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It was my second furlough in London, and much different from my first. On my first, I had hooked up with three other kids, one guy and two girls, for my week's leave. This time, I was going to go it, on my own. This was the Christmas season, of the same year. I actually got there on Boxing Day. That is the day after Christmas, and there were a million kids on the streets. It drove me crazy, until I had it explained to me. The city was much more festive than the last time I was there, even though the weather was worse. Colder and wetter, but not anything I hadn't expected.

The first couple days, I made it to a lot of the sights I had missed, on my first trip, when I became an Anglophile for life. The third day was a Saturday and many of the attractions were closed, so I decided to take in a movie, which was playing at one of the larger "cinemas" downtown, in Central London. Since it was a week-end, and the Holiday Season, there was quite a long "Queue", which I joined. The people in front of me were a young woman about 20, and an older woman, I thought was her Mother. I got out a cigarette and my lighter, (in those days a smoker wasn't immediately exiled to Siberia) and started the routine. Before I got my cigarette lit, the younger woman asked if I would like to trade, one of my American cigarettes, for one of her English ones. As I had been trying to think of an excuse to talk to her, I agreed at once. She reached up, removed the cigarette from my lips, and put it in her own, smiling as she did it. I took one of hers, from her package, and lit both of them, for us. I introduced myself, and she told me her name was Diane, and the other woman was her Aunt Beatrice, who was in from the country, for the day. As the line moved forward, we continued our conversation, getting to know more about one another, and agreeing to buy our seats together, in the loges, where we could smoke. She told me she lived at home with her Mother and Father, who was the "custodian" of an office building in Lincoln's Inn Fields, a street in the legal district. Most of the tenants in the building were "Barristers" and "Solicitors", what we would call lawyers, and were gone for the Holidays. The apartment that came with her Father's job was in the basement of the building he took care of. With all the tenants gone, her parents had taken the opportunity to go to the country, to visit some relatives, for the weekend.

At the "Interval", Diane and I went out to the lobby, to get some refreshments, and decided that we would take her Aunt to Paddington Station, to catch her train, together, and go out that evening. When we returned to our seats, I gave her my hand, to help her up the step into our row, and when she was up, she kept hold of it. We seated ourselves, next to Beatrice, and watched the rest of the program. She kept her hand in mine, and held it first on her knee, and later, by common consent, she moved it up to her crotch, where I could feel the heat emanating, from her mound.

After the show, the three of us caught a Red, double-decked, bus to the station, riding on the upper deck, in deference to my "Tourist" status, with much laughing and talking making the ride very short. Diane took hold of my hand again, and drew my arm around her shoulder, holding my hand on the upper swell of her breast. I could feel that her breast was firm and high, even through the fabric of her heavy winter coat. Her shoulder brushing, straight brown hair tickled my ear, as she laid her head on my shoulder, in laughter, at something one of us had said, and her huge dark eyes twinkled at me, with promise. The bus arrived at the station, with time to spare, and we all went to the Tea Shop, for Tea and a sweet. The half hour passed quickly, with a lot of laughter at my language faux-pas, caused by the differences between "English" and "American".

As I handed Beatrice up to the train step, she squeezed my hand, and leaned forward, to kiss me lightly on the lips, whispering in my ear, "I like you Arthur. Take good care of my niece, tonight. I wish I were twenty years younger, and she'd have to fight me, for you. Ta-ta, lad." Diane and I waited, and waved the train out of the station, before turning to each other, and gazing at one another, before slowly going into each other's arms, and fastening our lips together, in our first kiss. When we came up for air, we were both breathing hard, and stood holding each other tightly for a moment, before separating, and laughing in sheer happiness. Diane took my hand, and we started toward the front of the station to catch a Taxi to Lincoln's Inn Fields. Her building was a post-war, ten story, office block, with a private side entrance, to the machinery space and her apartment. As we walked in, she told me "she wanted to change her clothes for the evening". We entered her apartment, and she showed me around the "Flat", as she called it. She settled me on the sofa, in front of the Electric fire, knelt in front of me, and took off my wet shoes. "I'll just be a moment, Arthur. I want to get into something dry." With this she disappeared, through the doorway to her bedroom, behind me, closing the door after her.

My socks were dry and toasty, by the time Diane came out of her room, and walked over to the back of the sofa, and covered my eyes, with her hands. I had been dozing in the warmth, and she surprised me, so I reared back, bumping my head against two warm breasts. She held my head back, on the cushion of her body a moment, then ran her hands down my chest, inside my shirt, leaning forward 'til her hair fell around my head, in a cascade of perfumed silk. She fastened her lips to mine, as her fingertips wormed their way under my belt, and into the hair of my groin. I broke our kiss, took her hands out of my shirt and rose to go to her. When I turned to her, I saw that she had changed into a negligee, of light blue lace. Her dark nipples, and silky black bush, showed through the open mesh of the lace, and she smiled, at my look of surprise. "I told you I was going to get dressed for the evening." she said, laughing, and beckoning me toward her. She took my hand and led me toward the door she had gone through before.

In her room, she sat me on the bed, and knelt at my feet, stripping off my socks, and massaging my feet, finally raising each in turn, to kiss and lap the soles, and suck each toe, in turn, into her mouth. Her attention to my feet had my prick like a steel rod, bouncing between two magnets. As she leaned over my feet, her gown fell away from her breasts, and I stared hungrily at them, swaying with her every movement. She rose, pushed me back on the bed, and knelt beside my chest, un-buttoning my shirt, and pushing it off my shoulders. I lay un-moving, letting her minister to me, as she would. It seemed to be what she wanted. Diane worked my shirt off my arms, stripped my Tee shirt over my head, and pushed me back down. When she leaned over my chest, to start kissing my nipples, her gown fell away again, and I reached out, to take the weight of her breasts, in my hands. Their heat entered my palms, and I kneaded the flesh filling them, causing the nipples to grow and expand, into rigid cylinders, pressing into my flesh. With her gown fallen away I could see past her breasts and down to the thatch of silky black hair on her pubes. Her mouth traveled over my chest, leaving snail trails of spit, which cooled in the night air, causing the hairs to rise, and tickle, as she moved her head lower, toward my waist. Her hands preceded her mouth and fumbled my belt open, un-zipped my fly and took the waistband in her hands to push my trousers down. I raised my hips, to facilitate their removal, and finally kicked them off, as her mouth pressed to the fabric of my shorts, breathing hot breath through the cloth, on to my throbbing prick. Her hands gathered the cloth around me and raised my cotton covered rod to her lips, taking its hidden head into the moistness of her mouth. Her movement toward my crotch had turned her away from me, presenting me with a close-up view of her lace covered pussy, pushing out between her thighs, as she knelt to mouth my prick... I reached over to her nearest knee, and moved it across my chest, so she straddled me, and then, raised my face to her cunt and pushed the lace into her crack, with my tongue. Diane unwrapped my shorts from around my prick, and pushed them down to my knees, for me to kick off, while I moved a fold of her lace negligee back and forth, across her clit, the scratchy fabric making her writhe, to it's every movement. She retrieved my prick in to her mouth, running her tongue in circles around the head. I flipped her gown up over her ass, and applied my mouth to her now naked pussy, spreading the lips with my tongue, capturing her clit between my teeth, for my tongue to abrade. "Come up here, Diane! I want to see your beautiful face. I want to kiss you, as I make love to you." I said, pulling back on her hips to seat her beside me. When she was seated by me, I gently raised her gown over her head, and up her raised arms, freeing her breasts to my gaze. As I stared, a few goose bumps rose on her belly and arms, and a slight shiver coursed through her. "I'm chilly, Arthur. Let's get under the blanket. It'll be cozy," she said.

We pulled down the spread, together, and folded back the blankets and top sheet. Getting in, from opposite sides, we both shivered, as the clammy sheets en-folded our bodies, urging us toward each other. As we went into each other's arms, our mutual body heat smoothed the goose bumps, and warmed the sheets, under and over us. "Relax, Diane! Let's take a moment for each other," I said.

"Don't tell me you're in love with me. We just met this afternoon, and I don't want to get hurt again. The last time a boy told me he loved me, it ended up hurting too much."

"No, Diane, I won't say that, now. I will say, I like you more than anyone I've met in a long time. I want to get to know you a lot better. Will you write to me, if I write to you? Now, kiss me a little, while we get warm."

"Oh, Arthur! Of course I'll answer your letters. I like you a lot too. Please, don't think I do this, with every boy I meet, please?", Diane said, just before she pressed her lips to mine. Our tongues met in her mouth, and writhed their way into mine, as our bodies molded more closely together. My prick pulsed against her silk covered mound, and smooth flat belly, while I enjoyed the press of her breasts, on my chest. Our calm, and relaxation, soon surrendered to our passion as our hands roved over each other, tantalizing and exciting our senses, until Diane reached down and placed my prick along her pussy, pulsating between her lips, against her clit, as had my tongue. She started a slow movement of her hips, which allowed me deeper penetration, along her slit. Soon, she drew back, until the head of my dick was at the mouth of her hole. Then, with a sudden cry, she pressed the whole length of me into her. She raised her right leg over my hip, pressed her mound harder against me, and froze, in that close embrace. A rhythmic series of moans came from Diane's lips, pressed to mine, in time with a series of rippling tightenings in her pussy, milking my prick, from base to head. I rolled us from our sides to her back, and set myself deeper in her, with my full weight on my groin, as my balls started to clench, before shooting their load. At the last moment, I withdrew, almost all the way, and plunged, full force, into her clasping wet pussy, jetting my cum deep in her belly. Her inner muscles milked me dry, as I shrank, inside her. We rolled to our sides, still connected at lips and groin, to catch our breath, and relax, in the aftermath of our orgasms. We drifted to sleep that way, and sometime during the night, I woke to the feel of Diane's hand, slowly stroking the length of my prick, as it stiffened in her palm. I pretended to be asleep, until she had me fully hardened, and rolled onto my back. As she squatted over me, lowering her pussy onto my rigid erection, I jammed up into her, and forced a loud scream, of surprise, and pleasure, out of her. In her surprise, she lost her balance, and plopped down on me, fully embedding me into her pussy. She leaned forward, to kiss me deeply, then sat up and laughed wildly, as she regained her knees, and began to raise and lower herself, on my upstanding rod. As we approached our climax, I sat up, with Diane in my lap, my prick sunk deeply into her. She wrapped her legs around me, and worked her hips around, driving me more and more deeply into her warm wetness, until, with an intake of breath, she screamed, and flooded my rod with her juices, as I drenched our joined crotches with my cum. We collapsed on the sheets next to each other, our hands clasped, and her head on my shoulder, and slept the rest of the night, that way.

I woke alone in bed, Sunday morning, with the sound of classical music coming from the living room, and the weight of a flannel robe across my feet. "Diane" I called, "Diane?"

She came into the room, in the blue lace negligee from the night before, with a darker blue robe over it. The robe flared open, with her every step, as she brought the tray, set it down on the bed, and seated herself across from me. "It's just toast and tea, honey. Is that enough?" she asked.

"It's fine, baby. Later, we'll go out and get something for lunch. After last night I owe you a couple nice meals, at least."

"You don't owe me anything, Arthur. I think we came out even on fun, don't you?"

"How long have you been up?" I asked, when I noticed my clothing, hung and folded neatly. I was starved and dug into the food with enthusiasm. "This is great, Diane. Did I tell you, I love your name? I love saying it!" I leaned across the tray and kissed her softly. Her return kiss was sweet and gentle.

"We seem to have moved onto a new plane, during the night, Arthur, and it's scaring me."

"Me too, but I like it. How much time do we have, before your parents get home? It wouldn't do for them to find us dressed this way." I said, fingering the lace of her gown, and glancing down at my lap, where my flaccid dick lay across my thigh.

"They won't be home until half-six this evening. We've got all day to our-selves, and the whole building, if we want it." she said, as we continued demolishing the breakfast. It was a slow meal, with many pauses for caresses, and kisses, and when we were done eating the toast, we continued on, to eat each other. Her gown and robe ended on the floor again, and we finished, head to groin, each with a thigh for a pillow, dozing, to the sound of Sibelius, from the BBC.

We awoke around Noon, and shared a bath, before dressing, and spending an hour or so, exploring the ten stories of office building above her flat. After exploring the building, we returned to Diane's flat, gathered our coats, and went out to spend the rest of the afternoon together, wandering around the quiet streets of her neighborhood, and finally finding a taxi, to take us downtown; where we watched the "Buskers" on Oxford Street, strolled through a part of Hyde Park, and listened to the orators on "Speaker's Corner". When the sun set, we went to a Pub, and Diane introduced me to warm British Ale. I sampled a couple other brews, before finding another taxi, back to her flat. She told me to expect her parents to be home, when we arrived, as she came into my arms, for the first of a series of passionate kisses, on the way to her flat. When we arrived at Lincoln's Inn Fields again, her parents were, indeed, at home, and Diane introduced me to Harold and Gladys. "Call me 'Glad', Arthur," her mother said, "and he's 'Hal'. What have you two been doing, this afternoon?" After recounting our afternoon, with no reference to the previous day and night, I made my excuses to leave, without much enthusiasm. 'Glad' insisted I stay for Tea and Biscuits, at least, and before she had it served, 'Hal' had talked me into staying for dinner, with them.

I liked both her parents, and the conversation was spirited. 'Hal' reminisced about his travels during WW II and 'Glad's' stories of the blitz in London had me concentrating on their every word. My peacetime adventures in the service were pale by comparison. Diane had been one of the children sent out of London to avoid the bombs, so her memories were completely different, than those of her parents. We ate around the small table, in the kitchen, 'Hal' opposite me, and Diane, and 'Glad' across from each other. It would have been smarter, if her parents had seated us across from each other. As it was, our feet and legs were in almost constant contact, and every time it was reasonably possible, our hands explored under the table.

After dinner, we all went into the "parlor", to continue our talk. About 11:00, 'Hal' and 'Glad' said good-night, and went to their room, leaving Diane and me on the sofa, for more passionate kisses, and exploring of each other's bodies. By Midnight, we had gotten to the stage of go/no go, and knew we had to quit for the night. We arranged to meet the next day, and Diane walked me through the basement, to the door, for a final kiss, and embrace, before I went out into the night, for a taxi, and to sleep alone, in my hotel room.

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The days and the weeks were flying by. The weather had turned cold and most of the leaves were already off the trees. Ron had continued during the fall doing things with Beth and her children and remembered the fun time a few weeks earlier he had with them picking apples and stopping for ice cream on the way back from the orchard. Besides picking the apples seeing Beth in the tight jean she wore was an added attraction. Being honest about it, Ron knew that most women with average figures if...

1 year ago
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Private Sasha Colibri MILF And Teacher Assfucked In The Classroom

The horny MILF Sasha Colibri has come to Private Specials, Men’s Real Fantasies, looking to make one lucky man’s dream come true as she gives an unforgettable lesson to her student Chris Torres. Sasha wastes no time letting her intentions be known as she offers up that juicy pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a nice sloppy blowjob, then watch as she spreads her legs and takes a hard pounding right there in the classroom, moaning and screaming as she enjoys some intense anal...

3 years ago
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In the Beginning Jacqueline and Bob the early days

It was a lovely warm spring evening, and I had organised to meet my new girlfriend Jacqueline for dinner at a restaurant in the local hills. We both agreed on meeting at around 7.00pm. I’d arrived a little earlier, as I was waiting in my car I had a look around the surrounding scenery. At what I estimated of being around a 150 metres away from the restaurant, was a lovely looking shelter with its opening facing away from the building. It looked to be built from old river bed stones, with a...

3 years ago
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That Naked Girl From The Internet

He looked around his new apartment smiling. The smell of the fresh paint greeted him. He took a deep breath to inhale its aroma. He looked around at the furniture he had just finished moving into place. He thought he had done a pretty neat job. He was exhausted and sweaty having had cleaned the place from top to bottom and moving around the heavy stuff to their proper places. He flopped on the sofa and turned on his new 37 inch TV that was hanging on the wall. He was Michael Kein, standing...

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A guy and his 24 Full Circle

"I'm sorry Gen I was thinking I have a great decision to make and right now I am at a loss as to what exactly I should do." Jake told her, the worry on her face fading almost as fast as it had appeared. Sighing he knew that none of his Gens could really give him any help with this. He thought of the other Jinns but decided that they wouldn't be that great help in deciding this. Finishing eating, he knew he had another appointment today, Christ just how many women were in Jumno's...

4 years ago
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Our House by loyalsock

Back in his room, barely half an hour after masturbating with his stepsister, Chris was still a little disoriented.He'd just jerked off in front of Laura. She'd fingered herself. She'd touched his cock. She'd licked his cock. Was any of this normal? Granted, they weren't related, but it still felt...taboo. He was sure he should feel guilty. But he didn't. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?Downstairs, Laura was working on beef stroganoff wearing her jeans, her tank top, and a permanent smile....

2 years ago
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My Godmother is my Lover

When I was 16 I was staying with this women in her apartment for a week, for some "God-Mother, God-Son Bonding," we were having a great time, doing tons of fun things and I always got to do it with one of the sexiest women I know. Every night she would leave me at the apartment and go out around 10 o'clock, this is when I would have the most fun on the trip. I would go through her drawers taking out thongs, anal beads, dildo's and vibrators, and cum to them every night. I would cum in...

2 years ago
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After The KingChapter 9

As Eoric slept another vision played itself out in his head. This time it took the form of a series of clips featuring Eochaid. The first scene was in Dalriada and showed Eochaid on his horse, his yellow hair glinting in the sunlight almost as much as the blade of his sword, as he drove his men forward into battle. The scene ended with Eochaid clearly victorious and climbing the pathway that led to the summit of the hill-fort at Dunadd, a brilliant smile on his face. The second part of the...

3 years ago
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Older Man 6 Boysrsquo Second Orgy

This story is complete without needing to read past installments (I think). It is, however, Chapter 4 of the sexual adventures started in Daddy's First Bukkake, Will Strikes Again and Mr Greig and the Boys: Part Three. I would heartily recommend reading those before continuing here.Mr Greig and the BoysChapter 4LATE TO THE BOYS’ ORGY"And I don't even know what's going on in the stockroom," my coworker Sara was droning on.I couldn't have been more annoyed. Will and his eighteen-year-old friends...

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NubilesPorn Piper Perri Bounty Hunters Piper Perri

When Marcus London gets a hold of Piper Perri, this bad spinner will do just about anything to avoid going back to California to go to jail. She puts up a fight as Marcus wrestles her into his van, but then she changes tactics by offering a blowjob to pay off her debts. Soon her expert mouth is wrapped around Marcus’s cock while she works him with her tongue and hands. When Marcus asks if her pussy is getting wet, Piper responds yes! She doesn’t need any convincing to step out of...

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Bhabhi Ki Gand

Hi.Mera naam rubal h.Ye baat tab ki h zab mai 10 saal ka tha.Tab mere bhaiya ki shadi hui.Bhabhi ki age 19 saal ki thi wo gori chitti healthy thi..Humlog bilkul frnds ki trah rehte the us wqt bhabhi ko lekar mere dimag me kuch nai hua krta tha.Fir bhabhi ki 1 sal baad 1 baby hui.Bhabi us din hi hospital se ayi thi isly mai or mummy bhabhi ki room me hi so rahe the.Bhabhi bed pe or humlog niche.   Raat me mujhe pisab lagi to mai bathroom gaya or zb bathroom se aaya tha dil kiya baby ko kiss kru...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 110

This time Laura's recovery period, both physically and mentally, was very long. Oddly enough, her asshole recovered first, back to normal in a day or two. Does this mean I'm getting used to being reamed? she wondered. Her pussy took longer, because of the whip and the harsh rope, but it too felt better in three days. At the end of a week, her breasts were still splotched with yellowing bruises, and her nipples burned and ached constantly. She held them, looked at them in the mirror, rubbed...

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Waiting for Albert

I moved to this semi-rural community several years ago.  The house I found was about four miles out of town, in an area where the houses were located on an acre of land, which meant you could meet and be friendly with your neighbors, but still have a lot of privacy.  The town itself was small, but not so small that everybody knew everybody else.  You could constantly meet new people. There were three bars all within a block of each other, and another set a little apart.  One of these bars was...

Gay Male
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I've never liked the concept of abortion. Now, before you hit the panic button, let me explain. I'm no religious zealot, looking for a clinic to bomb; neither am I going to hand out pamphlets and scream, "Murderer!" when women walk into them. For me it's far more personal. My dad and I never really got along. He didn't even want me, a fact I intuited (I think) pretty early; not until I was about eleven years of age did I really begin to grasp that. You see, all through my childhood,...

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My darling Anita

This is a real true story and my first story after reading so many at indiansexstories2.net. I am 34 years of age, male, very handsome. Went to attend a training programmed in Amritsar. We were placed in the guest house by the organizers. This was a premier research institute and students from all over used to come here. Those days were examination days and students were preparing diligently for the examination. When I was having breakfast, one girl named Anita 5’5″, extremely fair, about 27...

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Mummy Made Me Cum With Her Feet

me and my mum had quite a close relationship since a young age im 21 now and shes a mature 42 year old. she is a single parent and has been since i was very young. she often walks around the house semi nude as she likes her privacy. she makes sure i dont see her boobs or pussy. she had the most amazing feet. she looked after them very well but they had a mature look which i loved and would often find excuses to touch her feet but she didnt know i was into them. the story really begins on...

2 years ago
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Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, in a castle far, far away, a little baby girl named Daisy was born. She had three siblings, Roy, nine, Iris, eight, and Genevieve, six. Daisy was the little doll of them all, and as any doll, when they got too tired to play with her, they just put the doll aside to direct their attention to another, more interesting toy.This is a fairytale, and, as any fairytale, there is a happy ending. Before the happy ending, though, there is a Magic spell to tear up. It was the envious...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Testing My Possession

Well I can’t believe that it’s been almost a year and a half that my beautiful submissive has been serving me. She is everything and more a Master could want. Not only is she a gorgeous thin blonde with and incredible ass, but she is absolutely energetic in her obedience. When we meet for play, she is wearing the sexiest little panty and bra sets which highlight her ass and breasts. Linda immediate kneels and tells me how much she missed me and she liberates by cock. I will let her suck me for...

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Family Carmen Caliente Christina Carter I Want Bigger Tits

Carmen hates her small tits and wishes she had huge tits like her stepmom! One day when her stepmother Christina was getting ready, Carmen came in a begged her again to let her get a boob job. She said no of course and Carmen stormed off. The next day, Carmen thought she would try again and Christina asked her the real reason she wanted bigger boobs. She confessed that she always wanted to get titty fucked which was almost impossible with her small tits. Christina thought that she would give...

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A Series of TabooChapter 33 Haunted Maze

“Psst! Over here” Turning towards the loud whisper, Josh saw his mom’s head rise up from behind the “Table of Torture”, one of the props set up for this year’s “Haunted Maze”, a Halloween attraction he and his parents help set up each year for charity. “I swear my husband would never let me leave his side if he had his way”. Josh thought it strange that his mom had said ‘my husband’ instead of ‘your dad’, but then he realized that she must have thought that he was Jay, Josh’s best friend....

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JulesJordan Aubrey Sinclair Aubrey Sinclair8217s First Dp

Aubrey Sinclair is back for more hardcore action, this time for her FIRST DP EVER with help from the DP Masters! Aubrey’s looking hella sexy in purple lace lingerie with black stockings and matching black high heels. She teases us as she pulls her panties to the side and pulls down her bra to expose all of her amazing assets. Mick & Steve show up and get right down to business, worshiping every crevice of her perfect body. She pulls out Steve’s cock and starts sucking on it as...

2 years ago
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Woman In Need Of Hot Wild Sex

Hello everyone.My name is Rohit.please give me your valuable comments at Coming to me,l am 21 years old and good bult body that a women can attract well at me. Her name is Divya .she’s a house wife with one adorable daughter of 1 year .coming to her stats …she has 38,28,38. She looks good and evry boy will be attracted to her.she has a witish complexion. She is doing a gov job.she should travel daily leaving her child with a care taker.I used to live beside her house.One day all the people...

1 year ago
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Future Fucking Tough But Fair

My current drain is Sharon, 30, a true Irish whore. Not fat, but full-figured, enough for a man to plant himself on. Shoulder-length fiery red hair, skin so white it might as well be translucent, pale blue eyes, big-yet-firm tits, short thick legs, and exquisite feet. Even better, she's a Catholic, so she was raised to submit to men. I can and do use her any way I want. She never complains and always obeys.Her daughter Lindsay is another story. Same hair color as her mama, small but...

4 years ago
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Pelle the CollierChapter 4 How the Baron Finds Ingeburg a Husband

It was two weeks after his quarrel with Greta, a Sunday, and like the rest of the village, Pelle stood in front of the new church. The baron, having recovered a year before from a severe bout of the Mumps and attributing this to the prayers of his priests, had pledged to build a stone church in Lemdalen to show his gratitude, and now the new church was finished. When the baron rode into the village in the tenth hour, followed by a train of retainers and soldiers, all the people watched on...

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Sleeping Disorder

I got attracted to my Sister-in-law the moment i laid my eyes on her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's the only reason why I'm still single. I knew she liked me too because she kept glancing at my direction the day my brother brought her to our house 16 years ago. In the next few days, I made moves on her without my brother noticing. We had an affair. We had sex almost everyday until she got pregnant. Who's baby? We didn't confirm. It's either mine or my...

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Black Cock Slut

Watching those sexy large lips sucking on a thick 10 inch milk chocolate cock. It's so thick your delicate hand is barely able to wrap around it. However you are more mesmerized by his wash board abs as you have never seemed any is define. Your other hand runs up and down the ripples and no matter how much you push there is no give. He has his hands tangled through your hair first tilting your head up to look into his piercing mocca eyes veiled by his unkempt dreadlocks. He roughly pushes your...

1 year ago
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My first night

Making love to a stranger First time I pick up a hitch hiker and it was a torrential downpour. She was soaking wet and shivering with cold. I offered her a lift and we checked in to a b and b for the night. She was glad to get into a warm shower. I hung her clothes to dry and popped my head in the bathroom to ask her if she wanted a bite to eat. That's when I saw her beautiful naked body rubbing against the shower door. What perfect breasts she had.She saw me staring at her and winked at me....

Sex With Stranger
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Girlfriends mom

I've been dating my mom I have received signals from her indicating her curiousness of me. A few weeks ago, I went on vacation with my girlfriends family, including her mom. One morning, I woke up with massive morning wood. I had only gym shorts on and nothing else. The blankets had barely just uncovered my erection. As I opened my eyes I caught her staring at it while she made breakfast and I could tell from the look on her face and her hard nipples showing through her thin pajama blouse that...

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The Address

So, again....these are a few cell phone stories I had to send to a friend. When she and I were in our younger 20s, she turned me out. She showed me what sex is REALLY supposed to be like. She moved a few states away and we lost contact. She searched me out when she moved back to the area and of which, we are now in our late 40s. She was still as hot as ever and was curious to see if her student had learned anything new. Well....THIS time....I turned HER out. I showed her what sex could REALLY...

4 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 12

On Saturday morning, Elizabeth was still excited about the party they would be hosting the next day. She had a local guy install ‘surround sound’ speakers so they could ‘feel’ the game as well as see it. As they were sitting at the breakfast table, she told Tommy that she had ordered a popcorn machine that would be delivered before noon.“What kind of popcorn machine?”“It looks like one you’d see at a carnival. It’s about six feet tall, and is on wheels,” she told him. “Here, let me show you a...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 41 Daughters

I reached the McB-- plantation on a bend in the James just about sunset, feeling very proud of myself since I was about halfway to Portsmouth. I had a good horse under me and had rearmed myself with the weapons I had used all during the Revoltuion, tools my hands knew well. Now if I could promote a hot meal and a warm woman for my bed, it would be an almost perfect day. Long and bloody, but almost perfect. On my way south I had given the Ranger camp a wide berth. I left my horse with a young...

1 year ago
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Dream MasterChapter 40

Sandra I absolutely cannot believe this shit! I'd been after Christian Wallace for the better part of two decades – almost twenty years being haunted by the two women I had let down. If half our suspicions were right, there were a lot more bodies out there – maybe not dead by his hand, but, when you're giving the orders, I still hold you responsible. It really didn't matter either way since all we had – all we were ever likely to have – were suspicions, but still, I was looking forward to...

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