Neighbor Girl
- 2 years ago
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Neighbor Girl
Chapter 1
They must have been roses. Viewed from the outside, the curtains were light,either white or beige, with darker spots in no apparent pattern. He could rememberwhen they, his neighbors, had first put up the curtains. What had he been,twelve? The absolute time or age did not matter; he remembered it was the summerhe and Jessica had spent nearly all their time at the little lake near town,the summer when it rained so much. Of course they could not be expected totake swim suits all the time, could they? Besides, such things were a big hassle.They had fallen asleep one afternoon and been late for dinner, and their parentshad come looking only to find them lying together naked on a towel. The curtainshad gone up shortly after. Had it been the next day?
Jonah had not put two and two together then but he could see now how theevents must have been related. Their parents had never condemned them, nevermade them feel as if they had done anything dirty, but there still grew betweenJonah and Jessica some kind of invisible resistance, a force that kept themapart. Perhaps it was a result of the fact that, even though they had actuallydone nothing untoward and their time together had always been quite innocent,each of them had harbored thoughts of taking their relationship farther, toa place neither had ever been before. Their parents had enforced no changein their friendship, but the change had happened nonetheless. Perhaps, hadJonah been inclined to look, he would have seen it coming.
But now all he could see was her curtains, and all he had left were theirmemories.
They had not been together much, especially since high school had startedtwo years ago. Of course there were the dances and parties where they madesmall talk, and the hellos in the hallway, but that sort of thing just wasn'tas satisfying as really being close to her had once been. This year thingswere going to change, Jonah decided. If nothing else, he had an excuse to spenda little time with her now, and no one had an excuse to keep him away; shewould be a varsity cheerleader and he would be a varsity linebacker. Upperclassmencould no longer claim "dibs."
Jonah took a few moments of well-earned rest before dinner, lying motionlesson his bed, watching a bird through the window, letting his body relax entirely,something that wasn't easy after a long practice. He and Jessica used to climbin that tree. That had been her hideout, his lookout, either a secret lairfor the criminal or the headquarters of the police. Cops and Robbers had beena favorite game of theirs and she had never liked being the cop. "The goodguys should win," she explained, "and I run slower than you."
That tree had been her prison one day as well, when he hung her there byher wrists. What had driven him to do such insane things as a child? Jessica'ssmile and the power of suggestion, probably. It had been mostly her idea, herfault. She never played along very well. She was too easy to catch and didnot put much effort into escaping, so they came up with ways to encourage her.
"If you get loose, I'll ask my mom to make some kool-aid and let us havesome cookies," he remembered suggesting on that day.
"No!" she had shouted immediately. "No, you have to at least find out whereI hid the loot first. Question me."
"How do I do that?"
First by tickling her in all her worst tickly places. That didn't work. Shethen suggested that he spank her.
It was all her idea. And he had never been more afraid than when he gaveher ten good, hard swats with the palm of his hand. It wasn't the first time(after all, "birthday swats" were a tradition) but it was the first time hehad done it . . . like that. He would never have been able to explain himselfat the time.
That didn't work either.
She had finally asked him to do what his mother did, and he had the willowswitch in hand when his mother informed them that dinner was on the table andasked if Jessica wanted to eat. They accepted, though it was only after anargument that Jonah's mother managed to get Jessica to let Jonah remove herhandcuffs; Jessica did not think it was a good idea to let a prisoner freelike that, but Mrs. Mitchell did not think she should eat like a dog at thetable.
Even then Jonah somehow had the instinct to know that he should not be caughtwith the switch, the one he cast to the ground before his mother saw them,and Jessica knew enough that she tugged the bit of rope that would releaseher from the tree before Mrs. Mitchell rounded the corner. Even then they hadknown better than to get caught, even though nothing seemed immediately wrongwith what they were doing.
Perhaps that was why the curtain was closed now.
He only realized that he had dozed off when he awoke to the sound of a ringingphone. He had one in his room that he never used, and by the time he dug downto the phone through a pile of clothes, the ringing had stopped and he leftthe phone in its cradle.
"Jonah, it's for you," his mother called from downstairs.
"Ok," he shouted back, picking up the phone. "I've got it," he said intothe receiver. "Hello?"
His mother hung up before he heard anything else and then the caller said, "Wakeup, sleepyhead."
She hung up immediately but Jonah already knew who had called, because hewas certain that had been Jessica's voice. He looked across the distance betweentheir houses, past the bird in their tree, and his eyes fell upon her secondfloor window, a little down and to the right of his. The curtains were open.
"Jonah, are you ready to eat?"
# # #
During the two weeks of two-a-day practices that preceded the beginning ofschool for all football players, excess energy was hard to come by. Jonah normallyfinished his dinner, fell into his bed, and was asleep immediately. But somethingabout this night was not normal. The curtains were still open and the lightwas on.
Jonah turned on the light on his desk, on the other side of the room; itcast only shadows onto his bed where he lay, staring into Jessica's room whereall her lights were on. Her bed was covered in pillows and teddy bears, a smallspot cleared off on one side, probably where she slept. Her dresser held afew books, some makeup, and what looked to be a curling iron or something,a long bit of white with an electric cord sticking out the back, plugged intothe wall beside the dresser.
The door opened and Jessica entered the room. She took a deep breath andstretched, then began to remove her long-sleeve blue blouse. Jonah's breathcaught in his throat when she turned her back on him, leaving him to wonderwhat she had on underneath. The question was answered a moment later when sherevealed a black sports bra, the blouse falling to the floor behind her. Herskirt followed it, leaving only a black thong to cover her womanhood. It didn'tdo so well at covering her ass. She turned toward him and he held his breath,waiting for her to notice his presence, thinking suddenly that she just mightbe able to see him.
If she did, she did not show it. She stretched once again, raising her armstogether, fingers entwined, behind her back, over her head. She could not havebetter exhibited her bust on purpose. What was she doing? She tied back herhair and lay down on something sitting beside the dresser. Was it a weightbench? Yes it was, complete with a rack for a weight bar. He was getting towatch her work out!
The sight was a sensual experience for Jonah as she flew through her setswith the bar and with dumbbells, stopping only to set the incline on her benchso that she could do crunches, and she did them quite well. She wasn't theonly one feeling the heat when she was done and stood before the mirror sweating,her breasts rising and falling with her rhythm as he gazed on her profile.She raised her arms slowly, holding them straight out from her sides, and madea bow. Did she know he was there after all?
No, it was the beginning of a dance routine. Filled with spins and kicksand leaps and clapping, it must have been a routine the cheerleaders were preparingfor a pep rally, though he had doubts as to whether or not some of the edgiermoves would be welcome in school and felt the cheerleaders' sponsor would probablyhave them tone things down a bit. The combination of the tight bra and hertight chest made for minimal bounce, but he did see what quite enough: herbody was a work of art and any movement she made was poetry. Oh yes, she wasbeautiful.
Panting when she finished, at last out of breath, Jessica rolled her shouldersand took a seat on the bench, reaching for the white thing on the dresser.It was not a curling iron, but rather some sort of massage device, it seemed,and it looked like she was using it to work out some soreness. She gave herright shoulder special attention as well as a spot in her back, not to mentionher abdominal muscles; she had driven them especially hard, and Jonah had tosay that they looked exceptional for it. But then the massager slipped a littlelower. One too many high kicks? Her head fell back, her mouth open. Jonah hadbeen hard already, but now his member stood at full attention. Was it possible?Could Jessica be masturbating?
Jonah was certain that was exactly what she was doing. First Jonah's mouthhit the floor, then Jessica's panties followed suit as she continued to buzzher pussy for all she was worth, her free hand alternating between rubbingher sex and her bust. Jonah was thankful for the incline on the bench, becauseit meant he could see everything, from her pumping hips to her heaving titsto her flushed face, even when she lay back. It seemed like hours went by,but it could not have been long before Jessica stripped off her workout braand began kneading her breast flesh in earnest.
Jonah watched in awe as she began pinching and pulling at her nipples, deliveringexactly the sort of rough treatment he'd always been warned against by anysource of sexual advice. First her left, then her right, and then her leftagain. She went back and forth, pinching and twisting, her mouth opening andclosing, gritting her teeth. He could imagine her breath hissing out at thepain she was adding to the other exquisite sensations she was feeling. He didnot have to imagine her body pulsing with lustful heat; he could see it plainas day written all over her face.
Soon Jessica was not the only one stroking herself. She opened a drawer onher dresser and produced a small bottle filled with clear liquid, which shepoured over her entire front side, rubbing it into her skin with both hands.It must have been oil, but it was certainly not necessary from a visual standpoint,as she was already covered in her own natural oil and lubricant. Jonah almostwished he had some of his own, a little something to improve the feeling hewas enjoying just then, but he did not think long about it. A new sight throughthe window distracted his thoughts: a change had come over Jessica.
She stiffened on the bench, her entire face clenched, eyes squeezed tightshut against some irresistible sensation. Her chest rose fell faster than everbefore as she panted for air, unable to contain even a small lungful for morethan an instant. She lay there, motionless, for only a few seconds, but inthose few seconds Jonah experienced an eternity, his hand moving faster allthe while. It felt so good it hurt!
And the same was true for Jessica in the other room. Her eyes and mouth flewopen in the throes of her agonizing ecstasy and she jerked on the bench, herback arching back as far as it could and giving Jonah a great view of her pussyand tits, her head falling backward out of view. Jonah felt his release comingand did not fight, letting his seed spurt across the wooden floor. He couldclean up later; just then all he cared about was the horny, lovely nymph inthe window.
She lay motionless, limp, fulfilled, and Jonah watched the sweat drip downher body, the juice running out of her pussy. He imagined he could even hearher slow, ragged breathing. He could hear his own. And he could scarce believewhat had just taken place. What a perfect moment! But like all such things,this, too, had to come to an end. Jessica, at last, rose from the bench andpulled her sweat-darkened hair free of its ponytail, then stepped through thedoor on the back side of her room, the one Jonah knew would take her to theupstairs bathroom.
He looked at the clock. It was getting late and he had to rise early forpractice tomorrow, so he had to get to sleep. But first he took a quick showerin a vain attempt to force thoughts of Jessica from his mind. Why were thecurtains open? Had she deliberately put on a show? What would she have doneif she had known he was watching? For a moment he imagined a sight where thetwo of them, staring quite deliberately at one another, climaxed together ina shared sexual experience. No, he had to go to sleep. Fantasies like thatwere best saved for another day.
But why were the curtains open?
# # #
He could recall this day from years ago, but he did not see things exactlyas he remembered them.
"Jonah?" Jessica called to him. Where was she at? He remembered that he hadleft her tied beneath the tree.
There she was, just as he had left her then, except that the rope he usedon her wrists was much shorter to make up for her added height. She was standingon tiptoe to take some of her weight off her wrists and shoulders and he watchedas her legs struggled to support her. She must have been there for a whilealready, the muscles of her calf bearing mute testimony to the long minutesshe had awaited him as they shook with the strain.
It was hot outside and there was no breeze between the houses, so sweat haddampened the collar of her gray t-shirt and darkened the slopes of fabric thatcovered the region between her breasts. Her breathing was less than relaxedas she at last gave in and let her weight fall on her arms once again. "I'llnever tell you," she teased, almost as if to reassure him. But her voice lackedthe confidence it had displayed before.
"I think you'll change your mind," said Jonah, feeling far more confidencenow than he had back then.
"Why don't you make me?" Her voice was anxious, but her smile bright andpure.
"I think I will."
Jessica stood on tiptoe again as Jonah began to run his fingertips over allof her most ticklish places, like the back of her neck, her armpits, the backsof her knees, her belly, the soles of her feet. He used a blade of grass togreater effect as he attacked her once again, pulling her shirt up out of theway this time to reach the soft skin of her abdomen.
"Actually, I think I should just take this thing off," he said as if talkingto himself.
"You can't do that!" said Jessica, trying very hard and with only marginalsuccess not to shout.
"Why can't I?"
Blood rushed to her face. "I'm . . ." she hesitated. ". . . I'm not wearingany underwear."
"Hmm. Well," Jonah said with a grin, "that's not much of a reason. I thoughtyou were going to say something about your big older brother who would kickmy ass."
"I don't have an older brother!"
His grin spread wider. "I know."
"If you don't want everyone to see what you've got, why don't you just tellme what I want to hear?"
He could see the frustration in her eyes as she struggled with her options,weighing the pain of surrender against the pain of defiance . . . .
# # #
Jonah had never been more distracted by anything ever before in his life.He barely remembered the dream he'd been having just moments before his alarmclock had gone off that morning but he knew it must have been hot: he'd beenfeeling it all day long. There had even been a rather ticklish moment in thelocker room while dressing out when she came once again unbidden to his mindand certain lifting sensations came unbidden to his loins.
And now the cheerleaders were going through their routine at the stadiumwhile the varsity and junior varsity football teams met one another in theintersquad scrimmage. With each passing minute it was harder to keep his eyesoff her, the hard nipples underneath her tight white shirt, the long legs shekept spreading and tossing into the air, the wild eyes that seemed to haunthim everywhere he turned.
What was that, the snap count? His attention returned to the field only tosee the quarterback dropping back for a pass and to find his gap, the one throughwhich he was supposed to blitz, being closed by one of the linemen. His feettore at the grass and he barely perceived the impact, the sound of the helmets,the incredible surge of power through his arm as he flung the lineman out ofthe way and then broke down in front of his target.
Of course he never saw the defensive tackle who had broken through from theother side and was trying desperately *not* to hit their all-important quarterback,the one player who was off limits in practice. He did he see the too-eageryoung fullback who apparently didn't realize that the play was over, but eventhough he was prepared for the fullback . . .
. . . The next thing he knew was that he was lying on the ground and thathis arm hurt. Bad.
# # #
He lay on his bed after football once again, staring at the curtains, theside of the house, the tree between them. That little old tree was much smallernow than in his dream. Jessica would never actually fit under it in real life;she had grown too much since their younger days. Not that it mattered. He hadno idea what had happened yesterday, but he was certain it would never happenagain. Their shared experience was a thing that would be best if soon forgottenand never revisited. Besides that, what would he do this time? His partnerin crime was constrained by a cast and sling and he had never been able toget much satisfaction from his off hand. What would he do, ask Jessica forhelp?
And at that thought he wondered if she might have seen him the previous night.How could she have missed him when he could see her so clearly? The thoughtmade his heart beat faster in fear: what might she do? That had to be why thecurtains were closed. He suddenly wondered at what the consequences might be.But then again, he reassured himself, could she possibly have been paying attentionto him with her concentration fixed so firmly on her own pleasure?
But then his mind wandered back to his original question: why had the curtainsbeen open to begin with?
He didn't want to think about it anymore. He wanted dinner to be ready sothat he could eat and go to bed. After a long day like this, his only hopewas to look forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow was Saturday, after all; why shouldn'tthings be better then? And why hadn't his mother called yet? He rose from hisbed and plodded downstairs to see if he could just make a sandwich and getthings over with for the night.
It looked like peanut butter was out of the question since it required twohands. He took the ham from the refrigerator and placed it and the bread onthe table while he went to ask his mother if there was any mustard left inthe house.
"Jonah, is that you?" she asked, her back turned on him while she concentratedon his little brother's math homework.
"Yeah," said Jonah, and he asked about the mustard.
"No, honey, I think I used the last of it the other night," she answered,tapping a few numbers into her calculator.
He shrugged and started back toward the kitchen.
"Wait a minute, honey," she said before he was quite gone. "Jessica calledagain today. She said she was sorry to hear about your arm and she was wonderingif you'd let her sign the cast or help carry your books, that sort of thing.She said she had a lot of homework, but that it would be all right if you cameby this evening after dinner."
Feelings of anticipation and dread rose in his stomach. What did she reallywant to see him about? But he said, "All right. Well, I'll head over in a minute,then."
"So soon?" his mother asked, glancing up at the clock on the wall. "Oh! Iforgot about dinner! You'd better call Jessica and tell her that you'll belate."
"You're cooking something after all?"
"Of course. Just tell her that you'll be over at nine o'clock and not eight."
# # #
He rung Durhams' doorbell and stood outside for a moment before Mrs. Durhamanswered, swinging open the door with a smile. "Oh, Jonah, how do you feel?"
"I'm all right, Mrs. Durham," said Jonah, entering as she beckoned him inside.
"I'm so glad you called," said Mrs. Durham. "Jessica seemed quite worriedabout you. But she's been up in her room studying for a good two or three hoursnow so there's a good chance she's fallen asleep. Why don't you just go wakeher up?"
There must have been a thousand things running through his mind as he mountedthose stairs, things ranging from wondering how he smelled to thinking aboutwhat he would say, pondering whether or not to mention last night, trying toguess what she might do when she saw him. Not one of them had anything to dowith his cast or her signing it or her carrying his books for him or anythingof the sort.
All innocence was washed away in that moment and it seemed there was no purething left in the world that he could not defile by simply looking at it. Likethe light switch at the top of the stairs. Why did he feel so guilty just now,all of a sudden? Why hadn't he had the same feelings yesterday? And why shouldn'tshe be at least partially to blame? After all, it was she who had led him intothis in the first place; what kind of slut masturbated before an open windowwhile knowing her horny neighbor would be looking on? That bitch! It was allher fault to begin with.
And exactly that thought was on his mind when he knocked on the door andgot no answer, and when he opened the door and saw nothing because the lightswere off, and when he turned on the lights . . .
. . . And there she was.
Jessica was lying naked on the weight bench and facing the door, which hequickly shut while his eyes tried to drink in as much of the sight before himas he could. Each of her hands was handcuffed to one of the sturdy posts, weldedto the frame of the bench, that were intended to support a weight bar, leavingher smoothly muscled arms entirely immobile, though not strained. Her wonderfullegs were bound to the weight bar by a pair of cable ties at each end, pullingher apart at the middle and leaving the insides of her shapely thighs exposed,not to mention everything in between them. The bar was loaded with a hundredpounds of weights and itself weighed in at 50 pounds, so there was nothingmuch she could do to hide her nudity even had she so desired. Buried in hersex was the massager to which Jonah had been introduced the previous day, andhe could see it was turned on at the highest setting. And she had no idea whatwas going on.
He could see the blue rubber line running out of one of her ears, acrossher neck, and into the other ear: earplugs. They went quite well with the handkerchiefshe'd tied over her eyes in order to blind herself. Perhaps she had heard himknock or even enter, but she had no idea who he was. She did not know who wasdrinking in her exposed beauty, watching the sweat of her lust pour off herbody, staring at her bosom as it rose and fell at a harried pace, carried on,faster, harder, like the beat of her heart, on the pounding waves of her ravenoushunger, the horrific pleasure emanating from her pussy.
He played with the clothespins that gnawed at her nipples, horrible yellowplastic ones that he remembered as being hurtful to his fingers, and thoughthow they must have been pure agony for Jessica. And she could only wonder atwho her tormentor might be as she squirmed under his treatment, biting at herlip to keep silent when he twisted one clothespin all the way around and thenlet go. She should have gagged herself, he thought, and slipped his fingerinto her hole alongside the vibrator.
She whimpered.
Her whole body already shined, illumined by her sweat and by the hot desklight he now trained on her, but he decided she needed something more. He lookedin her desk drawer, took out the bottle he had seen her use before, and drizzledit liberally over her tanned flesh, letting the cool oil contrast with herhot skin as he blew over her body, intensifying the sensations. It wasn't untiljust before he began to massage the oil into her skin that he read the labeland realized that the oil was not simply a lubricant, but was also spiced somehow,that she would be far more than just the heat of the lamp in a moment. Of coursethat didn't stop him.
In fact, he paid special attention to her most sensitive areas. He triedto be sensual, caressing, and yet firm all at once, not easy things to accomplishgracefully with only one hand. And yet, judging only from the frayed gaspswith which she now caught her breath, he could only feel he must have beendoing something right. His eyes fell on the nipples he had left alone untilnow and he poured extra oil on top of them before removing his sling in directdisobedience of his doctor's orders: those had to come off all at once, hedecided. He removed her earplugs.
"Shhh," he warned, careful not to allow his voice to show through his command.
His fingers came to rest on the peaks of her chest and he waited a momentto allow everything to build, preparing to remove the clothespins and watchher attempt to contain her response.
"Wait!" a small voice interrupted, a whisper on the verge of breaking intoa sob. "I can't . . ." she protested, finding difficulty in speaking. "I'llcry. I can't keep quiet if you do that."
He released a sigh of disappointment. Was she backing down now, finally,for the first time?
But she had not finished. "There's a gag in the other drawer. Jam that inmy mouth and . . ." she hesitated, taking a deeper breath. "And then you cando it."
The drawer squeaked when he opened it and again when he closed it, and heheld the red gag to her lips for only an instant before her mouth opened andshe accepted it, moaning something that sounded like, "Thank you."
"Are you ready?" he asked, finally allowing her to hear him.
Her whole body tensed, her fine muscles jerking taut at the sound of hisvoice. Was this the moment she had been waiting for?
She nodded.
"You look like you need to cum."
She began to tremble.
"Do you think you can?"
She nodded.
"Even with all the pain?"
She nodded.
"Then do it."
And she did, as soon as the clothespins were off. Her arms pulled at thehandcuffs until he was afraid she would cut open her wrists, her every musclejerked and spasmed and her breast flesh twitched and bounced while her abdomenlurched, her legs kicking out and pulling the weight off the floor as her cuntseemed about to devour the vibrator. She shook her head, slinging her hairand her sweat in every direction, her face etched in what seemed a parody ofeither pain or pleasure at the sheer power of her feelings.
Jonah slowly, gently, pulled the vibrator from her hole and took the gagfrom her mouth, stroking her sweat-drenched cheek and rubbing a bit of droolinto her face. He bent to kiss her, like a prince awakening a sleeping beauty,and the feel and taste of her lingered on his lips as he withdrew. With onelast caress he swept the hair from before her eyes and loosened the blindfold,pulling it down around her neck.
"Thank you," she gasped when she could stop panting long enough, tears inher eyes.
"You're welcome," said Jonah, taking the key he spotted on the desk and usingit to free her hands. He saw a pair of nail clippers beside it and, satisfiedthat she could get herself free, turned out the light and turned to go.
He turned to look at her once again.
She smiled, one of those peaceful, satisfied smiles, and said, "You looklike you need to cum."
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Introduction: Repost – This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. This is a repost to get all the chapters under the same userid. This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like...
Introduction: This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. My first story so be kind! This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus...
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Hi, I am Nikhil from Nashik with a real story here. I am 28 and I have married 1 year ago. Now, as all men do, I also thought that my neighbor’s wife is hotter than my wife. I always thought that both my neighbor’s wife are prettier and better looking. I have to maintain my friendship and decency with the neighbors. This is why I always avoided talking to both the bhabhis. I was strongly attracted to both the neighbors. I was sometimes fucking my wife but thinking about the neighbor’s wife. I...
Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.? Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms. Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform. She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt. Jim was 23, and a junior in college. He had met Sarah on a...
Discrete affair. Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, "Friendly" , AND Cooks Too! Ever dream of a "discrete affair" fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It's better than winning the Lottery! My wife's job takes her away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with "Internet help" till my "fuck machine" returns. Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of...
Wife LoversAmy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act. Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...
This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...
INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...
The next morning as I get home from work, I see the neighbor lady that lives kitty corner from me. Miranda, I think her name is. She looks good for her age, mid 40s probably, wearing a simple red t-shift and light blue capris. I say hello on the way to my door, she smiles back and replies "Coffee Time!" and keeps on walking. As I get to my door I fumble for my keys, looking back to check her out as she walks to the coffee shop down the street, her tight pants showing off that ass, swaying the...
Twice she had come to my place unexpectedly and we had ravaged each other. I saw her husband leave for work hours ago. I knew that if the day was sunny and warm, she loved to sunbathe in the nude. If i just could wait, there she comes. Sits her drink on the table, unties her robe, YES ! look at that body, I've seen it, I've had it, I've enjoyed it, But every time I see it, it is exciting all over again. Huge shapely tits, tight firm abs, to die for pussy, long toned legs, just looking I get...
Hello everyone, I am Sumanth 26 year old 5.11 height handsome guy born and brought up in Bangalore Basaveshwaranagar I completed masters and working in top MNC company which located in whitefield. This is true story and writing this incident with her (viji) permission but slightly changing names due to security reason. We are staying in apartment which consist 8 flats i’m the only young guy staying in our apartment and in our neighbor four people are there raj kumar 44 year old businessman his...
(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...
This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesBatman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...
My wife was gone for the week on a business trip, and I just dropped my k**s off at school.As I got back home I started the laundry, then moved on to the dishes, I looked out the window as I was drying the dishes and noticed our new neighbor behind our house was doing the same. She didn't notice me watching her through her window from ours. The fence behind our house is about 6 foot tall, but it was still fairly easy to see into each others houses from our windows.I noticed that she looked to...
Dear readers, I am Vicky from Bangalore. I want to share one of my sex experiences with you. Now i will share with you my experience with my neighbor when I am young. At that time I was living in a colony, where houses are of joined type. Here each unit consists of two houses attached with a common bathroom and toilet at backyard. I am the only son to my parents. We have neighbors, who stay in our next house for almost 10 years. We are also staying there for almost 9 years. My neighbor family...
Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...
Discrete affair. Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, ‘Friendly’ , AND Cooks Too! Ever dream of a ‘discrete affair’ fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It’s better than winning the Lottery! My wife’s job takes her away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with ‘Internet help’ till my ‘fuck machine’ returns. Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of course, I...
“I put the plug back in, maybe you can help me get it out again” she says, using her sexy-ass girly voice. I open the door and move aside, letting her walk in, and close the door behind me. As she turns to face me I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me, kissing her hard and deep. Her body goes limp as she returns the kiss, moaning in the process. I push her up against the back of the kitchen counter, shoving my pelvis into hers, making her feel my now rock hard cock through my pants....
When I turned 18 my neighbor came over to my house with a birthday cake. My parents weren’t home, and I let my neighbor in. She put the cake on the kitchen counter. She was somewhere around 40 years old and divorced. She had on a thin white shirt. Her breasts sagged quite a bit, but were still sexy to me. I wondered how come I had never noticed before. My penis was getting had and I only had on a thin pair of blue shorts and no underwear. I knew my penis would be evident, so I went around to...
My name's Matt. This story takes place in 2014, the summer before I went off to college. I was an 18 year old boy, enjoying my last summer home. One day in June, my parents had decided to take day trip to the beach for some shopping. This was great news for me -- it meant freedom for the day. I enjoyed smoking weed back then, so I was able to hit the pipe all day, so long as I had ample time to clear out the smell. It was around midday that Saturday, and I had just finished smoking and decided...
Jim was eighteen and always had a thing for the sexy neighbor next door. She had huge tits and he dreamed about sucking them and her rubbing his cock. One day he was walking home and she pulled over and asked if he wanted a ride. He was eager to get in the car. She was wearing a tight low cut top and he could see her nipples as she wore no bra. She also had shorts on and she looked so hot. Jim was wearing jogging shorts and a tank top. As they drove she talked to him and he kept staring at her...
It is a neighborhood of small homes on small lots so seeing what is happening in the neighbor’s house is easy. As a part time professional photographer I work at home quite often. I had some work to editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom next door and then neighbor lady and some man enter. My room was dark, to work on the pictures, and so they never noticed me and did not pull the shades. Well it seems she was having an affair and it got hot and heavy...
Hey guys. I am Suraj, age 24, 5’7 tall with a 6’2 inch dick. I usually read stories n this website. So I decided to share an incident which happened to me very recently. So my incest sex with my aunt happened in the month of December. Actually, to be precise I had a quarrel with my mom on some random day. I ran out of the house and went upstairs heading towards the terrace because I feel it’s peaceful. So, I was bored. I was checking my phone if anyone was online in my chat list. Fortunately, I...
Brandon is a 16yo boy growing up in a rural area. Him and the neighbor k**s like to hang out together. He especially likes hanging out at his friends houses that have hot moms. A few of the moms in the area have taken notice that when Brandon is over he'll stair at their ass whenever he gets the chance. One day three of them happen to be talking and one of them brings up how she has noticed Brandon is always staring at her ass, and the other 2 say he's done the same to them. They all agree that...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Written in a differnt tense and so there might be some mistakes. Please excuse the grammer but this wss done in hurry. I have a part two in my head and so ladies she does get even.Neighbor blackmailed into being his whore It is a neighborhood of small homes on small lots so seeing what is happening in the neighbor’s house is easy.I had some work to do at home and was at my desk editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom and then neighbor woman and some man...
Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...
Beads of cold sweat ran down Susan Wienczorkowski’s neck as she carefully navigated the long dark and empty warehouse corridor. Clad in lightweight body armor, the newest addition to the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit looked like one of the troopers from Star Wars. Close behind her followed a similarly clad associate. “Wienczorkowski ... west corridor clear.” she said into her helmet’s comlink. With a nod she motioned for her partner, Sergeant Mike Robinson to cover her as she dashed across...
I am not sure when I got on this kick but for the longest time I was fascinated with cum on hairy pussy. And now that I was in my mid-teens I could not wait for 1) to blow my load deep inside the prettiest girl I could find and 2) to also blow a large load all over some ones bush and watch as they rubbed all around. I honestly thought the later would never happen. I was starting to wonder if the first choice would ever happen. Then we had some new neighbors move in. The condos we live in, my...
Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...
Reddit NSFW ListAs Tim climbed the stairs to go brush his teeth and get the flavor of cum out of his mouth yet again, he reflected on how he got into this situation. When Terri moved in with the next door neighbor, he noticed those big tits like any other man would. They were huge and bullet shaped, and looked like they belonged on the front bumper of a ’57 Cadillac, full and pointed and jutting out proudly. At 29, she knew how to work her assets too, drawing attention away from her poor complexion and...
FetishI've been in Dallas for almost a month, haven't made many friends yet and have been pretty lonely. I was walking into my apartment when my neighbor stopped me and said hello. Her name was Beverly. She's in her late 40s and said she had lived in the same apartment complex for 5 years and watched many neighbors come and go over the years. When she offered me a beer I figured I would stay a while. She told me that she got lonely and I said I did too. She made a comment about a young stud like...
Hello dear Friends, This is my first time ever am sharing my true story/incident with such blogs & am reading stories on this blog from a couple of years. I have not explained the fucking session in deep but I have concentrated how this relation from friends converted to fucking friends Lets move on with the incident.. This story is 4 years back when I was studying engineering & my parents rented a flat in mumbai for studies. In this flat, my mom used to visit alternate days as my...
Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...
Well…this is my First time publishing this. When I was only 12 years old, my neighbor, Tara, came over to my house to go swimming. I had a BIG crush on her since 4th grade!!! She wore a very cute (sexy) bikini. I told her looking at her wearing it made me extremely Horney. She asked to go in my bedroom because she wanted to “show me something”. I agreed and when I walked in she was naked on my bed. I asked if we could kiss. We did, I had a raging errection. She told me she noticed it. I told...
The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...
Hunting down a speedster was hard business - impossible for most people. For Kara In-Ze, also known as Supergirl, it was far less so. First, Kara had her Kryptonian Vision that enabled her to search large areas despite all obstacles - she was tracking the supervillain even then. Secondly, while she wasn't as fast as a speedster in her moves, she could fly, taking shortcuts the speedster could not. And third and most important (at least as far as Kara was concerned), she was eighteen now. Gone...
I had some work to do at home and was at my desk editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom and then neighbor woman and some man enter. My room was dark to work on the pictures and so they never noticed me and they did not pull the shades. Well it seems she was having an affair and it got hot and heavy right away. He all but ripped her clothes off and she did the same to him. Before his pants were completely off she was sucking his cock. This was...
After my massive orgasm and ejaculation in the jeans my sexy neighbor offered me a tissue. When I reached out to take it she noticed that my hand was shaking. Therefore she suggested that she can clean my hand on her own. Of course I didn’t have any remarks on this idea. She took my hand and gently wiped up all the semen. “There you go horny” she smiled to me. “Now that you came and you can think straight for a few seconds, without your hormones influencing your mind, it is good opportunity for...
Hello, guys and girls. My name is Rohit and I Live in Delhi. This is my first sex story, so pls do ignore mistakes. I am 29 years old and my dick is 8′ in size. This sex story is about my first experience with my neighbor whose name was Priyanka. I was in the 12th grade. She was a 27-year-old housewife who got married at the very early age of 23. Her bra size was 36C and that too at this age. Her husband was working in Gurugram. Mostly, he left early in morning and returned by 9 PM. So most of...
Hi this is me again with another interesting story. Those who don’t know me I am Nithin from kerala, 23 years of age, 5’7 in height and cock size of 5.5. My mail id is I always love and fantasize about woman than girls and those woman who are having huge and nice boobs and ass. Friends forgive me as my English wont be that perfect. This is about my experience with my neighbor aunty and how it turned my life. So this happened when I was staying in my home after completing my studies and I was...
Hi Friends, I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I have previously shared some of my experiences if you have read. About me, I am an IT guy, well settled working in a reputed organization at a respectful position in Hyderabad. I just love girls with bog boobs and sexy swinging ass. We this story is about a neighbor of mine and me. I took a 3 BHK flat on rent in a posh locality in Hyderabad. However, I stay alone in the flat since I need to work from home as well during nights sometimes...
Hello guys, I am also a big fan of Indian Sex stories as like you guys, actually ISS helped me to take next step of my sex life, I’m 22 years old male from a remote place near Bengaluru. Currently living in Bengaluru doing my engineering in the reputed college, I have a decent dick size of 7 inches and thickness 3 inches, and my sport hobbies helped me to keep my body in good physic and to keep my stamina for a minimum for 3 shots you can find me at (i’m not 42 4 for 4 girls and 2 for 2 holes...
Hi folks..I am Rajat(fake name) from Kanpur with 6 feet height and normal Punjabi body with its style.I am pursuing mba with dad’s business.The story starts after my graduation.My neighbor bhabhi priya(fake name) is a housewife with two children,a boy and a girl with age 7 & 9 years respectively.Her husband is in merchant navy and remains at home for 5-6 months.Her stats are 38-32-42.She looks damn sexy. In our locality there is a big gym with all amenities and it worked in my luck.I used to go...
IncestSo after all members went away my new routine was to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at neighbor bhabhi’s Place. At night after dinner i use to wait there for some more time as me, bhaiya and bhabhi use to play cards or do talking.. Best part of that routine was the lunch period in which we were alone and we use to spent time holding hands and hugging a lot thus making us comfortable with each other before we goes to next level. First 10-12 days went like this only… Nothing happened as i was...
My name is Sandesh and I am living in Vizag. This is a true story happened in this summer how i seduced and fucked neighbor aunty. Please give your valuable comments on this story to This is some what long story and my 1st story so please forgive me if any mistakes are there. I am Sandesh of height 5.10 feet and average body and fair complexion with smart look. Now about beauty of the story Mani of wheatish complexion and long hair upto hip and smooth sexy and waxy hands and legs with a...
This is Sunny and I would like to tell you one of interesting scene of my life. It happened when I was in my engineering college. I had not taken hostel in final year of engineering and taken an independent flat in Delhi. It was not so posh colony but had middle class families in the society. I am very flirty in nature and love to flirt with girl. I was very popular in college for this nature and I was same in society. Being my good nature, all neighbor loved me and I used to do flirt with all...
Hello to guys and girls following ISS. Firstly, I would thank ISS for this wonderful forum which I am following since 2007; I regularly read a lot of stories out here, of which half I genuinely find it true. This gives me confidence in writing a true story which took place in Feb 2015 between my next door neighbor aunt, Seema and me. Please send me your feedback to my mail id: Being my first attempt, apologies for any mistakes. I am Pratik, 25 years of age, standing at 5’11”, having an average...