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Diane and John

John had just masturbated the woman in the seat next to him on the plane during an overnight flight to Milan.
The woman was in her mid forties, cute with black hair and nice tits. She was a small woman, around a hundred pounds.

John was tall, handsome, and at least ten years younger than the woman. He was also a very resrved man.

John had the window seat and she had the aisle seat until the lights were turned out then the woman moved to the empty seat between them and raised the arm rest.
She covered both with a blanket, then wiggled around a bit.
The woman then pressed her thigh to his as she began caressing his cock over his slacks. Soon the woman took his hand and put it on her naked and wet pussy.
He suddenly realized she was nude from her waist down.

John was an amenable man and did what she wanted him to do. He was expertly good at masturbating women so the woman soon had two orgasms.

His hand was still caressing her pussy when she decided she needed to masturbate him in return.
But after taking his somewhat larger than average cock out of his slacks she said, “Oh,” changed her mind and got on his lap and fucked him.
She had another two orgasms.

Even though all of that was done under the cover of the blanket a stewardess knew exactly was happening under it and sat with them.

John had not cum and after the woman recovered she decided to take advantage of her good fortune and resumed fucking him. She was very much aware the stewardess was sitting with them.

She was very pleased when the stewardess kissed her on the lips as she ran her hand under the blanket and caressed her breasts.
John could not hold on any longer and began to fill his seatmate’s pussy with cum as she had another orgasm.

The woman slid over to the middle seat as the stewardess crawled under the blanket and ate her pussy to another cum. John’s spent cock jumped a bit when he realized the stewardess was eating his cum out of the woman’s pussy.

The blanket was not quite big enough to cover all three and John worried about being discovered but the stewardess knew they were the only ones awake in their section of the plane. The woman that had begun the episode did not seem to care whether she had an audience or not.

Before the stewardess stood she had John’s cock briefly in her mouth and his seat companion was now completely nude.
The woman took his cock in her hand, cuddled to him and fell asleep.
Much to John’s surprise he fell asleep too.

Two hours later she was again fucking him under the blanket. His slacks and underwear were now pooled around his shoes on the floor.
He thought he must have helped with that task but did not remember it as his awareness had begun with the fuck.

After her orgasm his companion just stayed over him with his cock still in her pussy and went back to sleep.
That time John had no chance of going to sleep. His still erect cock was very much enjoying the wet warm pussy enveloping it.

A few minutes later the stewardess returned and knelt on the middle seat,.
At her urging John ran his hand up her skirt and found a wet unprotected pussy. He slid his middle finger in and used his thumb to caress her clit. She had to swallow a loud moan then stood and returned with another blanket, sat next to him and pulled his hand back to her pussy under it.

She turned towards him and kissed him passionately. Somehow the kiss felt much more meaningful to each of them than just having fun on an airplane. She had a big orgasm during the kiss.

When the woman on his lap awoke she opened the stewardess’ blouse and began to suck her very fine tits. The stewardess had to swallow another loud moan. She again kissed John.

She whispered, “We will be turning the lights on in twenty-five minutes. You two have just enough time for another fuck before she needs to put her clothes back on.”

The woman immediately began fucking John as the stewardess placed his hand on her bare tit and kissed him with intensity before buttoning up and leaving.The woman fucking him had an orgasm then kissed him hard.

She then wrapped the blanket around her nude body and carried her clothes to a lavatory to get dressed. A different, older stewardess went in with her and came out just seconds before the lights came on. She was wiping her face as she licked her lips.

While he was alone John had put his slacks back on and cleaned his lap the best he could. He was happy he had worn black slacks.

The woman returned to her seat and gave John a passionate kiss that tasted of pussy. After she sat she reached under the blanket and kept her hand over his mostly exhausted cock. He had not cum on her last fuck but his cock was fine with the soft petting it was getting..

The first stewardess came back with hot wet towels for everyone but gave the woman three, apparently she thought some cleaning up John’s lap would be necessary. The woman slid the washcloth over his lap and John ended up with a partial erection.

“a****l” the woman said and gave him a passionate kiss as she squeezed his cock.

The stewardess returned for the towels and lifted the blanket covering John’s lap. She smiled when she discovered the woman gripping his exposed cock as she dabbed the washcloth over it. She took over the cleaning and the woman allowed the stewardess to grip his cock as she cleaned him up.

The cabin was now brightly lit, morning had returned, and John found himself staring at the stewardess, she was the most mesmerizing woman he had ever seen. His look made her blush.

She was a freckled faced redheaded all American girl with a fabulous body. Her name tag read Diane.
She softly kissed him and reluctantly slid his now alert cock into his slacks then went on to do her job.

When she returned with breakfast she kissed John’s sex partner on the lips then kissed his.
That kiss lasted forever but not nearly long enough and felt like the one he had always hoped for but had never happened. Both were blushing when it ended.

After breakfast his seat companion gave him a big kiss and said, “Every time I am on an overnight flight I want you next to me,” then kissed him again.

They were the last two to exit the plane after landing and the woman and John kissed the stewardesses cheek and said thanks.
The stewardess looked at the crotch of his pants and nodded approvingly. There was no sign of the ordeal his lap had just gone through.

While on the ramp the woman gave John a loving kiss and said, “I go first so you can admire the ass you fucked three times and so my husband does not see us together. Bye.”
She kissed him again and went on.

John just stood there and thought, “I can’t believe what just happened to me.”
Sex with complete strangers had not even been a wild dream for him.

Kissing the stewardess like he would kiss the love of his life had been disconcerting, he never expected to have that thrill.
As he resumed walking he allowed himself a small smile, he had just realized was now a member of the mile high club.

He took his time walking to luggage pickup and before he found the right carousel a redheaded woman’s hand had interlaced her fingers with his.
He smiled.

Diane asked him which hotel he was staying in and she grinned when he told her. She kissed him right then and there as luggage rode the merry-go-‘round.

Someone slapped her butt and kept on going.
John saw the assault had come from the stewardess that went into the lavatory with his seat companion. She may have been the crew supervisor he thought.

They shared a train seat and rode into the city. He listened in on the conversation Diane had with her mates for a few moments then closed his eyes and dozed off. Diane nudged him when the train began to slow and when it stopped they walked off the train together.

Their hotel was walking distance from the station and they joined the group pulling their luggage behind them including others from the flight crew that included the older woman. Most of the conversation was between her and Diane.
None of them saw anything unusual when Diane stayed on the elevator when they got off.

When they were in his room she said, “We need a shower” and joined him in it. They began a fuck in the shower and finished it in bed then fell asleep.

She was sucking his cock when he woke up.

“We need to find some brunch, I’m starving,” she said as she mounted his cock.
John was surprised to see that even though she did not have to do so she still swallowed her orgasmic moans.

After her cum he rolled them over and fucked her with intensity until he filled her pussy with sperm. She had two more orgasms along the way. Her orgasm were a bit louder that time.

They cuddled and kissed before dressing and heading out for food. They held hands.

They got to know each other at the restaurant. He told her he would be in Milan just three days before returning home.

“Do you have a room at the hotel?” he asked.

“Yes, two floors up. The airline pays for it. I was hoping I could stay with you, though.”

“Of course you may. How often do you do stuff like this?”

“Rarely, never with a man until today.
Can I be your lady while we are in Milan?”

“I thought you already were.”

She smiled and kissed him then asked, “What are you doing while in Milan?”

“I am picking up a suit, then going to a symphony and an opera at La Scala.”

“Ooh. I always wanted to go to La Scala but none of my mates are interested.”

“I have two tickets for each show, the symphony is tonight.”

Umm, why do you have two tickets?”

“My sister planned to come but found the next love of her life or possibly the weekend and passed on the trip. The empty seat next to mine was hers, until the woman decided she needed it.
My sister has friends in the area and I have to say hello to them at some time tduring this stay. You will like them, they are aggressively lesbian.”

“I’m not aggressively lesbian, I am an equal opportunity lover. By the way, my real name is Diane but people close to me call me Didi. Do most people call you John?”

“Yes, but my close friends call me Jack.”
He kissed her lips and said, “Happy to meet you Didi.”

She kissed his lips and said, “Likewise Jack.”

Jack smiled to himself, this gorgeous woman had looked up his name on the seating chart.

As they left the restaurant she said, “I need to go shopping, I don’t have a going to the opera dress. Come with me please.”

Jack nodded and off they went to the shops around the Duomo and she bought a simple but stylish dress that made her eyes look brilliantly green.

She had come out to ask his opinion on a couple of dresses but he had simply kissed her when she came out with the one she chose.
Jack followed her back into the dressing room and kissed her tits and pussy before going back out.

As he picked up his suit at a famous men’s clothier she went into his dressing room, briefly sucked his cock then walked out.
They went into the Duomo and sat at an outdoor cafe and people watched as they drank wine.

“I’m not very pretty,” she suddenly and quietly said.
Her face was covered with freckles.

He kissed her and said, “You are much better than that, you are striking. I can’t take my eyes off you. I know I will never forget you.”

He kissed her again as a tear fell from her eye.

“Make love to me,” she said.

He paid the bill and they walked back to the hotel. They made love for an hour and took a nap and when they awoke went into the shower together and kissed as they touched all the way through it.
They dressed and headed towards La Scala and its symphony’s concert of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

Amazingly Didi had never been to a symphony concert and was just mesmerized. The talent of the lead violinist who was also the conductor was something she had found hard to believe. She asked Jack who he was then asked who wrote the music. He told her then pointed out her ticket had that information on it. He also said he kept an album with all his ticket stubs and she may wish to save hers.
She thanked Jack for the experience over and over.

They went to a fine restaurant and gushed over their food and had wine before, during and after dinner. When they got back in bed they fucked the hell out of each other. They slept well.

Didi woke up early the next morning with Jack kissing her pussy. She reached down to caress his hair and he lifted her clitoral hood and sucked in her clit. Her orgasm came quickly and he was adoring her tits as her breathing returned to normal.
As he kissed her lips his cock slid into her pussy and she had another cum.

He fucked her slowly, gently. She stayed on the verge of a big orgasm for a while then he stopped and kissed her deeply. She immediately had the biggest orgasm of her life as he ejaculated in her.
She had groaned into their kiss but was not embarrassed by it because she may not have realized how loud she had been.

However, Jack was very pleased by her response to his loving.
He rolled her over him and they kissed until his cock slid out.

In the shower she asked him what was on the agenda that day.

“A visit to my sister’s friends.” Then he added, “In Venice.”

She squealed and hugged him tightly.

They were on the way to the train station before she noticed how early it was. They were on their way to Venice before seven that morning.

Jack’s friends met him at the station and he introduced Diane to them.
Didi liked their European cheek kisses because they actually kissed her.
She kissed them back.

In five-seconds they each knew the most important thing about each other and had already decided they would make love. Didi wondered if Laura or Brigitte would be the first to seduce her.

They took a water taxi to the island of Boruna and went to their place that was above a small restaurant. Laura and Brigitte, were both chefs, (as Jack’s sister was), and owned the restaurant below their home.

They saw no point in wasting time and the three women were soon nude feasting on each other, seduction had not been necessary.
Jack gave the women exclusive time with Didi and busied himself making coffee.

The women were eventually satisfied and after kissing Jack his friends went downstairs to open their restaurant. Jack undressed and joined Didi who was still naked in bed and began to make love to her.

But that was not what she wanted and she rolled them over and fucked him hard until his semen coated her pussy. She had one last orgasm then kissed him with as much passion as she had fucked him.

They cleaned up and dressed then went down to rejoin the women in their restaurant. They ate bread with a basil pesto and drank coffee. Every time either Laura or Brigitte walked by they kissed both Jack and Didi on the lips.

“Are you going to do the tourist thing or have you been here before?” Laura asked.

“We are doing the tourist thing, it is my first time here,” Diane said.

To Jack Laura said, “Take her to the square and have a chicken salad at the far right corner cafe then the fruit pastry from the cafe with a fedora on its sign. They have a new pastry chef and she makes a delicious thing with raspberries that is as tasty as she is.
By the way you are spending tonight with us.”

“We are?”

“Yes, we are nowhere near done with either of you.”

After big kisses. Jack and Didi took a boat to the island of Venice, found their way to St. Marks Square and to the small cafe. They sat at an outdoor table and watched the tourists feed the pigeons as they ate the chicken salad then walked to the pastry shop and got the raspberry tart and some red wine.
The girls had given them excellent references, lunch and dessert were fabulous.

Jack led Didi right through the large gaggle of pigeons and she giggled her way through it as Jack took pictures.
They strolled around the island as Didi went from gift shop to gift shop getting souvenirs. Jack bought her two souvenir shirts, one to wear in public and one to use as a night shirt.
Neither was embarrassed by her sudden public display of affection.

They stopped at a jewelry shop by a small plaza close to a gondola repair shop. Jack bought her a necklace and earrings to wear with her dress to the opera the next night.
Another major PDA ensued.

They decided to try a gondola ride and talked to an old gondolier that Laura had suggested they find. She had also suggested they speak to him in Spanish.
The old man immediately became their friend.

As they floated through the canals the gondolier sang a very nice song to them in Spanish that Jack knew and sang the chorus with him. Didi sang it too the second time it came around.

It was a magic moment for both, one neither would ever forget. They felt like long time lovers even though they had just met two days before.

They left Venice and took a vaporetto to Murano island and watched the glassmakers then after arranging delivery on two pieces returned to their friends on Boruna island. They took their stuff upstairs, showered and then dressed and went downstairs for dinner. It was already early evening.

Boruna was known for its fresh seafood and they had a fabulous fish and oyster dinner and a fine white wine.

When they closed the restaurant door Didi and Jack helped the ladies clean up and the four were soon upstairs. Brigitte and Laura went into the shower and Danielle followed them.

Jack was briefly confused since they had just showered but soon realized cleanliness had nothing to do with it.

Didi had hands on her pussy and mouths on her tits almost continuously. Her own hands are lips were not idle.

Eventually they left the shower, dried each other off, then after filling glasses with wine they sat in the living room and gossiped.
Didi learned that Jack’s sister was a lot like Brigitte and Laura and the two took trips to New York just to be with her and to shop.

They had met at a cooking academy in Tuscany and had ravished each other their first night there. Laura was from Barcelona, Brigitte from Marseilles, and Jack’s sister Rhonda was from Texas as was Jack. Their common language was Spanish.

Jacked played the photos he had taken that day for them and he was surprised he had shot over one hundred pictures of Didi, everyone a keeper. He was somewhat embarrassed when Laura and Brigitte exchanged a knowing look around photo number eighty.

Laura and Brigitte were fascinated by the two photos of the gondola repair place, they had never seen it. Neither Jack or Didi could explain to them where it was, they were lost at the time.

Later that evening after someone yawned Brigitte stood and ordered Jack and Didi to stand up from the love seat and pulled out the sleeper bed.
Laura got linens and pillows and said to Didi, “Jack, will be going to bed with us first. It is his duty. You can join us in bed if you want.”

“Well, I think I should. The one he is not servicing will need company I think.”

Jack fucked both women until they had fine orgasms as Didi did her part with the woman with the unoccupied pussy.
When the women went to sleep Jack took Didi to the sofa bed in the living room. He had every intention of making love to her but again Didi ravished him then promptly went to sleep. The smile as she slept was from realizing he had saved his cum for her.

When Jack woke up the next morning he was alone on the sleeper. He found the women asleep on the bed with arms and legs over each other, Didi was in the middle.
He decided against taking a picture.
Then did anyway.

Jack put on his boxer shorts and made coffee and its aroma brought the women to the kitchen. All were still nude. Jack took another picture.

Laura took out some bread and a tomato/basil pesto and between them they made the loaf of bread disappear.

“Which train do you need to catch back?” Laura asked Jack.

“The one at eleven something. We are going to the opera tonight and Didi has a hair appointment at four-thirty.”

“I do?” Diane asked.

“Yes, I remember you said that to one of your mates on the train to Milan.”

”Oh, I had completely forgotten.”

“In that case...,” Brigitte said and took Didi to the bedroom.

Laura knelt by Jack’s chair and sucked his cock back to life then straddled him and fucked him slowly until she had an orgasm.

She and her partner were soon dressed and left for work as Jack and Didi got ready to head back to Milan.

Before leaving they went into the restaurant and kissed Laura and Brigitte lovingly, then took a water taxi to the train station.
Both were asleep before the train was moving. They awoke about twenty minutes before they got to Milan.

As they walked to the subway Jack stopped at a Chinese import place and got Didi a medium size piece of luggage.

“You don’t have room in our luggage for the stuff you bought. Your new dress needs to be in your big bag and some of the stuff in your bag can go in here with all the stuff you got in Venice.”

“Good thinking, and I was not the only one to buy stuff.”

Jack smiled and decided against reminding her that everything he had bought was for her. As it turned out he did not need to do so as she was quickly overwhelming him with a kiss.
He paid for the bag.

That evening they were stunned when they saw the other dressed for the opera. Jack had a perfectly fitting absolutely black suit with a starched white shirt and a black bow tie.
Didi was jaw dropping in her greenish/gray gown and her new necklace was perfect with it. Her red hair was in a bun and her beauty shop make-up had her looking gorgeous.

All could see the pride Jack and Didi had in being with the other as they walked hand in hand to La Scala.

Diane had not expected box seats and was embarrassed by all the people looking at them.

“Relax, all the men are wishing they were me up here with you.”

“All the women are wishing they were here with you. This is my best non-sex moment in years, thanks.”

She kissed Jack and many sighed in disappointment.

The opera was one of Jack’s favorites and he was pleased to see Didi sobbing at the end.

After the show they returned to the same restaurant they had visited their first night there. She was happy to see that there were other formally dressed people in the place. She also noted Jack seemed to be comfortable with their attire anyway.
They ate as they stared at each other.

She said, “I have to be at the airport early tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah, so do I.”

“Are you on the same flight?”

“Your airline has only one direct flight from Milan to New York each day so we are going to be on the same plane again.”

Her great smile turned into a disappointed frown and said, “It’s a day flight, we wont get a chance to play.”

The plane will eventually land. How many off days do you have?”


“I want all four please.”

“You may have as many of my days as you want.”

She saw him start to say something but stopped.
She blushed when she realized what she had just said and tried to contain her emotions. She was saved by the servers clearing their table.

Unknown to both was that on Saturday nights the place brought in a band and became a ballroom.

They danced as they kissed and kissed as they danced until she whispered, “Let’s go to bed.”

They made love that night.

It was definitely a love making session since each knew they were in love with the other but were keeping that to themselves for protection.

They were afraid that any second they would be overwhelmed by their emotions and confess the way they felt so there was no conversation.

Both were terrified their relationship would end way too soon.

They packed after they made love and cuddled to each other as they slept.

They took a shower together the next morning but only kisses were exchanged.
They dressed, checked out of the hotel and walked to the train station and on to the airport.
Three of their flight crew sat around them on the train and all said how much they had enjoyed their stay.

All were surprised when Didi told them she had gone to the opera the night before and was still gushing about Venice when they got to the airport.

None spoke to Jack but Didi knew they were definitely checking him out. The older stewardess had at first seemed to be surprised to see they were still together and there was now a look of concern in her expression but did not speak to Jack at all.

Once at the airport Jack went to the check in at the airline counter and the flight crew went through security and on to their plane.
Thirty minutes later Diane greeted him as he was boarding and said, “Sir, please note your seat has been changed” and handed him a slip of paper.

He now sat on the last seat on the right side of the plane. The same seat he had occupied on the way over except he was now alone.

As he was buckling up the older stewardess softly put her hand on his shoulder and whispered to him, “You hurt her you die.”

She was smiling but it seemed to Jack it was a dangerous smile. Just in case Jack kissed her cheek. The lady walked away with a confused happy face..

It was a long boring flight interrupted by fly-by kisses from Didi that Jack enjoyed immensely. Once as she was leaning over to kiss him the older stewardess slapped her butt as she walked by.

Jack told Didi that woman had threatened his life.
She giggled then said, “You better listen to her, she is the meanest woman I know.
Did you really kiss her?”

“Yes, I hoped she would settle for just mutilation.”

“Good move,” Didi said and kissed him again.

For the duration of the flight each time Didi paused by him Jack caressed her ass in an attempt to assuage her pain.
At least that was what he claimed.
It did not help much, every time the older woman went past she slapped Didi’s butt.

During a lull of activity Didi sat with Jack and they held hands as they leaned towards each other. The flight crew just smiled at them. The older stewardess sat with them briefly and chatted with Didi and said something to him by name. She had called him Jack.
She apparently already knew all about him.
He kissed her cheek again.

Didi again caught up with him at luggage pick-up and they walked to a cab together. He told the driver his address and he took her home with him.
He lived in a loft a block away from Central Park and Didi was impressed with his home and his decor.

They took a shower together and went to bed naked but did not fuck, they kissed and cuddled and took a nap.
They made love when they awoke then he called his sister and told her she had somebody to meet.


“Yes, Didi.”

His sister quickly hung up.

Didi asked, “How does she know about me?”

“Brigitte and Laura; they e-mail, talk, Skype all the time. She probably knew all about you before we dressed for the opera.”

“We need to get dressed,” Diane said.

“That would be waste of time for you. She has a key and should by flying in here any second, she lives on the fifth floor. I need to get dressed.”

Jack had just dressed when his sister walked in. After a big kiss he guided her to his bed.

Didi was sitting on the bed wearing only a big smile. His sister was wearing only a t-shirt and that was on the floor before he closed the door behind her.

They emerged an hour later and he could see both had been crying. Each was wearing a Venice shirt.
His sister Rhonda hugged him tightly and whispered, “You fuck this up I’ll kill you,” then gave him a non-sisterly kiss.

It was the second time he had been threatened that day.

Jack looked at Didi and saw her shaking, tears were welling up in her eyes. He gave up.

He said, “I want all of your free days for the rest of your life.”

Didi squealed and jumped into his arms and crushed him with a kiss. His sister had been by the door and squealed her way back in and kissed both wildly then hurried out the door.

“My sister seems to like you,” he said.

“She told me she loves me. I love her. We may have just had our first and last sex. We are sisters now.

I have been so fucking in love with you for two days I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had already decided I was not leaving here until you put me in a cab and even then I would be coming back any time you asked.

Your sister told me you had been badly hurt by an ex fiancee and had not come close to loving anyone since.
She also told me that Laura and Brigitte noticed we were in love with each other immediately but saw we didn’t have a clue.

Thinking back I was probably in love with you before we went to Venice.
I knew I was in love with you before we got ready for the opera last night.
I was crazy in love with you when we danced. I love you more right now.”

She gave Jack a forever kiss. Jack absorbed it into his heart.

“Well, I guess we need to shop for rings,” he said.

“Oh,” she said into her next kiss.

He picked her up and carried her to bed. They made love through tears and laughter. Both were giddy.
That night they slept as peacefully as it is possible to do.

The next morning they flew to Las Vegas, married that afternoon, and had their honeymoon the next two nights.
They flew back home the morning of day four.
Didi had another overnight flight that evening.
Jack’s sister, the older stewardess, and Didi’s mother were the only people to make the trip with them.

The older stewardess, Miranda, was Didi’s supervisor and they had been on the same crew when they flew the Houston/JFK flights. When Miranda was offered the European flight she took Didi with her.

Didi’s Mom Sonja spent her three days in Vegas in the state of Astounded. She had never expected Didi to fall in love with a man much less marry. She loved Jack and his sister immediately after both called her Mom. She kissed both repeatedly. They kissed her repeatedly.
Miranda kissed her repeatedly.
Jack and Rhonda understood.

Their Mom had died when they were pre-school c***dren. Their father had remarried but they were teenagers by then. The two and his new wife managed to ignore each other amicably.
They were in St. Maarten not answering their phones so they would not know Jack was married until they got back.

Sonja was a bit dingy which both Jack and Rhonda loved. She felt like a Mom and they treated her like a Mom.
Before they returned to New York Jack was calling Miranda Mom too.
She almost suffocated him in a kiss.

Didi had opted for identical wedding bands and chose the one’s that already fit. She wanted to have a wedding ring before she flew again. Jack wanted that too.
They got their wish.

One year later Jack replaced her wedding band with a diamond set. Didi wore all three rings at the same time.

His sister Rhonda became Didi’s sister. They did everything together including hunt for women although Didi seldom ate her catch.

Didi did love the women in Venice and never stayed in Milan unless Jack was with her. Jack was with her twice more that year, once accompanied by his sister and once with Didi’s Mom who stayed with Miranda.

It was just Rhonda on two separate trips to Milan. The two took the train to Venice as soon as the plane landed.

In New York Jack and Didi went to operas, concerts and baseball games that included a Texas team.

Jack worked mostly from home. He was an accomplished engineer that designed software by commission.
He had become very rich when he sold his software company.
He did travel on business semi-regularly but those were all short trips, mostly to Northern California and to Austin.
Jack would always tell Didi his destination before his travels and allowed her to decide if she wanted to go with him.
She always said yes but his trips normally conflicted with the times she flew to Venice.

Eventually Didi saw no reason to leave him for three days at a time and resigned her job with the airline. She accompanied Jack on many of his trips and on each trip to Austin, her college town.
She also loved their trips to his hometown on the Texas coast.

Didi had once worked in a bakery and was very good at making breads. She was soon working for Jack’s sister at her restaurant and garnering accolades that improved the excellent rating the restaurant already had.

Didi ended up working just mornings because she wanted to get pregnant. They could get at least two and sometimes three fucks before they went to bed that night and fucked again.
It was a year later when they admitted to each other she could not get pregnant.
They did not stop their afternoon fucks just in case.

Rumors of extinction led them to his home on the Texas coast, they wanted to be with their love ones when the day arrived. They took Miranda, Sonja, Laura and Brigitte. with them.

Convincing them was easy, Rhonda and Jack told them their home town was full of bisexual women.

They met and talked to and loved a lot of people as they awaited extinction but no one in town seemed to be worried about it.

At a party in a friends house Didi, her Mom and their friends caught a glimpse of some strange people when they heard the explosion in the chemical plant ten miles away. The noise had startled everyone and the shapeshifter and the one usually cloaked showed their true forms. They knew they had been discovered and had simply nodded to them.

Rhonda approached the shapeshifter and invited her to make love. The shapeshifter took her hand and led her to a bedroom. Their first response after a close call was to have sex. Somehow all knew that.

Brigitte was helping a friend of Jack loosen the binds around the back of a small woman. She was stunned to suddenly see wings unfold but was soon distracted when the friend asked Brigitte to carry the woman to the kitchen, she had apparently injured herself. The blast had triggered her response to flee which for her was flying away. Laura carried her to the kitchen as she kissed her cheek.

The small one had run to the arms of the superintendent of schools and did not cloak herself for a few minutes. Jack got on his lap top and found a satellite view of the area then assured everyone that they were far enough away and the winds were blowing offshore so they would be OK.

All were helped by his reassurance and the small one decided not to cloak herself again. The wounds on the winged one were painful but not serious but she did not conceal her wings again.

“You knew about them?” Didi asked him.

“Yes, there are two more in town and the one clinging to Mo has her parents here often. They have been friends to us since Clara, you met her, since she saved their stranded Empress and present Emperor. Go join Rhonda with Sehel, she will welcome you.”

Didi looked at him in surprise the said,” OK,” and walked to the bedroom.

Jack’s new family and friends soon came to grips with their new reality and by the time they and the town were evacuated to an island in the middle of nowhere they were not surprised.

One week later Didi got pregnant.
And apparently so did t everyone else Jack had fucked which included Brigitte and Laura, and Miranda.

Same as Diane Videos

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Introduction: He was a 21 year old virgin who needed help. Watch out! Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack? she asked, laughing. Old, my ass, mom said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend,...

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Teaching her son's best friend...“Watch out!” Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry...

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Copyright© 1995 All rights reserved It was my second furlough in London, and much different from my first. On my first, I had hooked up with three other kids, one guy and two girls, for my week's leave. This time, I was going to go it, on my own. This was the Christmas season, of the same year. I actually got there on Boxing Day. That is the day after Christmas, and there were a million kids on the streets. It drove me crazy, until I had it explained to me. The city was much more festive than...

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Rick Smith was feeling pretty good as he stood contentedly in the hot shower. He was still smiling after remembering his meeting yesterday with Larry his boss. Rick had done well over the past two years, and his company had recognized it, finally giving him a shot at landing a very important account. "You've got Cart Blanch on this one Rick," Larry had told him. "Whatever it takes, no matter what it takes, you bring this one home for us. It can make the difference of a good year or a great...

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I'd only lived in my house a couple of years when I started the garden. I was twenty-five years old and was working crazy hours at my small business.  Getting home around six-thirty in the evening left me little time to spend planting and weeding.  But, the destressing and solitude that it offered were worth the late nights.This wasn't my first time tending to a vegetable garden.  My grandfather and mother were both vegetable gardeners, and I helped them often as I grew up.  I knew the basics...

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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents' boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn't know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

First Time
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August, 2007 At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't...

4 years ago
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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents’ boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn’t know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 Dan laid next to Dian in disbelief. "My god what is wrong with me, why did I let this happen? The questions swirled around in his head, as he listened to Dian's even breathing as she lay sleeping beside him. Dan could not belief that he had let it go this far, after all this was his dead wife's daughter that he had just fucked. Dian Jackson grow up in a middle class home. She was a beautiful young girl with rich black silk skin, long flowing brown hair and deep coco brown eyes....

2 years ago
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The TakeTwo Project

What if you could... start over? Try again? Charge forward into life with a brand new perspective? Imagine a reality where you didn't have to look down at yourself and sigh; where you look in the mirror every day, with your ideal self looking back at you. Think of a world where problems like body dysmorphia didn't exist. Never too tall, too short, too thin or fat, too much or too little of any part of you, of anyone. Sounds good, doesn't it? From the welcoming arms of Encephalon Silver, we...

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Jimmys Demtigung

Jimmy hatte den Bus schon wieder verpasst. Egal wie schnell er es versuchte seine Schulb?cher zu packen und sich von seinen Freunden zu verabschieden, es war zu sp?t. Es war fast als ob der Fahrer es genoss zu wissen, dass er 4 Kilometer in der K?lte zu Fu? nach Hause laufen musste.Seine einzige Jacke war d?nn. Es war ein Geschenk zu Weihnachten, das er vor 2 Jahren erhielt. Sie passte nicht mal ?ber seine Schultern und an seinen ?rmeln war sie viel zu kurz. Es war ihm peinlich sie zu tragen.Seine Jea...

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Meeting a new Friend

I am 5” 9” and about 185 lbs. and in pretty good shape. I believe I am a good looking guy or so I have been told. I also do not look close to my age. I have never liked hair on my body so I have shaved all the hair from my body a very long time ago. I have absolutely no hair on my body from the neck down. I also have a small cock. It is only 3.5” when it is hard and about 1.5” soft. In my ad I never mentioned that I shave my body or that I have a small cock. One day I finally got a...

1 year ago
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The Kings Daughter Chapter 1

Informed earlier in the day I had been betrothed to a woman of a faraway island, I struggled to sleep. Distressed, I had decided to go for a walk in my grey-blue silk bathrobe, eyeing the servant girls that passed, all as diverse as trees in autumn. They chuckled to themselves, some eyeing the bit of my broad chest exposed by the robe. Our continent had broken off from the world some decades ago, giving us a diverse population (for which I was very thankful) and left us with some modern...

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A Sailors StoryChapter 2

Unlike many people who join the military, I was perfectly suited for my role. My small stature and mechanical abilities made me an invaluable asset on the submarine. Living your life with 154 other men in extremely close quarters is, however, very difficult unless you are comfortable in your own skin. Privacy is practically nonexistent on a sub, even one the size of the Ohio. When we would go out on patrol, we would carry enough food for approximately 60 to 90 days and could travel anywhere...

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BodyguardsPart 2

As expected, the product announcement generated a LOT of interest. The auditorium floor was still buzzing as Mei and Wei hustled me out the side door. The locked case chained to my left wrist was, at my bodyguards' insistence, suspended by a strap under my left arm and the chain velcroed to my arm, allowing me freedom of movement, without having the chain flopping around uncontrolled. This left both hands free for whatever might come up. The girls were dressed in loosely fitting jumpsuits...

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Spizoo Megan Fiore Enjoys Outdoor Fucking

Megan Fiore is an expert in using a fishing pole, but her talents shine most when handling her man’s pole. The beautiful hottie with big tits doesn’t hesitate to drop to her knees to give Kristof Cale a sloppy blowjob. It doesn’t matter to her that they are outdoors. Megan lies on the ground and lets Kristof lick and finger her bald pussy. The gorgeous slut loudly moans as Kristof stretches out her pussy in the spoon. She can feel every thrust going deeper into her pussy while...

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Sex with a Stranger in a Panel Shop

Natasha was taking the full force I could dish out. I held her legs tight together as my cock spread her greedy cock hungry hole. Again and again I pounded into her, watching her roll her head around the table where 5 of the guys sit each day to eat their food. I bet nothing ever tasted as good as she did on here. It was already 6pm and everyone else had left the panel shop and headed out for their long weekend. I had drawn the unlucky straw and had to wait for the customer, Natasha, to pick up...

Sex With Stranger
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Compensation for Damages

"Thank goodness it's Friday," said Mary. "You got that right," added Kevin. Mary and Kevin were on their way to dinner and then to a movie. They both had had a grueling week and looked forward to a relaxing evening out. It was July, it was hot and Kevin had begun to perspire. As Kevin fiddled with the truck's air conditioner Mary went down a mental list of restaurants that the couple liked. Kevin couldn't help noticing Mary's sexy legs as he adjusted the air. They were covered...

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The Reunion 8211 Part 2

Hello friends! This is Malvika Kapoor with the second part of the series. I got a lot of love from you all in the form of mails on the previous part. That encouraged me to present you the further details. So close your door, turn off the lights, open your pants and do what you are best at! It was difficult for me to believe what was happening. My first night out in Delhi and I met a charming business tycoon. Vaibhav and we texted each other till Ishan arrived. I gave Shweta a few pills that...

2 years ago
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How Does Your Garden GrowChapter 2

The pizza got a bit cold while David ravished Denise, but neither of them minded, nor Andrea when they emerged, both clothed, having taken a shower after the first round of sex, of course. From the satisfied look on her niece’s face, Andrea knew that her husband had done her proud, in fact. He had made it so pleasurable for Denise on her first time that she wouldn’t want to give it up ever. The possessive way that David patted Denise’s butt was telling as well, as he used to do that to Andrea...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ke Sath Ek Anokha Khel

Hello indian sex stories dot net  dosto, me rishabh aaj aapke liye ek nayi story lekar aaya hu..Pehle me apne baare me bata deta hu,22 saal ka hu, dikhne me bhi acha hu,,. ()..Meri story ke baare me mujhe is email par batae…Or any girl ya lady indore ke paas relationship chahti he to mujhe contact kare… To ye kahani kuch 3 months pehle ki he, mere ghar me mere mom dad meri sister rehte he, or side me hi mere chacha ji ka ghar he jisme chacha or chachi rehte he chachi or mere beech me shuru se...

1 year ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 10 Gathering Storm

"Ohhhhhh! OHHHH GOD!!!" Moans flowed freely from James' mouth as Bayonetta's fist slurped in and out of his well stretched pucker. It was late morning and although their play session had stretched on for nearly two hours, Mistress showed no signs of slowing. His beautiful, latex-clad Domina grinned deviously as she plunged her shiny hand into his warm, succulent bottom over and over. She went to the elbow with each glorious thrust, watching in delight as her slave squirmed in his...

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rich jewish wife i pleased

one day i was fooling around on a black single website, i go here to see the many white women that want black men. after about 30 mins i click on a profile of this beautiful white woman, beautiful smile, hair in a nice cut and color, reddish brown with highlights on the tips, and lovely hazel eyes. i had to send her a comment, so i sent the comment and 5 mins later she responded. we went on for a few, then she asked do i have anymore pics? i sent back i do but they are a little xrated and i...

1 year ago
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An Strict English Education in Thailand

Back in the early 70s after I had finished my degree in the UK I saw an ad in a national daily for an English teacher to work at a  school in Thailand. I liked the thought of it and wanted to see some of the world so applied and received an invitation to teach there. What subsequently happened there I have kept private for legal reasons. However, I feel a need to confess my shameful part in the day to day operation of that school. Maybe I will sleep easier. I cannot name the school and I have...

2 years ago
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Yakima fucking Washington

I had business. Don't ask. I was in Yakima "fucking" Washington at the Holiday fucking Inn. I kept getting a hard on all day, I was so fucking horny. I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel, log on with my laptop, watch some videos on the you porn gay site and jack myself to satisfaction. Except, when I got back to the hotel, I knew I didn't want to pretend, what I really wanted was to shoot my load in another guy's willing mouth, hot ass or both. Anonymous sex is what I...

Gay Male
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Love and Loss

Darren was about 6.5ft. with short brown spiky hair, with a bit of blonde in the back, he had sky blue eyes and usually blushed, so his cheeks were always bright pink, he had a great body with the showing of his six pack and that subtle v shape at the bottom, showing every time he took his shirt off. I on the other hand was only 6ft. with medium length straight black hair, green eyes and had a small six pack barley showing, but slowly emerging. Darren and I went through all of primary...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Girlfriend Bathing And Recorded In Hidden Camera

Hi Guys, This story is about a girl who was from CG; she studied in Bangalore MBA college. Can’t tell you the name and college, she was Sindhi and was a fucking hot chick of college with damn good attitude. She was very proud about herself. Every boy of the college wanted to touch her once or see her assets. We met in CG and she became my gf, I just kissed her and touched boobs for 1-2 years. Then she moved to Bangalore and I moved to some other city, I went to Bangalore to meet her couple of...

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 3

The next day was overcast and cool, but perfect for a walk up to Carnac. If you've never been there, well it's a bit like Stonehenge, only the stones go for miles. Kerry and Martin were fascinated, though they both tried to appear completely cool about it and the old digital camera was clicking like mad as Paula tried to get as many of us into the pictures with the stones as possible. At last though we wandered into the town of Carnac itself, which was a bit of a tourist trap, but had a lot...

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My high school sweetheart, Linda, was such a slut. At the tender age of 16, she had already fucked around with several guys before me, a couple of them much older than her. She was desired by many, and I enjoyed hearing about her past sexual escapades. I also enjoyed her wild libido and impressively high stamina. As bored, horny teenagers, it was not uncommon for us to fuck for hours at a time.We continued to date through college, where she affirmed her reputation as a super slut, but I would...

1 year ago
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My Sex Life Episode 5 Amy Returns More Kinky Than Ever

Everything went like it use to go she would apologise to me I would accept it bing bang boom we talked about our next sex meetup I really wish I could fuck her right now but I was on the other side of my country right now the bad thing was ive been here for 2 weeks and have been sharing a bed with my mother and haven’t been able to relieve myself like I normally do every night before bed I was very eager to fuck her again I just had to bite my lip and wait just a few more days. After what...

2 years ago
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Dante Abbracciavento PI Find the man with the buckles on his shoes Pt 3

Welcome to Little Italy, Viv The next day, Leo made his way up to my office just before lunch time. He wanted to apologize to Viv. He had bought flowers for her. A dozen long stem roses.When Viv saw Leo walk through the door she panicked. She froze behind her desk. "Viv," Leo said to her, "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I offer you these flowers as a token of my friendship and a sign of my deep regret for scaring you." Viv couldn't...

3 years ago
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Erotic New Year8217s Eve Party 8211 Part II

Hello everyone. This is Ankur Roy, a 21 year old man from Mumbai. I’d wrongly mentioned my email id last time. Sorry for the mistake. The correct email address has been given at the end of this story. This story is a continuation of the first part. So, ideally you should read the part I first. Nonetheless, you’ll get a hang of the story from this part as well. A brief recap of the first part here; I went for a New Year’s Eve party on 31.12.2014 at a venue in Navi Mumbai. I went there alone and...

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Playtime With Denise

My stepmother and I have been having sex for the past year. She’s very horny and loves sex almost as much as me. She’s so pretty and is a sex addict. She loves to have sex with my friends and myself. I know you must be thinking that isn’t very good. She has even helped me and my guy friends have sex. She loves to help with all of her sexy ideas. Her name is Denise and she’s forty years old. She’s 5’7” with blond long hair and has blue eyes. She has the greatest body you’ve ever seen. She has...

2 years ago
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The Desert Tulips 8211 Part 2 At Jodhpur

We alighted at Jodhpur and the twin teen girls asked me as to where I would be staying. My booking was at hotel Pal Haveli near Cloak Tower. I invited them for dinner the next night. My programme at Jodhpur was for three days and two nights and then I was to go to Sam desert camp for further photo shoot. The girls were excited and told that it was their long time ambition to dine at that hotel and tonight. After checking in at hotel, I had breakfast and had sound sleep to wake up only by...

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The Haunted House Part 2

It had been our dream to run a Bed and Breakfast Inn, and, after we had toured the house, in spite of the behavior of the real estate agent, we bought it and immediately began to refurbish it. The house came with an attic full of near-perfect victorian furniture, which we were determined to use. The only problem was getting the pieces out of the attic and into each of the upstairs bedrooms. As both myself and my wife discovered, there was something about the attic that led us to some bizarre...

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A Prostitute Satisfied My Father8217s Lust

This story is a true one. I and my family is based in the city of Howrah, West Bengal. My family consists of my father, mother me, and my chacha chachi. My father is a trader and is middle-aged and my mom is a few years younger. This is about my father’s‘ kands’ and ‘tamashas’. He is very strict with me and my mother. The family and does not give us money to spend easily even though he is earning well. About two years back things started taking a new turn. My father started to come home very...

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Family Love Pt 2

Part 2 Linda was extremely horny watching her daughter and husband cuddle on the blanket.  Mark saw the hungry look on her face and whispered to Penny that they should take care of her before she goes mad.  Penny giggled and sat up.  She pulled her mother over her in a 69 position, Linda’s butt in the air.  Penny had never eaten out anyone before, but her mother smelled so erotic, she stuck out her tongue to lick her.  She also had a perfect view of Mark’s dick that was aimed straight for...

1 year ago
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Hi there cutey pie Sitting here thinking bout how yummie your lil banana would be topped with whipped cream and a cherry... Sultry siren grabs you by the hands and drags you up on the table kicking and protesting. She pins your hands way above your head watching you squirm and shout. Passersby look down laughing at the odd lil man thrashing his body and legs wildly on the table. "Help me he cries!" his eyes pleading. They just snicker and walk away as Sassy and Vixen...

2 years ago
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The first girl i had sex with was my sister, Tara. She was drop-dead beautiful, with 38C breasts, plus she was about 5'6" and 120 pounds. She also had green eyes, and dark red hair.I can remember the day like it was yesterday. I was 13, she was 16. Our parents were visiting friends, and they left us by ourselves for most of the day. Tara had been acting weird towards me all day, so i wondered what was up."Tara," i asked, "why are you avoiding me?"She wouldn't answer, she just sat there and...

1 year ago
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Leona in Brazil

Mike journeys to Brazil, and discovers a sultry Latina by the name of Leona. Adults Only. All characters are 18+ Written by LoneGarif For the illustrated version that includes a video at the end, go to: http://storiedporn.blogspot.co.nz/2013/02/leona-in-brazil-story.html ============================================================== Mike had never been to Brazil before. In fact what inspired him to take the plunge and journey to the South American country was precisely because...

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Envelope 8

Envelope 8 Before selecting an envelope from the usually effect box I was prompted to select an envelope from a new box.The box was pink with pink enveloped inside it. The card inside simply said, "Panties & Pacifier". I was then handed a pair of pink and white panties. They had thick elastic around the top and each leg. The underlying color was white and elastic trim was bright pink. It was also covered in prints of flowers and bows and hearts in various shades of pink. The...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Angel Youngs Take It From Here

It’s Angel Young’s anniversary, and she has a bit of a surprise planned for her hubby. Decked out in sheer lingerie that really highlights her incredible body from her tits to her slim belly, Angel lays down to snap some naught selfies. She sends her photos to her husband, along with texts begging him to come home. Angel’s husband bursts her bubble by telling her he has to work. When Angel hears about her husband’s plan, she is disappointed but open to taking care of her...

3 years ago
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Didi Se Pyar Hua Part 8211 2

Part 1 me aur Didi ek dusre ki baho me sofa par bethe the. Ab aage. Me aur Didi ek dusre ke gale lage huye the. Hum alag huye. Dono ne ek dusre ki aankho me dekha. Didi ne muje smile di aur dhire se mere forehead par kiss kiya. Me bahit khus ho gaya aur Didi ke breast par apna sir rakh diya aur unko apni baho me le liya. Muje pata hi nahi chala me kab so gaya. Lekin jab me utha to apne aap ko mere room me paya. Sam ke 5 baje the. Me turant bahar aaya. Didi vaha nahi thi. Me unhe dhundne laga...

2 years ago
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Flying HighChapter 3

I pushed my hips forward and felt myself slip between her pussy lips, all nicely moist from my licking her and I just pushed right up into her all the way. It was that moment when I realized just how wonderfully the female body was constructed to receive the male to the absolute joy of both. Nothing equals it. "Mmm, nice, David, you like it so far?" "Oh, I ... I ... you feel incredible inside, it's just wonderful," I stammered as I began moving back and forth. Oh, that was simply the...

2 years ago
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The Education of Marnie

Having just lost my wife of forty-plus years, my daughter and son-in-law thought it a good idea for my grand-daughter Morgan to drop in on me after school. This was a win-win for everybody. Morgan had a safe place to go after school,  Kelly, my daughter, could work second shift at the hospital, Rob, her husband, could concentrate on his export business which took him out of the country regularly, and I had companionship to take my mind off my grief. Every time she came over she brought her BFF,...

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Becoming his girl Sissy story by GirlyGay

In the summer after my eighteenth birthday, I met Nick. He was a thirty-something who lived in our building. My parents had gone for their yearly European trip, and I had been left behind this year because I had college orientation during what would have been the last week of their trip. Mooning and alone, with nothing to do for four whole weeks until my flight up west, I took to the pool to catch some sun. I had not bought new trunks in a while, and so my old ones were riding high on my...

3 years ago
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Sunday Service

Matthew F. X. Fitzgerald’s morning erection hovered over the sink as he leaned against the vanity. A pair of brown eyes stared blankly back at him from the mirror. Blink. He popped the toothbrush into the brass holder and wandered down the hallway, trying to tuck his stiff joint back into the fly of his pajamas. Damn annoyance, he thought, a waste of good wood. He wondered what his wife had gotten into so early on a Sunday. This was the one day of the week he could sleep late. Yet, somewhere...

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33 Vancouver Opening Act Alone

Saturday, November 28, 2015 FADE IN, ARENA, VANCOUVER, CANADA The arena is filled with people. The headliner is Michiko Takahashi, the fourteen year old singing sensation who has been setting music fans a’twitter for nearly nine months now. The people gathered in this arena are looking forward to her show, but tonight there’s actually more buzz about her opening act. The news media, which had been following the case of the two nine-year-olds, Paul Clare Macon and his girlfriend Paula Claire...

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Lion Terrace

Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, January 1941 Rachel Scotland Martin Wainwright walked from the Dockyard Gate along Queen Street, passing Brickwoods' Brewery on his left, and breathing in the rank smell of the malt and the sour overtones of the wort with some deep breaths. He wasn't overly concerned with the pubs he passed, as each one showed no light in the blackout, and the raucous sounds of conversation, singing or in one case shouting, exited unfiltered by the blackout curtains. Each...

1 year ago
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Karen and Michelle2

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 11, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues at Deb’s Party Supplies Karen went out to the van that she was driving and got in the driver’s seat and put her arms on the steering wheel and started crying...

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The fishing trip

It all started when my BF and I booked a holiday to Cancun in Mexico. As much as I loved him I sometimes found him a bit lacking in excitement especially on holidays. As much as I like sunbathing I also like to do things. Anyway I was trying to get him to take me on a trip and all he did was moan that they were boring or too much money so I had almost given up hope.In the resort there were lots of Americans who were usually loud but friendly. One of the guys was quite friendly and seemed nice...

4 years ago
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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 4

"Katina asked me to wait out here and warn you of their presence. Whatever is going on isn't bad but it is serious." He said. "Okay. Should I go inside?" I asked. Jamal nodded and accompanied me. As we walked in, he announced, "Here is the man himself, Handor!" Katina grinned. Our three visitors looked up at me. I felt like I was being thoroughly searched for any redeeming values by both of Susan's parents with questionable results. Susan looked over at Katina and said, "Sister,...

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The Sluts Diary Part 1

But then, I can't really call myself a whore. Not once I took anything from a guy for fucking... well if I don't count the better grades when I bent over my math teacher's desk or the scratched speeding ticked when I let the cop shove it in my ass. I wasn't always like that. believed in love once. I was 15 and knew nothing about life and men then. I was dating Johny Reeds, he was few years older and so darn good looking, and I trusted him when he told me he will love me forever if I...

1 year ago
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A Super Heros SlutChapter 3

Peter checked out the room numbers as he walked down the hall. When he got to room 914 he wondered if the desk clerk had gotten it right. He knew that he was reasonably close to the right place because his Spider Sense was tingling enough to tell him that Kraven was close by and doing something that he shouldn't be. But room 914 didn't look like an office; it looked like the door to any other hotel room. He tried the door and was surprised when it opened under his hand. He walked into a...

1 year ago
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Slutmommy Goes Wild

Carla Carrington sighed, took a sip of her vodka collins, and pulled the strap of her bikini away from her back. She was restless. No, she was just totally fucking horny, craving sex in the worst way. As she lay in the early Saturday afternoon sun, she reminisced about her college days when she had been a real party girl. When Carla first experienced sex at the age of 18, she couldn't hold back. Carla had fucked at least half of the Deke house at Ole Miss, lots of Kappa Sigs and even a few...

1 year ago
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Daddys Girl Was Watching

I've mentioned that my little sister and I have been sexually active with each other. That's an understatement. It seems like every time her and I have more than a couple minutes alone either I'm bending her over and stuffing my prick into one of her holes or she's got my cock in her mouth. Last night was no different. Having my three oldest daughters living with me makes sex of any sort difficult while I'm home. And on top of that I really didn't want my daughter's knowing that I was pounding...

1 year ago
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There have always rumors that the alpha lambda alpha had dark secrets but no one knew how dark the secret was. This was until a nerdy tutor would stumble onto the truth. John was in financial straits and was forced to tutor some girls at the local chapter of the sorority. As he walked into the house, he noticed a guy running out of the house. He then heard loud female voices coming toward a door that lead to the basement. The door had a small crack, so he slowly opened the door as he saw three...


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