Hatchery RoadChapter 22
- 2 years ago
- 22
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It was like Christmas on steroids and it was only Tuesday.
Josie couldn’t help but laugh at the chaotic scene unfolding before her. But the noise – the noise made her want to cover her ears. It was hard to hear, what with all the talking, chattering, laughing and screaming going on. Well, that, and all the boisterous kids trying out their new instruments all at once. There were trumpets and cellos, saxophones and guitars, and even a drum set.
But try as she might, she couldn’t feel the least bit Grinch-like about the cacophony. Perhaps because standing in the midst of everything was the biggest kid of all and happier than she’d seen him in the short time they’d been together.
Sarah was also buzzing around the musical mayhem, snapping away pictures like the talented shutterbug she was. She was there, however, strictly as a favor to Rennie. He’d somehow matched a couple anonymous donors with a major music foundation to replace all the children’s instruments lost in the tornado. But he needed someone to take all the PR photos that the foundation wanted. And since it was partly the kind of thing she did for a living anyway, Sarah said she was more than happy to help out.
Josie was so absorbed watching Rennie as he interacted with the kids, that she didn’t notice her camera happy friend sidle up next to her. Mesmerized by his infectious joy, it took a firm hip check to bring her back to earth.
“You’re pathetic, Twink. You know that, right?”
“What, me?”
Sarah rolled her eyes. “Yes, you, you obsessed love-struck groupie.” She chuckled and then nodded in his direction. “But I’m sure he’ll give you an autograph if you ask him nicely.”
In a move reminiscent of grade school, her best friend scrunched up her nose and stuck out her tongue. And then with a giggle and a wiggle she was gone, weaving in and out of the mayhem capturing slices of time on her memory card.
For her part, Josie just clutched the clipboard with its completed checklist to her chest and watched the magic unfold before her eyes. She’d thought she knew what to expect when she met the delivery driver a couple hours earlier but was totally blown away by the sheer number of boxes waiting to be unloaded on his truck. And then she thought she knew what to expect when the kids and the parents lined up outside the choir room – especially as they began to fidget and chatter from all the pent up excitement. But the amazing mix of tears and joy she witnessed when they were finally let inside was almost overwhelming.
Here were kids, many of whom had absolutely nothing left of their own except the clothes they were wearing, cradling brand new instruments in their arms that were likely far better than what they previously owned. And then there was Rennie, the mastermind behind it all, helping assemble a trombone one moment, showing how to string an acoustic guitar the next. Her heart swelled with the thought that this was exactly what he needed, too. The kids weren’t the only ones getting a gift.
Josie couldn’t help but smile when little six year old Annalise came up behind Rennie and tugged on his shirt. She was such a cutie! Gripping her brand new violin and bow in one hand, she tugged on the shirt again when he turned around. It was clear what she wanted. With a sweet smile on his own face, he squatted down until he was at the level of hers. Once there, it clearly became a moment of show and tell and Rennie, for his part, graciously played along. Josie’s heart just about melted, however, when the precious little girl wrapped her free arm around his neck for a hug and then kissed him on his cheek.
She was surreptitiously wiping away moisture from her eyes, when Josie felt the familiar jarring of her right hip yet again. This time, however, the display screen of her friend’s rather pricy digital camera was being held out right in front of her. Taking it in her own hands, she could feel her eyes mist up yet again as an emotion-filled sigh escaped her throat. The close up image of Rennie nose to nose with an exuberant Annalise stirred an unexpected longing.
“You two will have really cute kids.”
Disconcerted she was so transparent, Josie paused momentarily and then quickly sought to change the subject. “I thought Rennie said you weren’t supposed to take any pictures of him?”
With a self-satisfied smirk that left no doubt her attempted diversion was recognized, Sarah glanced over quickly at a preoccupied Rennie and back. Obviously not wanting to respond where they were, the striking blonde covertly gestured that they head out into the hall.
“Technically, he only prohibited me from giving the foundation folks any promotional pictures with him in it,” she explained, once they were there. “He never actually said I couldn’t take any pictures of him at all.” Sarah then paused, looking down at the digital display of the camera in her hands. “Though, in all honesty, he may have to release me from that promise because this photo is exactly the kind of thing they’re looking for.”
They were deeply engaged in the merits and composition of that and a few other pictures, when a rather tinny version of the Imperial March from Star Wars began to echo in the hallway. Clearly coming from a cell phone, the two women initially struggled to locate the source. Their attention, however, quickly turned to Rennie’s backpack that Josie had been holding for him. A quick perusal of the bag’s pockets located the offending phone but upon viewing the name visible on the display, Josie got a rather devilish look in her eye.
“Is that... ?” Sarah began to giggle, no doubt at Rennie’s choice of ringtones for his estranged wife.
Josie simply nodded her head and then shushed her friend with a finger to her own lips, as she tapped the phone open. Time to yank a well deserved chain.
Other than a quick inhalation of breath on the other end, there was no actual response. Josie smiled at the good start. Helen was probably double checking to make sure she’d called the right number.
“Hello?” She spoke again.
“Uhm, yes, hello,” came the rather confused female voice. “Who is this?”
“Josie. Who’s this?”
The reply was followed by a long, pregnant pause. “Why do you have Andy’s phone?”
It was not lost on her that Helen didn’t answer the question. On top of that, the woman was already starting to sound a bit irritated. Josie’s smile grew. Her impromptu plan was working perfectly, though she did get a twinge of concern at the thought of handing the phone to Rennie at the end of her little game. But it wasn’t time to stop yet.
“He left it with me,” she tossed in, albeit deliberately with a bit of an attitude.
“Oh, I see.” It was clear she didn’t. “Well, I must speak with him. Is he around?”
“Yes, but now’s not a good time. Perhaps you could call back later.”
Josie had almost said that a bit seductively, suggesting perhaps that the phone call was interrupting something of a romantic nature, but thought better of it at the last moment. It didn’t really matter, though. Helen was clearly getting angry, which was Josie’s intent all along.
“I am not going to call back later,” she hissed. “And I didn’t call to speak to you either. So put Andy on right now!”
“Actually, he is very busy right now. Maybe I could give him a message for you?” The last bit was said with such syrupy sweetness that Sarah couldn’t help but begin to laugh. Josie tried to shield the phone but the damage was done.
“No!” Helen shouted. “I know what you’re doing and I won’t put up with it!” She paused, and then continued in a much more controlled, yet still hostile, tone. “He’s avoided my calls long enough. I’m through leaving messages. Give him the phone and do it now.”
The reference to having left messages caught Josie by surprise. It didn’t sound right and gave her a bad feeling. “Ma’am, you don’t understand, he’s...”
“No, you don’t understand!” The other woman fiercely interrupted. “I don’t care what he’s doing! He is going to speak to me ... now!”
Josie let out a long, exaggerated sigh. “Fine. Whom shall I say is calling?”
“You know good and well who’s calling!” She screamed. “Now give Andy the friggin’ phone!”
“Okay, okay,” Josie replied, the smirk on her face belaying the sour tone of her voice. “But it will take a bit so don’t get your panties all in a bunch.”
She could hear unhappy noises and rather colorful language emanating from the cell as she pulled it away from her ear. The call hadn’t gone exactly as she’d hoped but she still had a few more tricks up her sleeve. With a knowing glance over at Sarah, she turned back toward the classroom door. It was time to get Rennie.
With an additional bit of pressure, the snare finally tilted into place. Quickly tightening the knob, Rennie looked over the rim at the new owner. “There you go,” he shouted, a cheerful smile still plastered on his face. “Next time wait until I’m done adjusting it, though.” He laughed as he handed Jordan his drumsticks back. The pre-teen’s eyes lit up with mischief while he shrugged his shoulders apologetically.
Rennie stopped to look around at the organized chaos swirling about him. His ears were ringing, but he figured that had more to do with Jordan than the ambient noise level currently in the room. He knew he’d pay for it later with a splitting migraine, but for now it was all good. The kids and their folks were having a blast and that was what really mattered.
Just as he was about to walk over to help Laurie with her saxophone – she was still struggling with the new reed – Rennie caught sight of exaggerated movement out of the corner of his eye. Standing inside the doorway, Josie and Sarah were clearly doing their level best to get his attention. Actually, all Josie really had to do to get his attention most of the time was just smile the way she did. But he had to admit, her dancing around like that was equally eye catching.
He couldn’t seem to figure out what she and Sarah wanted this time, however. He could see their lips moving but with how loud things were at the moment, hearing them was an impossibility. Rennie couldn’t help but chuckle at the look of frustration on Josie’s face, especially when the now thoroughly frustrated young lady who had been not-so-patiently waiting, finally just handed him her sax mouthpiece to fix.
After a few attempts at primitive sign language on their part, while he corrected the reed alignment and handed it back to the girl, however, he caught on. Turned out he had a phone call. He’d forgotten he’d left his cell phone in the backpack, not that he would have ever heard it had it been in his pocket. Walking toward them, he lifted his hands and shoulders non-verbally asking who it was. Rennie nearly stopped dead in his tracks when Sarah put her index fingers up to either side of her head. He had no doubt those were meant to be horns and that could only mean one thing. Helen had finally called.
“And just who do we have here? You’re not trying to sneak in backstage, are you?” Grant’s gruff demeanor, however, was met with giggles. “It’s us, Mr. Thomas: Katie and Lena Erickson,” Rennie’s oldest explained with a huge grin. She then turned and pointed out who was with them. “And this is our friend Hailey with little Tommy, who we’re watching for his mom, and – of course – Daddy’s friend, Josie.” “A likely story,” he growled, working hard to maintain a somber stare. “Where are your...
“Oh my goodness, you’re Josh Cannon!” Shelley had been standing off to the side, watching and listening as Rennie and company did their sound check, when she noticed a vaguely familiar face not far from her. Taking in his boyish good looks, western attire and cowboy hat, she wracked her brain trying to figure out where she knew him from when it finally clicked. “Yes, ma’am,” the singer replied, an amused grin on his face. “Last time I checked.” “Sorry,” Shelley apologized, a bit...
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The sun had already risen by the time they emerged from the hotel. The sky was a pale blue with only a few wispy clouds left to remind them of the previous day’s tempest. That storm, however, left a lot of other reminders of its disruptive visit. The entire parking lot area, for example, from the hotel all the way over to the diner, was littered with debris. It wasn’t too major, though – mostly trash, with the odd shingle or piece of wood here and there. Rennie did a once over of his truck...
Rennie was absolutely furious as he stormed out of the trailer. “Of all the damned, idiotic, stupid, ridiculous, shitheaded people in this world...” His word selection became more coarse and heated as he walked away. “Sir,” came the voice from the doorway behind him, “that kind of language is totally uncalled for and I’ll have to ask you to stop.” “Uncalled for?” Rennie spun and faced the power-tripping, bureaucratic imbecile some fool left in charge while he went gallivanting in his...
It had felt good putting his restless muscles to work but Rennie was glad for the lunch break. Seeing Marge and Lila finally return from the diner with lunch was a welcome sight indeed. While his daily runs had allowed him to stay in shape (not to mention sane), they unfortunately had not prepared him for this kind of physical exertion. He definitely was not cut out to be a lumberjack. Well, at least not every day, anyway. Sitting on the tailgate of his truck with his legs dangling off, he...
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“So when did you become Florence Nightingale?” It was obvious from her expression that the question clearly took Josie by surprise. Sarah had been getting a tour of the facility from her best friend, when they were interrupted yet again by someone needing to speak with Josie. The high school gymnasium, where they were located, was impressively packed with roughly 400 or so cots, along with enough evacuees to occupy nearly all of them. The substantial din of numerous conversations going on...
The metallic click of the latches closing echoed loudly in the now empty room. With the last of his tutoring over for the evening, Rennie lifted the battered violin case off the desktop and walked it over towards the door, setting it next to his equally worn guitar case. He’d been glad he’d had it along. In preparing for the move, Rennie had shipped some of his more valuable instruments ahead to his sister’s. The others, like his old Suzuki violin that both Katie and Lena had started on, and...
Josie was standing way off to the side by the tire swing, sipping her sweet tea, while Sarah made her initial pitch to the group. She wasn’t really paying much attention to her friend, though. Oh, it wasn’t like she was trying to be rude. Truth was, Josie had already heard her best bud’s big idea the night before and had given it her full support. So, rather than listen to it all again, she opted instead to engage in one of her favorite all-time things to do: people watching. To be sure, the...
“You are not seriously suggesting Puccini even remotely compares to Verdi?” “Not at all,” came Ren’s rather smug reply. “What I am telling you is that he is definitely the better composer of the two, hands down.” “What? You have got to be out of your ever-living mind!” “That may be but...” “No buts about it!” she immediately interrupted. “Sure, Puccini could write a nice melody but that’s about it. Verdi, on the other hand, is clearly the greatest operatic composer since Mozart.” “Oh,...
“So how does it look?” Josie asked, firmly tucking the cell phone into the crook of her neck as she quickly gathered up completed paperwork from a new client and shifted it to the appropriate tote container. “I think it’s exactly what we want, girl. We’ve got several big open fields to choose from for the stage, plenty of places for parking and portable toilets, and even an indoor horse arena if it looks like it’s going to rain. There might be issues with electricity, so I’ll have Rance...
“Oh, this is so good!” Grant couldn’t help but laugh. The look of sheer bliss on Sarah’s face after she bit into the enormous cheeseburger she’d ordered was priceless. Lindsey recommended the place to her and the pretty young blonde had been looking forward to this all day. And after all the work she’d put in today, she deserved it. “I’m serious!” She loudly exclaimed to her dinner companion, though it came out a bit garbled as she was still chewing. “And I really like this cheese! What is...
“How’s it been out front?” Sarah asked, handing the tablet back to Nina. The overall numbers for the concert were excellent, with only a few minor security incidents to report. “It’s been awesome!” her on loan assistant gushed. “The performers have been stellar and everyone’s having a great time. One of the main cameras did go down but Aaron and his crew were able to replace it with one of theirs.” “Good,” Sarah replied with a nod. “What’s left?” “Well, we’re almost done,” Nina answered,...
Tyler Dawson grimaced at the news. “Seriously, Ren, I would not have predicted that. I just figured she’d spend her life bouncing you like a yoyo on a string. Have to say, though, I didn’t see that one coming ... not at all.” “Me either.” “Still, you have to admit ... with all the crap she’s put you through over the years, she turned you into one hell of a songwriter. And for that I’m not complaining!” Gazing around the brew pub they were in while waiting for the girls, the comment caught...
“So you guys came up with that game back in college?” “Yeah, it actually started as just a way the band could do better with song requests,” Tyler admitted, as they approached the front of the house. “But with Ren, and his ability to memorize, it took on a whole life of its own.” “How so?” “Turned it into a drinking game,” he answered with a grin, “and he never lost.” “Really?” The country superstar, glancing her way, just rolled his eyes and laughed. “Really, though we almost got him...
“They’ve got her sedated now and on an IV drip.” Rennie glanced up from the small stack of admission and insurance forms previously handed to him on a clipboard to fill out, to see his sister-in-law, Heidi, standing in the doorway. “They said they should be moving her up to a room in a couple hours. I’ve got to go call the folks and pass along the update. Let me know when the doctor comes to talk to you, okay?” He nodded in agreement but evidently the expression on his face was far from...
Josie had been paging through Rennie’s tablet, examining the particulars of their assignment from Nina, when she had a thought. The gathering at the Steigers’ food court pavilion had broken up and now Ren was driving her in one of the many glorified golf carts they had for shuttling people around. Their destination was the makeshift Camper/RV/Tour Bus campground south of the festival venue. Their current assignment was to coordinate with the expanding roster of prominent singers and musicians...
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Note to readers: This single volume tale is a follow up to the Prince Charming series, that detailed how a young, arrogant Prince behaved as King following the untimely death of his father. It will probably help a bit to have read the original series, but if not, it’s not exactly Shakespeare so I’m sure you’ll pick up the plot as you go. PROLOGUE(KING NOTHING) Thomas trudged through the forest, stumbling on a tree-root and stubbing his bare toe painfully. “Ah shit!” he swore, limping slightly...
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Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they’d locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy all the research that went into making the Halos. They were never meant to be mass produced. Luckily, no one person could re-create them. Only their dead guru and his wife fully...
I made it to the top of the stairs again. The cardiologist diagnosed me as having a severe atrial arrhythmia which, as far as I could tell, meant that my blood didn't circulate efficiently to my lungs and back. That and weighing three hundred pounds made my future existence pretty bleak. Still, I soldiered on, not having any alternative. I was still huffing and puffing, making my way down the hall to my office door. I was fumbling my keys much worse than normal. I felt like somebody hit me in...
Introduction: Fun time with some friends If you do not believe in young boy material this is not a story for you. Please give me feed back as this is my first story. Hi, Im Charlie. Im a 14 year old boy with brown hair. Im 54 and reasonably skinny. I have greeny-blue eyes and have always thought of myself as straight but I do fantasize about guys every so often. So im going to tell you little story of what happened not to long ago….. It was the holidays and I had been chilling so far but was...
As lockdown eased I found myself still furloughed and sat at home during a heatwave. My weekly visit from Tom continued to be a delightful affair but a little bit of me yearned for an opportunity to worship a larger member. I wasn’t shy in asking my regulars but I needed to be patient and be satisfied with my good fortune, they would contact me when they needed my services. Nick did call though. He had some news. “Listen Ben, do you fancy helping me out? I have a new ‘friend’ and I need you to...
Maria always makes a point of asking, “Is your man really eight-inches and thick?” As the conversation progresses I explain to Maria that my man shaves my pubic hair for me every Sunday and how I have missed two Sundays. “Why not come around on Sunday afternoon and I will shave you? And perhaps my man can watch? “Why not indeed, I need some company this Sunday,” I smile very pleased at the offer and what might eventuate. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English...
Mike loves montreal Especially how open and diverse it isWalking with his new pet he will own in his big van the silent boy walking looking down not wanting anyone so see the pink gag rubber bimbo mouth he had locked to his head , wet and clearly recently sucking the big black guy smilling arm around his pet My friend inside the pub , a place known for lgbt community chilling , there to support one of ours school mate who got out of the closetI was just going to smoke and he followed me outside...
This is a work of fiction about a woman i know and one of her fantasies Hope you enjoy it and if so may post some more.The Seduction of KimKim sat in the bar of the hotel. She was sad her husband had not been able to join her on this trip but their work schedules had not allowed it. This conference was worse than all others she had been on as she was not able to get out and enjoy the sites as she usually did. She had been in New York for 3 days had not been out of the hotel and was horny as...
Hi, readers, its me Raju again. I am getting overwhelming response from all readers. This time I will tell you how A young girl was fucked by me. There is A family living in our neighborhood in bhopal, they have two daughters naming ritu and komal, her mother works in A school and father is in bank out of Bhopal. Both girls are very cute and I was interested more in komal. One day komal come to me in noon saying that she is facing some problem in opening the orkut on net. I told her let me see...
IncestDo I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted...
Hi all. This is Akshay from bangalore. 22 year old, young, energetic, medium built with 6 inch cock (size doesn’t matter as long as u know how to satisfy your partner). Any girls, aunties or couples looking for secret fun contact me. And all the readers please give your feedback at Coming to the story it happened with my Neighbour who was super sexy lady for looking and also in bed. I can’t put whole story in one story here. So I will tell u guys in episodes. Her name is Nayantara 29 year old,...
Hello all, this is abhi and I am back with one more sizzling incident of lust and sex. I apologized for the delay of few months as I got numerous mails from all you guys for new story but here I am back in form ready to blow your minds [blow whatever] again. This time the incident involving my friends wife called Phankhuri aka Pihu. Amit was a college friend of mine and we use to share rooms while studying BTech in banglore. Like me he was also from Delhi and we moved along quite nicely. 4...
IncestNamskar dosto m ye apni phli story likh rha hu. M iss pr bhot salo se story padh rha hu. Phle m sochta tha ki ye real nhi hoti sabhi aise jhuti story likh dete h lekin jab mere sath b aisa hi hua to ab to sabhi story sachi lagne lagi h. M haryana me ek gaon me rhta hu. Meri age 19 sal h. Maine 18 sal ki age se muth marni suru kr di thi m jab 18 sal ka hua tab tak mere ander bhot kamjori aa gayi thi muje chakkar aane lage the lekin pta nhi kya bhagwan ko mujpe daya hui 1 sal ke ander mera sarir...
As Doris brought over my lunch Maisie’s identity was confirmed, “Would you like another juice Maisie?” she asked and as Maisie was in no rush she agreed which also told me she liked juice. I tucked into my lunch as Maisie continued texting on her phone and after Doris brought her a refill I decided to open up a conversation as again out knees touched under the table, “Sorry about that” I said in an apologetic voice which forced Maisie again to look up, “It’s ok mister” she said in a soft voice...
‘We’re going to Florida!’ I was thinking as Danny picked me up and spun me around, ‘September is a perfect time to go there as it won’t be too hot. It will be wonderfully and gloriously warm and sunny to enjoy the sand and the surf. Danny told the client on the phone, his ex-partner Duke Marion, and of course Danny wouldn’t accept a fee, that he was bringing me, his fiancé, to meet him. I adore thinking that, ‘fiancé, fiancé, fiancé and fiancé!’ ‘Can we make it a vacation sweetheart?’ I...