Hatchery RoadChapter 7 free porn video

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Quickly grabbing the piece of paper from the printer, Josie swiveled in her chair and handed it to the young lady waiting for it. “There you go, Denise,” she encouraged with a smile.

The clearly frazzled single mother shifted her infant son on her hip and rose to receive it. Looking it over quickly, she glanced back up at Josie in expectation.

Sympathetic to the woman’s plight, Josie smiled warmly and began to explain to her where she needed to go next. “Take this form, along with your driver’s license, and head down the second hallway on the left,” she said, pointing behind her. “The room you want is Room 313. It’s the second to the last classroom on the right.” Josie turned back and gave the mother a reassuring look. “I think Arnie is still down there. He should be able to get you all set up.”

Relief flooded the woman’s face. With a few quick words of gratitude, she shifted her child to her other hip and headed off in the direction Josie indicated.

Josie glanced around the school entry foyer, only to find herself alone for the first time all day – the padded chairs standing vacant along the far wall. For a Saturday, it had been a lot busier than she’d expected. Though, being only a couple days removed from the twister strikes, she had to concede that her expectation was just a little bit unrealistic. They were still admitting folks to the emergency shelter there at the school and the applications for FEMA trailers or other housing assistance were, if anything, increasing in number. Fortunately, they weren’t the only location for doing it.

Leaning back in her chair, Josie raised her hands to her face and slowly began to massage her temples. Two days at their currently understaffed levels were taking their toll. Not that she minded volunteering. She actually enjoyed helping and, to a certain extent, could relate to all the displaced people she encountered. Josie was, after all, technically homeless. Not to mention the fact that nearly everything she owned could fit into a few grocery sacks. Which, truth be told, was a significant step up from a few days ago, thanks to a little shopping trip to Wal-Mart, paid for by a “loan” from Rennie.

Josie couldn’t help but smile at that thought. Rennie was so sweet! He was actually going to let her pay him back for something. And now, thanks to Grant’s help, that would be sooner rather than later. It was like the big guy had a magic wand or something. All he needed was a copy of the police report, and then – a few phone calls later – presto! Money problems solved. Well ... not exactly. The new accounts wouldn’t be available until Monday and the new cards and checks wouldn’t come for a few more days after that ... but, still, it was pretty impressive. Now, when those cards arrived, dinner would finally be on her for a change. Yea!

Just the mere thought of food, however, brought a rather noisy protest from her stomach. Josie wearily shifted her eyes to the stack of papers on her desk and groaned. It appeared lunch would have to wait a little longer. “After all,” Josie mused, “no job is complete until the paperwork is done.” She audibly chuckled. It was something her dad used to always say when grabbing more toilet paper out of the hall closet. A second rumbly in her tumbly, however, caused Josie to wonder just what time it was getting to be. Well, that and she began to hum a tune she hadn’t since she was a kid.

With a glance over her shoulder at the industrial looking clock on the wall behind her, Josie unfortunately discovered that lunch time had long since come and gone. The stack of previously filled out forms to her right, however, had still not gone anywhere. So, with a weary exhale, Josie snatched up the offending paperwork and turned to file it in the appropriate plastic totes lining the wall. The faster she’d get done, she reasoned to herself, the sooner she’d get to eat.

Kneeling down and entirely focused on the job at hand, Josie didn’t hear the unmistakable click clack of high heels on commercial grade tile, until they were almost upon her.

“I’ll be with you in a moment,” she said, without looking up.

“Oh, sure, Josie,” the familiar voice said, somewhat dryly, “what’s a few more minutes when we haven’t seen each other in ... what ... eight, nine months?”

Josie’s head immediately jerked in the direction of the voice, her eyes taking in the tall, lithe, well-dressed blonde smiling back at her. “Sarah!” she screamed, as she jumped up and dashed around the desk.

Sarah laughed and quickly dropped the two bags of fast food on the desktop, before their contents became collateral damage from Josie’s impending hug.

After a couple of minutes of typical reunion chit chat and compliments, Sarah reached over, picked up one of the sacks, along with one of the two drinks she’d set down earlier, and handed them to Josie. “Here, Rennie was pretty certain you missed lunch today, so I stopped by and got you a bean burrito. Though, judging from your humming earlier, perhaps you’d prefer a pot of honey instead?”

Josie couldn’t help but giggle. Leave it to Sarah to recognize the silly Winnie the Pooh song she’d been humming. Suddenly, however, it sunk in that the tall blonde referred to Rennie as if she’d spoken with him. “How did you... ? When did... ? You talked to Rennie?”

The look of confusion on Josie’s face brought another chuckle from Sarah. “Seriously, girl, you need to talk to your new boyfriend a little more.” Pulling up a padded chair, Josie’s childhood friend sat down and casually tossed her cell phone on the desk, next to her drink.

“I’ve had Rennie’s cell number ever since he picked you up,” she explained. “When I told him I was in town, he suggested I stop and get you something to eat ... so here you go.” She grinned as she gestured at the food and drinks on the desk.

“But how come you didn’t tell me you were coming?” Josie asked unhappily.

“Well, Jayc...” Sarah stopped suddenly. “Okay, Josie, I know I suggested the name change back in high school, but it’s still going to take some time for me to adjust. Anyway, where was I?” she asked with a puzzled expression on her face that vanished almost as suddenly as it appeared.

“Oh, yeah! To get back to your question,” she continued, her tone becoming rather sarcastic. “It’s kind of hard to talk to you when you leave your cell phone off.”

“Oh, crap!” Josie muttered as she grabbed her backpack and began to rifle through it. Sure enough, when she found her phone, it was dead. “I forgot to plug it in,” she groaned. The battery was totally drained.

She started to apologize, but Sarah waved it off with a smirk. “No worries, girl, I’m here now,” she said, taking a bite of one of her crunchy tacos. “Now, eat up before your burrito gets cold.”

Josie was genuinely thrilled and excited to have her all time best friend here now but something wasn’t quite right. As she drew the loosely wrapped bean burrito from the plastic sack, she couldn’t help but wonder just why Sarah had made the long run up from Nashville. But rather than just come out and ask, Josie opted for a different tack. “So ... how long are you up here for,” she prodded her friend, “just for the day?”

“Actually,” she replied, after a long sip from her straw, “I was hoping to hang out for a couple days, if that’s okay with you? I didn’t know how long you’d be, so I thought I’d just drive up and say hi,” she remarked with a huge smile. Raising her hand, she waved it energetically. “Hi!”

Even though she had the feeling Sarah wasn’t telling the whole story, Josie couldn’t help but laugh. “So, where are you staying?” she asked as she took another bite of her food.

“Well, I was hoping I could stay with you. You’ve got a spare bed in your hotel room, right? Or have you moved in with Rennie already?”

Josie’s bright blue eyes grew huge as she nearly choked on her burrito.

With a twinkle in her eye, and a loud laugh, Sarah waved off her friend’s sputtering protestations. “Relax, Twinkie, I’m just yanking your chain. I know the guy’s a boy scout.”

The brunette immediately blushed at the snack cake reference, knowing instinctively that she would need to somehow bribe her best friend into not sharing that story with anyone any time soon. But then questions began to swirl in Josie’s mind. Sarah’s level of information was setting off alarm bells. She tried to clear her throat with a swig of her drink. “How do you know that?” she asked after a few false starts.

“You know,” Sarah replied, picking up her smart phone, “it’s just incredible what all you can do with one of these. Did you know you can actually call people and talk to them?” she asked with a straight face.

Josie was too stunned to find that funny, however. “You’ve been talking with him about whether he and I are having... ?”

“Oh heavens, no!” Sarah quickly interrupted. “Give me a little credit, will you?” Her eyes flashed a bit, but her smile took the edge off her words. “But I have been talking with the guy, off and on, ever since he picked you up,” Sarah explained. “Well, both he and his sister, actually.”

“His sister? You mean, Bella?”

“Yeah, and she’s a trip, by the way,” the blonde replied as she reached for the last of her tacos. “I’ve actually known her for a few years now. She works at the same place I do and can talk your ear off with what has to be the hottest Italian accent I’ve ever heard. Real pretty, too, for an older gal. Anyway,” she continued after a couple bites, “Rennie gave me contact numbers for both him and his sister. So, to see if he was legit, I called her and we’ve been talking ever since.”

Struggling for what to say, Josie just watched as her friend took a long sip from her soft drink straw.

“Now, I bet I know him better than you do,” Sarah bragged with a sly grin.

Josie refused to take the bait, however. Instead, she began to get angry, especially as Sarah started to tell her a number of things that she did, in fact, already know. She just didn’t trust herself to say anything. So, instead, so she opted to sit and glare at her incredibly meddlesome best friend.

Sarah stopped in mid sentence when she finally glanced over and noticed the cold stare aimed in her direction. “What?”

Josie remained silent as a stone.

“What?” she asked again, her voice pitched a little higher.

“Oh, give me a break!” Sarah exclaimed with a disbelieving smirk on her face, when her stone-faced companion still didn’t respond. All at once, she set her drink down on the desk and leaned forward in her chair.

“Don’t you even give me that look, Josie!” she challenged rather forcefully. “Rennie picked you up hitchhiking ... hitchhiking! ... and then, inside of 24 hours, you went all gaga over him.” She lifted her hands in exasperation. “What was I supposed to do? I mean, come on, girl, after that whole Jimmy fiasco, I had no choice. Let’s face it, usually you’re a bum magnet.”

Hear it comes, Josie thought. She inwardly cringed at the prospect of her friend’s coming litany of “I told you so’s,” even if she did deserve it. Sarah had been right about Jimmy all along.

“So I was worried and made a few phone calls. Deal with it.” Sarah leaned back in her chair, drink in hand with the straw once again approaching her lips. “Come on, admit it, girl. You’d have done the same, if you were me.”

Cracks soon began to appear in Josie’s hardened façade. Sarah was right, again. Slowly the corners of her mouth turned up, as her head nodded in agreement. “Jimmy definitely wasn’t one of my smarter moves,” she admitted finally.

“No, he wasn’t.”

Josie waited, yet again, for an “I told you so” but it still didn’t come. This was odd and it didn’t sit well with her. Sarah had disliked Jimmy from the start and made no bones about it. She was forever telling Josie that he was no good, that he was just using her, and the like. But now that she had the opportunity to rub in how she’d been right about him all along, Sarah uncharacteristically became a woman of few words.

Suddenly a fearful thought, one that had been hiding out in the back of her mind, jumped to the forefront. Her brain was connecting dots and the conclusion she reached filled her with dread.

To test out her theory, she offered Sarah one last target balloon. “I sure was scraping the bottom of the barrel when I hooked up with that loser Jimmy,” she observed, her eyes firmly fixed her friend. “I can’t believe I was such an idiot.”

Sarah, to Josie’s amazement, said nothing. Instead, she simply responded to her words with a nod, while idly doodled with her finger on the desktop, using the water ring from her drink as her ink.

In an instant, Josie knew what was wrong and why she’d driven the nearly five hours from Nashville just to see her. “Sarah, where’s my car?”

There was a long pause, and then Sarah replied without looking up. “New Mexico.”

“It’s bad, isn’t it?” Josie’s voice was almost a whisper.

“Yeah, girl, it is.”

Sarah remembered the first time she saw the car. They were both ten and had been playing in Josie’s front yard when the wrecker pulled up in the driveway to offload it. Josie’s mom, Mary, was not happy. The thing was a piece of junk – all rusted and falling apart – and she was none too pleased that her soft-hearted husband, Nick, had taken it as payment for one of the side jobs he’d done. While the two of them argued, the girls got a closer look. Sarah, like Josie’s mother, was thoroughly unimpressed. Her best friend, however, was in love. She was a motorhead just like her dad and could see beyond the rusted heap in the driveway to what it could become.

Turned out that Nick had initially been thinking of it as a project car for Junior – but it quickly became clear whose car it really was. Josie was out there with her father every chance she got, handing him tools and helping in any way she could, not that that was unusual. She and her dad had always had a special bond. As long as Sarah had known her, Josie could almost always be found out in the driveway helping her dad. It was just that, now, it was her future car they were working on together.

Josie and her dad had just gotten the engine rebuilt when he got sick. And with his death, the work on the car stopped altogether. Money was just too tight. Thankfully her mother never did try to sell it off. Sarah always figured she didn’t because she knew it would break Josie’s heart. So, instead, the stalled project sat in their driveway under a blue car cover for nearly four years.

Everything changed, however, once Josie started singing on the weekends. She split her earnings with her mom, but every dime she kept soon went into that car. It seemed like every time Sarah stopped by, Josie would be out working on it, covered from head to toe with dirt and grease but with a smile on her face. While Sarah had no mechanical inclinations whatsoever, she was clearly sympathetic to what her best friend was doing and the meaning that car had for her. Goodness, that and her guitar were all the girl had left from her dad!

By the time their senior year of high school rolled around, Josie had one sweet ride. The outcome of all her hard work, sweat, and more than a few tears, was that Josie was the proud owner of a pristine 1969 Ford Mustang with a Winter Blue exterior, a Medium Blue Deluxe interior, and a white convertible top. As often as the girl talked about it, Sarah still had the car’s description down pat. Truthfully, all Sarah cared about at the time were the looks she and Josie got when they went cruising.

But that all changed when one Sergeant Richard Hernandez of the New Mexico State Police called her apartment that morning asking for Josie. She’d given Sarah’s address and phone number, along with her own cell phone number, in the contact information on the stolen car report she’d filed with the police in Champaign. Fortunately, the state trooper called Sarah’s number first. And as he explained why he needed to speak with her friend, Sarah knew immediately what she had to do. Now, seeing Josie’s expression across the desk, she knew she’d made the right choice.

“Hey, I really appreciate this, Tony.” Movement to his left caught Rennie’s attention as he was wrapping up his cell phone call. Glancing up, he waved a waiting Grant into the empty teachers’ lounge. “Just give my sister a call when you get into town,” he continued. “Perfect ... Alright, talk to you later man ... Bye.”

Rennie flipped the phone closed with a contented sigh.

Grant had walked over to the coffee machine on the counter and began to fill two cups. “So, you get it all arranged?” he asked without turning.

“Yeah,” Rennie replied. “A friend of mine hooked me up with an outfit out of Santa Fe. They’re going to pick up what’s left of the car on Monday with a flatbed, and have it in Nashville sometime Wednesday.”

“Wow. So the State Patrol has already processed it? That’s quick,” Grant observed as he handed over a steaming cup of hot coffee over to his friend. “What about the insurance adjuster?”

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Steph stopped just shy of her little sisters waiting pussy. “Please don’t stop Steph. I NEED you to keep going.” Sarah whispered. Steph made her way all the way up to Sarah’s wet little pussy and began rubbing her lips and clit. By now Sarah was breathing heavy and loud and the occasional whimper would escape her lips. She’d never felt anything so wonderful in her life and she knew she was going to need this a lot more. As Steph played with her sisters pussy she could only focus on her...

3 years ago
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A store outting

Marion lounged on the couch a glass of wine lazily twirling in one hand, the other busying itself with a trashy paperback. It wasn't normally her cup of tea but for some reason it was causing stirrings in her today, her chest heaved and bosom ached and she was feeling the beginnings of moisture build up between her thighs. She hadn't bothered to get out of her work attire yet and was considering slipping her flattering (if somewhat plain) grey pant suit off and attending to the cause of her...

1 year ago
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Last of Their KindChapter 9

Near sunset, his voice became strong. No longer barely a whisper. “Come to me,” it said. “Almost there,” she replied. A stream west of the Trail practically demanded to be entered. If she could have, she would have swam to him, but she had a backpack to carry. Entering the water, the voice was nearly a shout. “Coming,” she replied. She walked naked for a while at as fast a clip as she could without running. Once dried by the air, she dressed and began to run at the edge of the water. Ever...

1 year ago
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First Dick

I lived in a small Town in the early 70's. No oe ever gave me the talk about sex. what you should do and what you should not do. I was the youngest of 5 and only boy. I had to look for boys my age to play with in the another neighborhood. The boys in my neighborhood were older. I had noticed down the alley that the older boys would go in this shed behind a empty house. i always wondered what they did in that shed. I noticed a sign on the door that said boys club stay out. I was npt in the club....

2 years ago
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Masturbating for Flatmate

I sat alone in my room at university. I stared blankly at a Word document which so far only had an elaborately written title and rather little content. I couldn’t focus; there was something boring away at me. I had unfinished business and I knew nothing could be achieved until I had scratched my itch.Earlier that evening my flatmate had rudely interrupted an intimate moment I’d been having with myself. I was so focused on how wet I had made myself. My juices were making my lips slick and finger...

3 years ago
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Catching Your Breath

I pulled into the airport, got the ticket, and looked for a parking spot. The perfect parking spot a spot where it’s quiet, but yet close enough to where we needed to be. I was so nervous, actually nervous wasn’t the word I would use to describe this. It was like a whole new world opening up in front of my eyes. I walked up towards the airport and walking through the doors my heart decided it was going to beat faster. I was waiting for a man, a man who was coming down here to be with me. I...

4 years ago
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Parents Evening

A few years ago, I was working in this private international school in Greece for about four years and I was very happy there. I was on a decent wage, I had made some good friends and I was popular amongst kids, parents and my colleagues. What was pretty obvious was that I was the only male teacher in the school and that potentially led to a different type of popularity. Nevertheless, it could be something to embrace. I should emphasise that I am married and, although I have always had a...

Straight Sex
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TalentChapter the Twentysecond Headmaster

I'm never sure why the thugs think it a good idea to use their fists to wake you up. I could hear the soft thuds before I actually felt them. I was spiralling up from my unconsciousness and the sensation from the burly ape who was having fun with my face only began to register as I neared the surface. I was immediately struck by the thought that this was a tremendously bad thing. A voice, obviously in command, ordered the attack to stop and a sudden cold shock of water finally woke me...

1 year ago
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Swimming with the aunt and mom

100% fiction! It was a sunny afternoon. I had just woken up and i was so hungover. I walked out of my room in my pajamas and went downstairs my mom was there cooking me breakfast. "morning "i said "morning, aunt jenny's coming over for a swim this afternoon" Just the thought of my aunt gave me a boner. Her sexy round ass and beautiful double D 36 breasts, for a 43 year old single woman she had the face of a highschool student, long dirty blond hair, blue eyes. If i were to geuss she weighed...

3 years ago
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A Different Birthday Surprise

Hello Readers, I am Rahul, I was given a surprise by friends when I was travelling on work and coincidently my birthday was the next day. After a long flight I checked into my hotel room and slept as soon as I hit the bed, I was too tired to even change; I just removed my shoes and flopped on the bed. I was fast asleep when I heard the door bell ring, I was irritated and went to open the door and see who it was. I went and opened the door, just dressed in my trousers, shirt, and socks. I saw a...

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Jade Jantzen Satan8217s Fuck Puppet E10

There’s nothing scarier than a creepy old cabin in the woods at night? except maybe three dopey teen sluts who party too much and read from black magic books over a sacrificial firre. Exactly what Satan and his demons are looking to inhabit, possess and turn into slaves. Haven’t any of these girls ever seen a horror movie? Thank goodness that there are faithful and righteous soldiers of the Lord like Ranger Brick to protect these wayward extreme teen sex sluts from dark...

1 year ago
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My WIfe 2

She explained that it started one night when Tom and I where out town and Julies invited her over for dinner. They had eaten and where cleaning up when Julie spilt something downs her and changed her clothes. She thought nothing of it when Julie came back with a robe on. It wouldn’t be until later she would find out that was all she had on. We made coffee and went to the living room. After chatting for a while we turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels there was nothing that...

3 years ago
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Impersonating Brianne

‘Hello, Mr. Gibson?’ she said as the door opened. The man at the door was in his mid-thirties. Attractive, if a little average-looking. ‘Yes,’ he replied in a kind voice. ‘You must be Marissa. Please come in.’ ‘Thank you,’ she said. He led her through the large house to the kitchen area. It looked like he had been reading the paper. He motioned to one of the chairs at the table. ‘Can I get you something to drink? Coffee? Coke? Orange juice?’ ‘No, thank you,’ she replied, wondering why he...

1 year ago
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A Couples First Time

I wake up and see that Kyle is still lying next to me. I smile as I nuzzle into his shoulder. I could stay here all day I think to myself as tears well up in my eyes. I look at him very closely as the sun shine in through. His face is so peaceful, and doesn’t reflect the pain of the last few months, he has done so much for and has never asked for anything in return. Kyle stirs, his eyes flutters open sleepily. ‘Hey beautiful.’ He murmurs, still half asleep. He turns toward me, his face resting...

1 year ago
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Ballbusting war

You approach the fighting area with another group of boys with a few of tension. The rule are simple:if you manage to cuntbust a female player you get 2 point. On the other hand if a woman is able to bust your balls will gain 1 point for each testicle popped. A special rule is that one extra point will be gained for forcing an orgasm from the opponent. The only rule is that the fighter can only combat 1vs 1. If a group catch a member of the opposite sex only a component will fight him,or the...

2 years ago
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Prasanth Funking Virgin Sister In Law

Hi all, This is prasanth age 30, height 5.11″. An average physique with 6 inches tool. This is my first story in indian sex stories dot net and the only incident happened in my life. This incident happened 3 years before. It’s a real story. Kindly send your feedback on At that time I am married for 2 years . My wife is beautiful and caring. She is fat. That’s the only thing my mind diverted from her. Because I couldn’t do many poses in sex. I always dreamed to fuck in many poses which I have...

2 years ago
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Roman Passion

Setting: Ancient Rome A huge crowd filled to the capacity of the Colosseum as the anticipated the first of a few battles. Entering the Colosseum was a gladiator named Kevin. His tall, well-built body all but his legs and arms, was covered with strong body armor. Kevin's record was without a single loss. With a sword in one hand, a shield in the other, and a helmet on his head, he was ready for his first battle. For the first battle, he had to fight a hydra, a three-headed monster from the...

1 year ago
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Kissing me gently, I turn towards you and mingle with your lips. I feel your tongue slide between mine and I fight it back with equal force. I pull you on top of me, my hands grazing every inch of your body, stopping on your firm ass. You push against me, kissing me harder and running your fingers through my hair. I grab your ass, gently at first, and then harder in response to your soft moans. You grind your body against mine and I can feel myself tingle all over. I arch up towards you,...

3 years ago
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Silk by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved-may not be posted to any other site-period. It was our fifth wedding anniversary. We'd talked for a couple weeks about how we were going to celebrate and I'd decided to get Lorianne a string of real pearls. I'm 27 and she's 26 & figured it was about time I gave her something really nice. After all, I was doing well in the insurance business even though I wasn't making full commissions because of working for a general...

2 years ago
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1994Chapter 9 Wandas Fantasy

We found Ned's car at the airport and drove to my house where my car had been left. I had a strong urge to go upstairs and open the birthday gift that had been left on my bed, but decided it would ruin the surprise when we came for dinner the following Tuesday. Anyway, it was late and I could see that Cynthia was anxious to go home. It was not until I opened the garage door that I knew why. The new car was parked in the fourth parking place, which had formerly been used to store unused...

4 years ago
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The View from the Backseat

My blood was boiling.   It was so exciting, only catching glimpses and snippets of what was happening…   Rebecca’s body stretched across the console in the front seat… her blonde ponytail bobbing as her head moved in the guy’s lap… I couldn’t see her mouth, but it was even hotter that way, not seeing everything yet knowing what was happening...   the sucking sounds, in perfect time with his breathing, betraying what she was doing… She was giving him head.   This random guy we just picked up...

Wife Lovers
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Indian girls and a huge black Doberman

Roshni and I are both 20-year-old young ladies who are in the same class at school and are long time friends. I am 5’7″ and she an inch shorter. We both are quite athletic and play a lot of sports like basketball, tennis and badminton. We both also have slim, well- boned bodies; the kind most guys lust after. Although we spend a lot of time together and our friendship is very strong, we are both quite conventional and definitely have no lesbian tendencies. This incident occurred...

3 years ago
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Reflections of the Previous Night

Taylor Laurent sat in the booth waiting for the clock to hit 7:30, when the ticket office for Cabaret would open. blink Suddenly she was back in his condo the night before---against that very wall; the one with the Edward Hopper painting, New York Movie hanging so crookedly on it; the one behind her back when she enthusiastically kissed him good night. blink Back to the booth and hoping that the first customer, a heavy-set woman with a fur wrap on a 92° evening stood waiting for the window...

1 year ago
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Dyked Angel Smalls Lauren Phillips Pussy For Breakfast

Angel Smalls and her stepmother Lauren Phillips are all alone for the weekend. They sit down for a nice breakfast together and start chatting. The conversation leads to Angel asking Lauren what she thinks they should do today. As Lauren seductively licks her spoon, she explains that she was thinking that they should do something relaxing, but what would that entail? As lauren rubbed her foot on Angels leg she started to get the point. Lauren then started eating Angel’s tight pussy out with a...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 44

They kept Joan until Wednesday evening and the woman had the time of her life. It wasn't constant sex, but there was constant companionship and a level of acceptance she'd never felt before. Wednesday afternoon, she found herself alone for a short time in the master bath. She stood looking at the mirror, wondering what all these people saw in her. She could admit she wasn't bad-looking... for forty-two. But the women here were just unbelievably beautiful. Why were the men and (she...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 45

The next morning was crazy around the house. My brother and Frank hadn't packed and were scrambling to stuff the things they wanted to take into duffel bags. I finished in the bathroom, sharing it with the two boys as they came in and out like I wasn't there. I laughed as I showered, thinking about how things would be on the boat. After putting the last of my toiletries in my bag, I took it out to the kitchen to be loaded in the van. Eddie and Frank were finally ready and took the things...

3 years ago
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A True History Book TwoChapter 14

When I walked into the entryway, I realized that things were not exactly what I had expected to find when I got home. Someone had been busy. None of our furniture was in the room, and while the TV was still in the corner, there were large posters of a tree in front of it. The girls were all wearing white cheerleader outfits with the Stanford ‘S’ in the middle. They each had a set of red and white pom-poms. A record was playing in the background, ‘It’s all right now.’ Shaking their pom-poms,...

2 years ago
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Ladies Room Service

                                Ladies Room Service!                                    TJ Ryder                               http://www.slavex.com/    The lushly built teacher in the form fitting high skirtand low bustline wasn't out of place at Glendale Academy forYoung Ladies, otherwise known as the finishing school forthe girls of the 'Rich and Powerful', and also to others as'Depraved and Decadent'!    All the rich girls dressed like tramps; were accustomed to treating everyone below...

2 years ago
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You have to love it. You’re about to leave work on a Friday evening. You’ve tidied up your desk a bit so things are in order on Monday. Check your phone for messages to finalize your plans for that night. You’re all amped up for whatever the weekend may bring and then wham! Your boss drops a stack of legal documents an inch high that needs to be proof-red right away. Would love to grab him by the belt and throw his ass out of the god-damned window…. Wave bye-bye as he screams for 18 stories....

3 years ago
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Years Of Pain

At 100 words exactly discounting title and byline, have I finally found a story format with which I can contribute to this wonderful community? With thanks to Dove for instigating the stream of drabbles and the usual disclaimers as well as permission for Saphire, Fictionmania, and any free site I present: Years Of Pain by Robin Foster The years of pain were finally over. After hormones and therapy and electrolysis and surgery and more therapy and sexual reassignment surgery,...

2 years ago
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Kitty Wants To Play

I wait patiently by the door for you. I am wearing the special outfit that you have requested me to wear. It is a black bra and panty set that came with a matching garter belt and nylon stockings. I am also wearing the matching black Louboutin heels that you bought for me. I make sure that my feet are underneath my bottom and that my hands are clasped in my lap. My eyes are glued to the floor in front of me. I won't dare raise them without your permission because if I do then that will only...


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