Hatchery RoadChapter 10 free porn video

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Josie was standing way off to the side by the tire swing, sipping her sweet tea, while Sarah made her initial pitch to the group. She wasn’t really paying much attention to her friend, though. Oh, it wasn’t like she was trying to be rude. Truth was, Josie had already heard her best bud’s big idea the night before and had given it her full support. So, rather than listen to it all again, she opted instead to engage in one of her favorite all-time things to do: people watching.

To be sure, the person she most liked to watch was seated not twenty feet from her. Of course, she loved to watch how animated he could get when he talked. Nor could she help but smile when he would run the fingers of his right hand through his hair because he didn’t know what to say next. Plus, the way he’d wiggle his eyebrows at her when he caught her watching him, always made it such a fun game to play. There was more to it for her than the obvious, though. Truthfully, she got a kick out of watching him because Rennie seemed to have this uncanny ability to surprise her – like that morning at church, for example.

Well, actually there were a total of three surprises, but they were all connected. The first one was real subtle, so much so that Josie didn’t catch on to it right away. But when she did, she was truly puzzled. Having sat with Rennie while he practiced the night before, she discovered the phenomenal guitarist was also incredibly gifted on the piano. For some reason, however, he was holding back that morning. True, his playing was flawless and beautiful but it was also simple, totally devoid of those little flourishes and embellishments that top-notch performers commonly do.

Josie probably would have just tucked that surprise away for later and possibly forgotten about it, had not the second one come along. It actually showed up after the worship service was over when Father O’Malley was sharing announcements with the congregation. With a glance and gesture toward the balcony, after talking about the repairs being made to the church, the good Father did what Josie personally thought was a really neat thing. He introduced the substitute pianist to everyone, praised Rennie’s selections and skill, and then led the congregation in showing their appreciation with a round of applause.

Josie proudly watched on as the concert hall worthy musician stood to receive their thanks, but was shocked to see that Rennie was actually quite angered by it all. Oh, he hid it remarkably well with a smile and a wave but Josie could tell he was unhappy. In fact, he was so agitated when he returned to the piano bench, that she decided to stand behind him and rub his shoulders in order to calm him down. Josie couldn’t help but laugh a little, though, when she heard him muttering something about how “Lutherans don’t clap.” She knew he wasn’t serious. It was just his way of letting off some steam.

As she gave it a bit of thought, though, Josie started to wonder if Rennie was upset for a more spiritual reason; that maybe he viewed his playing as something he was offering up to God and that the applause somehow diminished that for him. She actually said as much to him after everything was over – which is when he surprised her for the third time.

Turned out, all he’d really wanted to do that morning was to lead worship and not show up the regular organist in the process. He knew congregations all too often took their musicians for granted, so he didn’t want anything he did that day to possibly make her feel unappreciated. And so his anger was actually directed at himself, because he felt like he had failed her when everyone started clapping. He didn’t want to get something she’d perhaps never received.

Josie was deeply touched by his thoughtfulness. And probably would have done far more than just squeeze him and kiss him on the cheek, had a certain troop of red headed teenagers not arrived in the balcony at that moment. At least Megan had the presence of mind to blush a bit when they burst through the doorway.

“No matter,” Josie said to herself with a smile as she glanced over at her amazing guy. “I’ll get to him later.”

As it was, she couldn’t help but beam with pleasure as she watched him share a boisterous laugh with the very organist he worried so much about, 63 year old grandmother of 9, Margaret Grotelueschen. Sarah, for her part, gave the two troublesome noisemakers a stern glare for interrupting her ... again. At least Maggie had the decency to look contrite. Her partner in crime, however, just grinned back at the very professionally attired blonde and winked. He’d already heard the pitch, too.

Josie watched as her best friend, with a small but irritated sigh, returned her attention to the rest of the forty or so folks seated there in the O’Malleys’ backyard. The location, of course, was Megan’s idea, as Sean and Lindsey’s home was situated just north of the town and had suffered only minor damage. When Sarah explained to them yesterday evening everything she was thinking, the preacher’s daughter quickly got on the horn to her mom and had it all set up. Lila, for her part, immediately volunteered herself and Marge for the food – which had been absolutely delicious as usual, by the way – while Sarah, Rennie and Josie made all the respective phone calls they each needed to make.

Truth be told, most of the people present, Josie noted while looking around, were there because she called them. Of course, there were a few that were a total surprise – well, to everyone except their hosts – namely, a tall, thin man with glasses and a shorter, slightly heavier woman, both of whom were sitting just on the other side of Rennie. Well, them and also the five college kids they brought with them from Wisconsin.

Rennie was absolutely ecstatic to see them and quickly introduced his good friends, Darren and Shelley Burke, to her. Turned out, they had brought the college students down the night before for what they called a “servant event.” In other words, the seven of them were going to spend the next two weeks getting very dirty, helping some of the good folks of St. John get back on their feet.

Rennie had spoken of Darren and Shelley to her several times before, so Josie had a fair idea who they were. The reverse, however, was clearly not the case. Josie had to work real hard not to laugh at Shelley’s expression the first time the term “girlfriend” was used. In fact, she still found it funny. Mainly because every time Shelley would glance her way now, she’d have this deeply concerned look on her face.

It was clear that she was more than a little protective of Rennie. Josie couldn’t help but smile at that thought. Shelley was hardly alone. Nearly every member of the O’Malley clan had tested her in their own way over the past few days. With the twins, Hannah and Grace, it was eerily reminiscent of watching a tennis match or, better yet, ping pong. While with their mother, Lindsey, it was a gentle interrogation, if there is such a thing. Josie really didn’t mind, though. She knew they were all just looking out for someone they cared about. And as she was frequently the object of Shelley’s gaze all afternoon, Josie instinctively knew another round of questioning was likely not far off.

With Sarah’s initial presentation now over, however, Josie didn’t give her most recent critical observer much more thought. That, of course, was due mostly to Shelley heading off to the house, presumably to use the bathroom. Instead, Josie strolled over to her good friend, who had temporarily dismissed the crowd so they could all talk among themselves for a bit about what she’d proposed. Waving Megan over, the three of them put their heads together about what would come next.

“Okay, so tell me about this Fontenot girl.” The tone of her voice was a bit harsher than she intended, when she came through the French doors and into the kitchen, but Shelley was more than a little concerned.

Turning off the water, Lindsey glanced over at her most recent houseguest and chuckled. “She’s quite the looker, isn’t she?”

Shelley frowned. “Well, that’s one of the things that worries me.”

“Shelley...” came the reproving reply.

“No, I’m serious, Lin. Ren barely knows her. I mean, he picked her up on the side of the road, for crying out loud. And now she’s his girlfriend?” She shook her head and let out a long sigh. Walking back to the door, she turned to look out, her eyes catching sight of Josie talking with Sarah and Megan. “Bella’s going to flip when she finds out.”

“She already knows. I talked to her yesterday.”

Shelley’s straight, shoulder-length brown hair twirled a bit as her head jerked back toward Lindsey in surprise. “What? Who told her, you or Ren?”

“Neither, actually. It was Josie’s friend, Sarah,” she replied with a nod toward the backyard as she covered a partially filled plate of chocolate chip cookies with aluminum foil. “Turns out they work at the same record company in Nashville, just in different areas. She was pretty sure she recognized the name when Ren gave it to her the day he picked up Josie, so she gave Bella a call.”

“So, what did she think about all this?”

Lindsey shrugged. “She’s concerned, naturally, but felt better after we talked.”

“What did you tell her?”

“The truth,” she replied while sliding a pan of green Jell-O, covered in plastic wrap, into the refrigerator. “That Josie’s a great girl and while Ren is clearly infatuated, he hasn’t lost his head.”

“But, Lindsey, he’s still married,” Shelley protested somewhat sadly.

“Yes, he is,” the redhead answered matter-of-factly, the door of the refrigerator closing on its own behind her. “And the two of them are very aware of that. But seriously, Shel, what’s left of that marriage anyway?”

Stopping momentarily from her busywork, Lindsey turned and gave Shelley a probing glance. “I mean, you, better than anyone, know just how hard the guy tried to single-handedly hold it together for well over a year and how Helen pretty much finished it off with this last stunt.”

Throwing up her hands in disgust, she continued with a question. “Is it sad that it’s come to this? Of course, especially for the girls, but it’s not like we didn’t see something like this coming years ago. Now, with her in Little Rock and Ren headed for Nashville, all that’s left of the mess is the paperwork.”

“Besides that,” she added after a few moments with a twinkle in her eye, “they really are behaving themselves. And if you watch them for any length of time, you’ll see that they are rather sweet together.”

“I’m just not so sure...” Shelley started in before she was interrupted by a loud feminine voice from somewhere else in the house.

“Hey, mom?”

Lindsey raised her hand to pause Shelley and then called out, “In the kitchen.”

Thinking it could very well be a while, Shelley pulled out one of the stools from under the kitchen counter on her side and sat down. Moments later, it was Megan who strolled in.

“Oh, hi Shel,” she greeted the woman with a bit of surprise in her voice, before turning back to her mother. “Mom, have you seen Dad’s old dry erase board? It wasn’t out in the garage and Sarah wants to use it when she gets everyone back together.”

Lindsey furrowed her brow and thought for a moment. “Did you check Connie’s room? I think she and her friend, Stacy, might have been using it the other day.”

Her daughter just shook her head. “I thought of that, too, but it’s not there either.”

Shelley couldn’t help shaking her head in disbelief as she watched the two of them try to locate the missing whiteboard. With Lindsey in a pretty yellow sundress and her deep auburn hair pulled back in a cute ponytail, she and Megan honestly looked more like sisters than mother and daughter. It wasn’t fair.

“How in the world does she manage to look so good after having seven kids?” she grumbled to herself. “While I look like this after only having three,” she mused, looking down at her own still rather pudgy frame with disgust. Her youngest, Michael, wasn’t quite a year old yet and Shelley felt she wasn’t even remotely close to where she wanted to be. “I eat like a rabbit, workout like a dog and still look like a hippo,” she silently complained. “Though I should be thankful,” she admitted after a bit. “I should be able to lose some weight on this trip, at least, and since it’s not a vacation, no one will have to see me in a bathing suit!”

Suddenly noticing a lack of conversation in the kitchen, Shelley glanced up only to see Megan gone and a somewhat perturbed hostess, with hands on hips, staring back at her with those piercing blue eyes of hers. Instantly realizing she’d been busted, Shelley felt color flood her cheeks.

“Come on, Shel, we’ve been over this. You look good. You really do.”

Shelley let out a groan and laid her face down on the counter in embarrassment. “Yeah, right,” she mumbled, more to herself than anything.

“Oh, don’t you ‘yeah, right’ me, missy!”

Startled by the harsh, commanding tone, Shelley’s head shot up like a rocket. The amused smirk on her friend’s face, however, immediately let her know she’d just been had.

“You are still so easy,” the sadistic homemaker chuckled at her.

Shelley couldn’t help but smile, at least a little, as she shook her head. “You are such a twerp.”

Lindsey laughed but then grew serious. “All teasing aside, Shel, I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there myself more than once. But you really have nothing to worry about because you do look good.”

The disbelief on Shelley’s face elicited an enormous grin from her friend.

“Ever the skeptic, I see. So what part don’t you buy—that you look good or that I’ve struggled to get the baby weight off a time or two?”

“Both, I guess.”

“Shelley, what am I going to do with you?” she exclaimed with an amused sigh. “Look, are you at the weight that you want to be? No, of course not. But considering where you were six months ago, when we saw you at the youth ministry conference down in Orlando, you look terrific.”

Seeing no real response, Lindsey continued.

“Seriously, I really do know how hard it is to drop the weight after a baby. Heaven knows I gave the Goodyear blimp a run for its money after the twins. And then with Brandon coming so soon afterwards – let’s just say,” she paused, gesturing with her hands hovering out past her hips. “I was shopping in the plus sized area for quite a while.”

“So how did you lose it? I mean, it’s been almost a year since Michael was born and I still look and feel like a sack of potatoes.”

“I totally get what you’re saying but you need to take a longer, more patient view of it, my dear. Think of it this way. Your youngest is 11 months, while mine is almost thirteen years old. In other words, I’ve had a lot more time over the years to spend on my treadmill, while you’ve been more than a little preoccupied having to pick up after your four.”

Shelley was nodding her head in agreement when she caught what Lindsey had said at the end. “Four? What do you mean? You know I just have...” She stopped abruptly, having just caught the joke. “Oh, Darren’s the fourth.” She began to snicker. “Good one, Lin. You have no idea how true that is.” She quickly reassessed that comment, however, when she noticed her friend’s bemused expression and raised eyebrow.

“Or maybe you do.” Shelley chuckled as she quickly followed Lindsey’s shifting line of sight out the front door to the driveway where Sean and Darren were horsing around playing some basketball with Brandon and a few of his high school friends.

“They never really grow up, do they?” She asked, somewhat rhetorically.

The pastor’s wife just pursed her lips and shook her head as she turned to look back at her guest across the peninsula countertop.

“Anyway, with all that chasing around I do, you’d think I’d have lost more weight than I have.” Shelley laughed and then shook her head. “I’m sorry, Lin, I’m just having a hard time imagining you even remotely close to being a blimp.”

“Well, Shelley, my dear,” the redhead replied sweetly, “you’ll just have to trust me because there is no way I’m getting any of the pictures out.”

A devious thought flashed through Shelley’s brain but, judging from Lindsey’s quick response, it must have made its presence known on her face as well.

“And don’t even try asking Megan or one of the other kids, because the incriminating evidence is well hidden and my crew know better than to go looking for it,” she warned sternly.

“She’s not kidding, Shel,” Megan advised conspiratorially, as she came back into the dining area with the missing whiteboard. Lowering her voice to a faux whisper and cupping her hand to her mouth, she continued. “There used to be eight of us. But then Justin discovered the photos one day ... and, well ... let’s just say, we’ve never seen him since.”

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‘How was yours?’ I asked Mickie as we arrived back in my new penthouse followed by Matt, Hannah, Paula, two other twenty-somethings Jenny and Lucy, plus the black guy I mentioned earlier, Tony. ‘Lovely guy. Nice dick too, actually, although not that pretty and told me he loved me. He actually proposed!’ ‘What did you say?’ asked Paula, more interested because she was actually engaged to a regular of hers, although she obviously shagged other men and women, and once he’d shagged Hannah. ‘No,...

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Mother and I 8211 Part XVI

We got off the bed. Dinner was served around 9 pm and we again went t our bed room around 10 pm. I asked her if she wanted to sleep. “Um…well, I’m not sure actually. But I’m horny.” She declared. She got up and strolled sexily towards me, admiring once again just how handsome her husband was; tall, slim, a cute boyish face and beautiful big blue eyes. Sushila stood on her tip-toes and gave me a delicious smooch on the lips. Then she grinned naughtily as she reached down and began to undo my...

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Beyond the Sea part one

My name is Allysa, but I go by Aly, and I was born and raised on The Island. most people dont know we exist. most people dont really want to. But we do exist, and I am so deeply ingrained in this life style that i find it hard to live without it. You see, The Island is a complex, a settlment started by some of the vangaurds of hippies in the late fifties, and it has only grown since then. it was settled by 8 families, but since it's inceptiom, 5 have left and 3 remain. of the remaining...

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Young Virgin Maid

Hi Friends, I am about to narrate a story that took place long time back almost about 10 yrs back. I had a close friend than who was married to a beauty I am not exaggerating but she looked like Manisha Koirala she was a flirt she liked me a lot even i liked her a lot, although I knew that she wanted me she used to give me all the signs but I was very shy than and I could not muster the courage to go any further. Anyways they had a maid she was little chubby but nevertheless she was very fair...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 19 She Really Is A Girl

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 25, 2010) Chapter 19 - She Really Is A Girl? I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and, well, happy. The realization of the previous night that I did want to stay as Megan was somewhat of a surprise, but it felt so...

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Kidnapped Daughter

Christmas 2005 "Hi, it's me," I heard pouted down the line. "Ohhhh, great," I replied facetiously back to my daughter. "What?" the little bitch croaked, although I immediately realized I couldn't fairly describe my daughter as little anymore. "Nothing... nothing. What do you want anyway?" "It's almost Christmas," my twenty-three year old daughter started. So fucking what, I thought. Surely she doesn't think she can get any more blood out of her old man. "You're...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 32

Jake Gholjub went, each day, to the city piers, and stuck out his thumb. Each night he returned to his cardboard box in the alley behind a row of restaurants. He had an 'arrangement' with the chefs. Every night one of the several restaurants fed him leftovers. At one meal a day, Jake was painfully thin, but he was strong. In exchange for his one meal, Gholjub kept the alley spotless and free from bums. In 1960, J. Gholjub, Ph.D., naturalized citizen of the United States, native of New...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Ella Knox I Fucked My Girlfriend8217s Maid

When Pressure arrived at his girlfriend house, Ella Knox, the maid, opened the door. Immediately she jumped on him, hugged him and squeezed his butt. He was shocked. Then while he was waiting for his girlfriend, Ella offered him a glass of water. She was really horny so she pulled her shirt down, exposed her tits, and spilled the water on Pressure’s pants, then she got a sponge to absorb the water and squeezed it all over her huge tits. Pressure was hypnotized but then his girlfriend came...

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slumber party part one

To start i'd like to say that i am straight and this was an expirience from my pubecent years. it was my 17 birthday and aftet a long night of bowling and shopping me and 4 of my friends decided to have a sleepover(and to this day i still have no idea where my parents were). and while we were having our slumber party my brother was having over some friends of his own. us both having friends over would immediately declare this night a war, but it didn't officially start until stacy and i went...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 8

Due to a miscalculation on my part. All foreign language in subsequent chapters will only be italicized. Sorry for the mix up. Heading back to the kitchen from washing up I could hear Randy talking pretty loudly. When I glanced in, it was Randy and my Mom sitting at the table. I guess the kids were in their rooms. “$375K. That’s awesome. I can finally get a new vehicle to replace the suburban. Maybe we can...” Mom cut him off. “No, we can’t touch it. That’s Barnim’s money.” “Well, we can...

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Rush Hour Surprise

'One more day to go until I can get the fuck out of this city for the weekend' I thought to myself as I waited for the next T. It was only Thursday but it had already been an incredibly long week. It seemed like I had a deadline for every hour of the day and had reached the point where I caught myself rushing to finish dinner before some imaginary clock struck zero on me and I'd have to move on to the next task. The proverbial carrot on the stick in front of me was a nice long weekend down on...

Straight Sex
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S*X WITH MY NAUGHTY STEP MUM … (21+) … Part 1 I interrupted. “This is how it’s going to go. Firstly you can toss the covers off you as you won’t be needing them. Then you can call Charles and tell him he won’t be needed. Then you will come to me on this chair where I will spank that little ass of your red. Then I will have my way with you, and that fucking sexy ass of yours.” She dropped the covers knowing she was caught. “Yes James.” she said without a...

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Wife Surprise 8

Wife surprise 8This time my wife has surpassed herself, after being away for a few days working I arrived home not knowing what to expect apart from a surprise.I walked through the street door and was greeted by my wife who was standing there in my favorite a see through nightie and matching g string, after a quick show and flash of her recently trimmed pussy she said go and have a shower I will get you a meal, after a shower and knowing how horny she was I went down stairs in my shorts and tee...

1 year ago
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Office Story 8211 Mingled With Rishi

It started to happen when we were made part of the new project in the office. We, Rishi and I, were chosen to be the single point of contact at offshore, India side and were assigned a team of 13 people to manage. Definitely, it all had to start with long duration conferences and client calls in office that surely Eat up the regular meal times. In that case, everybody else being subordinate, I had to accompany Rishi outside the office for lunch etc. This brought sharing views for the different...

2 years ago
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Prostitutes in fast food restaurants forced expos

"It’s really cool~~ Unfortunately, I’m going to have a good movie with the horse in the afternoon, or I can do it in the afternoon!” Martinez said as he put the clothes on. "What are you worried about? How do you want to play this body and how to do it all by yourself? It is more important to take care of your horse." The boss said to Martinez."Right right! Of course, my horse must be optimistic. Otherwise, other men will pour semen into her body. I will die and die~" "Oh..." This Martinez has...

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Wills new home Part 90

“Will, I really, really don’t want to!” “I know. But we don’t have any real reason not to” “Uh...yes we do! Think about all the things she’s made us do!” “So what? She’s a human being like everyone else, we should just talk to her.” “Fine..”Pierce regrettably said as he and Will opened the door to Amy Lewis’s office and walked in. The teacher sat at her desk weeping bitterly, and didn’t even look up or respond to the sudden light that was penetrating the dark room from the...

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Amma Magal Matrum Magan Kaamam

Vanakam enathu peyar Seenu vayathu 20, naan chennaiyil vasikiren. Enathu kalluri padipinai padithu varugiren enathu kudumbathil 3 nabargal matume enathu appa siri vayathile thavari vittar athnaal enathu amma niraiya nabargaludan kaamam seithu avargalin kaama aasaiyai puurthi seithu kolvaal. Enathu pakathu veetu paiyan oru murai enathu ammavai sex seithu irukiraan. Naangal ithai siru vayathil irunthe paarpathal engaluku pazhagivittathu enathu oru akka irukiraal avalin peyar krithika vayathu 21,...

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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 2

The chilly autumn rain poured down as the horses trudged along the South Road, nine days north of Circle Bay. For the first seven days, the road had followed the coastline and they’d stayed in fishing villages when they could find one, but then the main road had curved west, cutting through a forest. It wasn’t the Terril Forest—they were too far east and the trees weren’t tall enough—but the area was heavily wooded. According to their maps, the reason the road had turned inland was to go...

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College roommates find a hole in the wall

They thought it was the worse room in the entire dorm. There was absolutely nothing they could do with it. It was ugly, it was at the far end of the building, away from the other rooms, and worse of all, it was right next to the boy’s laboratory; not the one everyone used. It was Paul who suggested they rearrange the room to make it more attractive, even if they were the only ones who were ever going to see it. He figured they could at least make something positive about the whole...

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Ashleys Feral Girls

‘Look through there,’ Ashley said, leading my naked form to a large two-way mirror, adjacent to a door. As Ashley’s hand slowly stroked my cock, she pushed me up to the glass, revealing a carpeted room with no furniture. There were three women in the room, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. They were all naked, and had the bodies of supermodels. Red was curled up on the floor, sleeping. Blond was crawling around on her hands and knees, seeming restless, but also seeming unable to figure out...

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Of Dickgirl Mistresses Dickgirl Sissies

There was a knock on the door, here in your top-level apartment. You open the door and look down to find a woman, kneeling on the carpet with her head facing down. Her long, straight black hair flows over her pale naked figure. Although you can't see everything of the woman's body, she is obviously in good shape. Her hair and posture is even blocking a view of her nipples, which will need to be remedied as soon as possible. Next to the woman is a cardboard box with a pile of clothes an shoes...

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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 6

"Bitch!" Hermione heard her friend, and lover, Ginny growling as she stomped angrily towards her."Excuse me?" she said, hoping that she wasn't the target for Ginny's rather formidable temper."Oh! Not you Hermy. That Ravenclaw cow, Cho Chang.""Been sniffing around our Harry has she?""Oh, that I could deal with. He's been sniffing around her!""Tell me about it. Ever since that bint Fleur Delacour showed up from Beauxbaton Ron hasn't so much as put a finger on me. Or in me.""I know. He doesn't...

4 years ago
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“You still with the rug-muncher,” he said, putting his empty beer bottle down. “If you mean Kirstie,” she replied. “Then yes.” “Well, like I said Rox,” said Bumfelt. “It's been a long day. And as hot as you are, I'm not here for an angry I'm fucked off with my lesbian partner and what some dick fuck.” “You think that's what this is?” replied Ballsakey. “Fuck you, Eddie.” “Fuck me?” “Yes. Fuck. You,” said Ballsakey. “You don't have to be a complete asshole.” “I don't?” shrugged...

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Heavenly Trip With My Lovely Colleague

Hello ISS readers. This is Happychap again from Bangalore and I am 30 years old. Thanks for the good responses for the last story. I am sharing one of my recent experiences today. Now moving onto the story. It involves my colleague Celina (name changed). She had joined our company a few months ago. She is her in the ’30s and good looking. She has wheat complexion and pretty voluptuous. I slowly became good friends with her. Our friendship grew strong with time. She slowly started to tell about...

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Amber In Need

My story is all about myself and my hot and sexy neighbour Amber.But first of all let me share some info. about myself.I am married and have a very demanding job in the IT sector.I have not had a proper weekend for myself in a very long time.My wife is a nurse and she herself gets tied up at work as well.Our marriage is fine but for me I have been looking outside for a few months now. My next door neighbour Jim and wife Amber live alone with no kids and just a cat as their pet.We all...

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FamilyStrokes Blake Morgan Romantic Family Dinner

Blake Morgan was excited for a romantic dinner with her husband. She waited and waited until she got a call that he had to work late. What a dick! Just as she blew out the candles and began to clear the plates away her stepson Brad showed up and offered her some company. This made Blake really happy ???? So happy in fact that she began to caress Brad’s leg quite seductively at the table. They then met in the bedroom where Blake shoved Brad’s stepcock down her throatand proceeded to get fucked by...

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billy traps himself 4

Day 3 continues Robyn was giggling as billy lay on the floor, he had become overwhelmed with sensations and with what Debbie had just told him. They were going to put him in a corset, lace him up, and put stockings on him. The smell of her foot had been so intoxicating, the feelings as her other foot was caressing his leg, sliding on his pantyhose, and it was sending such powerful sensations throughout him. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was overwhelmed. Amy was concerned,...

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Headmistress Angie And Friend Suzie Spank Mike And Are Spanked

My friend Suzie and I were listening to records when my Mum popped her head round the door and told me they were going to visit an old friend next Sunday and would be home late. I couldn’t wait to tell Mike and as soon as the coast was clear I called him to give him the news.When I went back into my room, Suzie wanted to know what I’d been so excited about. I bluffed and avoiding answering as long as I could but eventually I told her what had happened. Of course that wasn’t enough, she wanted...

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Hindsight worthy read

Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk around the neighborhood to get to the front door. The two women...

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Biggest and BestChapter 6

"Why, if you have been faithful and true to me, did you lie about the phony Majestic parties all this week?" I still did not want to reveal to her the extent of my knowledge about her subterfuge, as it would give away my relationship with Sonny and some of the techniques I had used to spy on her. "I saw Jill this past Wednesday morning, the day after the party that was supposed to be at her place, and she looked at me like I was from Mars when I asked about how the party went," I said. I...

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