Hatchery RoadChapter 20 free porn video

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Josie had been paging through Rennie’s tablet, examining the particulars of their assignment from Nina, when she had a thought. The gathering at the Steigers’ food court pavilion had broken up and now Ren was driving her in one of the many glorified golf carts they had for shuttling people around. Their destination was the makeshift Camper/RV/Tour Bus campground south of the festival venue. Their current assignment was to coordinate with the expanding roster of prominent singers and musicians who’d arrived and wanted to participate, but Josie’s thoughts kept returning to her best friend.

“It’s got to be killing Sarah not to be here taking care of all this,” she remarked, peeking over at her rather handsome chauffer. “Why do you think they talked her into heading for the hospital right away?”

“If I had to guess,” Rennie answered, glancing her way, “they’re probably concerned Ross could weasel out of some of the charges coming against him if she takes too long to get treated. If she waited until tonight or even after the whole concert thing is over tomorrow, he could try to claim they weren’t injuries he’d caused but, instead, happened to her later.”

Just past Stage C, he paused as he slowed to turn. “Also, getting all the damage he did to her documented by a doctor will go a long ways, I imagine, should he try to sue her for the injuries he suffered.”

“You actually think he’d try to sue her?” Josie questioned but then realized how silly that sounded. “Never mind. That’s a stupid question, isn’t it?”

Rennie shook his head no. “Not a stupid question at all, just a sad one. We live in a sue-happy culture and you and I both know shit-for-brains is exactly the kind of asshole who would do that.”

“Hey, hey, hey! Watch the language!” she teased, poking her driver in the shoulder. “You’ve got an impressionable young woman in the cart with you!”

“My apologies, miss,” he said with a wink. “I shall endeavor to be far more considerate of your oh so tender ears in the future.”

“You do that!” she replied with a look that said she was not even remotely serious. “Though, I have to admit, your description of him as ‘shit-for-brains’ is pretty much spot on.” Glancing about, she returned to the previous topic. “I’m just glad Sarah’s got folks like the Thomases looking out for her.”

“You and me both,” Rennie added. “You and me both.”

As they drew close to their destination, Josie returned to examining the task Nina had assigned them. “I know we’ve got Reba, Jenna, and Josh here. How many more stars do you think we have to fit in?”

“I’m not sure,” Rennie replied, bringing the cart to a halt next to a large maple tree, “but I’m guessing four.”

“Four? Why four?” Josie started to ask. Once she looked up from the tablet, however, she had her answer. “Oh,” she murmured, as Rennie gestured to exactly that number of really nice recreational vehicles that were lined up just beyond Reba McEntire’s Tour Bus. “Maybe it’s good Sarah isn’t here,” she finally offered after a bit of silence. “Because I’m more than a little freaked out and I can only imagine what she’d be doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ren, we’ve already got a full schedule! How are we going to fit all these guys in?”

“Well, for starters, both Josh and Jenna are already on the schedule,” he reminded her, “with him opening for us, and she’ll be singing her hit song with Ty and then another on her own.”

“Yes, but now we have Reba and four others to shoehorn in somewhere,” she explained nervously. “Are they all taking turns singing with Ty or will they be joining us? Will any of them want to do their own set, like Josh is doing? And how much later is that all going to push it tomorrow night?”

“All great questions,” Rennie responded, with a thoughtful nod, “and the only way we’ll get answers to them is to find out who’s here and what they want to do.”

Josie’s eyes suddenly grew big as she looked over his shoulder. “Well, it looks like one of them is Alison Krauss,” she said with amazement.

“Really?” Rennie asked, turning to look. The singer in question had just stepped out of the second motorhome. “That makes sense,” he quickly remarked. “She was born and raised a couple hours north of here, as I recall.”

It was clear Ms Krauss was talking to someone in the neighboring RV, but Josie couldn’t tell who until a woman leaned partway out a window. “Holy crap, is that... ?”

“Nicole Kidman.”

“Which means Keith is here somewhere,” Josie supposed out loud, only to see a third, shorter, dark-haired woman step out from her RV and approach the other two women. “And ... wait ... she looks familiar but I can’t place her.”

“Norah Jones.”

Josie took a second look at her, then glanced at Rennie. “Wait, you know her, don’t you?”

He met her eyes and nodded. “I was a roadie and fill-in musician for her the summer after my freshman year at Texas. Something one of my music profs set up for me. We’ve collaborated on a couple songs since,” Rennie explained, shifting his view from Josie back to Norah across the way. “I knew she was up in Chicago doing some music institute thing for kids, so I invited her to come down a week or so ago, but she didn’t think she could get away. I’m glad she changed her mind.”

Suddenly, Josie had a fearful thought. “You’re not going to give her my songs, are you?” she asked.

He looked back at her in confusion. “Your songs?”

Josie struggled with what to say or even how to explain what she felt. Try as she might to hold it back, it all came out in an anxious rush.

“Bella and Ty said you’ve written love songs, about me, that I was your muse. They got to see them but you’ve never shown any to me. They said they’re probably the best you’ve ever written. You always have others sing your really good stuff and I’m just worried you’re going to do the same with my songs before I ever get a chance to even see or hear them.”

Once it was all out, she peered at him with nervous eyes and released the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

Rennie let out a low chuckle, smiled, and then reached over and patted her on the thigh. “Your songs will always be yours and yours alone, to do with as you please. Okay?”

For a few moments, she gazed intently into his eyes, before finally relaxing and offering him a nod.

“Good,” he replied, gesturing to the waiting celebrities. “Now, how about we go greet our newest arrivals and find out what they’d like to do tomorrow?”

“Okay, but I wonder who’s in the last one.”

“Me, too,” Rennie agreed. “Let’s find out!”

“I still don’t see why we couldn’t take my car,” Sarah complained, as she scanned about the cab of Ty’s monster truck. Well, it wasn’t really a monster truck but it was still really big. It was so big that, with the brace and sling on, she had to have him help her get in the passenger side. “It was right up there behind the hospitality tents.”

Turning onto the highway from the state park, Ty let out an amused snort. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m somewhat on the larger size. And darlin’, there is no way on God’s green earth that I would ever fit comfortably behind the wheel of your Miata.”

“I could have driven myself,” she retorted, not willing to let it go. “You didn’t have to come with me.”

“There is no way we were going to let you take off on your own,” he replied, shaking his head. “It always best to have someone else along for things like this. Besides, you could have been stuck waiting for one of us to come get you if they hopped you up on any pain meds.”

“By why did you have to take me?” The question came out far more petulant than she intended.

“What, tired of me already?” the country superstar asked, giving her a troubled sideways glance. “We could have called for another ambulance.”

“No, that’s not what I... ,” Sarah sputtered but then stopped. She actually didn’t mind him taking her. Well, part of her did, but it was far more the whole situation than him that had her agitated. “Hell, I don’t know what I meant,” she finally admitted, staring down at her immobilized right arm.

“Just relax, Sarah,” he told her softly. “We’ll be there in no time.”

She nodded her head and then turned to watch the scenery fly by. Try as she might, she couldn’t keep from thinking of all that still remained to do back at the park. The list flitted through her mind, one thing after another without stop. Intending to call and talk with Nina about some of it, she cast around for her cell phone but came up empty. It wasn’t on her. Where was it? Her purse, but where was that? She didn’t see it. Panic gripped her.

“Wait! We’ve got to go back!”


“My purse!” she exclaimed, quickly slipping towards a panic attack. “It’s got my cell phone, my driver’s license, my medical information...”

“It’s in the back seat,” her companion quietly pointed out. “Remember, I took it from you and put it back there with the just-in-case overnight bag Josie put together for you?”

“Oh ... yeah, there it is,” Sarah answered, glancing back and feeling more than a little stupid. The anxiety that threatened to claim her began to subside. Not wanting to let on how close she came to a meltdown, she asked about something else. “Where’s my tablet?”

“It’s back there too, but I’m under strict orders not to let you have it unless you’re totally bored and will only play games on it. Same with the cell phone.”


“Sarah, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met,” the singer interrupted her, taking his eyes off the road momentarily and meeting hers, “but it’s not a sin to need help every once in a while. Let us help you, okay?”

“Ty... ,” she started to plead but he stopped her.

“Look, Nina’s a sharp cookie and was already putting together a plan when we left. Trust her and that whole incredible team you assembled to do what needs to be done, okay? And we’ll check up on them when you’re all done at the hospital.”

Thinking through what he said, she finally relented. “Okay.”


“I surrender,” she offered wearily. “I can tell when I’m beaten.”

“Good, although I’m not so sure about that last part,” he questioned with a bit of a smirk. “It took us way too long for us to convince you to go to the hospital for that to be true.”

“What? ... Oh ... Ty!”

All the infuriating man did next was laugh.

Grant smiled as he walked away from the meeting. Lori and her producer, Howard, had things well in hand from their side, as did Aaron and Jackie from theirs. Amazingly just about all of the pre-concert video, from filler to interviews, had been shot. All that was left was an unexpected opportunity developing over at the RV Park that the GAC people were practically drooling over. Thankfully, one of Aaron’s guys was already there with a camera, but everyone else was packing to head over, regardless. Grant wanted to do the same but he had something else to take care of first.

He couldn’t help but chuckle as he passed by the various network affiliates from St. Louis, all lined up with their cameras facing Stage A. The crews and on-camera personalities were all setting up for live reporting in the nightly news slots, but word had obviously reached them about what they were missing. The grumbling that would silence as soon as they went live, was pretty loud at the moment.

Reaching the hospitality tent he and his wife had earlier commandeered, he could hear Anisha talking on the phone. Not wanting to interrupt or break her concentration, Grant waited outside until she was finished.

“So where are we at?” he asked as he stepped through the doorway.

“That was Associate Judge Clare Bryant,” Anisha replied, gesturing toward her phone now lying on the table in front of her. “She’s granting an emergency order of protection, based on the sheriff’s preliminary report and the video evidence.”

“Perfect,” Grant acknowledged. “That can be rolled over into a plenary one, once the idiot is aware enough to be served.”

“Good to know you actually paid attention in law school,” she teased.

“Ah, you know me,” he told her with a big smile and arms outstretched, “492nd in my class.”

“I think you mean fourth, you goof,” she answered back, with a grin of her own.

Grant found her playfulness curious but left it alone for the moment. Instead, he settled his large frame into a chair just opposite her at the corner of the table. Leaning in, he rested his chin on his hands with his eyes fixed on her. “So who did Blake recommend for Sarah?”

“A lawyer out of Decatur, Franklin Gibbs,” she responded, looking down to check her notes. “He’s already talked to her by phone on the way to the hospital, and will come down and meet with her on Monday – which means she’ll have to stick around a little longer than she intended.”

“That won’t be a problem as far as work is concerned,” Grant dismissed, shaking his head. “Lanci has no interest in losing someone as valuable as she’s shown herself to be, so much so he’s already talking about a generous settlement offer to get this Ross matter behind them.”

“Considering everything he’s either ignored or overlooked up to this point, that’s probably a really good idea,” Anisha observed, the disapproving tone in her voice being very apparent. “So, everything’s good on your end?” she asked, looking inquisitively up at him.

He nodded. “Everything’s going well. All the preliminary stuff’s done and the schedule and planning for tomorrow is pretty much fixed. Only one thing left for me to do.”

“What’s that?”

“Finally get an answer to an earlier question,” he replied, lifting his head and laying his hands on the table. “Your arrival couldn’t have come at a better time in regards to this situation with Sarah; and I appreciate everything you’ve done to help out. But I still find myself wondering ... Anisha, why are you here?”

“What, can’t a wife come looking for her wayward husband?”

The playfulness of her tone and expression was back and Grant did not know what to make of it. Wanting to probe a little deeper, he pitched her a provocative twist of her own question. “And just what would this wayward wife want with her wayward husband?”

“This ... wayward wife ... wants him to come home.”

He watched as she paused but then accepted the characterization. It honestly surprised him. He thought she’d just ignore it and plow ahead, but instead she conceded the point – that she was just as wayward as him, without ever leaving Memphis. Feeling the conversation slipping into something akin to a chess match, he decided to move another pawn in the hopes of drawing out the queen.

“I’m coming home on Sunday,” he replied matter-of-factly.

“No,” she answered quickly, shaking her head. “You would only be stopping in to pick up more clothes before heading back out. I want you to stay.”

Grant leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “You could have told me that when I showed up on Sunday,” he tossed back, pointing out the obvious. “Why come all the way up here?”

“Because a little bird told me that if I didn’t, I’d likely lose you for good.”

This was an interesting admission, one she did not appear she wanted to make – at least, not at this point. It was a hopeful development, but curious as to whom she might be referring (Sarah, perhaps?), he decided to chase the source reference. “A little bird?”

She nodded. “She said you’ve got a loneliness that occasionally peeks out and that, eventually, a determined woman would break through and ease it.”

The observation hit a little too close to home, forcing him to lean back closer again. “Anisha, I’ve never...”

She cut him off. “I know. That’s never been the issue.”

Puzzled by her latest foray, he peered at her in confusion. “Then what... ?”

“I was so mad at you,” she admitted and though her voice was soft, it was as hard as steel and clearly tinged with anger. “I tried for years to get your attention. Years! Nothing.” She paused with a shrug. “So I settled into my work and found my own life, since you obviously didn’t want one with me.”

He went to speak but Anisha stopped him again. The queen was on the move.

“Then, once the kids are grown and off to college, you realize we’re little more than strangers in the same house. Suddenly, you’re attentive, wanting to spend time with me? It made me so angry,” she veritably spat; her voice starting to rise. “I wondered how bad you might want it, so I gave you the same cold shoulder you gave me all those years ago ... and what did you do?” She paused, glaring at him. “You gave up after only a few months!”

Grant could only sit and watch as the king was placed in check.

“I hung in there for years and you? A couple months and you’re done,” she accused, tapping the table top forcefully with her index finger. “Now, you’ve found a place you can hide,” she remarked dismissively, waving her hand as an extension of that emotion. “All this time, I’ve been waiting for you to man up and challenge me, to fight for our marriage like I once did, and instead you give up and run.”

“You want to know why I came?” Anisha asked, leaning forward, her eyes blazing. “I came because I’ll be damned if I’m going to let another woman swoop in and take away what I’ve waited years for you to be – a good husband!” With that, she slapped the table and sat back in her chair, as daring him to challenge her.

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Naked hard erection shooting cum on trip to FL a

I wanted to go to see Key Largo during Spring Break. Frostburg to FL is a long way and I had little money. I posted an add on Craigs List to split the cost or help out in any other way for a ride there and back. My add included age and picture in several categories, men seeking men, casual, etc. I mentioned I was “open minded”. I got a lot of responses from that, many were perverted. I finally hooked up with this guy who was in his 60s but very open minded. No pervert, just honest,...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Pakistani Cunt from next door Part 3

The rest of week, was totally normal, me working in the pod, wife home whenever sometimes fucked sometimes needing a scotch and seeing too. Dog and I have bonded as I walk him twice a day, usually around the wood out back of the house. Saturday saw the neighbour in the front confirmed details, the wife saying hello for the first time, confirming lamb was OK for lunch etc.Sunday came, the house clean, lamb in oven 11:00, by 13:00 kitchen smells of lunch, not cunt. Neighbour arrives 10 mins late;...

3 years ago
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An Evening Dressed As A Girl

Hello This is my second story in ISS, I love ISS. Just love them. This story is basically an extended version of the first part of me and my bf. If u guys love the story or wanne connect then u can write to me at Looking forward to meet new people. I stay in Bangalore so anyone here or travelling via Bangalore, I would be interested in meeting them It was almost 3 years since I met my boyfriend and we badly needed to meet, all we did was video calling sending pics and buying gifts thats it. we...

Gay Male
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The Girl Within

The Girl Within By Trashy Trisha Peter was the other half of fraternal twins. His sister, Loreen, was only several minutes older. When people saw them together, they knew from a strong physical resemblance that they were indeed brother and sister, but not necessarily twins. They did share many physical characteristics as well as mannerisms. Indeed they often dressed in a similar mode of fashion. They also had many common likes and dislikes. But most of all, they were as close...

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420 Reasons to Fuck

My new friend, Jeff, finished packing his large rainbow colored bong with a fresh load of sticky, resiny weed. My head buzzing from the bong hits we'd already taken, I watched him light up and inhaled deeply, then hold the smoke in his lungs. In my stoned haze, I looked at his buff physique. Jeff was an inordinately good looking man, lithe muscles bulging in a tight tank top, dark hair and darker eyes and intense features, someone who, if he had been born as a woman, most any man would have...

3 years ago
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Another wife fucked while in Jamaica Poor cuckold

Our vacation last year started almost like every other. After 9 yearsof marriage, we were looking for a change of pace . . . some kind ofadventure. We found it!You see, our sex life had been pretty dull. At least until Susanturned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was amovie we had seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea.Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracialscenes. The sex was so torrid; we actually watched that movie twice,Our...

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Groe Sachen

Du bist Jonas Hengst. Du bist 35 Jahre alt. Du lebst mit deiner Frau Nadine (32) zusammen, ihr führt eine sehr gesunde Beziehung und lebt eure Sexualität aus. Nadine kann mit deinem 32cm langen und 6cm dicken Schwanz mittlerweile umgehen. Ihr schaut gemeinsam Pornos und verzeiht einander gelegentliche Abenteuer mit Anderen. Du bist IT Spezialist und arbeitest hauptsäuchlich von zu Hause aus. Deine Freundin ist ebenfalls berufstätig. Weil Nadine heute morgen besonders früh ins Büro musste fiel...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Desires Unwanted lust

Derrick layed silently in his unkempt twin sized bed. His legs and arms flayed in every direction as he let out a deep, long sigh. His dad came over for a visit yesterday afternoon. Only for about a half-hour so he didn't really get to spend as much time as Derrick would like him to. But he does sincerely appreciate the time his dad squeezes out from his busy schedule. About two months after he split up with his mom and moved out, he got a good position as a car salesman at the used...

3 years ago
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BrideChapter 14

I'd like to tell you that we all got naked immediately and I fucked their brains out, but it didn't happen like that. I was genuinely pleased to meet mum's friend (lover?) and even more pleased to see that her two years inside hadn't left as much of a mark on her as it had, my mother. She was bright and vivacious, a good conversationalist as well as being a very pretty young woman and I liked her immediately, but I felt that they'd like sometime to themselves, at least on Jill's first...

2 years ago
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Three Little Angels Grad Party Gossip

“Oh my god my head.” Steph replies with a groan while holding her head in her hands. “Ya how are you feeling? You and vodka were best friends last night.” “Well did you see who was feeding it to me? I mean come on.” “Ya let’s be real.” Haley says to Kelly. “It’s Jason. I don’t think ’No’ is part of Steph’s vocabulary when he’s around.” “It’s so true.” Steph says as she squints against the sun. “So? Did all that vodka lead somewhere?” “Oh ya. It led to me bent over a bathroom...

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Choti Behen Soni Ki Seal Todi

Hi….Frnds.. Mera nam Pappu hai. Mai iss ka bahut bada fan hu. Ye meri peheli kahani hai mere aur meri sagi behen Soni ke bich. Pappu aur Soni ye hamare pet name. Ab mai mere family ke bare me batata hu humare ghar me papa mai aur Soni rahate hai. Hum Maharashtra ke rahane wale hai. Meri age 24 yrs hai aur Soni ki age 22yrs hai. Mera abhi abhi clg khatm hua hai aur job search kar raha hu aur Soni clg me jati hai. To ab story pe ara hu. Meri hight 5.8 feet aur Soni ki 5.5 feet hai uska figure...

2 years ago
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House Owner Ki Thukai

Hello friends rahul here,, I am from ambala Ye mere khani jai if u like it then mail me specially auntyo {if any body wana sex mailme at main rat ka kam part time mai karta hun. I mean main unsatisfi ladies ko wo sukh deta hun jo wo idhar udhar doondh rahi hoti hain.magar main ye sab free me nahi karta. I charge minimum 2000 to 10000 per night privacy must main koi batt leek nahi karta.. Ok main kahani pe ata hun. Main jab office jata to ek aurat mujhe jate hue ghoor ghoor kr dekhti thi. Main...

4 years ago
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Dream Chaser

NOTE #1: If you are offended by stories that lack crude, foul, or profane language, then this story is not for you. Likewise, if you are looking for descriptions of explicit sex or violent and aggressive behavior, you will have to look elsewhere. NOTE #2: This story is my property, but you may post it anywhere that makes it available to readers for free. If you do post it somewhere, please include all of it. And please let me know at: [email protected]. NOTE #3: All...

4 years ago
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Two Hot DaughtersChapter 7

As Diane approached Anita's house, she saw something very unusual. It looked like Anita and her oldest brother, Rick, running from the garage to the house-naked! Diane stopped short, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her. Then she felt her anger rising. It was no trick, she realized, it was indeed Anita-fucking another one of her brothers! And she said she had her period! Fueled by anger, Diane stormed up to the front door. The door was open, the screen in front of it closed....

4 years ago
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Mein erotischer Einkauf

(Auszug aus „Mein kleiner Dämon - Das Leben geht weiter“ - 4.Buch)Wow, war ich leichtsinnig. In vielerlei Hinsicht. Nicht nur, dass ich ganz verrückte Dessous gekauft habe. In Frankfurt in einem Sexshop. Diesmal war nicht nur der nette Verkäufer, sondern auch noch eine Verkäuferin da. Er hat mich natürlich sofort wiedererkannt. Sofort steuerte er auf mich zu und fragte nach meinen Wünschen. Dabei zwinkerte er mir eindeutig zweideutig zu. Ich ließ mir von ihm die Kollektion der Dessous zeigen....

3 years ago
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Daddy Dom and Me

I love kitties and always really wanted a Siamese one but they're not so popular and definitely not free but a few days ago I found one on the internet and just needed to have it and approached daddy with the idea. "Can we please, please, please get the kitty?" I whined to him when he got home. "I don't think so...it's not a good time and I don't know if we can it the attention it needs." He was more stern than I expected. "But I want it!!" I pouted. Similar banter went...

2 years ago
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My First Time Blowing a Friend

This is a TRUE STOEY I wrote down about 9 years ago::::I was at a friends house hanging out with 3 of my close friends and this guy from school we hung out with sometimes. We were all a little tipsy from drinking and had started talking about girls we had fooled around with. Well me and the friend we hang out with sometimes (Doug) had not been as lucky as our peers and had started to talk about pornos we'd seen instead. It then occurred to me that I had a porn DVD in my car and asked Doug if...

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The Photo Shoot

She looks in the mirror. Checks herself out. Black dress hugging her curves, a hint of cleavage, a flash of stocking clad leg. She looks incredible, just as he asked.She turns in front of the mirror, her hands moving over her body, feeling her curves under her touch, just as he said to do. She walks over to the dresser, repositions the camera, sets the timer and moves back into position.She smiles as the shutter clicks. She sets the timer again, moves back into position and turns as the shutter...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 37

Shawna was in a frisky mood, and wanted to have the benefit of being my friend. She never made it to the fourth floor that night. She needed a hard fuck, and I could use the release of tension that I had felt building for weeks. When I awoke in the morning with a naked girl lying next to me, and her tits pressed against my chest, I felt great. I could feel her calf rubbing on my thigh, as she slowly used her hand to stroke me and kiss my cheek. As I came out of dreamland, I tried to figure...

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The Counseling Session

Jack and I had a wonderful ride home. I'm sorry to say that I couldn't help but lean over a few times and suck on him. I don't know what it is about the penis that makes it so lickable. Homo, homo, homo. I couldn't get that out of my mind as I brought him to orgasm a couple of times. Am I the only one ever who wanted to sit on a guy sexually while he was driving? Kind of like jumping up and down like a little girl on her boyfriend's engorged member. Sicko, sicko, sicko, but I wanted to do...

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ManaWorld Comics

Mana World Comics doesn’t have one of those openly filthy names that tells you it’s fapping time even before you take a look. There’s no confusion when you click a link to a site like CrazyXXX3DWorld, Duke’s Hardcore Honeys, or OrgyMania, but this one sounds like it could easily be a clean, wholesome fantasy comic about wizards and dragons. I wonder just how many innocent eyes have been corrupted by the big-titted purple elf girl on the Adults Only warning you see first. Sorry, mom, I thought...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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When I was in my twenties, I hit a rough patch and had to move in with a friend for a while. She had a boyfriend who was obviously interested in me. I stayed in an upstairs attic room. It had no door. I had been there a while. I got home one night after drinking with friends. I was a little horny. I decided to do something about it. Taking matters into my own hands, I made myself cum so hard, I let out a moan or two. Then I went to sleep. I woke up to a slapping sound. There was also some...

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The Velvet Boy

Velvet Boy By A Happy Wife Note: This is a delightful little conversation between a husband, his wife and his mother in law all from the wife's point of view. Just for fun. There now you look so cute. You don't want to look cute? Everyone wants to look cute. What do you mean you don't like the shorts? You said all the men would be wearing shorts. Well yes they are velvet shorts, I know that silly. They are not girls shorts, they are your shorts. Well I know they zip in...

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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 8

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Frigg - Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and fertility Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. Valkyries ---------- Brynhildr - Armor Battle Eir - Peace, clemency Geirahöð - names means spear - fight Göndul - War...

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Sex Messaging Service

Hello to all the great writers from all over… I have been a regular visitor to this site and have been reading quite a lot of the stories published from quite sometime now. After reading a lot of stories, I thought even I should pen down my experience that happened 4 years back. Due to various reasons, I am keeping the names confidential. My name is Raj, 28 yrs, 5.10″, Whitish in complexion & slim, working in Hyderabad. Will give in more details of self as the story progresses… It was in Feb...

2 years ago
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Shame on YouChapter 8

Tom Hyde couldn't believe the two women would actually leave him this way! They had thoroughly whipped his ass and left him tied up in the small clearing by the lake. His wrists were tied beneath him to each ankle and as he knelt there with his feet apart and his face in the dirt, his red ass was spread wide open to Karen and Beverly. The two women had positioned him so that his open asshole was barely grazing the top of an anthill and they had pounded iron stakes into the ground through his...

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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 6

Suraimo ran her slippery hands along Jackson's sides. "So, would you like that Bad End now?" Panic shoved aside Jackson's lethargy. He had an answer for that: Skip. Hello, big tits angel. Skip. Goodbye, big tits angel. "It's a good command to have, right?" Suraimo said as he returned to the path. "Handjob." She held up a hand and wiggled fingers as flexible as worms. "Blowjob." she mimed sucking on an imaginary penis. "Paizuri." She pushed her substantial boobs...

3 years ago
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Tenant fucked good for not having her rent money

This is a fictional story.Like most college graduates who have college stipulations, mine was awesome,I had received a 10 apartment complex in the hood. Until I stop complaining about it. Some of the women that lived there were pretty had nice bodies and huge tits.So,one day in the summer. This very pretty bbw came up and said, "I'm looking for a apartment for me and my family." My eyes was glazed for a minute. She had very huge boobs, a big booty, and very light skin due to her being mixed....

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Thatll Teach Her

That’ll Teach Her Judy and I had a date at eight o’clock on Saturday evening. When I got there I saw Richard walking in her front door. Apparently they didn’t see me. I looked in the side window and saw them sit on the couch and start kissing. I watched his hand slide in between her legs and I saw her spread them wider for him. I walked around to the front and rang the doorbell. Judy opened it up and Richard was standing right behind her. I said, “Hey Richard, she booked a...

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When The Magic Almost Died

This particular story came about from a memory of a childhood experience. A lot of what takes place in both part 1 & 2 are actually the way I saw the events happen then. – D Part 1: 1957 was a great year for cars, each makes and model seemed to have their own personality. Of course it took two years of tinkering around with the buying public’s money before the carmakers in America could get it right. Strangely enough, for me at least, it also took Santa two years to get my request right as...

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BFFs Lily Adams Jenna Foxx Nina Skye Easter Egg Cunt

The best time of the year at the Bunny mansion is Easter. All of the girls dress up in their cutest and most playful bunny outfits and search for colored eggs with Hughe. This year Lily Adams, Jenna Foxx, and Nina Skye were his girls and they were the most fun he has picked to date! The girl who got the most eggs was allowed to suck Hughes cock first. They were all even on the egg count except for Lily, who had the last one hiding in her pussy! Extra points to her for sure, but girls get...

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Drugged Babysitter

Amy felt a little fuzzy headed for some reason. She was sort of sleepy, yet at the same time felt a strange kind of heat and energy. She was sitting, slumping really, on the Anderson's couch watching MTV on their big screen TV, babysitting their rotten kid, Josh, who'd thankfully gone to bed without arguing tonight. It wasn't great work but it was all the could get that allowed her to study at the same time. Unfortunately, by the time she'd gotten the kid to bed and was ready to start...

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Making DoChapter 2

Sonny gave Sandy a call at 10:00 the next morning. they spoke on the phone for about five minutes, flirting some, and then she agreed that she'd let him take her to dinner the next night after he had finished up with work. Rather than have him drive all the way over to West Covina, Sandy suggested that the two of them meet in Brea at the Red Lobster by the mall. They settled on meeting at 7:00 and then they hung up. Sonny was really excited at getting to spend an evening with her. He was...

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