Hatchery RoadChapter 16 free porn video

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“So you guys came up with that game back in college?”

“Yeah, it actually started as just a way the band could do better with song requests,” Tyler admitted, as they approached the front of the house. “But with Ren, and his ability to memorize, it took on a whole life of its own.”

“How so?”

“Turned it into a drinking game,” he answered with a grin, “and he never lost.”


The country superstar, glancing her way, just rolled his eyes and laughed. “Really, though we almost got him one time. Disco. He hates that stuff.”

Josie chuckled.

“Ugh.” Ty groaned loudly as he walked up the front steps. “I ache all over,” he complained to no one in particular. “After yesterday, I didn’t think it could get any worse.” He groaned again as he gently lowered himself into a wicker chair on the O’Malley’s front porch. “Boy was I wrong!”

Josie just rolled her eyes back at him. “You do know I’m perfectly capable of carrying my own chainsaw around, don’t you?”

“T’was nothing, m’lady,” the country star answered in a faux cockney accent. With a turn, he tipped his head to her and swirled his right hand with a theatric flourish. “Merely endeavoring to assist and protect the muse.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at Ty’s antics but quickly stopped when she realized what he’d said. “What do you mean, ‘muse’?” She asked sharply, suddenly growing concerned.

“He means, my dear, that you are the very embodiment of musical inspiration when it comes to my brother and he wishes to see you kept safe, for that very reason.” Bella’s enchanting voice, with its lovely hint of an Italian accent, announced her arrival. “Though I sincerely doubt Mr. Dawson’s motives are all that pure.”

The screen door swung open, as Rennie’s sister stepped out onto the porch, carrying a tray laden with glasses and a pitcher of iced tea. Immediately behind her was Lindsey with a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Setting their burdens down on the well-worn wooden table, they quickly distributed the beverages and goodies to all those present.

“Oh, that is so good, thank you!” Ty gushed as he held out the rapidly drained glass in his hand. “May I have some more?”

Lindsey smiled at the compliment and stood to pour him another drink. “Why certainly.”

The thought of somehow being Rennie’s muse, however, still struck Josie as being more than a little off. Fingering her own glass as it sat on the table, she turned back toward Ty. “Since when am I his muse?” She asked pointedly, knowing full well that Helen had been the inspiration for his portfolio of sad songs. “Girlfriend? Absolutely. Muse? I don’t think so.”

Tyler laughed and then glanced over at Bella. “Do you remember Heather?” he asked her.

The older woman gasped in recognition, her dark brown eyes dancing with mirth, as they shifted back and forth between Ty and Josie. She was somehow able to stifle a laugh, but even with her hand to her mouth, a few giggles managed to make their way through. The dark haired singer was equally amused, as well, a huge grin plastered across his face.

Josie, however, was not.

“Oh, no, no, honey!” Bella, quickly recovering, shot Ty a pleading look and then gently touched Josie on the shoulder. “This is a good thing.”

She, however, was less than convinced and it must have shown on her face.

“Bella’s right, Josie,” Ty replied. His easy grin, however, quickly morphed into a grimace when he shifted in his chair. “Not to change the subject, but how do you do it, girl? I mean, two days of this and I’m wiped out. You, on the other hand, have been doing way more than me and you look like you could still go a few more hours.”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Good Cajun genes, I guess.”

Lindsey, who’d been fairly reserved through all of it, finally let loose with a loud laugh. “That and the fact you’re a runner like Rennie.” She leaned over and nudged Bella. “A couple mornings ago, I went out to get the newspaper and who did I find sitting on my porch but her and Ren.” She shook her head in amazement. “It’s just over six miles from their hotel to here and they still had to run back.”

Josie just smiled. “It is nice having a running partner, I must say,” she openly admitted but then grew more serious. Looking over at Ty, she growled. “Now, enough stalling. What’s this about Heather and who is she, anyway?”

“Heather was a girl in the same dorm as Ren and me back in our first year at UT,” Ty looked over at Lindsey, as if to explain, and then back at Josie. “She was stunning, absolutely stunning – a bit like you, by the way – and Ren fell hard.”

Bella noticed Josie’s confused expression and pegged its source correctly. “I’m sure he mentioned how he and Helen were on again, off again?”

Josie nodded.

“Well, this was one of those off times. She was still in Houston finishing her senior year of high school and their relationship by that time had not survived the distance.”

“Anyway,” Ty continued, “Ren had this thing for Heather but she had no idea who he even was. Let’s face it, she was one of the beautiful people and he was just a shy music nerd.”

“Rennie, shy?” Josie found the characterization of her guy more than a little off.

“Actually, yes,” Bella answered, her head bobbing affirmatively. “You’ve just gotten to know him after his playing in nightclubs in college and preaching from the pulpit nearly every Sunday for the last, what, seven years?”

“Okay,” Josie responded with a small nod, recollecting how reserved Rennie could be at times. “I think I can see that.” With a look over at the only male on the porch, she continued. “Now, since this whole thing started with you calling me a ‘muse’, I suppose that’s what she was for him back then?”

“Exactly,” Ty’s smile grew enormous at the recollection, “though what he was writing at the time was pretty awful.”

“He showed some of it to me when he came home during one of his breaks that year,” Bella admitted with a grin and an eye roll, looking first to Lindsey and then Josie. “And it was all I could do not to laugh – or worse, cringe! They were like musical versions of really bad greeting cards, just so syrupy and nauseating.”

“They were that bad?” Lindsey asked curiously.

Josie had been wondering the same thing but then a distraught look swept over her face. “Oh, crap! He didn’t show them to her, did he?”

When they both nodded, Josie’s hands shot to her face as she gasped in horror. “No!”

“Oh, yes!” Ty replied with a chuckle. “But she was a real class act. Heather could have crushed him but, instead, she let him down real easy.”

“Alright, so I’m confused,” Josie admitted, looking askance first at Bella and then Tyler. “What does all this have to do with me as Rennie’s muse?”

“He’s writing love songs again,” Ty answered with an amused yet satisfied expression on his face.

“About me?” She’d known he’d been jotting down notes all the time and doing some writing late into the night, but he’d never mentioned anything like this.

Bella gazed at her quizzically. “You don’t know?”

“No, are they bad?” She cringed at the possibility.

“Actually, my dear,” Bella replied, with an affectionate pat on her arm, “it looks like they could be some of the best things he’s ever written.”

“Seriously?” Josie was stunned.

“So serious, I drove up here a couple days early just to see who it was that inspired him to write such amazing songs,” came Ty’s very serious response. “And to beg him for a chance to record one of them.”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.” Josie raised her hands to her cheeks as her face began to flush. She was both proud of what Rennie was possibly producing but also a bit embarrassed she knew nothing of it.

“Well, I do,” Lindsey responded softly, looking over at Josie with a sympathetic smile. “I think it’s rather sweet and I look forward to hearing them.”

Josie could only nod, still a bit hurt and confused that Rennie had left her in the dark about this. Oh, she could understand him wanting to get outside opinions of his work – especially after the “Heather” incident – before showing the songs to her. But she was starting to sense a pattern of secrecy that troubled her.

The sound of tires on gravel, however, quickly interrupted her train of thought. Glancing over at the driveway, she could see it was Megan, in her mother’s white minivan, along with Sarah’s sister-in-law, Cindy, in the passenger seat. Erupting from the sliding door once it stopped, however, were two extremely rambunctious dynamos that Josie knew quite well.

“Miss Josie! Miss Josie! Look what I made!”

Josie adored four year old Ethan. He had only two speeds: non-stop and stop. And when it was non-stop, it was usually pretty loud. His twin sister, Evelyn, on the other hand, was absolutely the sweetest little girl ever. But despite that, she could probably give her brother a run for his money once in a while when it came to decibel levels. Chuckling as they ran stomping up the steps, Josie wondered what the two of them had to show her today.

Turns out, they’d been coloring and making macaroni art. She, Bella and Lindsey did well at making all the appropriate noises, as the little guys explained their work.

“So, what’ve y’all been up to today?” Tyler called out to Megan as she closed the driver’s side door.

“I took Cindy, Ethan and Evie with me to our newest daycare and child watch program,” Megan responded, as she and a rather subdued Cindy drew near to the front steps. “It’s for the displaced Hazelton children. Those kids have been through a lot and it was wonderful having these three there, helping out.”

Megan glanced around, taking in the unusually sparse number of people present. “Where is everyone?” she asked.

“Well, I don’t know about everyone,” Lindsey responded, without looking up from the artwork, “but your siblings are around here somewhere. And your dad is out taking communion to some of the shut-ins.” Suddenly, she stopped and shifted her eyes up to her daughter. “Oh, and the Burkes and their crew are still over at the school taking showers and changing clothes. They should be back in a little while.”

“Rodney’s checking baseball scores in the RV and, I believe, a certain sixteen year old daughter of mine,” Bella added, shaking her head, “is currently following around a certain brother of yours like a lovesick puppy.”

Megan laughed. “Knowing Brandon and seeing Gabby, I’m almost positive the feeling is mutual.”

Bella and Lindsey exchanged a look, with the latter’s face breaking out with a sly smile. “No worries, there,” she responded breezily. “His two younger sisters are keeping a close eye on them for me.”

“Poor guy.” Ty shook his head in mock disgust as the two mothers laughed. Glancing over at Megan, he passed on what he knew. “You’ll have to ask Josie what Ren’s up to, but I know the rest of the guys are still out at the fairgrounds with Sarah, since Manny, Dexter and their roadies showed up with all the equipment this morning.”

“Actually, we just stopped by and saw Ren over at the new office space the state is leasing for the rebuilding effort. Since I see you’ve got the truck, Josie, you’re going to be picking him up later, right?” Megan asked, glancing over at Josie.

Deeply engaged in an alternate conversation with her godchildren, the now somber brunette looked up somewhat distractedly. “What? Oh, yeah,” she nodded, “just as soon as he calls.”

“Pretty heartbreaking, isn’t it?”

Josie saw Cindy motion towards her children’s artwork. She nodded back.

“Nearly every child in that daycare lost something or someone. And the little girl in Evie’s picture there,” she said softly, with tears forming in her eyes, “lost her three year old brother.” Cindy paused. “I don’t know what I’d do if I...” Hand to her mouth, she quickly turned away as her shoulders began to shake.

“Mommy, don’t cry. It’s okay.” With her dark curls ringing her cherubic face, little Evie was immediately at her mother’s side, gently rubbing her leg. “It’s okay, Mommy, it’s okay. He’s with Jesus now.”

In one motion, Cindy swept up her precious daughter and clung to her like a life preserver, tears streaming down her face. Evie, for her part, lovingly patted her mother’s back and continued to say it would be okay.

Josie watched as Lindsey quietly rose from her chair and went to the young mother’s side.

“I’m sorry...”

“Nothing at all to be sorry about.” The pastor’s wife kindly dismissed the attempted apology with a sympathetic shake of her head. With a gentle caress, she turned and led the tearful woman, still clinging to her daughter, toward the front door. “It certainly puts things in perspective, though, doesn’t it?” she murmured quietly.

Cindy silently nodded her head as they entered the house.

“Ethan, sweetie,” Lindsey called out, while holding open the screen door. “Why don’t you come inside? I’ve got some cookies and milk for you and your sister.”

Josie smiled through watery eyes as, at the mere mention of cookies, little Ethan’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he was off like a shot.

Hearing a loud sniff, Josie turned to her right and saw the acclaimed bad boy of country music brush away what looked to be moisture from his eyes. Grinning even wider, she wiped away her own tears and playfully patted him on the knee.

“What?” Ty protested unconvincingly. “Something got in my eye.”

Hearing the sound of tires on gravel yet again, Josie wondered which of the currently absent groups had finally arrived. The vehicle pulling into the drive was not even remotely familiar, however. About to yell to Lindsey that she had visitors, Josie noticed the Minnesota license plate. Sure enough, the driver had short, blonde hair. She didn’t recognize the passenger, though.

Bella rattled off something in Italian. If she had to guess, Josie figured it was pretty close to what was running through her own mind ... and that wasn’t good. Tyler? Well, he quietly muttered in English a few choice epithets that were in line with what she’d been thinking. Thankfully Cindy’s two were no longer outside to hear any of it. That ceased to matter, however, once the preacher’s daughter caught sight of the car.

“Megan Marie O’Malley!” Lindsey’s stern voice carried, clear as a bell, through the screen door from the kitchen.

“Helen Erickson just pulled in the driveway, Mom.”

“Oh, shi ... crap!”

Despite everything, Josie thought to herself, it was good to hear Cindy laugh.

“Well, since you guys are heading out, I think I’ll call it a day as well.”

Rennie glanced back in time to see his boss for one more day come out of the side office with her purse slung over her shoulder. Tugging the door behind her, it closed with a secure, metallic click. With the move to the new offices, the lieutenant governor had dressed far more casually in jeans and a comfortable blouse, with her graying, dark brown hair pulled back neatly in a ponytail.

“I’ll be gone to Chicago for the next two days, and then I’ll be back on Saturday.”

Rennie nodded somewhat absently as she approached.

“Of course, I’ll think of you both when I stop by Hot Doug’s. So, should I have the Frankie ‘Five Angels’ Pentangeli or just stick with the classic ‘Dog’?” she asked teasingly, mostly toward his companion, who’d grown up in Windy City.

Grant groaned behind him. “That is soooo not nice,” he complained as he shook his head.

Wendy just laughed. “I’ll probably be too distracted to think of you tomorrow night, when I go out with my son, Mark, and his family to Lou Malnati’s, what with all that sausage and cheese and pepperoni...”

“You are absolutely unredeemable,” Grant told her with an amused chuckle.

Rennie, however, was unfazed. While he heard the playful banter, it really only swept over the surface of his thoughts. His mind, troubled by the unanticipated confrontation with Helen that soon awaited him, instead was filled with a jumbled mix of thoughts and memories.

The warmth of an open palm on his cheek brought him back around.

“You don’t deserve this but it’s the hand that’s been dealt you, Ren.” The words came softly, so seemingly out of character for a woman thought by most to be just a hardened political operator. Rennie, however, knew different. Beneath the shell, it turned out they had a lot in common.

The older woman stepped in close and lightly kissed him on the same cheek where her hand had been. “Just don’t bottle it all up inside, okay? Otherwise you’ll turn into a bitter old crone like me.”

Rennie smiled finally and shook his head at her. “Can’t have that now, can we?” He leaned down and returned the kiss to her cheek. “Any advice?”

Her eyes narrowed slightly. Taking a step back, she gazed at him intently for a couple moments, as if judging his sincerity. Seemingly satisfied, she smiled sympathetically.

“Just two things: First, you know your wife’s line of bullshit well enough by now. Listen – and I mean really listen – for anything new, anything that might signal a genuine change. Second, remember what we talked about. No point in putting everyone through all this crap again, especially your two little girls, if nothing’s really changed.”

“How’d you get so smart?”

“An asshole of an ex-husband, as if you didn’t know. Anyway, I’d better get going if I expect to get in at a decent time.” Looking up at Rennie she gently patted him one last time on the cheek. “Just don’t make the same mistake I did, okay?”

He smiled and nodded. “Okay.”

“Now, keep an eye on him and when I get back on Saturday,” she charged, staring straight at Grant, “I want a decision from you. Are we clear?”

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Synopsis: This event took place when Abby was alone with her dad since her mom was away for work. And this was the first time ever Abby’s dad masturbated in front of her while looking at her sweet sexy panties in a really short mini skirt. She showed him her panties to get out of trouble. [Note: This part connects with the story: Abby, the 1st Grade Panty Tease and Her Perverted Teacher] When Abby turned seven, she’s ready for elementary school. Abby’s mom had previously turned down her chance...

4 years ago
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A small Trip to the Massage Parlor

Monisha and Peter had talked about this a few times and it excited them both in theory, but now that they were on the way and it was about to get real, they were both trembling. They had known each other a long time but she had been abroad for studies and they were never a couple. When she returned, they reconnected and soon realized that they felt safe in living out their kinky fantasies with each other. And so, they got her to fuck big cocked guys while he watched, then later they got him a...

3 years ago
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‘Show me,’ I whisper. ‘What?’ ‘Show me.’ ‘Show you. . .?’ I whisper even lower. ‘Will you show me the way she touches you? That’s my question. God, I just want to know.’ He laughs. He laughs loudly, turning onto his side and facing me. This absolutely devastates me, his laughing, and I turn away from him. I do not have the strength to stand up and run away. I do not have the strength to scream, ‘Stop.’ So, I resort to the only action my body can bear. I let the infinite storehouse of tears...

3 years ago
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My first time sharing Dawn

Introduction: I shared my girlfriend with my best friend The First time sharing Dawn So here I am in my bedroom with my best friend and my girlfriend. Were listening to music and just being teenagers. Im not allowed to close my bedroom door whenever shes in here with me. Even though we are all 18 years old now and graduated earlier this summer. I guess thats the security that we wont be naked making my parents early grandparents. Even with the door open I can hear someone coming down the...

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Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes I was doing it. I was finally making out with Brittany. I had a crush on her for years, a roller coaster of bad flirting and getting pretty close to closing the deal a couple of times. But here we were. On my bed. Making out. We had been at it for a while, her 5' 4" frame underneath my 6' 2" body, softly moaning as our tongues quietly fought each other. My dick was rock hard, 5 inches of pulsating flesh, excited to be finally holding this little brunette girl....

4 years ago
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Erotic Sex With An ISS Reader

My love to all iss readers… After reading my previous story, i received a mail from an random women.. We had good conversation over email for few days, after which she decided to meet up and by this time.. We knew most of the things about each other but i had never seen her yet and it made blasted my curiosity.. Ruhi decided the place and we were supposed to meet at west of chord road, bangalore.. She told me that i was going to picked by her and then she would take me to some place.. Next day,...

4 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 11

The room was dark and hot. The air was thick with vapor and scent of sulfur. The heat was so intense, even for the Dwarves. The cavern was located deep inside the bowels of the earth. It was a home of no one, for nothing could survive in these unfriendly environment, not even monsters or subterraneous beasts. A lone man walked along the cavern, his long dark cape flowing freely behind him. Around him the air crackled continuously from contact of the intense heat with his invisible force...

5 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 32 Game 2

Chapter 32: Game 2 Friday, it was time for game two of the season. I was put in on the roster as shortstop again much to the angst of Nobel, he was still telling everyone he would be better there than as first baseman, but the rest of the team were getting bored of his boasting, he hadn’t been even that good in that position making a few mistakes in the first game, which luckily hadn’t cost us runs, his batting had been poor, he was in the order at seven, which also didn’t please him at...

4 years ago
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Growing UpChapter 4

I woke up needing to piss badly. I looked up at the ceiling and it looked strange causing me to look around quickly. I realized where I was after a few moments. I was half asleep and started to raise up, wincing in pain, temporarily forgetting about the cast, trying to use my left arm to push myself up. I finally stood, and stumbled towards the bathroom. I opened the door and stepped back quickly. I realized Gay was in the shower and quickly the evenings activities came to me. I started back...

1 year ago
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Making a baby

Apolonia opened the oven door to check the roasting chicken, and the aroma of the cooking bird wafted across the room, filling it with sweet pungent aroma. "Another twenty minutes and it'll be ready," she said to herself, while giving the sweet potatoes a quick stir. Her husband Hank would be home any minute now, and as was her custom, she always had a hearty meal waiting for him on the table. Even after five years of marriage Apolonia still got a thrill when her husband entered a room, and she...

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Family Meating

Her mom said "The deal is in order to stay with us you must become a slave too the rest of the family. If you refuse to do what they have asked you to complete, you will be punished severely in as many ways there are that we can do to you. You are not allowed to masturbate yourself only if someone wants to masturbate."So her mom thought it would be a great idea to lock her in chasity belt which only she had the key too. Her big brother then said "Mom, please can I fuck her pussy hole."...

2 years ago
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HotwifeXXX Lumi Ray Cute Wife Lumi Learns To Give More

Married college student Lumi has finally decided to write a letter to her professor Nathan that she has received permission from her husband to expand her horizons and learn more about other men’s cocks starting with his. As Lumi continues to let him know she has been masturbating thinking about him and not to be fooled by her shy innocent face Nathan quickly got her onto his bed and her hot sweet pussy on his mouth and his hard cock in her hands and down her throat. Lumi sat and fucked...

3 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 12 December Dont Dream Its Over

Losing someone you love is a devastating experience, and even after decades of weathering life's travails, the human body is a terribly fragile creation. Grief is the embodiment of stress, emotional strain, and the body reacts adversely. The immune system may be compromised, a heart condition exacerbated. Couple overwhelming grief with a physical weakness and suddenly "dying of grief" doesn't seem like a cheesy plot from a Hollywood release anymore. Perhaps it's truly the side effects of...

4 years ago
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Full CircleChapter 2

I shortened my time in my home town by a few days. It was a good thing because my flight to Germany was delayed by three days. I made it back just as the unit fell out for the morning formation. We were busy getting ready to move. Everything had to be packed up. Crates had to be built to pack the small items such as hand tools and equipment. We were moving to an area where there were no quarters. This was raw land and rough. However the prevailing winds would make a great landing strip...

2 years ago
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sis knows

I found out by accident that my nylon clad feet and sexy shoes were a turn on for men. It happened one afternoon when I was pulling on my nylon stockings. I love the feel of stockings and pantyhose. Stockings, a garter belt, and tiny bikini panties make me feel so very sexy. And high heels make me purr. But, to get back to my story. I had just graduated high school and turned eighteen the same month. I was inexperienced when it came to sex. My girlfriends told me all the good and bad things...

5 years ago
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DONNA Breaking in a virgin 32 years younger

Nathan was 22 years old he’d been transferred to our store from another 7 miles away. He and I were always having a laugh and joking around. On our break he came and sat next to me, as our conversation flowed I found out he was a virgin. He’d never been out with a girl let alone touched one but he did say how desperate he was to lose his virginity. That got me thinking.A couple of weeks later the manager asked me if I wanted an extra couple of hours overtime, I asked what it entailed and he...

4 years ago
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Uninvited 4 the Way HomeChapter 9 Infestation

When the aliens were done eating and the pork was all but gone, the Mutons retreated into the shelter of the barn, and once they were out of view Vi slinked down from her perch and accompanied me back to the house. I didn’t press her on the issue of the Mutons, she would have to get over her prejudices on her own, it didn’t seem that she could be convinced of their benign intentions. We got into bed, Vi throwing the sheets over us and trying to coil as much of her body beneath them as she...

4 years ago
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Lending a Helping Hand

This is a work of fiction meaning it only happened in my mind and I pass it on to your mind with the hope that you find some entertainment in reading it.“Larry I really wish you would go next door and give Helen a helping hand. You know her husband is off on some oil field job for the last two months and she probably needs help with things only a man can do.” Mom said as she chopped vegetables for the stew she was making. I was setting on a stool watching her work on my first week at home after...

3 years ago
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Pranita And Fantasy Of Her Cuckold Husband

Hello ISS readers, this story is about a woman whom I met online. She was in her mid-30s. She was an ISS reader and she contacted me through email after reading my last story. Her name was Pranita. It started with chatting and later we started sexting during whole nights. One day she told me that her husband had lost interest in her and he had this fantasy to watch her having sex with someone else. I thought it was the right time to make a move. So I casually opened a topic on various sex...

5 years ago
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Adventure Of Jeya 8211 Part 2 8211 Mission Siva

Hi,enoda peru siva…Nan college 2nd year b.Com padikiren..Enga amma, jeya.. Akka priya college 3rd year padikira..Oru annan velaiku poran.Enaku oru girlfriend iruka ava peru raji Enakum sex aasai iruku … But nan adha enoda control la vechi irudhen…Ellame nalla dhan poitu irundhudhu… Andha oru naal ah thavira..Oru nal enga annan oda phone la bf pathenadha pakkum bodhu dhan enaku 1st sunny full size nattukuchi…Apuram iruku ella frnds kita yum sex pathi discuss pannen… Sex books vangunen… Sex...

2 years ago
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Squirted Katie Kush Katie The Cock Rider

The only thing Katie Kush enjoys more than Toni Ribas fingering her till she squirts is riding his big cock till she cums, and Toni can’t believe how good it feels as she throws that booty back as she grinds on him. He strips her out of her pink bikini and fucks her mouth, making her squirt and licking her pussy, then fucking her nice and deep. Katie just keeps cumming over and over, especially once she finds a hot pink vibrator to use on her clit while Toni pounds her! This cowgirl gets...

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No Way my husband is Gay

My husband hadn't been the same since he returned from a six-month military tour. There were various symptoms that he had changed, but I couldn't figure out and what the underlying cause might be, since one of the symptoms was that he'd become obsessively reluctant to disclose what he was feeling at any given time. He was just withdrawn ... distant.I mean there was the obvious: he didn't want to talk about his time overseas, but that wasn't really surprising. He had been in two shooting...

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Duty Bound Part 1

Ever since c***dhood it had been that way; delicate in the extreme and a want of soft bright things. School had proved to be difficult; not being like the others. A fondness for the stricter teachers irked the boys; patently apparent differences alienated the girls. The developmental teenage years were no easier, though liberally minded parents allowed chosen apparel to be worn at weekends, making the desired route in life that little easier. The tortuous journey through to adulthood now...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Mahesh

Mari nayee nayee shadi hui hai. Jab se mera rishta is ghar me hua hai tab se hi maine note kya ki mere ghar me har kaam ghar ki badi bahu yani ki meri Jithani se hi pooch kar hota tha. Koi bhi ek pani ka glass bhi unke puche bina nahi peeta tha. Although she has got a very good nature but still itni bhi kisi ki nahi chalti apni sasural main. Before further proceedings i’ll let you know about my family & family members. We are ten members in the family. Mere Sasur, Meri Saas (dono retired hai...

3 years ago
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The Magic Lamp Part Three

Synopsis of Part One & Two: Miriam finds an old lantern while working for an antique dealer. It is a special lantern – one with a handsome genie residing inside who has the ability to grant any three wishes made by its possessor. Miriam makes her first and second wishes and they are fulfilled beyond her expectations. Miriam put her cell phone down on the small glass-top table and picked up her wine glass. She stepped to the edge of the balcony, leaned against the marble balustrade, and gazed...

Straight Sex
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White wife bred by older bbc2

Wife has slept with a different man about every six months for years now, really likes the excitement of it. She'll spend either a day or usually a weekend with him. We attend many nude functions to facilitate this, she likes seeing new men. Wife always has her choice in men, she's gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, blonde, blue eyed, full bush, large pussy lips. This pierced penis (picture not available here) reminds her of an experience back when she was 48. We attended this function,...

3 years ago
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Voyage End

Behind the escaping ship, with six men rowing frantically, the waters of the Strait were calming, but blood still showed, where Scylla, the six-headed monster had carried away three men.Ulysses cursed himself for his own carelessness. He had been warned by sorceress Circe, to steer a careful course through the Strait. “Too near the right bank and the whirlpool of Charybdis will take you, ship, and all, she’s a hungry one. But the opposite bank hides Scylla of the six heads, disturb her and she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The two succulent cunts lightly touched in a gentle cunt kiss, then separated. The initial kiss was tentative. It was the first full pussy to pussy contact between these two beautiful women. Both cunts were full lipped, shaved and had been lightly lubricated for this highly anticipated encounter. Two luscious cunts that had, for several months, been on a collision course. Tonight, they would clash. Tonight, these two well endowed pussies would finally square off in the flesh. Two beautiful...

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Sitting Pretty

Sitting Pretty by Paul1954 London : Tuesday June 16th 1998 Colin Peterson sat in his office with his feet resting on his mahogany desk. It was 7:30pm and it had been another hectic and stress packed day that had started, for him, at 8:00am. His sales team had just clinched another deal for Birchington Enterprises, one of the fastest rising new breed of advertising agencies, in a company that now boasted seventy five employees - this time last year they had only had twenty - and...

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Unintended Consequences

    Amy glanced across the room and gave a little shy smile before averting her eyes from the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an interest in her, and the excitement of it all caused her to take in a deep breath that pushed her large breasts tightly against the thin silky material of her blouse. Wearing no bra, Amy was well aware that her nipples were clearly visible against the harsh lights in this corner of the club. Her short flared skirt did little to hide her...

Wife Lovers
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Pasayten PeteChapter 17 Disclosure

"I saw it. A darkness. It dims her spirit, clouds it, weighs it down and she is lost in grief and sadness. I've never seen anything like it before." Graydon sat in the warmth of the small fire outside Mike's cabin; they shared the flickering firelight. Fleeting shadows outlined worried frowns on their faces. "I've seen it before. Not often, but often enough. It weighs so heavily on a person's soul they can become lost, lost to themselves and everyone around them. This is a terrible...

3 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 32

Rockie sat with her coffee at the dining room table, reviewing the specifications for the standard Mercedes AMG GT C Roadster. She saw that the handcrafted four-liter engine was bi-turbocharged, claimed to accelerate from zero to sixty in three point six seconds, had active rear-wheel steering and dynamically enhanced handling. It looked like it would be a really fun car to drive. She would find out soon enough. Switching to the satellite imagery being fed to her directly from the NSA,...

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Ed demonstrates The Meaning of Power

Definition of a sociopath: A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most...

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Violet Gathers Research Material

“Mmm…mmm…mmmph!!!”A big, juicy cock rammed its way inside Violet’s mouth. Its owner moved their hips back and forth, the phallus’ head tickled the entrance to her throat. With a final thrust, the cock went all the way back. Violet gagged and pulled her face back, a single strand of spit trailed behind. She was never very good at deep throating.“I’m cumming!” With a few jerks, steamy hot jizz spurted onto her face and began to slowly trickle down her neck.“That was amazing.” Her partner, Alice,...


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