Hatchery RoadChapter 8 free porn video

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“So when did you become Florence Nightingale?”

It was obvious from her expression that the question clearly took Josie by surprise.

Sarah had been getting a tour of the facility from her best friend, when they were interrupted yet again by someone needing to speak with Josie. The high school gymnasium, where they were located, was impressively packed with roughly 400 or so cots, along with enough evacuees to occupy nearly all of them. The substantial din of numerous conversations going on at once, along with other assorted noises, unfortunately made hearing someone else speak rather difficult. But it didn’t stop a succession of three families and two volunteers from approaching Josie.

Sarah couldn’t help but laugh after the third interruption. Ever since they were kids, it was like Josie had a sign tattooed on her forehead that said: “Please, talk to me!” And it was pretty evident, from the line of folks waiting to talk to her, that some things never change.

What was different, however, was how engaged the girl was with all of it now. Oh, she had always been kind and caring to anyone who wanted to talk, but there was something more to it now. Sarah struggled to pinpoint it, but Josie seemed to have a greater sense of compassion than she’d ever shown before – which was partly why she’d asked the question. The other was a genuine curiosity as to her and Rennie’s change of plans, and she said as much.

“You two were only going to stick around to help on Thursday and yet, here we are on Saturday, and y’all are still here. What gives, Twink?” She asked as they drew closer, finally, to the double doors that exited into the hall.

Sarah could see Josie’s eyes flash a bit at her continued use of that nickname.

“First of all,” she began, one eyebrow lifted in disbelief, “I am hardly a Florence Nightingale. I’m just helping out the best I can.”

“And secondly,” she continued, the hints of a smile belying the feisty brunette’s hard tone and waving finger, “if I even get a hint that a certain story has been shared with a certain someone regarding a certain cream-filled snack cake...”

With as innocent a look as she could muster, Sarah raised her hands in submission.

Josie gave her friend a mock fierce stare for a few moments but couldn’t hold it, her face dissolving into a huge grin after a little while.

Truthfully, Sarah had no intention of retelling that story to anyone, but for a different reason than most might guess. Basically, it was because she liked that she was the only one who got to call her friend “Twinkie.” And it was a privilege she had no intention of ever sharing with anyone. Besides, she had plenty of other stories to embarrass her with anyway, should the need arise. Sarah smiled inwardly at the thought.

“As for your question, though,” Josie finally responded, looking around at the numerous people milling about. “You’re right. Rennie and I were all set to take off for Nashville early yesterday morning. But then Sheriff Frohm stopped by and personally asked Rennie to stay and help for a few more days.” Her smile gone, Sarah’s friend turned and gave her a somber look. “And after everything we’d seen by that point, he couldn’t say no and neither could I.”

“Wait a minute,” Sarah interjected. “What’s so special about Rennie?”

The moment the words left her lips, a huge smile blanketed Josie’s face and the blonde quickly realized her error. “Let me rephrase that,” Sarah added hastily with a grin of her own and more than a few giggles. “Why did this sheriff guy single out Rennie to stay and help? He didn’t ask you, just Rennie, right?”

“Yeah, it wasn’t that my help wasn’t wanted,” Josie replied, gesturing at all the folks gathered there in the gym. “Just that Rennie’s was desperately needed.”

“Why? Because he was a pastor?” Sarah wondered out loud.

Josie shook her head ‘no’ but then stopped. “Well, not really, but then again, sort of ... yes.” She put up her hands to forestall any more questions; instead gesturing they exit out into the hall.

Once through the double doors and into the much quieter space of the corridor, she continued. “Turns out they’re really short-handed here right now. Many of the local responders are currently over helping with all the recent flooding along the Ohio River. On top of that, there was Hurricane Isaac slamming into the Carolinas last week, not to mention all the forest fires out west. So folks like Rennie are currently in real short supply around here.”

She paused as two teenage girls came through the doors from the gym, briefly smiled, waved at her, and then headed quickly down the hall to the left.

Looking back over at Sarah, Josie picked up where she left off. “Rennie’s has a lot ... and I mean A LOT ... of disaster relief experience, from flooding and tornadoes, to even a hurricane. And since much of it has come since he’s been a pastor, that’s why I waffled a bit with my answer.”

She shrugged a bit apologetically. “But while he’s certified to do counseling and stuff like that, it’s all the additional training he’s had with the Red Cross and various government agencies like FEMA and Homeland Security that makes him so valuable right now.” The pride in Josie’s voice was palpable.

“So presently they’ve got him pretty busy shuttling between here and the other two shelters,” she added with a nod back toward the gymnasium, “doing all kinds of stuff, while I mostly play receptionist here. Though, now that the Red Cross has finally got a team in to run the shelters, it looks like they may be shifting Rennie over to something else.”

A question was forming in Sarah’s mind but surprisingly Josie answered it before she could ask it. It pretty much confirmed what she’d been thinking, though.

“I stayed because Rennie stayed.” She glanced up at Sarah, a wistful expression on her face. “Rennie was going to drop me off at your place and then come back, but I wouldn’t let him.” She sighed, thrusting her hands into her jeans pockets. “I could say that I’m staying for all the right reasons, but I’d be lying.”

Josie shrugged again, her hands raised apologetically. “Oh, I really like what I’m doing and I love helping these people but...”

At that moment, her voice was nearly overcome by the single strum of an amplified acoustic guitar, cranked way up, as it echoed down the corridor toward them. Sarah and Josie looked at one another with amusement and curiosity, especially when the laughter of numerous voices followed soon after.

“What’s that?” Sarah asked, spying a glimmer of recognition in her friend’s eyes.

Josie glanced down the hallway and then back at Sarah. “I think that’s the music class Rennie’s doing with Megan.” With a gesture, she invited her friend to walk with her down the hallway.

“Megan?” Sarah asked rather quickly as they began to walk.

“Yeah, she’s the O’Malley girl I told you about yesterday,” replied Josie, with a sideways glance. “She’s studying to be a teacher, so Rennie drafted her to help keep the kids occupied while they’re here. Anyway, with his background, she turned right around and roped him in to helping her with a music class and some tutoring.”

“Oh, right ... isn’t she’s the pretty former babysitter who still has a crush on your boyfriend?” Sarah asked, rather surprised by Josie’s nonchalant attitude. “And you’re okay with this?”

The normally feisty brunette nodded, smiling somewhat bashfully at her friend. “Hard to believe, isn’t it?”

“With your trust issues? Most definitely.” Sarah grinned broadly. “But this new confidence suits you,” she added with a friendly nudge of the girl’s shoulder as they walked along.

As they drew nearer to the classroom, the murmur of voices died down and the sound of the acoustic guitar returned, quite a bit softer this time. Josie recognized the innovative strumming as the opening bars of Taylor Swift’s early crossover hit, “You Belong With Me.” Enjoying the sound, Josie was bobbing her head to the rhythm when both she and Sarah were totally taken by surprise with what they heard next.

You’re on the phone, your girlfriend, she’s upset. She’s going off about something that you said. She doesn’t get your humor like ... I do.

Josie stopped suddenly, her hand leaping to her mouth – partially in shock, partially to cover an impending fit of giggles. That was definitely not Ms. Swift! She and Sarah shared a look of disbelief.

“Is that... ?” The leggy blonde queried amid her own giggles.

Josie could only nod, for it was clearly Rennie belting out the lyrics, singing in a comedic falsetto. And the way he lilted and drew out the phrase “like ... I ... do” was absolutely hilarious. Josie could barely maintain control the first time he did it. By the second, later in the first verse, she – along with just about everyone within earshot, by the sound of it – pretty much lost it.

Wiping tears from her eyes, Josie, with Sarah not too far behind her, made it to the doorway just in time to see Rennie crank into the chorus. The classroom wasn’t too different from her choir room back in high school. Gazing in, Josie could see a closed grand piano directly in front of her, with several stools and a couple microphones on stands nearby, and a series of empty choir risers with a few more microphones along the far wall.

As she stepped into the doorway, she could see all the kids gathered off to the right, seated on chairs where the floor rose in what were kind of like built in, carpeted risers. And there, in front of the gathered class of easily seventy or eighty people, mostly kids, was Rennie ... singing into a microphone ... wearing a long blonde wig ... that swished from side to side ... as he danced ... strumming his guitar.

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers. She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers...

Soon Josie could barely breathe. Her cheek muscles burned from laughter, her eyes watering so bad she could barely see.

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you, been here all along, so why can’t you see, you belong with me, you belong with me...

Holding her aching sides, she propped herself up against the doorframe, trying to catch her breath. Sarah was not doing much better, leaning against the wall just behind her, wheezing and puffing. Amid her own calming internal chant of “breathe, breathe,” Josie noticed the guitar fall silent as Rennie brought the song to a premature close after the second time through the chorus.

With the last strummed chord reverberating throughout the room and down the hallway, Rennie removed the wig with a flourish and an exaggerated bow. He was greeted with enthusiastic applause, peppered with whistles and laughter.

“So,” he questioned his audience, “did I win the challenge? Did I prove I knew the song?”

“Yes!” came the unanimous reply.

“Because if I didn’t,” he jokingly threatened, raising his voice back into the earlier falsetto, “Miss Swift can come back and sing it some more.”

A wave of mild chuckling and laughter ensued, as some of the kids called out “No!” while a few others added their own good-natured boos.

Turning to go back to his stool, his eyes alighted on Josie by the doorway and his grin grew even larger. She couldn’t help but smile back. Gesturing to her, he motioned for the two of them to come in and find a seat, as he reclaimed his own in the middle of the room. Swiveling back to the class, Rennie pointed up to one particular teenage girl. “Alright, Shannon, you owe me a song,” he called out with a smile and then crooked his finger, beckoning her to come down.

Josie and Sarah made their way across the room, past the now fiercely blushing young lady as she took a seat on the stool next to Rennie. Looking up, Josie saw Megan in the back row and was very surprised to see a certain perky blonde seated next to her. The two women were motioning vigorously for her and Sarah to come up and sit by them. Rennie, for his part, was still busy recruiting another girl to help the first one, and three more to sing backup, as they made their way up to their seats.

Lila was practically gushing as the two sat down. “He is so good with these kids! And he is so talented! Megan told me I had to see and hear it to believe it, and she was right.” Her expression changed, though, as her lower lip thrust out in a bit of a pout. “I’m kind of disappointed, though. I asked if Rennie had any younger brothers and she said no.”

Josie laughed. “Nope, no brothers, just an older sister—and some cousins on his mom’s side back in Italy, as I recall.”

She glanced over and noticed that Rennie was still working with the girls. From this distance and with all the background chatter, she couldn’t make out what he was saying but could see that the five girls were listening to him intently. It was fun watching him talk, mostly because he was so expressive with his hands. “A bit of his Mediterranean heritage, perhaps?” Josie wondered to herself.

Taking them over to the piano, it quickly became evident he was working the girls through different parts. Unfortunately, because of all the activity in the room, it was practically impossible to tell what song they were actually working on. “Well, not quite impossible,” Josie murmured quietly to herself, as she thought she caught some of the lyrics on his lips.

Totally engrossed in who she was watching, Josie suddenly became aware of a whole other conversation flowing around her.

“So what happens if he loses a challenge?” She heard Sarah ask.

“The challenger gets cash. Though how much they get depends mostly on how old the song is.” Lila tried to explain.

Megan nodded in agreement. “Anyone could stump him with a song that just came out, so those aren’t worth as much. Basically the rule is: The older, the better.”

“So, what, they can just throw any song at all at him?” Josie interrupted. “And if he can’t sing it, they win? That doesn’t seem fair.”

Sarah chortled next to her. “Welcome back, space cadet.”

“Yeah, nice that you could finally join us,” Lila added with a playful nudge and a nod toward the one who had clearly been the object of her attention.

Josie blushed at the teasing. “Sorry, I guess I was a little distracted.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Megan waved it off with a bit of a laugh before continuing. “Anyway, as I said before, when it comes to the songs the kids choose, they must be top 40 radio singles of any era from either the pop, country or rock charts.” She paused momentarily and shook her head. “Though, even with those restrictions, it still doesn’t seem to be all that fair.”

“That’s what I mean,” Josie interjected with more than a little concern. “There’s no way that setup is fair for Rennie. Who thought up this game, anyway?”

“He did, actually,” Megan answered with a knowing smile. “And as for it being unfair, I meant that it’s unfair for the kids.”

All three of the women couldn’t help but laugh at the confused look on Josie’s face.

“Girl, it turns out your man over there must be a monster at trivial pursuit, at least when it comes to music,” Sarah explained. “These kids never had a chance. Over two days, he’s smoked them so far ... what?... 21 to 4?” she added, looking over for confirmation.

Megan nodded her head.

“How is that possible?” Josie asked incredulously, her eyes darting back and forth between the other three women.

“See for yourself,” the redhead replied, handing her the handwritten list of challenge songs used so far.

Josie scanned down through the songs and was amazed at what she saw. Taking note of the four losses, she was very impressed at the musical diversity Rennie was seemingly able to handle. A couple of the songs were easy ones but, looking over the list, Josie had to admit that even she would have been hard pressed to accurately sing more than ten or eleven of them from memory. And not only was he singing them, he was playing them, as well. Still, there was one thing she still didn’t get.

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Here I was nervous as anything at the railway station, I had just phoned Bill to tell him that I was on my way as promised. The journey itself was uneventful and I arrived in the next town on time.I walked out of the station my nerves getting worse and scanned around the people all milling around. I couldn’t see Bill and started to worry, my eyes were drawn over to a woman walking towards the station looking incredibly sexy. My cock was starting to stir in my jeans as I realized that it was...

3 years ago
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His Angel Ch 2

Amanda curled up again in Douglas's arms. She wanted to push the world away and began to cry once more. He raised her chin, kissed her softly on the lips. "Honey, you, and I both know there is Bryan to consider. You two have five years together and there is something between you, or you would not of been together this long. You need to talk to him, seriously now, you owe him that much.""You're right! Oh god, how can life be so complicated!" As she methodically went through the motions of...

Love Stories
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Good Morning Dad

Good Morning Dad! Its funny this morning..i awoke this morning. Its about 6 am i was to go to work. Its funny you never think of things that happen to you during the day! My lovely wife Heather was in the shower...her most wonderful beautiful body was happend to be in the shower. My daughter - Hannah was busy getting dressed. She also had quite the body like her mother....

3 years ago
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caught pt 2

'jimmy i'm home' jane shouts as she gets in the door 'where are you liitle bro ?'jimmy walks down the stairs 'uh hi sis did you enjoy the party ?''i sure did bro and i brought you something back look' jane pulls a couple of full condoms out of her bag'look really sis you had your fun you punished me lets leave it like that and forget it happened ok' jimmy says'i can hear what you are saying but your cock doesn't seem to agree i can see you getting hard through your trousers' jane points at...

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Used By My Man And His Son

Written By XMAGNUMX"The Story you are about to read is most definitely a true story as told by a longtime and close lady friend of mine. She's a white female in her late 40's, about 5'10,a very shapely BBW. Light freckles on her face, and one of those smiles you'd see on a toothpaste ad.thick shapely hips and ass, and thick firm curvaceous thighs and calves. Years ago this incident took place rather unexpectedly from what was explained by her. And for sometime it kinda weighed on her because...

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A Pranksterians Nightmare

Original Prankster By Po Jane just finished brushing her long beautiful red hair, eliminating any knot or split ends that could block her from being "gorgeous". It took her minutes but she had finally got it done. Jane was a beautiful 21 year-old college student. She had a nice, exercised and firm 5'8 figure. She had beautiful red hair that hung down to her mid-back, deep innocent blue eyes, and big puffy red lips. She wore a white silk blouse. Underneath was a white bra...

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Getting More of a Good Thing Lori and Tom

I continued to work every single day in the same office complex with Lori, the website builder, after we'd fucked like a couple of rutting jackrabbits in her personal office. It had been so fucking hot. I'd suspected for some time that Lori was a very passionate, lusty woman but I'd never realized until that day when I shifted my comments more directly towards the question of whether or not her medical student husband was meeting her needs physically and sexually. The answer was a strong...

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The Librarian Part 4

Along with having a comfortable bed, Sloane had an equally comfortable couch. I know because that's where we slept last night. We never made it up to her room. When Sloane got on her knees in the parking lot of my dorm and told me she wasn't done with me or my dick, I couldn't say yes fast enough. This time I made sure to bring clothes for the next day. As soon as we got back to her house we were all over each other. We made love in the kitchen and made love on Sloane's dining room table. We...

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Mac and Lisas bet Ch2

Al’s wife Candace was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Candace was a gorgeous woman with long reddish brown hair and clear blue eyes. She was shorter than me standing about 5’4 and she had a thick build that she’d developed playing soccer in high school and college, and through lots of exercise as an adult. She was thick but there was almost no fat on her. She had a big round ass that stretched any pants she wore and while her legs were equally as thick she still had a thigh gap. Her...

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Dental CareChapter 8

Jack sat in the waiting room of the Family Services Clinic trying to concentrate on the pages of Sports Illustrated but was not having a great deal of success. Seated across from him Bill Brand waited expectantly for the door marked "Treatment and Examination" to open. The two men awaited the arrival of a young lady who was special to them both. Bill Brand loved his young daughter, Emily, and recently only minutes ago, in fact so had Jack Merrick. When the two men caught each other's eye,...

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Open Air Sex With Daddy Mummy and Brother

Every year since I can remember, our family used to take a camping holiday in the English Lake District. Some old university friends of mummy had a farm by Ennerdale Water, and they used to let us pitch our tents on a field down by the lake. It was great – we had the place to ourselves, and we could get basic provisions like fresh milk and eggs from the farm – it was like something out of Enid Blyton! We’d take our old VW Campervan and a couple of tents, and spend a week just chilling out,...

2 years ago
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Wife gets a little extra and gives a little extra Part 1

Introduction: A few extra inches gets introduced into her pussy so she decides I deserve a fresh new pussy in a form of her good friend I am married with a few kids, and Im not going to beat around the bush my sex life fucking sucks, and I cant blame my wife fully cause I have alot to do with it. I have a below average dick and last no more a few minutes at most so its no wonder I get her pussy like twice a month if im lucky. Anyway I started looking into ways to improve my status and came...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Ana Foxxx Fucking My Horny StepBrother

Ana Foxxx is taking erotic pictures of her new bra and panties before she started playing with herself. Juan hears some noise and comes out to check it out. He finds his step-sister masturbating and recording from her phone. He pulls his phone to enjoy the show and started recorded as well. She freaks out when she catches him and tries to get his phone but after he doesn’t want to give it up, she decides to take matter into her own hands. She gives this lucky guy a great sucking before she...

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The Neighborhood Must Read

As he leaned back against it, Mark Jordan's hands gripped the counter top rhythmically as he gazed down at the sight before him. With his shorts around his ankles, his best friends' mom paused to swirl her pink tongue over the pulsing head of his thick cock as it glided up between her breasts. Seeing the glazed expression on his face, the sexy brunette MILF smiled and wrapped her big jugs even tighter around his pole."Oh, yeah! Fuck my tits Mark," she moaned as he slid back down the soft valley...

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Dream StateChapter 3

It was a few months after my awakening that I was finally allowed to check out. First, I had been debriefed by the shrinks, who wanted to know what I had remembered. They had been prepared for some amnesia to be present, but unknown to them, my mind had been exercising quite a bit since I came to within my own head. I wondered quite a lot about my "out of body" experiences during the time that I was in the coma. I was hesitant to tell any of the shrinks about them, and Mary never said...

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Hot Sex With Doctor In A Hotel In Chandigarh

Hello friends how are you? Hope everyone is fine and enjoying sex with their partners, any lady married only looking for partner can mail me. We can meet and enjoy the life. I am Romy dhanoa from mohali working as quant faculty in an reputed institute in Chandigarh. I m 26 years old and I m married. I m very much interested in married ladies because they know how to satisfy men. I have sex with many females till now. This is the story of me having sex with a lady doctor from sec 32 hospital...

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A Dark Night Chapter 1

Chapter 1- A Dark night The dull hush that had washed over the library since it had almost emptied was peaceful, until a small thud sounded waking Ari instantly. The disturbance had been caused from her head falling against the thick notebook on the desk below. Glancing down at her wrist watch, she rolled her eyes, it was just after 11pm. It was the end of another exhausting day at university. Ariana was tired, not only from studying for her mid semester exam which was tomorrow at 8am, but...

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Stuart Celibate

Stu recalled Donnie cutting the longelectrical cord of Stu?s bedside lamp,peeling back the insulation from the bare wires ?N STUART, CELIBATE Stuart had to talk to that kid?he had to get the CAGE? off?the tight rings locked around his penis were driving him crazy. Which was worse? ?Taffy?s confusion over Stu not being able to take off his pants? Or the fact that whenever Stu got an erection looking at?mostly men, but that hopefully was a phase, whenever his dick got hard, it was unable...

1 year ago
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Do you miss bondage é BDSM tumblr? Well, it’s official – Tumblr porn is dead. For those of you who don't know, as of December 2018, the webmasters at Tumblr, in all of their wisdom, decided to permaban the posting of all erotic content on their platform. Of course, that means that all of the existing porn is being systematically removed meaning that the only thing of substance left on Tumblr are purple-haired, angry SJW feminists screeching about the oppression of the patriarchy.That means that...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 12

Two weeks earlier, when Duncan and Eli had split as they arrived in Tulsa, Duncan felt alone as he rode north toward Kansas. Though he’d been a deputy marshal for over two years when he met Eli, he’d grown to like hid friend so well that he missed his company and the friendship they shared together on their trips into the Territory. He rode into southern Kansas two days later, after riding late like he and Eli often did when they first met. He wanted to hurry and do his law business, then...

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Like A Woman Scorned

SYNOPSIS The women's self-help group was dedicated to making men suffer for their marital sins, and what more fitting humiliation could there be, than to force them to be the kind of woman they most desired. When the narrator wakes up as a Dolly Parton look-alike, he expects the worst, but actually gains more than anyone could possibly have imagined. This story contains adult themes. Please respect your local laws. LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED By Marianne Nettes 'Hell Hath No...

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NubileFilms Kiara Cole The Way I Want You

Seth Gamble Wakes up naked after a night of passion with his girlfriend Kiara Cole. Rolling into his side, he finds that Kiara is also nude. He can’t help but rub his hand over Kiara’s exposed pussy and anus to wake her up in the most sensual way possible. When Kiara opens her eyes and realizes what’s happening, she rolls over for a kiss and to open herself properly to Seth’s touch. Seth doesn’t waste a moment sliding his hand between Kiara’s thighs. He finds...

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Help from my sister 15

Then I got on top of her again. I reinserted my dick into her. I stuck in there deep, but not too deep. We were both still a little out of it, but it was our wedding night."Are you OK just sticking to missionary," Judy asked."Yes, I think we're both just a little tired. Tomorrow we'll be having some fun," I replied.Maybe missionary was good even in our sex life, it still was a little boring considering it was our wedding night. But I was gonna make her feel good on her wedding night."I'm gonna...

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Shall Wwe Begin

Shall W/we Begin?As if in a dream I enter the dimly lit room, looking about as the glow from the candles reflect off the shiny metal objects adorning the surrounding walls. I shiver imagining what these sharped toothed, jagged edged devices are used for as I look from one to the next.  Remembering Your words describing this "special" room as Your torture chamber I bite my lip finally fully understanding the meaning to that statement. Walking further into the chamber I move through the play of...

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Student spanked 8

Lisa collapses coming from my single kiss after her severest spanking everLisa lands in my arms. I carry her to our bed. Ointment oiling her bruises Lisa sleeps deep, and as all nights I enter her very slow to show my loveLisa learns lots of tantric lust and love from me without she even notices Lisa smiles in her hot dreams of being a slave to a strange strong masterLisa slimes from the corner of her mouth and all along her wet tasty twatLisa is permanently horny day and night which does not...

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I was married but spent most of my effort seeing a woman who was about 14 years younger than I am. I will call her K. This is the same person from my previous story. I had an apartment building that needed work. I went there in the evening, expecting to see K at a certain time. After she was about an hour late, I was getting a little annoyed but didnt plan on staying much longer. This was before the day of everyone having a cell phone so I couldnt call her. I was putting my tools in...

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Road TripChapter 3

Hauling out the topographic map and sending Connie to fetch a ruler I discovered that one inch=2000feet. The ruler said the map said it was an inch and a quarter from the 90 degree turn at Consuelo’s trailer to the next fence east. 2500 feet. From the map it was between 4 and 3/4 inches to 5 inches to Keystone road. One inch equals 2000 feet. Five inches therefore equals 10 thousand feet. 2,500 x 10,000 equals 25,000,000 square feet... 25 million square feet. Figuring that nothing was...

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DeepLush Mia Li Friendly Intimacy

Mia Li and I have been friends for a long time and always have a great connection. We spent the afternoon having sex which is always natural and fun between us. We have plenty of intimate moments and some where it gets more intense and rough. There’s POV shot during the blowjob portion of the video. The end of the video is Mia riding my cock perfectly while facing the camera until I can’t take it anymore and I fill her pussy a huge creampie. Close up shown of it dripping out of her...

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BLS part 2

I turned around to push him onto his back, crawling back on top with my legs around his waist as I pinned his hands by holding them above his head. Interwining our fingers as our cheeks glowed. I leaned down, kissing him softly with lewd wet sounds being created. He's kissing back, butterflies appear in my stomach as I gently grinded against his already grown bulge / ~To be continued~ / I remembered the porn videos I've watched, deciding to fully submit and started grinding our bulges...

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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 13

The Evening of Monday - Robert and Sarah - [Sarah] When I woke, it was dark outside, but the light was on beside the bed. Robert had put the package on the table with some water. I wasn't sleepy anymore, but felt quite content, calm. No more raging emotions. Could I face Elizabeth's letter? Yes. I opened the envelope. There was a short letter and a framed photograph - no - a small painting of - Robert. A young Robert. Who had painted that? He was nude, half turned away, his beard trimmed...

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