Hatchery RoadChapter 22
- 2 years ago
- 22
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“You are not seriously suggesting Puccini even remotely compares to Verdi?”
“Not at all,” came Ren’s rather smug reply. “What I am telling you is that he is definitely the better composer of the two, hands down.”
“What? You have got to be out of your ever-living mind!”
“That may be but...”
“No buts about it!” she immediately interrupted. “Sure, Puccini could write a nice melody but that’s about it. Verdi, on the other hand, is clearly the greatest operatic composer since Mozart.”
“Oh, come on, get real!” Rennie responded, waving his hands dismissively. “Verdi is terribly repetitive and uninspiring. At his best, he was merely the Andrew Lloyd Webber of his day, cranking out formulaic operas by the wagonload.”
His opponent, however, just about came unglued. “You have got to be joking! Andrew Lloyd Webber? Please, that’s not even...”
“Do you have any idea what they’re arguing about?”
Grant looked over at the gentleman standing next to him as the fierce debate raged on, first in English and then in what sounded to be a rather spirited Italian, and just shook his head. “Not the foggiest. You?”
“Nope,” the sheriff replied with a shake of his own head, “it’s all way over my head. To tell the truth, just about everything I know about opera – and that ain’t much – comes from Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.”
“Kill da wabbit?”
“Kill da wabbit.”
Leaving the two oblivious combatants behind, they began to make their way back to their seats.
Opera? Grant could only shake his head again and shudder. Definitely not his cup of tea by any means, but who knew Ms. Capriati was a fan? And how she and Ren got into this rather passionate discussion from their previous one, and in Italian no less, he had no idea. He and Art Frohm just looked at each other, shrugged and stepped back when the two of them began to get into it. Fortunately, the four of them had already talked through and agreed upon the basics of Sarah’s proposal before that point.
Grant really liked the idea of holding a concert – especially Sarah’s clever twist that it would not be the typical benefit affair that celebrities come together to put on after nearly every major disaster. No, this would be patterned after the shows put on by the USO for the troops overseas. It would be a free concert for all the people displaced by the tornados, as well as the hundreds of workers involved in the recovery efforts.
And he was especially glad that their presenter was calling them all back to take their seats again. He was more than willing to endure additional time in those hard steel folding chairs, if it meant getting away from a debate about opera!
That’s not to say, however, that Sarah’s presentation skills were something to be endured. Just the opposite, really. Grant was tremendously impressed with how she handled the initial walkthrough of the concept. She clearly had done her homework and did not make the fatal mistake so many rookies, not to mention veterans, make by immediately overloading their audience with facts and figures. Instead, she pitched the overall concept with poise and charm; left it only vaguely defined, and then cleverly sent off the listeners into discussion groups about how to pull it off.
Now, with everyone drawn back in – even Ren and the Lieutenant Governor were finally returning to their seats – Grant fully expected Sarah to launch into a problem-solving session. He wasn’t disappointed. In a matter of minutes, she had the basic challenges they were facing categorized into six different areas on her whiteboard. In fact, in very little time at all, she actually had resources and or solutions proposed for nearly all of them.
On the matter of venue for the concert, it quickly became apparent that the scale proposed required something outdoors. Numerous suggestions were offered but the lieutenant governor came up with the best, offering space at a nearby state park and personnel to coordinate. Frohm, for his part, nailed down the matter of security, while Marge volunteered to head up a group of restaurateurs to handle the concessions. Those, however, were all the relatively easy ones. Grant could see the next big stumbling block, and it was a huge one, was how to pay for it all. Even with a lot of volunteer help, this concert would be expensive. For example, just the cost of renting all the sound equipment – let alone the people to run it – and shipping it to and from the site would require not a small amount of cash.
So, considering his own expertise and experience in the area of corporate finance and fundraising, and the fact that he really had nothing to go home to right now anyway, Grant offered up his own services. He had no illusions on what it would require. The truth was he’d have to hit the ground running that very afternoon, as Sarah’s goal, reasonable or not, was to hold the concert the following Saturday – which was just under a week away. His own time frame, of course, would be far shorter. Thankfully he had already formulated a short list of who to quickly hit up for contributions.
As much as the extremely short time frame bothered him, however, there was something that bothered him more – namely, the lack of musical content. So far, the whiteboard was glaringly absent of viable solutions in that area. Sure, a few folks had offered a few ideas but they amounted to no more than talent show and karaoke night options. Hardly the type of event corporate sponsors would want to get behind, no matter how noble the sentiment and intention of the organizers.
Looking around at the gathered participants, he could tell that many of them shared his same concerns. They all wanted it to succeed. It would be a wonderful break and breath of fresh air for the devastated evacuees, the hardworking emergency responders, and the numerous volunteers trying to help them. But if all this group can come up with is amateur hour in the park, then the whole thing was going to fall flat on its face and fall hard.
It was at that moment, that Grant took a good long look at Sarah. She did not appear to be even remotely nervous. Unlike many presenters in similar brainstorming sessions, she was not getting agitated by the substantial blank space under the musical content column. Usually a pretty good judge of character, Grant suddenly realized he’d underestimated the sharply dressed blonde. Watching her eye movement and body gestures closely, he noted only confidence and calm.
“Why you clever, clever girl!” He laughed quietly to himself. This wasn’t about solving problems. It was a team building exercise! Why he hadn’t seen it before he wasn’t sure, but he knew a person with a well thought out plan when he saw one. He doubted there was a thing on that board that she hadn’t already planned on. And the mischievous glint in her eye – especially when she looked over at Ren and Josie – clued him in to the fact that she had more than a few pleasant surprises still waiting up her metaphorical sleeve.
So with a light chuckle, Grant simply relaxed in his folding chair, draped his left arm over the neighboring one, and contented himself to wait for the coming revelations in amused anticipation.
He didn’t have to wait long.
Sarah could tell she had reached a critical moment.
It was clear everyone in the backyard, unlike her immediate boss back in Nashville, had embraced her big idea of a USO style concert. And though she’d been a bit nervous, pretty much all the folks she had been counting on stepping up to help had done just that. But concerts are about more than details and dollars, they are about music. And she could tell, just by their faces, that nearly everyone’s attention had begun to shift to the fact that they didn’t have anything or anyone substantial listed for that ... yet.
Now, to finally lay that issue to rest and bring everyone on board.
“Mr. Thomas?” Sarah turned abruptly to face her only surprise of the afternoon. She’d actually expected the financial assistance to come from another direction but this was good, too. “What would you say,” she began with a twinkle in her eye, “if I were to tell you that, as of an hour ago, we have been promised all the sound, lighting and video equipment we need, plus the people to run it, free of charge?”
His eyes widened just a bit at the news and his eyebrows elevated slightly. The movements were almost imperceptible. Almost. She’d impressed him. Sarah couldn’t help but smile.
“Well, then I’d say you’ve cut my job almost in half,” he responded, tipping his head in her direction. “And I suppose next, you’ll be telling us all about the ones who will be using it?” he tossed in slyly.
“Why, yes, Mr. Thomas. Yes I am.” Sarah could almost feel the sense of relief radiating off the crowd. Looking around, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“And what if I were to tell you that we had so many folks wanting to perform, that a simple evening concert wouldn’t be enough?”
“So what exactly are you proposing then?”
The cheerful blonde’s smile faded a bit, not so much by the question, which she was expecting, but by the lieutenant governor’s rather serious and business-like demeanor.
“Something more along the lines of a music festival,” she answered, feeling somewhat chastised, “starting either late morning or early afternoon and going into the evening.”
Sarah watched as the statuesque older woman quickly conferred with several of her staff. After what seemed like minutes, she turned back. “I think that’s more than doable, given that Foster State Park was relatively unaffected by the recent storms,” she advised with a nod, “but six days will not be enough to prepare for something of that scale.”
“I agree,” Sarah responded, “so we’ll add another week to bring everything together.” She had been holding that necessary change in the schedule for later, in order to help bolster the group’s confidence in being able to pull this off. But she could live with it coming out here.
“Transportation to and from, however, will also be an issue. Talk to me afterwards and I’ll set you up with who you’ll need to talk to.”
Nodding in relief, Sarah was thankful that at least Ms. Capriati or someone who worked for her thought to bring up the matter of getting people out to the concert site and back. She didn’t have time to mentally kick herself for missing that one, however, as someone else quickly had a question. Fortunately, it was one she was prepared to answer.
“What kind of lineup do you have in mind?
“The idea to make use of local talent was a good one.” Sarah glanced over at both Megan and Ren, who nodded back to her. “They just won’t be the focus.”
“Instead, we have three...” She paused when she saw Josie, now standing off to the side, vigorously shake her head. With cell phone to her ear, she gestured holding up four fingers. “Excuse me,” Sarah continued. “Evidently, we now have four different touring bands committed to coming and more in the pipeline.”
“What do they play?”
“Are they any good?”
Those two questions, along with a few others she didn’t catch, were all asked at the same time. Sarah chuckled loudly and waved them off.
“Let’s see, I know two of them are country acts and the third is a 70’s & 80’s retro group. What’s the fourth one, Josie?”
She watched as her friend held up her index finger as she chatted further on the phone. After a few additional moments, Josie turned the cell away from her mouth. “Rowdy says they play mostly acoustic rock,” she finally answered, “with a bit of pop and country thrown in.”
“Are they any good?” someone shouted again.
“And just who do we have here? You’re not trying to sneak in backstage, are you?” Grant’s gruff demeanor, however, was met with giggles. “It’s us, Mr. Thomas: Katie and Lena Erickson,” Rennie’s oldest explained with a huge grin. She then turned and pointed out who was with them. “And this is our friend Hailey with little Tommy, who we’re watching for his mom, and – of course – Daddy’s friend, Josie.” “A likely story,” he growled, working hard to maintain a somber stare. “Where are your...
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The sun had already risen by the time they emerged from the hotel. The sky was a pale blue with only a few wispy clouds left to remind them of the previous day’s tempest. That storm, however, left a lot of other reminders of its disruptive visit. The entire parking lot area, for example, from the hotel all the way over to the diner, was littered with debris. It wasn’t too major, though – mostly trash, with the odd shingle or piece of wood here and there. Rennie did a once over of his truck...
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It had felt good putting his restless muscles to work but Rennie was glad for the lunch break. Seeing Marge and Lila finally return from the diner with lunch was a welcome sight indeed. While his daily runs had allowed him to stay in shape (not to mention sane), they unfortunately had not prepared him for this kind of physical exertion. He definitely was not cut out to be a lumberjack. Well, at least not every day, anyway. Sitting on the tailgate of his truck with his legs dangling off, he...
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“So when did you become Florence Nightingale?” It was obvious from her expression that the question clearly took Josie by surprise. Sarah had been getting a tour of the facility from her best friend, when they were interrupted yet again by someone needing to speak with Josie. The high school gymnasium, where they were located, was impressively packed with roughly 400 or so cots, along with enough evacuees to occupy nearly all of them. The substantial din of numerous conversations going on...
The metallic click of the latches closing echoed loudly in the now empty room. With the last of his tutoring over for the evening, Rennie lifted the battered violin case off the desktop and walked it over towards the door, setting it next to his equally worn guitar case. He’d been glad he’d had it along. In preparing for the move, Rennie had shipped some of his more valuable instruments ahead to his sister’s. The others, like his old Suzuki violin that both Katie and Lena had started on, and...
Josie was standing way off to the side by the tire swing, sipping her sweet tea, while Sarah made her initial pitch to the group. She wasn’t really paying much attention to her friend, though. Oh, it wasn’t like she was trying to be rude. Truth was, Josie had already heard her best bud’s big idea the night before and had given it her full support. So, rather than listen to it all again, she opted instead to engage in one of her favorite all-time things to do: people watching. To be sure, the...
It was like Christmas on steroids and it was only Tuesday. Josie couldn’t help but laugh at the chaotic scene unfolding before her. But the noise – the noise made her want to cover her ears. It was hard to hear, what with all the talking, chattering, laughing and screaming going on. Well, that, and all the boisterous kids trying out their new instruments all at once. There were trumpets and cellos, saxophones and guitars, and even a drum set. But try as she might, she couldn’t feel the...
“So how does it look?” Josie asked, firmly tucking the cell phone into the crook of her neck as she quickly gathered up completed paperwork from a new client and shifted it to the appropriate tote container. “I think it’s exactly what we want, girl. We’ve got several big open fields to choose from for the stage, plenty of places for parking and portable toilets, and even an indoor horse arena if it looks like it’s going to rain. There might be issues with electricity, so I’ll have Rance...
“Oh, this is so good!” Grant couldn’t help but laugh. The look of sheer bliss on Sarah’s face after she bit into the enormous cheeseburger she’d ordered was priceless. Lindsey recommended the place to her and the pretty young blonde had been looking forward to this all day. And after all the work she’d put in today, she deserved it. “I’m serious!” She loudly exclaimed to her dinner companion, though it came out a bit garbled as she was still chewing. “And I really like this cheese! What is...
“How’s it been out front?” Sarah asked, handing the tablet back to Nina. The overall numbers for the concert were excellent, with only a few minor security incidents to report. “It’s been awesome!” her on loan assistant gushed. “The performers have been stellar and everyone’s having a great time. One of the main cameras did go down but Aaron and his crew were able to replace it with one of theirs.” “Good,” Sarah replied with a nod. “What’s left?” “Well, we’re almost done,” Nina answered,...
Tyler Dawson grimaced at the news. “Seriously, Ren, I would not have predicted that. I just figured she’d spend her life bouncing you like a yoyo on a string. Have to say, though, I didn’t see that one coming ... not at all.” “Me either.” “Still, you have to admit ... with all the crap she’s put you through over the years, she turned you into one hell of a songwriter. And for that I’m not complaining!” Gazing around the brew pub they were in while waiting for the girls, the comment caught...
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“They’ve got her sedated now and on an IV drip.” Rennie glanced up from the small stack of admission and insurance forms previously handed to him on a clipboard to fill out, to see his sister-in-law, Heidi, standing in the doorway. “They said they should be moving her up to a room in a couple hours. I’ve got to go call the folks and pass along the update. Let me know when the doctor comes to talk to you, okay?” He nodded in agreement but evidently the expression on his face was far from...
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After we arrived home Jill and I made appointments at the doctor's office. We wanted to be checked for sexually transmitted diseases. I didn't tell Jill I didn't use a condom. Instead I excused my examination by saying it would looked better if both of us were having physicals. Our tests came back negative so that was one problem out of the way. I looked again at the checkout receipt of the Couchs. They were from Akron, Ohio, and not Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He charged his bill as a...
On a weekend away in the highlands of Swaziland my young wife gets gangbanged by three young black Swazis. I watch and take pictures My newlywed wife and I were offered a cabin in the Swaziland highlands to use over a long weekend. The highlands of this little Kingdom of Swaziland are planted to hectares of commercial pine tree plantations. Being on the escarpment there are mountainous areas with pristine streams and rivers that cascade over rapids and waterfalls as they make their respective...
CuckoldSuddenly the backdoor slammed opened and Linda rushed in. Linda is Bobby’s younger sister. She is 15 and quite stunning to look at. It’s only been a couple of weeks since Bobby and Linda found out about sex and how great it can be. “Oh, I’m late. I’ve got to get to work and I really need a shower.” She is moving like a tornado, rushing here and there. Then she spotted the movie. “Oh, I love this movie.” and her butt hit the chair across from Bobby and Jimmy. She was engrossed...
The drive home was uneventful. My wife sat up and put on her seatbelt, per my request, yet stayed in the backseat. The car was very quiet until about two blocks from our house."I imagine that it's pretty messy back there?" I said knowingly. "I put my panties back on" she replied, "but a lot was already running out of me.""So you're a drippy mess?" I added, "Yes baby" my wife replied, lowering her head away from my sight in the rearview mirror, "I am...""Once in the garage" I continued, "go...
The lottery commissioner hands you your check as light bulbs flash in your face. You look down at the big cardboard presentation piece and shake your head, still unable to believe the number written on it. The commissioner asks you, "So John, how you are going to spend THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?" You reply numbly, "I'm going to do all the things I could never do before!" A few months later, the dust has settled from your big lottery win. Your dream house is built, you've bought a few sports...
BDSMLisa slipped out of her blouse. The black man on the bed grinned and motioned her to him. Being a woman in her mid-thirties and mother of three, Lisa was still very sexy. She had long, shoulder length red hair, green eyes, and a tight girlish figure."Do you want me?" the man asked. "You know I do," she said. They embraced. She felt the warmth of his body and the power of his grip. She felt him reach between her legs and rub his thick fingers over her mound. It felt good to have him touch her....
I left school as soon as I could so I could get a job and earn because in them days there were plenty of jobs to be had. I got a job working at my local hospital and I used to catch a bus down the bottom of my road which took me all across to the other side of town and dropped me off at the gates of where I was working and when I was on that bus the same guy used to sit next to me as he used to work at the hospital but he was a theatre attendant. His name was John and he was 60yrs old but he...
GayChristopher the biker femme (Or they should have called me Christopher) By Cherie Petersson "Oh Chrissy you just love those man-skirts don't you," Trish teased as a gust of wind almost exposed my panties as we walked to our favourite bar. My name is Christopher Charlton and I have been working for a fashion company as a receptionist/secretary for about three years now. I wish people wouldn't call me Chrissy or even Chris. I'm always being mistaken for a girl. Yes I have pierced...
Anni did not need to lure me cycling for long. She’s fresh UNI student and I fucked her last spring when I was one of the adults on their college reunion trip. I was more than happy to follow Anni and watch how her tight shorts made her ass look even more sexy. It did not made my situation any easier, that she had thin tank top but no bras. - I would love to cool a little. Let’s go swimming Sam.We biked to shore nearby and park our bikes. Anni run straight to water thigh deep and waterd her...
Paul had been forced out of the work place at the ripe age of 53. He hadbeen with the company for thirteen years. His company was sold to a largerconglomerate and suddenly his position was eliminated. It was clear therewas no place for the old employees in the new upcoming company. Managementknew they could not just fire the company's old employees with out havinglegal repercussion. The solution was to move them into menial and ordegrading tasks so they would quit on their own.Paul was offered...
Crissy Adams squirmed in bed and sighed. She opened her eyes and squinted against the morning sun shining in through the curtains of her bedroom window. "Oooooh," she murmured softly, gliding her hands under the sheet. A hot shiver swept over her hot virgin body as her hands settled on her small plump tits. Her nipples hardened and a tremor in her pussy made her hips jerk. Eager and hot, she kicked off the sheet and pulled her pink baby-doll nightie from her lithe virgin...
April 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois Jessica, Kara, and I were standing outside the ER early on Monday morning. “Ready to go back to work after your vacation?” I asked. “Yes! I feel so much more relaxed and refreshed. Of course, by tomorrow morning that will likely change.” “Just keep your eye on the end of May, Babe.” “June 10th - when I finish my last Board exam!” “Have a good day!” I said. “You, too! Are you going right to work?” “Yes. Mine has been backing up, unlike yours!” The...
We both knew that Ryan would not be mad at us for being together… just that he’d be very surprised since Kasey hadn’t talked to him about it before. Ryan grabbed his clothes and hustled across the hallway to the bathroom and got dressed. We heard Ryan yell out from downstairs. ‘Erin, Kasey, you both here!?’ I quickly slid on a pair of shorts and a tank top, well, at least as quickly as I could, considering the hindrance of a cast on my ankle. ‘I’m changing my clothes Ry, hold on, I’ll be down...
How many hours, no, more like days had she been unconscious she didn’t know. Her white out vision sharpened and the heavenly light turned dark and grey, the air smelled sweet the hums of distant traffic evident like an auditorium whisper. Then she realised she was still in the crate. The air holes allowed beams of stabbing light into her den and the young woman was able to knell up and half stretch her body. She was now dressed in a tiny skirt, high-heeled black shoes and schoolgirl white...
She also reminded me of the fantastic lesbian sex we had together, often with a man watching. “Guess what Mary, I am so horny and sex starved that I have a man who works as a gigolo coming at three. Would you like to stay and watch?” How could I refuse such an invitation? Little did Judith know I was also horny and sex starved, though she probably guessed. “Let’s have a shower together and you can help me dress for my new man,” she smiled. As we undressed and showered I took the...
Camden and Bambi dragged me to three more stores to get me some dressy shorts and button down shirts, two light weight full suits and then a few pairs of jeans with t-shirts. When we were passing the bathing suit store, to get in the car back to the hotel, I saw the girl I had fucked. She had an armful of bags, a huge grin on her face and her father looked like a whipped puppy. I clearly saw that the cum stain he had from Camden touching his arm had dried to leave an obvious dark spot on his...