Hatchery RoadChapter 2 free porn video

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Jaycee couldn’t help but laugh a little as Andy did his mad dash around the front of the truck. He really did not look like a man a little over thirty, no matter what his license said. And he was cute, really cute – not that she could have talked to Sarah about that with him sitting right there! He was also sweet, she mused, as her hand toyed with the zipper on the jacket he loaned her.

Still, she barely knew him, or he her, for that matter. After all, he’d only picked her up off the side of the road less than an hour ago! Besides, he was just taking her to Nashville, not out on a date.

Her reverie was cut short, however, as the object of her thoughts opened the driver’s side door and hurriedly got in. Oh my ... the look he flashed her as he hopped in! Gone was the shadow, replaced instead by a crooked boyish grin that took her breath away. She responded with a fleeting smile of her own but quickly turned away to fiddle with her seatbelt. She could feel her pulse start to race.

For just a moment she closed her eyes and thought about all she’d been through. “Please ... please, don’t be messing with me, okay?” she prayed again silently.

Looking back over, she watched as Andy laid the damp towels out on the back seat to dry. Spurred by this, she took her own soggy tennis shoes out of her pack. Pulling the laces all the way out, she flipped out the tongues and then put the sneakers by the heat vent at her feet. By the time she’d finished, Andy was already pulling the truck and trailer out onto the interstate yet again.

The rain was coming down in sheets but it was the wind she really noticed. She could feel the gusts pushing sideways on both the truck and the trailer. And judging from Andy’s expression, it was no fun for him in the driver’s seat. Looking out the passenger window, Jaycee grew nervous at the dark menacing clouds building to the west. It was late afternoon, but you couldn’t tell it by sky. It was more like twilight.

Desperate for something to do, her eyes wandered around the cab until they settled on the bag of things Andy had bought at the truck stop. “Would you mind if I... ?”

Andy glanced over and then back at the road. “Not at all,” he replied. “In fact, would you do me a favor?”


“Under the seat, there, are my compact disk holders. Could you take the wrappers off the new ones and put them in with the rest? There’s a small penknife in the glove compartment.”

“I would be glad to.”

To be honest, Jaycee was glad for something to do. Getting the cellophane and stickers off the new compact disks and collating them in with the old ones kept her mind off of the weather – at least a little bit. It was hard to ignore the wind pushing Andy’s truck and trailer all over the road. Still, there’s nothing like a little busy work to distract a person. Well, that and the fact that Andy had a really interesting music collection. From country to classical, pop to jazz, blues to rock, he seemed to have a bit of everything.

During a lull in the driving rain, she mentioned as much. “Did you want to listen to any of it?”

After a moment of thought, Andy let out a deep sigh and shook his head no. “Any other time I would say yes, especially since I bought that Don Edwards collection. But with this weather, I think not.” As he glanced over at her, Jaycee could see the tension in his face. “I don’t think either of us would be able to enjoy it properly.”

Jaycee nodded her head understandingly. Some of the first songs she ever learned to play on the guitar were cowboy songs from her Papa’s favorite Don Edwards album – well, him and Marty Robbins. She even learned to yodel imitating Don as he sang “Cattle Call.” But Andy was right; it would be tough to get into it all right now.

“I wouldn’t mind a little conversation, though,” he added after a couple minutes.

“What about?”

“You, actually.”

“Me? I’m not all that interesting, really. Why would you want to ... oh, shit, that’s right! You don’t really know anything about me. I had you give me your driver’s license so I could call Sarah. Did you want mine so you could call someone? Or maybe I could call someone for you?” It all came out in a rush again.

Andy shook his head but didn’t look over. Jaycee could see the corner of his mouth twitch, however.

“Are you sure? I mean, I could be a wacked out serial killer, for all you know!” she said with a broad grin.

That one brought a sudden burst of laughter from Andy. “No, that’s quite alright. I’d already thought through that scenario when I pulled over to pick you up.” He chuckled, glancing over at her with that twinkle in his eye again. “I figured if that were true, you couldn’t do too much more to me than my ... well, than already’s been done to me. And, besides that, I’ve always wanted to see Jesus in person.”

Now it was Jaycee’s turn to laugh. “I have to say, I’m in no hurry to do that just yet, so keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, mister!”

She liked his laugh. It was very natural and unforced, with an infectious quality to it. There was also a warmth to it, she thought. She shook her head, looking at her hands in her lap. “Get a grip, girl!” she silently berated herself. After a brief pause, she continued. “Well, before I start, why don’t you tell me what you already know?”

“Hmm, let’s see. Your name is Jaycee. You have a friend in Nashville named Sarah Gaines – who sounds very nice, by the way.”

Jaycee nodded in agreement. Sarah was awesome and she should have taken her up on this offer to move to Nashville with her a long time ago.

“What else? Let’s see. Sarah said you sing country music for a living. Judging from your accent, you’re obviously from the South – but I detect just a hint of Cajun, so I’m guessing you’re most likely from Louisiana or somewhere near there.” He paused. “Oh, and you like taking long walks in the rain ... ouch. Hey!”

The punch in the arm was pure instinct. “What else?”

“And because of a former boyfriend named Jimmy, the last 24 hours or so of your life have been a big steaming pile of crap. How am I doing so far?”

“Well, the last hour or so has been really good, actually,” Jaycee answered honestly. “But before that? Yeah, definitely a monstrously huge heaping of ‘poo, ‘ as Mike Rowe would say.” She turned in her seat and looked intently at her rescuer. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

It was pretty obvious he intended to say something flippant when he turned his head. He stopped short when he saw her face, however. His eyes softened and he gave her a slight nod instead. “You’re welcome.”

Jaycee could feel her eyes beginning to mist up, so she quickly looked back down at her hands. After a moment, when she had regained control, she continued. “Anyway, where were we?”

She could see the corner of his mouth twitch and his right eyebrow go up.

“Oh, right. You wanted to know about me.”

After a lengthy pause, Andy glanced over and met her gaze with a smirk.

“What? I’m not stalling!”

There went that eyebrow again.

“Okay, so maybe I am! I just don’t know where to start.”

Andy said nothing, his eyes focused on the road beyond the rhythmic flash of the windshield wipers.

“Fine!” Jaycee threw her hands up in mock disgust. “I’m pretty boring, really. First of all, my name isn’t actually Jaycee. Those are just my first and middle initials – J. C. My last name is Fontenot. Let’s see ... I will turn twenty-five next month on the fifteenth...”

Again with the eyebrow.

“What? How old did you think I was?”

At first, all Andy did was shrug his shoulders. When it became evident that Jaycee wanted an answer, he eventually conceded. “Well, actually, much younger than that,” was all that he would admit to, however.


He nodded.

She was just glad it wasn’t the reverse. Fidgeting, she tucked some strands of loose hair behind her right ear. Jaycee could only imagine how bad she looked when he first picked her up – taking pity on some waterlogged bag lady on the side of the road!

“Anyway,” she continued. “I have to say I’m impressed you picked up on my accent. I didn’t think it was that noticeable anymore. Not that I didn’t think I don’t have a southern accent anymore, because I did. I mean ... I do! Have a southern accent, that is. But you already knew that. Of course, you knew that! I mean, you can hear the accent whenever I speak. So, I suppose it’s pretty obvious that I have one. I just meant that...”

“Oh, crap!” She flashed him a concerned look. “I’m babbling, aren’t I?”

He nodded.

“Dang, that crooked grin of his!” she silently sulked to herself. “Anyway, you’re right. I was born and raised in St. Martinville, Louisiana.” Noticing his blank look, she added, “It’s a little south and east of Lafayette.”

“Ah, okay.”

The time just seemed to fly by as Jaycee talked and Andy listened. She explained what it was like to grow up in a larger family. One of six children, she was right in the middle with an older brother, Junior, two sisters, one older, Nicki, and one younger, Maggie, and two younger brothers, Chris and Mikey. Jaycee even got to laughing as she shared some her childhood memories. The most entertaining of which usually starred her younger brothers.

Once in a while, Andy would prompt her with a question or two – like when she mentioned her dad, Nick, dying when she was twelve. She’d been his little shadow and Jaycee was devastated when he died. To her it seemed that one day he was healthy as a horse, working as an auto mechanic, and the next he’d lost all his hair and was on oxygen all the time. Then, about nine months after he came home with the awful news, he was gone. Even though that was a little over twelve years ago, it still hurt – though the pain was more of a dull ache now, she mused to herself. About all she had left from him now was her guitar sitting in the back seat – well, that and the car Jimmey stole that morning.

Jaycee didn’t realize she’d stopped talking until she felt Andy’s hand gently touch her shoulder, as she silently watched the windshield wipers try to keep up with the driving rain.

“I’m so sorry you got stuck with such a boring passenger.” Horrified by her own behavior, she apologized to her host. “I’m usually not so depressing, either,” she said with a grimace.

Andy simply brushed it off with a sympathetic shake of his head. “That’s okay, you’ve had an unusually rough day,” came his quiet response as he returned his hand to the steering wheel and turned his eyes back to the road.

Jaycee was reaching down to check whether her shoes were dry or not, when he spoke again. Andy said it so softly – or was it because the wind had picked up? – but she didn’t quite make out what he said.


“I was just wondering,” he repeated, a little louder this time, “how your mother and family are doing now.”

Jaycee smiled gratefully at his helpful shift in the conversation. “They’re all doing pretty well now, but it didn’t start out that way, that’s for sure,” she remarked, as she began again.

Growing up, their family usually had very little but their folks somehow always managed to get by. That all stopped when her dad was force to quit working. Jaycee’s mom, Mary, did what she could but the little she brought home as a waitress was barely enough to put food on the table. By the time her dad died, the medical bills and other debt had gotten out of control.

It got so bad, they stopped answering the phone or the doorbell to avoid the bill collectors. When Junior graduated high school later that year, he took off for the oil fields and began to send most of his money home. And when Jaycee left five years later, she pretty much did the same – sending her mom money when she could.

Things were now much better for their mother, though. She still worked at the restaurant but as a hostess now. Maggie had moved back home with her two kids after her divorce, and Nicki lived a few blocks away with her brood, so the house was overrun again – this time with grandkids. As for her brother Chris, he was well on his way to being the first in the family to graduate college. He just had a year to go for his engineering degree at Louisiana Tech. Jaycee was so happy that she and Junior could help him make that possible. They didn’t have to do that for Mikey, however. Ranked as one of the top high school shortstops in the country, he’d been drafted by the Angels but decided to accept an athletic scholarship to LSU instead. Matching that with other financial aid, he was set.

“So how did you get into singing?”

“Hmm?” Jaycee glanced over at Andy, only to find him already looking at her with those warm brown eyes of his.

“Sarah said you were singing with a band back in Champaign before I picked you up,” he said as his attention returned to the road ahead. “I was just curious how you got into that.”

Jaycee smiled at his attention to detail and began to explain how she came to spend the last eight years or so of her life singing in bars and dance halls for a number of different country bands.

Truth be told, Sarah had been the one to get her started down this path. Best friends since the second grade, she had roped Jaycee – back when she was sixteen – into helping with her older brother Todd’s band. At first, it was just for the two of them to be backup singers when they opened at the state fair. When the lead singer was hospitalized just two days before the concert, though, Jaycee was asked to step up to the front microphone. That was all it took. She was hooked. After that, she started filling in for other area cover bands on the weekends.

By the time graduation came, Jaycee had been singing with one particular group, Plantation Rose, for about nine months. When they made plans to tour all over Louisiana, as well as east Texas and Arkansas, she jumped at the chance. Sadly, that band fell apart after a year, while they were in Dallas, of all places, which was how she ended up living there. She found an apartment, got a job as a receptionist for an insurance agency, and soon hooked up with another band, Lazy Crop Circles, that made the rounds through the local bar and dance hall circuit.

A year later, she got the opportunity to go on tour again, so she quit her job and hit the road for six months – traveling as far away as Denver, Minneapolis, and Chicago. When she got back, she signed up for occasional work through a temp agency while she worked toward the next tour. Unfortunately, that also fell apart. She would go through two other bands before she finally was approached back in November by a smooth talker she knew by the name of Jimmy Monroe. They had dated off and on, but now Jimmy needed her help.

Monroe’s group, Tailgunner Joe, was one of the top draw bar bands in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. There were even rumors flying around that they were on the edge of signing a major record deal. Fortunately for her (or was that unfortunately?), there had been a falling out with their previous lead singer, so they needed a smooth transition at the mic in order not to mess it all up. At least, that was the song and dance she was given. Believing the big break she’d longed for had finally arrived, Jaycee let her apartment lease expire and hit the road with the band.

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Miss Britt Memories 4

"But I won't ask you anymore questions, I think I know very well what your into. Is your employer an older tall heavy lady, gray hair in a bun, dressed in a purple dress?" "Why do you ask?" "Because sweetie all the time you've been here I notice the lady I just described browsing around but occasionally glancing over here as if she was watching us." "Please finish my eyes, I must be going." "I thought so, my compliments to her and her SLAVE!" With that I left and joined Miss...

3 years ago
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2014 Changed Everything

After having worked several months down in the San Antonio, Texas area, a woman whom had been stalking me on a frequent basis at a social media site finally convinced me that at least with a stalker, things would rarely ever be boring. Let me tell you folks, she wasn't k**ding! Going on almost six years later, we are still together, and are still turning each other on when I come in off the road. Now if we could just find a few play-pals to keep her amused while I'm away at work for weeks on...

4 years ago
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Mere Best Friend Ka Bahan Ki Jabardast Chudai

Hi… Dosto mai firse ek or story lekar aap ke saamne lekar aya hu ye karib 1 mnth pahle ki baat hai mai isse pahle ki story me au pahle bata du ke mai rehan … Njis tarha se aap logo ko meri sab kahani achi lagi aur respnse mili usi tarha se mai umeed karta hu ke ye story bhi aap logo ko pasand aye aur mujhe response mile mera email addrss hai ….. .Com. Ab mai story pe ata hu….!! Jaisa ke aap sab jante hai mai kolkata me akela rahta hu yeha mera bohot sara frnd hai jisme se ek best frnd bhi hai...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 8 A Change in Direction

Liz Pays The Price The Westhampton Ladies Circle was meeting in the home of Hannah Kleich. Hannah welcomed the group explaining the theme for their meeting. "I know," she began, "that many of you missed out on our recent visit to Sir Geoffery's studio. It was a shame of course but Julia, Liz and myself had a most, what shall we say, instructive afternoon. Sir Geoffery has been kind enough to lend us some of his equipment again and we thought that we should take the opportunity to try...

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My Life as a Male Sex SlaveChapter 4 Exported

After my very exhausting but very rewarding session with Lady Enid I slept for many hours. I woke to find Princess Zeeta sitting on my bed looking down at me. As always she looked lovely, but she was looking very serious as though she had something on her mind, then she spoke in quite a serious voice. "Tony dear if I gave you your freedom now, would you go and tell the police and everyone what happened to you?" "For a moment I thought she was joking." I had since my capture begun to...

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Betrayed by Helen

--------------------------------------- As I sat at my desk squinting at my screen, the dull throb in my head re-asserted its presence and I winced in pain. It was clear that I was of no use at work today. My headache was never going to go while I was sat staring at pages of figures and I was very keen to get rid of my headache in time for tonight. I had arranged to take Helen, my girlfriend, out to dinner followed by a show she had been dying to see. I resolved to go home and rest my...

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Old Bob Pt 5

Misha becomes part of her elderly neighbour's life.Part 5Misha, having regained her composure as she sat on the sofa looking over at Bob as he sat watching the TV in his usual pose, imagined his late wife fussing over him. She imagined Bob's wife bringing him cups of tea (His favourite, white with one sugar) with a sandwich and a treat; the treat being a loving blowjob from her.Two things struck her; first was a mixed sense of jealousy and fear. Jealousy that another woman belonged to him, and...

Mind Control
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Alexi and Janne Newlyweds

Well, I finally gave Janne what he wanted and came out with it, I was in love with him and I didn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought of it. After all, I can always go back to playing clubs in Espoo, but I can never find someone who I will love as much as I have loved Janne for the past 11 years, in which I had lived with him (with the exception of the four disastrous months I was married to the front woman of my other band, Sinergy, Kimberly Goss.). We were both tired of living a lie and...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 132

Rebecca, Trinity and Erin headed off to Las Vegas just after noon. But with them, they carried two additional passengers – Anya and Ekaterina. Anya would see Las Vegas again in a few days, she knew, but Ekaterina would be making the only visit she would make for awhile. She had determined after only a few minutes of talking to the group from Five Friends Casting that she would stay in the United States and work toward a resident visa. Ekaterina and Shelly had quickly become friends, partly...

4 years ago
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Andy 24

"Nanu, bist du alleine?", begr??te Mom mich. "Nein, Bernd ist oben in meinem Zimmer." "Wie geht es ihm?" "Er scheint schlimme Zeiten hinter sich zu haben." "Ja, das hat mir der Psychologe schon erz?hlt. Aber wie geht es ihm jetzt? Der Psychologe war sich nicht sicher, wie Bernd darauf reagieren w?rde, wenn er einen anderen Jungen in einem Rock sieht." "Er hat erst einmal nichts dazu gesagt. Aber er scheint ziemlich empfindlich zu sein, wenn es um feminine Kleidung geht." "Kein ...

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1. বর্ণালিকে যে চোদা যাবে আমি প্রথম থেকেই আভাস পাচ্ছিলাম। রিসেন্টলি ডিসিশন নিয়েছিলাম আর যেচে কারো সাথে যোগাযোগ করবো না। অনেক কাজ আমার।কিন্তু বর্ণালি ক’দিন অন্তর দুপুর বেলা “কেমন আছেন?” টেক্সট চালিয়েই যাচ্ছিল। একদিন দুপুরে এমনই টেক্সট করলো কেমন আছেন? উত্তর দিলাম খুব ভালো। তখন অবাক করেই ফিরতি প্রশ্ন করলো কি করছেন! আমি দেখলাম, এই সু্যোগ বলেই ফেলি,বললাম ভাবছি তোমার কথা। বর্ণালি খেলোয়াড় মেয়ে, বললো আমার কথা!! আমার কি কথা ভাবছেন? এবার আমি বললাম তুমি যদি এখন একবার আসতে। কখন যেতে বলছেন আপনি – এ কথা...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 29

Lea was pacing back and forth. She was waiting for the other Hanson, uh, Baker female to show up, and come up, with a solution! “Mom,” said Kari Baker coming in to the library. “You called, and you sounded desperate.” “And understatement, but yes, I did call,” I said. “I talked to your daddy.” Kari looked around. Is he here? “No, your other daddy, Andrew Brown,” she said, sounding pressured. “Mom?” she said. “You know he hates me, right? After what he heard that night, and I know you...

3 years ago
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A Si sterrsquos Lust chapter 5

Herb felt like someone had just handed him a million dollars as he heard thepassionate pleading in her voice. Of course he’d wanted to fuck her all night but hehadn’t really expected to succeed. He was sure that Gail would back out at the lastminute or get mad at him and demand he take her home. Now she was the oneasking him! Could it be possible that he’d been wrong about Gail? That perhaps shewasn’t the straight virgin he’d surmised?Currents of delicious excitement ran through Gail’s body as...

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What A Fucking Family

What A Fucking FamilyBy: Londebaaz ChohanBoth the parents agreed that Victoria and Mike were no more k**s; rather young adults and it was fine for them to travel alone to Aunt Rosanne and Uncle Abraham; who lived almost half way off to the other end of the country. Uncle Abraham had made his first million and then the next as well, when he decided to quit his job as a big boss in the company that made the common household products. Both Victoria and Mike’s school was closed for the 2 weeks of...

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Getting Pussy On Prom Night

Barbie wasn't my first choice to take to the prom that night -- but after the fact, I don't think I could have had a sexier evening with any other girl I could have asked. I didn't know much about Barbie but I thought she was totally hot and I knew she sure wasn't a virgin. I wanted some action that night and I wasn't disappointed with my date. I'd asked two other girls but after being turned down, I decided to ask Barbie and she readily said she'd go with me. Barbie looked more awesome...

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 12

When I came into the house, there were raised voices from both the living room and the kitchen. I started with the kitchen. Ivan and Juan were arguing in English, Spanish and Russian which made the fight impossible to follow, but gave me a good idea about how pissed they both were. "BOYS!" I shouted over both of them. "Kill it!" They both looked at me, but they both shut up. "Now, in English only, what the fuck happened. You." I pointed at Ivan. "We need a programmer for the resume...

3 years ago
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University Life Part 5 The Initiation Pt 2

I started to pee.The feeling of euphoria as the pressure in my bladder began to ease was nothing compared to the thrill I received as a sudden nearby gasp revealed that those who had captured me had caught sight of my toilet.A very wet splattering arose from two locations as my pussy shower completed its arching passage into the air before gravity pulled it downwards to impact firstly against whatever I was bound to. Then the distinctive wet splashing as my piss landed on what appeared to be a...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter One

Scissor Sisters - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter. Mummy: My mother. Grandma: My granny. Aunty Pauline My mothers twin sister. Charlotte: My younger sister. (By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters. (By 3 years.); Emily and Judith: My twin cousins. (2 days younger than me.) Scissor Sisters - Chapter One I was only five when the police knocked on our door to inform my mother that my father had been...

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a sexy night withmy cousin sister

one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

4 years ago
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Mariels North sea crossing sharing a cabin

I was panicking, I needed to be back in time for the start of term and here I was in Göteborg and the boat to Newcastle, was full, in that there was no cabins left.I was offered a share, but I was warned that it was not company policy, so there would be no formal agreement from the shipping company.I reluctantly accepted, only to find out later, that the booking clerk, was a friend of my fellow occupants on the trip across.At least I had a bed and would sleep like the proverbial log, and not...

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Peggy Pays the Rent

Copyright© 2004 "Please Mr. Foster!" the little blonde teen was almost in tears, "It's just that Mom's been sick and hasn't been able to work!" Actually, her mom was hooked on crack, and everyone in the building knew it. It broke my heart, because I had enjoyed having little Peggy running around the apartment building ever since she was four. Now, ten years later, I had no choice but to evict her and her mother. They were three months behind in the rent, and I wasn't going to keep...

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I dont think you can do it

First, just a little background information for you. At the time of the story, my wife was 5'8” tall, 120 pounds, B cup bra size, long sexy legs and a great ass. She also has brown hair and blue eyes. I would classify my wife as athletic, but definitely not rippling with muscles. I was 6 feet tall, 165 pounds and also have an athletic build. For this story, I will give my wife the fictitious name of Joyce. My wife and I had been dating for over a year. Joyce was fairly...

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Blue Mountains Train Trip Part 3 Final

…Then her legs shot forward just like on the train and I knew she was having an intense orgasm. Abby was having trouble keeping her head between Vi’s thighs and eventually lifted her head and slowly moved off to the side. Once she sat upright I could pussy juice glistening on her lips and chin and Vi’s thighs were drenched, her pussy gaping open with excitement. Abby dropped into a chair, leaning back looking very satisfied with herself. This was the first time I’d had a chance to see Vi and...

Group Sex
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Makin the Best of a Bad SituationChapter 2 Pain and Suffering

After calling my friend and setting up a meet, I had some time to kill. I sat there and thought about the recent past to see if I could come up with some explanation that would have clued me in on what was going on with my wife. From what I had seen the previous night, things were not as I had believed them to be. I had been happy and I had always looked forward to getting home to Becky after a week on the road. I normally went on the road two weeks a month. Had this thing with numb nuts...

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Manaiviyin Amma Udan Sema Matter

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil en maamiyarai naan eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungaludan pagirugiren. En peyar Krichnan, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku oru manaivi irukiraal. Aval peyar Vimala, vayathu 29 aagugirathu, enaku iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vazhunthu vanthen aanal en manaivi ippozhuthu ellam sex idupaadu ilamal irukiraal. Avalin pundaiyil en sunniyai vite niraiya naatkal aagugirathu, en veetirku adikadi en maamiyar vanthu povargal. Avargal...

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Mother Sacrifies For Her Daughter 8211 Part III

Hey ISS readers this is karna, from Hyderabad. This is my third story continuation of “mother sacrifice for her daughter 1 & 2”. Email me to There are six characters in story, PINKY,SHOBA,JYOTHI and a three special characters that comes in the next part of the story. While coming to the story ill introduce the characters of the story. ME : : good looking guy, 5′.11″ height, 8 inches cock, 22 age. PINKY(sister) : : looks damm sexy, 36-28-36 sizes,5′.4″ height, 18 age. SHOBA (aunt or chachi or...

5 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 31 Saturdays a Turning Point

When I woke up, the first thing I felt when consciousness truly asserted itself was a enormous sense of relief. All that nonsense of being forced to do things that were repulsive and humiliating was over; now I could go to classes without being worried that a teacher would try to use my body as an education aid. Not that I had anything against displaying my body publicly, when I lived in Japan my family would go to the onsen where we would bathe nude in the hot spring with other families and...

3 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 7

I wake to my cat patting my face. I look at the clock. "Oh come on stupid I had five minutes before the alarm was set to go off" I pick the cat up and throw her off the bed. I pull myself up out of the bed. I shower and shave myself. There is nothing like a clean body to start my day. I pull out the new skirt and blouse I bought over the weekend. Oh this is not the mini-skirt, I bought one other suit set. It is a wool suit in black. I pull out a pair of the black pantyhose and ball one of...

4 years ago
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History of Jose

Jose by joseph falls Jose era siempre un nino extrano. Tenia buenas notas en la escuela, no se metia en problemas, ni se llenaba de polvo porque nunca pateaba la bola en el patio con sus companeros. Jose era callado, y callado iba y venia de la escuela a la casa. Jose vivia con su madre que se habia quedado soltera, porque su padre la dejo embarazada cuando la convencio de acostarse con el como una prueba de amor. Los padres de ella le ayudaron a criar al nino dandole una...

5 years ago
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A Warm Shower

Scott and Janet had enjoyed a delicious dinner of sushi at a favorite local restaurant. Conversation at dinner was light and comfortable, as they laughed and talked with the chef, Koji. Upon arrival back at home, Janet opened a delightful bottle of Cabernet wine, and they sat on the couch sipping and chatting some more.Each finished their wine, and Janet rose to pour another glass. After an hour or so, and a few passionate kisses between sips of wine, Janet took Scott by the hand, leaned toward...

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