Hatchery RoadChapter 14 free porn video

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“Oh, this is so good!”

Grant couldn’t help but laugh. The look of sheer bliss on Sarah’s face after she bit into the enormous cheeseburger she’d ordered was priceless. Lindsey recommended the place to her and the pretty young blonde had been looking forward to this all day. And after all the work she’d put in today, she deserved it.

“I’m serious!” She loudly exclaimed to her dinner companion, though it came out a bit garbled as she was still chewing. “And I really like this cheese! What is it again?”

“Provel.” He smiled at her blank look and then shrugged. “It’s a St. Louis thing.”

“Provel?” Sarah responded with her own shrug. “Well, whatever it is, it’s pretty good.”

Grant simply nodded. For his part, Grant was rather glad for the patio seating at Seamus McDaniels, as he himself was not a fan of the white processed cheese. At least out here the smell of the combo of Swiss, Cheddar and Provolone wasn’t nearly as bad. To tell the truth, the mildly unpleasant odor was the only negative – and a small one at that – in what had been an overall terrific day, though he was having second thoughts about his own dinner. Lifting his fork, he glanced down at the Caesar salad he’d ordered. At least they now had all the funding they’d need, and then some.

“I can’t believe you’re going to eat that when they have a New York Strip on the menu,” she teased with another mouthful of burger. “I never figured you for rabbit food.”

“Judge’s orders,” he replied, with a bit of a grimace as he poked at the lettuce with his salad fork.

Sarah nodded knowingly. “Well, better you than me is all I can say. Last time I saw a dinner that boring, I was interning over at Arista and they had Carrie Underwood in town for a photo shoot. Real nice gal but, personally, I don’t think I’d last two days as a vegetarian.”

“I know what you mean.” Grant chuckled as he noticed himself just pushing the romaine lettuce around his plate. “By the way, now that you’ve mentioned it, how did you end up in the music business?”

“Well, it wasn’t intentional, that’s for sure,” Sarah admitted thoughtfully as she drug a scallop cut French fry through a puddle of ketchup. “Coming out of high school, I wanted to get into graphic design but had no interest in spending four or more years getting a degree. So, my folks and I looked into tech schools until I found one with the program I wanted. Only problem was the two closest campuses they had to Louisiana were either San Antonio or Nashville. A coin flip later, I was headed to the Music City.”

Clearly unable to resist any longer, she popped the now drenched bit of fried potato in her mouth. A quick swig from her soft drink, however, and she was back at it. “Anyway, the school had an internship program and before I knew it, I was doing grunt work for college credit over at Sony’s Arista Records. I caught the music bug, though. When I graduated five years ago, I picked up with a fairly recent start up label, Stone Mountain Records, and the rest, shall we say, is history.”

“So what do you do there?”

“What don’t I do?” Sarah replied with a snort. “Timothy Lanci, the CEO, has been able to bring in some big name talent but we’re nowhere near the size of the top outfits. Because of that, I’ve had to be involved in everything from production to promotion. The VP I work under, Charlie Ross, is a bit of a jerk but that’s usually not much of a problem, since I’m usually roving around so much. Hell, I even had to do some backing vocals once in a pinch when one of our regular girls had to be rushed to the hospital with appendicitis.”


Sarah slowly nodded her head and then rolled her eyes as she took another bite of her monstrous cheeseburger. “Oh, that is so divine!” She muttered.

She was not sidetracked for long, however, and soon had Grant in stitches with one funny story after another of life in the music industry. He was glad to see her so relaxed, no doubt due to the last chunk of needed funding falling into place earlier in the day. The strain of all the planning and responsibility had begun to show but, at least for a few hours, it had been relieved. It did bring to mind, however, a question he’d been meaning to ask.

“What in the world possessed you to come up with this whole free concert thing anyway?”

Sarah laughed as she took her napkin from her lap and laid in on her now empty plate. “A bit crazy of me, wasn’t it?”

“No, not really,” he responded with the shake of his head. “To tell the truth, with your wide range of experiences and contacts, this is definitely doable for you and you’re showing that.” Grant paused and then leaded a bit forward in his chair. “I’m just wondering what made you want to do it.”


Grant nodded. He had thought as much.

“The girl has an incredible voice. With the right help and support, she could crack the top 5 female country singers easy. But she won’t let me help. Never has.” Sarah threw up her hands and sighed loudly in frustration. “Instead, she hooks up with crappy band after crappy band out there in Dallas and just spins her wheels. Wants to do it all on her own, she says.”

“Then you heard her and Rennie together.” Grant tossed in with a knowing smirk.

“They blew me away! They absolutely blew me away!” She shook her head as if in disbelief. “I’ll admit, even with that ass Jimmy, she sounded pretty good singing lead with Tailgunner Joe. And I suspect, if that POS hadn’t melted down like an ice cube in a microwave, they might have actually gotten picked up. But, truthfully,” she added, shaking her head, “they wouldn’t have gotten far. Nothing distinctive about them at all, really. Just a slightly above average bar band with an all too common sound.” She paused momentarily, continuing on in awed tones. “Josie and Rennie, on the other hand...”

“Can make ‘Old McDonald’ sound incredible.”

“Tell me about it!”

The older lawyer reclined leisurely in the wooden chair, fixing his dinner companion with an appraising look. “You’ve been talking to folks back in Nashville about them recently, haven’t you?”

A sly smile stretched across the blonde’s face, her left eyebrow lifting ever so innocently. “Who me?”

“You’re a crafty one, I’ll give you that,” Grant nodded approvingly.

At that moment, however, the smooth silky voice of one Nat King Cole began emanating from his right suit coat pocket.

Unforgettable, that’s what you are. Unforgettable, though near or far...

Looking apologetically at Sarah, he explained. “It’s Anisha.” Freeing it from his pocket, Grant could not help the feeling of sadness momentarily overtake him as he gazed down at the phone. Quickly catching himself, he glanced across the table, only to be met with an expression he figured to be somewhere between curiosity and concern. Giving his friend a brief but awkward grin, he stood and began to walk away from the table as he answered the call.

“Could I ask you a bit more serious question?” Josie asked, after his laughter died down.


“I’ve been wondering this for a while.” She paused and then lifted her head to look at him. “I know you’ve explained it to Shelley, but how come your sister Bella has your three Grammys along with all your other awards?”

“Sorry, I meant to talk to you about it too but, with how crazy things have been, I remember it at all the wrong times,” he apologized, looking a bit sheepish. “As for answering your question, it’s a bit complicated, actually.”

“How so?”

“Well, maybe complicated isn’t the right word,” Rennie replied after a moment. “It just became that way later on.”

“You’re speaking in riddles,” Josie teasingly complained. “Come on, focus.”

He chuckled and then grew silent. “You remember me telling you about the band I played in back in college?”

She nodded. “I still can’t believe you were buds with Tyler Dawson back in the day. When’s he coming in, by the way?”

“Now who can’t focus?”

“Sorry ... but, seriously, when’s he coming in?”

Rennie laughed. “Wednesday or Thursday, he’s still not sure which, though probably the former. Now, do you want to hear the story or not?”

Josie struggled unsuccessfully to look sufficiently contrite. “Sorry ... but it is Tyler Dawson, after all.”

“Oh, no,” he groaned. “Another star struck groupie for country music’s bad boy.”

A sharp pinch brought a quick yelp of surprise from Rennie.


“I may be a groupie but I’m your groupie, and don’t you forget it!” And so as to reinforce the point, Josie rapidly sat up, placed her hands firmly on either side of his face and soundly kissed him.

“Yes, ma’am,” came his rather dazed response, after her lips released from his. “Now, where was I?”

“You were explaining about how your sister Bella ended up with all your songwriting awards.”

“Oh, right, the band.” Rennie jokingly shook his head as if clearing the cobwebs out. “Anyway, we were just starting to get some attention in the Austin area nightclubs and we needed to be able to do more than just covers. Sadly, the other guys were pretty much useless in the songwriting department.” At that moment, a huge smile crossed his face. “In fact, Ty’s all-time favorite lyric is probably still a tie between the Oscar Meier theme song and the Toys-R-Us jingle.”

Josie snickered.

“I actually started writing songs back in high school but they were all pretty dreadful, to tell the truth.” He shrugged. “Oh, the tunes weren’t bad but the lyrics were just plain awful. That all changed, however, in an English composition class, but that’s a whole other story. Anyway, since we needed some songs of our own, I started dusting off some of my old tunes and wrote new words for them. I didn’t think they were all that great at the time but they went over pretty well.”

“Have I heard of any of them?”

Rennie smiled. “Yes, but you’re getting ahead of the story. Ty eventually asked permission to use them but that came a few years later.”

“If It’s Tuesday! It didn’t reach number one but it was his first top 40 hit and put him on the map. That was yours, wasn’t it?”

“You’re so smart. Now hush. Anyway, things were going pretty well at the time. It was my junior year. School was going really well and the band was getting a lot of good exposure with my songs. But then Helen came up pregnant.”

Josie could feel Rennie’s body tense up as he said that, clearly contradicting the even tone of his voice. Sensing a turning point in the story, she made a quick decision. “Now, how exactly did that happen again? Because I don’t think I caught the entire story when you told me the first time.”

Rennie audibly groaned. “I am so not going through all that again with you! You just love to torture me, don’t you?”

“Of course,” she teased as she playful tugged at one of his buttons, “because it’s so easy.” Josie then paused and her voice grew more somber. “But the rest of the story won’t be, will it?”

She could feel him shake his head “no.” They sat there together, as twilight deepened into evening, listening to the music drifting on the breeze. Just as she was about to prompt him to continue, she felt him take a deep breath and then exhale slowly.

“So there I was,” he continued, a faraway note to his voice, “living in an apartment with a wife and a child on the way. To tell the truth, I resented it. While Helen was working so hard to settle us into our first home and keep up with her studies at the same time, I was busy making sure my life didn’t really change. If I wasn’t in class, I was practicing with the guys. And then, come the weekends, I wouldn’t get back from playing the clubs until three or four in the morning.”

“Oh, Rennie.” She couldn’t help the note of disappointment in her voice. Almost against her own will, she began to feel a bit of sympathy for the other woman.

“I know. I was a real jackass. I see it now but didn’t then. That all changed, though, when she had the miscarriage. Everyone read me the riot act – her folks, Izzy, Rod, even her doctor. Not that they needed to by that point. Just seeing her in that hospital bed crying was enough to wake me up to the idiot I had been. So, I changed. She needed far better from me than I’d been giving. So, one day not long after that, when she demanded that I quit the band, I did.”

“That was pretty drastic,” Josie commented quietly, “but I can see why she wanted you to do that.”

“I could, too,” he agreed. “Anyway, a few months later, Ty came by and wanted to know if he could use the songs I’d written. He was dropping out of school and heading off on his own. I gave him what I had and wished him well. Eight months later, I got the call. Ty was about to sign a recording contract and they needed a bunch of legal stuff from me, since most of the songs for the proposed debut album were mine.”

Rennie chuckled darkly. “Helen about had a fit. We’d finally gotten back on an even keel, for the most part, and she was terrified I would get sucked back into the music scene. Plus, we would be heading off to the seminary in Saint Louis as soon as I graduated and she didn’t want anything messing that up either. So, I agreed to put all the songs under the name Rennie Martin and let that be that.”

“But it obviously didn’t end there.”

“No, it didn’t. New albums meant new songs. Before long, my work was getting attention, not to mention awards, and other artists soon wanted my services. Helen agreed to my sideline songwriting gig as long as it didn’t interfere with our new life. I suspect the royalty checks had a lot to do with that. For my part, I was fine with still keeping it all under wraps. I knew I didn’t want all the headaches that going public would bring once I became a pastor.”

“What kind of headaches?” Josie was truly baffled by the comment. “I would think a church would find it pretty cool to have a successful songwriter as a pastor.”

“For the most part, I’m sure that’s true,” He responded with a shrug. “I imagine it could have some upsides, at least at the beginning.” Rennie stopped and she could tell he was struggling with how to explain it all to her.

“But I know how congregations work and invariably the critical questions would come,” he finally continued. “Like how much additional money I was pulling in by my songwriting, or whether I should be paid a salary by the church because I’m already making too much, or even if I’m spending all my time writing songs in the office instead of working, and the like.”

“Really?” Josie was really surprised by that.

Rennie nodded. “So rather than deal with all that hassle, I just kept quiet and let Izzy keep the awards for me. Truthfully, there was no way we could have them at the house anyway and still keep it all a secret. Besides, she was already going to a lot of the awards ceremonies anyway, with her job as Lanci’s administrative assistant, so it just made sense that she could pick them up and hold on to them for me. On top of that, she’s always gotten a bigger kick out of those kinds of things than I ever have, even when the folks were alive.”

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The aftershocks of Sam’s mothers ‘visit’ could be felt for weeks after the incident. The teachers were worried, the children were restless and – most notable – Sam was kept at home. Rumor had it that Sam’s father – whose name was John – was thinking about moving Sam to another, more protected child care facility. The thought of Sam having to move made me sad, along with a lot of other confusing feelings of helplessness and even anger. I didn’t really mean to tell my friends anything about what...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 22 Portobello

24 August, 1686 Morning The Maidens Revenge made Portobello just as the sun was rising the following morning. Within easy view by all onboard were Fort Santiago, located on the mainland on the road at the entrance to the town of Portobello, and Fort San Fernando, located across the Bay of Portobello on Drake Island. Both of the forts having been built to protect the entrance into the Bay from pirates and both forts were built in a beautiful green tropical setting. Both forts, especially San...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 122

The job went off without a hitch, both shows, Best of all I was fully engaged. I watched over the inside of the dressing room, and I walked Soda to the stage. When the show ended, I watched group change, then put them safely on the bus. "Well Tom it't over and I will be moving on tomorrow. So would you like to come to the suite again?" I asked. "Sylvia, I have a lot of respect for you. Most of the women I know would still be in bed whining about how sick they are. The stories I have...

3 years ago
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Teacher gets taught Nothin better than a Redbone with class

children. Im usually good at maintaining ny composure and handling the children, but this one kid just worked my nerves. Darren was the worst child I had ever taught even though I had only been teaching for 3 years, but he was the worst child I ever meet in my whole 25 years of living. He swore out loud, fought frequently with the other children, and when asked why he did such things he would simply and shamelessly reply, "fuck you, suck my dick!" Where did an 8 year learn to talk...

2 years ago
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The life coachpublic

It was Saturday morning and I like everyone else in the world was glued to my t.v waiting for “The Guru” to announce who he had chosen to be his replacement. It came as a shock to everyone when he announced his retirement last month. Then he announced that he would be taking applications from anyone and everyone which was surprising. Not just anyone could do what he does but that wasn't going to stop me from putting my name in the pile. The month that followed was full of constant debates about...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Leoni my secretary

I am Ravi, 39, and I head the India Operations of a German Chemicals Major and am located in Mumbai. In fact I started the operations here, and in the process did the required recruitments. I was looking for a good secretary who could be trusted and who did not mind working a little late, and in this quest, the placement services sent me a lady, Leonie by name, who was around 36, and whom I found to be good in the interview. I appointed her and while she had asked for Rs.8000/ as her pay, I...

3 years ago
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Stop WatchChapter 11

A few days had passed since I had introduced Linda to the idea of inviting another woman - specifically our old babysitter Emily - into our bed. Although once I had laid the foundation, I hadn’t really done anything to progress things any further. To be honest I had been indulging myself terribly; spending most of the time enjoying my new and improved lifestyle. I was aware on some level that I was allowing myself to sink further and further into depravity, but it no longer unduly worried...

2 years ago
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The Sacred Band Ch 06

There is explicit sex in this chapter. Just a reminder. Chapters written in the first person are generally sexual accounts. Chapters written in the third person have no explicit sex in them. Sorry there has been such a delay in getting this on the site. I have been having trouble with html coding and finally given up in despair. Is there anyone out there who can help me? Chapter 6. Laura and Philip – Laura meets her Pasha June 1955 Growing up in a small market town has its disadvantages....

3 years ago
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In der UBahn

Es war ein eher mittelmäßiger Abend gewesen, der Club in dem wir feierten war nur halbvoll, das Bier überteuert und auch die Frauen sprachen mich nicht besonders an. Also saß ich in nun wieder in der U-Bahn auf dem Weg nach Hause. Ich machte mir keine besonderen Gedanken darüber was war oder hätte sein können, aber nach dem Aus mit Claudia vor ein paar Wochen hatte ich noch niemanden getroffen den ich hätte mitnehmen wollen. Während der Zug langsam zum Halten kam, hing ich noch meinen Gedanken...

2 years ago
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Doctor Checkup

This is a story of me visiting a doctor for an std checkup.So I wanted to do a STD checkup and went to doctor in UK ,this was the first checkup since I arrived in UK. So i booked an appointment in a closest hospital that did those things. I gave a knock on the doctors door. (The doctor will be named Phil ,for this story) Dr.Phil gave permission to come in , as we greeted I inspected him ,he was average man with a few extra pounds, looking around 38 with glasses. He started with question what...

4 years ago
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Wishful Dorm

You are a freshman college student lying on your bed in your tiny new dorm room, not sure what to do. You just moved into your college's coed dorm last week, and being from out of state and a bit shy, you haven't really gotten to know anyone other than your roommate, Jack, and most of what you know of your Jack is that he's a jock with a taste for beer and loose women. Jack has drunkenly stumbled into the room with a new woman for every night you were here. Each time, he hurried you into the...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Releasing Control

It’s been a long day. Work was crazy and nothing had gone as planned. The strains of being in management had worn on me as it always does when truly difficult decisions have to be made. When I finally get home I can think of nothing but crawling into bed and sleeping. Nothing else matters. Not dinner, not cleaning. Nothing. Everything else will just have to wait a couple of hours. I walk in the front door and kick off my shoes and head for the bedroom. I shed my work clothes and fumble around...

1 year ago
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The exchage program

It all began after the year-end exams. I was 18 at that time, and I had knocked into a fellow student while pondering my next chemistry project. I was mesmerised. I had seen her before; Alicia was one of the students at the literature class. She didn't have the largest breasts, however they were perfect and perky. She had long brown hair, always with a smile and always at the gym. It was that day that changed everything. I got to know her more, eating lunch and hanging out...March 11th, one...

1 year ago
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Brandys and Melanies deep throat adventures Part 3

And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer. Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Goody The Reunion episode 12

Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. "Oh, lord! What have we here?" He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship.The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Two Naughty MomsChapter 9

"Mmmm, what a big, beautiful cock you have, Tony!" Angela murmured. "Tell me, do you ever think about pushing this big hunk of meat in any other pussy but mine?" "No, Mom." Tony said and swallowed a bite of his sandwich. It was now three in the afternoon and Angela's pussy still ached from the tongue lashing Janet had given her at noon. Tony sat at the kitchen table, munching on grilled cheese sandwiches Angela had hurriedly prepared for his afternoon snack. Angela knelt on the...

3 years ago
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My Uncles Wife Affair Third installment

This is my third installment about my affair with my uncle’s wife aunt D. This is not necessarily in sequence or following the timeline. I’m jumping randomly through our 8 years of secret relationship.At this point I was 20 years old and about 3 years into our secret affair. Aunt D was 32 and has even bloomed more beautifully and gorgeously. It had been about 5 months since we last had sex and I was so horny for her. I was still in school while partly working and staying in their store just...

3 years ago
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Its All So Dramatic

It Is All So Dramatic Author's Note: Back to school. This story occurred to me and I like the school stories. Enjoy! "This is your Principal, Edna Green, warning you hooligans that you need to stop running in the halls, stay out of your cars in the parking lot except when you are coming or going, and behave yourselves like the little ladies and gentlemen you are supposed to be!" Mr. Billings, the Drama teacher, heard the announcement followed by riotous laughter emanating from...

2 years ago
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Wife exposed throught the hotel window

My wife and I took a quick trip out of town for the weekend. We arrived at the hotel to check in and it wasn't until we looked at the room key to realize we had a ground floor room. Usually these aren't to our liking since you catch lobby noise at all hours, traffic, and of course the floor above you. We realized the room was at the far end of the hotel which is bordered by trees, thus no outside annoyances and it was as far as one could go from the lobby. Once inside, I opened the curtains on...

3 years ago
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My First Girlfriend 8211 Took Her Virginity

Hi, I am Aayush (name changed) completed my graduation and working in Bangalore with an US based MNC. If any young couple or young girl wants a casual sex in Bangalore then mail me at Do send your other feedbacks. I won’t eat much of your brain and would come directly to the point. This is my first story. My life has always been sex driven so I thought to share my incidents with ISS readers. Whatever stories I’ll share here are absolutely true. However conversation might not be exactly the...

1 year ago
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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 21 The Hearing

The news of Eric Olafson being on trial had reached Nilfeheim. First noticed by Lars Igvarhein the owner and operator of Nilfeheim Radio. That Eric had become Erica was not widely known, but his legend had grown. Isegrim, Siegfrieda, Exa, and Elenna had traveled to Hogun’s Tavern. The place was packed to standing room only. Hogun had his GalNet terminal active on GalNet One and the system displayed the proceedings on the largest field screen setting possible. Aunt Freydis was assisted by...

3 years ago
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Touching my sisterinLaw

Two grown adults who should know better cross the line and have anintensely erotic experience./I had fantasized about my sister-in-law for years. There was nothingwrong with my wife but the thought of doing something naughty and taboowith my sister-in-law was such a turn on for me. I did wonder when Ifirst met her if she found me attractive; there were a few signs but itturned to nothing. My wife and I even had sex one night while she wassleeping downstairs on the couch. It turned me on so much...

1 year ago
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Parallelalities Take Three

Parallelalities - Take Three (Part 1 of Take Three) by Bill Hart In total disgust, Randy stared at the blank screen of the television he'd just turned off. How was this possible? He couldn't believe all the crap he'd read in the listing. And that crap wasn't confined to the six over-the-air networks either. All two hundred channels on his newly expanded digital cable system were airing nothing but garbage tonight. What good was having this six-foot diagonal...

4 years ago
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Long Awaited Love

With a start I wake up, sweat soaking through his tattered old t-shirt. I look around my pitch black bedroom, my eyes lingering over the right side of the bed, where he should be. The room lights up with a strike of lightening and the house seems to shake with the following rumble of thunder. I tug the string on my bedside lamp, but the power seems to be out. With a sigh, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slip on a pair of gym shorts that I left on the floor yesterday. I traipse...

1 year ago
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Swimming With The Dolphins

Rest assured - No Dolphins were porpoise-ly abused in the writing of this story. The one Dolphin that was unfortunately injured when she banged her nose on the bottom of my kayak during this stories research phase is now resting comfortably at a Dolphin hospice two miles east of South Beach. She's under the tender care of her Daddy. "Hello beautiful," was gaily sung out and into my ear when I reluctantly picked up the phone on a dreary and cold, early December, Ohio morning. 'What does...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 40

"Super glue? Really?" I chuckled as I focused my field glasses on the bonded band of mutually masturbating men crab-walking westward."Your punishment is diabolical," I shook my head in puzzled amazement. "Intruders were killed in the past for less, so why the sudden mercy?" "Not compassion. Karma. What goes around, comes around." Sheila trained her spyglass on the retreating men."They might make town by sundown. If they're lucky." "Karma?" I inquired. "Yeah, Karma. We can run, but...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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The Man Called Weasel

"Somebody in here is nothing but a low down, conniving little weasel." The English man, Ian Knowles spat out the words in a loud voice. Then punctuated his outburst by stabbing his hunting knife into the huge sawed off tree trunk that served as a table. His thrust was so hard it buried half the eight inch blade. The rest of it vibrated back and forth like a turning fork. Only it didn't make a sound. The only noise in the make shift lean too came from the howl of the wind and the sound of...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Natasha Nice Anal Explorations At The Office

Sometimes in business you end up doing things that you don’t want to do, but in Natasha Nice’s case she is more than happy to do whatever is required to persuade two well endowed clients to close a big deal. With her massive titties and love for fucking, the dark haired babe is thrilled to get herself wet and ready with her fingers before getting herself up on the desk and spreading her legs for lucky studs John Strong and Steve Holmes. It’s not long before her massive...

2 years ago
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My Sweet BrotherInLaw

Hi, I am Neelima, I hail from northern part of India, after my marriage I am in Bangalore. I am aged 33 years. I am a house wife and I have two kids. I had marriage in my younger age so I have two sons of age 16 and 13. My husband is a civil engineer working in Dubai. My husband is a very nice person by heart but he is a bit greedy person for money and wealth which I could not change his character so he always would prefer to work in Dubai so he can earn more. I look mid aged women; I have...


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