Coyote Meets Melkor
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
By C
Part I
Coyote was in a hurry. He had to be in position no later than 9 A.M, andeverything was taking longer than it should. When he made a right turn at thecrossroads, he barely spared a glance at two landfays kicking beneath the roadsidegallows. On any other day . . . well, maybe on the way back.
For the last leg of his trip, he had to leave the road and climb a nearbymesa. Bruised and gasping, he reached the top at 8:40–hardly a momenttoo soon. He then gave his apparatus a final check. The boulder was just theright size and heft. A big wooden tube (the patented Acme Boulder Conveyer)snaked right down one side of the mesa until it came to the bottom, then tiltedupward at a 45-degree angle. The scaffolding that anchored it in place wassound.
8:45: Coyote picked up a remote control device and pushed a button. Withinseconds, an Acme unmanned dirigible appeared in the east, moving westward ata pace that would take it within range of the boulder conveyor in just fifteenminutes. Suspended from the dirigible by a single rope was a gigantic, ironanvil.
8:50: Coyote opened an industrial-size can of patented Acme All-Purpose Lubricantand poured it down the tube of the boulder conveyer.
8:55: Coyote took a quick glance through his Acme binoculars. Aha! Down belowon the plain, exactly where he wanted them to be, stood the three shapely SardonicaSisters: Cynthia, Salome, and Sandy. They always congregated in the same placeat exactly five to nine each morning. This settled routine meant that, verysoon, Coyote would have them.
The Sisters were breathtakingly beautiful fairies: human-sized, pale blonde,each with a pair of turquoise wings. They wore white halter-tops and blackhigh heels, but were otherwise bare. Each girl's groin was decorated by a neatlittle muff, as pale as the hair on her head. Coyote inhaled, and he was surehe could just catch a whiff of salty, musky fay-cunt. Not much longer, andhe'd be sampling it directly!
8:59: Coyote picked up the boulder and began lugging it over to the mouthof the conveyer. His arrangements were just what the prophecy required. A fewmonths before, the Sardonica Sisters had gone to the local Sibyl to have theirfortunes told. According to witnesses, they entered the Sibyl's cave, thenran weeping from it just a few minutes later. Coyote had long sought to bringthe Sisters to justice, and when he heard this report, he saw his chance. Hebribed the Sibyl with one of his lecture honoraria, and she told him what shehad prophesied for the three:
"'Tis an unlikely hero,
With intricate contrivance,
Who shall destroy your evil,
Your spite, and your connivance.
Take wing to farthest Thule,
You still are doomed to meet him;
And trusting in your beauty,
You'll fail when you entreat him.
With intricate contrivance,
A seeming fool, but sly,
He'll let you laugh a little,
But then you'll cry and cry."
Could the "unlikely hero" be anyone but Coyote? "A seeming fool" was hardlyflattering; but it was an incontestable fact: many expected very little fromCoyote, and that, in part, was why he was so successful. The dirigible wasexactly where it should be; so he wrestled the boulder up to the conveyor andprepared to send it on its way.
Just then, Cynthia Sardonica swooped down behind him. When she needed to,she could fly without making a sound, and she was silent now. She landed rightbehind the sweating, cursing Coyote just as he was balancing the boulder onthe lip of the conveyor. Then she lifted one shapely leg, planted her footon Coyote's rear, and gave him a good hard shove.
What had gone wrong? Quite by chance, the Sardonica Sisters had flown bythe mesa one day and saw Coyote at work. They immediately guessed what wasup, and they made some preparations of their own. When Coyote looked into hisbinoculars at five to nine, he saw three patented Acme Holographic Projecta-Pictures.("Fool your friends and foes! Fun for the whole family!") The real Sisterswere at a safe distance from his trap.
Coyote pitched forward, still clutching the boulder. Before he knew whatwas happening, he and the boulder were rolling down the conveyer together.He was now wrapped 'round his projectile, with no way to pull free. "Ouch!Ooch! Ouch!" he said.
When they reached the bottom of the conveyer, their momentum carried themupward. Within seconds, he and the boulder were shooting skyward out of theother end. There, in front of him, was the dirigible, and he was approachingit fast! "Oh my gosh golly!" he said.
It took just a few more seconds, and then Coyote and boulder struck the dirigibleamidships. The gasbag punctured, and he found himself and the boulder wrappedup in what was left of the little airship. Coyote, boulder, dirigible, andanvil all began to fall. "Not good," he said, "not good at all!"
It was a struggle, but Coyote peeled himself off the boulder, then workedfree of the enveloping skin of the gasbag. He was plummeting to earth at asteadily increasing rate of speed. "At least I'm above all the heavy stuff," hesaid. "The impact may not be too bad . . . ." Just then a gust of wind hithim, and the next thing he knew, he had switched places with the boulder andanvil! "Great," he said, "just great."
He came to earth about ten yards from the three Projecta-Pictures. The impacttore loose a hundred square feet of taut, sand-covered tarpaulin, which upto then had looked and felt like solid ground. Coyote next slammed into thenet of fine mesh he had placed a few feet beneath the tarp. Had his plan worked,the anvil and boulder would have knocked the tarp right out from under theSisters' feet. They would have fallen into the net and been caught as securelyas flies in a web. Instead, Coyote now lay tangled there. Then the boulderslammed into him. Then the anvil slammed into the boulder.
It took a long time to cut the netting with his teeth and then slowly, painfullypull himself out from under the boulder and anvil. He had been completely flattened,and when he got out, his body looked and sounded like an out-of-tune concertina.He made a very annoying whee-rraww, whee-rraww, whee-rraww soundas he painfully hopped toward the highway.
Part II
In a green clearing not far away, the three Sisters raised glasses of champagnein celebration. "Great work, Cynthia!" said Salome with a laugh. "You sureput a leash on that bad doggie!"
"I gave him a little push, but we all planned it together," said Cynthia. "Wecan all take credit!"
"I agree," said Sandy, "but what about, uh, uh, . . . . "
"Spit it out, sweetie!" said Cynthia, sloshing her glass. The champagne wasstarting to have an effect.
"Well . . . what about the prophecy?"
"Ah, the prophecy!" said Cynthia. "I think we struck a blow against superstitioustommyrot today, don't you? 'We defy augury,' as Hamlet or somebody once said."
"Well . . . okay," said Sandy. "Could I have some more champagne?"
Just then, Billy Bob Buford, from the nearby village of Butcher's Swallow,stepped into the clearing. He was scrawny, with wispy brown hair and prominent,crooked teeth. He wore tattered jeans, a tattered blue work shirt with themotto, "Put'em Down Pest Control," on the front, and a floppy, broad-brimmedhat. He also wore, strapped to his back, a metal tank with a hose and nozzle.He was holding the hose in his hands, the nozzle pointed at the Sisters.
"We didn't call for an exterminator," said Sandy.
"Sorry, ladies," said Billy Bob, "I'm workin' for myself today." And withthose words, he squeezed a trigger on the nozzle.
Billy Bob had seen the Sisters one night while staggering home from the localtavern. Luckily for him, he fell into a ditch before they noticed him. He tooka peek from the ditch and convinced himself that this was no alcohol-inducedhallucination. No, these were clearly the notorious Sardonica girls, the mostalluring and dangerous fays for miles around. Wouldn't it be niceto catch 'em ? he thought. And then his brain, which had more insand outs than most folks suspected, started casting around for a plan.
It took weeks, but he finally hit on something promising. Large quantitiesof fay-nip grew in the gullies around Butcher's Swallow. It is widely knownthat fay-nip is a powerful fairy stimulant. "What if I gave 'em a concentrateddose?" Billy Bob said to himself one day. He checked some reference materialsat the local lending library, and it seemed he was on the right track.
So he gathered up all the fay-nip he could find, ground it with a mortarand pestle, then mixed it with water in his bathtub. Then he transferred themixture to an industrial-strength bug-sprayer he'd borrowed from work. Ihope this does the trick , he thought when he saw the girls inthe clearing. If it didn't, he had no fall-back plan (fall-backs had neverbeen his forte).
Before the three startled fays could react, they were drenched with BillyBob's fay-nip spray. They leapt up into the air to fly off, but just then thespasms began, much stronger than anything a blossom or two of fay-nip couldinduce. Their wings snapped together, and they fell to the ground with threeheavy thuds. "Oof!" "Unnhh!" "Ow!" they said.
Billy Bob was waiting with three lengths of rope. Knowing his fay lore, hequickly bound the girls' wrists behind them. (Stunned and fay-nipped as theywere, he had little trouble.) Once bound by a man, they could not escape, unlesshe let them go, and Billy Bob had no intention of letting them go. Then helined them up on their backs, pussy next to pretty pussy. They were tremblingviolently, their breasts heaving, their knees knocking together.
"Ooooo!" Cynthia groaned. "Talk about a . . . reversal of fortune!" And,overcome by this turn of events, she began to cry and kick her lovely legs.
"You sure . . . fixed our cabooses!" wailed Salome, and then she was sobbingand kicking along with her sister.
"Oh! Oh!" was all Sandy could manage before she, too, began to bawl and kick.
This went on for a few minutes, every one of which Billy Bob thoroughly enjoyed.Then Cynthia sniffed and said: "We're . . . especially pretty when we get allwhimpery-weepy . . . don't you think?"
"I surely do, Miss," said Billy Bob. "And what might your point be?"
"Well," said Cynthia, blinking away some of her tears, "You're an . . . attractiveand resourceful fellow. And believe me, it's not just any man who can makegirls like us get kicky. You're lucky to have us, you know!"
"I reckon I am," said Billy Bob. "Go on, please."
"Well, don't you, uh, want it to last?"
"Want what to last?"
"Well, us, you silly man: us doing stuff for you, being your servants . .. your slaves!" Salome and Sandy nodded vigorously at this. "We can do . .. whatever you want," Cynthia purred.
"Whatever I want," said Billy Bob. "Hmmmm. Well girls, here it is: you said'get kicky,' but you've barely started. What I want is to see you kick tillyou . . . can't kick no more, if you follow my meaning."
Cynthia's eyes got very big. "I . . . I follow it . . . but I don't wantto!" she cried. She and the others began to tremble with renewed force. "Youcan have us . . . forever. Forever! Surely you'd want that instead?"
"Ladies," he said, "it's like this. While I was gettin' ready for this littlemeetin' of ours, I did some readin' on you and your kind. And it looks as thoughfairies and long-term relationships just don't mix. And there's somethin' else:you may find this hard to believe, but I don't get a whole lot of respect inButcher's Swallow. Now who does get respect wherever he goes? That's right:a fairy-killer, like that Coyote fella. If I was Billy Bob the Fairy-Killer,I bet I'd have free beer whenever I wanted! And besides, there's the rewardmoney."
"Re-reward money?" Sandy said.
"Yup. A thousand dollars a gal from the Marshal if I bring you in."
"But . . . but . . . he'll hang us!" Salome shrieked.
"Oh no! Please don't!" cried Sandy. "Anything but that!"
"Anything! Anything!" Cynthia chimed in.
"Girls, girls, the Marshal ain't gonna hang you!" said Billy Bob with a laugh.
"No?" said Cynthia, and the relief on her face was palpable.
"No. The reward's the same whether I bring you in dead or alive. And withall that fay-nip I spritzed on you, I'm afraid it's gonna be dead. If thosemagic books at the library are right, you should be feelin' what they call'the killin' tremors' in another minute or so."
"But we're . . . we're too beautiful to die!" Cynthia sobbed.
"Yes great hunter, have mercy on our beauty!" Salome added.
"Too beautiful, too beautiful!" Sandy threw in.
"But you see, girls," said Billy Bob,"you're gonna be more beautiful thanever before, because you're dyin'! And anyway, I couldn'treverse the effects of the fay-nip now even if I wanted to–which I don't.It's time to be good little wicked fairies and get ready."
And just then, the killing tremors began. The three luckless fays shook evenmore violently than before. They drew their legs back, or kicked out hard,or twisted them this way and that; but nothing brought any respite. Throughoutthis ordeal, a terrible pressure was building up in their pussies. At longlast, relief came: orgasm after painful orgasm; and they groaned in despairingecstasy with each.
"Wow, I want a taste of that!" said Billy Bob; so he held Cynthia's legsdown and put his lips and tongue up to her cunt. "Sweet . . . sweet," he said,and then he bit down. Cynthia wailed now, and her wail was something beyondordinary despair. He went on to the others and bit them too, made them wailjust as their sister had. And what he had said before was true: tear-stainedand hopeless, their faces were now more beautiful than ever.
They didn't last much longer. A few final, sad little kicks, a few sobs andwhimpers, and they were still. Billy Bob licked up the last juice from eachpussy. Then he went and got the pickup truck.
Part III
Coyote had rid himself of most of the concertina effect, though his bodystill emitted a faint wheezing sound if he leaned the wrong way. He was walkingdisconsolately down the highway, not far from the crossroads. Just then heheard an car engine behind him. He looked back and saw what appeared to bea pickup truck, approaching at a high rate of speed. Still very sore, Coyoteneeded a lift, so he stepped into the middle of the road and raised his thumb.The pickup ran him over at 120 miles per hour.
Flattened once again, he pulled himself into something like his normal shapejust in time to see the back of the fast-receding truck. The gate had beendropped; hanging down over its edge were three lovely pairs of legs, all shodin black high heels.
"It can't be," said Coyote. "It can't be." He sighed, brushed himself off,then resumed his trek. Whee-rraww, whee-rraww .
The End
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Hello everyone. I am back again with the 3rd and the final part. Thank you for the responses and the love you gave me for the 2nd part. I hope you review me for the 3rd part too. Before I start my story, I willlink you with the past incidents. It starts with how I met a girl in the bus and how the crowdy bus and brakes of the bus and bit of my shy behavior (which couldn’t be seen in the story) lead me to lose my virginity to a adorable, hot and dusky chick. You can read my previous parts to...
Everyone. :) I am back with the 2nd part of the story. Well before I start with the 2nd part , let me rewind my story a bit so that you will be able to remember the details. So it starts with how my habit of being late to catch the bus makes me meet a girl. I didn’t mention much of her details in the 1st part , so let me mention it now ( I know guys love knowing this detail) :p. W Ell she wasn’t petite and neither she was fat ,had exact amount of fat at right place. She had decent pair of boobs...
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t was a long and tiring week for daddy, work was hard and with barley little time to spend with his two little girls Kerry and Shona he had not noticed the amount of mischief his girls had been up two. Normally their daddy would have noticed things missing or his feverouts chocolates had been eaten but this week was extra tough on him and he was counting on his girls to behave themselves and help him out with the house work, this however was not the case. Normally if Kerry or Shony. had done...
July 31, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “Where else could we meet and talk privately? And openly? Without any witnesses?” “Even so, I’m not comfortable doing that because of our history AND because of the current situation. Would you object to Deborah being there? Eve would be OK as well, but I’d much rather have Deborah.” “I suppose.” “She knows our history, Julia. I told her everything because she needed to know.” “Excuse me?!” Julia...
As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny.""Sorry for him? You're kidding me!"It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex. He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for the night."No I do," he insisted. "Being holed up in that tiny Cornish village without any cute guys to help him pass the time.""It was his choice to take the job down there," I reminded him. Danny...
Gay MaleI guess I am not your average 22-year-old man when it comes to women. From puberty I had the same fascination with the female form that my friend did, but my tastes always tended towards a maturer woman. While all my friends lusted after young pop stars such as Britney Speirs in her school uniform I was more attracted to Monica Bellucci who made the cinema uncomfortably hot for me in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the matrix trilogy. Similarly when my friends started getting interested in the other...
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...
VoyeurI parked in the back and went in through an unmarked door. Inga had no idea what was inside. We went up a dark hallway and into the front. Inga looked around and saw that the walls were covered with pictures of women in various stages of undress. Some of the shots were positively vulgar. A very few were quite good, artistic even. Most were just normal pictures of bored looking women undressing and posing nude. A large black man looked up when we came in and smiled. He said, "Right on time!...
The puzzle comes together! My lovely wife of sixteen years announced upon my entry that we were going on a cruise. I was not sure what to say, so I said nothing. Sheila didn't let on that she was disappointed in the fact I was not elated. I for one was not sure we could afford a cruise or if I would have the time. I shared this bit of information with my wife. She said I needed to make up my mind or she would just go without me! Sheila seemed to be very excited about the...
In a far off land in a different time, my fantasy begins. I awaken with excitement, for today is my day to begin the ritual to become a women and a princess to the kingdom so one day I can be a Queen. The day starts with the servants coming in and rushing me to the bath. They clean me with a special scented soap and scrub me all over, taking gentle care on my body. Then they clean my insides by squirting a special mixture up into my pussy. This makes me feel very warm and tingling inside as I...
CHRISSY COMES TO STAY ALL HOT HOLIDAY IN OUR TENT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chrissy comes unexpectedly to my tent, around midnight, in full moon lightHave I slept, or was I still day-dreaming at night of cute Chrissie at my lap?Right hand under my head, gazing the twinkling stars, left hand in my tent"I need to take a leak, pappa Peter! Will you help me & kiss my cunny dry?"She seems to wear only a long wide white T-shirt &...
Continued from Chapter 3: While working deep undercover for the CIA in Pakistan, he routinely crossed the border to Afghanistan and Pakistan. From where he was perched atop of a hill, he could see the borders of both countries. At the time he was there, he overlooked a six-man band of Navy SEALS who were obviously on a mission. Even without binoculars or the aid of his sniper rifle scope, he could tell they were SEALS. With the CIA paying for tips and receiving mixed and bad info, unsure if he...
A few months had passed since Lena, Hana, Angela, Widowmaker, Mei and Symmetra had returned to the game. The Doomfist release turned out to be a sneak peak of the future from Blizzard, because hero number 24 just so happened to be Orisa. Some female omnic horse thing. I was still depressed. Not only had I lost the six most perfect women any guy could ever ask for, I had also lost the ability to be with normal women, they were just nothing in comparison, it would take hours for a normal woman to...
CHAPTER 1 Summer was warming up when Mac (Malcolm) Harris arrived from Edinburgh via Boston to the pretty New England city for a 14-day vacation with his recently widowed Aunt Ada, a bookshop proprietor who was his mom’s older sister. A medical technologist, Mac had been working long hours in the lab to complete a project and had been given three weeks off work by his department director after making the crucial breakthrough in identifying a rare virus that had attacked the brain and killed...
[One evening. 1986. Denver. Colorado. An evening that changed everything, just as I intended it would. This is not a stroke story. There is no explicit sex in the story. In real life there was lots of sex, I just don’t tell you about it here.] /’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/ When I knocked on the front door of Donna’s parent’s home her Dad opened the door so quickly I assumed he was standing just inside, holding onto the knob. He smiled and said, ‘Right on time. I like that about you.’ The...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee. Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said: ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said: ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued: ?I feel like I...
It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...
A great friend of mine was coming up to visit for the weekend. My wife and I had known him for a long time and he was one of those seldom-found male friends where you had no (or very few!) secrets and who you could really trust. I also knew for a fact that my wife Stacey had a soft spot for him. We had sometimes even fantasized together about having a threesome with him and although it had never gone further than Stacey and I having good sex while sharing and discussing a few fantasies, I often...
A Dream comes True. ch 16 by Julian Irwin. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = What a wonderful way to start ones day, yes sharing the shower with Annabel. Soaping every part of each others feminine body, making sure every little crevice was nice and clean. Although I've never been a fan of having sex in the shower or bath for that matter, well OK I have masturbated many times why lying in the bath. Being in there with Annabel enjoying touching her sweet petite body, cuddling with...
Something Wicked This Way Comes 5 The sole saving grace of this entire trip was that Jack was not coming. It didn't hurt that he was pissed off. Ryan had been stewing ever since Jack's performance over pizza rolls in front of Harper. He had been kicking himself for not saying anything to his mom when she came home from grandpa's but the look on her face said 'not now. Not today.' Which she compounded by pouring a big glass of wine and walking into her room, the door closing...
I had already noticed she at the entrance to the nightclub. She was not tall, but she had a great figure. All rounded off nicely how I liked it. She had a golden disco dress. Her hair was dark and she wore shoulder length. I came up with her this week and so I learned after a short time that it was Franziska and she was seventeen. After a few drinks I did not notice that my first impression me had deceived - She was sharp as a pepperoni. When it came around eleven, she said she had no...
Copyright © 2002-2003 Pookie. All rights reserved. It's been fun staying in this nice home all week with my boyfriend. I've been house sitting for the Riley's, who have been gone since last Friday and aren't due back until this coming Sunday. House sitting can be a great job if you have all the amenities with it. With it just being Thursday, we still have some days left to enjoy the comforts that are unknown at the apartments we live in. The Riley's are paying me to stay in their...