Asian Girl Meets Expat Guy At The Gym free porn video

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For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in her Hong Kong office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push, feel the blood pumping through her veins, her face flushing, her heart beating. Almost every lunchtime, she would hurry to the gym and change - slipping out of her light summer dress and heels, stripping off her lingerie and putting on her Lycra and gym shoes. Her body was was petite, smooth and brown, and although she was in her forties her shape and firmness was still that of a girl in her early twenties.

Today was Friday and she had tried to get away from work early to get the weekend started, but been held back at was now running late for her class and changed in a hurry, joining the group just before it started and falling into place in the back line. The music started pumping and she followed the steps, psyching into the group's energy and gaining strength in the the rhythm. As she danced and turned she scanned the room as she always did, seeing all the regulars as well as the usual less regulars, the ones who'd were members and normally did weights or cycling, but who would occasionally drop in for a spot of cardio. Today she found herself next to a tall expat guy in his mid-forties. She's seen him around the gym doing workouts with his mate; both fairly strong guys who did a lot of work on their backs, arms and shoulders - parts of the male body she admired. Moving next to her, this guy looked to be at least a foot taller than her and despite his size, he moved well. She could start to feel the heat rise and focused on her steps, but would sneak a glance every now and then at him, and one of these times she caught him stealing a glance at her and their eyes met. He had blue eyes and in that moment they pierced straight into hers. She felt a little jolt, something she rarely felt. She felt a little extra electricity in her belly and was glad of the music to channel the feeling into, and disguise her shyness by going through the steps.

When the class was finished she felt shy and hurried to the changing room. She had to get to the shower quickly anyway - she didn't want to have to wait in a queue and wanted to get home earlier to chill out a the end of a long week. She found a free shower and popped in, stripping off her gym gear and turning on the hot blast of water. She stepped under and felt the water drench her completely, dousing her entire body, massaging her firm skin. She felt it run through her hair, on her neck, over her breasts, coursing over her belly and down between her legs all the way to her feet. She felt so alive and relaxed, and loved the feeling of the water on her, and in these few private minutes her mind wandered back to the tall white guy with blue eyes. Almost u*********sly, she increased the water pressure and felt the jet of water pepper her breasts, and the hot water running down through her groin and over her pussy. She shaved there, but sometimes wondered why she did it. It made her feel sensitive and sexy, and she hoped it would make a difference to her husband, but it never seemed too. For all these years that had only made love one way: his way. To her, he had never been a lover, just a boy who had never grown up. He'd get hard and send her to the bedroom where she'd lie down as he fumbled his way into her, pumping for a few minutes as he clutched and groped at her with all the finesse of a machine operator who hadn't read the manual. Even when she was excited, he didn't know what to do. He'd lie her on her back or her side, and just pump until he was done. She wished he'd feel for a rhythm that could speak to her own desire and dance with it, or even want to find ways to make the flower between her legs moisten and open up by itself, but he never did. She had heard that some men did this, even using their mouths to open up a woman's sex. She could only imagine what that might feel like ...would it feel anything like the jets of water that sluiced between her legs? Nowadays, she didn't even experience the momentary pleasure of a stiff penis inside her: it had been years since he'd wanted her, and now they were separated. She felt a stirring and reached up to the shower faucet, directing the blast at her chest. The hot jet of water plunged into her breasts, and immediately her nipples started to stiffen. Her breasts were those of a young girl, but as a woman her nipples were dark. And when she was excited, as she was now, they would become very firm. Under the jets of water they hardened like buttons, and as her mind wandered more her fingers moved between her legs. She thought of the expat guy who had danced next to her, and tried to imagine what he might be like as a lover. She had only ever been with Chinese guys, her husband and a couple of guys before that, who performed pretty much in a similar way. A couple of her girlfriends has been with white guys and a few of the girls in the office were married to them or were going out with them. None of them had really said too much, but the distinct impression she was left with was that they made their women pretty happy in bed. What about the blue-eyed guy? Did he care about a woman's pleasure? Did he search to find a woman's rhythm? Would he put his head between a woman's legs? And did he have a nice tool, she almost blushed to think. Her husband wasn't large, she'd always felt she had room for more. Her pussy was opening up and she could feel her clit start to make its presence felt. Her nipples were so stiff. Her fingers moved down to her pussy and she parted her lips. Softly she started to rub her clit, as she imagined how it might feel for a tall strong man to want her, to feel her, to take her ...

... but she couldn't give herself up to the fantasy, not here, after a busy session, and with a crowd of women all waiting for the shower to get on with their Friday nights. So she took a deep breath, shut off the water, and went into the change rooms to dry off. Her skin felt alive and her loins were still tingling as she got dressed. She was wearing a very light yellow dress. Her bra was very sheer and she notice that as she put it on, her stiff nipples showed through. She worries that if he hasn't calmed down by the time she gets back to work, people will notice, see parts of her almost naked (and aroused!) through her blouse, but she has to rush and gathers her things and exits the changing rooms.

But as she walks out and rushes to the elevator, who does she run into but the tall blue-eyed white guy at the lifts? They wait together and he says, hi, I saw you next to me at the class, you look really fit, and you're a great dancer. No ... you are, she stammers back. The lift arrives, they enter and stand together, alone, as the doors close and the lift starts again. She sees his strong arms through his business shirt and she glances at him again and their eyes meet, and again she feels a thrill of excitement. She looks down at her feet, as people do in lifts, and she sees her nipples, so incredibly visible through her dress. And then she sees him looking at her and he too glances down and sees them, and then their eyes meet again and she blushes, so strongly that even her post-workout glow can't conceal. Look, he says, would you like to grab for a drink?

He was on a contract assignment in Hong Kong and was staying in a serviced apartment in a hotel near the gym, and they go the hotel bar for a drink. She is thrilled that he is interested in her, and the conversation flows easily. As they talk, she is daring to imagine what he might look like under his clothes, and she notices that he is also subtly checking her out and hopes he likes what he sees. She can't imagine how things might progress, but she is happy that he is taking the lead and she relaxes more as she starts on her second drink. As they drink and chat she feels more comfortable flirting, and they begin to touch each lightly as they talk. Her body is still buzzing from her workout and her shower, and she now seriously starts to wonder whether she might be close to having her first Western man. They are sitting at the bar and as he gestures to emphasise something he's said, his hand brushes against her leg. But then he puts his hand on her knees and rests it there. She feels a thrilling jolt, he senses are alive, as he says, would you like to come upstairs with me? She doesn't know what to say, so she gulps the rest of her drink and stands up from the bar stool, and together they walk to the lift.

Again they are in the lift silently, but this time is different. She is about to do something she has never done before. She is nervous but very excited, and it's been so long since she's made love, and she is so easily aroused these days. The lift door opens and they walk to his room, he opens the door and suddenly, she finds herself in a hotel room, alone with this guy she was dancing next to just over an hour ago, the guy she was dreaming about, wondering about, in the shower. And then, he leans down to her and kisses her, and their lips open up to each other and their tongues meet in a deep, passionate kiss. Her nervousness is overwhelmed by her excitement, and she feels his hands over her, and she in turn feels his strong back, his shoulders, his arms as he embraces her. As their passion becomes more open, his hands start to explore more erotically, rubbing down her sides, feeling and lightly squeezing her arse. They are writhing in a tight embrace and he pushes his chest against hers as he feels for the hem of her dress, sliding his hand up her leg underneath her dress. Amazingly, she finds herself brazenly exploring him, as she opens his shirt and exposes his strong chest and runs her hands over it. She buries her face in his chest, kissing it, and she feels his hands grab her arse through her dress. She is getting hot and and pushes herself against him, and she feels his hardness through his pants. Her hands reach down and stroke him and his own groping becomes more intense, reaching for her dress and pulling it up over her wait. Her panties are exposed to him - she can hardly believe it but the feeling it so intense that she just wants to keep going, and her desire gives her a confidence she didn't know she had. She know knows that she is going to have this man, or he is going to have her, and she just trusts in where this wild desire is taking her. He lifts her dress over her head and she casts it away, and she feels his hands running over her bra, rubbing her nipples. She hears him murmur to her, oh my god, you're gorgeous, and then his face bends down and sucks on her nipples, moving from one to one another. Her pussy is wet and she is almost hysterical with desire, and fumbles for his belt, he helps her and then she unzips him, reaches into his underpants and finally, her hand feels his naked cock, long and thick and hard for her. Her first white cock She pulls his trousers and underpants down and drops to her knees, and with his cock in her hands she brings her face to it, licks the head, then opens her lips and takes it into her mouth. Wow. She feels his hot, stiff cock inside her mouth and starts to suck him him, as he softly starts to thrust in and out of her. She uses one hand to grip the shaft, allowing it to slide through her wettened palm, and with her other hand she feels his soft balls. He reaches down and takes her face in his hands and they kiss again, and he rolls her over onto the bed. Urgently he peels off his clothes and lies beside her, and slides a hand up the inside of her thigh and finally, finally, rubs it over her panties. She cannot stand it any more and strips off her panties, taking his hand and placing it back between her legs, this time to feel his fingers trace over the lips of her pussy. They are kissing passionately and as his hands are on you pussy, hers are on his cock.

And then he gently but firmly pushes you down so that you are lying on your back. You can hardly believe that you are lying naked in front go this man, fully exposed to him, wanting to give yourself to him, and to take him ... but what is he doing now? My god, she thinks, he isn't going to go down on me is he? Oh ... He positions himself with is head between her legs. Drops of dew are now oozing from her pussy, and he presses his lips against you and licks it, tasting her juices, and then licks again, parting her lips. She is drenched with her wetness and her pussy is livid, and she starts to grind her pelvis into the bed. He kisses and licks and nibbles all around and inside her pussy, and brings up my tongue to circle her anus. He parts her arse cheeks slightly with his hands and tongue kisses her arsehole, pushing his tongue and withdrawing it, and licking and kissing her there just as he is doing with her pussy. As he does this, he takes one of his hands and squeezes her arse cheek in the folds where it meets her pussy, and his thumb probes into you as he licks your arse. Her bum is bucking up and down and he licks her all the way her clit to the bottom of her juicy cunt.

Gently he moves up and kisses her on the neck, and their mouths connect deeply again. She pushes him onto his back and kneels before him, again taking his cock and balls in her mouth and hands, he is so stiff, as he rubs her hard nipples with the palms of his hands, pinching them lightly with his thumbs. He can see her arse in the mirror and is turned on even more. He draws you up towards him, she understands and moves up, and he positions himself so that he is sitting up supported by the bedhead.

And then she does something she has never imagined herself doing in this situation - she takes control and climbs onto him, and in that delicious act, takes his cock with her hand and climbs above it, positioning it so that it presses against the opening to her pussy ... and then lowers herself onto him, up to the hilt in one sliding movement. They both gasp at this fantastic feeling. She sits into his lap, her legs astride his, as they wrap their arms around each other and enter into a deep, passionate kiss. His cock twitches inside her, and her pussy clenches around it, as it sits deeply embedded inside her, hardly moving. He strokes the hair away from her face and kisses you softly over her eyes, her eyebrow, her nose, her cheeks, her chin, her lips. She holds him tight and slowly starts to rock against him. He is not moving, instead just letting her make her own rhythm as she slowly moves, slowly and shamelessly grinding into him, her clit rubbing against his pubic bone. She feels as though she is riding a wave, the wave of her sexual rhythm, riding him so that his long, thick tool slides in and out of her in perfect time with her needs, and with the spasms that are starting to build inside her. As she rides him, she looks down over her conquest, seeing his strong arms, shoulders and chest, and the passionate and urgent look in his eyes. His hands move from her hips up to her nipples, squeezing them softly and this turns her on even more, and she rides him harder and harder.

She starts to breathe harder and she kisses his neck, and starts to push harder. He is still not moving, just allowing himself to be the immovable object she is pushing against. Her movements become more muscular and she grips him more tightly. She can feel the head of his cock deep inside her, rubbing against her cervix, and his balls are rubbing against her arse cheeks. He can feel his balls stirring, tightening. He licks the index finger of his right hand and reaches behind her, and presses it against the entrance to her anus. She squirms and thrusts a little harder and he keeps it there, pushing it into her just an inch. She bucks harder against him, riding him vigorously now with increasing abandon. He reaches to the bedside table and grabs a little bottle of something, unscrews it and holds it under her nose. She grabs it, happy to do anything he wants, and takes a really deep sniff. He pushes it to her other nostril and says, again, and she takes another deep draft and quickly he puts the cap back on and places the bottle back on the shelf.

He braces myself and French kisses her, and in a few seconds in her lust she builds rapidly to a demonic energy, bucking and thrusting, clenching onto him as she starts to cry out, and she grinds so hard against his crotch that he can feel her clitoris as it rubs the front of him. Drunk with the popper, all she wants, needs, is just want his big stiff cock fucking her tight wet cunt, impaling her, fucking her brains out ... she bucks hard and cries out as she starts to come over his cock. He stiffens even more and now starts to meet her thrusts, pushing his cock deep into her cunt even as she pulls back. They are in a perfect insane timing as she throb and gushes over me, the popper driving her off over a cliff and exploring into a an obscene, grinding explosion, coming all over his stiff cock. His own orgasm starts to build as hers subsides, and he grabs her hips and forces them down on to him as he bucks his own hips up to plunge into her. He is grabbing her, holding her and slamming upwards deeply into her as he uses her for his pleasure, positioning her at the exact angle for the maximum intensity of his own selfish craving. And then he explodes, his come jetting up into her, flooding her deep inside her as he thrusts up inside her. She forces her arse up and down on him, in synch to his thrusts, and the feeling is so intense that he cries out loud.

His orgasm subsides and he gradually relaxes and sinks into the bed, and she collapses on top of him. He's still inside her, though his come is leaking out over them both, dripping down around the sides of his still-hard cock and out of your hot pussy. They kiss, deeply and softly, and again he brushes her hair away from her face. She sinks into him, spent, her pussy still encasing his cock, her face in his chest, and they start to melt and drift into into post-loving blissful slumber ...

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

1 year ago
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Asian Exchange Student Girlfriend Surprise

She was sitting next to me in American History, one of the first classes of my freshman year at college. Asians were not unusual at this school but I knew she was not American-born from her speech. She was having difficulty and asked my help. I offered to go to the student cafeteria after class where we could talk more freely. She asked for hot water and produced some tea from her native land. It was delicious, a lot like her I surmised. She was pretty and softspoken and let me know she wanted...

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My name is Greg. I am 3rd generation Vietnamese American, rather small in stature at 5’4”, 120 lbs, and 19 years old. I am just starting my 2nd year at Arizona State University. All of my life, I have grown up close friends with my girlfriend Thao, and her family. They lived close by and immigrated here from Vietnam about 10 years ago, when she was 8. I have only had one girlfriend my whole life, and that is Thao. She is 4’10”, with a very thin build, but fairly large breasts for an Asian...

3 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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She’d been in America for just six months. Moving her life from Japan to come to the USA, Suki was happy and hopeful to be away from the pressures of her home and f****y. Even if she would only live in a shared apartment on the west side, she felt like she had more room to live than she’d ever known. She shared the apartment with Kumi. Kumi was six years older, and at 24 she had a tight lean build. She styled her hair chestnut and wore tight revealing clothes like one of the video girls she...

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She'd been in America for just six months.Moving her life from Japan to come to the USA, Suki was happy and hopeful to be away from the pressures of her home and family. Even if she would only live in a shared apartment on the west side, she felt like she had more room to live than she'd ever known.She shared the apartment with Kumi. Kumi was six years older, and at 24 she had a tight lean build. She styled her hair chestnut and wore tight revealing clothes like one of the video girls she...

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Asian girl fucked at the park

So I have an Asian female friend who I’m really close with and we share a lot of our sex story together. I always try to persuade her to let us fuck but she’s always teasing me lol. So one day we were hanging out and she told me she had a scary and crazy ass time at the park just barely past midnight. She met a guy through Tinder and they been talking for about a week. This dude was very horny because he would always send her dick pics and telling her what he would do to her. She told me the...

4 years ago
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Asian Sleepover

“I won’t,” yelled John as he ran towards his friend’s house, he was 15 years old at 5’10” 130 pound frame with white skin and brown hair. John approached the front door and knocked. His friend’s mother answered the door. She was 35 years old and about 5’4” and about 100 pounds, I couldn’t believe her husband would divorce her. She had a knockout frame with long, shapely legs leading up to a full, round ass. All of this was accented by her pretty, little Asian face framed by long, black hair...

2 years ago
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Asian Feminization

ASIAN FEMINIZATION Sleazy Blonde, 2021 It wasn't what I wanted. Not at all what I wanted. But my wishes and desires, my wants and needs: they meant little to my parents. We're an immigrant family from East Asia. Maybe a bit more South-East than East; I won't tell you the country except that it's not Japan. My parents brought with them some of the better attributes from our Confucius-laden heritage: hard work, loyalty to family, respect your elders. With the benefit of hindsight, I...

4 years ago
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Asian Cam Surprize

I was looking at my favorite porn site on the net; it had some of the best nude Asian women I had ever seen. As I clicked through the different thumbnails, I became very aroused. My cock was growing in my boxers, I loved to use the Internet as foreplay before hopefully, having sex with my wife Kim. I looked at my watch, cursing the time I had again spent on the computer when I heard a shuffle on the stairs above me. I looked away from the porno site just in time to see a glimpse of someone...

1 year ago
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Asian Massage Parlor

Surprisingly, there were quite a few relatively close and as I looked through the online listings, one caught my eye. It got good reviews however I was hesitant, being it was listed as an Asian massage parlor. Yea, I know we’ve all heard stories, but this one looked to be very reputable and because it was “Asian,” it sparked my interest, for just that reason. I had occasionally gotten a massage at the hotels where I stay, and felt comfortable trying this place, but was still apprehensive....

2 years ago
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Asian girl

Well. this was my first experience with an Asian girl. Me and this girl, lets call her M, always used to flirt during our three classes together. As 18 year old seniors in high school we both had sex previously but not with eachother (well a couple months before this story she had given me a bj, but thats another story ;), somehow we both knew we would wind up fucking.Well one day her boyfriend went out of town with his family. She jumped on the opportunity to get with me (not trying to...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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Asian Fascination

Ringing... ringing... the phone made its usual ringing tone across the receiver until she answered within just over five seconds. She answered by trying to say hello as best as she could with her little knowledge of English. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Sascha?", he said. "Yes." "I saw your advertisement on the website and I would like to come and see you." "Okie!", she answered beaming enthusiasm. "Whereabouts are you? How much do you...

2 years ago
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Asian wife swap part 1

My wife and I have been together for 20 years, since our early twenties. We both work full-time in professional jobs and our sex life, while nice, is far from wild. In many ways, we couldn't be more different - I'm 6'1, white, with a high sex drive and a number of partners before we met, while she is Vietnamese, tiny (5'2" and 46kg), and a virgin until we had been dating for 6 months. While we've both stayed fit as the years have passed, she has stayed particularly well-preserved. At 45, she is...

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Asian Wife First Cuckold

For a long time I have been wanting to watch my wife fuck another guy, but she is way to shy and would always say maybe if the guy is really cute....which never happens. The thought of my wife wanting another cock inside of her turns me on a lot and being able to watch her enjoy it so much makes my dick explode. I love when she will talk dirty when I say she is so good at giving a blow job and she gives me an evil look and says "I have been practicing on my coworkers." I know she has a really...

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Asian Why I love black men

I've had sex a number of times with black men. I have a collection of favourite pictures and videos of women, mostly white or Asian, sucking black men with huge members. I will admit it's a fetish, but perhaps those of you who don't understand the attraction that white and Asian women have for black men need an explanation.Someone once asked me why it was that so many white and Asian women fantasize about being fucked by black men. I can't say if I'm like others, but definitely it has to do...

2 years ago
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Asian Milf Pussy

An asian woman at work made it obvious that she wanted me.I resisted at first but the chance to sample some asian pussy for the first time meant that i found myself going back to her place .When we got there she took my hand and led me straight to her bedroom.She pulled up the little black dress she had on and laying down on the bed she spread her legs.She pulled her panties to one side revealing a neatly trimmed pussy."What do you think then darling?".What did i think?."That is one hot looking...

3 years ago
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Asian Delight

It was a spur of the moment decision that caused Dan to turn his car toward a local bar rather than continue on his ride home. After a long day at work, he felt the need for some down time with a stiff drink and the noise of a crowded bar. Walking into a local dance place, Dan surveyed the surroundings, noting the DJ booth in the far corner next to the dance floor partially filled with couples and some women moving their bodies to the beat of the music. Wanting a quieter spot, he moved along to...

2 years ago
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Asian wife learns sexual exhibition

I was looking at my favorite porn site on the net; it had some of the best nude Asian women I had ever seen. As I clicked through the different thumbnails, I became very aroused. My cock was growing in my boxers, I loved to use the Internet as foreplay before having sex with my wife Kim. I looked at my watch, cursing the time I had again spent on the computer when I heard a shuffle on the stairs above me. I looked away from the porno site just in time to see a glimpse of someone darting her...

1 year ago
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Asian Girl gets lotion for her toes and extra cred

Student gets extra credit she needs I'm a professor at a California university in the Economics department. It was finals week last semester and I had just finished grading the tests for my class. I had maybe an hour and a half to turn the grades in to the Dean's office for input into the school's records the next day.A knocking at my door caught my attention. "Come in." I said. In walked a meek-looking young Asian girl, about 5'1", black hair cut neatly at the shoulders. She was slim, maybe...

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Asian Dream 2

There was a man in the middle of the street yelling. Linda and Kim were standing on Linda’s front porch. The guy was holding something in his hand, it was something metal and looked like a knife. He didn’t see me, I grabbed him from behind and threw him on the ground. Within a minute, the police were there. They hand cuff him, took a statement from me, and asked Linda to come to the police station. Kim hugged me and so did Linda, as they were getting into their car to go to the station, Kim...

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Asian Wife Surprize

ASIAN WIFE SURPRIZEThis story I am about to tell you happened in the Philippines when my Korean wife, Jina and I were stationed there with the military. It’s been years now and since the only ones who would remember these events are the ones in this story. I am using our real names and telling you the way it happened, in intricate detail. This is because this short experience changed and sexually awoke our marriage and still causes us great excitement even now.Jina and I had met 5 years years...

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Asian Spices

Club 440 was a high energy light spectacular dance club on State Highway 440 south of the military post where I was stationed. Friday nights, the place was always jammed packed. The first time I went with some fellow Army Lieutenants, I was amazed at how the club was packed.A friend had told me that if a guy couldn't’t get laid by finding a lady in this club, then there had to something wrong with the guy. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me as I went home alone two...

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Asian cock slut

We all have those moments when we give in to passion,one of those hapened to me few years ago.Most people see me as a honestasian wife and mother, and i intended to maintain that image of myself.The event i want to share with you came to past on my way to job one morningin December few years ago.My name is Mei and i worked in logisticsfor Irdeto Company.My whole life i got excited when i saw or felt men looking at me.People sayi have beautiful Asian face, i have small perky tits with huge...

2 years ago
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Asian Wife Internet Cafe Human Urinal

My wife and I went to a local internet cafe that has some arcade machines that she loves to play; Japanese rhythm games. We decided to go late at night since we didn't have any good movies to watch and we were bored, but we were still wide awake. The place is very large with about 80 PC's and 15 arcade machines, the place only had a few small groups of Asian guys in the place since it was late at night and they are addicted to LoL and Battlegrounds, but pussy will always be the most addictive...

4 years ago
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Asian Hotel Bi sex

Hotel Indochine française – Room 54I spent 6 months on a writing assignment in a bustling south east Asian capital staying at small boutique French colonial hotel. My comfortable room, located on a quiet third floor, was very secluded with a lounge, ensuite, a small study, a cool inner bed room, and a shady verandah, under a giant Tamarind tree over looking a sweeping view of the massive river, an esplanade and bustling street below. Next door was a service room stored with linen, fresh towels,...

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Asian and African American

Well...where do I start. She has been my cute asian princess for more than 12 years we've done everything together, cried, laughed, joked, and even caressed, but we never made love to one another even though we both saw the desire to be with each other a long time ago. Well I've always wanted to be with an asian woman but just never thought they felt attracted to black men, I asked my asian friend why is it that your culture doesn't like black men she told me "we don't think black men find us...

4 years ago
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Asian hotel mfm threesome and bi sex with cute sta

Asian hotel sex continuedHotel Indochine française – Room 54 What happen in the next dayContinued from From 8:00 pm to just after midnight the three of us had a most vigorous threesome fuck session.Exhausted but tingling with the after glow of good sex we fell into a deep sleep, with Mike on the couch and Jenny and me on the bed.Just before dawn I heard Mike get up, take a shower and leave. He must have been on the early shift. Jenny...

1 year ago
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Asian submissive

"Mrs. Tate wishes to seed you in the bathroom, immediately," Gordon Tate said to the beautiful oriental , "you may finish polishing the silverware later!!!" "Yes, sir," Miki Lee replied while averting her master's gaze, "right away!!!" The completely naked young woman quickly made her way to the gigantic bathroom just off the Tate's personal bedroom, and as was usually the custom, Valerie Tate was lolling in the whirlpool bath, waiting for the Asian beauty to join her in the swirling waters!!!...

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Asian CD came to my hotel room

While on business travel to San Diego I went on Craigslist and found an add for an Asian CD 27yrs old that needed a place to dress and play. I am 50yr, white, married but on the DL. I sent him an e-mail, and after a few back and fourths, about 30minutes later there was a knock on my hotel room door. I opened the door, and there was a young looking asian guy, small, about 5'4" 120lbs, dressed as a guy but carrying a travel bag. He came in to the room, smiled, said hi, and asked if he could use...

She Males
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The New Girl in School Part 6Chloe meets the Godfather

New Girl in School Part 6: Chloe meets the (God)Father It was the most pristine if serendipitous sight for at the school, for in the central courtyard, stood a massive ash tree. And at its foot, in midst of the crisp autumn leaves, laid a couple-Joey the meek but lanky fellow, sitting besides his new girlfriend Chloe as they indulged in a nice lunch outside, despite being it being early October. Sure they had gone on enough dates that for intents and purposes they might as well be a...

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