Wife Helps Husband Bi free porn video

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"Scott, can I ask you a question?" Debbie, my wife of 27 years asked me.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you gay?" she asked.

"What?" I asked, trying to quell the fear that I was certain was obvious in my voice. "Why would you ask that?"

"Scott, I'm not as naive as you think. I've seen the sites you visit on the Internet. I've watched some of the porn you've watched. They all show men having gay sex. I've even seen your responses to Craigslist postings."

So there it was. I underestimated my wife's tech knowledge and her curiosity about what I did on the Internet. She had discovered my deepest secret, my biggest fantasy.

The best way to describe myself is bi curious. I know that is cliché but it's the most accurate description I can find to describe myself. I don't know if I really want to have sex with a man. I know for certain that I don't find men attractive. I know I don't want to kiss a man. But when I think about sucking a man's cock or being fucked by a man, my heart races, my cock swells, and I seek outlet on the Internet.

It was time to come clean. I couldn't lie to her. I didn't want to lose her but she deserves to know. "No, I'm not gay, Debbie. But, I do think about sex with a man. It turns me on, but it's a fantasy. I honestly don't know if I would ever act on it.

"But what you aren't considering is that most of the sites I've visited, most of the movies I've watched are all bisexual in nature. What turns me on about this fantasy is that you are there with me, that you are a participant. I fantasize about you being turned on by this, by you convincing me to do this", I said.

"How long have you had these desires, Scott?" Debbie asked me.

"I don't really know, Debbie. I can remember having these fantasies since about the time we got married" I said. "But I can't say for sure that I didn't have these fantasies back in high school or college."

"Is it because of me? Do you not love me anymore?" she asked.

"No, absolutely not! I love you as much now, as I did when we got married. I don't have any emotional attachment to the men I fantasize about, hell, I don't even imagine the faces of the men when I have these fantasies. I really can't explain it. I just know that I'm curious about sex with a man: what it feels like, how it feels to give a man pleasure, to be fucked. I don't know....It's just a fantasy of mine."

"So you don't want to actually experience being fucked?" Debbie asked. "I don't know" I said. "I guess deep down inside, I really do want to try it, but I'm nervous."

"Why have you kept this a secret? I mean, I thought we shared everything."

"Debbie, this is confusing and scary to me. On top of that, I know your thoughts about homosexual sex. I was afraid that you would divorce me. Hell, I'm terrified you'll divorce me now that you know."

"Well, I really didn't know how to process this at first" she said. "After seeing some of the sites and watching some of the videos I got a bit more comfortable with the idea. Now that we've talked about it it's less of a turn off. I'm not saying it's a turn on, either, but I'm more open to the idea."

My mind was reeling at this point. I never thought my wife would find out my secret and was terrified if she did find out. Now she knows and she's saying that she is open to the idea! My whole world has been turned upside down in a matter of a few minutes.

"Come with me, let's go to the bedroom" Debbie said.

She took my hand and I followed her into our spacious bedroom. She climbed on the bed and invited me to lay next to her. Her lips found mine and kissed me lovingly, passionately. My lips opened to her probing tongue. Our kisses were like those we shared when we were dating.

Her hand found its way to my zipper. She worked my zipper down and undid my button all while keeping my tongue in her vacuum lock. Fishing out my cock I felt more than heard her moan.

She pulled away from the kiss and worked my pants and underwear down. She took off my shoes, pulled my pants, socks and underwear off and then slid her hands up both of my legs. She wrapped one hand around the base of my cock while gently kneading my balls with the other.

Looking into my eyes, she lowered her mouth onto my cock and engulfed it in one slow motion. Her tongue slid up and down the sensitive underside of my cock. She continued her slow slide down my cock until reaching the base before easing back up to the sensitive head.

She continued to work on my dick while I moaned in appreciation. It was a struggle for me to keep from cumming, knowing that I wanted to give her pleasure equal to that which she was giving me. I let her work me over for a few more seconds but finally, grudgingly pulled her off my cock.

I pulled her back up to kiss her, while my tongue probed her mouth with vigor. I started to slide her sweater off so that I could access her bra and finally remove her 36D tits from their constraints. I worked my way down to her breast, first licking, and then gently nibbling on her left nipple, which grew to a beautiful nub under my attention. I switched to her right nipple and bit her nipple more forcefully. She cried out and pulled my head hard into her breast.

I released her nipple and kissed my way down to her belly while working her pants and panties off her hips. Siding the rest of her clothes off of her she stood gloriously naked in front of me. Kissing my way up her legs, I pay special attention to the inside of her knees, a place I know drives her crazy.

Reaching my final destination, I smelled her wonderful scent. I dove in between her legs to lick her pussy. I lightly licked her outer lips, slowly working my way to her clit. When I reached her rosebud I lightly grazed it at first and then began to pay special attention to her clit. She began to writhe under me and I had to grab onto her ass to hold her in place. She grabbed my head to pull me into her pussy and began to moan, softly at first, then louder as her orgasm continued to build. Her writhing stopped but her moaning increased and I knew that she was very close. I continued my attention on her clit and she cried out, her orgasm rushing through her body. I knew that at this point she was too sensitive and I backed away, admiring her as she comes down from her orgasm.

As soon as she has recovered she pushed me on to my back and climbed on top of me. Spreading her lips she slid on to me in one swift motion. We both sighed in ecstasy and she began to rock up and down, riding my cock slowly at first, then with greater and greater intensity. I was trying hard to keep from cumming but soon it became too intense and I launched what felt like the biggest load I had ever shot. Debbie continued to ride me as I came down from my ecstasy and then leaned forward and gave me a loving kiss.

What happened next took me completely by surprise. She climbed off my deflating cock and crawled up so that her pussy was directly over my mouth. I could see my cum sliding out of her. She lowered herself on to my mouth and I had no choice but to start licking her again. The taste of her juices mingling with mine was extremely erotic. Her moans grew in intensity and she rode my face to a second orgasm.

Climbing off of me she gave me a tender, passionate, sexy kiss and asked, "Did you like that?"

I managed to mumble "MM HMM" or something like that. Then she asked me if I enjoyed cleaning her up. I really didn't know how to answer that. Of course, I enjoyed the whole situation including cleaning her up but I still didn't know what she thought about my fantasy. If I answered truthfully, would she finally have the evidence she needed for a divorce?

Finally she made it easy on me and said, "I know you enjoyed it, you don't have to answer. It's okay. I want you to experience your fantasy. It's something that I'm open to and want to do for you."

I didn't know what to do so I just hugged her tight and told her I loved her. She fell asleep in my arms but I was having a hard time sleeping. I still didn't know how I felt about this scenario. I felt sure that Debbie was willing to help me fulfill my fantasy but what would happen afterwards? Would she still be attracted to me? Would she still love me? How would I feel afterwards?

The next morning Debbie didn't mention our conversation and I didn't bring it up either. In fact, we didn't discuss it for the next two weeks, but then on Friday we were out at a bar and Debbie asked, "Are you ready to experience your fantasy?"

I said, "I don't know, why do you ask?"

"Well, at 10:00 tonight a man is coming over to have sex with you", she said.

I was shocked! "What? Who? How did you set this up so quickly?" I said.

"My friend from college, Jim, is gay. I've kept in touch with him over the years and after our conversation a few weeks ago I emailed him. I told him I didn't know what to do and just wanted someone to talk to that might understand. He told me that desires like yours are very common. He said he personally has had sex with four different married guys over the years and that many of his friends have had similar experiences. He made me realize that your fantasy doesn't mean that you don't love me or that you want to leave me but that you really do just want to try something new."

Debbie continued, "After wrapping my head around the whole thing I asked him how I could meet someone to help you fulfill your fantasy. I told him that I was worried about finding someone that was safe and would treat us with respect. Finally, he suggested that he help us out. He's clean, respectful and I trust him, so I invited him to come over tonight."

I didn't know how to feel at this point. I was terribly excited, terribly scared, and felt like I would cum right there! I really didn't want anyone to think differently about me, not Debbie's friend and certainly not Debbie.

Seeing the concern in my eye, Debbie attempted to calm me saying, "Don't worry, Scott. First, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I trust Jim completely. He won't tell anyone and he won't push for more get togethers after tonight. Remember, I love you and want you to be happy. I will love you tomorrow as much as I do today."

I breathed a sigh of relief but it didn't allay all my fears. I still didn't know if I wanted to go through with this. I didn't know how I would feel about myself afterwards and frankly, I didn't know if I'd be any good.

Looking at my watch, I realized that I didn't have any time to worry because we would have to leave the bar now in order to get back to our house by 10:00. We finished our drinks, paid our tab and made our way back to our house.

The walk to our house seemed painfully slow but in reality, it is only a ten minute walk from the bar to our house. It was only a few minutes from our closing the door to hearing the doorbell ring. I knew that it was Jim and I would have to decide right now whether I was going to go through with this fantasy.

Debbie got up from the couch, walked to the door and opened it. She greeted Jim with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and welcomed him into our house.

"Hi Jim, it's great to see you again. How long has it been?"

"I think it was last spring at the reunion, right?” Jim said.

"I think you're right. Jim, this is my husband, Scott," she said.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard great things about you," Jim said, extending his hand for a handshake.

It felt like my hand was shaking, my heart felt like it was going to explode through my chest, and my throat was as dry as a desert.

Jim shook my hand in a firm but friendly manner. He was slightly taller than I at about six feet. He didn't have an athletic build but rather was slightly skinny. His face was clean shaven and he had somewhat shaggy, blond hair. It occurred to me that he wasn't what people would call gorgeous but he certainly wasn't unattractive.

Debbie broke the silence by saying, "Scott, why don't you get us some drinks? We have a bottle of wine in the wine refrigerator that I think Jim would enjoy."

"Sure," I mumbled and walked off to the kitchen. I found the bottle of wine, poured two glasses and got myself a beer.

We made small talk while drinking our respective drinks but soon we had all finished our drinks and Debbie once again encouraged us to move forward with the fantasy saying, "I think it's time to move to the bedroom."

We all stood up and I knew that it was now or never. I was either going to go through with this or I wasn't. I found myself following Debbie into the bedroom with Jim behind me. During that short walk I knew that I was going to go through with this, which I was going to finally live out this fantasy. I was hoping that Debbie wouldn't think differently of me but I had to trust her. I wouldn't call it confidence but I was feeling slightly more comfortable with this scenario.

We made it to the bedroom and Debbie sat on the chair that we have next to the bed. Jim and I stood next to each other and he began to take off his black, button down shirt.

"Well, Scott, I think you know what to do. Help our guest get more comfortable," Debbie said.

I turned to face Jim and with my hand shaking, I reached out to take off his belt. After pulling his belt off I began to unbutton his pants and slide his zipper down. I could see the top of his black boxer briefs and began to slide his pants down. I realized that I hadn't yet taken off his shoes but he helped me out by kicking off his loafers before his pants reached his ankles. I then pulled off his pants as well as his socks.

Jim stood there in his black boxer briefs looking kindly at me. His cock bulged in his underwear and I knew what I had to do. I slipped my hands in the waistband of his shorts and pulled them off. His cock sprang free, looking partially hard. His hair was neatly trimmed and his balls hung low beneath his shaft.

I kneeled down to get a closer look at his cock. My face was inches from his cock. He smelled nice, not terribly musky and not perfumed. I reached out and began to stroke his shaft feeling it grow with each stroke. I turned my focus to his balls. I had never handled another man's cock, much less his balls. It felt strange but still oddly familiar. I certainly had handled my own equipment thousands of times before and while this was similar it was different too. I had never had this perspective before, looking at a hard cock at eye level.

It seemed his cock had grown completely hard at this point, at least seven inches and thicker than I. It was now or never, I finally decided to take the plunge. I opened my mouth, moved my head closer and wrapped my lips around his cock. I slid my lips down his shaft until I felt his head bump up against the back of my throat. I didn't feel a need to deep throat him on my first attempt but rather to just enjoy the moment. I backed off until I had just his head in my mouth before sliding back down.

As I gained more confidence I started to swirl my tongue on the sensitive underside of his head. I soon felt Jim's hand on the back of my head and I looked up to see a look of enjoyment on his face.

He looked down at me, smiled and moaned, "Mmm that feels amazing."

I continued my ministrations and felt slightly more pressure on the back of my head. Jim was encouraging me and I was happy to oblige. It was then that I realized that I was enjoying this, that I was enjoying being a cocksucker.

I pulled off Jim's cock to catch my breath and looked over at Debbie. I saw her right hand kneading her breast and her left hand was in her pants moving in a way that made me realize she was massaging her clit. She smiled at me and nodded at me to continue.

I turned back to Jim's cock and he pulled my head back onto his cock. I returned to my task of sucking his cock. Jim needed to change positions and sat on the edge of the bed. I moved between his legs and returned to sucking his cock.

As I continued to suck I felt Jim buck his hips in time with my motions. He was becoming more vocal, saying things like "Suck my cock.” I heard Debbie say "Take that cock, Scott," as well.

Jim's hips continued to buck and his moans grew louder. I thought maybe he was close to cumming. Before tonight I often wondered if I wanted to swallow cum. There was no wondering now, I knew I wanted to swallow his cum, all of it.

It was only a few seconds later that I was rewarded with a large spurt of his cum. I quickly backed off, keeping only his head in my mouth. His cum tasted salty like I imagined but it was not unpleasant. Far from it, it was very enjoyable. He pumped four or five large spurts into my mouth. I tried to swallow it all but some leaked from the corners of my mouth. When he was done I pulled off his cock and licked the corners of my mouth to try to get all of his cum.

Debbie pulled me up and kissed me with more vigor than I've felt since we've been married. Pulling off my lips she smiled at me and asked me if I was okay. I nodded with what felt like a stupid look on my face.

Debbie began to take my clothes off. Until then I didn't even realize I was still fully clothed. She had me naked in no time and got down on her knees and began to suck me like I had Jim. She didn't stay down there long, though. Standing up, Debbie said "I don't want you to cum yet. There's more fun to be had tonight."

I began unbuttoning Debbie's blouse and pants. My hand grazed her panties and they were soaked through. I took off her bra and she slid off her panties. We collapsed on the bed and made out like high school sweethearts. I moved down to her breast and began to suck on her nipple. My hand massaged her other breast, kneading it aggressively.

After a few minutes of this I felt Jim massaging my ass. His hands were caressing my ass while occasionally grazing the crack of my ass. I was in heaven. I was making out with my beautiful wife while a man was playing with my ass.

Reaching between Debbie's legs I inserted my finger into her pussy. She was so wet it was like her pussy was sucking my finger in to her. She moaned loudly as I inserted a second finger into her sex.

I felt something cool in my ass and knew that Jim was preparing me for the ultimate fulfillment of my fantasy. He spread some lube around my asshole before inserting a finger. It was a pleasant feeling and was not painful at all. When he added a second finger I felt fuller but still no pain.

Debbie pulled off of me so she could watch the show. I let Jim continue opening me up, enjoying the sensations. He pulled his fingers out of me and I kneeled down to give Jim a little encouragement. I wrapped my lips around his cock for a second time, taking more of him in than I was able to previously.

He pulled me up and eased me onto the bed on my back. I slid further onto the bed to give Jim room to climb on while he lubed up his cock.

Jim climbed between my legs, and I lifted my legs to let him in. Jim pushed back on my thighs, raising my ass off the bed. I felt a slight pressure on my ass and knew his cock was lining up for its final assault.

He asked if I was ready and I nodded yes. Jim pushed slowly but firmly and felt more pressure than before. While I felt no pain when Jim used his fingers I was definitely feeling pain now. However, mixed with the pain was intense pleasure. He continued pushing into me and I felt a slight pop as his head entered my ass. The pain subsided and only the pleasure remained.

Jim continued to push until I felt his balls on my ass. He was all the way inside of me and I felt a sense of accomplishment. Jim stopped, allowing me to get comfortable and then began to ease back out until all that was left inside me was his head. He pushed back in, this time bottoming out in one swift stroke.

I was out of my mind. All I could think of was, "I'm getting fucked!" It felt amazing! Jim smoothly thrust in and out of my asshole. He wasn't aggressive just insistent. He was driving to his ultimate conclusion and I was happy for him to finish inside me. I don't know what it's like to be fucked as a woman but it seemed like this was very close. I loved giving him pleasure, allowing him to use my body for his gratification. Looking at Jim, his eyes were screwed tight, a look of intense concentration and pleasure was on his face. I loved knowing that it was my body making him feel like this.

Debbie was massaging my shoulders, chest and arms. She was shouting encouragements and leaned over to kiss me. Her kiss was intense and I felt that she was enjoying this thoroughly.

Jim's thrusting grew more intense and he was moaning loudly. I knew from before that he was close to cumming. I reached around and grabbed his ass pulling him further into me willing him to cum in my ass.

With one final thrust, I felt Jim's cock twitch in my ass and his cum blasting into me. He collapsed on top of me to come down off his high. I could feel his cock slipping out of my ass followed by his cum. The only way to describe how I felt was slutty. I felt thoroughly fucked and almost completely satisfied.

Almost, because I still needed to fuck my wife. I couldn't wait to get in her pussy! After Jim had come down off his high he climbed off me and almost immediately Debbie leapt on top of me. She lowered herself on top of me, both of us exhaling loudly as I filled her beautiful pussy.

She started riding me, slowly but soon she was bouncing on my prick like a wanton woman. Her moans increased in tempo and volume as I thrust inside her.

I decided I wanted to be in charge for the first time this night and I flipped her onto her back to continue fucking her. My balls were slapping against her ass as I pumped inside her pussy. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer as I continued thrusting. Finally, I felt the first spasm of my orgasm as Debbie's nails clawed into my back, the screams from her orgasm echoing in the bedroom.

I collapsed on top of Debbie, kissing her and holding her close. Neither Debbie nor I noticed that Jim had dressed and slipped out while we fucked.

Debbie asked, "Did you enjoy your surprise?"

"Yeah, I really did," I said.

"That's good because I have another college friend I'd like you to meet his name Tyrone and his got a 10 inch black cock."

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Wife And Husband

Hi readers, thanks to all of you for your response to my earlier incidents posted on this site, those who are reading me for the first time ,I am 28yr old single guy from Delhi, working in an top IT MNC, the story I am posting today is a real incident and sent to me by a couple who feels that some desires are worth to be fulfilled and other couples who desires the same should not feel ashamed in any sense as there is no harm enjoying life to the fullest. Please read the story and do confirm...

3 years ago
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Wife Helps me to take Cock

I have been married for eight years now to Sherrie, who is a short voluptuous well proportioned brunette. She is exudes sex and I always notice guys looking at her. I am 32 years old and she is 30. I myself am on the short and slim side but I am well proportioned and look good. We have two young girls and what would seem the perfect life. Sherrie has a public relations business and she works out of the house. She does well for herself. I am an engineer and I put in long hours but enjoy my work....

3 years ago
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Wife Helps Me Out

I have been married for 40 plus years in a marriage and rather happily except for the sex. Our sex life had never been that great as she was not really much into it. She tried. We experimented with a couple of 3-somes in our earlier 20s but she wasn't into women and being with another guy didn't thrill her either. I had grown up being curious so I enjoyed it immensely. She would end up going to bed while my friend and I played when she did. It ended all too soon and she thought it was a...

4 years ago
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Wife plays with bigger dick in front of husband

the hockey game at home with my buddy Andrew. After the game was over we had a few drinks and he asked if he could spend the night on the couch. I told him that was fine and we continued to drink. Then Kim and Erin got home and they were drunk. They were wearing their little dresses that showed off their asses. They were both very beautiful with hour glass figures. Erin was a little bigger so she had larger breasts, I would say 36 DD, than my wife's 36 C. Kim had a much bigger...

1 year ago
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Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband

Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband! : CHAPTER ONE. I recently discovered that my husband has been going to some ‘Swinger’s’ parties/orgies. What he had told me was that he was going away on business trips, and that he couldn’t get out of them! Since these gatherings are normally meant for couples only, (and as he has been attending them as a ‘Single Male,’) he has had to worm his way onto the group’s invitation list by offering to ‘serve’ the guests. The organizers agreed that...

4 years ago
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Wife Crious About Bi Husband

My wife has always been very curious and turned on by the fact that as a teenager I had a long period where a friend and I enjoyed sucking each other's cocks. We have often talked about it and she knows how much I still love seeing a nice cock on a porn film. She sometimes tells me how nice it would have been to watch me and my friend and if we are having a fuck she gets very dirty about wanting to see me suck a cock.One evening we had watched a TV programme which featured two bi guys and so...

2 years ago
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Wifey Pam Asian Jonny and a cum burger for the c

Wifey loves her technology, so there are a lot of shopping trips to the local Best Buy. She flirts with all the guys (and some of the woman) that work there. I’m sure she has had some hot wife dates with some of the guys; I hear the whispers and laughs behind my back when she lets me go in with her. But I’m not privileged to her dating life so I can’t say for sure, and I wouldn’t abject if that’s what she wanted (just wish she would let me watch). It was late on a Saturday afternoon and we both...

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wifey and her sister Peggy part 2

We get home and the girls run inside leaving me to bring in the bags from shopping. Of course I have to find the G-string bikini Peggy tried on and give it a sniff. Sadly, she didnt have it on long enough,so no smell other than new bathing suit. I walk inside and drop the bags by the couch they are sitting on, reminding them of our deal. I wanted to see Peggy in string/ G string bikini again. With a huff the both walked off with the bag. Peggy came downstairs first modeling her new bathing...

1 year ago
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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

3 years ago
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Wife Begins to Please Her husband

For my birthday present my wife agreed to devote an evening to fulfilling any desire I wanted. This was very daring on her part, as she knows where my tastes lie. It didn’t take me long to decide what that would be. My sexual tastes have become rather “sophisticated”, thanks to the plethora of information available on the internet.To my knowledge, my wife has never had sex with anyone else; she was a virgin when we first got together. I knew this would make what I wanted even better, even...

1 year ago
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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

Story line - A boyfriend helps his girlfriend in a college project. She needs to get human reaction to a shock factor in life for her thesis. The boyfriend (already a closet crossdresser) helps by wearing a bra in public under a shapely feminine top and ends up loving it and wanting to wear all "the" clothes forever. Chapter One "Sally what are you doing for your college thesis paper?" Mary asked. "I don't know, I can't figure out a thing to do for that shock factor assignment...

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Wife Humiliates husband

Hi all this I Akhil, 30 years, from Chennai. I think you would have read my stories of farm house humiliation, naked in river bed, CFNM stuff. This one is a bit of wife humiliation and domination one. I am 30 and my wife is 26 yrs. We got married 2 years back and my wife(name Archana) is a bit dominating type like she will call me vada, poda and sometimes in front of the maid servants as well. I love the domination from her side. When she calls me vada or poda I will see the maid servant( name...

4 years ago
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Wife Gets Pussy Fucked In Reverse BDSM By Husband

Hey guys! This is Simraan again. I had been working my big ass off in the last few months. So much so that I didn’t even think about sexual pleasures (fuck!). My brain was hard-wired to complete assignments. I lost touch with emotions and my colleagues started thinking that I had been possessed. But my husband thought I was cheating on him with some guy (guys!) in the office. He would call me at random hours which disturbed my zone. While talking on the phone, he would tell me all the dirty...

2 years ago
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wifes revelation 4 and regressing

Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....

3 years ago
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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

1 year ago
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Hotwife Captions

Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband

Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband! CHAPTER ONE. I recently discovered that my husband has been going to some ‘Swinger’ s’ parties/orgies. What he had told me was that he was going away on business trips, and that he couldn’t get out of them! Since these gatherings are normally meant for couples only, (and as he has been attending them as a ‘Single Male,’) he has had to worm his way onto the group’s invitation list by offering to ‘serve’ the guests. The organizers agreed...

1 year ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 27 Colin Helps

Colin quickly snapped Jacqui's hands into the cuffs on the bed head and went to the cupboard to fetch the paddle he knew from previous visits was kept there. SPLAT. The paddle came down fairly firmly on one cheek of Jacqui's arse; it wasn't a real punishment blow but it did make the colour much more uniformly red. Jacqui knew fine well that she should not cry out yet. Not if she wanted him to get the most out of his punishment of her. SPLAT. The other arse cheek changed colour to match...

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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

4 years ago
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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

2 years ago
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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

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Animal Husbandry

I am the prototypical teenage genius and mad scientist. I’m sure I’d be described as a sociopath and pedophile by those who want to impose a plain vanilla life of near despair upon everyone but the richest 0.01%. I am not a sadist. I do not want to hurt anyone. I know what I like, and I just want to be left alone to enjoy exceptional girls who develop and mature far ahead of the average. To me, the maximum enjoyment comes from a girl offering herself to me willingly and then giving each other...

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Wifey catches me sucking cock

I am bisexual, married man in my early 50s. When I met my wife, I had a regular guy and we’d exchange blow jobs every week or two.. I told her about it and said my sexual adventures are part of the relationship. She accepted it and after a couple years she and I and my guy had a couple threesomes that I’ve written about elsewhere. But several years ago, we moved away and I didn’t have a regular guy. When I did find one, wifey was resistant to it.So he and I met on the wide, once every 2 to 3...

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wifes panties full

this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...

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wifes birthday surprise

You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...

1 year ago
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wife fucked in front of husband

This story is about my wife Rittu with whom I got her fucked with another man. I was married to Rittu who had a very ripe body with fig 36 34 38 and she had nice boobs and big ass and we very much used to enjoy sex initially she was a shy girl when we got married but gradually I taught her all the art of sex then she blossom into a ripe lady and she often used to wear saree.She looks very sexy in it with her big boobs hanging out of her blouse and she used to deep throat my cock and take all my...

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Wifes gangbang confession part 2

As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...

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Motherinlaw helps out

Mother-in-Law helps out.I got married way too young. I met my first wife in my first year at Uni and by the time we left, both 21, we had moved in together and decided to make things official. Wanting to avoid family pressure to put on a big do, we went from proposal to register office in just a couple of months. We were giddy with excitement about the long future we would have together.Sarah was short, slim, small-chested, with short dark hair and although conservative in what she would do in...

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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

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Wife finds a GayMaker for Husband

My wife, Jena, and I married so young, right out of high school so we were still only 22 when we had our 5 year anniversary earlier this year. Things had gotten a bit stale in the bedroom. We are both very open sexually, but we just found ourselves in a bit of a slump. So open to the extent that we had even tried some threesomes previously, both with an extra girl and an extra guy. However, I was still surprised when Jena asked me if we could try this swingers party that her gym trainer Tyrone...

4 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 2

He had been sitting at home enjoying the chance to watch a teen flick filled with tits, booze and stupidity when he heard the phone ring, he casually lifted himself off the couch and made his way over to the cream phone that was hanging on the wall, he picked up the receiver and placed it against his ear as he made a small giggle because of the events on the TV. “Hello.” He said awaiting an answer. “Hello is this Charles Wesner?” The voice sounded serious and to the point. “It is.” Charles...

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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

4 years ago
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Zoya Helps Husband Friend

Dileep had just moved to the new city and was staying in a guest house which was close to the house of his friend Rehaan and his pretty wife Zoya. His association with Rehaan had been quite old. Rehaan had married Zoya about 5 years back and like everyone else Dileep too had been taken in by Zoya’s beauty, good nature and exuberance. Although 30 years old, Zoya still looked as if she had just completed college and did not look a day older than 21. She was one of those rare girls who due to...

3 years ago
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Uncle Charlie Helps Out 2

The day after my niece walked the high school graduation line, Katie moved into my house. My brother Tommy explained it to his wife Julie this way. "Katie's going to work for Charlie doing administrative work. He's also providing room and board so it's a good deal for her." The truth was Katie couldn't officially work for another month which was when she turned 18 at the end of July. The truth was Katie was going to be my partner in a start up internet porn site and she wanted to be the...

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wife fucked in front of husband

This story is about my nebougher's wife Rittu with whom I got her fucked . Rittu who had a very ripe body with fig 36 34 38 and she had nice boobs and big ass. She looks very sexy in it with her big boobs hanging out of her blouse.I was fucking all kinds of whores and even used to fuck in my flat.I had a very special friend named Akhil with whom I used to chat regularly.I showed some nude pictures of my dick and my dick was 9 inches and very thick. I often used to tell to Akhil to undress Rittu...

2 years ago
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mom helps her son wake up

Mom helps her son wake upMom helps her son wake up "Tom! Get up and get out of bed, now!" Janelle yelled. "Mom, not so loud. I'm still tired. Just a few more minutes." he muttered sleepily as he rolled over away from her. "Damn it, Tom, you're going to be late for your bus. Wake up!" she grabbed his shoulder and tried to shake him awake, but she felt his muscles tense up under her hands. No matter how hard she tried, Janelle couldn't stop her mind from drifting to the recurring fantasies she'd...

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