Do It Yourself ProjectChapter 1 free porn video

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Mary and Jeff were two good kids from good families. Their parents had moved to the suburbs from the city to experience the American dream. Jeff was a senior at the local public high school, Mary a junior at the area's parochial high school. Mary was an Honor student, always achieving excellent grades and was always respectful of her parents and teachers. Jeff's grades were not in the stratosphere like Mary's however, they were definitely well above average. He lettered in both Track and Cross Country. Mary and Jeff became a couple a year earlier when mutual friends introduced them. It seems that they had the same surname while not being related. For the sake of simplicity let's say that their last name was Baker, not actually but you get the gist. The name was fairly common. Their friends thought that if they got together they could pass themselves as married already if in 'name only'. Much to the delight of their friends they did hit it off, and after several dates began to 'go steady'. Both sets of parents had become familiar with their offsprings' 'steady' and approved of their choice.

However both sets of parents constantly reminded them that they were just dating and not married. They spent considerable effort in monitoring their child's and 'steady's' activities.

While neither set of parents was oppressive, they constantly reminded the kids that if they weren't careful, emotions could get out of hand. Should this ever happen they would have to reconsider the relationship. They were too young to understand yet. If they were to go too far, they would ruin their reputation and thus leave the children sullied. Besides which, it would reflect poorly on their parents. The parents 'knew' that the youngsters would 'control' themselves. A chaste goodnight kiss at the end of an evening was acceptable as was holding hands in public. However, anything more was reserved for after the marriage vows.

Even though Jeff always brought Mary home in time for her curfew, Mary's parents were especially vigilant. When Jeff would walk Mary to her front door there was always a subtle hint that someone was watching. The movement of a curtain or the flickering of the porch light were reminders.

One Sunday evening in the spring things came to a head. The couple had remained in Jeff's '52 Chevy too long. Mary's dog came scratching at the windows, followed quickly by Mary's dad. The pair had finally progressed to first base when they were interrupted. The situation was becoming intolerable for the young lovers.

Jeff quickly opened his door and in an attempt to distract Mary's dad, began roughhousing with Mary's dog. Jeff was a 'dog person'. He had become friends with Mary's 'pup', if you are willing to call a 90 lb. Shepard/Husky, a pup. The dog, Smokey, was making mock attempts to attack Jeff while keeping an eye on Mary. At Mary's soft spoken command Smokey rolled over and presented his belly to Jeff.

Jeff spoke quietly to the animal as he scratched its unprotected underside, "I love her as much as you do. Together we'll be her protectors."

At the sound of Mary's dad approaching, Smokey sprang to this feet and assumed an defiant position between Mary's dad and the errant couple. Mary's dad did not intend to cause a confrontation. He stopped well back and said, "Mary, its time to come in: Jeff thanks for being a gentleman."

Jeff looked to his girlfriend's father and said respectfully, "We were just coming in, sir."

Mary's dad turned toward the house and as he walked, he motioned for the dog to follow. Smokey, however, didn't, he moved forward several feet then assumed the classic guard position.

Mary spent the time to smooth her blouse and make sure all her buttons were in order.

Jeff went to Mary's side of the car and opened the door. Mary got out and took Jeff's hand as they approached her parent's front door. They stopped on the porch under the light.

Mary looked Jeff in the eye and said, "I loved the way you were touching me! I want to feel your hands on every square inch of me."

Jeff groaned, "Your and my parents will kill me. I want to squeeze my self into you, from my head to my toes."

"Luv, I want you to do that and more. But I don't want to become a woman in the back seat of a car. Next week could we watch the submarine races instead of going to the movies? Unless my parents ground me for tonight. I want to be yours for everything but a home run. And that last part will come real soon."

They kissed in a way that would only slightly offend her spying parents. Jeff pulled back and said that he would try to find a nice place to stop on Friday night. He was concerned with what had happened to several couples at his school. He told Mary that as much as he wanted to make her a complete woman, he was willing wait as long as she needed.

Jeff then made the most sincere statement of his young life, "Mary, I love you, even more than that, I trust you with my soul." Screwing up his courage he continued, "Please, tell me that you feel the same way."

Mary almost began to make a lighthearted comment until she saw the abject look of fear on Jeff while he waited for her response.

"Jeff, Luv, I am yours whenever you want. I love you, my body and soul is yours." She then punctuated the reply with a toe curling kiss.

Mary's father completely unaware of what had just transpired turned the light off and on again.

Mary and Jeff spoke at the same time, "Friday!"

When Mary opened the front door, she confronted her father. "Dad I respect you. It's time that you grant me the same."

Without waiting for a reply she walked toward her room. Her dad somewhat surprised by her comment, started to follow, an angry retort on his lips. He was stopped by Smokey blocking his path.

Somewhere deep in his primordial brain Mary's dad realized that Smokey had transferred his allegiance from him to his daughter's partner. Daughter's partner? Where did that thought come from?

Smokey did not have to think about it, the way his mistress had spoken to him and the way his new master had treated him he knew what his responsibilities were. He liked the older human in front of him. It troubled him somewhat that he had to confront this human; however, his duties were clear. All that prevented him from bearing his teeth was his mistress's old pack leader turning and walking in the opposite direction.

Alone in her bedroom Mary thought about what had transpired on the porch earlier. She knew what she meant and she believed she knew what Jeff meant. She needed reassurance. Mary went to the phone in the hall and dialed Jeff's home. She knew the hour but her need was greater than her fear of violating the taboo of calling too late.

Jeff no sooner had come into his parents home when the phone rang. His heart sang when he picked up the receiver and heard the words, "Hello, is Jeff there?" spoken by his mate.

"It's me, lover. Is something wrong.?"

Mary began crying quietly, "Jeff, I meant every word I said."

"Me, too", whispered Jeff.

"Luv, did you ask me to marry you tonight? Because if you did the answer is YES! A thousand times yes!"

Jeff himself was almost in tears at this point. "Mary I not only asked you, I made a vow to you tonight."

"Luv, I was afraid that you didn't mean it that way." Swallowing her tears, Mary continued, "mine were also a vow to you."

Jeff's next words surprised and pleased Mary, "Wife of mine, may I drive you to school tomorrow?"

Her spirits lifted, Mary said, "It is only proper for my husband to take me where I need to go."

They then reassured each other of their love and trust. With the connection broken, Mary went to her room got into bed and promptly fell asleep. Jeff went to his room. There he dug deep in his shirt drawer. He finally found what he had been seeking. He had not remembered the small velvet pouch earlier on Mary's porch. But when Mary had addressed him as 'my husband' long forgotten memories flooded back. Jeff opened the small sack and removed the contents. Two rings that were once his grandmother's. An engagement ring with a blood red ruby as its center piece. The main stone was flanked by small diamonds on each side. The other ring was a simple gold wedding band with his grandparents initials engraved on the inside. The rings and pouch were a bequest to him on his grandmother's passing. As was the tradition in the family, they were passed to him for safekeeping, to be given to his future wife. Tomorrow he would complete his task when he put the rings on his 'bride's' finger.

Jeff stripped down to his underwear and climbed into his bed. He set his alarm back an hour to give himself the time to drive Mary to school. He took with him the velvet pouch. He slept that night with his bride's treasure clutched in his hand.

In the morning when he awoke he discovered that he had made quite a mess of his underwear. He remembered dreams of the passionate mingling of naked bodies and quiet moments walking with his lover.

Jeff hurried to the bathroom. There he showered, then shaved his face for the second time in as many days. Normally he would shave about once a week, usually Friday or Saturday evening just before he went to pick up Mary. Upon returning to his room he dressed not in his usual jeans and polo shirt opting instead for a dress white shirt and his best pair of pants. He did however skip the tie. Before going down to breakfast he checked one more time that the velvet pouch was safely in his pocket.

His early appearance at the kitchen table, and the way he was dressed alerted his Mother that something was up.

"Jeff, what type of mischief are you up today?" asked his mom.

Tired of his mothers constant surveillance, Jeff stretched the truth only a little when he told his mother that he had a job interview at the big USDA building after school. He had already talked to some people there. His biology teacher had made the introductions. Jeff had done extremely well in his class and Jeff had made known his interest in the field. The teacher had once worked at the facility and knew that they were in need of bright, hardworking people. Jeff could fill a technician job in one of the labs. The teacher found it a rewarding task to help his best student find employment in his field. Unbeknownst to Jeff his former teacher had been told that a job offer was being held for Jeff. All it lacked was Jeff's successful graduation.

The little white lie satisfied his mother's curiosity. However, when Jeff asked politely if he could have a cup of coffee this morning, he was told rather strongly, that beverage was reserved for adults. Oh and by the way don't forget to discuss the job with his father, his father would 'help' him make such an important decision. Jeff's resentment level rose exponentially. He had made the most important commitment of a lifetime last night and his mother was upset about not discussing a JOB with his dad? Why couldn't he talk with his parents? He was worn out being talked at, not with. He put his hand on the small lump that the velvet pouch made in his pocket and drew strength from it. He ate his breakfast in silence, ignoring his younger brothers and sister. His father had left for work earlier.

Jeff took his dishes to the sink, rinsed them and placed them in his parents new dishwasher. He then left his former home with a simple statement, "I won't be here for dinner."

At Mary's house things were more troubled. Last night after Mary had phoned Jeff her parents had argued. Not that they had disagreements over the inappropriateness of the young couples behavior. Mary's mother maintained that her daughter was a baby, ill suited to be exposed to 'THAT' aspect of life or to maintain herself against the onslaught of male aggression. Her father's concern was her defiance of his god given authority; furthermore, no self-respecting girl would put herself in a situation where her virtue was in jeopardy. What the parents missed was that God, or Nature if you prefer, had been preparing their daughter's body and emotions for this event for the past five years.

Mary's getting ready for school was simpler than most of her contemporaries. Her school required that she wear a uniform. Hers consisted of a white long sleeved blouse and a maroon jumper. Thus, Mary was spared the effort of deciding what to wear. Mary came to the breakfast table in a joyful mood. In her mind, the minor incident with her father was overshadowed by her feelings for Jeff.

It was her mother who shattered the mood, "Just what foul things were you two up to last night in that car?" Then without a pause to let her daughter answer, continued, "Do you think your father and I were born yesterday? You are still a little girl. You need to preserve your innocence."

Her father then continued as soon as his wife stopped, "While I like your Jeff he is still a boy. And I was once one myself. Let me tell you he has only one thing on his mind. If you give him what he is demanding, he will drop you like a hot potato. On top of which your body is not mature enough to withstand that type of assault. And one more thing while we are talking, you will not sass me again like you did last night or I will turn you over my knee and tan your hide!"

Mary was about to say something in Jeff's defense; however, she was stopped by her mother's command, "No back talk, eat your breakfast".

Not willing to let well enough alone, her father continued, "Considering this is a first offense, and I do like your boyfriend, he at least was respectful last night, you may continue to see him. But when he brings you home he must immediately bring you to the door. You have one minute to say your good nights, either your mother or I will be watching. He may kiss you. Your arms are to remain at your sides and you must keep your lips closed."

Mary's emotions were in a turmoil. The insults to her she could handle. But the things that were being implied about her mate were on the very edge of her ability to restrain from answering. What finally tipped the scale in favor of silence was her own self-respect. She would not reduce herself to a quivering child. Mary picked up a piece of dry toast and proceeded to eat it in silence.

Smokey, was confused at the antics of his humans. His new pack leader was missing. His mistress was happy earlier but now seemed upset. His old pack leader was making unpleasant sounds. Smokey had almost intervened once when the old one made some especially ugly sounds at his mistress. Smokey had refrained from acting. The old leader did not realize that a move in the direction of his daughter would have resulted in his throat being ripped open.

Jeff arrived at Mary's residence, parked his car and approached her door. He always gave his love the courtesy of coming to her door and escorting her to the car. It was a little thing, but it was a way of demonstrating that he realized that she was not at his beck and call.

At the sound of Jeff's knock, Mary stood, picked up her books, then said over her shoulder, "Jeff is taking me to school this morning."

It was a simple declarative sentence - a statement of fact, with no indication of a request for permission.

With Mary at his side Jeff drove off in the direction of Mary's school. The route took him past the supermarket where he had been working. He even had been able to save some money. Entering the lot, he stopped the car. Turning to Mary, he brought out the velvet pouch and clumsily removed the contents. Addressing her he said, "Mary, these rings were once my grandmother's, and if you haven't changed your mind, will you wear one as a token of our love?" Jeff had been rehearsing this speech since early this morning.

"Jeff, my love, I will not only wear one but both if you will permit it."

Jeff managed to get first the plain gold wedding band on Mary's left ring finger. He hesitated with his fingers holding the ring. Aren't I supposed to say something when I am doing this?"

"Jeff, only say it, if you mean it for real. When I said yes, I meant it is forever, no reservations."

Jeff was stung by Mary's words. The hurt of her question readily apparent on his features. In a very troubled voice he said, "Mary! Give me the words first, then we can make up!"

Mary began with "Jeff don't let a nervous bride spoil this moment," she then prompted Jeff with the phrase that every girl dreams of from the fourth grade on. "Repeat after me; With this ring I do thee wed."

The gods who inspire poets must have been whispering in Jeff's ear at the moment. "Mary, I love and cherish you above all others. This ring is but a small thing before what I feel for you. Wear it to keep me close to your heart. For with this ring I do thee wed for all eternity and with no reservations."

"Jeff, this ring is now part of me, like my husband, who just said the most wondrous thing I have ever heard."

Mary began to cry tears of happiness, "Love, sniff, I never doubted you, my fear, sniff, was that I was not worthy of such, sniff, emotion. You have never, sniff, pressured me to 'prove my love'. Now I want to experience our love completely."

"Mary, I have waited, and will continue to wait for you to be ready. I have been afraid to ask. I was scared that you would be offended that I desired your body. We have talked of how many little feet we want in a family. Studying biology has indicated to me that here is a very enjoyable way of starting them. And Mary I am dying to start. I just think we have to practice a lot so that we can be sure we are doing it right."

The couple would have liked to continue down that path right then and there but reality reared its ugly head in the form of the manager of the store pulling into the lot.

"My love, if we don't hurry I will be getting you to school late." said Jeff.

"Luv, hurry up and put the other ring on my finger." sniffled Mary. "I want to wear it for a few minutes. I will have to take it off before the nuns see it. They would try to confiscate it. Remember we have a no jewelry rule at my school. Do you still have the first aid kit under your seat?"

"Yea, but I think it is on your side," he replied. "What do you need it for?"

"Luv, can I borrow a band aid? I am going to hide my wedding ring. Now that it's on my finger, nobody is going to try to make me take it off."

"Mary, take what you need, and please, stop asking to borrow what is already yours."

The last remark gave Jeff pleasure, it felt good when he could do small things for his mate. Mary delved under the seat and retrieved the kit. She was now giggling. "I guess we now have our first household item? A first aid kit? I was kinda hoping for satin sheets, or maybe just a bed with some privacy."

Jeff drove the remaining distance to Mary's school. The couple comfortable in their actions, spent the time in silence enjoying the new found unity. At the entrance to Mary's school Jeff pulled to the curb. He got out and came around to open his wife's door. On the sidewalk Mary removed the ruby ring and asked Jeff to keep it safe for her. She would wear it whenever she could safely do it. As they parted Jeff leaned into Mary and lightly kissed her. The kiss was much like the peck his father placed on his mother before his dad left for work, a sign of affection not an attempt to cause arousal. This heinous transgression of school discipline was duly noted by the entrance monitor, a novice nun who was still under the impression that those who were celibate held the high moral ground.

Jeff watched Mary enter the building then left for his school. Jeff felt ten feet tall. His other half was pleased by his offerings. They had set a common course and the ship had left the harbor. The rest of his day was unremarkable.

For Mary things were not progressing nearly as smoothly; first her parents harangue, now the school disciplinarian was lecturing her on the disgrace she had brought to her uniform. This morning, her public actions had not only shown flagrant disregard for God's law but had set a poor example for her sisters. Where was this crone coming from? Was she so death dumb and blind, she did not know two of her stalwart students, who were seniors, had not only gone all the way with several members of the football team but, they wore their "loss of virtue" like a school letter? Unfortunately, the crone noticed the cloud of uncertainty cross Mary's face. The nun took the look as an act of defiance.

"Mary, you have been a good student up to now; however, that will not save you. Your penance is going to be: No attendance to your junior prom, and a one thousand word essay on chastity and its importance to young ladies. You will read your essay to the assembled girls after next Tuesday's Mass."

To further her humiliation, Mary was sent to the schools Religious Guidance Councilor for a guidance session. Mary had not yet met the new priest who took over the position last September.

The new priest for he was a NEW priest, having been ordained the previous May, was not what Mary expected. Father Timothy was a man in his late 50s. He came to the priesthood from a successful law practice. He had been married to his childhood sweetheart, Katharine, for almost 37 years when the Lord had called her home after a long illness. Although both had wanted children they were never blessed with them. And the Lord knew it wasn't for the lack of trying. The bishop had 'parked' him at the school so that would have him available to solve legal problems for the diocese. This somewhat irked Father Tim for he had become a priest to minister to the faithful and help them lead a righteous life. He had already filed enough briefs for a lifetime. Father Tim had wanted to get into marriage counseling. He thought that his successful marriage gave him a fresh perspective. In the last seven months he could not say he helped anyone other than the church's coffers. And now he had to counsel another of Mother Superior's miscreants.

The counseling session was scheduled for the last period of the day. He thought, why do the good sisters have to play these head games with the students? Keep them in suspense all day just to create some anxiety. Father Tim picked up the folder with the student's record and began to read. Miss Mary Susan Baker, a junior (class of '60), Baptized Saint Raymond Parish, 1942. First Communion, St. Ray's 1950, Confirmed, Bishop McCarthy again at St. Ray's 1953, The more he read the more he wondered what sudden turn of events had led this child astray. There was nothing in her file except reports of exemplary conduct. He took a quick look at her grades, First honors every grading period since she started high school. Well, Father Tim thought, let's see what Mother Superior thinks she did wrong.

A kiss while in uniform? And in front of the school to boot! Must have been some kiss to cause all this fuss! Father Tim reminisced for a moment of kisses he and his wife had exchanged. He even dreamt of where some of those kisses led. Down Boy! That was in the past. Then he prayed to his personal Saint, Thank you, Katharine, for all the good times. Please put in a good word for me with Him. Katharine, help me to help this young woman.

At the appointed hour Mary knocked on the door of the Religious Guidance Councilor. Father Tim opened his door to admit, the trepidatius young lady. Father Tim closed the door and gestured to the chair in front of his desk. He told Mary to relax he didn't consume young ladies for dinner.

"Tell me child, why you are here. Your version - I already have seen Mother's."

Mary had been thinking all day for a safe answer to that question, while suffering the taunts of her classmates, which ranged from several of the younger girls chanting "Mary has a boyfriend", to a comment by one of the self-righteous senior girls saying that, "Only a slut would do something like that in front of the school." In the end she decided that an honest answer was probably the best. Mary swallowed her fear and began.

"Father, my hu... er, bo... er, Jeff drove me to school this morning. When he opened my door and I got out, he kissed me. All he was doing was to wish me a good day and to say he loved me. He doesn't attend school here, so he wasn't aware of the no-displays-of-affection-while-in-uniform rule. It is my fault for not stopping him."

Father Tim's extensive courtroom experience dealing with reluctant witnesses told him that there was more to the story than was being told. One of the techniques he often employed was the 'pregnant silence'. He played that card now, by saying, "Humm" then reverting to silence.

Mary felt that she was under the glare of an extremely bright spotlight. She started to fidget, worrying at the band-aid on her left hand. Father Tim's attention was drawn to Mary's repeated touching of her hand. Then the picture of his wife laying on a hospital bed touching a bandage-covered wedding ring sprang to his consciousness. The staff had secured his wife's ring with strips of tape to prevent its loss.

Father Tim broke his own silence. "Child, there is a ring under that band-aid, isn't there?" Then very quietly, "A wedding ring."

"Mary, before you answer," Father Tim then picked up his breviary and removed a purple stole that he always kept handy. He kissed the center portion and placed it around his neck.

"Mary, I am not asking you to confess anything. Remember how sacred the seal of the confessional is. I cannot ever reveal anything you say."

Mary's reserve broke; she began crying for the umteenth time that day. "Father you can't have it, I won't take it off!"

"No need to cry child, of course it's yours. I would not dream of asking you to remove it."

Then Father Tim thought to himself, Mother Teresa, you have out done yourself this time! I am willing to bet the house and the farm, that the boy who gave it to her is the same one who kissed her this morning.

"Mary, will you please show it to me?"

"But Father, then I won't have anything to cover it with. And if one of the sisters sees they will try to confiscate it."

"Mary, we will think of something. I promise that they won't do anything of the kind."

Mary removed the bandage and held her hand forward for the priest to examine the ring. Father Tim came around his desk and sat on his haunches beside Mary. He took one look at the ring and said, "That's a beautiful ring. The young gentleman from this morning, Jeff I believe you said his name was, gave it to you, right?"

"Yes he did and he also gave me an engagement ring. That he is holding for the time being."

"Mary, tell me about Jeff. When did you meet him? What is he like? Since he doesn't go to school here I take it he is not a Catholic."

"But Father he is! His parents were at one time. They have raised him mostly in the Faith."

"Mostly?" queried the priest. Damn it, stop pushing he thought. (Timothy you are supposed to be helping her not playing prosecuting attorney!) (Sorry, Katharine, I'll try harder, Tell Him I didn't mean that curse word.)

"Father, Jeff went to CCD classes up to high school. He has received communion and has been Confirmed," reported Mary.

"Father, there is something that he did but doesn't tell many people about. Just after we first were introduced, Jeff's father was injured in an accident and couldn't work for six months. Jeff supported his parents during that time. He is the one who put food on the table and kept the house warm. Father, it was a long half year. He still found time for me. He didn't have any money to spend on a date so we would take his little sister to the park and sit and talk while she played."

"The way you describe him he is an outstanding young man. But that doesn't tell me how or why you are wearing a wedding ring. Or is it simply a misplaced friendship ring?" asked Father Tim.

"No!!!! It's a wedding ring. We made our vows to each other." exclaimed Mary.

"Child, (careful Timothy) were the words real or is he just trying to obtain your prize?" (Oh, Timothy, do I have to get Him to intervene? Get your mind out of the gutter!)

Father Tim continued, "Or have you been holding out waiting for a ring as prepayment for services to be rendered?" (Timothy, don't be so crass!) (Sorry Katharine, but the question need asking.)

Mary spoke, "Bless me Father for I have sinned, It has been, Oh! about three days since my last confession. I have led Jeff into sin. I have put his hands on me in some 'wrong places' I begged him to do more. He has been reluctant. It has been at my insistence that things are where they are at. He told me that he trusts me and is willing to wait."

"Mary, are you asking for absolution? For what, the touching, the kiss, or your feelings? For me there are critical differences." (Getting better Timothy)(Katharine! please give me a chance) "This morning's kiss was 'chaste'. Your desire is yours and not a matter for confession. The touching is a different matter." (Keep going Timothy, you are on a roll)(Please, Katharine give me a chance I have priestly duties here.)(Well if you are going to invoke that, I'll take my advise elsewhere. I might even go speak to Him about the way you are behaving!)(OK, OK let me think for a moment)

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It was a quiet autumn day at the Officer's Academy of Garreg Mach Monastery. All the students and faculty were enjoying the wonderful weather and stillness of the day. The lake was teeming with life, the greenhouse was filled with sweet scents, and the market was bustling with commerce and activity. It seemed like the perfect day to remember all of the good things in life. Not all was well, of course. Bandits and monsters continued to rise up, there were hints of rebellion in the air, and the...

2 years ago
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A Hard Day Work

I just got in after a long day of work. My girlfriend Megwas supposed to be meeting me at the office but she never showed up, so I was pretty surprised when I saw her sat in my apartment watching T.V. “Hey Meg.” I said, making her jump, she must not have me come in. “Hey hun, hard day?” She said, I could tell there was something wrong because she was twisting her hair. “Yeah, lots of work, no rest. Could have done with meeting you where we said” I murmured as I leant down to give her a kiss....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The lunch party

The group of four had met in an unusual way. All four woman were from different part of the country, and from different ways of life. The one thing that brought them together was a friendship started from an internet dating site. Almost from the beginning, the four had known that if they ever met, sparks would fly, and the angels would cry. They made time in thier schedule to meet three times a year. Always at the same restaurant, always at the same time, and always with the same rules that...

4 years ago
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Sarah Gets TrainedChapter 12

Horse Thieves and Cattle Rustlers The fair at Stone's farm was a great success. Vicki was not entered into this fair as her production was still not in the competitive range. But she was allowed to observe the proceedings. She was somewhat dismayed to watch her sister being led around by her nose ring behind Stone's cart. But she quickly over came that feeling as she observed the envy and lust in the faces of the other owners as they watched Sarah walking so proudly behind her owner. Her...

4 years ago
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Julis Jean Shorts Paddling Enema Revenge

Juli’s Jean Shorts Paddle Spanking, Enema & Anal Punishment RevengeArt and two of his friends were sitting on the terrace that over looked the tennis courts. Tim and Jay were clowning around as usual making suggestive comments to all the girls who passed within earshot of the table, but Art had all his attention focused on the on one person Juli.  They had all turned twenty-one and enjoyed each other’s company.Art had fallen in love with her from the first moment he had laid eyes on her. Juli...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 712

This one is compliments of John jaybee A woman goes into a tattoo parlor and tells the tattoo artist that she wants a tattoo of a turkey on her right thigh, right up just below her bikini line. She also wants him to put “Happy Thanksgiving” under the turkey. So the guy does it and it comes out looking great. The woman then instructs him to put a Santa Claus with “Merry Christmas” up on her left thigh. So the guy does it and it comes out looking good too. As the woman is getting dressed the...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Taylor Threeway

Look at that angel face. Look at it! It’ll get stuffed with two cocks and she’s loving every minute of it. Innocent and pure little Taylor only had a handful of boys in her life. Today she’ll add 2 – TWO! – to the roster. Why? Money. Actually, not entirely true – sweet Taylor tells us she’s really interested in just upping her sex game. At 20 she feels like she’s been missing out. We realize this probably means she hangs out with a bunch of slutty...

3 years ago
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Swimsuit SinnersChapter 8

New York, the Hippodrome Theatre, 1935. Billy rose, the pint- sized showman with the personality, energy and charm of a six footer, was in a pet. "We got to open Jumbo in two weeks!" he cried to his staff. "Now you tell me my best comic diver has a sprained back and can't work for a month! So what do we put in that big tank under the stage?" "We're trying to get a replacement, Mr. Rose," an assistant placated him. "Wait a minute," said Rose. "That sleazy guy who got me the...

4 years ago
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On my way to Paris

I am a 20 year old ‘office lady’, who works for a trading company based in Osaka, Japan. My English skills gave me this job, and my ‘personal skills’ with my boss make me enjoy it. He is in his early 60ies and very handsome. He takes good care of his body, does work-outs three times a week, and is in perfect shape. This makes him an extremely good lover. Whenever he travels abroad, he takes me with him, because he does not speak English. This time, he had his first business trip to France....

3 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 6 You Sure About This

"You know, my divorce was final on my birthday." I paused, gulped, and asked, "Exactly what do you mean by dusting?" She looked at me and grinned. "I mean, let's see how this might work. You like me. I know that. You said so. I like you and the age difference doesn't mean all that much to me. Besides, I always lusted after Daddy. You might make a great daddy." "S ... S ... S ... Simone," I stammered. "My daughter and I live in the same dorm. She's a 16 year old sophomore. I have...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Servant

Hi everyone! I am Prakash from chennai. I am 40. Married. Have two children. My wife is 38. We have sex at least 5 to 6 times a week even now. But i still wanted to have sex with someone else. As my wife was working longer in office now a days and of course getting older we decided to have a servant maid to cook and clean the house. My mother-in-law living in trichy sent a widow woman aged 45 named kala who lost her husband just 6 months back but has no children. She is massive looking with...

2 years ago
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The farmer

Introduction: Episode 4 – Caught In The Shower Later that evening, following his exciting game with the sisters, the milkman was wanking his milk spout replaying the days events. At this point in a state of rabid arousal he had wished he fucked the girls there and then. He remember the feel of the soft pouty lips on his shaft and relived the explosive moment over and over again, dreamily showering the girls with cum in his imagination as he stroked himself to completion climaxing on the thought...

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Anna Francescas Sexy Diary

This is the diary of a young 18 year old Korvanian girl named Anna Francesca. Anna was a refugee during the great war between Korvania and the Republic of Thray. Anna's ultimate fate is unknown. What we know about the things she went through during the war is only what she saw fit to write about in her diary. Which was recovered years after the war had ended. It is an incredible tale of what a young girl had to do and endure to survive alone on a war torn continent. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please, don't...

4 years ago
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My big happy family Part Five

Introduction: A Boy follows up with his cousins and aunt After a good nights sleep, i woke up refreshed. We were going over to my cousins house again, and i knew what that meant. We drove to their house and were welcomed in just as last time. It seemed like nothing was different. But i knew that tonight was going to be interesting. Me and jack went to his basement to play around for a bit, and mia joined us too. We played hide and seek and other childish games for a while. We went up to eat...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Basketball Girl

The Sexy Basketball Girl I was pleased to see that a girl my age moved in across the street. Sixteen is a difficult age to be, you’re not really a kid anymore and you’re not quite an adult either. My hormones were raging and I jerked off a lot. I saw her bouncing a basketball on her sidewalk and went right over. I invited her to use my basketball hoop on our garage. I told her that I play in the paved driveway all the time. She introduced herself as Sam and said that it was short...

2 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 18

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master Well, that was certainly well worth the wait. I was a smidgen concerned that things might have turned rough on this assignment but fortunately for you the guys behaved. I hope Razor fucked you good and hard. He must be the patient type though to hang around wile you sit at a computer. I would have dragged you off by the hair and power fucked you the moment I saw you switch the dammed thing on. It's good to know that my slave has her priorities right, thinking...

1 year ago
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Wife Works At Our Friends Resort Bar

Wife Works Our Friends Resort BarOne summer while our new home was being built, my wife Susan and our k**s moved into a small cottage at one of those old “ma and pa” lakefront resorts in Wisconsin. The trouble turned out to be that this resort was not owned by any “Ma and Pop”; but rather a young muscular Dentist, Phil and his equally hot young wife. I still had to go out of town a lot for work and I was a little worried about leaving my hot little wife at the resort surrounded by hunky young...

4 years ago
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Mistake By Neighbour Mausi

Hi Friends I am Alex. This is my story with the girl next door I used to call her mausi. Her name is Bitto and she is average built, 28 yrs old with some dark complexion. Once she made a call and ask me to drove her to bank, I was free so I replied in affirmative,I took my bike pick her and headed toward bank. In between we had a casual chat, and everything was smooth(nothing horny). Sudden her phone rings and after answering phone, she ask me -can we drop didi (her elder sister to office) in...

3 years ago
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My first experience of older men in panties and st

I'm wearing my new panties that I bought at Target. They're aqua which is a colour a tend towards mostly because Target doesn't have a lot of red panties in Large. My stockings are from Dollarama because I didn't have the nerve to search through other stores. Any way, they're hold-up stockings in a flesh tone and I like them. The self check-out at Target and other stores is a revelation. I could purchase what I wanted without passing through the watchful eyes of some s*******n-year old girl...

2 years ago
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Weekend GetawayChapter 4

"Should we even bother getting dressed for dinner?" I squeezed Melinda's breast gently. Her nipple hardened in my hand. My face was covered in her juices. Katie and Leah had made similar messes on my cock. "I think we could all use a shower," my wife replied. "And then we need to change the sheets." The three of us snickered. "You need to change the sheets, honey," Leah giggled. "It's your mess." "I think I had help," Melinda rolled her eyes then reached for the younger...

3 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 49

“We’re keeping this money for ourselves! They’d probably never find where it came from and some crooked government official would wind up with it. This money belongs to all of us. I’ve already thought about putting it back for us to buy some land with one day.” “You mean our own land? Not more land there on Crow Ridge?” Isaac asked. “Yep, our own land. I hope each of us can own a big spread, like our dads do. I kind of want to own my own ranch one day, separate from Crow Ridge ... Don’t all...

1 year ago
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Tribute to my ExWife

This story is VERY different from any I have written. I saw the profiles with photos for people to tribute and decided to take the tribute idea to an extreme level. I imagine some will hate this. I'm not really sure how I feel about it.My wife Judy was just the best. I loved her so much. When her little brother Bobby needed a place to stay for a while, I said sure. Judy was a great fuck and I thought she was a great wife until I found out she had been fucking her brother whenever I was on...

2 years ago
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UglyBugs Bedplay

They talk about sink-schools, but not sink-colleges.We were a sink-college.When one of the Sunday papers published a Higher Education league-table, we were placed literally bottom - plum-spang bottom - of the whole of the East Midlands region.It was the nosedive moment. Parents took their teenagers off the applicants' list. Heads of Department resigned, one after the other. Anyone with anywhere to go, went. And it was painfully obvious that these included any woman remotely worth looking...

1 year ago
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PlushChapter 20

It took a severe bout of morning sickness to get Fanny's confession. Hearing her violent barfs and seeing her sweated brow when she emerged from the bathroom worried me terribly. We'd spent a lovely night together sharing massages and making love, a peaceful commingling of hearts and genitals except at the end when it became rather intense and almost violent. Fanny sprang from the bed at sunrise waking Molly and I up, her hand over her mouth, already heaving and dashed to the...

2 years ago
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Library guy

I needed new books so I decided to get my ass out for once and go to the library. I guess for the geek that I was, it was pretty normal to feel at home in a library, I headed to the science fiction books section, they were my favourite, it didn’t take me long to find a couple of books I wanted to read. As I was walking back between the shelves, my eyes locked on the coolest guy I’ve ever seen, he must have been about 6 feet tall, about 20 years old with nice curly red hair, his athletic figure...

2 years ago
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Miems Weekend part2

I had been watch slut miem for 12 hours now. Her entire body was shaking from orgasms and pain. All she was doing now was crying,sweating, and suffering. slut thought i left on business. I sat on the couch drinking a beer and watching my slut suffer. Slut had stopped screaming awhile ago, her voice was gone from begging to no one and crying. The dildo was pumping her cunt raw! I could see her pussy lips being pushed inside of the bitch. Miem's feet would lift up each time her pussy was filled....

2 years ago
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A vacation with my daughter part 3

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you read the first two parts before reading this one. It will make more sense if you do. Lacey and I both decided to lie in bed before getting a start on the day. We were both still covered in sweat and each other’s cum but we couldn’t have been happier. After about an hour of lying in bed with each other we realized that we were wasting the day away.After we both showered and got cleaned up, we decided to head back to the pool to tease the older men...

3 years ago
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A Winning MoveChapter 2

My ride with Milpitas Systems lasted through November. On December 1, I found myself no longer employed, for the first time in eight years. Merry Christmas. Because of my time with the company, I got six weeks' severance, and my rent was paid through December. Getting laid off in December was kind of a double whammy, though, because even in the best of times nobody's hiring during December. It was time for me to economize, which meant that I had to move out of Vida Libre, too. I sold my...

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Screwed By Younger Brother

Hello Readers… This is Zainy from Gujarat with my first story which happened with my younger brother Abby… I am 27 Years old married lady with a curvy body and flesh at the right places. But my hubby has been losing interest in me as i have put on some weight but still my stats are 38-30-40, fair and a height of 5’4″. My brother is 6 Years younger and we are very close to each other and share everything with each-other. This happened about 4 years back… My sex life was getting boring day-by-day...

2 years ago
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E By Britney Kandey It had only been two weeks since I had arrived back at Sunover Falls and already the boredom had driven me to my bedroom to have another go at some Microsoft X-Box escape. Playing video games was what I was good at, as I never really had much time for the real world. I was 17, and just your average kid to everyone I ever knew. I had spent the last 5 years of my life at a very strict boarding school surrounded by boys, but some of those...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounters

Sorry if there are any typos and loose ends, or holes in the plot. It's been awhile since I actually sat down to write somtething. This story is dedicated to one of my friends here, MrsDank.I guess I should start this story here on Hamster, I was just browsing around when I noticed a quirky status line for a girl. I wrote something back never did expecting a response, so I continued browsing for more porn and then a message pops up, it was a pretty funny response and I guess you should say...

2 years ago
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A Study of Relational Pairings

This is mostly true of sibling incest where The closer in age the siblings are, the greater the (opportunity?) for intimacy, this statistic is borne out by the higher number of sexual meetings between fraternal twins, that is, when one sibling is male the other female. As the age difference between the pair increases, the incidences of incest decrease until beyond a span of 3.4 years in age separation, intercourse between siblings is almost non-existent, then mostly occurs...

4 years ago
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The greatest night of my life Part 1

Late one afternoon, I began reflecting on my recent history with guys. Things have not worked out the way I had hoped so I think I’m just going to swear off guys for a while. I often wondered about being with a girl and the thought keep resurfacing. Tori, my best friend, especially came to mind and all of this was about to change.Almost drifting off in my own dream, when my phone rang with a text message frommy best friend, wanting me to go to this friend’s party. I hopped into the shower dried...

First Time
1 year ago
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Highschool Hunnies pt2 The Dildo

Chrissie laughed, ‘The one I use to fuck myself senseless when there’s noone around to fuck me of course!’ She looked back at Becca and smiled. ‘Do you have any sex toys?’ Suddenly Becca felt slightly uncomfortable.’Ummm, no actually…’ ‘Aww Becks, you need to come over to my house, we’ll find something you like then go shopping afterwards!’ Now it was Becca’s turn to laugh. ‘That’s an offer I can’t refuse,’ she said, biting Chrissie’s neck and gently stroking her stomach. ‘Mmm,’Chrissie moaned...

1 year ago
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A Sissys Second Sexual Encounter With An Older Man

My secret sexual desire for older men became intense and turned me into a horny online- slut. I made a profile on a dating website and was always searching for my next daddy. I chatted with a forty-five-year-old man named Keith. We talked about what we wanted to do with each other and after a while, he gave me his address and told me to come over.I drove to his house and found myself very nervous before I entered. I'd asked him to unlock the door so I could walk into his house and get...

3 years ago
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Cock Worshipper Part 4 Eighteen

When I was18 is when I came out to everyone, although no one was surprised and I think I always had that “cocksucker” look about me. It was shortly after I had met a guy named Joey who did gay porn. I won’t reveal his stage name, out of respect, but I will say he was in his 20’s, Italian, with black hair and blue eyes and very hot. We met through a party line and I drove to his flat where he lived with his partner who was in his 40’s and flirted with me a lot. But that night when we first...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 402 Sheltering at My Place

All I have to do is to sign and drive. What? That is what I’m doing? Looking at the four kids, I said, “Now that you have signed yourselves over to me, as your temporary guardian, you have to do what I tell you. There is a catch.” “Told you,” Tate, the fourth girl that rubbed her pussy subconsciously when agitated. “Nobody. Nobody rides for free.” “Hey, I’m not some monster, or the state wouldn’t have allowed a seventeen-year-old to take custody of kids his age and under,” I told her as I...

1 year ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part 20

Skeletons in my closet chapter 20 Princess comes out to play That night when it was time for bed. Keith was true to his word as he would have no fun with either of us. We even had to shower alone. When bedtime came he got Megan her pills. She told him she didn’t need them she was relaxed. Keith looked at her until she took them. I was not for sure if she had or faked taking them. He then sent Megan to her room kissing her cheek telling her not to even think of sleepwalking. He walked me to...

2 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 5

It intrigued me greatly that my memory could stay intact when I went back in time and I was curious if it would be the same if I traveled further into the future than the two trips I've made so far, one a week and the other a month into the future. I decided that I would take a few days and explore this venue. I started with a year and found nothing different, but when I went twenty years into the future I noticed that my body got a little... clumsy, not so flexible. I thought that I had...

3 years ago
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Backyard Fun

After returning from our European honeymoon, we were still sexually charged from our first swinging experience. We wanted to continue our momentum but daily life slowed us down. We both work full time jobs so that was the biggest obstacle in our way. The other thing is that we are pretty well connected and well known in our community. While I could fuck half the men in Europe out in the open and no one back home would know, it’s not the same doing that in Austin. Getting caught by a nosy...

1 year ago
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Just a Jab Ch 01

This is part 1 of a longer story. I am submitting this early to gain some feedback to determine if it is worth me writing & submitting more. There is almost no sexy stuff so far, as I am just setting the basis of the story. Thank you in advance for any valuable comments. ======================================== CHAPTER 1 DAY 1 Monday John eased back in his chair pushing his body slightly away from his modern ergonomic desk, and the computer that always seemed to need his...

4 years ago
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me and my best friend pt1

But one of my friends i started to focus on i would furiously masterbate thinking about him and dreaming of ways i could get him into bed with me. he was a very cute and short and skinny boy with brown hair and at a ripe age of 13. It got to a point were seeing him made me ridiculousy horny... But then i started to become some what of an exhibitionist and started to flash him alot and try to pull his pants down in a sort of joking way. I then made my boldest move and like forced his hand...

1 year ago
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In need of a lay

She was very bored that night she didn’t really have much to do so she agreed to go out drinking with her friend Oscar, she knew he liked her, he was cute enough, but for some reason she just hadn't slept with him yet. It was most likely because somehow he always slipped in conversation about his ex wife, he was only 22, he shouldn’t have been married at all … it some how makes him feel tainted. Tainted or not ……. Tonight she needed a lay. She was underage so they couldn’t go to a bar to drink;...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Jade

Jade turned out to be very shy. A late bloomer really. It was not until her first year of college that she started physically developing to match her age. And develop she did. Although she always had the beautiful green cat-eyes, her long and skinny frame started taking on dangerous curves at age 18. She was almost 22 now. The good looks and the great body came too late to give her confidence through her school years, but she was pleased nonetheless.Her mother had gone through the same thing....

2 years ago
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        Already having  hit her mother's liquor cabinet, I was sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for her friend. April was fucking gorgeous- 16 years old, she stood 5'4, long curly red hair, large C cup breasts, and her skin was so fair that it made her petite form look stunning. I'm almost completely opposite, yes, 16, but with a  5'8 stance,  with a golden tan, straight black hair that comes to my shoulders. When it comes to breast size though, we're evenly matched.       I...

2 years ago
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Distorted Swamp Doll

Fawnie Dimple let out a sigh as she walked the streets of Weepyville, Michigan. She was visiting the city and only had a few more hours until she had to be back in Obsidian, Florida where she attended college. Fawnie Dimple was 22 years old, stood at about 5’4 and weighed around 130lbs. Her skin was really dark, similar to the color of a Godiva milk chocolate bar. She was a track athlete, short distance and hurdles. Being extremely dedicated to the sport, Fawnie weight trained and did high...

3 years ago
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Mom daughter fun Part 2

So it's been a while after my experience with my body building mom, Samantha. Where she dominated me and showed me how to dominate guy. Since then we haven't had sex with each other but we have spoken a lot about it. So my mom said it's time we started dominating guys. So we went down to a sex shop and she bought me a 8" pink dildo, I was so happy all I needed now was a man to dominate and my mom will be there to help me with her 10" black dildo.I was thinking of someone I could dominate and I...

3 years ago
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 10

He was ready, more than ready.  He had been alone, too long, and he loved this beautiful woman, with all his heart.  God, how was he ever going to last, he was sure that their first attempt at lovemaking would be very short lived.  He wanted to bury himself into her, but he also needed to know that she was going to be satisfied.  So for now, he told himself he must be patient.  He told himself, that she had only ever had one other lover, and that was her husband, and they waited until their...


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