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August, 2007

At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't end up like her mother. I wanted her, my daughter, to know she had a choice. She didn't need to turn out like my wife. But there were other forces at work apparently, beyond my influence and I died a little more each day as my daughter slowly, but surely, became my wife. My wife's behavior was a matter of choice and I had wanted to make sure my daughter knew there were alternatives. But to no avail.

The day my daughter left for University, I packed my bags, loaded up the car and drove away. I had paid for the first year of her schooling in advance, convinced there would be no need to pay for a second year. As with my wife and me, my beautiful daughter would find 'her man' in her first year, seduce and convince the sucker to get married, immediately if not sooner. She would drop out to raise the 1.2 kids of the average American family. A fucking disaster in the making, and I had decided that I was just going to let it to happen. What the fuck did I care, anyway? I wasn't planning to be there for the consequences.

There was a lot of yelling — and stuff — the day I left. The bitch was actually surprised I was leaving! I won't go into all the gory details of my departure, but if you happened to live in any of the neighboring states or provinces, you probably heard about it. It really wasn't as devastating as she made it out to be, and believe me, she talked and cried to anyone who would listen. Especially the battered women's advocates, until they finally figured out I had never abused her in any way. She did make the local evening news, as if she expected fucking public opinion to sway me. She was a bitch, pure and simple. Her actions only proved that. If I was a bastard for leaving her, shoot me. I had provided her an absolutely free living for 35 years and I was done. She only had sex with me, well, we hadn't 'cohabitated' for almost 19 years. I think the last time we fucked, we conceived my daughter. I don't know that we had ever made love. Just fucked.

Yeah, so I'm wimp. I was screwed up by my upbringing that taught me that a woman — any woman — was to be respected and honored. Cherished. I wish my church had taught me to just fuck the living daylights out of them, to teach me that they only deserved to be respected and honored and cherished when they earned it. The same as a man. Equality, my ass! They want all the benefits but don't want the ulcers, the heart attacks, the long hours and the shit-for-brains bosses. But I wasn't brought up to disrespect them that way and it took a lot of pain and agony for me to re-learn those lessons.

Kids today have it easier in some ways. They don't have all that religious baggage to bring into a relationship. They've got other problems, like learning to speak English good and adding two numbers to get the same answer twice, but that's the fucking school system. Shit, there was a report in the news recently that 30% of Washington, DC is illiterate, and I would swear most of that is on Capital Hill.

I had had a lawyer draw up papers giving the alleged woman I left behind complete ownership of the house, the other two cars, everything, and I had filed for a legal separation. If she wanted to file for a divorce, that was fine with me. For all appearances, the only thing of our bliss-less lives left to split were some anemic 401(k) retirement accounts that I had carefully nurtured to their near catatonic state. They were window dressing and worth little to me. She could have them, I just wanted to give her something to 'take' from me, one last time and be done with it. To all appearances and for all intents and purposes, I had put my entire soul and existence into my family and their welfare. I had gotten a mountain of shit for it. And I let her, and anyone listening that fateful day, know that. In fact, that whole last week, after it appeared as if I had finally had enough, I did a lot of yelling. And throwing things. God, that was fun!

You see, I had hidden away a lot of other assets. My departure was not a 'spur of the moment' idea, to bail out suddenly. This was a carefully planned and precisely calculated theater production. I had realized my predicament several years, about 10 years, earlier. I was unhappy and it wasn't going to improve. I tried to get her to counseling. I worked to find things in common with her, things that would interest both long after the daughter was gone. For twenty some-odd years I tried. Hell, I even tried to make love to her. OK, fuck her. But she was done with that. She actually flinched when I tried to touch her on her shoulder or arm. I really disgusted her.

I think that was the last straw, when I began to realize the relationship was a losing proposition. She had had a bad day. I just wanted to comfort her and I tried to give her a little hug. It was definitely not sexual, believe me, I was just trying to support her emotionally. Fucking load of crap that is, that "sensitivity" shit.

Anyway, the amount of cash I had been able to squirrel away was substantial. Hell, it was better than substantial. I had been planning my escape for nearly a decade, and I had made it appeared as if all the money had been frittered away on frivolous, but believable expenditures. I made it look as if I had visited a lot of hookers. Of course, I had to do some actual research on that topic and lay a trail, to make it look authentic. But for all the money, I must have been a really horny bastard there for several years.

In addition, when I wasn't not whoring around, I must have started betting heavily on the ponies during my middle-aged crisis. Being meticulous, of course, I kept records. Damn it all if I didn't leave them in my desk, too! Oh my God, what would she think when she found those records. And all the receipts for lavish jewelry and gifts (all quietly returned, of course)! And a journal of my exploits. I was pretty proud of that piece of fiction, if I do say so myself! Despicable, depraved and degenerate. I hit the Trifecta at around 50 years old and went downhill from there.

All told, I had over $3 million squirreled away in various small out of the way banks in safety deposit boxes — all under fictitious names, of course. It was all in cash and her lawyer could look all he wanted to. It wouldn't be found. And I didn't intend to be found, either.

I loaded my shit that wouldn't fit into my car in a small U-Haul pull behind trailer and headed in a generally southern direction. I had to meander around for a few weeks, visiting all of my friendly banks and retrieving my money. No sense leaving it behind as I had no intention of ever returning. I wasn't really sure what my intentions were at that point, if I had to be honest, but I knew for sure as fuck I wasn't going to come back here to these parts without being in chains or dead.

The trailer I had rented was the smallest one U-Haul carries and it was still more than half empty. I had taken my computer, my clothes and the one fraternity photo my my ex-wife had not managed to throw out, even after all of these years. Not that the picture meant anything to me after all of this time. I didn't even remember the other guys in the photo and they meant nothing to me. But the memory of the photo did. It was taken at a time before I met my wife. The peacefulness of that photo represented meant a Hell of a lot to me and over time that memory had become my goal.

I realize a couple of boxes in a tiny trailer were not much to show for 35 years of hard labor, but at last I was free. FREE! For the first time since I gotten out from under my Mom and Dad's roof, I was free and on my own. I didn't have to answer to anyone. Not my boss, not my wife, not my daughter. No bills, no subscriptions, no fucking cat or even a goldfish. I was free.

After I had cleaned out the bank boxes and had the cash safely stashed in the trailer, I just drove. I wasn't headed anywhere specific but I knew that wherever it was that I was headed, it was going to be warm. I meandered generally south along the interstates for several days, stopping where it pleased me, eating what I wanted and listening to my music on the CD player. My music, not hers. Not my wife's or my daughter's. My music. God, that felt good!

My musical tastes are simple and run from Bach to Garth Brooks, a cappella to ABBA. One of the things I had learned early on living with my wife and daughter was that if I liked it, they would hate it. That limited their music selections to pretty much anyone named Britney, Mandy and whoever else could chew bubblegum and hold a microphone at the same time. Or could paint their entire bodies with blue paint. But now it was just me and my music and the road. It was wonderful.

I had never been to the Florida Keys — too many bugs for my wife to even consider for a vacation destination —and I kind of had a vague sense in the back of my mind that I wanted to see them. I had this intriguing mental picture of me sitting on the beach under a swaying palm tree, typing on a laptop I had yet to acquire and pretending I was a modern-day Hemingway. OK, it was a fantasy, but at least in my fantasies I could pretend to be able to write.

Actually, I really did want to write. I had had several ideas — storylines, I guess — that had struck me over the past 35 years. No, not all of them were about a husband murdering his bitching wife. Some of them were actually quite complex and intriguing, but they were going to take some time to work out the details of the plots and actually put the words on the page.

I knew I wanted to have peace and quiet, too. I knew it had to be warm and not heavily populated. I knew it was going to be on the East Coast or the Deep South, places with which I had a slight familiarity. So it came as a bit of a surprise to me when I pulled up outside of a moderate apartment complex between La Jolla and San Diego and knew I was home. I was going to be a fucking Californian. Imagine.

All of my life since the time I had graduated from college with a Masters of Science in Chemistry, I had been a professional in the health care industry, slaving away to finally attain a VP-level position in a multi-billion dollar corporation. Eventually I was earning more than a decent living for my family. I had to have been making a fucking bundle, as the money I had hidden away had caused them no hardship whatsoever, either before I had 'abandoned' them or after.

I had been very successful for my company and could have gotten back into the industry by just letting a few 'friends' know I was in the wind. But I didn't do that for two reasons. First, if I had started to make any money at all, my ex-wife's lawyer would have garnisheed my wages. Fuck that shit. Let her go to work for fucking once. Of course, they would have had to find me first.

Second was that, while I was very good at what I had done for 30-some odd years, I had had enough of the politics and back-stabbing and had no intention of going back into the management rat race. But with my years of experience and with my particular skill set, several local healthcare companies jumped at the opportunity to let me work as a worker-bee. On a contract '1099' basis. One of the companies was so desperate to have me, they offered to pay cash under the table. I was tempted, but that kind of thing tends to blow up sooner or later, and I just wanted to stay hidden. I was 3000 miles from my old home and unless I got really sloppy, there was no way they were going to find me.

Did I mention I had carefully and painstakingly created several new identities over the past several years? Or that I had crashed and burned the car and trailer on a tragic curve in the Blue Ridge Mountains? I had quietly tried to get a cadaver from an acquaintance of mine, but at the last minute the little shit got cold feet. Figures. I could have burned the body beyond recognition and then completely disappeared from the radar screen. As it was, I was so mad at the guy I thought about using the little shit as a substitute, but he was nothing like my body type. Lucky fucker.

Anyway, I figured my ex would keep after me, so I did my best to erase all my tracks. That's why I used an alias to work under. And that was probably why I headed and ended up in the Golden West. She knew I hated — detested! — California, the "land of fruits and nuts." And high taxes and the new liberal left. But here I was, and it felt like home.

In a very short time after I arrived, I had a new apartment with an ocean view, well, kind of, a fairly well paying job that didn't overly tax my time and, most importantly, peace and fucking quiet. I sat for days in the dowdily furnished apartment and just listened to the silence. It's amazing how refreshing that can be. No nagging, no 'dainty' snoring, no feminine farts. I could leave the toilet seat up. You would be surprised how hard that was to do at first. I would catch myself even weeks later thinking I had to put the fucking thing down. How in Hell had she convinced me that putting the toilet seat down was so imperative to my well-being in the first place? God knows, she was not a helpless woman! She could manage to rally an entire congregation, an entire community an entire fucking state against the public copulation of canines, but for some unknown reason, she could not manage to put down a fucking toilet seat before she sat on it. It was her fucking ass, for God's sake! But I digress...

Within a few months of arriving in my new-found home, I had my routine down and I could feel the stresses and tensions start to leave my body. I didn't jump any longer when the crumbs from the toast hit the tabletop or the floor instead of a plate. I stopped getting the shakes if the crumbs stayed there a day or two. If a glass of iced tea left a wet ring on the tabletop, I just wiped it up. I didn't feel the need to strip and re-wax the whole damn thing. Most of my clothes hit the hamper most of the time, but if they didn't I didn't lecture myself. I just picked them up the next day. Or the next week. Or whenever I needed them again. Sometimes I even wore them twice without washing them! And I didn't die and the people around me did not fall over from the foul odors.

I found I liked to exercise and I made time for it. Sometimes I showered afterwards and sometimes I just let the sweat dry on my skin. I even sat on the couch all sweaty. Damn! I was really getting to be adventurous! I started to eat healthier and less of it when I ate. My whole life was different now and I was beginning to wonder if I might actually re-grow the lining of my stomach. The bleeding ulcers I had developed in my second year of management had been my constant and only nighttime companions for so long, I almost missed them. Almost.

One night, I actually got bored listening to the silence and started to think about one of those stories I had intended to write if I ever had the time. Well, I had the time now. But could I do it? Would I do it? Writing is one of those things that look so easy when it's done right, that you never notice the skill it requires. A good writer draws you into the story and you become a part of it. The writer's thoughts become yours and it is only by their skill and craft that you suddenly realize you have become more than you were, that you have experienced more than you ever could have without them. But because it is so easy, or appears so, you never notice the author.

But what the Hell! I had written literally thousands of pages of medical and scientific documents. How hard could it be? I went down to the local computer store and bought a laptop. I was going to be a writer. I had ideas. I had stories. I had a computer. I had time. My fingers could move. What could go wrong? Ha!

On those first long warm evenings with the gentle ocean breezes blowing I would sit out by the pool in the apartment complex and write, typing away on my laptop. It was mostly garbage and I deleted most of the pages before I saved them. Those that I saved I threw out later after I had re-read them. They really were shit. Even I knew that. But I kept at it and gradually I got better. At least, I thought so. I started keeping some of the paragraphs and one or two of the storylines were coming together.

There weren't many other people who used the pool in the evenings, but it wouldn't have mattered if there had been. I ignored them all. The noisy kids, the pudgy teenagers, the wrinkled old women who should know better than to wear thong bikinis. OK, I peeked at a couple of them. But only once. That was more than enough. And, well, that one teenager that lived up on the fourth floor wasn't all that pudgy.

Oh, Hell, I for sure didn't want a relationship, especially with a juvenile, or at least I wasn't looking for one. Every time I watched her attractive ass bounce up and down as she walked up the stairs to her mother's apartment. And her boobs as she bounced back down. And back up. And down. Not that I was watching. I was writing. It was hard work, too!

Funny thing about life. I've come to realize that when you're least expecting it that that's always when life hits you between the eyes with a very large sledgehammer. The harder you're not looking, the more vulnerable you are. Not only was I not looking, I had run 3000 miles in the opposite direction.

It wasn't far enough.

I had finally hit upon a storyline that I felt I could develop. Not too complex, but interesting. It had tension, it had drama, it had a plot. But mostly, it had sex. Lots and lots of sex. Now, admittedly, that was something with which I had had very little first hand knowledge during my marriage, but I had a heck of an imagination. Of late, that imagination had been working overtime. God, I think it must have been something in the water, but even those wrinkled old ladies were looking good to me lately. And I could say that without shuddering. Too much.

The story I was writing was set in Victorian times and the Hero was a dashing long haired, long-dicked cad-type of gentleman. Exactly the type of guy I wasn't — or hadn't been — but was kind of thinking about being. Not really the 'bash-them-over-the-head' type, but I had given a lot of thought to being a bit more forceful, wondering what it would be like, if I could pull it off. It seemed to work wonderfully for my primary character! He would meet an innocent lass and within two paragraphs, she was not so innocent any more. And all the lassies he met just adored it.

I first saw her at the pool. She looked out of place in the apartment complex, being kind of young. At first I thought she might have moved in after I had, but when I checked, the building manager said all the apartments had been rented for years by the tenants who lived in them and there hadn't been any vacancies since I had arrived.

I had lucked out and picked up this tiny furnished single room apartment because the old lady who had lived there before me had had a bit too much to drink and then taken a swan dive off the cliffs behind the building. Not that the cliffs were that high, but it was high tide and there were rocks and it was dark and no one gave a shit about the old biddy any way. The neighbors only noticed she was gone when she didn't show up for her canasta game. I think they were more pissed because it was her turn to bring the nibbles than they were that she was dead. Apparently, she wasn't that good a card player, but she always brought good things to nibble on when it was her turn. Don't you just love California? Got their priorities damn straight, damn it!

Anyway, as I was passing by the building, the paramedics were loading what was left of the old lady into the county meat wagon to take to the morgue. The ambulance couldn't make it into the small parking lot of the apartment complex — it was trash day and all of the recycling bins were neatly arranged in the driveway for pick up — and so the ambulance was parked kind of caddy-whampus in the middle of the street. It had stopped what little traffic there was on this residential street, so I got out to walk around and stretch my legs. I struck up a conversation with the building manager and ended up with a six-month lease.

I didn't immediately connect the young woman at the pool with the dykish-sort of person I had seen around the complex. That person always wore denim jeans, baggy sweatshirts and a baseball cap pulled down over her face, her hair tucked up under it. Her long mannish strides, her fashionable Stacker boots 'thumping' on the walkway outside my apartment window were nothing like the tiny 'clack-clack-clack' she now made as she minced her way to a chaise lounge.

I almost didn't give her a second look. I mean, why bother? As flattering as that armor-plated swimsuit was, she should have kept the sweatshirts on. Hell, if I was going to go to the extreme effort of interrupting my writing to stare at her, at least she could have revealed a bit of something! But, as she was at least old enough to be legal and young enough not to be mistaken for a California prune in the dark, I looked twice. OK, more than twice. But not a lot more. Well, OK, not at first.

It was her habit to sit out by the pool, but in the shade. That put her on the other side of the pool from me. At first I thought she was trying to get my attention by always sitting in my field of vision. I never caught her eye, though and I never saw her glance in my direction. Finally, after not writing anything for several days, I decided she wasn't there for my benefit. Oh well, another fantasy shattered all to Hell...

She did have to walk right by my chair on her way back to her apartment. At least, she did after I discovered which gate she used to leave the pool. It took me all night, but I rearranged the entire pool area to make her walk by a certain table, and then I had to get to the pool in the early afternoon to be sure somebody else didn't get 'my' table. But I managed it. Day after day that summer, right after the evening breezes would pick up, she would gather her things and clack-clack-clack right by my table. Lot of good it did me.

We didn't speak to each other for weeks, months. Not a glance, not a nod, not a sign of recognition for the masterful job I had done of rearranging the pool furniture. Not one bit of acknowledgement that either of us even existed to the other, at least from her side. It suited me perfectly, well sort of. Even after I learned that she was my neighbor. Not just in the building or on the same floor, but right God damn it next door to my apartment. I don't know how I had avoided noticing that particular detail for so long, the signs were all there, but like I mentioned, I wasn't looking. At anything. Well, not much, really!

Perhaps about now would be an appropriate place to mention my biggest flaw, as far as I'm concerned. Just in case you're an idiot and haven't picked up on it yet. I am what I would best describe as a hopeless chivalric. I guess I hark back to my medieval ancestors. In the Damsel in Distress stories, I would be cheering wildly for the hero, if not actually be him. I don't know why I feel the way I do. God knows I had tried an infinite number of times to change, but I just can't help myself. When I see a woman in trouble, I have to help, even when it goes against everything else I know, feel or suspect.

That's a major character flaw, I know. Like paying my bills on time, or obeying the speed limits, I would have to say that it's just something that made me, well, me. Sure, sometimes I would roll through a stop sign or turn without signaling, just for the Heck of it, mostly when no one else was within 3 miles.

Truth be told, I really was trying to change and, of all things, I think the writing was helping. Sometimes I actually could imagin myself as the dashing cad in my novel. Maidens swooning and fawning over my sexual prowess, petticoats and pantaloons in disarray, maidenheads torn asunder. Damn, I was a scoundrel in my own mind! My mighty prick was ready at the drop of a hat, or blouse, or whatever the young girls wanted to drop.

My book was progressing nicely. With the cooler evenings in the winter, I had taken to writing in my apartment, all the windows and doors open to the cool night air. I could hear the sounds of the ocean crashing into the rocks down below the cliffs and the calls of the birds nesting in those few trees tenaciously clinging to the last remaining yards of soil on the edges of the cliff. It was all strangely calming.

I heard the gunshots at about the same time as the slugs came tearing through the common wall between our apartments. One killed my dishwasher, another went through the screen of my laptop. I was typing on it at the time, so that really got my attention. I heard a scream. A Damsel in Distress! My favorite kind! I grabbed my handy baseball bat that I kept by the front door and went bashing into the apartment next door, the White Knight to the rescue.

The punk got me twice in the leg before I bashed his skull in. I'm not a big man, but a quality metal bat can put a good sized dent into a skull, even swinging wounded, and I was swinging for the fucking fences after the bastard put two .22 caliber rounds in me. Damn, that fucking hurt!

The cops called this particular routine death a "self-defense" due to the slugs in my leg, my dishwasher and the dead computer. They actually paid more attention to the fucking dishwasher than to my leg. I heard later they were looking for spare parts for the captain and the seal of mine was in fairly good condition and it was the right model, etc. Fucking dickheads! When they finally got around to it, they sort of glossed over the part where I entered through the front window of her apartment without bothering to open it first, so I suppose they were nice enough guys after all.

If I thought that I wrote a lot on my former job, those poor bastards had to write a report about every fucking thing they did! Volumes of paper. Trees wasted, all to provide evidence in a legal battle that would probably never occur. But it was useful in one respect. From the copy of police report they so thoughtfully provided me, I found out her name was Diane Thomas. I also learned that she was 23 years old and single. Pretty useful information, if you ask me.

I assumed she found out as much about me or at least she did in my fantasy. Heck, I saved her sorry ass! The least she could do was cooperate in a harmless fantasy...

I also learned from that factual document that a crack-head from LA had somehow gotten stranded on the beach after a fucking do-gooder social group had taken a bunch of the poor depraved- excuse me, deprived asswipes on a field trip to the beach. While he was getting high behind a boulder, the bus had driven off and left him. The tide came in and forced him up the cliff to the access stairs and from there he had wandered up into the apartment complex. No, it wasn't CSI that figured that out. He had been dragging a long piece of seaweed and you could follow his trail blindfolded at night. He had waited in the shadows in the stairwell, where he left the rotting and stinking seaweed, and had surprised her as she came in from work that evening. It had been a totally random event, except for idiocy of the fucking social group, which made me feel slightly better about the neighborhood, but not much.

Whether the pothead forgot what he was after while he was waiting for someone to come along or if the darkness inside of her apartment confused him wasn't clear, but Diane was lucky. He had pushed her into the room with tremendous force, rushing up behind her as she unlocked her door. She had landed on her bed, quickly rolled off the other side and scooted back in under it. He couldn't find the light switch, so he apparently was trying to locate it by firing the gun at it. Hence the random shots. That was when she had screamed.

When I got out of the hospital the next week after being held for several nights for observation, I found I was a minor celebrity in the community. Just what I fucking needed. Notoriety. So I did the only thing I could do. I hid. I declined the local TV interview. The hostess wasn't that cute, anyway, and came off like a real bitch on the air. I didn't allow any pictures to be published and when the story finally did come out, the only picture in the paper was of the apartment manager. My name wasn't mentioned and he had related to the reporter how he had apparently subdued the rest of the attacker's gang single-handedly. Or at least, that's the way he told the story. Or how the newspaper did. Bottom line was that I wasn't mentioned, so I didn't fucking care if Osama bin Laden had been behind the whole thing.

My boss didn't understand my heightened paranoia, but he was desperate for good help so he let me work by telephone for a couple of weeks. Even then, it took longer to get back on my feet than I had thought. I wasn't as young as I once was and the pain of my wounds lingered longer than I felt was appropriate. It interrupted my exercise schedule as well, and that really ticked me off.

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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents’ boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn’t know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

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Chapter 1 Dan laid next to Dian in disbelief. "My god what is wrong with me, why did I let this happen? The questions swirled around in his head, as he listened to Dian's even breathing as she lay sleeping beside him. Dan could not belief that he had let it go this far, after all this was his dead wife's daughter that he had just fucked. Dian Jackson grow up in a middle class home. She was a beautiful young girl with rich black silk skin, long flowing brown hair and deep coco brown eyes....

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Very Bad Boy

Very Bad BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan Before taking this job, Vernessa knew it was not easy to be a substituting teacher. Instead of preparing, one subject for the one class, as a substitute, she would have to be up and up with at least 4-5 subjects for the classes of 9th to 12th grades. It was couple of months already on job and somehow, she had substituted mostly for the class of history to the 10th grade students and very happy and hopeful to get a job as a permanent teacher in the history...

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Fucked By Stranger On Delhi Trip Part II

Hi I am Niharika this is the concluding part of my Delhi trip. The first episode is titled Fucked by Stranger on Delhi Trip which is in the couple section; please mail me your Valued response at This was my 5th day in Delhi, i returned to my room in the same hotel from the conference and was changing my clothes, I was only in my panties when I heard a knock on the door, I quickly put on my half nighty and asked “kaun hai”, there was no reply but immediately there was a knock on the door again....

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40SomethingMag Jazmine Cruz Fitness Fucking

How would you react if a hot, MILFy fitness instructor with a banging body and big tits started stretching in front of you, spreading her legs wide and showing off her flexibility while her face was inches from your cock, bending over to show off her ass? Well, you’d probably tent your shorts, which is what happens to the guy in this scene. While she’s getting loose, he’s getting hard. Fortunately, before long, the fitness instructor, 43-year-old Filipino wife and mom Jazmine...

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MomDrips Nina Elle Finger Flip Air Cock

Skateboarders have a way of bouncing back after nasty spills, but even the toughest skater is going to need a little time to regroup after taking a board to the nuts. That is what happened to Nina Elles stepson today, and he is definitely in some major pain. Nina hears him moaning through the bathroom door and her stepmotherly instincts immediately kick in. She goes inside and finds out her stepsons balls have been bruised. Even though she has to laugh a bit, she wants to make him feel better...

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The Party Favor

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. All characters are above the legal age of consent. Rose wakes one morning to realize that she is the subject to a party, planned by her husband. But as her day unfolds, she realizes there will be no cake and ice cream at this party THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. All characters are above the legal age of consent. He...

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April In June

This is my first attempt at writing. It was the beginning of summer, me and my cousin decided to spend our first week out of school at out grandmas. Every year we would spend our summer staying at different family member’s house. This was great for us because we got to spend time with distant family members. If we weren’t feeling the vibe of one place we would pack up and go to the next family member’s house. It was just us. We saved up enough money throughout the year to be able to get to...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 33 Sisters Indulge Their Passions

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, Queendom of Naith Music resounded from the top of the Ziggurat. Where Queen Athirmi held court was now a bustling feast. Food sat on tables ready...

4 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 11 The Apple Never Falls Far From the Tree

It was over three weeks later, and the Westbrooks had returned from Kitty Hawk. Lucy had boarded a flight to Cleveland after one last night of frantic lovemaking. She would return two weeks later to shoot the next series of commercials for the Two Bucks, but their summer fling was over. They both agreed to keep their relationship non-committed. Both would attend colleges several hundred miles apart. Besides, Lucy was two years older. She would graduate the same two years ahead of Danny, and...

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French Throat

She crawled over to him on all fours while he laid back on the plump, cushy couch with his legs up in the air and his asshole winking at her. He rubbed his cock to attention and said ‘crawl over her you little bitch and eat my asshole.’ She crawled over, her 4-inch high heels clacking on the wood floor beneath her as she crawled. She couldn’t take her eyes of his delicious-looking, puckered asshole. She put her hands on both of his legs and pressed them even further towards the man’s head so...

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The Sisters Game Part 2

I called Andrea up the next morning and asked her to meet me by the drama room before school as I had something very important to tell her. She asked me if everything was alright and without missing a beat I responded that everything was just fantastic. A short time later I found Andrea sitting on the bench by the drama room, waiting for me. I sat down next to Andrea and took a long breath. Now is not the time to be nervous and wuss out I told myself. I looked over to Andrea and was able...

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I Found a DVD part 3

I found a DVD part 3Hopefully you will have read parts 1 and 2 so far.Having babysat for my friends Jane and Pete a couple of times and watched videos of them enjoying each other, I was getting hornier than ever. I had seen Pete's cum all over my friend Jane's face, I had seen Jane cum and squirt over his face and finally I had seen my friends hairy pussy filled with spunk. Since watching these amateur porn films, I had been constantly wet in the pussy area. I just couldn't seem to shake the...

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Castaway ExplorerChapter 25

“Please be seated,” Captain Bank said, seeing Kate and me enter the room just behind Dr. Cina. An armed security guard closed the door behind us. The relaxed tone in the room felt casual not formal. Most of the senior officers had arrived ahead of Kate and me, for a brief meeting, before the start of the captain’s formal dinner. The dozen guests standing around the wardroom found their way to their chair. Yeoman Rogers directed Kate and me to a pair of seats next to the captain, near the...

3 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 12

"Time to get up, Sunshine," Zoe told Richard, zapping him awake with the shock collar around his neck. He stood up and his Little Miss Sunshine outfit was the only bright thing in the room; everything else was dark. "Let's see what we've got for you today," his sister said, rooting through his nearly pitch-black closet. "One of these, a couple of these, one of these, and one of these." She jammed a corset over him, and the flesh that was on his midsection went immediately to his breasts...

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BBC for Teacher Part 3

"I really don't know what has come  over me, April!" I texted my friend, while lazing in a hot tub of bubbly water. I was describing to her how I had let one of my students parents fuck me with his big, black cock right in my classroom. Talking about it was making me hot all over again. The scent of vanilla wafted around me. I set the phone back on the side of the tub and ran my hand down over my pussy lips, making sure that the razor didn't miss any hair. A moan escaped my lips and I slipped a...

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The Many Uses of Alexis

The Many Uses of Alexis - By Alexis Brooks - [email protected] Chapter 1 - Cheesecake The mall is fairly empty this gray and damp day. What little bit of light that makes it through the heavy clouds outside, drops evenly across the lower floors of the atrium inside. Many of the shop workers are standing at their doors awaiting guests or hurriedly cleaning the store for the end of the day. It is almost 6 o'clock on this dark Sunday and the mall is nearing its closing...

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Staying in on Petes Night

Secret Sunday Revealed Dan & Pete had shared an apartment for just over a year they were the best of friends but they both had totally different personalities. While Dan was shy and very committed to his long term g/f Amy. Pete was loud and was in and out of relationships every other week. Dan and Pete had an agreement on the apartment so to keep out of each others way the agreement was Wednesday to Saturday nights it was Dan's night which meant Pete had to go out and Dave had the...

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PublicBang Marta La Croft Marta La Croft Loves to Public Fuck

This week Marta La Croft joins us for some public fun. This horny chick is the total package. She has a huge pair if tits, as well as perfectly plump ass. Marta cruises the streets in search of a guy willing to give her the proper fucking that she deserves. We eventually come across tis guy washing his car, She was persuasive enough to get him to agree. From there, we find an alley way to get down to it. Marta got properly fucked in this alley way, she was left satisfied with cum all over her...

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My Cousin Sister

Hi! Friends I’m Nitesh and I want to tell you about my first experience of sex with someone. I will be telling you all this. So it all started when I and my far-related sister were coming to Jabalpur from Nagpur. We had gone to my cousin sister’s marriage and now were returning from there. Just as we reached the station we saw a donkey and a mare having sex. My sister Amrita and I were both seeing all this. I looked at Amrita. She was smiling with her head held down. We ignored this and got on...

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Retirement Center

Well my wife and I made another trip back to my dads retirement center. On our arrival we went and sat with dad and had a very nice conversation with him. While speaking to dad Wanda stopped by to say hello and invited us to come see her once we were done with dad. I looked at my wife and saw the excitement in her eyes. I could tell she was thinking of our last visit there and all the fun we had with Wanda and Carolyn. I to had thoughts of that and my dick was getting hard. We finished with dad...

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The Wedding

My daughter was getting married and we had to travel down to London for the wedding and everything went perfect. My daughter Susan looked wonderful and at 19 she had a wonderful figurer and her wedding dress made her look like an angel. My husband bob and I could not have been happier for Susan and James. The reception was great too and I had a wonderful time and danced most of the night and I did have a bit too much to drink as did my husband. It was about 1.30 am when we got to bed in out...

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Mother Son when lust takes over

Alison closed the door behind her and left a sigh of disappointment as she watched out of the window to see the car disappear. Another attempt to date, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome , smart and successful but that wasn’t enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband’s death but she still couldn’t find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her juicy curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere she...

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Chorizo for Dinner

Chorizo for dinnerby BigSteveLiving and working in west Texas, its pretty hard not to meet a lot of good looking, sexy Latino men. In some parts of the state they come fresh from the “frontera” or have lived in Texas for several generations. In either case, they are generally some of the friendliest, easy going men you’d ever hope to meet. I grew up out in a small city in that part of the state and my dad owned his own business. To his credit, he chose to hire, as a matter of preference,...

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Mommy Has More Fun

Hi friends, I’m Rahul(changed) and I’m back with another hot story for you. This time, I “almost” saw mom having sex with her own “jiju”!! Just like my previous story, this one too is a real thing I saw. My life had totally changed after that night when I saw mom fucking with the carpenter. I saw her in an entirely new light. I had always thought of her as a fun loving woman who would dress and act erotically just to tease men. She loved it when they would eye her with open lust. I thought she...

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What Lena Wants

Introduction: Lena used to be close with her brother Milo, but things have changed recently. Lena just wants to have her brother back, maybe a little closer than before. Hi Lovelies! I hope you enjoy this story. I am hoping to expand upon it with more of Milo and Lenas relationship, so stay tuned. Xoxo, Cede ——– Growing up, I was the youngest in our family. The only girl on top of that. I had three older brothers, Sam, Peter, and Milo. Sam and Peter were five and eight years older than me,...

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Vitamin G pt 2

What if the drugs didn’t work? I thought. Working my way upstairs, I snuck into the kitchen, past my sister's door. Didn’t hear a peep out of her room. She must still be sleeping. Pouring me a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal, I chomped down my breakfast. Jesus was I hungry. After a little while, I could hear my sis walking around her room, making her way to the restroom. Timing myself to walk past her, back to my bedroom, I made my way down the hall. God, she looked like a train...

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The Lusty Month of May

Tra la! It's May!The lusty month of May!That lovely month when ev'ryone goesBlissfully astray.Tra la! It's here!That shocking time of yearWhen tons of wicked little thoughtsMerrily appear!It was about ten in the morning and the dew had been burned off when I walked barefoot into the meadow to celebrate the Sabbat. It was May 1st - May Day, or Beltane, and truth to say, I should have been here in time to see the sun come up; but I’m a lazy bastard, and only the fact that getting dressed had been...

Straight Sex
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The Dark Damsel Ch 14

So what do you do when the girl you’ve just fucked is babbling in German, oblivious to your presence and the moment is growing long and awkward? Don’t answer that, Bats, because your answer would probably haunt my nightmares. My response was a quick peck on the cheek, the promise to call her and a prompt exit stage right. She was a sweet girl, but I was afraid the next personality would be a needy, clingy and whiney thug groupie. I’d had about enough for the day. All that being said, I think...

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Michelles Story Part 9

Michelle's Story - Part 9 As March approached, Michael and Emma were starting to count the days down to their cousins' birthday party. For Michael, it was a good distraction from the problems he faced concerning his friend Robert. But even so, those problems wouldn't go away. "I'm not sure what is going on," said Robert one day. "My parents are now living apart, but me and my sister are still at home with dad." "If you stayed with your dad, you wouldn't have to leave here,...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 22 Camp USC

I arrived at LAX and went to the baggage area. It wasn’t the prettiest airport I had been in. It seemed like there was a lot of construction going on. I came out and got in line for a cab. Talk about a hot mess. The traffic coming out of the airport was crazy. I just closed my eyes and let the cabbie do his thing. I arrived a day early, to meet with Bo Harrington. He had rented practice time at an area high school and arranged for a couple of receivers to work with me. This week I would be...

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Die Auszubildende

Karina Gottfeld ist Auszubildende zur Speditionskauffrau. Erstes Lehrjahr, bei einem angesehenen Logistikbetrieb. Die Arbeit gefällt ihr gut! Besser als Schule zumindest. Karina brütete gerade über diesem dämlichen Buchungsprogramm, als Frau Müller quer durch das grosse Büro krähte: " Karina! Du solltest doch noch....

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Total Woman Requests 04

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

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Innocent Little Girl Eats My Nasty Spunk

It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...

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Mummy Pratima Ko Randi Banaya

My name is Vicky, this is a story about me and my mom Pratima, first let me tell you about my mom, she is 38 years old, and has still somehow held onto that lusty figure that men crave for. Sure she hasn’t the charm that she had when she was younger but still it is enough to make many drool. I could never make out whether she was that purely traditional girl, or the wild hot thing. After my father passed away, she started getting a little bolder. But all in all she was quite conservative still....

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The Hots For MomChapter 6

Jim came home that night, wondering where Gloria had gone. She was always on the porch, waiting for her father to come home so that she could jump into his arms. Julie always thought that Jim might have had a thing for his daughter. In fact, there were times when she hoped that he did. Then she could justify her own feelings toward Byron by pointing out that he had similar ones toward Gloria. But now all she could think of was the girl's sudden departure. Where was she? What was she going...

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Women Here Them Roar

Women Here Them Roar By Kathy Smith Stephen A. Adams is an U.S. Senator from Alabama. He is deeply religious man. He is an ordained Minister with a Pentecostal Church in a small village called Marion, Alabama. Before he was a Senator, he was the Mayor of that town too. He is a Democrat which is very unusual in the south but he was a Minister before he got elected. He also proselytes in a Church in northeast Virginia when the Senate is in session. When the senate is not in...

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Brother and sister reconnecting

Anyway, recently I found you on Facebook and we started talking. You were going thru a nasty divorce and we talked about my failing marriage. One day, you told me you were going to be in my area for a business trip, and maybe we could get dinner. I jumped at the chance, and set it all up. Finally, you arrived, and I picked you up at the airport. You looked gorgeous, and I really tried my best not to stare, though I could have sworn you almost wanted me to look. I offered for you to stay with...

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Trophy Wife Crescent Chapter Two

Introduction: In a rich crescent, located high in the hills around the city sits 5 beautiful mansions and within these 5 very beautiful trophy wives. These woman have all quickly tired of their current husbands and begin to explore other local men. Soon each woman is surrounded by men willing to fuck them any time, any place all they have to do is call on them. As the warming early morning sun rose upwards casting long shadows across the city skyline, Rosa Harrison awoke from her deep sleep....

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 21 Ending a Great Year

I got grilled, or maybe it was teased (?), when I got home from the Mall. Bear in mind that my Mom believed I'd never had anything like a "date" in my life. Though technically she was correct – she had no inkling of what I HAD DONE in my life, especially in the past three months. Not wanting to tell an out-n-out LIE, I simply said that I did get to see the foreign exchange student from Brazil there, and that she was a 7th grader and very smart. Good ... a very convenient little half-truth...

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Wallflower Girl

Literotica Edition © 2013 Guy Bailey Co-written with Simone Beaudelaire * Nick Harper wiped his brow on his arm as he looked at the trail of straw bales in front of him. They were the small, rectangular type, each weighing around sixty-five pounds. The trailer he was stacking them on held twenty-five lying flat on the base, and could take them eight high. He stacked them using a step method, building one layer, then stepping up to a second and third level so he could shoulder each bale up to...

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The Wrestling Proposal

I couldn't help but laugh. "Are you serious right now Brittany?""Yes I'm serious. I want to fight you." She said with a smirk. She was standing up in the living room looking down at me on the couch while I was trying to play Halo 4. She had on what could only be described as an outfit that one would work out in. It consisted of a top that was like a smaller, thinner sports bra and a pair of booty hugging boy shorts, both the same color and both bright orange. I paused the game for a minute to...

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First threesome

My sexy wife Christi is usually pretty reserved but sometimes after a few glasses of wine she lets herself loosen up a bit. I have always wanted to share her but haven't been able to get her to consent. Christi is very sexy. She has long brown hair, beautiful blue eyes amd what I think is a smoking hot body. She is five foot six inches, weighs around 120 pounds, has nice firm 34b breasts and long sexy legs. This particular night she looked especially hot. She was wearing a short dress that went...

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Bhai ne meri kha liya

Thank you for all for giving such great support to my last story. Now i am going to tell u my experiance with my bro. As you know i am radhika, 18 year slim, attractive and fully hot girl. I am leavingin in mumbai. I my home there are my papa, mother me and my brother. All we have there separate room. My bro is 20 year old and i am 18 year. I am learning in first year of engineering and he is in third year. In last week i gone at my home due to holiday. Every one was in our house. I enjoyed...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 319

This one is compliments of Rudolph "I thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant but apparently it just changes the colour of the baby." This grouping is compliments of Rrrosco After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Walmart. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following...

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Summer Of Fun Part 5

Summer of FunPart 5 For the next few days Brandy and I fucked, licked, sucked; there were no boundaries that we didn’t accomplish or try to with each other. Every hour and minute we found ourselves in a lustful delight, that was when her mom was at work. We both knew her mom had suspicions of what we were doing while she was gone; we didn’t even try to cover up our tracks or hide the fact, it was risky but we were out in the open about it. Her mom’s attitude was changing and I know Brandy...

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Honeymoon CruiseChapter 3

Easter Sunday, evening. Supper, anchored in Pyefleet Creek, was stew, out of tins, eaten sitting in the saloon as the forecast rain had arrived. Not that it amounted to much; just a light drizzle, gloom, and a drop in temperature. But the cabin was snug between their body warmth and the heat from the oven, and they comfortably discussed prospects for the next day. "The wind is likely to back a little," Nadiya commented. "It wouldn't be much fun trying to get into the Crouch. It'd be...

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Helping a Friend

I have always had one rule when it came to our swinging; keep our “lifestyle” out of my work world. Working in an office with middle aged salesmen, I got hit on enough by the “higher up’s”. The last thing I ever wanted was my personal sex life being common knowledge at work. Most of the office staff were women varying in age from early 20’s to early 60’s. The women on the staff would usually get together once a month for a girls night out. It was always a heavy drinking affair where the married...

Wife Lovers
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Paying Off Money Owed to the Mob Part 2

Paying Off the Mob II By Jennifer Allison Prelude In the first part of this story we find out our hero has a gambling problem and owes a very big chunk of change to the mob. Then they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world the mob had come up with a byproduct of their drug production, a drug that can change a person's sex. There is one small catch. And that is the reason this drug is not on the open market. They can only produce...

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Mommies girl part 3

This is a work of fiction and all participants are over the age of 18. Chapter 1 The boys had pulled on their clothes and headed to the door. “We’ll leave you three alone for a bit” said Dave. “The night is still young though and we’re just down the corridor.” He grinned. When Don had come out of the bathroom (the last of the three to have showered) his girls were naked, giggling on the bed as they made out, their breasts squashed together as they kissed. They’d looked up at Don...

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