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"Hurry up Chris we're going to be late!" I heard from downstairs. Jess and I were going to see an expert today in the field of fertility at Yale. Her name is Dr. Marian Ramirez and she most certainly knew her stuff judging by the countless accolades that women have been giving her. "Dr. Ramirez knew how to help us.... Dr. Ramirez knows female anatomy to the T.... Dr. Ramirez blah blah blah" That's all I could take I needed to meet the women first hand and see what she was about. Jess and I had been trying to conceive for years and have gone in for countless procedures. Our last doctor we met with told us that there was a high chance that I was infertile and to top it off Jess's reproductive system was not fit to bear children. I just couldn't take the naysaying anymore and neither could Jess. At least for myself, it has been a dream of mine since I was a teen to have a child of my very own. I had to keep my bloodline was a sense of pride. I needed this woman to help us. "Jesus Christ that was the longest fucking drive ever," said Jess fuming from our horrid car ride. Apparently people from Connecticut just don't know how to drive. And they say us New Yorkers are bad drivers...sheesh. "Did Dr. Ramirez say where we were to meet her?" I asked looking over the beautiful campus. I had seen pictures but to see the architecture in person was just outstanding. I was pulled from my admiration of the land by Jess's voice. "Christ...I thought I already told you...we're supposed to meet her at Yale-New Haven hospital in the OBGYN unit." Jess looked pretty pissed but I attributed it to her anxiousness. She wanted answers and more importantly a solution. She wanted a child just as badly as I did but she wanted it for a different reason. She loved me dearly and she wanted to please me with a strong healthy child. She wanted a child purely out of love. We walked a few blocks and arrived at the hospital and made our way to the OBGYN unit. At the doors we saw a Latina woman in a white lab coat filling out some paperwork. "Excuse me ma'am," asked Jess, "Are you by any chance Dr. Ramirez?" The woman looked up and smiled and proceeded to hug Jess and then me. "Yes and I'm so glad you chose to come here and let me help." She seemed super friendly, which made me feel extremely at ease and from looking at Jess; her nerves had subsided as well for the most part. "Let me give you a tour of the unit and the work that we have been doing on-site" She said. She led us through the double doors and we walked straight past the reception desk. There were a few very pregnant women sitting waiting for their checkups it seemed. One of them looked REALLY pissed off and sort of sneered at Dr. Ramirez as we walked by. "As you can see...pregnancy does many things to a woman's hormone levels. Sometimes my patients can come off a bit.... nasty." We continued to walk down the hallway and my eyes caught an open examining room. Maybe I would see some pregnant pussy! I was waiting for the sight only to have a crying man come into my vision in the room. He was completely upset about something and his wife was just rubbing his back. The nurse that was in the room caught my eyes and she proceeded to shut the door. "Something catch your eye Mr. Jackson?" Dr. Ramirez smiled. "Some people can't handle the fact that they are going to be parents after having so many doctors tell them to give up. Sort of like you and your wife today no?" She kept walking as I was taken aback at her response. Jess followed her into her office and I proceeded to enter. "Here at this hospital I have been working tirelessly on a new drug to aid in fertility. It provides infertile couples with the ability to reverse their conditions and to allow impregnation. It's not FDA tested however we are performing clinical trials on needy couples." Jess seemed a little worried and for good reason. Why the fuck should we trust something that wasn't even approved by our nations top pharmacologists. I heard enough. This woman couldn't fix any of our issues. "Having doubts?" said Dr. Ramirez. "You really shouldn't worry. This drug is perfectly fine in fact I've seen a 75% success rate. I should let you know that a trial rating of that high is outstanding for a clinical trial. Here at Yale we pride ourselves on safety and getting the best results for our patients. If you're interested the drug is called Pregmana.... coined the name myself" Said Dr. Ramirez smiling. Jess smiled and looked over at me. How could I not say no. "Alright...we'll try your stupid drug. It had better work though!" "Oh well the drug is only for see...the drug is designed to superpower the sperm so that it does not die and it actually extends it's life period when entering the woman's reproductive system." I asked Dr. Ramirez about the doctor's saying Jess was unable to provide offspring and Dr. Ramirez seemed like she almost anticipated this question. " If this is the case, I will be happy to evaluate your wife and see what I can do to help fix this problem. There are some surgeries that can be performed and if you enroll in this clinical trial, all surgeries will be covered." Jess smiled and I was taken aback. ANY surgery would be covered? Holy fuck they were not messing around with this trial. Dr. Ramirez handed us the paperwork for the trial. "Read it carefully and sign your name on the dotted line. I should let you know that by you singing this agreement, you are bound by legal terms. Should something go wrong during the trial, we aren't liable however we will do what we can to help alleviate any problems should they occur.'re stuck with what you get." "Oh that's just standard legal mumbo jumbo," said Jess. "I just can't wait to have a baby!" It all seemed surreal the meeting we had just had. I thought about it as Jess drove us back to our house in Westchester. This bottle I had in my hand...this "Pregmana" it was going to fix our issues. Also Dr. Ramirez scheduled an examination with Jess tomorrow to review her ability to carry a child to full term. Dr. Ramirez had instructed me to take the pill when I got home and to take it once daily before bed. She said that the pill might have some side effects but not to worry and just schedule an appointment should something happen. She did warn me that the one side effect that is common among all males is vomiting. She said it's to be expected and it will pass. "We're here babe." Jess pulled me out of my thoughts and I got out of the car and walked hand in hand with my beautiful soon to be pregnant wife. I awoke the next morning around 7 AM and I had to run to the bathroom. I just barely made the toilet before all of the contents of my meals were expulsed from my mouth. "You ok Babe?" Jess asked groggily having heard the commotion I made. "I'm fine.... just this stupid pill." I felt so drained and weak after my bathroom visit and I plopped right back into bed and drifted off to sleep. I awoke again although the sun was now out. I looked at my alarm clock and it was already two in the afternoon. Holy fuck!!! I slept that long. Shit! I missed my shift at the movie theater. My boss was already pissed at me because I took some time off to get this whole family situation sorted out. I grabbed my phone and saw all the missed calls from work and voicemails. The last voicemail was the worst. "One more fuckup Christ and your ass is out of here. I'm done putting up with your shit. This is your final warning. Consider yourself lucky that I'm even allowing you to keep your job after today considering you gave no fucking notice whatsoever." I felt completely defeated. I got out of bed and looked for Jess. Oh fuck that's right she had that examination with Dr. Ramirez today. My stomach felt off again. I ran to the bathroom again throwing up bile now. This is miserable...this was the price I had to pay though. My dad always told me that if you want something bad enough, you have to be prepared to make some sacrifices. This was the sacrifice that I had to make. Jess got home around seven. "God that traffic was horrible. I-95 sucks so much." "How are you feeling honey?" I heard her call from the bathroom. "I'm ok," I said weakly. She came to the bathroom and found me hugging the toilet. "I'm sorry honey. Dr. Ramirez gave me a clean bill of health she also told me that those doctors were full of crap. She gave me some pills for me to take and also some more for you to take." I couldn't take anymore of those goddamn pills. I felt so sick all day. "I'll leave you to you porcelain god babe I'm gonna get ready...if you know what I mean... I'll see you in a few. I decided a good fuck session would maybe help my stomach feel a little better. I ran downstairs took my pill and ran back upstairs to the bedroom. Jess was waiting for me already naked on the bed sprawled out and using her dildo. She threw her dildo away as I walked in. "thank god that thing sucks so much...give me that tongue big boy." She inched herself up to the foot of the bed as I knelt down and proceeded to tongue her clit. She moaned and grabbed at the pillow squeezing as hard as she good. "Oh my fucking god Chris. You're like a pussy eating professional." I felt my member begin to swell in my pants. I proceeded to take everything off and out it popped at full attention. "Ooooo" said Jess as she grabbed hold of my cock. "You look bigger today. Are you thinking about impregnating my hot body? Are you thinking about how I'm gonna get big and fat with a kid of yours." My cock was raging so hard it hurt. She put her mouth around it and began to suck all of the sweet sticky contents. Her tongue felt so good on my dick and the pain started to go away. I haven't been this horny in awhile. She proceeded to flip herself on her back lying on the bed helplessly. "" she said. "There's a big scary man that's going to make me pregnant. Oh fuck I'm so screwed" I needed to be in her right now. I eased my way into my lover's snatch pumping my rock hard man meat in her moist opening. She was so tight tonight. It was beautiful and AMAZING on my dick. I fucked the shit out of her so hard and then I felt it. "YES YES YES" she screamed and I blew my warm load into her. "Oh fuck yes," she said pushing her fingers into her slit. "Let's make sure we get every last drop up in there." I woke up again the next morning even more exhausted than yesterday. That fuck session was great but I should have just gone to bed. I ran to the bathroom all parts of me aching and once again hugging my porcelain lover. "Boy. I'm not looking forward to that morning sickness babe," said Jess watching me as I threw up again. "It's almost like your pregnant haha." I laughed too and pushed her playfully out the door. I had to get ready for work. I grabbed my razor and looked in the mirror to shave my stubble. To my surprise I had a fresh, soft, face. Hmmm I usually have at least some stubble every morning. I guess it must be that pill. I put my razor down and stepped in the shower. I began to wash myself and clean everything. When I went to wash my hair I noticed that my hair felt a little thicker. It began to clump in my hand. Wow, I need to definitely get a haircut soon. It felt so thick but smooth at the same time. I continued to wash my body going down to my legs and washing upwards. I washed my penis area...hmm was I always this small? Oh well maybe I was spent from last night. I continued to wash upward. Under my chest...OUCH... what the hell. I pulled the washcloth away from my chest to look down. My nipples were bright red however the areola seemed darker. The fuck is going on with me? Oh well. Can't worry about that now. I was gonna be late for work. I turned the shower off, dried off, and threw on my clothes. Time for work Thankfully I got to the movie theater early. I made sure I went to see my boss and he was appreciative of my apology for yesterday however he was serious about what he said. Anymore "fuckups" and I was gone. I clocked in and started to get my register set for the day. I was working with my friend Ashley today. She was awesome she was the coolest kid I ever met. She was super smart, did her work, and did everything she was told to do. She made us adults look like complete idiots but I guess you wanna please everyone when you're fifteen at your first job. "Hey Chris. I finished cleaning the theaters and bathrooms. Wow...your hair looks awesome today. You growing it out?" She asked. "Yea I guess so" I said as I pulled my hair it was most certainly longer in length. " about ok? I was fine without you I don't really no why the boss man had to call you. I know you're trying to set up a family and that's awesome." See.... this kid rocks. I laughed and told her that everything was fine and that I was gonna be a dad hopefully soon. She smiled and her eyes lit up. "I'm totally gonna babysit for you." She said and we laughed. "Alright Chris. I'll talk you later... I gotta go set up my register people will be here any minute." And no sooner had she said that did the day from hell start. "My popcorn's not big enough. I asked for Coke not Pepsi. I want M&M's. I want snowcaps I want this I want that I want this I want that." It was just customer after customer today without stopping I fucking hated concessions and especially on busy days. I kept handing out items to customers and my chest kept hurting every time I reached my hands out. It was almost like a fiery pain. It just kept burning, as the day went on getting intense. Finally the day was done and I didn't even stop to talk with Ashley. "Chris what about your register?" she called as I ran out to my car. I had to get home. I needed Advil or Tylenol or something. When I got home I had to run to the bathroom again. I threw up and the pain in my chest was unbearable coupled with the pain of throwing up. I took my shirt off and hugged the toilet again. As I knelt on the ground I looked down at my chest. My nipples were sticking about but that wasn't the problem I was most worried about. At the moment I looked at my chest and I noticed that my chest was protruding ever so slightly. Did I fucking have tits? I stood up and looked in the mirror. I did...I had fucking little tiny female teenager tits. What the fuck was going on. Was this a side effect of the medicine? I was scared but the Dr. also told me not to skip a dose of my medicine because it could cause problems. I had no idea what to do. Jess got home and heard me crying in the bathroom. She opened the door and was shocked. I was standing facing the mirror and she could clearly see my tits. "Oh my god Chris. What the fuck is going on? Did the medicine do this to you" "I think so" I said. She came over and hugged me. I was so emotional right now. "You need to call Dr. Ramirez tomorrow and get an immediate visit tomorrow... she can fix this...I know she can" I sniffed my nose and went downstairs to take my other pill. I went back upstairs and laid facedown on the bed with my head in the pillow and I cried myself to sleep as Jess rubbed my back.

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my cheating gf 1

i have been off and on with this girl for about 7 years now and whenever we break up and sometimes even while were together she cheats. lately i have found out all the storys and kinda like it so i wanna share them. the first time she said she cheated she went to the bar for a party there was a guy there older then her by a few years that she had a crush on so as they got drunker they started dancing and kissing and eventually they went back to her sisters with this guy. she tells me every...

2 years ago
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Lowborn Ch 07

Mindblind ran, fighting the wind, rain, and muddy terrain to stay upright with his burden. Raven had barely breathed when he found her, and there was no guarantee that she still was. Upon reaching the turf house, he turned his back toward the door and threw his weight into it. In a splintering of wood, the makeshift bar fell away. He stumbled into the room amidst alarmed screams from the women within.Kayleen ran up and gasped, “Oh no. Is she okay?”Mindblind didn’t answer, but instead lay her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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A day in the park

  A Day at the Park It was a nice sunny, summer day, sometimes rare here in Puget Sound. I decided to go out to Meadowdale Park, one of my favorite places. I put on my bright blue bikini, followed by a loose fitting, oversized tank top and a short denim skirt. I grabbed my daypack and loaded it with some sunscreen, a bottle of water, a big beach towel, and a few of my favorite toys, just in case! I drove out to the entrance to the park. The parking lot was full, so I had to go back out and...

3 years ago
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Love of a Lifetime

As you pull up to your apartment, you sigh at what a long and depressing week it has been. Long hours at work, stress at school, and even an argument with your best friend. Now she isn’t your normal best friend, Doe is a very beautiful girl and one of the most popular girls in your school. She has long, silky, strawberry-blond hair, sea-green eyes that you sometimes got lost in, beautiful white skin that has a sprinkle of freckles, what you guess to be about 36D breast (you respect her too much...

3 years ago
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Biwi Ki Chudai Makan Malkin Ne Karwai

Meri makan malkin jyoti ek bahut sexy aurat thi par moti thi.Uski umra 35 saal hai.Uska size 40″34″40″ hai. Uske pati smart aur handsome hain aur ek factory mein officer hain.Main aur meri biwi sugandha ek saal pehle unke yahan rahne aaye the. Meri biwi ek nihayat hi khubsurat aur masum aurat hai.Uski umra 26 saal ki hai.Lekin wo dikhti bis se jyada ki nahin hai.Uski size 34″28″34″ hai.Rasile hoth,kasi chuchiyan aur ubhare hue gaand ,masum nigahen ,madmast chaal,dilkash awaj kisi ka bhi land...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned Day One

Introduction: A new slut to use, told from his and her view point, first time posting a story all critque welcome ((story unfolds from his and her view)) Lessons Learned (day one) Disoriented and with a pounding head ache, I attempt to open my eyes, Twisting my head side to side I begin to panic as I see only darkness. My jaw throbs as I realize there is something hard between my teeth. My arms stretched over my head. I tug hard, my scream muffled as my wrists pop, but remain in place....

2 years ago
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A Foggy Day

Damn this fog…ruining what I had planned on being such a perfect weekend. Finally getting to see you, and in the City of all places. I suppose I should be thankful that our schedules allowed any time at all. Still, it’s so dreadfully wet and thick out, though warm, kind of makes strolling down Haight Street sound unappealing. What say we go on a little exploration of the coastline? You throw a thick sweater over that sexy summer dress you’re wearing, and our adventure begins. Over the...

3 years ago
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EnslavedChapter 13

Priscilla entered with Bruno. She kept him at the heel, much to his dissatisfaction. I could already see his hard and fully erect cock hanging below his belly and felt the quivers start in my stomach. Here he was MY stud and ready to please me, to fuck me silly with his beautiful big cock and lovely thick cock knot. I could hardly lay still waiting for a command from Priscilla that would begin the second part of the performance; the part I really lusted for. Priscilla stood at my feet,...

3 years ago
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Lightbulbs and Redheads

I have a thing for redheads. I was standing in line at Walmart. I had a pack of light bulbs I needed for my home office. A whole dollar and fifty cents worth. I was second in line, eight or so people in line behind me, and a cute little redhead in front of me. I realized I’d left my wallet in the truck, but had my keys. I got her attention while she was putting a few things up on the belt. I asked her, “If I told you an unbelievable story, and it turned out true, would you marry me, or go on a...

3 years ago
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She Stole My Wife Ch 05

Part 5: Kim's Change Of Life, And An End To The Story.Andrea and Kim argued. Frequently. Kim became very emotional. She got nauseous at cooking odors, especially when Andrea cooked. She wasn't looking her normal self, and Andrea became frustrated that she didn't want to make love nearly as often as before the divorce party. I pissed off Andrea when I announced that I had bought a house down by the water, and would be moving out over the next month. Things weren't turning out as she had planned....

2 years ago
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Pleasure Cruise Part 3

The last couple of days aboard the ship had been amazing and filled with experiences I could never in my wildest dreams have imagined, but I was excited to be having a day on land. We had docked at first light and I had spent much of the morning wandering around the small shops and market stalls that stood along the beach front. The heat was intense and I was grateful I had chosen to dress in very little. My skimpy green bikini and a pair of denim shorts made up my outfit of choice - the green...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Nightmare Creatures

Chapter 1:The Discreet Assignment. Oh how she hated the Internet, this new means of modern technology that allowed information to spread swiftly across the masses. Only six months ago, Rachel Greene had been gracing the covers of some of the world’s most illustrious fashion magazines. Barely 24 years of age, this pretty brunette already had close to USD20 mio of contracts under her belt. She was in demand and her modeling career was right on track But all that came crashing down when she...

Group Sex
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ChrystalChapter 8

The expected increase in business in the South Bay area never happened. The Mayor and City Council had expected that the dredging of the bay would cause a huge increase in new business in their city. South Bay had been given a mile wide and six mile long section of bay front by the State years ago. It was to be used as industrial sites. The property was marsh with the only part above high tide level being the land most distant from the bay. There was a narrow band along side Bay Shore Drive...

1 year ago
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Was That Wrong Of Me Baby

It was my idea, just to spice things up a bit. I thought it might turn me on, and it did. My girlfriend and I have been together for a about a year now, which is way longer than any other relationship I’ve had. I guess I love her, but I have no intention of marrying her. I’m way too young for that. We get on great, and the sex has been fantastic, so I’m just enjoying myself. Debbie’s not the sort of girl I usually go for. She’s classy. The truth is, I’m punching way above my weight and I...

4 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 5 Party Games

"Wow, once she warms up she does pretty good." Cleo whispered into Mike's ear. "Look." Mike turned and followed Cleo's gaze. Katrina was on the dance floor with her skirt hiked up around her waist. Her bare white ass exposed to everyone and anyone. Mike grinned at Cleo. "I guess I won't have to worry about her tonight." Cleo licked the ear she'd just been whispering into. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Taking that innocent young girl and turning her into a hussy." Mike...

3 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 24

“Wait here,” Radu commanded the two guardsmen. The guards were dressed normally: a long-sleeved burgundy surcoat and pants covered by fitted, studded-leather armor. The two carried no weapons but kept a short sword in a scabbard at their waist. As usual when accompanying the emperor, the swords were unknotted so they could be drawn quickly if the need arose. “Guard the door. Only Werten is to enter.” He reached for the door, paused and drew back. “Not even my Right Hand is allowed to enter,...

2 years ago
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Mousi Ka Dard

Hey guys my name is Sunny, sex ki tadap kise nahi hoti, log kyu satisfaction ke liye pati ya patni ko dhokha dete hain, ye main tab samjha jab maine apne mousi ki tadap dekhi. Meri mousi bohot sundar thi mousa ji army me the, unki ek 6 saal ki beti thi. Mousi ki takleef ye thi ki na wo apne sasural me reh sakti thi aur pati use apne sath le kr ja nahi sakta tha so mousi akele beti k sath rehti thi. Mousi ki tabiyat kharab thi so wo humare yahan aayi hui thi, papa doctor hain karib 2 hafte wo...

3 years ago
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He caught me fucking his sister

My GF's 16 year old son had come to stay for the week. He lives with his father who had to go out of town on business. He had gone to the mall with some buddies one afternoon. I was home with his sister Maria and was feeling very horny. I went to her room and asked her if she wanted to fuck. She said yes but she had plans to go out soon so it would have to be a quicky. We got undressed and I laid her back on the bed and slid my cock into her. I was pumping her pussy hard and fast, lost in the...

2 years ago
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The time had come to expand my experience and desire for cross dressing and I had taken the plunge to meet a man through a Gay contact magazine who had advertised he was looking for a male to join him for 'Stimulating Dressing' and as I had a fixation with hosiery his advert got my attention when he also mentioned that he was into tights and stockings in a big way.I had up to this point only 'Dressed' at home and had only fantasized of being with other men and doing 'Naughty' things together...

3 years ago
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Anita in a pool party

When living at Miami, a couple of young guys moved next door.Soon my sweet wife learnt their names were Alex and Matt. One evening; as Ana and I went to the bed, we heard some music and noise at the neighbor’s back yard. So we sneaked through the windows.We could see our neighbors were having a night pool party; there were about six young men and a dozen of middle aged woman…They all were nude around the pool. And many women’s mouths were around hard cocks. Other ladies were being fucked...

3 years ago
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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 5 Latina MILFrsquos Futa Delight

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales’s living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as she watched the solution fade from a blue to a hot pink. It was ready. She...

1 year ago
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The Handyman

In the small country town where I live, all the husbands work and some of the wives use my skills as a handyman. I work the graveyard shift at the lime plant, so I’m always available during the day to help with whatever they need. You’d be surprised how much help they need with their plumbing. I’m a lab tech at the plant. My job is not very demanding. I make several trips from the lab to the kiln where the limestone is baked to take samples of the finished lime for testing. Some nights I mix...

1 year ago
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Quarantine Queers Part 2

It became routine.Ok, so it was weird. But whenever one of us was ready, we would invite each other to what quickly became these almost scheduled jerk-off sessions. At first, we stuck to the classic male fantasies, but Paul let out the first true confession."How do you feel about tentacles?"Ok, so chicks with dicks didn't seem so weird after watching a few minutes of some stylized animated girl being devoured by cum spraying centipede monsters. I shared a little, when pressed, and found that...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Neighbours Little Girl Gets It From Her Daddy

Having recently moved to a new house, it didn’t take long for me to discover that the little landing window on the side of the house, overlooks the back of a row of houses, giving a clear view into thier living rooms and rear bedrooms, only being a distance of around 30 feet away. Once I had moved in I would casually glance through the window, into the houses, as I went up or down the stairs, but there was nothing really to look at. Nothing that is, until a young f****y moved into the middle of...

1 year ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 40

8PHE0040 word count 2378 ******** Day 40, Saturday Chastity bicycled home a few minutes after two a.m. It was just two degrees above freezing but the air was still. Her breath fogged. The bicycle seat was cold! So were the handles. She rode home on the sidewalks, not trusting the roads. Even in an era of autodrive cars, drivers at this time in the morning were a menace. The ones who were awake were often drunk. The ones not drunk were often sleepy. She rode past Drake's...

1 year ago
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Southboud Greyhound

Liberty. Two weeks of freedom after Naval Boot Camp. I had gone home to visit my parents and see friends. Now I was headed south to San Diego on a Greyhound bus. We were somewhere in northern California when some folks departed and a few more boarded. I was pleased that the bus was sparsely occupied leaving me plenty of room to stretch out and relax. Unless you've ridden on a bus for more than just across town you don't know how cramped you can get. This was the beginning of the second day...

3 years ago
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The bar was crowded and I was half amused and half turned on watching the group of men literally salivating over her. She was a stunning, dark skinned, dark haired woman of 32. Occassionally a man would attempt to slip his hand beneath the material of her dress and she would laugh and remove his hand. One by one the rejected men left. She saw me laughing at the scene before me and asked me "You think it's funny?" "I do," I replied. She smiled back. "But you don't try." "No,...

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