- 2 years ago
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Rick Smith was feeling pretty good as he stood contentedly in the hot shower. He was still smiling after remembering his meeting yesterday with Larry his boss. Rick had done well over the past two years, and his company had recognized it, finally giving him a shot at landing a very important account.
"You've got Cart Blanch on this one Rick," Larry had told him. "Whatever it takes, no matter what it takes, you bring this one home for us. It can make the difference of a good year or a great year!" He'd told him. "And until this one's been put to bed, it's the ONLY assignment I've giving you to work on, it's that important!"
Rick knew it wouldn't be easy, there were three other competitors all vying for this account, but Rick's firm had been selected for the first real go through, so a lot was at stake and he knew it. It would also be the first time that he'd be working with an independent consulting firm to help him look at the overall picture, ensuring that he didn't leave anything out in his final proposal.
Rick stepped out of the shower and checked his watch. He had plenty of time yet. He was to meet over breakfast with the consultant he'd spoken with over the phone. Today's meeting was just to go over the proposed game plan, and then lay out the schedule of the various locations they'd need to travel to and perform some basic site surveys at each location prior to submitting their final proposal.
The other reason he was smiling was that the consultant he'd be meeting with was a woman, and she had sounded sexy as hell when he'd spoken to her on the phone. The only problem with that being, Rick had met with women whose voices sounded sexy, if not downright sultry; only to discover that the image he created of them in his mind fell far short of reality when he actually did meet them. So it was that he was half expecting it to be the same thing this time, though when they'd spoken, there was a flirtatious edge to her tone of voice that he looked forward to hearing again in person, no matter how she looked.
It was his intention to arrive early ahead of her, thus establishing his sincerity and eagerness in working this account, showing her that he was also punctual and professional in doing so.
"Table for one?" he was asked upon arriving.
"No, I'm meeting someone here," he explained to the hostess who had greeted him. "Diane Davenport?"
"Ah yes, she's already here," the hostess informed him. "Follow me please."
Rick smiled to himself upon hearing that, she was thirty-minutes early for their meeting, which told him she was serious about this joint assignment as well.
The hostess led him outside to the patio area that though open, was secluded with each of the tables secreted away in their own private little garden booths that had been uniquely structured to separate each of the tables from one another without seeming crowded, yet still giving the appearance of an airy openness and relaxation as well as privacy.
"Miss Davenport?" The hostess addressed her, she sat smiling, taking his hand as he sat down. He didn't know what he was expecting really, having gone through a number of possible scenarios in his mind, none of which had even come close to the vision of loveliness he was looking at now however.
Diane had long auburn hair that fell comfortably around her shoulders, her eyes appearing almost emerald green with a full set of lips that hinted at just a touch of lipstick that complemented the deep burgundy dress she was wearing. It was tasteful as he'd expected it to be, but there was still a deep though close "V" that hinted at a pair of extremely full breasts hidden beneath.
"Nice to finally meet you," he said still shaking her hand, finally letting go when he realized he'd been shaking it far too long than normal. "You look very nice," he complimented, then hit the back of his head mentally, fearing that he had sounded like some kind of lovesick puppy rather than a professional. But to be honest, her beauty had taken him by surprise, leaving him a bit flustered and off balance as he sat down.
"It's nice to finally meet you too!" She said smiling, her face even more beautiful when she did, and her voice just as alluringly sensual if not more so than he remembered it.
She had already ordered coffee and two large glasses of orange juice. Picking her glass of OJ up, she offered a toast with it. "To a successful relationship," she said clinking her glass against his. Rick repeated her sentiment, sipping from his. "Though tonight over dinner, we'll make it a bit more formal with Champaign," she informed him. "We're meeting with the clients at The Five All's," which was an elegant, old style restaurant that was difficult getting reservations for on so short of a notice.
"Wow, how'd you manage that?" He asked already impressed enough as it was, beginning to feel that perhaps this whole adventure was a bit out of his league and suddenly feeling a bit less self confident than he had been earlier in the shower.
"Trade secret," she half-whispered conspiratorially. "My sister knows the owner," she grinned easing his insecurity somewhat. "As long as I give them at least forty-eight hours, they can usually get me in," she added.
"Wow, but still," Rick said grinning back at her. "They should be impressed by that at the very least."
"Let's hope so," she added, and then pulled out a tentative schedule from her brief case that she wanted to go over with him. Diane slid her chair over a bit closer to his so they could look at the proposed schedule without having to read it sideways or even upside down. As she did so, Rick saw the front of her dress part slightly at the angle she'd chosen to sit, revealing even more of her lace covered breasts that continued to peek at him tantalizingly so. He found himself having to concentrate on what she was saying and showing him, rather than the remarkable smooth flesh that was and had been arousing him from the very beginning.
"Rick? You'd don't mind if I record our discussions do you?" She asked. "It helps me to remember and review everything we've gone over later so that I don't forget anything."
"No, of course not," he said, thinking to himself that it was probably a damn good idea to do that, and to purchase a small recorder for himself as soon as possible.
Diane smiled that alluring sexy smile at him, and then leaned over to reach for her briefcase, which she'd sat down between them. As she did so, the front of her dress opened again, giving him yet again another spectacular view of her breasts. She placed the recorder on the table, turning it on, and then accidentally bumped the table leg as she scooted her chair, knocking it off.
"Fuck!" she said irritated, and then, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't offend you with my language!"
Rick was already leaning over sideways in his chair, groping for the errant recorder. "No, certainly not," he assured her. "I've been known to use that same word myself on occasion." He grinned, still looking at her but not finding the device. "Here, if you'll excuse me," he said, and then left his chair completely having no other choice but to slip beneath the table in order to locate it. "Ah ... there it is," he informed her, "just beneath your chair!"
Diane scooted her chair back slightly so as to allow him access to retrieve it, but as she did so, he glanced up briefly, seeing her legs part as she scooted. Her dress certainly wasn't short, but it had risen up enough on her chair as she sat, and now scooting backwards as her legs spread, giving him an entirely unobstructed view up her dress. Even as he reached for the recorder, missing it at first, he saw the briefest, thinnest of thongs that was nearly the same color of her dress, barely covering her pussy mound.
"Got it!" he announced a moment later, almost bumping his head as he stood back up replacing it on the table, once again sitting down.
"I'm so sorry," she said reaching over to cover his hand with hers. "Sometimes I can be so clumsy," she added with a flirtatious wink. "Though thank God I'm not as clumsy in some of the other things I'm good at," she added once again smiling towards him.
Rick wasn't sure how to take that, or how she'd even meant it to sound, but he wasn't about to make inquiry either as the last thing he wanted to do was to get off on the wrong foot with her. Larry would have his ass if he screwed this one up.
"Like I said, no problem."
They soon after finished their breakfast as well as their meeting. "See you around seven then?" she asked. "Oh, and I've booked a room at the Marriott, which is just around the corner from the restaurant. I live quite a ways away from here, and if I have anything to drink, which I know we will, I'd rather be safe than sorry. And besides, we can go there after dinner tonight, relax, have a drink and talk about how the meeting went."
Rick made a mental note to himself to consider doing the same thing as well if needed or necessary. Larry had said he had "Cart Blanche" to do whatever he thought was needed and necessary, which included in his mind taking a room for the very same reasons that Diane had given him. No sense getting pulled over, getting sited for a DUI, and risk jeopardizing his ability to work on this account.
Rick returned back to work to let his boss know how things went, and what sort of evening had been planned for their clients, the vision of Diane's sweet breasts filling his mind's eye however as he drove, not to mention the brief glance he'd had between her legs.
Dinner had gone perfectly, delicious food, atmosphere, and presentation, all of which had left their clients properly impressed, as had Diane in the black dinner dress she'd chosen to wear that had again hinted at a bit of full cleavage without going too far, but which had been just enough that Rick had caught the two men they'd met with, casting repeated glances at her chest throughout the evening as they sat discussing their business.
"Well, I think that went pretty good!" Diane stated as they left the restaurant walking back towards the hotel. Rick smiled, noticing earlier how Diane had secretly turned on her tape-recorder during their meeting, then discreetly turning it off just before they left. "There were a couple of points they made that we need to address however," she said sounding professional. "When we get back to the room, we can replay part of what they stated, and then discuss it and see what we need to do to satisfy their concerns."
Moments later Rick and Diane stood inside her room, which was more like a suite, spacious in its appearance for one thing, but looking almost homey in a way for another. "Almost looks like you live here!" He told her as they entered.
"In a way, I do," she told him. "Too damn far to commute in every day from my apartment, so for the time being, I'm planning on working out of here for the next two weeks until we've finished the project. Make yourself at home," she added as she headed back into one of two bedrooms. "I'm going to make myself comfortable and get out of this dress. Feel free to help yourself at the bar with whatever you'd like to drink, and pour me a Merlot if you wouldn't mind."
Rick walked around behind the bar, taking down two wine glasses, then selecting a Merlot from several differing vineyards that she had in stock. Glancing up in the direction she had gone while he poured, Rick noticed that she hadn't closed the door to her bedroom when entering. He could see her reflection in a large floor-length vanity mirror as she stood in front of her closet, just then slipping out of her dress. He glanced away from looking at her briefly, wrestling with his thoughts, glancing back just in time to see her hanging up her dress, now standing in nothing more than a black lacy bra and a matching pair of lace panties. She turned, reaching up and behind herself as she did, her hands quickly undoing the bra she was wearing, letting it fall down her arms as she removed it, tossing it onto the bed, then cupping and massaging her full breasts momentarily with her hands.
He couldn't help but stand there and stare at her, knowing that for the moment at least, she was unaware he was looking or could see her so clearly from where he currently stood. Her breasts were indeed beautiful and full, having a bit of an exotic tear-drop shape to them, each one capped with a nice sized almost caramel colored nipple that punctuated the briefest of tan-lines where her breasts remained white just barely above her nipples, and just hugging the lower portion of each of her well rounded breasts.
He now watched as she slipped off the tiniest of thongs she'd been wearing too, also black which came away in her hands, leaving him another quick view of her femininity, though unlike before, uncovered now, and completely shaved as she stood there. She disappeared from view at that point, obviously heading into the bathroom. Rick took advantage of that opportunity to carry in their drinks, placing them on the table between two single chairs, taking one for himself that was well out of the line of site of her bedroom.
Diane emerged back into the room a few minutes later, and in doing so, nearly took his breath away. "I hope you don't mind," she said walking immediately over to take the seat separating the two of them, picking up her glass of wine along the way, "but this is how I prefer to get comfy and relax in the evenings," she explained. "And even this is almost too much," she near giggled, "as usually I just walk around the room naked."
She was wearing a bright red silk-like robe that was short, barely covering the cheeks of her ass, the front already threatening to unleash her full breasts at any moment, the twin points of each clearly pressing against the thin material as she sat sipping her drink. The stark contrast of her dark auburn hair falling against the bright red material of the robe giving her a sultry appearance that soon had Rick's cock twitching with renewed interest. "You however, are making me uncomfortable though," she'd added before Rick could even reply to her previous statement.
"I am?" he said worriedly, wondering how.
"Yeah, sitting there with your coat and tie on," she laughed. "I told you when we came in to make yourself comfortable, so I really wish that you would."
Rick stood removing his tie, and then his jacket, tossing each over the back of one of the chairs. Diane had also stood, heading back to where she'd placed her small delicate purse on the counter when they'd come in, retrieving the tape recorder, turning it on. Bringing it over, she sat it down on the table between them leaning over when she did, her breasts billowing forwards against the loose fitting gown she was wearing, one actually appearing briefly, falling out as she leaned over.
"Ooops!" she grinned looking at him. "They're always doing that whenever I wear this," she told him, "hope that didn't embarrass you any!"
"Ah, not at all," he grinned back at her. "And I hope you don't take offense at this either, but you really do have lovely breasts!"
"Why thank you!" she beamed sincerely. "I'm glad you admire them, I like it when a man expresses what he likes rather than pretending he hasn't noticed or doesn't appreciate what he sees. It's nice to be complimented."
"Well, they really are pretty!" he stated again meaning it.
"So, it really wouldn't bother you if I skinny dipped here in the living room?" she asked. "That really is the way I enjoy relaxing the most after a hard day at work.
"Be my guest!" Rick said in near disbelief, realizing as he said it, and as Diane suddenly shrugged out of her small fitting robe, that she now sat naked before him.
"Ah yes ... much better, much, much better," she said giving him a thankful sigh, once again sipping her drink. "But..."
"Yeah, but ... you're still making me uncomfortable," she told him. "Here I am all cozy naked, and you're still sitting there with all your clothes on!"
It was certainly the first time, and perhaps even the only time that Rick would sit naked while actually entertaining business. And though he wasn't entirely naked, having chosen to keep his bikini style shorts on, he still felt just as naked as she was, as they sat there listening to the tape and actually discussing possible solutions to the concerns that had been raised. Rick was grateful for that however, as he knew that had he been naked, the chances were he'd have had a full-blown erection too, which wouldn't have been exactly conducive to have while they discussed business. In a weird way, he was happy with that however, though he wasn't completely erect by any means, he knew from glancing down at himself that he was a bit fuller and thicker, thus giving him a nice curious bulge to look at as he periodically refilled their drinks.
Glancing at his watch, it was already well after midnight, and though they didn't have to be at the first site on their list until late in the afternoon the next day, he was already feeling the effects of the wine which had made him a bit tipsy and light-headed. He was just about to tell her that perhaps he should think about going when she stood asking him to excuse her while she used the restroom. He did, watching her walk from the room, now openly admiring her equally beautiful ass as she all but strolled with a seductive little walk, which he wondered briefly wasn't also showing her to be a bit tipsy, if not more so than himself.
A full minute or more had gone by without her return, and he was beginning to worry about her, wondering if she had in fact had too much to drink and had gotten sick or something. Though the last thing he wanted to do was find her passed out on the bathroom floor. Even so, he stood just as he heard his name being called out, bringing him a sense of relief.
"Yeah?" he said taking a few tentative steps down the hallway, wondering what it was that she wanted.
"You planning on staying up all night? Or are you coming to bed?" she asked, then giggled, "Or both?"
There was no way that Rick could misconstrue or misinterpret what Diane had said, which he quickly confirmed a moment later as he walked into her bedroom. A small bedside lamp cast a dim glow about the room, particularly upon the bed where she lay, dead center within it. She was on her back, legs spread, her pussy open and vulnerable, her fingers busily toying with herself as he walked in.
"Maybe it's a bit premature to celebrate yet," she spoke still lazily touching herself, "But I see no reason not to celebrate just a little, especially after the wonderful evening we've had," she finished looking up at him expectantly. "Do you?"
Rick answered in the only way that he could at the moment, grabbing the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down, kicking them off to one side and then moving towards the bed as his erection rose in perfect harmony as he did so.
He slid into bed next to her where they kissed, her hand already reaching down to fondle his hard firm erection, teasing the head of it with a gentle caressing finger, just as his own hands soon found her breast, likewise fingering the taut erect nipple that greeted him.
Diane soon pushed him over onto his back, slithering down his chest leaving a trail of gentle kisses as she did so, then setting out to explore a new trail of uncharted territory as she licked, kissed, and half-nipped with her teeth, the super sensitized area around his cock, his balls, and even his ass without touching any of them.
Rick groaned expectantly, delirious now with pleasure and desire as she teased him, her finger tips sprinkling butter-fly tickles up and down his shaft, fleetingly quick at times around the top of his prick, then down across his balls, brushing lightly, quickly against his ass, and back again, over and over until he thought he would scream with the sheer exquisite torture of it all, which is when he then felt her mouth engulf him, drawing him fully, sucking, holding, sucking and licking the head of his prick, his shaft until the feelings of arousal and desire had increased ten-fold.
When her tongue and mouth threatened to bring about his climax all too soon, he wrestled himself away from her, now pinning her back, his hands interlocking with hers, forcing them above her head as he kissed her again, then kissing her neck, leaving an equally wet, soft trail of gentle tongue flicks across her flesh until he'd reached the twin peaks of her hard-capped breasts, her nipples straining for his touch, for his lips and mouth to suckle, lick and caress, which he soon did, alternating back and forth between the two as she squirmed excitedly beneath him, moaning pleasurably all the while, urging him on.
Letting go of her hands, he reluctantly quit paying homage to her exquisite breasts, his lips and tongue now furthering their explorations, finding her belly button, which he now tongue-fucked, treating it like her pussy which he kissed, nipped and again licked as though having found her clit there instead. She reacted in a way as though he had, squirming even more passionately beneath him than she had before, her hands seeking and finding his head, the gentle guiding pressure of them pushing him lower against herself, which he did torturously so before finding the sweetness of her sex that so wonderfully greeted him.
Finding her hard little clitoris, Rick allowed the tip of his tongue to gently probe, flicking it softly for a moment.
"Oh yeah that's it! Lick it!" She moaned unabashedly. "Soft ... now hard ... now soft," she instructed him, breathing harshly through each word, holding her breath as she spoke, then moaning her approval as she continued. "Now suck it ... suck it, hold it ... oh yeah, yeah, now flick it again with your tongue, harder, harder, harder, faster, faster, faster!" she cried out, thrashing almost wildly now beneath him as he latched onto her clit, his fingers penetrating the wetness of her sex, her split welcoming the hoped for, anticipated intrusion, two fingers now seeking, finding the joy of her 'G-spot', his tongue lashing out at her blood-engorged clitoris like a bull-whip across a man's back.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" she screamed still thrashing, her hands now claws upon his back, raking him, leaving deep trails of reddened flesh that stung slightly, yet thrilled wantonly all at the same time. For the briefest of moments, her breath caught, her moans ceased, her body suddenly arching upwards beneath him with such intensity and strength that she lifted him up with her, though his mouth remained firmly attached, his lips and tongue suctioned about her stiff hard clitoris until she exploded with a sudden release that caught them both by surprise.
"Arrrrg!" she groaned unintelligibly, the sudden unexpected onrush of her pussy juice spraying outwards from her cunt, the at first misty-like wetness that almost felt caressing, soon followed by a thin sliver of pure sweetness that spurted far more forcefully, followed up soon after by another, and then another, and another.
His face was drenched, the sheets soaked, his hands slippery with her essence as she came over and over again, her high-pitched scream of delight, briefly worrying him that someone might hear, think her as being harmed in some way, until she calmed, slowly coming down from her exquisite bliss into oblivion, her hands no longer digging into his skin, nor tearing away at flesh that he knew would be streaked with lines of red in the morning.
She had no sooner finished climaxing than she suddenly sat up, rolling Rick onto his back, mounting him in one smooth fluid motion, capturing his turgid stiff prick deep inside her cunt, which she proceeded to fuck then at a near maddening pace, her head flailing from side to side as she did so, his prick spearing deeply inside, in and out until his orgasm arrived almost before he realized it had. Rick felt the explosive discharge of his spunk bathing the walls of her cunt, saw stars suddenly filling his head as the pleasure seized him, bringing an eerie sensation of blackness and then nothing.
Rick woke with the sensation of sunlight peering in through the windows, the smell of sex still clinging to the sheets. His eyes opened, he rolled expecting to find her lying next to him, but the bed was empty save for a half-folded sheet of paper. Rick quickly rubbed the sleep from his eyes, focusing as he opened the paper, then reading what she'd written there.
"Out for my morning run," she began. "I'll be back with fresh coffee and Danish, after our shower," she'd added including a 'smiley', which she'd placed beneath the sentence. "Should be back around 7:30, I'll meet you in the shower... 'hint' - 'hint'!"
Rick glanced at the alarm, it was already 7:20. Obviously she had every intention of starting the day off with another fuck, and not that he minded, or wasn't already looking forward to that, but as he sat, swinging his legs out of bed, he felt the soreness in his back alerting him as well as reminding him of the near torturous pleasure from the night before.
Even standing in the hot shower, the subtle sting of red welts was a reminder of their intensity together. Hearing the door to the bathroom opening, then closing, followed a moment later by the sound of the tub enclosure door opening as well, hands now coming around his back, reaching for and finding his flaccid prick as he stood allowing the water to splash against his face as she stood pressing her breasts warmly against his back.
"Good morning sleepy-head she half purred. So ... did you enjoy last night?" she asked.
"Fucking incredible," he answered only then turning. Amazingly, she looked as refreshed and alert as she had when they'd met. He'd seen his own reflection in the mirror as he stood to pee, seeing the darkness around his eyes from too much wine, and not enough sleep, and yet here she stood looking ever the vision of loveliness, having even come back from a morning jog on top of everything else. "How do you fucking do it?" He asked.
"Do what?"
"Look so damn beautiful in the morning," he told her. "I look like something the cat dragged in."
She laughed, "Plenty of good sex," she said simply, still fondling his now rapidly growing prick. "You'd be surprised what a few good orgasms can do for your complexion too!" she added smiling.
"I don't doubt that for a minute," he told her, seeing just how smooth and unblemished her skin really was.
"Plus, using some of this on your face from time to time doesn't hurt either," she added all the while wiggling Rick's prick with her hand by way of emphasizing just what she meant. "And since it's been a while since I've given myself a facial, I was sort of hoping we could this morning before heading out to the site later."
"Your wish is my command," he said grinning at her, quickly trading her places so she could wash as he stepped out to dry.
"Oh my ... did I do that?" she asked only now seeing his back for the first time which was criss-crossed with angry looking welts. "I'm sorry, I'll try to watch that next time," she added apologetically. "I tend to get carried away when I'm aroused."
"Yeah, I noticed," Rick grinned broadly. "But I'm fine really, sort of a nice reminder anyway, something I'm sure I'll continue to feel and remind myself about throughout the day!"
Unlike the night before, their lovemaking was far less frantic, though equally as passionate, the slowness of their coupling erotic, sensual as they moved together. Diane was delicately careful, her fingers caressed his back, taking special care not to dig or drag her fingernails against him as she had. Even as she came, she did so almost quietly, a soft murmuring purr of contentment and physical joy as she climaxed. Knowing that he too was on the verge, she soon slipped from beneath him, taking his cock in hand, rubbing her face with it, sucking and licking it urging him ever closer to the moment.
"I'd like my facial now," she grinned sliding his cock back and forth across her face, occasionally sucking the sides, or licking, all the while slow-stroking it until the eruption began, which seemed to continue for an eternity as Diane gleefully got what she'd wanted.
"So? How'd it go last night?" Larry asked, after Rick had come back into the office early that afternoon, an hour before he was to meet Diane out at the first sight.
"It went well," he told him, "Really well."
"How's the consultant?" he asked curiously. "Heard a lot about her, which is why we hired them, heard they're amongst the very best at what they do."
"Oh, you can say that again," Rick said meaning something else entirely, causing Larry to toss him a curious look, to which he then smiled.
"Don't tell me."
"Ok then, I won't," Rick said, telling him everything in doing so.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. "Really?"
"Yeah really, best damn fuck I've ever had before in my life Larry!"
"Well, maybe so, and I really don't care one way or the other, just as long as you fuck her, and not fuck up the project."
"No worries," I assured him. "She is truly a professional, you should have seen her with the clients, she really knows her stuff, and knew all the right questions to ask, and between the two of us, had all the right answers to give, even on a couple that we weren't prepared for. But she's also given me a few new ideas, tricks of the trade as it were, some of which I think we should incorporate here!" Rick added.
Introduction: He was a 21 year old virgin who needed help. Watch out! Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack? she asked, laughing. Old, my ass, mom said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend,...
Teaching her son's best friend...“Watch out!” Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry...
Copyright© 1995 All rights reserved It was my second furlough in London, and much different from my first. On my first, I had hooked up with three other kids, one guy and two girls, for my week's leave. This time, I was going to go it, on my own. This was the Christmas season, of the same year. I actually got there on Boxing Day. That is the day after Christmas, and there were a million kids on the streets. It drove me crazy, until I had it explained to me. The city was much more festive than...
I'd only lived in my house a couple of years when I started the garden. I was twenty-five years old and was working crazy hours at my small business. Getting home around six-thirty in the evening left me little time to spend planting and weeding. But, the destressing and solitude that it offered were worth the late nights.This wasn't my first time tending to a vegetable garden. My grandfather and mother were both vegetable gardeners, and I helped them often as I grew up. I knew the basics...
MILFDiane and JohnJohn had just masturbated the woman in the seat next to him on the plane during an overnight flight to Milan. The woman was in her mid forties, cute with black hair and nice tits. She was a small woman, around a hundred pounds.John was tall, handsome, and at least ten years younger than the woman. He was also a very resrved man.John had the window seat and she had the aisle seat until the lights were turned out then the woman moved to the empty seat between them and raised the arm...
I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents' boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn't know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...
First TimeAugust, 2007 At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't...
“Watch out!” Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...
I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents’ boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn’t know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...
Chapter 1 Dan laid next to Dian in disbelief. "My god what is wrong with me, why did I let this happen? The questions swirled around in his head, as he listened to Dian's even breathing as she lay sleeping beside him. Dan could not belief that he had let it go this far, after all this was his dead wife's daughter that he had just fucked. Dian Jackson grow up in a middle class home. She was a beautiful young girl with rich black silk skin, long flowing brown hair and deep coco brown eyes....
The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...
I spent a quiet Saturday at my place. I slept from the time I got home, until four that afternoon, making up for the very late night that Evelyn and I had spent together. Sunday, Rick came over and he and I watched the Raiders lose miserably to Carolina. He kept asking me questions about Evelyn, but I told him again that nothing had happened. On Monday, Evelyn came by my work cubicle and spoke with me for five minutes. It was mostly just small talk, nothing at all about what we'd done on...
I was in college for about 2 years now doing a computer science degree and I was a little sad that I didn't have a girlfreind yet. I studied, I did homework, I ate, I slept, but I never got to fuck somebody In all the time I was here. the College stereotype is so misleading I remember thinking but oh, man was I ever wrong! I had met a freind in my class and he was holding a party this saturday. He told me that his select freinds were invited and at that moment His eyes looked at me in a very...
Gay MaleYou receive an email from me telling you that I will be in NYC on a certain day and I would like to finally meet you. That day is approaching and you are curious why a 47 year old man is so anxious to meet you. Well really you know why, he wants your body, but there are so many men out there that do, it is not hard for you to understand, but you also like this man because he doesn’t desire you because of your fame in fact when you first showed him your picture he did not know who you were only...
Hime Marie and Jericha Jem haven’t seen their best friend Holly Hendrix in such a long time! They were so excited to see her that they didn’t even bother calling her to come open the door. They just barged right in and went up to Holly’s room, catching her in quite the compromising situation! Holly was playing with her sweet little pussy on her webcam. It turns out she has been modeling online to make money. Hime and Jericha couldn’t believe it, so Holly decided to show...
xmoviesforyouThe first real experience. Tonight. She will go up the porch, knock and then be told to wait. I would instruct her to get down on her hands and knees. When she did so I would open the door. I would explain to her that she was my student. That if she thought of pleasure, at all, there would be consequences. I would tell her to crawl in. I would restrain her from behind, the toy I showed her the following week. I would then take her shirt and bra off.Her complexion is olive. Her breasts hang...
BDSMScarlett Sage storms into the living room crying embracing her stepmom Cherie De Ville. When Cherie asks her what happened she tells her that her boyfriend cheated on her and that all the kids at school are mean to her. Cherie promises her that she’ll protect her as she brings her closer. Scarlett can’t stop crying so Cherie pulls out her tits and tells her to lie down on her lap as she sucks them. It always calmed her down in the past and should do the trick today. Sure enough, as...
xmoviesforyouHi mera naam nidhi singh hai age 38 hai boobs size 38-34-36 hai height 5.6″ and rang gora hai mein punjab se ik chote sehar se belong karti hu mein app logo ko apni life ki ik sachi gatna sunane jari hu kindly send ur feedback at I waiting for your valueable feedback. Mere husband foaj mein nourki karte hai so wo kabhi kabhi hi ghar ate hai matlab lagbagh 5-6 mahine baad har aurat ki tarah mujhe bhi sex ki bahut icha rehti hai but fir bhi maine apne pati ke ilawa kabhi kisi aur se sex ka kabhi...
Two days after the two girls left their side of the island to see what lay on the seaward of their prison, there was a great storm. All the water in the Seven Seas seemed to be falling on the island with furious winds sending huge waves pounding the shore and inundating their cave shelter, scattering the meagre supplies left to the girls by the Inspectors and strewing them over the beach, or at least, those which had not been swept out to sea. When conditions had returned to something like...
I am starting my story by telling you how gorgeous my sexy wife is. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. She is a beautiful blonde half German and half Hungarian. She is 5.4” tall, and 130 lbs. She has firm model legs that any man or woman can crave for. Her tight juicy pussy always hungry for a hungry mouth, tongue or a hard cock. Her nice 32 bb tits have two small young suckable nipples that are always erected and ready for action. Before I married Mona, she had no intercourse with...
The room was poorly lit with a low ceiling and open floor plan broken only by support columns in two rows of three down its length. It was mostly used to store folding chairs and tables, a dozen of the former and one of the latter set up. The chairs were in a circle in the center of the open space. The table was up against one wall with a carafe of coffee, cream and sugar and cups next to it. There was also a box of Dunkin’ Donuts sitting half empty next to the carafe, another box under it. The...
One The band was the most important thing in my life. And, here I sat, one week before one of our biggest gigs, watching it disintegrating. And, it was all my fault. My name is Sara. Sara Keeling. I'm the keyboard player, and the lyricist. We call ourselves One Night Stand, a fitting name for a band, especially one that has three guys and three girls in it. We're all sophomores here at the University of Massachusetts, and the band got together right at the beginning of freshman year. We...
The five of us were masturbating in front of each other. 'This is weird,' Jack kept saying. 'This is really weird.''And yet you're still here,' said Samantha. 'Go out the room if you don't like it, or go home.'Jack and Samantha were siblings. Less than an hour earlier, she'd caught us all playing together. Our sessions always began with solo masturbation and trying to hold ourselves on the edge of orgasm. But by the time she'd walked in unexpectedly, we were well into touching and pleasuring...
TeenPrivate Mario Frabitzy was tired and cold. He had an hour left of guard duty. Then he could return to the warmth of the guard house. He saw the faint lights of the convoy descending the escarpment road. Must be more provisions for the bloody Germans, he thought. He moved to the other side of barrier, unbuttoning his trousers to relieve himself. In doing so he saved his life. He suddenly heard the engines accelerate. Glancing over his shoulder he saw the convoy turn off the coast road...
Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance. As I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the easy up sun shade and approaching me remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her with a smile as I continued to move down past where they were to set up. I quickly set up my umbrella, a beach chair, and I laid out a towel for my dog. As I sat there soaking in the sun and the waves. It was hard to not...
Body Heat Blmorticia ‘Fuck!’ David exclaimed as he unpacked our suitcase. ‘What’s wrong, love?’ ‘I left the extra blankets at home on the table,’ he said with anger still in his voice. ‘Don’t worry babe, I’ll keep you warm, besides what’s better than body heat?’ I said in a devilish tone. He cracked a smile and went back to unpacking our things. We had just come from my parents’ house informing them of our relationship. When we told them we were living together, my father nearly had a...
The most erotic and passionate nights in my life were in the arms of Filipina women.I had others in the days before I married, Korean, Japanese, Hmong, Vietnamese, Thai and a Latin woman or two, but the most passionate were the Filipinas. They knew it, and they breathed it, and so many I would see out on the boulevards of Manila were beautiful. But the one I think this post, was the one I had so wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but fate would have other plans. It was thirteen years...
"Baby, wake up. Come on, I know you can hear me. Get up," I heard a familiar voice say. I wondered for a minute before remembering Diamico. He was a sexy angel. I just had amazing sex with him. Wow, that was enlightening. "No babe, wake up. Come on. It's been four days since we had sex. You've been in a coma. Come back to me. Don't let the sleep reclaim you."I had begun to process his words when I started to open my eyes and saw a very concerned Diamico. I tried to smile but I couldn't move my...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis story is totally a figment of my imagination. While the story starts outin a light vein, it progressively gets darker, ending in a much darker way.It is not the typical type of story found on this site, but rather takes botha different story tone and story direction. If you are offended by violence,do not read any further. Private Investigations Case #1: The Collectors Organization It had started out a bad morning The window still says HECTOR AND LAYNIE, PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS, even...
Taylor opened her eyes. She saw pink. There was no pink in their bedroom. She blinked. Still pink. Mind slowly coming online, she noticed there was an outline to the pink, two long straight lines. Also, it wasn't so much pink as maybe flesh... Ah, it was an arm. A child's arm. Reaching up, she gently lifted John Carter's arm from her face and saw Rachel's six year old snuggled against her under the quilt. He was sleeping soundly, face at peace. With a smile, Taylor gave his forehead...
Inspired by a quirky BBC TV series and the diverse, complex and very odd characters therein Saturday 17th June Eric Waters and Colin Harvey were detectorists, commonly and popularly known as Metal Detectors, although the two middle aged men corrected everyone, that the term was the name of the instrument to detect metals in the earth and not the people who operated the instruments. Members of the eight strong Hindle and Bogsbrush Detectorist Club, they met once a month in the Hindle village...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en chithi udan nadantha kama vaazhkaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar raman vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan college final year padithu varugiren. Maduraiyil irukum college padithu varugiren, en veetil appa amma chithi matrum naan irunthom. Chithiku thirumanam aagi aval kanavar kalam aagiyathaal avargal engal veetile thaan thanga arambithaargal. 6 mathamaga engal veetil thaan irukiraargal, appa varathirku oru...
Friday Afternoon DelightAnother Keyhole Adventure… It had been about 3 weeks since Mom and my paths converged and the veil of sex had been raised for me. My time in school was no longer taken up checking out girls my age…I now had experienced a mature woman. From late summer until now, late fall, our exploration of each other escalated. No longer did I have to wonder what a soft, warm woman felt and looked like. I tried to keep my mind on my final year of high school and get good...
Sweet blonde teen step daughter Aria enters step daddy’s office hoping he wants to watch her cum again with her toy. Michael delighted to see her young beauty sits her on his lap with her skirt lifted and legs spread wide as he guides her vibrator all over her delicate pink pussy lips. Now soaked, he licks up all her sweet teen pussy juices before she drops to her knees sucking every inch of cock. Aria bends over onto the desk putting her nice juicy ass in the air as Michael slowly slips...
xmoviesforyouIt is a true, genuine story that took place in the recent past. I Akash, hail from the Ranchi & this auspicious event took place between me and my school mate name Ankita. A busty girl with right weight at the right place. Without going much into unnecessary details which are redundant to most, I am straight away jumping into something which will make your little finger hard and ooze something. The story started back in our school days, I was introduced to her by our mutual friend. Our eyes...
Brad had this area of the library pretty much to himself – there were only four or five other people in the reading room. It was the first week of the term, and he was trying to get back into his study routine. He was engrossed in his reading and did not notice the young woman until she placed her books on the table, and asked, ‘Would you mind some company?’ Brad turned and glanced up at her, he could see her visibly recoil when she saw his full face, but before he could respond, she...
It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools’ Day I thought I’d share it before telling my story. April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other....
Mera naam Mukund hain. Umra 36 saal. Main hyderabad mein rahta hoon. Meri patni Radha ek khubsurat mahila hain, lekin sex ke mamle mein jaisi garmjoshi main chahta hu vaisi garmjoshi wah nahi batati hain. Phir bhi meri sex life thik thik chal rahi thi. Kisi doosri aurat se sambandh banane ke bare me maine socha bhi nahi tha, lekin Kamna bhabhi ne apne jaal mein phans ker mujhe unse sambandh banane ke liye majboor kar diya. Kamna bhabhi ke saath mera samna kaise hua vah main vistaar se tumhe...
Salma Hayek - Enslaved and Tortured in the Old WestIt was a hot day in the Chihuahua desert...and its pride and joy Salma Hayek was travelling via stagecoach through the rugged terrain. She had been sweeping the west with her beauty in burlesque shows all across Mexico and the US...teasing and enticing her way to fame among the sex-starved hordes of men. She was the perfect Latina beauty, with curves like a racetrack and a seductive personality. But while she was travelling, her stagecoach...
I am wearing a knee length red belted mac. I wear this to cover what I have been told I should wear for Him when I meet him in the flesh for the first time. He has told me to wear a low cut top and a short skirt, both of which are black, on my feet I am wearing knee high biker style boots. The top covers a skimpy black push up bra and the v-neck of the simple top frames the ample cleavage created by my 34FF breasts. The skirt isn't very short, just short enough to have the black opaque stocking...
BDSMTwo weeks passed and, like I hoped, the incident between Eric and I had either been completely forgotten or ignored. I prayed that it was the former, but as Eric didn’t seem to be treating me any differently from before, I didn’t particularly care.I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot.I couldn’t face...
Straight SexFriday morning. I woke up, shit shower shave and get dressed in my new suit. Ashlee and Brenda put dresses on that made them look so good. Not sexy good, but sophisticated good. We piled into the jeep and headed downtown. Craig and I talked on the phone while I was heading downtown and we met at the parking lot across from the lottery building. The four of us walked together past all of the news trucks that were parked out front. As a matter of fact, every news agency in the country was...
My name is Jennifer, and I’ve waited ten years to tell this story about myself and my husband, Ben, and how his compulsion to watch me with other men has affected our lives, with only some sadness. It will be hard for most people to understand how newlyweds could get to that place in their relationship, but it happened over a period of months for us. Although I saw the signs early on, I was too aroused and hungry to enjoy the endless supply of new cocks to stop. Looking back gives me...
VoyeurMen, as do animals, have always had more than one mate. He that believes otherwise is blind, for he denies what is before his own eyes, in favor of what others tell him. Monogamy is an invention of those that would seek to control your every action. They would, if they could, control even the number of times a man relieves himself in a day. Guard against those that dictate/legislate their morality upon others. They have rules so that they do not have to think, question, or choose for...
I had worked overseas for a number of years for the government in Italy. It wasidyllic. I had a house near the beach and work was about 10km away. We typicallyworked 12 hour days so I usually worked four days followed by three days off. I hadit in my mind to stay there for many years. But then one day I got word from homethat my grandfather had suddenly died from a stroke and I was needed at home tohelp. I took an extended leave of absence figuring I'd need at least a month andprobably more.It...
We woke by six thirty, made trips to the bathroom and then set to finding some fast food for breakfast. After this we would be fixing meals ourselves most of the time and we had stopped the day before to get some groceries so we had enough in the cooler and car to last us several days. Now we headed back into the park. Yellowstone is a huge park, about 3500 square miles. The road around it is about one hundred forty miles, so we weren't going to see everything in one day. Actually we had...
Most of the family hung around the cabin that day, swimming and socializing. In the early afternoon Jacob decided to take the boat out to do some fishing. With five horny pussies floating around him like vultures, there was no fucking chance of him going alone.Any of the women would have jumped at the chance, however, they all knew Michelle was the "alpha-female" so to speak. Jacob was hers, which always gave her first dibs."Hey, handsome, Going fishing?" She asked as Jacob prepared the little...
409 DAVE`S REASSURING HAND HOLDING PT1 This is a story of a woman`s love of masochism and her husband`s journey into voyeurism, if It is not for you, it`s time to leave… I`ve done my humble best to tell of the emotion`s involved, the pain, the distress, and to be accurate with this story, sent me by “Dave” and if comments demand I shall endeavour to do part two as soon as it arrives I hope you enjoy it! “You know what that sadistic bastard wants to do to me don’t you Dave?” she asked, he...
Prologue Note: The events in this story occur during Book 3 Chapter 23 of Nick Scipio's story Summer Camp. However, the author recommends reading Summer Camp through Book 4 Chapter 13 before reading this story. Chris Coulter let out a loud sigh as he entered the kitchen. "Oh?" Beth Hughes asked, turning from the stove. "The best laid plans for getting laid..." he said, grinning at his own pun. "Kara and Gina and the guys have decided to celebrate New Year's with the Frohmans. So...
The lost Chapter 20 When I got to my dad’s room both of them were now in robes. When Elena saw me she ran to me as fast as her pregnant belly would allow. She then threw her arms around me. “I’ll say this again. If you don’t want me to have sex with our dad I won’t do this. After all maybe I could get over this with help from a therapist or something.” said Elena. My only response was a deep kiss and I helped to turn her around and I pointed to my dad. As soon as she gets to my dad she drops...
Maggie opened the car door and slid into the seat next to Aaron. Her 36DD breasts were crammed into a red low cut top. The jeans she had on were so tight they looked almost as if they had been painted on."What are we doing tonight?" she asked as she pulled her long wavy blonde hair up into a ponytail. She adjusted her black rectangular glasses and looked at Aaron.Aaron looked at her, thinking how lucky he was to have such a hot piece of ass. He knew from the past few weeks that she would do...
Charles Dera walks into this 4 o’clock appointment and is greeted by trickster Jay Taylor. She doesn’t work there but wants to have some fun. She lies to Charles, telling him that she can service him. When they go upstairs, he notices that she’s not taking off her clothes. When he exclaims that his dick isn’t going to wash itself, she plays dumb and starts undressing immediately. They enter the shower together and not a moment passes before he starts barking orders at...
xmoviesforyouI waited as the secretary announced my name into her intercom. I was mildly surprised when she looked up at me, smiled and said, "Mr. Foster will see you now, Mr. Kite. Please take the elevator to the fourth floor and then go through the door on the left." I knew that George Foster was the manager of this Eastern Security franchise, a firm specializing in gathering information, for a fee. I knew from my internet research that the company had over fifty offices throughout eastern United...
Hi friends this is too lengthy story for you all. You may feel bored by reading this story. As you read my earlier stories of sonal’s encounter on one fine evening in desi category and threesome with two married bitches in group categorie. Now I’m writing this true incident of one of my client who paid me huge amount for the same. So as I promised in previous story here I’m narrating the fun moments with sonals childhood friend who got married in wealthy family belongs to up. She was sex...
Lily Potter was enjoying her new relationship with her son Harry and thought it was time to teach him something new. She got in touch with her close and best girl friend Alice Longbottom. Alice was in the same boat as her. Her husband was on the same assignment that Lily’s was out on and her son was spending time with the Weasleys this summer. So that meant Alice had time to do some ‘teaching’.Harry entered his mother’s bedroom to see his mother and his godmother in a 69. His eyes bulged and...
Stupid Mistake By Donna Williams I first discovered the sensual feeling of nylon nighties while detailed to clean out my parent's basement. These nighties were my mothers when she was a teenager. They had a musty smell from their storage in the damp basement, and I really have no idea what possessed me to try them on. However, once on, I had my first erection and, after a few minutes, my first orgasm. I then found a couple of dresses and skirts, and tried...
I couldn’t believe it. Here I was in bed with an older man – and one that I most wanted as he lay there sated by my ministrations to him.It had all started two weeks earlier when I had changed my profile on one of the sites that I regularly use. Up until then, I had been ‘Mr versatile’ – willing to do anything anyone wanted – pretty bland actually.Now what I had written was the following:“Young 52 year old, looking for an older man, early to mid sixties, still sexually active willing to be my...
This black mirror? Come in. Sit down and let me tell you all about it while I polish it. This is a very special mirror that lets a person see from an entire new perspective. You see, some philosophers have theorized that mirrors are a look into another world, one similar to our own, yet different from ours in major ways. The philosophers often thought that the world beyond the mirror was a warm world, a reflection of the warm life that we radiate throughout our daily lives. They postulated that...