutive Milly, but Millicent is so much more interesting, don’t you think) is completely innocent, even though she felt guilty pointing me out to the FBI. I had given her my number of my cell phone and she called me to apologize for betraying me. I told her she would have been worse off for several reasons if she had not, but obviously she needed more comforting than that. She’s sweet.

I know it’s even harder to trust a con man not seeing him talk, but just reading his words. Nevertheless, this is all you get. I may be guilty of many things, but not of murder. The thought of rending flesh, of taking souls, makes me ill. I have watched life disappear in the eyes. Even my one time fishing had been too much. But humans ... My mother, a john, Emily. Emily.

It would be impossible for me to murder that lovely woman. If I could murder anyone it would be him. I should have.

I should have known. And maybe I did. Maybe the game proved too irresistible. Being part of that fucked up family. Greed has never felt so sinful.

Jason can be charming. Hindsight makes his mask more obvious, but I always had my misgivings. His sister may be too close. She envied his easygoing ways. Looked up to him because if it. Hated the way their father treated him, while treating her like his princess, even when she came out of the closet.

What happened? Julie told you about Seattle. About how he scared May. Jeanne insisted it had been a sex fantasy gone too far. In fact it created a rift that made her decide to go to Johns Hopkins early. And Emily. She told me she hoped it would be an outlet. Letting off steam. She even got upset that Julie and May hadn’t fulfilled his fantasy for a threesome. She hoped the aggressive part had been enough.

Emily had always been delicate, in and out of bed. A truly sensitive soul. I think she had been abused as a child, but never told me. She did tell me, when she admitted she desired me, to be careful with her, which I always was. It was actually quite beautiful making love to her once she trusted me enough to succumb to her desires. Lots of kisses and gentle caresses to get her there.

Obviously Seattle hadn’t been enough. I had been out with the father and his colleagues, there to impress them. Careful about drinking like I always am, not wanting to lose control, I watched those assholes descend into drunkenness, getting more misogynistic with each swallow of alcohol. It made it hard staying on their side.

When I got home, I found Emily tied up in my bed, brutalized, barely breathing, her eyes looking desperate for every breath she could take. Blood only at her lips. Otherwise bruised. I noticed bruises at her throat.

I found myself with a gun in my hand. Jason said he wanted me to kill him. I wanted to. I couldn’t lift my hand. Then the smile came. The shark, empty of emotions. He steered my hand. He’s also stronger than he looks. Tall naked man. In horror I shot Emily in the chest. It hurt, I could tell, but I saw something else when her life had its last moment. Relief.

The fucker laughed. I pushed against him with little effect, and then ran. To a house I knew a few blocks away. To a woman I fucked, wife of one of the executives who I knew, since I’d seen it, had driven off with some blonde, probably an escort hovering at the bar and joining us late, along with a couple others. The wife didn’t mind. Didn’t want his drunken carcass and his useless penis anywhere near her. The price of driving me out of town was sex. I was useless at that point, but I knew she had tools for her own pleasure and I used them to give her what she wanted. But being middle aged and suffering because of it, though she kept in shape, a voluptuous vixen of Italian heritage, I knew she needed me hard and fucking her. I finally managed it, finally had enough hardness to fuck her, and pretended to ejaculate into the condom, careful to hide its emptiness when I withdrew and escaped to the bathroom, where she joined me in the shower. Kisses and cuddles and we finally dressed and left.

Been running ever since.

I should disappear, but I care too much. It will make it easier for you.


I tried my cellphone but found it without a signal. I pulled the oversized sat phone out of my shoulder bag.

The ladies had been talking. About Julio of course, comparing notes. The discrepancy in his name must have already been resolved. Or for Julie, expected. They seemed to get along. In fact Milly seemed almost as interested in Julie, who wore a snug t-shirt and tight shorts, showing her perfection, as Julie did her.

“If you don’t mind, ladies, I could use some privacy,” I requested.

I could tell Julie loved the possibilities I presented. “Show me the bedroom,” she purred.

Chuckling, I ate the food Julie had nuked for me. They had finished theirs. A very nice paella. After the last bite, I called Sandy, giving her the license plate number.

A few minutes later, Kenneth called me. “A shell game,” he told me. It turned out Julie’s mother’s last ex-husband liked to hide assets in shell corporations. Including the corporate car and, unfortunately, a corporate jet. Despite the seclusion of the cabin, or because of it, because others, rich and sometimes famous, had places of their own--I had passed a few mailboxes along the winding access rode beside entrances to lengthy driveways, some paved and some not, long enough to hide the houses in the woods—and preferred closer access than the public airport provided, a private airport had been built not that far away, with a runway long enough for jets.

Figuring a PI would be shrugged off by the airport’s management--the rich could afford great privacy--I called Agent Jones next, knowing he could put the pressure needed to get answers. Of course he wanted access to that information as well, Julio’s slipperiness adding more and more people aiding and abetting him. Like a cat being teased by a more aggressive bouncing and sliding of a lure, it increased his desire to capture the man. I pleaded the man’s innocence, reading the text he had left, hoping to convince my friend. Putting him further out on a limb, he could only answer, “We’ll see.” Not very reassuring.

Ending the call with a sigh, I heard my name yelled.

Entering the bedroom, I saw two pretty ladies with great bodies in the sixty-nine position. “Milly needs cock,” Julie told me before returning to her repast. Shrugging, I pulled off my clothes, grabbed a condom sitting helpfully on a bedside table and rolled it on.

“Fuck,” Milly growled when I slid in easily from behind. “Hard,” she growled. I did both.

I had access to her nice tits and plucked at her nipples. Her clit had Julie working on it. Two minutes passed before she erupted in another growl which rose into a squeal as I fucked hard through it. From a tightened, shivering body, she relaxed completely. I slowed but kept thrusting. Julie turned around beneath her, kissing her, sharing each other’s pussy juices. Julie’s legs wrapped around Millie’s thighs, pressing clit against clit. Tribbing. My speed increased again. Millie rose again to ecstasy. I pulled out and lowered my trajectory, entering another pussy well-greased for opening. I fucked easier into Julie until she demanded harder and faster. My fingers slid into Millie. She wanted more as well, lifting her ass until I could bring my mouth to it. Millie was nice enough to steer her fingers to Julie’s clit, and her mouth and other hand to Julie’s tits.

“Bite them,” Julie moaned.

I came, but kept fucking for a few seconds until Julie came. Easing off my mouth from her sweet pussy, Millie slowly eased down and embraced her new lover. Though I hadn’t gotten her off a third time, she still purred before mouths sealed. I gingerly pulled my softening penis out of Julie, and removed the condom while padding to the adjoining bathroom. Dropping the condom into the toilet, I dropped tissue on it before flushing it and my urine away.

Milly’s sexy body and sweet smile entered the bathroom just as I flushed. “I’m going to shower,” I said, gesturing at the large enclosure.

“I’ll join you in a minute,” she said, sitting on the commode. “I won’t flush.”

“Good idea,” I chuckled.

She soon joined me, and we enjoyed soaping each other. My cock erected, and she knelt to suck it. “Ow,” we both said, and I quickly pushed the shower nozzle aside, sending suddenly hot water onto the wall. Julie had flushed.

“Sorry,” she giggled, joining us.

“Bitch,” I muttered.

She managed to steer the showerhead her way, watching the blow job with mild interest. Just as she finished washing off the soap, Millie lifted her mouth from my cock. “You’re not going to cum, are you?” she pouted.

“Probably not.”

“Let me get you a condom,” Julie grinned, hopping out of the shower. When she returned, she kneeled beside Milly and rolled on the condom. After they kissed, she left the shower again.

Once more I slid into Millie from the back, essentially holding her by her clit, though her hands pressed against the wall and her spread feet helped. I had to spread my feet wider and bend my knees. Not the most comfortable position, but it didn’t need to be. I fucked her hard and she fucked back just as hard until she came. I had to grab hold of her to keep her from collapsing. She certainly orgasmed enthusiastically.

She pulled off me and turned, removing the condom and kissing my glans. “Thanks,” she said, smiling up at me.

“Thank you,” I smiled back.

She stood and gave me a short sweet peck on my lips.

I turned off the water before she flushed down the empty condom.

By the time I exited the shower, she had already left the bathroom. Shrugging, I dried off.

In the bedroom, Milly sat naked in front of a vanity, sitting on a towel which also covered the back of the chair. Julie, dressed in her tight clothing, brushed her hair. They smiled at me. And continued to talk quietly. I heard May mentioned. I put on my clothes and went back to the table, leaving them to their friendship, however brief it would be.

I figured Agent Jones might have called, and not getting an answer would have called Sandy. So I called my partner. “Los Angeles,” she told me.

“Will the FBI be there?” I asked.


I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me.

“Where to?” my partner asked me.




I knew she nodded.

“Having the three girls together might give you a better understanding of Julio’s seductiveness,” she guessed.

“Jeanne’s the only absolute lesbian,” I said. “I don’t know if she ever fucked him. But she did trust him, enough to believe him over her family.”

“You don’t know that.”

“True. And maybe Julio, if he somehow gets by the Feds, might want to talk to her in person.”

“She also might have insight into the real murderer.”


“You don’t think Julio will be there.”

“No. I think he wants to see those he trusts and loves most. His mentor and his girlfriend and kids.”

“To say goodbye?”


“So LA and then Mexico City.”

I nodded. “If he’s not caught, that’s where I’m headed after Baltimore. Maybe even if he is.”

“To gain his defense.”

“If he survives.”

I think we both nodded solemnly. I know I did. Money and power. It might have gotten him out of Maui, but it could very well get him killed. Even if Whiteman might be a big fish in the small pond of Tacoma, making him think he’s a bigger fish than he is. I hoped that his local protection of his brutal son didn’t translate to the federal level. But his influence could surprise me. I knew it wouldn’t corrupt Jones, but Jones wouldn’t be able to protect Julio in the end. Julio would most likely be sent to Whiteman territory.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

“I like him too,” said Sandy.

After promising to set up airline tickets, one way to Baltimore, she told me Whiteman Père had called, wishing to be updated.

I called his hotel, hoping he would be like any normal visitor to Honolulu and would be enjoying perfect weather and astonishing scenery. No such luck.

“Mr. Whiteman,” I said.

“Joe,” he said. “Did you get him?”

“No. I’m a step behind but catching up. I’m pretty sure he’s managed to head to the Mainland.”


“I found a makeup kit in a cabin in Maui.” I lied again.

“Is he in transit?”



“I’m not sure.”

“Where do you think.”

“Los Angeles or Baltimore.”

“Jeanne,” he muttered. “I’ll have to let her know.”

“What do you mean? She knows what happened.”

“I never told her.”

“They were best friends, her and Emily and Kyle.” I almost said Julio.




“Do you blame her?”

“No. Of course not. But she would blame herself.”

“For what?”

“For introducing Jason to Emily. And for encouraging my trust in Kyle.”

“Not realizing...” I started, letting Whiteman finish.

“How murderously jealous he could be.”

“So you could blame her.”

“No. If it didn’t happen at my home, it would have been somewhere else, maybe with Emily’s lover as a second victim.”

“Someone not as strong as Jason.”


“So Jason stopped Kyle from killing him.”


“But Kyle managed to escape his grasp.”

“From what I know of him, he’s a slippery bastard.”

“Yes he is,” I said. “What are you going to tell Jeanne to do?”

“To keep her distance, obviously.”

“Move her?”

“No. No need. She’s in a secure building. I’ll let them know to keep extra vigilant. Fax them a picture of him.”

“You mean the security photo? It’s pretty unclear, and he is wearing a disguise.”

“As long as she knows not to meet with him, she’ll be safe. I guess any man, which, since she’s...”

“A lesbian.”

“Yes. That shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Okay,” I left it that, knowing lesbians did have male friends, from personal experience.

“So ... Los Angeles.”

“He may land there. I think he lived there for a while. My FBI friend knows to look for him.” More truths this time.

“FBI,” he snorted. I wondered if his attitude had more to do with his lack of control over them.

“My friend actually found the first real lead,” I reminded him.

“I suppose,” he relented. “But that was in San Francisco.”

“That situation put him on the case. And he’s close with the LA agents, and well respected.”

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The best feature of our apartment is that the rent is very low. One of the reasons is that the walls are paper thin. I was therefore able to hear every sound coming from Kate's room, every squeak of the bed, every slap of ham-fisted hand on her young face. Every slurp of her mouth as she sucked Steve's cock assaulted my ears, as did her shrieking 'NO' which told me that he had once again tried to enter her anally. Despite the 'loss' of sex for me that was caused by Steve's useless...

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Teachers weekend getaway

I am a teacher.  A five-foot-six-inch one hundred thirty-five pound, forty-year-old teacher with brown hair.  I have a thirty-six D chest and legs that go on forever.  I would say I am a seven on a scale of one to ten.  Over the summer I had an experience at a teacher’s conference that I still find hard to believe.  I also find it hard to believe that I have a husband as great as mine.  He loves me unconditionally and understands what I need more than I do sometimes.Last year I had a school...

Wife Lovers
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You Havent Either

Chapter 1 My best friend in middle school was Carrie McLeod. We hadn't known each other in elementary school but in sixth grade, we just became the best of friends, BFF's. We began spending the night at each other's house where I found that not only was Carrie my very best friend in the world, I also liked her older brother, Oliver. He was nice to us and, especially, to me, even though he was older–four years older. I really expected him to just ignore me like I wasn't even there but...

2 years ago
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I did her while her black boyfriend watched Then

I ran into a girl from grad. school last weekend. She and I used to swap sex stories and experiences and when we saw one another she told her boyfriend, "OMG, this is the girl I was telling you about" Apparently she had told her boyfriend what a slut I was and he instantly gave me the "I wanna sex you up" eyes. It was a turn on and the girl had always been super cute and sexually explorative so I wasn't surprised when they asked me to go home with them by the end of the night. I've really been...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 15 Millie Kids in Circle 101

Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...

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All the Power Pt 7 Barria

“I was told yesterday that His Supremacy will be vising His new palace here later this week,” the king said. “He’ll be staying for three or four days.” His Supremacy’s Barrian palace was completed months ago, at great cost and great inconvenience to the Subject Kingdom. It, of course, put the Barrian royal castle to shame. “Okay,” Loard Markos replied. He wasn’t really sure where the old king was going with this. Markos was a young man in a hurrry, a top advisor to to the king and head of the...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 17 Spontaneous

-- THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2005, SUMMER BREAK -- "One night and you two are boyfriend/girlfriend?" Amber and I looked at each other, unable to wipe the silly grins off our faces. It wasn't new love, not exactly. It was more like the giddy infatuation you felt as a 14-year-old, being told by your first crush that she likes you too. I was deliriously happy at the moment, and I didn't mind letting it show. "Yeah..." I drawled, squeezing Amber's hand. We were all in Lynne's apartment. It...

1 year ago
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training zooey

PART TWO – ZOOEY POV – Sex? Nope PART THREE – ERIC POV – Sex? Yes PART ONE – ERIC It had been almost two centuries since Eric had last stepped foot inside the grounds of the castle which housed the closest thing he had to a family. It acted as the closest thing to a rehabilitation centre for newborn vampires, and offered refuge for those who felt uncomfortable with being integrated into society with humans. It was probably more important than ever, now that the vampires had “come...

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Songs of the Heart

Grant was sitting whenever Betty brought him in a special delivery. He set aside he was making notes on his business lunch. Then he realized he was smelling a beautiful scent. He knew that fragrance but it slipped his mind. Following his nose he saw the special delivery. Picking it up he noticed the high quality vellum paper. Running his fingers over the embossed seal he slid his finger under the lip. He shivered he flashed back to Mariah and her lingerie, at the park. As the envelope opened...

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Gay Euro Trip Part Two

When I finished college some years back, I spent some time traveling Europe. I had a great time seeing the sites and sucking the cocks. The following is a steamy account of my adventure. Part 2 After a crazy couple of days in Paris and my hook up with a French hunk, I decided to move on and take the overnight train to Berlin. I was so horny walking into the train station and couldn't help thinking about my night of wild gay sex in Paris. I couldn't wait to get to Berlin and find the best gay...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 10 Oral Delights

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Ten: Oral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her. She was a prickly girl, embarrassed by her emotions and desires, prone to lash out with attacks to protect her emotions. The Japanese called it tsundere. However, her cute, innocence made my heart beat so fast. My creation was ready to be taken...

3 years ago
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Finders FeeChapter 13

The next couple of weeks were kind of nice. It was like having a group honeymoon but more so. Sure we got on each others nerves a few times but nothing that wasn't settled fairly quickly. Unfortunately, the day we found out Eve was pregnant was the day the feces impacted the rotating blades. It started out normally. Eve tested herself like she had been doing every day, in fact sometimes two or three times per day. For someone who had balefully contemplated a loveless life as wife and...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 48 Sorry about your garden

There was a rude pounding on my door, the sun had not even crested the horizon yet. "Who is it and what do you want?" I called from my bed while I wiped the sleep from my eyes. "Damn your eyes man! What did you do to my garden?" Shouted an inconsolable Lord Grant. I dressed and loosened my sword before opening the door. The effete Lord Grant was fuming. His face was flushed with rage, I thought that he was about to attack me with the defoliated twig in his hand. I saw Chandra peek out...

4 years ago
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The Greatest DesirePart 3

Not to long ago I wrote about having sex with my aunt Debbie in the back of her car at school. Well we had such a great time fucking each other that we had to get it on again. I got a phone call early in the morning, it was Debbie asking me what I was planning on doing that day. I told her I was not planning on doing much and asked if she wanted to get it on. Well I was thrilled when she said yes. Of course we have slept together before but still every time was exciting as the first/ We...

1 year ago
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The Worlds First Futa 07 Futas Naughty Hitchhiking Chapter 1 Futas First Innocent Delight

Chapter One: Futa's First Innocent Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My futa-cock erupted. My girl-jizz fired into Adelia's hungry mouth. My hand dug into her black hair, mussing her perfectly coiffed do as she swallowed my spunk. Every blast sent jolts of rapture zapping into my mind while winds of ecstasy howled out of my pussy. Her fingers plunged into my convulsing cunt, teasing me as my pleasure surged through me. “BECKY!” cheered the studio audience....

1 year ago
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My Sexy Summer Visitors part two

After Jennifer came for her visit I was missing the loving we had made. I was still at home from college after my junior year. Being twenty-one I was always horny. Jen had really given me something to dream about and think of while I jerked my boner in the guest room. I found myself thinking more and more of Marge sleeping downstairs in the master bedroom. It's hard to say what might have happened if Pauline, or Polly, hadn't decided to come and visit us too. She was also a younger sister to...

3 years ago
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Naughty or Nice

The warmth of the fire tickled my body, keeping me comfortable considering my lack of clothing. A red satin and lace crotchless tanga paired with a sheer cami with a tie in front. Ready for play and seduction. With the kids away, I had no inhibitions. Problem was my hubby was out of town. Christmas Eve and I was alone. It was mostly by choice as I did not feel the need to socialize with relatives nor feel like acting as a guest at some other gathering. Sure parties were an alternative, but I...

3 years ago
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From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 16 reposted

True Story, Anal, Cheating, Cum Swallowing, Group Sex, Incest, Male/Female, Wife, Written by women Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 27th of June 2014 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal...

2 years ago
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My First Black Man

The day dragged on as I did the cleaning and laundry that day. Preparing dinner, I began to think again of his words, wanting to see me with another man. I thought to myself if that is what he wants why not make him happy. Why not go through with it. After dinner I asked Tim if he really wanted me to make love to another man and he said yes. I asked him if he could tell me why. He started by choosing his words very carefully and then began. You see, I have not been able to completely satisfy...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 24

I awoke again, this time due to my bladder's needs, slipping out of the bag, only to have company in the form of Shelby, who turned on the shower and gave me that "come hither" invitation with her smile. There was no sign of Marcy, her angelic mother, but that was no shock. Part of me still wondered if that sequence had been a dream. I looked at the clock before standing in the shower. It was 4:24 pm. "Hey, champ, don't worry, okay? Your little princess is doing just fine for a newborn....

1 year ago
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Doug and Loras First Time Bi Stories

I’ve been friends with Doug and Lora for about eight years and during that time, we’ve had quite a few very gratifying threesomes. I like them a lot. They are both easy going and mellow, uninhibited and imaginative, gentle and considerate, all of which suit my personality well. They like to hot tub. They like to get high on weed which is one of my most enjoyable weaknesses. Besides our excellent sex, we also have interesting conversations and intelligent discussions – art, music, politics, you...

2 years ago
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His first time Pt 2 as per request

Well here it is 10 months later and I am finally getting around to continuing my story with Mike. In all of my years dressing and pleasing men, I have only had a man spend the entire night 3 times, this being one of them. In the first part, I met Mike, a man that was interesting in trannies like me, but had never had the pleasure of being with one, until me. I had sucked and drained his big 8 inch cock and then he watched me jerk off for him. I then offered him to stay the night.I made dinner...

3 years ago
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A Changing Script

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..The weeks turned into months with my daughter Faith living, not only under my roof, but also in my bed. Before I knew it, May turned into June and the time for Hope’s graduation from college...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 60

I left with Fretail and Gerona, and as we were leaving Harlou followed us out. He, like me, had only sipped the beer and was really not interested in the taste. We went into the main cave and sat to talk with others. Within a half hour all the men came back from the practice cave. Joulnar told me that everyone had one beer and then talked some more and came out to join their families or friends. He said they would celebrate more once we were out of the bright time crisis. The rest of the...

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Unplanned Sex With My Landlady

Hello friends.. My name is Vivaan and I’m an engineer from Allahabad, aged 26. The sex story I’m writing here revolves around my landlady when I was in college. There are few people who comes in our life’s whom we can friends with or we respect them due to their nature, behaviour and loving attitude.. She was one of them. A middle aged woman of age 38 approx who was a house wife and the landlord uncle was a government employee in bank. I was new to the state and in ma second year of engineering...

1 year ago
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A great day at the Park

I was getting very frustrated with my local xhamster contacts trying to set up a meet. No takers! Today was beautiful and warm, so I decided to go to the park where I've seen action before. It's about an hour's drive from my home, but I was wanting to at least jack off with another man outdoors. The park is very large, but has a secluded area at the far end. Not very many people go there, except for (mostly) lonely men. I've never seen cops there. When I drove in there was only one car...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 136 Liz and Crash

Towards the end of July, Crash flew to Los Angeles. There was an orientation session at the UCLA Law school, plus, he needed to find a place to live. The tour had just ended, so Liz was there to meet him. They'd both be going back to Boston after about a week-Liz needed to work on choreography with Warren and Sophie. Liz drove Crash back to her apartment, where they deliriously raced each other to her bedroom. They didn't emerge until late the next morning. The orientation, which was...

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The Good YearsChapter 88

It was the next morning, after everyone else had left the house, when I asked Eddie to join me in my home office. From the way she had already been waiting for me in the living room, I assumed that Joyce and Dale had alerted her to the fact that I was planning on having a talk with her. "Eddie, Joyce and I were talking about some things last night. Joyce thinks that you and I needed to have another talk about what your plans are for the future." Eddie seemed worried about something. Just...

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The New Neighbour Part 3

I found a note on the kitchen table from Caroline. It read, "Thank you so much, darling. I am so proud of you. Enjoy breakfast.”On the table was a bowl, spoon and a box of cornflakes! I even had to fetch the milk myself. How dare she, I thought. I was expecting a cold brunch, but got cereal!When she eventually returned, Caroline was full of her new friends. I was still mad with her, but was fascinated to discover more about these ladies, so curbed my temper. Besides, my wife looked delectable...

4 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 06

‘You didn’t have to dress up, you know. It’s just a bridge game at my parents’ house between Gemma, Alessandro, you, and me.’ Maisie flushed as she glanced down at her outfit. She’d tucked her fitted, dark blue jeans into a pair of saddle-brown boots, and thrown a short jacket over a sleeveless blouse. Carolina was right, she was completely overdressed for an evening with friends in rural Maine, no matter how much she hoped one of those friends would be more by the evening’s end. ‘Gemma was...

1 year ago
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Only a Touch

It was already dark when she arrived at the restaurant, handing the keys over to the valet absentmindedly. Aptly attired in a blue uniform trimmed in gold, the young man thanked her politely and handed back a blue ticket, which she slipped into the pocket of a small black handbag as she passed through the glass doorway. He saw her immediately, watching from his table. She wore a classic black sheath dress, fitted perfectly and split at one side almost to her thigh. Shiny black patent leather...

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