Doesnt Really Count Does it Part 2
- 5 years ago
- 28
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‘Doesn’t Really Matter’
‘Excuse me?’ Piper looked over at the dark-haired woman who had just sat down across from her. The woman looked back, her hazel eyes glinting with amusement. ‘Hi. Sorry, but that seat’s, um…’ She trailed off, momentarily distracted by a gleam of light reflecting off the woman’s ring. She wore only the one piece of jewelry, but the stone in it was massive and polished to an iridescent sheen that caught the eye and held it. ‘It’s, um, taken. Sorry.’
The woman moved her hand slightly, almost unnoticeably save for the way that it caused the gemstone to shine in the flickering candlelight. ‘That doesn’t really matter, though, does it?’ she said calmly.
Piper furrowed her brow, uncertain of what exactly the woman meant. ‘Well, it’s just that it’s my boyfriend’s.’ She looked up at the woman’s face, but then the light refracted a rainbow of color into her eye and she glanced down at the ring again. It was amazing, she thought. The light almost seemed to dance on the smooth surface like a sheen of oil on water. ‘The seat, I mean,’ she said, the words suddenly feeling thick and clumsy in her mouth. ‘I’m waiting for him, and when he gets here, he’ll want to sit here. I mean there.’
The woman nodded, but Piper only noticed it out of the corner of her eye. ‘That doesn’t really matter, though. Not right now. He’s not here yet, and you don’t need to spend that time waiting for such an inconsiderate boy all by yourself, do you? Not when you and I can pass the time so pleasantly together.’
‘I, um…I suppose you’re right,’ Piper said with a touch of reluctance in her voice. She didn’t want to make a big fuss, not when Jeremy would be here soon enough. They could ask this strange woman to leave then. In the meanwhile, she could admire that astonishing ring for a bit longer.
‘I see you’ve noticed my ring,’ the woman said, almost as if reading Piper’s thoughts. ‘Isn’t it beautiful? So many colors, swirling and sparkling on its surface as it scatters the light. It almost seems to glow from within, doesn’t it?’
Piper nodded without looking away from the ring. ‘What kind of stone is it?’ she asked.
‘It’s opal, but that doesn’t really matter,’ the woman responded. ‘What’s important is that it’s pretty, and that you want to watch it, isn’t that right?’ Piper nodded again, leaning in slightly to get a better view. ‘That’s right, dear. Just keep watching, letting those pretty rainbow colors dance in your eyes. A well-cut opal reflects so many colors that it’s almost hard to keep track of. It helps if you focus on it. Imagine that inner glow drawing your eyes in, Piper, narrowing your gaze down so that all you see is my opal.’
Piper looked up sharply, the spell of the opal broken for the moment. ‘How did you know my name?’
The woman smiled gently, waving off the question with a gesture that drew Piper’s eyes right back to the opal ring again. ‘It doesn’t really matter, dear, but as it happens, I simply chanced to notice you sitting here. So I asked the manager who that beautiful woman was with the curly auburn hair, sitting all alone and looking so forlorn? He said that the reservation was in the name of Piper, and I thought I’d come over and introduce myself since you didn’t have anyone to be with.’
‘Um…my boyfriend…’ Piper felt like she should be more irritated by this woman’s constant dismissals of Jeremy than she really was, but instead she was feeling slightly detached from it all. The ring kept distracting her, it shimmered in the candlelight, glimmering with a whole new spectrum of colors every time the woman shifted her hand even slightly, and Piper found herself breathing in time to the slowly swirling hues.
‘It doesn’t really matter, dear. If you’re alright with him practically abandoning you like this, I won’t say another word about him. You can relax, Piper.’ The woman’s voice was soft, soothing. ‘Just relax and look at the opal. Relax into the soothing inner glow of the stone.’
It seemed like the stone was growing slowly larger now, expanding to fill more of her vision. ‘It’s so beautiful, Piper. Like a magnet on your eyes. Your eyes follow the stone and the pretty colors instinctively now, so focused on it, not wanting to miss a single moment of that scintillating glow. Focusing all your attention on those colors, focusing your gaze and your thoughts on my opal. Feeling your breathing slow as you watch and relax.’
Piper nodded absently, staring at the opal with rapt attention. She could tell that it was moving, but her eyes followed it effortlessly. After a few moments, she didn’t even notice that it was moving at all. It was as if the opal stayed perfectly still, glowing with its iridescent sheen, and the world moved around it.
‘You’re relaxing so completely now, Piper,’ the woman said. ‘You’re watching the pretty, pretty colors dance and sparkle in your eyes, letting my voice drift through your mind and letting everything else go so that you can allow yourself to focus on the beautiful gem completely. You don’t need to think about what I’m saying right now. It doesn’t really matter. You can just feel my soft voice wrap around you like a warm blanket while you watch and listen and relax.’
Piper exhaled slowly, feeling the tension flow out of her with each breath. The room seemed to sway and dance slightly around the opal, but she no longer noticed. The stone was the only thing she needed to notice right now. It was so fascinating. Everything else faded into unimportant background details next to the beauty of the woman’s ring. They didn’t really matter. Piper could let herself tune them all out completely, save for the woman’s voice, and even that was only important because it was so soothing to listen to. She nodded in agreement without recognizing that she was agreeing to anything in particular.
‘That’s right,’ the woman said, ‘such a good girl, following so easily and effortlessly, your mind drawn into the opal’s endless glow.’ She had such a warm, calming voice, it was almost like the opal was talking to her, encouraging Piper to lose herself in the beauty of the gemstone and let the rest of the world slip away. It felt so good simply to watch the ring and put one foot in front of the other, following the pretty colors with her eyes and her head and her feet-
‘Um…’ Piper said, amazed at how thick and muzzy her voice sounded. ‘…we’re leaving.’ There was more to the sentence in her head, she wanted to point out that she’d never eaten, that her boyfriend would wonder where she went, that she wasn’t sure that following a strange woman out into the street to who knows where was a good idea. But before she even said it, Piper knew what the response would be, and it seemed like too much work to bring all those objections up when she could hear the ghost of all those ‘doesn’t really matter’s floating around in her mind.
‘That’s right, dear,’ the woman said. ‘Your friend clearly isn’t coming, so I thought you and I might go someplace nice and have a quiet chat.’
‘Boyfriend,’ Piper said, trying to summon up some trace of irritation and failing. The ring shone so beautifully that it didn’t seem like anything was worth getting upset over. She felt her feet move mechanically, one step after another, but it didn’t really feel like she was moving them at all. She was following the gem.
‘He doesn’t really matter, dear,’ the woman said dismissively. ‘Let him go have his fun, wherever he’s gotten off to. You and I have so much nicer things to talk about.’
She could stop walking, Piper realized loosely. She could just turn around, go back to the restaurant and wait for…Jerry? Jimmy? Piper tried to remember his name, but just then the gemstone caught a flash from the headlights of a passing car that distracted her again. Maybe in a few minutes, she thought. After she was done looking at the opal, she’d go back and wait for whatsisname at that place she was at. The woman started talking to her again, but i
t was in that soft voice she’d been using earlier that seemed to go into Piper’s head without ever touching her mind, and she didn’t pay much attention to it. She was busy watching the colors.
After a while, they stopped and Piper felt herself climb into a car. She sank gratefully onto the plush leather seats, she wasn’t sure exactly how long they’d been walking, but it was clearly long enough for her to want a little rest. The woman sat next to her, keeping the opal in front of Piper’s eyes, moving it just enough to keep the dance of colors going. Something felt odd about the car-it seemed larger, in her peripheral vision, than a car should be. But figuring it out meant looking away from the ring, and Piper didn’t feel like doing that right now.
The car began to move. ‘Where are we going?’ Piper found herself asking, almost surprised that she still cared about anything at all. Her voice sounded confused about a lot more than their destination.
‘It doesn’t really matter, dear,’ the woman said, petting Piper’s hair gently. ‘Somewhere private, where you and I can get to know each other better.’ She shifted position, moving back to give Piper plenty of room to stretch out. ‘Here, why don’t you lie down until we get there? You look so tired, dear. So exhausted and heavy-limbed. So drowsy, your thoughts all confused and foggy.’
A limo! Piper didn’t even notice her body slump sideways as the ring drew her down into a supine position with a single easy gesture of the woman’s hand. She was too busy with the tiny spark of deduction she’d managed. That was why the car seemed so big. It was a limousine. With that mystery solved, she could settle her head in the woman’s lap and look at the ring as it flashed and glittered just above her forehead. It was hard to see from this angle, but Piper’s head felt far too heavy to move now. So she simply let her eyes roll back as far as she could in order to stare into the opal’s soft glow.
Piper lost track of time. It didn’t seem to have much meaning anymore. She watched, she listened, she focused, she relaxed. That was all she needed to do. That was all she wanted to do. She felt serene, peaceful, completely at ease. Everything was so comfortable, and the woman’s voice was so soft and restful, and all Piper had to do was lose herself in the pretty colors and let her mind sleep.
Then the woman undid the buttons on Piper’s blouse, one by one, and slid her ringless hand into Piper’s bra. ‘Um,’ Piper said sharply, the surprise cutting through whole layers of rainbow mist. The woman’s voice trailed off into silence expectantly, and Piper felt like she had to say something. She stumbled for the right words to articulate her feelings, but her thoughts still felt thick and heavy and all that came out was, ‘I’m straight.’
‘It doesn’t really matter, dear,’ the woman replied, the words by now far too familiar to resist. ‘It’s not like your breasts know that it’s a woman’s fingers touching them…caressing them…teasing the nipples to stiff, aroused attention.’ Piper felt the woman matching her words to actions, stroking Piper’s pebbly aureolae and gliding over the soft flesh of her tits. ‘It’s not like it doesn’t feel good when a woman touches you like this, does it?’
‘I’m, um…’ Piper tried to parse the question in her mind, unsure whether a ‘yes’ meant that it felt good, or a ‘no’ meant that it didn’t not feel good, and all the time the gem was flashing in her eyes, drawing her gaze upwards and backwards and her eyelids felt so heavy and so hard to keep open, and there was a hand tweaking and tugging at her nipples, first one and then the other, and she couldn’t think about any of it properly. It felt good, she realized. It felt really, amazingly hot.
‘That’s all that matters, dear,’ the woman said. Piper realized she’d said something else, too, but then she felt her bra slide down to reveal her breasts and the fingers were touching her again, more intensely than before, and she forgot what it was she was thinking of a moment ago. Whatever it was, it didn’t really matter, not when she felt this good. She felt so sexy, lying here like this.
After a while, the limo stopped moving. Piper sat up, following the woman out of the car. Her bra hung loosely from her waist like a belt, and her blouse hung open to show her tits to whoever might be outside, but Piper knew that didn’t really matter. If it had, the woman would have told her.
They walked together through a house that Piper only really saw out of the corner of her eye, but it looked very expensive. After a few moments, they made their way to a bedroom and Piper found herself thinking what a good idea it would be to sit on the bed without really knowing why.
‘You’ve been such a good girl, Piper,’ the woman said. ‘Now, watch the ring closely. Closer than before, focus all your gaze on it, all your attention on it, completely losing yourself in the glow and the colors…good girl.’ The woman held the opal ring directly in front of Piper’s eyes, slowly moving it up and back and up and back until Piper’s eyes rolled back in her head and her eyelids fluttered shut and she fell backwards into the soft mattress.
She felt the woman strip off her clothes, slowly and sensuously pulling her skirt down and off and peeling her pantyhose down, inch by inch. She unhooked the bra, leaving Piper clad in just her open blouse and a pair of panties that felt surprisingly damp given her earlier words. ‘That’s it,’ the woman said. She punctuated her sentence by sucking on Piper’s left nipple until Piper was squirming openly. ‘That’s right,’ the woman said, giving Piper’s right breast the same attention.
‘Feel the pleasure that I give you, pretty girl,’ the woman said. Her fingers crept into the waistband of Piper’s panties, tickling her soft pubic hair as they slowly worked their way down to her cunt. ‘That’s the only thing that matters now.’ Piper gasped as she felt the woman’s hand stroking up and down her labia, teasing the sensitive flesh.
The woman was silent for a long moment, but it was an eventful one. Her mouth was busy kissing Piper’s neck, nibbling and nuzzling at Piper’s collarbone in a way that made Piper’s closed eyes roll back in her head with ecstasy. Her hand was slowly insinuating its way between Piper’s wet pussy lips, finding Piper’s clit and brushing it over and over again. Piper’s gasps turned to moans, then the moans were muffled by kisses.
‘Good girl,’ the woman said as she finally broke the kiss. ‘This is the only thing that’s important,’ and her fingers thrust deep into Piper’s slit to emphasize the words. ‘All those thoughts have floated away and all you care about now is pleasure. Your mind is so empty now, and you’re so happy to let me fill it, aren’t you?’
In that instant, Piper realized what was happening to her. She could feel her resistance slowly ebbing away under the slow, relentless onslaught of the woman’s soft, soothing voice and she knew that if she didn’t break free now, she’d never be able to. The woman would turn her into a lesbian, she’d never see her boyfriend, she’d become completely helpless to resist whatever it was the woman had in store for her.
But she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t make herself fight it, because none of that mattered to her anymore. Not really. All that mattered now was pleasure, and the woman would give Piper all that she wanted. All Piper had to do was obey. ‘I obey,’ she whispered, ceding the last of her resistance to the pleasure building in her clit.
‘Good girl,’ the woman said, and Piper came so hard she saw stars.
After that, Piper floated in a haze of trance for what seemed like hours. She found herself doing things, kissing the woman’s breasts and licking her pussy, but it all blended together into the pleasure of obedience and that was all that mattered to Piper now. Eventually, they curled up in bed together like spoons, with the woman holding Piper in her arms. ‘That’s a good girl,’ she said, her voice sounding thick with exhaust
ion. ‘Getting so sleepy now, so drowsy that all you can do is rest. Later we can get to know each other better, and we can decide how you’ll serve me best.’
Piper smiled sleepily at the thought. She felt like she already knew the woman as intimately as two people could possibly know each other. But really, she didn’t even know-
‘…name?’ she mumbled drowsily.
The woman chuckled. ‘It doesn’t really matter,’ she said one final time as Piper slipped gently into slumber. ‘You won’t be using it. Not when ‘Mistress’ sounds so much better.’
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MatureLet there be Light When your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon’s they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell.~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar’s ‘Celestial Matters.’ ——- (Paris 1623) -Devnik- The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility. The sin that its golden light held at bay … was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air … and the fresh smells of a...
Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers **** As he lay in a hospital bed, his wounded body trying to heal, Clay let his mind drift. It had been two weeks since...
Family Mattersby Miss AnonnaIt was a cold, dreary, miserable day but nonetheless I needed to get to work and finish some things before the weekend came along. When I got to work there were very few people in so I sat down at the computer to check my appointments. I had one mid morning full body massage to cover and the rest of the day was free. After the massage, I closed out my computer and headed home. It had been a long time since I had been home early and it was quite nice to enter an...
IncestLet there be LightWhen your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon's they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell. ~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar's 'Celestial Matters.'-------(Paris 1623)-Devnik-The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility.The sin that its golden light held at bay ... was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air ... and the fresh smells of a...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: May 10, 2010) Chapter 34 - It's What's on the Inside That Matters "I'm scared, Mom," I told her while we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Holbrook's office Friday morning. "It'll be okay, Megan," she said and pulled me closer. I...
The Wedding Party - Chapt 4 - Family Matters I stared at the panties that Natasha was handing me. "What are these for?" I said. They weren't the flashy bridal panties that she'd picked out for me previously. These were a simple pair of pink hipsters. "I think you should wear then when we're at your mom's house." I stared out the window. We were at 25,000 feet somewhere over Illinois. It was a cloudless day and I could see the fields laid out like a patchwork quilt. Natasha and I...
It didn't end well. But the journey wasn't without its highlights. I had dated Carol, the ex, for nearly five years before we married. We had met in high school. I had reservations about marrying her, which is, I suppose, common. But she had raised (practically) several nieces and nephews and, having come from a large family, could cook great for such a young woman. She deplored that her brothers cheated on her sister in laws. And she was HOT. Compact and curvy in all the right places,...
Cheating WifesSomething a little different. I am not native english speaking, so if there are sentences that read a little weird, it's because of that. I hope you can enjoy the story despite of this. Feedback is always appreciated. ---An instant attraction to romantic interest usually occurs within the first few minutes of meeting. And so it was that they were sitting next to each other on his couch. She wiggled a bit uneasy in her denim skirt, looking at his full lips moving while he talked. Her mind was...
Straight SexShe explained that I was to watch her be slowly fucked, but that I was strictly forbidden to get an erection. If I were to defy orders and show any indication of arousal-a swift and harsh punishment would follow. Although of course I didn't say it, I knew that I was being ordered to do the impossible. She had ordered me to do something that ANY straight man in the world would fail at, that is not to become aroused in her presence. My punishment for not following her command involved...
Well most women would say no, but when you are my size I would have to say yes it does matter. You see I'm not exactly small, my cock is around 8 inches long and around an inch in diameter, a nice size I hear you say, but that's 8 inches before being erect. When I'm erect, it is usually around 10 - 12 inches, though when I'm super excited it can measure up to 14 inches and a diameter of around 2 1/2 inches.Now having a big cock may seem to be everyman's dream, but believe me it isn't. I don't...
I am a business manager with a foreign bank in Mumbai, travel half the time, now overseas too. I have two k**s, hail from Chennai and married to a south Indian belle born and brought up from Mumbai, smart female, hot figure, perfect pair of tits that fit her 38D, lovely large brown nipples, dark coffee brown cunt lips with that lovely bit of curl now clean shaven and a very conservative girl.We live in one of the hottest residential areas in bandra, both my c***dren go to school, the benefits...
Jack stepped away from the taxi and turned to watch his daughter in law climbing the short but steep steps to the hotel doors. It was hard not to notice the movements of her shapely bottom under the tight grey skirt. He cursed his son, Colin, under his breath. Suzy was tired; she had been on her feet all day at the trade exhibition while her lazy husband was away playing golf with his friends. He should have been there helping out in the family business. “He didn’t deserve her.” He thought to...
Wife LoversMind over Matter By Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 2002 "Hey Ken. Wanna go shoot some pool?" "How about some hoops instead, Ron?" Now, I have to tell ya, hoops are not my favorite thing. I mean, I'm okay at it but Ken's all over me like a blanket. He's just a little too big for me to handle. I'm only 5'7" and he's 6'2". Pool levels the playing field. So, maybe tomorrow we'll shoot some pool. After all, it's my pool table. Well, no, it's not MINE but it's in my house, okay? So, Ken...
Hello ISS readers!! This story tells how i got lucky with my aunty who was sex deprived for a long time. Story tells you about the various foreplay we had.. Foreplay Foreplay Foreplay I am KrisNan from Kerala. Regular reader of ISS from my adolescent age.Loves mature women and foreplay. Just a normal at foreplay.Anyone who want to have fun can mail me at available. Secrecy guaranteed.I am also available on all social messaging apps. I always had doubt about the authenticity of the...
Hi friends, en peyar Vickey naan kalluri iruthi aandu padithu varugiren. Enaku oru akka irunthaal aval peyar jaya parka olaiyaaga irupaal. Anal azhagaga irupaal, mundru varudam munbu naangal koviluku sendrom, appozhuthu akka udan naan nerungi pazhaguven. Akka en kaiyai nerukamaaga pidithu kondu irupaal. En paatiku naangal ondraaga irupathu pidikaathu, aanalum naangal ondraaga vanil amarnthu irupom. Enaku en akka endraal migavum pidikum, akka aval mulaiyai en muthugil vaithu theipaal, athu matum...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil iravu nerathil karumbu thotathil divagar udan oothu en pundaiyai kizhithukondu veedu thirumbinen. Veetirku vanthathum neraga bathroom sendru dress kayati vitu en pundaiyai kazhuvinen, en pundaiyil lesaga ratham kasinthu irunthathu. Ennal kaiyai kuda pundaiyil vaika mudiya villai. Pengaluku periya sunniyai pundaiyil ookum pozhuthu ithu pondra prachanai ellam varum, naan manathil antha nerathil ini naam sex seiyave kudathu endru ninaithu irunthen. En pundaiyai divagar...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana oru pennai eppadi instagramil meet seithu oothen endra kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Vishwa, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan padithu mudithu vitu ipozhuthu velai paarthukondu irukiren, enaku kama kathai endraal migavum pidikum. Enaku 22 vayathu varai kai adipathu apadi endraal enane theiryaatha ondraaga thaan irunthathu. Aanal ipozhuthu naan niraiya kama padangalaiyum kama kathaigalaiyum paarthu padithu kai adipathai...
Something a little different. I am not native english speaking, so if there are sentences that read a little weird, it’s because of that. I hope you can enjoy the story despite of this. Feedback is always appreciated. — An instant attraction to romantic interest usually occurs within the first few minutes of meeting. And so it was that they were sitting next to each other on his couch. She wiggled a bit uneasy in her denim skirt, looking at his full lips moving while he talked. Her mind was...
It's been said that necessity is the mother of invention. That may be true, but in a lot of cases, it's just plain dumb luck, as in this case. I have, I think, inadvertently stumbled upon a new way to get laid. Granted it will never be one-hundred-per-cent effective but at least it worked once, and that's a hell of a lot higher success rate than most of things I`ve tried over the years. But first let me bore you with some background. The millions of dollars the government spent on AIDS...
Father, so I was told was still in town. Celebrating the sale of the Tyrannos at the Xchange. Greifen caught me right by the gate after the school flier had dropped me by the gate. He still looked sober and miserable but he grinned as he closed the gate. “Looks like even your Father could not find a bad world about you today. Word is they got a very good price for your Tyrannos and from what I heard they are celebrating at Hogun’s Inn. Many clan Chief and Elders are there. They will drink...
Dexter never did identify the time when he came to the realization that he was a multimillionaire. There wasn’t an ‘Aha!’ moment in which he suddenly realized that he was wealthy. He was considering a minor spending spree, until Charlie handed him a little report entitled, “Losing the Lottery.” It wasn’t about buying losing tickets, but about winning and then losing all of the winnings. The stories within the report were not pleasant. Relatives were hounding the winners for money. There were...
Mildred Kendrick was worried about her daughter. Deborah had gone far away and was about to marry there. Since the continent had been first settled, women had been marrying far from their families – though more of them married at home and then went west with their husbands. Probably, after the slaughter of eligible men in the recent war, Deborah’s generation would be doing even more moving and then marrying. Still, she had the traditional responsibility of telling her daughter of the facts...
They had finished their second song. The crowd was in full chaos. I stood surrounded by thousands of noisy, young adults and teenagers. The arena was dark except for a sprinkle of cell phone lights, glowy bracelets, and the occasional flicker of stage lighting. It was getting warm and the beers I had earlier only made me that much hotter. The bass player started with a heavy riff and various people began to jump and raise their arms. More lights came on and they strobed colorful flashes across...
ExhibitionismThere was a railroad spike being driven into my forehead, and my stomach clenched with the sudden urge to vomit. I opened my eyes and regretted it instantly, squinting against the dim light in the room as my empty insides lurched violently. Gasping for air and straining against weakness, I rolled on one arm to the side of the bed and found the wastebasket lined with a plastic bag, not giving a thought to how I knew it would be there. My stomach heaved and I retched violently, expelling nothing...
ReluctanceThe phone rang, and Ruth fished in her apron pocket for it. “Yes?” “Mrs Kempe, ah, Ruth? This is the Personalia. Are you free to talk?” “Yes, I am at the moment. My baby is asleep.” “Oh, yes. You have a child now. I understand I should say congratulations.” “Thank you. Can you get to the point of this call, please?” “Apologies, Ruth. We wished to discuss some human facts that we have difficulty in understanding. That is to say, it is not facts that we have trouble with; it is the meanings...
Marilyn’s blitz of the talk shows did what we intended it to do. It put a human face, a very likeable human face, on the clusterfuck in Pittsburgh. Marilyn was polling in the low 90s, and across the country people were rallying to her side on this. Only the ACLU was defending them, and they had offered their services. (Westboro Baptist promptly condemned them as being part of the ‘Jewish power elite’, but with their assets frozen, it wasn’t like they could pay for lawyers; they couldn’t...
Riya played her eyes around the common room, noticing that one of the couches seemed to have been destroyed, as if something large had torn it up and crushed it. The vending machines were empty and had not been restocked, they appeared to have been unplugged from the wall, too. Everything looked old, not necessarily unkempt, but it was obvious that at some point the base had been left to decay for a long period of time without any kind of maintenance. There was old water damage on the walls,...
The glow in my genitals which had been slowly growing finally reached its peak and that wonderful pulsing of my penis throbbed out a small amount of man juice. Being in my 70s, I didn’t shoot too much anymore which made cleanup easier but didn’t give my partner as much of a thrill feeling it spraying on her insides. I removed my mouth from her nearest breast and gave her a long and tender kiss. She was on her back and I was on my side with my legs under hers. After about 10 minutes of...