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Introduction: He was a 21 year old virgin who needed help. Watch out!

Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her.

Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack? she asked, laughing.

Old, my ass, mom said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry.

Henry scooped up the ball, grinning at his second mom. Sorry, Ms. V it got away from me, and he planted a kiss on her cheek.

Her boys best friends literally from the day they were born. Diane and Carol, Henrys mom, met in the maternity hospital, where they shared a room. Their sons were born on the same day, almost at the same time. Diane was alone, Chriss dad was not able to cope with having a baby at age thirty-five. Carol and her husband, Paul, were first-time parents. They became like family, and the boys were inseparable. Paul filled the gap for Chris absentee father. Diane stepped in when Carol was killed in a car accident ten years ago.

Whereas Chris was the good-looking athlete and popular, Henry was not. He was not as tall and was always a big boy, but had the personality of a star, and was one of the smartest kids in their class. Henry supported Chris in all his sports. Chris defended Henry against every bully that went after him.

Diane thought back to their Senior Prom. Chriss date was the most popular girl in school, and they could have gone to the prom with the other popular kids, but Chris insisted that they go with his best friend. Little did he know that Henry had his own plans. He invited five girls, who otherwise would not have gone, to go to the prom with him. Diane and Paul hosted a dinner at her home, so that the boys could afford a limo. Her favorite picture was of the boys in their tuxes, one on each side of her, kissing her cheeks as she wore a corsage they bought for her.

Mom? Henrys eating here tonight, Chris called from the driveway.

So why would tonight be any different? she called back. Diane had a sad smile on her face as she walked toward the house.

Paul and Diane knew that on any given weekend, if either boys bed was empty he would be at his best friends house. Now, the boys were home from college for the last summer before their senior year. Diane knew it was probably the last time they would all be together, and she wanted the summer to be perfect. She and Paul had planned joint outings, special dinners, and got tickets to summer concerts and baseball games. There was also a huge 21st birthday party for them. It had been idyllic, but it was fast coming to an end.

After dinner, Henry helped clear the table as Diane loaded the dishwasher. Chris came into the kitchen after answering the telephone.

Hey, Ashley just called and invited me to the lake this weekend. Thats okay, right, mom?

You dont have to ask me, sweetie, but thank you for the consideration. Diane glanced at Henry, and saw a look of pain flash across his face.

Chris slapped him on the back. Sorry man. The woman always comes first, you know. Besides, youll have the whole room to yourself. He chuckled and went upstairs to pack.

Well, I guess Ill go then, Henry said, setting down the last of the dishes.

You know you dont have to. Your dad wont be back until Sunday, so youre more than welcome to stay here. Diane reached up and ran her hand through his short buzzed hair.

Henry looked down, a little embarrassed and shuffled his feet. Thanks, Ms. V. but&hellip,

No buts. Youd be doing me a favor by keeping me company. Besides, I think you still owe me a chance to win back the money I lost to you in gin.

Thanks, Ms. V. Ill go help Chris pack. Henry turned and left the kitchen.

Her sweet boy, Diane knew how hard it was for Henry to watch Chris go off and have fun. Her heart ached, wondering what the next year would bring. Chris would be off to pursue a career in television broadcasting, Henry would take his degree in forensic chemistry and end up at Quantico. But she had a feeling these two would always be as close as brothers.

It was supposed to be another warm night. Diane walked into the kitchen to get some ice water, when she heard the bounce&hellip,bounce&hellip,bounce of a basketball. She went outside to find Henry standing in the middle of the driveway, just bouncing the ball.

Henry? Why dont you come inside, sweetness? Its hot. Ill get you something cold to drink and maybe we can play some cards.

No said Henry as he turned away.

Diane walked over to him, placing her hand on his back. Whats wrong, baby? she asked softly.

Nothing, he said sharply.

Henry, youve always been able to talk to me. Come on, whats wrong?

Not about this I cant.

Of course you can. Henry, weve always been able to talk about anything.

Henry threw the ball at the garage hard. His face was red with anger as he turned to Diane and said, You wanna know? Do ya? Im fucking twenty-one years old and Im still a fucking virgin!

With that the young man dropped his head and turned away from her, walking towards the backyard.

Diane didnt quite know what to do. She went after him, and found him sitting on the picnic bench. She put her arm around his shoulders.

Its going to happen, sweetness and its going to be beautiful. Someday the right woman will come along and you will make her so very happy.

Thats bullshit and you know it. And wait for how long? Till Im fifty and can afford a hooker?

Diane pulled him closer, his head rested on her breast. She bent her head to rest it on the top of his. His arms went around her, his one hand coming to rest along side her breast.

I just cant do this any more. I cant pretend to be happy for Chris. I cant pretend to be everyones buddy. I cant go back to college still being a loser.

Diane put her hand under Henrys chin. She tipped his head up so she could look in his eyes.

Henry, you are a wonderful young man and&hellip, Diane had nothing to add. She watched as his eyes got glassy. As she lowered her head to kiss his cheek, Henry turned and her lips met his.

She was so taken aback by this she couldnt move for a moment. The kiss was tender and sweet, but so, so wrong.

Oh god Henry, I am so sorry she said as she started to back away. Henrys arms did not loosen.

Why? Because Im a loser? Because youre ashamed of me?

No! No, Henry. Its not that, baby. I love you, but &hellip, His lips cut her off in mid-sentence.

He realized the person in his arms was a warm, living, breathing female. Henry pulled Diane onto his lap and firmly kissed her. His hand was no longer on the side of her breast, but was now cupping it massaging it.

Despite the protestations running through her head, Diane found herself being drawn into this slow, sensuous kiss. Her nipples responded to his touch by becoming hard, and there was that familiar tingling sensation as her panties started to become moist.

Wrong, wrong, this is so wrong was all she could think as she half-heartedly tried to push away from him. Henrys arm stayed tightly around her, the hand cupping her breast went to the back of her head holding her lips against his. There was the unmistakable feeling of male hardness pushing into her ass. And his kiss his wonderful kiss, seemed to go on forever.

When at last he pulled away, Henry looked at her intently. There was passion in his eyes when he finally spoke. Ms. V? Diane? Please, please help me. Ive never kissed a girl before. Ive never touched a breast. Please?

His eyes begged her. His bottom lip trembled a little as he started to move his hand back to her breast. Diane looked at her boy, her young man. She had so much love for him, she would give up her life for him. Right now, she was filled with the need to make his pain go away.

But sweetness, do you understand I want your first time to be special? It should be with someone you love, not with an older woman.

But I love you. Dont you see? This would be special, perfect to me.

She was torn. Her mind told her to turn away now. Her heart told her that he needed this. Her body told her that she needed this. Diane bent her head and kissed his sweet lips once more. Henry held her close, one of his hands dropping down to her ass, squeezing it.

She ended the kiss, looking at him. Against her better judgment she said, Then come on, sweetness. Lets go up to bed. Its time.

Diane took Henrys hand, leading him into the house. Henry watched her ass, as they climbed the stairs. When they reached the top, he pulled her to him for a passionate kiss.

I need a shower he said, burying his face in her hair.

You use Chris bathroom. Ill use mine. Ill meet you in my room, whenever youre ready. She rose up on her toes and kissed him. No pressures, Henry. Dont worry about anything. Well just explore and see what feels good. Okay?

His voice cracked as he said okay and he almost walked into the wall as he turned. Oh god, he thought. Im really gonna fuck! Oh god.

Diane spent a little extra time getting ready. She made sure her arms, legs and pussy were shaved. She perfumed behind her ears, between her 42C breasts, the small of her back and behind her knees. She slipped a short blue nightgown over her head and brushed her blonde hair until it shone.

As she came into her bedroom, she saw Henry sitting on the edge of the bed. He was still damp from his shower and he wore only a towel. His body was pale and round.

He stood as she approached him and exhaled, Whoa&hellip,. as he looked at this curvaceous woman. Her nightgown hugged her body. Diane glanced down and noticed his towel was tented.

She walked right over to him and took him in her arms. She pressed against him as they kissed, and his cock stabbed into her belly. He started moving his hands fast, all over her body. Diane stepped back, out of his reach.

Hey, sweetness, slow down. Weve got all night. She turned and walked to the side of the bed, stopping to turn off the lamp on her bedside table. She folded back the bed covers and crawled into the middle. She patted the spot next to her. Come here, she told him.

As he walked to the side of the bed, his towel fell away, exposing his very hard six-inch cock.

Im not very big, he said shyly.

Oh, Henry, its perfect.

Diane put her hand out to touch him and his cock jumped. She thought for sure he would cum at that moment. She crawled over and sat on the edge of the bed.

Resting her hands on his hips she quietly said, Its beautiful, Henry. Now I want you to relax while I take care of things. Trust me. Its for both our benefit.

With that, she gently took hold of Henrys cock and lowered her head to wrap her lips around him.

Fuck! Henry almost screamed out when he felt her take him in her mouth. His knees felt weak and he thought he might pass out. Holy shit, he thought. His hand had never felt like that.

Diane went straight to work sucking him. She knew she had to get the first one out of the way, so that he could relax and enjoy himself.

Diane bobbed and sucked for just a few minutes before she felt him grab her head, forcing himself to the back of her throat. She almost gagged as he released a powerful stream of cum.

Jesussss&hellip, he moaned as he moved his hips, pumping his cock in and out of her face.

Diane waited for his spurts to end, and reached up to remove his hands from her head. Henry was visibly shaken and looked even paler than he had seemed. She took a moment to clean him, as he stood swaying and moaning.

When she was finished she looked up and smiled. She stood up and kissed his lips, so he could taste himself on her.

That better, sweetness?

Uh Huh.

Now come to bed Henry. Its time to play.

With that she got back into bed and made room for him to join her. He got in and lay flat on his back, staring at the ceiling with a far-off look in his eye. He looked scared. Diane sat next to him and began to talk.

Henry, let me tell you what happened. You were very nervous and if I hadnt done that you would have exploded before you were ready. Next time, youll last longer. Okay?

Uh Huh.

Now theres just one thing you need to learn about a blowjob. Try not to hold the womans head to you. A lot of women will gag and get scared if they think they cant get away. You can lay your hands on them, play with their hair, but dont hold them there. Let them take care of you and itll be much more enjoyable. I promise.

Henry turned on his side and looked at her mortified. Did I hurt you? he asked in a panicked voice.

She stroked his cheek gently. No baby, no. Im fine. You just need to learn how to hold a woman, Henry.

With that, Diane scooted down in the bed and lay back on her pillows. Her nightgown slid up her creamy thighs to just below her pussy. She lay half on her back and half on her side.

Henry looked at the woman who was such a huge part of his life. He saw her big, beautiful breasts slip out the V of her nightgown.

Diane noticed his stare. Do you want to touch them? she asked.

Uh Huh.

Just remember, always start gently, just like you did outside.

Henry carefully laid his shaking hand on her breast and began to massage it. Diane smiled at the feel of his touch.

Do you want to see them? she asked. Its okay, Henry.

Henry just nodded. He carefully slid the blue strap off her shoulders. The gown fell away from her body exposing her soft white breasts. He ran his hand over her flesh and then took his finger and traced around her nipple, watching as it began to harden.

They feel like velvet, he whispered.

Mmmm. Thats nice, Henry

Henry continued his exploration, lifting them, feeling their weight, massaging them and gently squeezing them.

Diane? Can I&hellip,

Sweetness, you can do whatever you like. Remember, start gentle. Your lady will let you know what she likes.

Henry leaned over her, lifted her breast and covered her nipple with his lips, kissing it. He tentatively licked all around the aureole before flicking the nipple with his tongue. He watched in awe as her nipple became even harder.

Ohhh. Go ahead, Henry its okay.

With that, Henry took her breast in his hand, placed his mouth over it, and began to suck. He was gentle and sweet. His hand started squeezing her in a milking motion, the longer he sucked. He switched to her other breast and devoted just as much care and attention to it.

It was wonderful and sweet, but Diane needed more.

Harder, Henry suck harder.

He was timid, a little afraid of hurting her, but Dianes hand went to his head and held it firmly.

Suck harder, Henry. Come on, baby, I need it.

Inhibitions pushed aside, Henry latched onto her breast as if he were expecting to be fed. A rush ran though Dianes body and she moaned. Her hips began moving and her gown slipped higher.

She took Henrys hand and slid it down her body over her ribs, past her belly, down, down to her bare, smooth pussy. She moved his hand up and down, showing him how to touch her.

Henry stopped his suckling to watch her guide his hand. He followed her lead moving it, caressing her skin. He ran his hand up and down her inner thighs. Diane opened her legs for him.

Her breathing got faster each time his fingers passed over her slit, but did not enter her. If he was trying to drive her nuts, he was succeeding.

Oh, for gods sake, Henry put it in me!

His hand stopped and he looked at her.

Oh, my god. Im so sorry. Diane came to the realization. Baby, havent you watched porn? Come here sweetness, Ill show you.

Henry just nodded. As if demonstrating a human biology lesson, Diane half sat up and spread her legs wide, bent her knees and began to show herself to him. She patiently explained the human female body, opening her lips to show him her womanhood. Henry watched but stayed mute, as she showed him and explained her hard pearl-like clit. She ran her finger in circles around it, rubbing it, so he could see the changes that took place in her body and on her face.

He was in awe of her tender hole and of its growing moisture. She sensed his hardening cock, as she drove two fingers inside herself to show him how to find her G-spot. He could hear the squelching sounds of her fingers moving in and out, and began to breathe more quickly.

The more Diane played with herself, the more her scent filled the air. Henry bent closer, then closer. She knew what he wanted, because she wanted it too.

She removed her fingers and held them under his nose. He reached for her fingers and sucked them into his mouth, tasting her for the first time.

Lick me Henry. You need to really taste a woman.

There was no hesitation. Henry lay down on his stomach, opened her hole with his thumbs and extended his tongue for the first time. From her sensitive perineum to her clit, he made one pass, licking her slowly, savoring her taste.

Oh yessss&hellip,.

He looked up. Diane was lying back on the pillows with her eyes half closed.

Henry was always a good student, and this time was no exception. Up and down he ran his tongue, enjoying the exploration of her most intimate place. He circled her clit slowly, every so often pressing it with his tongue, and giving it a little flick. Diane was moaning.

Now Henry, put your finger in me now she panted.

Concentrating his tongue on her sensitive clit, Henry pushed his middle finger inside her wetness. Diane felt the heat rising within her. She rocked her hips, fucking his finger, moaning. Her hands went to his head urging him on. He turned his hand and slipped a second finger in. He searched for her ridged, spongy area that Diane had explained was her G-spot. He felt the change in texture inside her, and began to rub.

Sucking, rubbing, touching, Henry was relentless. Dianes body started to tense as if hit by shock waves. Her back arched, she clawed the bed covers and screamed.

Oh God, Henry! C&hellip,C&hellip,Cumming!

He was treated to the warm juices that began to flow from her quivering pussy. He continued his rubbing.

No&hellip,, no&hellip,, no&hellip, – Goddddd&hellip, she panted.

He pulled his fingers from her and buried his tongue deep inside her now very wet hole, licking and sucking her. He would not stop, and her body writhed under him. He held her hips firmly, and continued to drink from her, until her struggles slowed and stopped.

Diane was trembling, finding it hard to come down from her high. He rose from between her legs to lie next to her. Diane looked at the young man staring at her.

Henry? Are you sure youve never been with a woman? Because, baby, that was amazing. You knew exactly what to do.

Henry blushed. You said the lady would let me know what to do, and you did.

Diane smiled at him. I dont know if I have any strength left, sweetness.

Diane absolutely glowed. Henry couldnt believe how beautiful she looked. She rolled over on her side facing him, and stroked his cheek.

My beautiful boy was all she said, before she leaned over to kiss him.

She did not kiss him like a mother kisses a son, but rather as a woman kisses a man. She pressed her body against his and slid her hand down in search of him. She was greeted by his hardness. She ran her hand lightly up his shaft and he moaned in her mouth as they continued kissing.

In one fluid motion, Diane lifted her leg and put it over Henrys hip, so that his cock was touching her warmth. As they kissed, she rocked her hips against him, pulling another moan from his mouth. His kisses became more demanding, and his hand reached to cup her ass and draw her closer to him. His movements were instinctive as he prodded her with his cock.

He looked confused as Diane pulled away from him and lay on her back. She spread her legs and gestured to him to come to her.

With a look of passion in his eyes, Henry got up on his knees between her legs. He had his cock in his hand, poised above her mound. Diane reached up and guided him to her wet entrance.

No words were needed. The feel of her heat and wetness against the tip of his cock drew him in. Slowly, he eased forward. Inch by inch, he relished the feeling of his cock being buried deep inside her.

He became aware of not being able to push in any further. Henry looked down at Diane and bent to kiss her. As their lips met, her legs wrapped around his waist, and pure animal instinct took over.

Henry began to rock his hips, and his cock started to glide in and out, just a little. The longer he moved, the more he withdrew and thrust back inside her. This was unlike anything he had ever felt. The divine feeling of her hot, wet glove on his cock began to overtake him completely.

He braced his arms at her shoulders and began driving in and out, harder and faster. Diane met him thrust for thrust, with the same urgency. Her nails dug into him and she tried to pull him in deeper. Sweat formed on his brow and dripped down on her. Henrys face contorted as he sought the pleasure he had dreamed of for so long.

In the silence of the night, you could only hear Henrys grunts, skin slapping against skin, and an occasional squealing sigh from Diane.

Going down on Henry prior to this act proved to be a wise move on Dianes part. He was all machine movement and endurance. In and out, harder, faster, pushing himself until&hellip,until&hellip,

Henrys arms stiffened and his hips pushed forward so hard, Diane was moved against her headboard. He threw his head back and let forth a yell.


Diane felt his cock explode and his cum shoot all the way up into her wet hole, setting off another orgasm of her own. He kept pushing and pushing into her while he continued to spurt. Her hands gripped him harder as she tensed and moaned in pleasure.

Ugh&hellip,ugh&hellip,ugh&hellip, he cried, as he felt her muscles contract and milk him dry.

When at last there was no more, Henry collapsed exhausted on top of her, his head buried in her pillow as his breathing began to slow to normal.

His body involuntarily shivered. Diane lay underneath him, running her hands up and down his back. When he finally raised his head, his hips moved and his cock slipped out.

Henry carefully got off Diane and lay down next to her. She was still panting as he drew her into his arms. At the same time, they sought each others lips.

Gone was the boy, gone was the virgin. In her arms lay a man. They held each other, kissing, whispering, for a long while basking in the afterglow of love-making.


Yes, sweetness?

Thank you. My god, thank you. I never thought&hellip,I never knew it would feel this good.

Diane kissed him tenderly and said, It was my pleasure, Henry. Truly, it was.

Um, I know that this wont happen again, Henry sighed.

Diane cupped his face in her hands and looked him straight in the eye.

Shhhh, sweetness, dont think about it. We still have the rest of the night.

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Get My Wish

by [email protected] and [email protected] Notice: This document contains explicit adult oriented sexually material If you are not at least eighteen years old ......LEAVE NOW! I meet him in a noisy restaurant and bar. We sit and talk quietly for an hour or so, and I decide to submit to this man who had contacted me originally on the internet. I was scared because I had heard a lot of people got hurt from these cyber romances, but I had also heard a lot of them were very happy with the...

2 years ago
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Chapter IV The Blonde And The Brunette

Three days to go until I move cities and start university; just three days left. I lie in bed reflecting on what’s transpired this past summer. It has, by far, been the best summer of my life. I think back to all the sex I had with Chelsea, all the times I fucked her, her succulent tits, her toned ass, the sexual sound of her moaning. I think about the first night she wrapped her soft lips around my shaft and how I could barely contain my aching cock.Since then, we fucked in almost every room...

1 year ago
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Screwing my way to the top

Sweat dripped from his forehead and splashed down onto my chest. Trickling past my clavicle and down my sternum as it hid between my cleavage. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes back as I felt the sensation of him entering me with such fervor. I could feel my body rocking back and forth as his hips continued to thrust forward between my legs. The sound of the table scooting across the panel flooring echoed in the glass room, which paralleled the vast metropolis outside. My hair kept tapping my...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Ashley Adams VR 23105

Your ex-girlfriend Ashley Adams (we know, “ex?!”) spies on your currently lady friend leaving your house, and after she makes sure she’s gone, she walks on in and starts questioning you about her tits! Are they as big as hers? Are they as juicy as hers? Does she give as good a blowjob as Ashley does? Whoa! It’s been a few months since your break-up with Ashley, but DAMN does she still look good! And those big natural tits are as jiggly as ever! Well, she isn’t quite through with you. Matter of...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 6 Monstrous Mating

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I patted Purity's neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here, Angela and I led our horses across game trails. The trees were too thick to ride. My feet...

1 year ago
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wrong number

I'd been using a telephone dating service for a few months now. I've talked to many women on the line. Never really exchanged numbers with any of them. Most of these women are being cautious sometimes too cautious. Not really ready to open up to anyone. Maybe if they listen to my posted greeting they might just open up a little bit. Two days ago a lady named Marisol sent me a message along with her phone number. I called the number. "may I speak to Marisol?" I asked. "I'm sorry but you have the...

3 years ago
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Goody episode 2

To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips; truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and...

Wife Lovers
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The Hitchhikers

I was driving along highway 101 in northern California, heading back south to home after a few days of visiting friends in Humboldt County. It was springtime and had been a nice few days, hiking through the Redwoods and walking the beach. And I could still take my time going home, as it was still several days before I had to return to work. By the way, I was 52 years old at the time, a teacher on spring break. I was not as wild as other spring breakers, but I had my moments. Okay, not the sex...

3 years ago
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School 2

School 2Please read School before reading School 2.Kathy calls me about 9 PM Sunday night. I am preparing Monday’s lessons. She informs me that Bob has called and found a place to stay. She then asks if I would come over Monday night about 6 PM and pretend to be tutoring April. Bob is coming to get his clothes Monday about that time and Kathy does not want to be alone when he comes. I tell her I would be glad to do that for her.Monday at school both Sherry and April are in short skirts. ...

2 years ago
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Wife Photo Shoot

Hello readers, I am a regular reader of this site and read stories. I hope you will like this story. I am Rajini 45 years doing business and my wife working in a multinational company and she is 42 and has good physique and we have healthy sex at least twice in a we are recently we went to Kerala for a picnic. We went to a resort and stayed there for a night at 8.30 pm we went to restaurant for dinner and there we met a couple from Kerala and they also came for picnic and we were chatting and...

3 years ago
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Fuck Doll

You followed my instructions to the letter. You are waiting for me on your knees, wearing stiletto heels, thigh high stockings, a black choker and nothing else. Your dark blonde hair is pulled tightly in a ponytail. You kneel with your hands crossed behind your back. I walk around you inspecting the lovely spectacle before me. I run my fingertips across your shoulders as you jump slightly. I have you stand as I cuff your hands behind your back. I run my fingers over your body, savoring the feel...

3 years ago
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AlteristChapter 11

Vicky woke up, of course. I don't know how Rock Hudson got a drunk Doris Day from the living room to the bedroom, getting her out of an evening gown and into a flowing nightgown without seeing anything or waking her up. I don't think Vicky was fully awake at any time and it didn't take long at all for her to fall back asleep when she was back in bed. She seemed to enjoy it when I maneuvered her arms and legs so I could take off her clothes. Vicky wasn't wearing a luxurious nightgown when...

2 years ago
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Husband to the Fay A Halloween Story

Dear Prudence,I don’t usually write to advice columnists– actually I don’t even usually read your column– but I don’t know where else to turn. And it’s not just because the problem is sexual... well, it’s not really sexual... but it’s partly sexual. I guess you could call it sexual, but it’s mostly weird. I am writing to you for advice because I have a very weird sexual problem... but not in the kinky sex weird sort of way that people usually write to you about. This is Halloween weird.My wife...

1 year ago
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Par la lune

The evening was peaceful. Clair heard the rain pounding as she entered her home. She felt so alive. Wearing a blue skirt and white blouse, looking stunning. She sat reading on the coach. Looking particularly stunning, she trout. Her body swayed to the sound of the rain. Her plump breasts heaving as she sighed . Her plump creamy breasts lifting as she moved. Her skirt revealed her Snow White bottom. Her nipples were so firm today. She prided herself on her athletic body of 100 lbs. as she read...

3 years ago
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BFF SecretsChapter 7

Helen offered up a silent curse as her father steered into the strip mall. Closing her eyes she willed her aroused state to dissipate. In moments she would be visible to the masses, and although she didn’t mind the occasional witness to her excited persona, a room full of kids and old people and parents - in the presence of her parents - would be unacceptably undesirable. They pulled into the McDonalds parking lot, and to the towhead’s relief her dad pulled into the takeout lane. The line...

3 years ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 6 The Mob Drools

Sunday, July 16th, 2006, Boston Massachusetts I lay cuddled up against my naked Mom’s backside as she slept, her tight asscheeks were nestling my cock, and my arms were wrapped around her torso with my right hand squeezing a tit. We had made love three times in a row, and I was still in partial disbelief that I had cum inside of her and watched her orgasm while I did so. My cock was twitching between her amazing globes, and I could feel the desire to make love to her slowly creeping up on me...

2 years ago
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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 17

His trip to the infirmary had been quick. After three rounds in the fighting pit, Ferro felt he had worked off enough stress to safely make his way through the rest of shift without biting off the head of someone else. His presence had been a surprise when he stepped into the practice room, but no one had questioned his arrival. They had sized him up and placed their bets. He lost two of out three. He pinged Riata when he emerged from first aid, but she didn't respond. He wasn't surprised....

2 years ago
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Me Mom And My Sister

By : Fuck Hi ever one this is kishor. The story is about how i fucked my mom and sister. My Father died when my sister was 3 years. We are very poor family because of that one Person said my mom that he will take me with him and educate me so my mom Agreed. I want with him and I studied with him still 10 and I was very fast learner so I learned my things and also about sex from my friend. My friend used to bring story book and I used read that books even. And one day he bought the book which...

1 year ago
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PLAYING THE GAME By Maximus Addams

All I could think about as his fat cock slammed the back of my throat was, “This had better be worth it.” Up and down I slid my freshly painted lips on his thick shaft. He was hung like a can of soda. His cock wasn’t long, about 5 inches or so, kind of average in my experience, but it was one of the thickest I’d ever seen. My jaw was stretched to the max trying to get my mouth around it. I felt his wiry pubes brushing against my nose and tickling my nostrils as his hairy balls slapped against...

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The B Train

I hated the commute to and from work, trains have always bored me and the forty-five minute journey to work and back was mind numbing. I've never been able to read on the train, and so I spent most of my time people watching. Wondering where people were going and what they would do when there. I had a fun imagination so that passed some time, but bored me too after a while. Today had been a good day at work, mainly due to the long liquid lunch we'd been treated to after winning a very lucrative...

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Sex with friends sister

Hi to all readers members and non members of fsi. Meri 1st story hai aur bilkull 100% sachi hai mein 30 yrs old male hoon abb london me rehta hoon, jo story ajj mein app ko batane ja raha hoon yeh ajj se 10 yrs pehla ki hai mein uss waqt 20 yrs ka tha parhai se free ho chhuka tha mere ghar mein 1 nukrani kafi time se kaam kar rahi thi dekhna mein khoobsorat thi petla jism aur bohut he atractive uss ki age almost 24 yrs thi shaadi shuda thi aur shaadi ko 3 yrs ho gaye the liken koi bacha nahi...

2 years ago
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Blank Screen

Blank Screen By Selena Pride [From the fault log of a fictitious site not a million miles away from this one...] 1. Hey LOSERS!!!!! What the fuck is going on here??? I tried six times to log on to your goddam site tonight. Ten minutes of staring at a fucking blank screen. Who the hell is running this chickenshit outfit?? It's not like I need your pansy-ass crap. I got hundreds of other porno sites to surf. I just found you and thought I'd look in. Know what, forget it. Don't...

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As the months elapsed Grace seemed to further loosen her restrictions and became addicted to online porn and all the variations of human sexuality she could expose herself to. I bought her a webcam so she could get on these chat rooms and expose herself. She a bit timid at first but in no time she was masturbating with a frenzy. She went to a local adult book store that sold a dizzying array of vibrators and other sex toys and soon had amssed a substantial collection---a toy to pleasure every...

1 year ago
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The teen play trilogy Part 3

When they awoke it was about 10:00pm. Warren could be home at any moment! Steve got off the drenched bed and slipped on one of Emma’s baggy t-shirts. He got dressed as quick as he could and gave Emma and Jenn a long kiss before he left. “See you in school Steeeeeeve!” The girls called as he shut the front door. “That was amazing!” Emma said. “You were amazing!” The girls began to hug and kiss each other when they heard a car pull up outside. Emma went over to the window. It was dark outside but...

First Time
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Chapter 5 Helping out a Friend

The next day I woke up with a splitting headache and not knowing what to make of the night before. I was pretty fucked up. I was still sort of feeling the effects of the mushrooms and definitely hurting from all the alcohol and pot on top of that. It was hard to remember everything that had happened. I was sitting around in the afternoon just watching TV, waiting for my girlfriend to get off work and my phone rang. I looked at it and was surprised to see that it was actually Heather calling...

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Pfand XChapter 8

Tom Farmer looked around the living room. He was impressed with the look and feel of the room. It was the kind of room that made a person want to settle in a chair and read a book while listening to classical music. There were high backed leather chairs scattered around the room, with solid wooden tables beside them, and standing lamps to provide over the shoulder illumination. The walls were decorated with antique maps held within substantial wooden frames. Ceiling lights illuminated the...

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Teasing Rene

Karina Rene and I first met for about three minutes in which we didn’t speak. Since that time we have grown extremely close, and I call her simply Rene. But it wasn’t until we ‘met’ online several weeks after our first encounter that our relationship began in earnest. We exchanged the usual jokes and innuendos, laughed together at similar things and generally just had fun learning about each other and flirting. One night she sent me a message that she just wanted to drive, to go somewhere else,...

2 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 8 Punishment Sort Of

School on Monday proved an unmitigated disaster! I was surprised by the snubs I got from some people, and Bobby was missing from my locker. (No, he doesn’t stay in my locker, but he always meets me there - you know what I mean!) In fact, I didn’t see him until lunch. He was standing against the wall of the cafeteria talking to some of his friends with an arm around Jackie Fortier! Jackie Fortier is just like the biggest slut in school! She’s very pretty, if you like girls who dress like...

3 years ago
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Bartlett Ch 01 Donut Holes

This is the first installation of a series written back in 1994 but lost to the Internet since. This series is set in the same ‘universe’ as the Book series, and assumes a familiarity with other mind control erotica. Donut Holes (Bartlett 1) by Bartlett ***** It was a typical business morning. Ten cars waited at the drive thru, so I decided to head inside and wait in line. Maybe it would be quicker. On the other hand, maybe it would be some fun… Inside was the same story. Two lines, each...

2 years ago
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Bank holiday camp Part 4 The fun continues

Mandy adjusted herself so that she was straddling my lap, then she put her hands either side of my face looked into my eyes. “Tim you really do have lovely eyes, as you know windows are the window to one’s soul, and I can see you are a kind gentle man,” she started kissing me and grinding her pussy against my limp cock. I broke our kiss and looked into her eyes, “I’m sorry hun, but I am going to need a bit of time before I can get hard again,” “No need to be sorry you silly man, the way you...

Group Sex
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Reddit Bulges, aka r/Bulges! Ladies, you should know that The Porn Dude cares about you too. I know I might have made some unsavory comments about females who like to have a lot of sex in the past, but let’s just leave that behind us. I’m extending an olive branch here, and that olive branch comes in the form of a subreddit by the name of /r/Bulges. I really threw myself into the fire with this one, girls, so you better appreciate what I’m doing for you. I had to look at so many dicks on this...

Porn for Women Sites
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Fun During Weekend

We again met at Neeru place along Sanjay (neeru’s husband) and Ankita’s husband Akash and Shalu. We three couples planned for a day out at some resort in the outskirts of delhi as we all being tired from daily chorus of life. Since i have relations with Neeru, Ankita and shalu but Akash was not aware that I have fucked Ankita before and Shalu is my friend. Akash made arrangements at one of his friends farm house and which was around 85 Km away from delhi. Sanjay was eager to take ranjana along...

1 year ago
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My Future Wife And Her Mother

Hello, My Dear Readers. I have been writing a lot of stories ever since I finished with the script of ‘Sexting My Mother’. The remaining episodes are on the way. In the meantime, I am trying to move in a new direction, opening up more possibilities. Though these are all mostly smaller stories, and still in the initial stages, I have been getting them published part by part. I know some of my friends hate that habit of mine. But I am only doing it so that I can understand if the content is liked...

2 years ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 2 Exploding Kiwis in the Nether RegionsChapter 8

Fifi looked down at him and her big eyes widened in surprise. "You're still going?" DaBigBoom could just about move his arms and legs. He wasn't sure that qualified as still going. "How intriguing," Fifi said. Her lips turned up in a wicked smile. DaBigBoom wasn't so sure he liked that smile. He pulled up his knees and started to get back to his feet. He was unsteady, like a punch-drunk boxer in the tenth round. Fifi held her tail in her arms like a rifle again. DaBigBoom liked...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 3 Cho Chang

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione’s femininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. As Hogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. He had considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but he didn’t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full over attractive nice girls. Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a little kissing and...

2 years ago
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Adventures of RachelChapter 4

It was Wednesday and Cheerleading practice. They filed in and the last girl locked the door. They laid out the pads then instead of stripping they just took off their panties. Miss Jasmine came over and took her dress off. She had no bra or panties on then hugged all the girls. The girls laid her on the mat and proceeded one by one to give her a few licks of her pussy. When they finished Miss Jasmine said, "You girls do good work." Jackie said, "That's because we have such a great...

3 years ago
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Two Islands Day 3 II

After the morning wrestle, I decided to go fishing. AJ & Rina were still diving. The adults got back from mainland. The good news is they brought back enough beer to keep the twins and Maribel from continuing their reverse gang bang.I never done fishing with a real fishing rod before so when I tried to throw the line, I got myself hooked at my right shoulder. I flinched from the pain and tried not to move so much so I wouldn't feel the small piece of metal injected in my skin rubbing my...

3 years ago
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Living the Dream part 24

Living the Dream, part 24 By: Malissa Madison I woke up curled on the couch, a blanket had been draped over me and a pillow stuffed under my head. I realized it was that which had awakened me and rolled over to face whoever it was. Miss Clara stood there looking down at me. "Malissa what are you and the rest doing here? You should be in your own beds not here worrying over me," she sat down on the edge of the sofa. "Do you remember last night, Ma'am?" I asked quietly. "Yes...

1 year ago
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The Weekend Part Seven

I woke with Gail nestled next to me. “I’m awake,” she said “How are you feeling?” “I panicked a little, sorry,” she admitted. “I’m a little embarrassed.” “That’s okay,” I said, “You’re okay now.” “I know,” she said, lifting her head off of my chest and rolling onto her back. “I’m sorry I cried. I’ve never done that before. I must have put on a good show. And now my pussy does hurt.” “Well, when you’re up for it, we can watch it on video,” I suggested. “I’m not sure I want to see myself...

2 years ago
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The Swan Part III

The next several weeks passed in a blur. Sue Ann and I would come home from school and go straight to her bedroom. Once there, we would strip off our clothes and lie on the bed. I loved holding her body and kissing her, letting my tongue probe her mouth and feeling her kissing me back. We would carefully avoid other parts of each other's body until one of us could not take any more and grab. Usually it was me. After feeling my dick grow as it rested along her thighs and crotch, I would start...

3 years ago
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Company TripChapter 5 Jims Story

What an incredible first day. It started the minute I met Rick's beautiful wife Wendy. At that time, I never would have thought that hours later I would find my cock buried in her perfect body. What a fantastic woman she is. That first night of our trip was a dream come true. I must admit that I felt guilty the next day. I thought of my wife Kim. I knew she would be shocked to hear about what the five of us did. She would probably kill me if she found out that I had been unfaithful. I just...

2 years ago
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Imagination 9

Imagination 9 This time, I had just half an hour to sort out the intricacies of a rather complicated pantie-corset which seemed to have much more in the way of lacing, straps, clips, bones, hooks and clamps than were really necessary. It certainly held Sister Sarah's voluptuous body very firmly indeed with all the right bits sticking out and the other bits firmly in control. I couldn't imagine her actually putting it on by herself but that was something I never found out. "There...

2 years ago
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Theres None So Blind

This is my first attempt at a competition story and I believe it will most likely be my last. I started this damn thing for last year’s holiday competition, but didn’t get it finished in time. My pal has insisted that I finish it for this year’s competition. As usual I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. As always I have to add that we don’t always see eye to eye with each other, I can be one cantankerous old bugger...

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