Coyote vs the Sex Vampires
- 4 years ago
- 43
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By C
I. An Informal Conference
One day, Coyote was creeping quietly and carefully through the sagebrush,his ears and nose at the ready. He was searching for tell-tale signs of fairylovemaking. And there it was--extremely faint--but his sharp ears heard it:a series of little feminine whimpers: "Oooo, unnh, oww, ahhh." Heturned his powerful nose in the direction whence the sounds had come, and againwhat he detected was faint, but unmistakable: two pussies, very moist. In completesilence, he crept forward until he reached a small clearing. There, in themiddle, were a pair of brownies: mid-sized fays with transparent wings, thickblack hair on their heads and nowhere else, and skin the color of milk chocolate.Like most of their kind, they were naked. These two were on their sides, eachwith her tongue planted firmly in the other's twat.
Gentleman that he was, Coyote let them climax a few times before he pounced.He launched himself so as to fall across their bodies; then he snapped hishead back, biting one girl's breast and the other's groin. They screamed andtried to escape, but he pinned them there and kept biting until his venom told.When he knew he had them, he got up and turned one of them around, so thatthey were bosom to bosom and toe to toe.
The girls' faces were wet with tears. Their weighty breasts could not stopheaving. One of them managed somehow to speak: "Y-you're the Coyote! Weheard about you. You got those buffalo girls! You're . . . you're the bestthere is, and now . . . now you've got us!" With this, both began to bawluncontrollably.
A couple of fans! thought Coyote. Could things getany better? He savored their weeping--and his new-found celebrity. He was aboutto respond, when suddenly the sun was blotted from the sky. He looked up, andthere, standing over him and his catch, was the biggest spider he had everseen: it swayed there, ten or more feet above the ground, its legs as thickas telephone poles, its fangs a foot long or more.
"I have a few bones to pick with you," said Melkor the Mighty.And with those words he plucked Coyote from the ground with his fangs and heldhim in an unbreakable grip.
"Have we met?" said Coyote. "Wait . . . you're Melkor theSpider King! You know, I've always been an admirer, and now . . . ."
"Silence!" shouted the spider. He bent down now over the two strickenfairies. With his pedipalps, he lifted one, attached some sticky webbing toher, and then fastened her to his right flank. Then he affixed the second girlto his left. This new turn of events left both brownies voiceless with fright.
"You're . . . you're not thinking of taking my prey?" asked Coyote.
"You took mine: twenty buffalo girls."
"This . . . this is outrageous!" yelled Coyote, squirming in thespider's grasp and shaking his fist. "The Acme Company'll hear about this!They've got first-rate lawyers. They'll file a forcible entrée and retainer;they'll get a writ of ignoramus--you'll be sorry! Are you listening to me?"
Melkor said nothing. He simply strode off (with Coyote and the two haplessfays) toward his home: the plains and woods just east of the mesa-lands.
Coyote never remembered how long the trip took: as uncomfortable as he was,he dozed off at least twice. Finally, Melkor came to a big gulch, litteredwith bags of spider silk. Clearly this was his lair. He placed the browniesside by side at one end of the gulch, then stung them to keep them still forthe time being. Next, and much less gently, he dropped Coyote to the groundabout ten feet from the girls.
"Right now," said the spider, "the most important differencebetween these ladies and you is that you won't go coming.I'm angry enough to kill you--but I'll listen to reason. What do you have tosay?"
So Coyote explained that bagging the buff-girls was an emergency measure,necessitated by the destruction they had wrought in the mesa-lands. "Iintended no offense; if I had
. . . . "
Melkor quickly interrupted: "Nobody hunts buff-girls--Nobody!--withoutgetting my permission first! Do you understand me, you little furry pipsqueak?"
"With perfect clarity," said Coyote. "Now if I could . . .."
"Let's turn to another issue," said the spider. "Thanks tothat cheap trick you played on those buffs, it seems you're now claiming tobe the greatest hunter there is. What do you have to say to that?"
"Not at all," said Coyote. "A bunch of over-enthusiastic journalistsmay have come to that conclusion, but I'd never dream of saying . . . . "
A copy of the Sawdust Falls Sentinel suddenly dropped to the ground nextto Coyote's snout. He looked over and saw the headline: "'I'M GREATEST,'COYOTE CLAIMS."
"Okay," said Coyote, "I may have puffed myself a bit. I mean,who doesn't? It doesn't really mean anything. If it bothers you so much, I'llcall the paper and print a retraction. I'll . . . ."
"No you won't," said the spider. "You've said in public thatyou're the greatest. And who knows? Maybe you are. So I'm going to give youa chance to prove it. You're going to go on a little quest to the northernforest. Then, you'll either stay there in perpetual exile, or you'll bringback a splendid prize."
"A prize?"
"Yes, the grandest, most magnificent of land fairies. Think of the differencebetween these two little brownies and a buffalo girl. Well, she surpasses buffalogirls by the same margin. She stands twelve feet tall. She can kick a tigerto death (I've seen her do it). She wears magic heels that give her speed equalto any buff's, but with far superior endurance. I've tried to run her to eartha dozen times, and I've always failed. You, however, who claim to be the greatest. . . you might succeed where I couldn't."
"And don't come back without her," said Coyote.
"That's right," said Melkor. "Return to the mesa-lands withoutBrown Betty in tow (that's what they call her), and I'll hunt you, catch you,and turn you into Coyote consomme."
"I guess I'd better get started," said Coyote.
"One more thing," said Melkor. "Brown Betty is merely thebiggest and strongest of her covey. You have more to contend with than justher."
"When was it ever easy?" said Coyote with a sigh. He had no desireto see Melkor feast on the brownies he'd worked so hard to catch, so he setout immediately.
II. On the Road Again
Melkor had told Coyote to go north, so that's what he did. Somewhere alongthe way, he bought a backpack and a few provisions. As the miles went by, thewoods grew and the plains contracted, so that he found himself in a land ofbig forests, dotted with meadows. After a few days of hiking, he came upona village. The inhabitants, dirty, impoverished, and fearful, told him thatthis country was called Lukka. Once it had been a great kingdom . . . .
"But then Brown Betty came?"
"That's right," said the village headman. "How'd you know?"
"Oh, it's the same story in a lot places," said Coyote. "Pleasecontinue."
The headman described Brown Betty and her companions. He said that when theyhad first appeared, they imposed a terrible tribute on every town and villagein Lukka: each year, every settlement must give them five pretty girls andfive handsome boys who had just turned eighteen.
"What happens to them?" asked Coyote.
"Brown Betty and her fays drink their blood. We know because we oftenfind the bodies in the forest afterwards. These monsters also prey on travelersand merchants--so our commerce has just about dried up. Once we were a greatpeople; now we're the impoverished folk you see today."
"Can't you fight her?"
"We tried. They're invulnerable to anything human beings can throw atthem. They made us pay dearly for our resistance. I'm not proud to say it,but we're their slaves now. It's that simple."
Coyote asked the villagers whether Brown Betty was vulnerable to anythingnon-human. If she was, they said, they weren't aware of it. He thanked themfor their information and went on his way. Bad girls, he thought. He lovedto make bad girls kick. If he didn't get killed, this could be fun.
He trudged on through wood and meadow for about a week. Then, early one morning,he came to the edge of a clearing. He was about to step out from the tree cover,when he heard a pair of clear, musical voices.
"Now don't wander off too far," one of them said.
"I never do!" said the other.
"The hell you never do! Mind me, or I'll spank your bottom like yesterday!"
"Yes, Betty."
Just then, the largest fay Coyote had ever seen stepped into view. She waseasily twelve feet tall: a beautiful, buxom woman with skin the color of honey;luxuriant black hair that corkscrewed down her back; eyes of bright green;and full red lips. She wore a white halter top (which her breasts filled outvery nicely) and a red miniskirt. Her legs, strong and shapely, were accentuatedby red high-heeled pumps. Soon another fay appeared, about five paces behindthe first. This one was shorter by several inches, but otherwise bore a strongresemblance to her companion. Her outfit was similar, too, with one exception:her skirt and heels were bright green.
The shorter girl spoke: "Betty, do you want me to bring you anythingback?"
Betty (for that had to be the taller girl's name) turned and said: "Oh,buttercups are nice. Maybe you could surprise me."
"Okay. I'll be back real soon; I promise."
"See that you are."
The shorter girl then darted off, with startling speed and grace for a creatureso large.
Betty had moved on. Coyote was about to step out behind her, when a crowdof twenty or more big fays appeared! He quickly jumped back behind a tree.They, too, were a lot like Betty: big, beautiful brown girls in miniskirtsand heels, each ensemble a different, very bright color. They were all talkingand laughing together; and their voices were so beautiful, it lightened Coyote'smood just to hear them.
He decided to work his way slowly around the clearing, to get a better ideaof what exactly he was dealing with. After a few hours of reconnoitering, hehad learned a few things. To start with, this was a covey of thirty fays. Moreover,one fay and one fay only was dominant: the girl named Betty. (If she was notthe Brown Betty of whom Melkor and the Lukkans had spoken, she must be herdouble.) Furthermore, all these girls (not just Betty) were very strongand very fast. He saw two run a race together, at speedsa roadrunner or crinolina would have thought respectable. He saw another pusha tree over--apparently just for the fun of it. One thing was very clear: hestood no chance of capturing the least of them--let alone their mistress--ifhis own physical prowess were all he could rely on.
He decided to keep on shadowing the covey. In Coyote's experience, no faywas at the top of the food chain. Every species was vulnerable (at all times,not just occasionally) to at least one predator. If the speed and enduranceof these ladies made them generally uncatchable by giant spiders, then theremust be something else that had a habit of bagging them. With a little luck,he might find out what this predator was. Or some other weakness might revealitself. In fact, a possible vulnerability had already occurred to him: thiscovey was plainly Betty's harem; the girls followed her lead at all times withoutquestion. Perhaps they'd follow her right into a trap.
III. One Girl Kickin' It
After days of observation, Coyote knew that although the covey tended tospread widely over its territory, the girls usually stayed within earshot ofone another. Not always, though. Early one morning, Coyote noticed a girl preoccupiedwith picking flowers. She wandered deeper and deeper into a great meadow studdedwith wildflowers in their thousands. Soon he was certain that she could notbe heard by her companions, even if she screamed. He decided to follow her.His chances of bringing her down were small to non-existent; but he might learnsomething. In his experience, careless fays were always the most instructive.
This girl was darker than Betty, with the same thick black hair luxuriatingdown her back. Though a little smaller than her mistress, she was still a majesticsight: full of breast and with shapely calves and thighs. She wore a lemon-yellowminiskirt and heels. She had made several garlands of flowers and put themround her neck. Now she was slipping individual blooms--violets, daisies, cowslips--intoher hair. She went from flower to flower, picking the best blossoms she couldfind. As she did, she laughed and sang to herself. Coyote couldn't help thinking: Oh,for a taste of you! He crept as close as he could, positioninghimself about ten feet behind her.
Suddenly, with no help from Coyote, she screamed. Something long and greenhad risen up out of the high grass in front of her. A faysnake! But this onewas much larger than his cousins to the south--easily ten feet long. His eyeswere big yellow diamonds; his long black tongue was flicking; and he kept upa steady swaying--now right, now left. Almost too late, Coyote remembered notto look directly at those terrible eyes, the rhythmic tongue and body. He dartedto one side of the snake and the girl, for a safer, clearer view.
The fay had a look of abject terror on her face. She had let the flowersdrop. One hand now perched protectively on her bosom; the other was wringingthe hem of her miniskirt. She opened her mouth, probably to scream again, butwhat came out was close to a whisper: "Oh, help me guys, help me Betty,help me, help me please . . . . "
When he knew she was securely under his spell, the snake pulled back slightly,then shot forward with breathtaking speed. He knocked her useless hand aside,then plunged his fangs into her right breast. Now the charm was broken: shescreamed freely, pitiably, and in vain, for no one but Coyote could hear her.The snake withdrew, leaving a little bloom of blood on her white halter top.Half-swooning, she fell on her back. Her yellow miniskirt fell back as well,revealing panties of the same bright hue.
At first Coyote thought the faysnake had carried the day; but there was muchmore work to be done. Evidently, the effect of his venom was limited, and hishypnosis worked for only a short time. The girl could not get up; but she plantedboth hands firmly on her groin and raised her legs. Her sharp heels were atthe ready. No more screams for now; she took deep breaths instead and awaitedthe attack of her would-be captor.
Initially, the snake was overconfident, perhaps believing her more dazedwith venom than she was. He approached briskly from her left, and she kickedout, her heels almost striking him in the head. He withdrew quickly and nowcame at her straight on. Again she kicked, and this time she connected. Herheels were supernaturally sharp, and one of them tore a five-inch gash in hisscaly hide, a foot or so below his head. He pulled back fast, spraying dropletsof blood as he did. He retreated several feet and stayed there for a time,the blood streaming down from his wound.
Was she safe now? No; the snake was just marshaling his strength. The wound,not a deep one, closed up, and he returned to the attack. This time he wasfar more tentative. Staying at a safe distance, he circled round her, forcingher to turn again and again to keep her legs trained on him. He would thenmove his head to just within range and quickly withdraw it. In this way hetricked her into several useless, energy-wasting kicks. Her breathing soongrew more labored. Seeing that she was weakening, he stepped up his feints,always toward a different target each time: now her groin, now her breasts,now her belly. Even if she didn't kick, she had to use up energy blocking himwith her raised legs.
Then, facing her feet, he suddenly shot up to the fullest height he couldattain. She thought he was trying to bite her bosom again, so she reached upwith her hands to protect her breasts; simultaneously, she snapped back herlegs as far as she could. This gave him the opening he wanted: with wondrousspeed, he dropped back down and sank his fangs into the yellow band of pantythat was now the only thing protecting her cunt. She screamed a second time:a long, heart-wounding wail. Then she began to sob, the tears streaming downher face, her big breasts heaving. He had won, and she knew it.
Now she kicked to no real purpose, her lovely legs pumping back and forth.It was more an act of bitter defiance than anything else. He had withdrawnonce more, and he waited for his venom to do its work. Soon the kicking subsided;whereupon he quickly darted back in and seized the waistband of her pantieswith his teeth. In one swift, fluid movement, he yanked them down her legsand tossed them to one side. She squealed indignantly as he stripped her. Herpussy was a delicate cleft, rosy at the edges, topped by a little half-diamondof curly black hair. Both hair and cunt were very damp, and two little dropsof blood seeped down from the puncture wounds he had left on either side ofher slit. A scent like the sweetest of clover-blossom honey filled Coyote'snostrils. She kicked uselessly a few more times, and then her legs just trembled.The snake slipped between her thighs and bit her once again. Her scream thistime was shorter, more quavering.
Having softened her up, he poked the sharp end of his tail into her vaginaand began to work it farther and farther in. As he did so, he bit her breastsrepeatedly. She yelped or groaned each time. Soon, the venom began to haveits final effect: a series of mighty tremors, centered on her groin, but makingher whole body shake. Coyote had thought her fancy footwork was over, but shebegan kicking yet again: hard, savage thrusts that tore up plenty of grassand dirt. (Safely ensconced between her legs, the snake had nothing to fear.)As she kicked, she snapped her head back and forth and wailed with every climax.
At last, she was still. For the next several minutes, the snake watched herclosely. Suddenly--an amazing sight!--she began to change. She became translucent,then started to shift and drift, her body now a kind of mist or vapor. Thesnake raised his head, opened his jaws to their full extent, and inhaled. Thefay-vapor was sucked into his mouth. Coyote heard what could only be a sad,resigned little whimper; then the snake's jaws closed.
Coyote was thunderstruck. Had he ever seen such a lovely fay? Such lovelylegs? Such a trouser-tightening capture? Melkor aside, he had to make BrownBetty kick. He had to.
A plan was already forming. He made a quick call on his cell-phone to theAcme Corporation.
IV: The Round-Up
It took time, intensive negotiation, and a lot of money, but Acme came through.Several foreign zoos were persuaded to "lend" their giant faysnakesfor the short time Coyote needed them. Acme's R & D Department quicklydeveloped a synthetic faysnake venom. Acme's award-winning Overnight DeliveryService loaded the snakes and synthetic venom ampoules, as well as tranquilizerguns, lots of heavy rope, astroturf, a flatbed truck with a small crane attached,several tentpegs, and a shovel onto a company transport plane. The plane thendropped everything by parachute into a deserted cornfield about ten miles awayfrom Brown Betty's current stomping ground. (All of this happened before 5p.m.) Coyote was waiting in the cornfield. He loaded everything onto the flatbedand drove it to within a mile of Betty's covey. The sun was setting when heput the truck in park. He spent the entire night setting his trap.
The next morning, Betty and her twenty-eight surviving girls awoke in a meadowwhere they customarily made love and slept. They chatted happily about themore amusing incidents of the night before. Then somebody asked if anyone hadseen Charmaine. All agreed that they hadn't seen her since the previous morning.They weren't terribly worried, because Charmaine was always wandering off.Of course, it would mean another spanking when she got back—somethingelse to look forward to! So they laughed away any worry they might have entertainedand got ready for their day.
The girls were heading out toward the river where they usually bathed. Then,with no warning at all, some thirty or more giant faysnakes rose up out ofthe grass around them.
Everywhere they looked it, it seemed, there was a great green serpent blockingthe way. With one exception, the fays were terrified and began to scream. OnlyBetty kept her head. "Come to me! Don't look at them! Come to me!" sheshouted. So they kept their eyes down and came to her. "There's a gapover there," she said. "We run that way and we don't stop!" Then,with Betty in the lead, they took off as fast as their powerful legs couldcarry them. They dashed out onto something that looked a lot like grass, butwasn't. It collapsed beneath their weight and spilled them into a deep pit.Here another thirty or so snakes were waiting.
Poor fays! Coyote, of course, had orchestrated the whole thing. He had carefullyplaced the first batch of snakes in just the right spots the night before.He had kept them from slithering away by tying each reptile with one end ofa length of rope, then fastening the other end to a tentpeg, which he thenstuck in the ground. When the snakes rose up to attack, there was indeed onlyone safe avenue through them. Coyote had spent most of the night with his shovel,digging a pit exactly where Betty would lead her girls. Another batch of snakes,also tied with ropes, went into the pit. This then received a nice cover ofastroturf, stretched out and secured with more tentpegs.
Stunned by their fall, the fays were easy targets for the snakes in the pit.Everyone was bitten at least once on her breasts or shoulders before she couldget up. Even Betty was screaming now. The venom worked quickly, and like Charmainebefore them, they all fell back and raised their legs. (Each girl had brightly-coloredpanties, exactly matching her skirt. Betty's, of course, were a brilliant red.)
It was time now to put the snakes on a shorter leash. Coyote leapt into thepit and used the ropes that held them to pull them back. He then wrapped eachrope several times around its tentpeg, so that, try as they might, the snakescould no longer come near the girls.
"Sorry guys," he said. "I'll take it from here." Thesnakes appeared to be very angry, but he wasn't looking directly at them, sohe couldn't be sure.
Armed with two tranquilizer guns, each with a clip of synthetic venom ampoules,he got as close to Betty as he dared. If he had been unarmed, the sight ofher mighty legs drawn back, ready to kick him into jelly, might have causedhim to run away in terror. Instead, he took a deep breath, raised one of hisguns, and carefully aimed it. The ampoule, which was tipped with a hypodermicneedle, struck her on her left thigh, just at the panty line. "Ouch!" shecried. At first that was her only reaction; but after about sixty seconds,her body began to shiver. The band of panty between her thighs suddenly turnedwet. She uttered a series of little mewing whimpers, just like a lost kitten.The shivering grew worse. Then, without warning, her legs shot forward, hersharp heels missing Coyote by an inch. He prudently withdrew a few feet.
For the next several minutes, Betty kicked and kicked, as if the mere actof kicking might banish the venom coursing through her body. She kept on whimpering.Then she uttered a great cry, compounded of bitterness and heartbreak; herbeautiful legs kicked one more time; and she fell into a swoon.
Very carefully—and ready to leap out of the way at any moment—Coyoteapproached her. He reached down and touched one of her pumps. Nothing. He tappedone of her calves with his paw. No response. He stroked a thigh. Not a hintof movement. He had been holding his breath; he now slowly exhaled and bentdown over the unconscious girl's midsection. Clearly she was still alive: herlovely bosom was gently rising and falling; but she seemed as oblivious asthe fairytale princess who had eaten the poisoned apple. He bent down furtherand took firm hold of her panties.
He had forgotten the other girls. They now began to shout at him: "Don'ttouch her!" "Leave her alone! Leave her alone!" He ignored themand slowly worked Betty's panties down her legs. When he'd finally gotten thempast her feet, he picked them up, put them to his nose, and drew in as muchof their heady, piss-and-honey scent as he could. Then he slipped them intohis backpack.
Now for the others. When the snakes withdrew, the girls had let their legsdrop. They all raised them again at Coyote's approach. Perhaps they did soby instinct. By instinct or not, it was exactly what he wanted. He took aimand shot each girl in the backside. Then, when their kicking and whimperingand bitter outcries were through, down came their panties, just like Betty's.
For a while, he just stared in wonder at the sight: twenty-nine big, beautifulfays; and he had bagged them all! However strong and fast they might be, itmade no difference now: their panties were down forever, and he—Coyote—hadtaken them down! They would cry, and beg, and tremble, and kick, and—howevermuch it galled them—obey. And then they would die. All because Coyotehad captured them. And every tear, every whimper, every plea for mercy wouldbe a proclamation: Coyote had conquered once again! "Suck on that, youbig ugly spider," Coyote said.
V. Twenty-Nine Girls Kickin' It
A fay with her pants down is usually helpless, but Coyote always liked thingsdoubly or triply secure. So, with no small effort, he turned each unconsciousgirl on her side and bound her wrists behind her as tightly as he could.
His labors (alas!) were not at an end. He now drove the flatbed to the edgeof the pit. Then he used the attached crane to hoist up each fay and placeher on the flatbed. It took hours, but at last he had gotten them all out ofthe pit and laid them side by side in his truck. He used his cell phone tomake arrangements for the snakes. Then he collapsed beside the truck and slept.
He slept through to the next day. When he awoke, he heard plenty of feminineweeping. The fays had returned to consciousness and discovered that they weretied up and panty-free. "Time to head out, ladies!" he announcedin a loud voice. They just kept on crying.
He drove out onto what had once been the Royal Road of Lukka. Thanks to Bettyand her reign of terror, it hadn't been maintained in years, so it was a painfullyrough ride. The girls shrieked every time the truck went into a pothole. "Servesyou right for scaring the pee out of everyone!" Coyote said.
The Royal Road brought Coyote and his unwilling cargo through most of theimportant towns of Lukka. Since Betty and her henchwomen had blighted the countryside,vehicles were a rarity; and crowds came out in even the smallest villages tosee what was up. When they realized what he had accomplished, the people wouldcheer. Coyote relished the applause. In one place, many of the townsmen wantedto photograph him. So he posed with one foot planted on Betty's tummy whiledozens of cameras clicked. The sight of all those Lukkans clearly terrifiedthe girls; and it was sometimes hard work to keep the townsfolk away from theflatbed. "Now folks," Coyote would say, "leave their punishmentto a professional." Such was his prestige that the Lukkans, with somegrumbling, let the girls go unmolested.
Gradually the road improved, and soon Coyote was zipping along at well abovethe posted speed limit. The drive south was a lot faster than the trudge north,and it wasn't long before he had come to Wolf Spider country. A side road tookhim straight to Melkor's lair.
Coyote pulled in next to the big gulch and sounded his horn several times.Melkor came shamblng out to see what was making all the noise. Coyote had noidea what astonishment looked like on the face of a spider; but he guessedthat he was seeing that emotion now. For a while, Melkor just stared at thecaptive lovelies on the flatbed. Then he turned to Coyote and said: "Youdid it! You got Brown Betty and her gang! How?"
So Coyote told him. When he'd finished his narrative, he smirked and waitedfor the praise to shower down upon him. Instead, the old spider exploded.
"More fancy gimmicks!" he shouted. "More cheap tricks!"
"Now this wasn't cheap . . . ." Coyote said. "If you'll letme . . . ."
"You didn't catch them; Acme did!" roared the spider.
This was too much for Coyote. "With all due respect," he said (andthe obvious anger in his tone caught Melkor up short), "nothing happensuntil I make a plan. No trick, cheap or otherwise, works or has a chance ofworking until I've carefully sorted out its every detail. All the money andAcme gadgets in the world mean NOTHING until my brain starts humming. Otherwise,any idiot could do what I do! You could do what I do! BUT NOBODY ELSE DOESWHAT I DO! Now I'm not saying I'm the best. I'm not saying mine is the onlyway to do it. But I am saying: what I do is to applymy mind to the materials at hand; and it works! JUST LOOK IN THE TRUCK!"
When a spider became pensive, what did that look like? Coyote had no idea;but Melkor did seem to be thinking. Maybe he'll just eat me, Coyotethought. What a week!
Instead of eating anyone, Melkor spoke, and his tone was far more subduedthan before. "You, ahem, may have a point. It's not how I would have doneit; it's flashy, and I've never gone for flash--no patience for it whatsoever.But, uh, flashy and, uh, garish as your approach is, I can't deny you get results.I'm seeing them with my own eight eyes. So . . . I think it only fair to say. . . that your exile is over! Congratulations!"
"Why thank you," said Coyote. "Now how would you like to divvyup the loot?"
"Loot? You mean Betty and her bunch? You caught them all, my fuzzy friend;why wouldn't you keep them all?"
"Well, I was following the tip of a very knowledgeable spider, and Ithought perhaps
. . . . "
"Ah, you're a diplomatic little fellow, aren't you? Thanks, but no.Just looking at them reminds me of what a pain in the ass it was chasing them!"
So Coyote drove back to the mesa-lands with all twenty-nine girls in tow.When he got back to his gulch, he'd already decidedwhat to do. It was Betty he wanted most; the others were just attractive appetizers.So he devised a send-off for them that was sweet, but hardly labor-intensive.He didn't even have to take them out of the flatbed! He had kept the tentpegs,so he took twenty-eight of these and dipped them in synthetic snake venom.Then he thrust each one into a pretty brown twat. A few taps with a malletsent them in all the way. It seemed appropriate, since Betty and her friendswere vampires of a sort, having drunk the blood of Lukkan boys and girls.
The ladies didn't see it that way, of course. Before he pegged them, theycried, and pleaded, and offered him treasures he didn't want. And they screamedwhen the pegs went in. But it wasn't just pain that made them kick the waythey did! Nothing--not even Betty's tongue--had ever filled their pussies quiteso nicely. They were leaking plenty of honey when they died.
When the girls were done kicking, Coyote just sat and watched them for afew minutes. Sure enough, like Charmaine before them, they metamorphosed intovapors. Like the faysnake, he opened his mouth wide, and in they went! He couldhear what he was sure were little whimpers as they slipped down his throat.He suddenly felt much stronger, as if the travails of the past week had notoccurred. Feeling ready for anything, he rubbed his paws together and said: "It'stime for a taste of Brown Betty!"
He had used the crane to lift her out of the truck and deposit her on a softbed of desert flowers. She was waiting there—a look of wide-eyed fearon her face. In Coyote's estimation, her fear made her even more beautiful. "You'reespecially lovely today," he said. "Are you ready?"
"I don't know. Does it matter?"
"Not really."
She took a deep breath and said: "I guess I am ready, sort of. You see:I knew, more or less, what was going to happen. Years ago I went to the localprophetess. Some fays just don't want to know; but I felt I had to. I paidthe fee. She went into a trance, and this is what she told me:
'Mightiest of landfays,
You ask me with a sigh:
Who will take your panties down,
Who will make you cry?
Not the giant spider,
As much as he may try;
Not the lion ravening,
Or the leopard sly . . . .'
("I'll skip a bit here . . . .")
'Not the slippery faysnake—
Well, not he alone—
Brings you trembling to the earth,
Makes you kick and moan.
It is the cleverest hunter,
Quick, and slick, and sly,
A gentleman to every fay,
Although he makes them die.
It is the long-eared hunter,
Skilled at trick and lie--
He will take your panties down,
He will make you cry.'
It was you! Everything fits: you're even a gentleman. I just didn't believeyou'd be so
. . . little. Ordinarily, I could crack your skull between my thighs . .. if I just had my strength, which I don't . . . thanks to you!" Withthese words, her eyes watered up. "The prophecy sure was right about .. . making me cry!" And then she did cry: big sobs that shook her bodyfrom crown to toe. "Oh my God!" she wailed, "I miss my panties!You can't imagine how it feels . . . for a fay-girl to lose her panties!" Coyotejust waited.
When she'd won back some of her composure, she spoke again: "I'd liketo know . . . why you got me."
"What do you mean?"
"Why go so far from your territory? Why go all the way north to LukkaLand? Why are my panties down and not someone else's? Wouldn't it be decentto let me know?"
"I suppose it would," said Coyote. So he told her about Melkor,and Melkor's ultimatum. When she heard, her eyes filled once more with tears,and she began to tremble once again.
"So," she said, "it was just a pissing contest between youand the big spider! You and Melkor get into it . . . and as a result, my girlsand I have to . . . turn our toes up!" More sobbing now: the tears rusheddown her face in little torrents.
"A bagged fay is always a bitter fay," said Coyote. "It reallymakes no difference why it happened."
"If I'm going to be bitter, I'll be bitter about whatever suits me!" saidBetty. She raised her legs as far as she could—a few inches—ina fruitless effort to kick him.
"Now be a good girl and behave," he said. And because he had masteredher, she did. Her legs dropped back down, and she wept even harder.
"Look," he said, wiping her face with a tissue. "It wasn'tjust Melkor. Sure he threatened me with lifelong exile. But the way he describedyou--the admiration in his voice! I just had to go north and see for myself.And when I did see you! So big and beautiful! And evil, too: I got an earfulfrom the Lukkans, let me tell you! I'm a sucker for bad, beautiful girls--andyou're just about the most beautiful, and the baddest!"
"Really. I'm . . . the greatest hunter there is; and how could I staythe greatest and not come after you?" (As he said this, the absurd notioncame into his head that Melkor was standing right behind him. He shot a furtiveglance over his shoulder.)
"I . . . I think you're full of it," she said, ". . . butyou're sweet . . . really you are. I have another question."
"W-will it hurt a lot?" she asked.
"Just a little."
They chatted for a bit; and then it was time. Coyote started with his tongue,which stiffened up admirably for the job ahead. Betty's pussy was a pleasantsurprise: as tight as a brownie's, it yielded only slowly to his attack. Shescreamed a few times and started to bleed.
"That hurts more than a little!" she cried.
"Well, you already knew I was a liar," he said. Then he made herscream some more.
At last, things got easier. Betty went from screams to long, shuddery moans.When the orgasms came, she kicked frantically and squeezed Coyote with herthighs—so hard that his ribcage nearly cracked. She came, and came, andcame, and came, till he almost choked on her fay-honey. At last, his tonguehad accomplished everything it was going to. "Time to finish up," hesaid.
He swallowed two tablets of coyotagra. Then he dipped his membrumvirile in the last of the synthetic venom. He couldn't be certain;but he thought this was his best chance to dispatch her. Loosened up byhis tongue, Betty had an easier time of it now—though the bleedingnever completely stopped.
So far so good; but it was frustrating, too: he didn't even reach her breasts!So he grabbed his ears firmly with his paws and pulled until he had added abouttwo yards to his length. (It's Mythica; he can do that.). Now, with no effortat all, he could nip her bosom and even lick the tears that still flowed downher face.
She had a new flurry of orgasms—much harder ones, that made her writhe,and buck, and kick as if kicking any longer mattered. She wailed with eachclimax—so loudly that Coyote was almost deafened. And then she died.Coyote fell, exhausted, to the ground beside her. He slept for hours.
When he awoke, her body was gone. "She turned into mist, just like theothers!" he said out loud. And he hadn't been awake to capture the mistand swallow it! Did she still linger in some form or other in Mythica's corporealrealm? Coyote often asked that question; but he never learned the answer.
Coyote and the Wolf part 7 Lobo sat in the wagon, blind to all that surrounded him. Time had lost all meaning to him since the day he watched the inn go up in flames. Taking with it, the leopard Snow and his lover Ku'o. Having lost all hope, he refused all food or drink, preferring instead to abandon existence. Even when food or water was forced down his throat, his body would reject it soon after. The wagon had stopped, reaching it's destination, but it barely registered in Lobo's...
Coyote and the Wolf part 6 (Sorry, no sex in this chapter, but it is an important link in the story) High above the gathering clouds below, a metallic figure glistened in the deep blue sky, it's wings spread to catch the thermals that kept it aloft. Aside from the rushing of the wind, there was complete silence up here. The clouds from above, were blinding white from reflecting the bright sunlight. A tiny figure burst through the clouds, flapping it's wings strongly, gaining altitude....
“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 3 Ku'o was awakened by the loud ruckus the morning birds were making. Rolling over slightly to check on Lupo, he found nothing but sheets.“Swell, here I am aching for a little morning relief, and that wolf decides to take off early.” he thought to himself. Ku'o didn't stay angry long, as he had grown quite fond of the wolf, not to mention the scent of him drove him mad. Looking down at the throbbing erection between his legs, he said “Well little...
The threesome with Laura (né Julie), George and myself started out being like it had been in the VIP booth in the strip club, only much more comfortable in Laura’s bed. The one bedroom apartment, midway up the modern, tall condominium building, faced the Ala Wai Canal rather than the ocean, probably making it cheaper, but I always liked the view of the soft green mountains that separate the windward side of Kailua from the leeward Honolulu. Two sets of dressers and two vanities in the bedroom...
Written by Koyote CHAPTER ONE - THE PERSONAL AD I ran across an advertisement in the personals section of the newspaper. It was a simple little advertisement but it was intriguing because of what it promised. The ad simply stated: Large breasted woman looking for worshipers Rewards given only to those who can worship properly. There WILL be a test Only serious need apply, call (nnn) nnn-nnnn. Large breasted women are my weakness. I start drooling every...
We could have brought Lieutenant Nakamoto into it. Far more resources from the Honolulu police to capture a fugitive murderer. Except he wasn’t a murderer. Both Sandy and I were nearly certain of that. I needed to be more certain. Nakamoto would have been pissed if he knew. But he actually did know, as did the FBI. They both knew Julio had flown to Honolulu. They just didn’t know what we knew. Or that we believed he wasn’t a murderer. Except Special Agent Drew Jones. We had asked him to fax...
After Julie’s mother and I showered together in a space hardly big enough for the both of us, cleaning off the sweat and the sticky residue of sex, and particularly that which clung to my anal probe which she cleaned lovingly to the point of gaining some stiffness in it, I stepped out of the tub alone. “I’m going to have a bath,” she told me. “But need to use the toilet first.” “I’ll dry off outside,” I offered. “Thanks.” Julie surprised me when I exited the bathroom. “You fucked my...
“Slippery fucker,” I muttered, sitting across a glass dining room table from a woman dressed familiarly in a diaphanous pink robe. A stewardess. The stewardess who had been reluctant to pick out Julio from pictures, the robe obviously Julie’s mother’s. The attractive dirty blonde young woman, about Julie’s height, midrange for a haoli girl, had let Julie and I into the sleek modernist cabin after we waited a couple minutes for her to answer the front door bell. It could only be described as a...
I had to wait to meet Jeanne, but, truth be told, I didn’t mind. May had gotten a room at an airport hotel. Her parents, especially her father, still had a problem with her gender choice for a lover. Julie would not be welcomed at her home. They didn’t know about her and her lover’s professions, as strippers and escorts. But she’d been out of the closet since her senior year in high school, provoking terrible fights and her running away before graduating. Stripping and whoring had provided...
We drove through Mexico City. Not exactly tourist, but it let me see the diversity of the huge and hugely populated metropolis. Driving past the have-nots, we arrived at the haves, just outside the city. Huge mansions with walls and gates. Our destination seemed to be the largest. The heavy wrought iron gate opened automatically for us. She had called as soon as we got the fancy Lincoln she rented to give someone the description and the license plate number. A tall, tanned, handsome...
Joy and I snuck down the alley behind the brothel. We weren’t exactly inconspicuous. A tall American and a gorgeous Czech. We’d play lovers if anyone happened by. Which we were, sort of. No one did. They would have almost had to bump right into us. It was dark. The back of the Victorian mansion ended up being used as a parking lot. Three luxury cars and a couple of cheap compacts sat there. The only light came from a lighted path along the side of the brothel. But I could see a woman sitting...
Things got resolved in Eugene. Not just seeing those I missed and who missed me, including the blonde haired, blue eyed petite former waif Mila and her lesbian girlfriend Gail whom I stayed with a few nights. And Dotty of course, who gave me the guest room of their former drug house the rest of the time. And Kenneth, who came down a few days after I arrived. But also the case of Julio and the Whitemans. Kenneth, Dotty, Tommy and Trish, Tommy’s step cousin and future bearer of his child,...
If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories . . . I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth. I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for...
If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories ... I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth. I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for...
Sitting on his bedroll in just his trousers, Thanir watches as the first rays of the morning sun broke through the trees. He glances quickly at the smoldering remains of last night's fire but decides against rekindling it. The next town, and a real meal in a tavern, is only a few miles away so there was no need to cook a breakfast. Rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes, the young ranger stands and stretches.Just as he begins to roll up his bedding, a series of sounds jerk Thanir's...
Night Skies Hotel III: More Than Meets the Eye By Solari A plume of creamy white smoke streamed from the young woman's full, pouty mouth as she straddled her latest lover. Trissa was smoking again, as she almost always did before, during and after sex. She held the long, slender cigarette between the long-nailed, delicate fingers of one hand while her other hand was buried within her long, thick, luxurious mane of flame-colored hair as she slid up and down her lover's long, hard red...
Introduction: I hope you all like it.. positive feedback only. Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I cant really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I...
Power Granny Meets She HulkBy lilguy [email protected] Granny meets She Hulk on a beach..smut and muscle follows.Note- This was a commission I did Granny meets She HulkThere was a beach that every now and then was rented out where Super heroes, could relax privately after battle. It was an Inland that floated between dimensions, floating in and out of reality. This way character from multiple realities could go there to relax. It had a force field...
Introduction: Introduction of a young teenager who meets a mature woman Stud meets the cougar First things first, my name is Byron, I am now 19 but the following story happened 4 years ago when I was just 15 during my summer break in Anaheim, California. Im not sure if any of you are interested in my looks but I have white skin, brown eyes and short curly hair, I never considered myself to be good looking. At that time, I was skinny, tall, and friendly with people. My parents, especially my...
Amy 1: Amy Meets World by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Something Happens I had the absolute coolest fucking girlfriend in the world and everything about her excited me and jazzed my nerve endings: Emily Komori. For one thing, Emily was almost as tall as I was when we started...
Girl Meets World - Teaching Smackle[Takes place during: Girl Meets Smackle]It was a quiet night in Greenwich Village, and Riley, Maya and Smackle are sitting in Riley's room giving Smackle a makeover. Earlier in the afternoon, there was a debate between John Quincy Adams and Einstein Academy, Farkle lost the debate and Smackle won. After winning the debate, Isadora invited her arch enemy out for a smoothie date. Smackle seeks Riley's advice on how to win Farkle's heart, even though she knows...
Girl Meets World - New Influences[Takes place during: Girl Meets Demolition]Have you ever had one of those days when you sit by the bay window in your room with your best friend and you two try to come up with a good scheme to make money by selling all of your clothes? Well, that's what happened to Riley Matthews and Maya Hart. Riley and Maya came up with a good scheme to sell all of their clothes and where did they sell their clothes at? A certain little clothing store called Demolition. The...
Takes Place During: Girl Meets Semi FormalIt was a beautiful night in New York City. The semi-formal dance has just ended at John Quincy Adams Middle School and Riley enters her neatly decorated room in her apartment with Maya, Lucas and Farkle. With Auggie spending the night at his friend's house and Riley's parents, Cory and Topanga, are out hanging out with Shawn, Katy, Eric and Jack, Riley has the whole place to herself."Tonight was really fun." Riley said."Aren't you glad that you got to...
12, SUES FANTASY MEETS REALITY.I have a number of on line ladies, this particular one I have never met but she turns me on like crazy with some of her sexy antics. Finally after some months of on line sex we had the chance to meet and this is the story of that meeting.Before we start perhaps it would be in order to describe the lady her circumstances and her passions. I shall not use her name as she needs to be anonymous, she works for a government department and it would be churlish to cause...
Author's Note: I really hadn't intended to make Darlene more than a one time character when I wrote the first story. As Pirondello showed us, sometimes your characters take on a life of their own. Jenny and Darlene seem to have taken up residence in my head and want me to tell their story. Here, then is Darlene's third adventure. Darlene Meets the Family - Episode 3 By Ricky Nervousness is a relative state, and how you cope with it varies with its degree. For the mildly...
I Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....
BDSM12, SUES FANTASY MEETS REALITY. I have a number of on line ladies, this particular one I have never met but she turns me on like crazy with some of her sexy antics. Finally after some months of on line sex we had the chance to meet and this is the story of that meeting. Before we start perhaps it would be in order to describe the lady her circumstances and her passions. I shall not use her name as she needs to be anonymous, she works for a government department and it would be churlish to cause...
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SISSY CUCKOLD MEETS WIFE'S LOVER by Throne "But why can't you just go out with him? I mean, why does Jake have to come into the house?" My wife Tessa put her hands on her wide hips and gave me an impatient look. "Really? Would that be polite? To make him stand out front? I decided it's time for him to meet you, Frankie, so that's all there is to it. When I tell him about my sissy husband he's always interested in meeting you." "You keep saying that. Except... I mean... look...
For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in her Hong Kong office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push,...
For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in her Hong Kong office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push,...
"A model from Onlyfans meets one of her followers when she's stops over in his town, asking him to show her around and shoot some new content for her site, but one thing leads to another..." Author's Notes "While this story may depict two real people, it is fictional. The woman involved is a real OnlyFans model, whose user name is mira.clegoddss and has approved of me writing this story." Part 1 I got home around 4:40 AM, around the same time I usually would after I got off work. It was hard...
StraightIntroduction: This is another in the long list of true adventures my wife and I have shared. Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets Thank to the many of you who have been in contact with me through these stories. Looking back on all the fun times my wife Cindy and I have had over the years, and writing them down for others to experience, has been a very enjoyable experience for me. I can only hope that some of you have enjoyed reading these as much as I have enjoyed...
Boy Meets Daddy (unabridged) Boy knew how awkward the first physical meeting could be. He decided that he would handle it by instinct. When Daddy opened the door, he looked into his eyes, smiled shyly (because that was all he could manage) stepped in the door and immediately put his arms around him, cheek against his chest. A bit startled at first, daddy looked down with a smile, closed the door to the room and held him for a moment. "Sorry sir," boy mumbled. "That's okay, boy" daddy said and...
Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...
Nancy meets Monte By sub_nancy_cd Looking in the mirror of the ladies washroom at the airport, I fix my hair and make-up, I was glad I decided to wear my hair up in a ponytail, it made me look cuter. I wore my black mini skirt a white blouse with smart lace surrounding my breasts. I wore white pantyhose and my three inch black heels. I turned back and forth in the mirror, thinking to myself, its been 4 years since I met Monte on- line. He knew I was a crossdresser on hormones and...
New Girl in School Part 6: Chloe meets the (God)Father It was the most pristine if serendipitous sight for at the school, for in the central courtyard, stood a massive ash tree. And at its foot, in midst of the crisp autumn leaves, laid a couple-Joey the meek but lanky fellow, sitting besides his new girlfriend Chloe as they indulged in a nice lunch outside, despite being it being early October. Sure they had gone on enough dates that for intents and purposes they might as well be a...
See he just wanted to get down her throat. But first he would like to expose, handle, fondle and suck her boobs in public, if that would be OK with me. So I wanted J to meet and spend time with this real sexy gentleman friend of mine. He has seen her pictures. He knows what her nipples look like. He knows she sucks cock for fun. He also knows she sucks cocks to make me happy. The guys are always happy, too. Recently J has been getting bold and daring ME to do things. One of her dares involved...
The day after the hurricane the waves were huge at Brighton Beach. The Russian part of the population had defied the emergency evacuation order and now crossed the yellow police tape to have a look.One person stepped out of the crowd, let his robe drop, and strode proudly naked to take the plunge. Boris rode the breakers up and down, past the jetty, accompanied by roaring applause from the appreciative group remaining on shore.Several hours later, Eve, who had witnessed the fantastic event...
Love StoriesRebecca meets RonMy wife, Rebecca, of 11 years was an absolute excellent cock sucker. She loved doing oral sex so much that we had several “friends” that would visit on a regular basis to get their “job”. We met a new friend (female) that also liked oral sex and she, Cheryl, was bisexual, enjoying the company of both male and female... Cheryl had joined us a few times in bed and it was great times for all three of us.In our talks of our past, Cheryl mentioned a “swing club” that she and a...
Today She Meets Her Real Daddy!bysexy_mama_09©Alayah was nineteen. She'd just gotten off the bus in front of her birth father's home. She hadn't met him yet, but he'd been sending her letters for about six months and they'd spoken on the phone a few times also. She'd been given up for adoption in the hospital when she was born. She'd went looking for her biological family and had found Darren. Darren was tall from his photos. He had a deep dark tanned skin and silky blue eyes. His hair was dark...
New Girl in School 2: Boy Meets Girl? (Note: I'll refer to the main character as Chloe when in disguise going forward and as M when not) So, a few weeks had past and Chloe still couldn't find this mobster son. Granted, Leavitt Jones High School was quite a big school with a sizable population of about 3000 students but the search shouldn't be akin to a needle in a haystack. She turned her best to not let this surface while she was at school, but nearly every day after school, she got...
Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina meets Beth. You may want to read some of my previous story "Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister" to get some background on the characters in this chapter ****** "Be careful there. I am the one everyone should be worried about fainting.We have only a couple of minutes to be alone. My name is Beth and Thomas sent me to help you.My husband, Aaron has meetings with church leaders this afternoon. I will give you the address where we are...
A Sub Boy Meets His Dom By Datdagen Chapter 1 - Master D The day the third and final package arrived was easily the most long anticipated of Eric's life. The package was about the size of a suitcase, quite a bit larger than the others had been. He had no idea what it would contain, but he did know what its arrival meant. Tonight he would finally meet Master D. Tonight he would be dominated and ravaged in ways he had never known before. Tonight he would feel the hot spray of his Master's...
Nicole stepped out of the shower and dried herself before pulling off the cap that covered her long strawberry-blond hair Nicole Meets Michael An erotic meeting between a vampire and his future pet.? This story contains soft consensual play. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 2006 Ruby Bloodstone All Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. This is a work of...
Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...
After recovering from the hate mail and death threats generated by my last submission, I decided to let my “wise-ass” sub-identity (that is a ranking comment folks, such as “primary-identity”, “dragon-identity”, ““wise-ass identity” ... NOT that the identity is sub as in submissive) out for a spin around the block. When a body meets a body while chugging down a rye ... sung to the old Irish (Scottish?) tune “Gin a body meet a body, Comin’ through the rye” OK people, listen up ... there...
Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I can't really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I couldn't really remember how to speak, I was just kind of frozen in time. I met him the day...
Chapter 3 Mel meets the motel owners Mel had been working the truck stop for about a month and a half. During that time she had accumulated tens of thousand dollars from working the truckers, twenty dollars at a time. At the end of each day, she would put most of the cash into an envelope and mail it to herself at a PO box that she had set up on the far side of town, using the PO box as a safe deposit box for her earnings. She would keep just enough cash on hand each day for food, drink,...
This is the conclusion of Part One, and I hope you have enjoyed reading. Again, please start with chapter one before reading this. Part 2 has been written and is in the process of being edited and will be posted soon. I again want to thank BeachBaby179 for her numerous suggestions and clarifications in making this story much better. It is very easy, when you are writing, to get so involved you let things slip. BeachBaby, you not only caught all those but forced me to look through the story with...
Introduction: Cindy meets her bosss son and enjoys a fun night. Sharing Cindy Chapter 20 Another true story about the fun that comes from having a sexy wife that loves sex&hellip,&hellip,. ——————————————————————— Those of you that have been following these stories know that my wife Cindy is free to experience sex with other men. I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of many of these adventures, others I hear about when she comes home. But there have been a couple of times that I...
Girl Meets World - Farkle and His Dream GirlsIt was a regular Saturday evening in Greenwich Village and a fun evening for Riley and her best friend Maya. Maya was spending the night at Riley's while her mother and Shawn have the whole apartment to themselves for their date night. Riley and Maya were in Riley's room. Riley was sitting by the bay window eating a piece of pepperoni pizza that her parents ordered from Bingo's Pizza while Maya was laying her pyjamas on Riley's princess-themed bed....
After moving permanently to London in the early 1990s as a single guy I was looking for a relationship. However, I found it hard meeting women, especially that wanted to have sex with me. I went to soho once or twice a month to go into the adult cinema but then discovered the peep shows. I found watching naked women gyrate around great and the more money you put into the slots the more daring they got. However the best was an open stage on which women would come out and you paid 15 minutes to...
Chapter-3 Cindy Meets Janet. I Started Back to school as Jim, the next 8 years of my life being nothing compared to that summer. Janet came out at night, weekends, and whenever she wanted. I slept in nightgowns and I wore panties all the time...well, except for gym class and when I went to the doctors. I became the best male swimmer in our school; I won many trophies that gave me an excuse for having a "Hairless Body." I was teased and harassed, but I kept my long hair,...
Erica Meets Tony By Erica Wright 03/02/03 - 08/01/03 After months of teasing, Tony and I were finally meeting. I booked the room for the weekend, and checked in around eleven am. I left word with the front desk that a friend would be stopping in to visit and that it would be fine to give him the key to the room. As soon as the door was closed and locked I opened my overnight bag and lay out my clothes on the bed. I opened the double pack of enemas and dropped them in the sink....
Josie Meets the Beach Patrol "Please Mistress," I whispered, "please reconsider, I am begging you." "Oh Josie," Sarina laughed as she spoke to me. "You know this is how you are to be for the rest of your life, so you might as well get used to it." Sarina went on to say to me, "Now repeat after me, I am a sissy girl and Sarina is the boss and I have nothing to say about the way I have to dress." Without any more chiding I repeated exactly what Sarina told me to say. "I am a...
FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE MUMMY by Throne The young man was short and slender, with soft features and a delicate way of walking. The mature woman accompanying him was taller, full- figured, and had a confident stride. He wore a close-fitting, colorful shirt and tight pants, along with slip-on shoes. She had on a cable- knit sweater and designer jeans, plus shoes with two-inch stacked heels. His hair was soft and pale blonde, worn at collar length. Hers was red -- not ginger but a...
Ch.4- Honey Meets the Afghan We slept well that night, spooned together in the middle of the big bed. At some point in the night, I half-woke as you spread my butt cheeks and slid your cock inside of me, but then you lay still and I drifted back to sleep. In the morning, you were still in me, not hard, but filling and comforting as you snored softly. Carefully I slid out of bed and into the bathroom. Wow! My lipstick was long gone, mascara and makeup smeared and blotchy. Oh well. I...