Hatchery RoadChapter 3 free porn video

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He was standing in the doorway when he realized she was there. Her low, throaty chuckle gave her away in the darkness. Desire and dread waged war within him. His feet were transfixed. His hands paralyzed. She called but he did not answer. He could not. She wasn’t calling him. Another voice murmured in response. A sigh. A moan. He couldn’t turn away.

Pounding. Was he pounding? No. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe.


His name. Was she calling him? No. It was ... Jaycee?

“Andy! Wake up!”

Andy shot up in bed, his heart beating through his chest, his body covered in a cold sweat. The room was dark. Where was he? That’s right, the hotel! But the clock was out. No power.

“Andy! Come on, wake up!”

Emergency sirens wailed in the background. The urgency in Jaycee’s voice startled him. Other voices echoed in the hallway. He stumbled out of bed clad only in gray boxers and a black Norah Jones t-shirt.

As he drew near the door, there was a rattle with the latch and the door flew open. “Andy! Please, you’ve gotta ... ooof.”

Andy was knocked back a step as Jaycee barreled into his chest. Wrapping his arms around her to keep her from falling, her hair teased his nose with the scent of coconuts and tropical fruit. Jaycee lingered in his embrace for a moment, but then pushed against his chest and stepped back. The fear and worry on her face was illuminated by the emergency lights in the hallway.

“Andy, we’ve got to go downstairs! Tornadoes were spotted nearby! The manager said we’re not safe up here.” Her voice was shaky, her body trembling.

Andy saw her backpack in the hall by the door. He quickly reached out and touched her face, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. He spoke to her in a calm, soft voice. “I’ve got to put on some pants and shoes. Could you grab my stuff in the bathroom and throw it in my bag?” In less than a minute, they were both out the door and bounding down the stairs.

The first floor of the hotel, it turned out, was partially below ground. Coming down from the second floor, they passed the empty hotel entrance and lobby, and continued down another half flight of stairs. At the bottom, they opened a sturdy wooden door and were immediately assaulted by a cacophony of voices. Andy saw Jaycee also crinkle up her nose. He had to admit, there was a slight but unpleasant musty odor down here, as well.

The wide, carpeted floor of the hall was littered with about two dozen or so different people and their luggage. The tall, black man they’d seen at the diner rose to his feet when he saw them. He smiled and motioned that there was room down by him at the other end of the hall. With their own bags over their shoulders, they carefully made their way through the minefield – periodically exchanging apologetic glances with their fellow refugees.

As they drew closer, the man smiled at Jaycee. “I see you were finally able to get him to wake up.”

To Andy he extended his hand and introduced himself, “Grant Thomas.”

“Andy Erickson.” As Andy shook his hand, he noticed the older man was a good four or five inches taller than his own six one. Gray at the temples gave him a distinguished look, complementing his clearly gregarious nature.

Gesturing to his companion, Andy added with a chuckle, “And, evidently, you’ve already met the lovely Jaycee Fontenot.”

“Hey!” He felt a slight sting where Jaycee playfully slapped his arm. “Is that a crack about my hair?” she asked with a raised eyebrow and a twinkle in her eyes.

Andy looked over at her and grinned. “No, but now that you mention it...”

With a laugh, he threw up his hands in self-defense when she threatened to hit him again. In truth, he thought she was absolutely adorable with her coal black hair all mussed up from sleep. For a moment he wondered ... then pushed the thought from his mind, knowing full well it would return to haunt him later.

“The thanks I get!” she said with a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips. She could only hold the pose for a few seconds, however, before she started laughing.

Grant was thankful these two were finally here. Their playful banter was such a needed breath of fresh air. His easy going nature and quick wit played so well off of her feistiness. After just a few minutes around them, you couldn’t help but smile. They had definitely done that for him hours earlier at the diner without even realizing it and hopefully they could do it for the folks down here, as well.

As he began to explain to them about the set up, he could tell the atmosphere in the hallway was already beginning to change. The two ladies – he thought they were sisters – who had been right on the edge of losing it, were starting to smile and quietly talk to one another. The two kids in the young family right behind Jaycee were transfixed by the new arrivals, giving their folks a much needed break. And the elderly couple no longer looked like they were in need of medical attention.

Nearly everyone was now distracted by this delightful duo, who continued to kid and tease each other as they got settled. For Grant, the playful banter made him even lonelier. He recognized in Jaycee a kindred spirit to his own Anisha when she was younger and it made him more than a little bit nostalgic. He’d been away from home for the last three weeks, but his mother’s estate in Chicago was now settled. The present storm clouds would eventually pass.

“Tomorrow,” he told himself with a bit of a melancholy twinge. Tomorrow he would be back in Memphis, not that it really mattered.

While Grant explained to them about the bathrooms available to use in rooms 123 and 124, the night manager finally showed up with some pillows and blankets. He and Andy helped the poor guy go get more and distribute them to everyone. As Jaycee turned to move her and Andy’s bags, she felt a firm tug on her shirt. Looking down, she found herself staring into the biggest and bluest eyes she had ever seen. They were set in a cute, heart-shaped face with a dash of freckles across the small, upturned nose – all framed by a tangled bird’s nest of long white-blonde curls.

The little girl, however, said nothing.

Seeing the little girl’s parents occupied with her younger brother at the moment, Jaycee smiled and knelt down in front of her. “Hi! I’m Jaycee,” she said brightly. “What’s your name?”


“My, what big eyes you have, Kylie!” Jaycee’s facial expression and “big bad wolf” voice elicited an adorable giggle and huge grin from the cute pixie.

“So, Kylie, how old are you?”

“Four.” She held her right hand up to show her new friend just how many that was. “And Jason is two and a half,” she said, pointing back to the little boy currently squirming in his mother’s arms.

Jaycee was about to speak, when they heard the emergency sirens go off again. Little Kylie’s eyes grew even larger.

Jaycee took both of Kylie’s hands in her own. “Today sure has been a scary day, hasn’t it?”

The child silently nodded, her eyes starting to tear up.

Thinking quickly, she gave the little girl a confident smile. “Do you want to know what I like to do on scary stormy days?”

Another silent nod.

“I like to brush my hair. But since there’s two of us,” she continued, reaching around to grab her own hairbrush out of her bag. “How about we brush each other’s hair?”

Sensing that her new little friend wasn’t quite convinced, Jaycee volunteered to brush out Kylie’s hair first. Jaycee settled into a comfortable position, with her back against the wall, and had the child sit in front of her. Before long, Jaycee was well into untangling her tresses, while Kylie herself was succumbing to exhaustion.

Jaycee simply shrugged and smiled when the girl’s mother mouthed a silent “thank you” to her. She was glad to help, to be sure, but she had to admit – this was as much a distraction for her as it was for little Kylie. She used to do this with her sisters all the time. Thunderstorms have always scared the crap out of her. And tornadoes? Well, tornadoes were just the icing on that great big, humongous cake of panic!

But then there was that amazing man with the deepest brown eyes who was at peace in the midst of the storm. How’d he do that? Jaycee unconsciously brought her hand up to her face. With just a touch and a soft word, she somehow knew everything would be alright. How’d he do that? Really ... it made no sense. A quiet chuckle escaped her lips as the realization sank in. “I’m in so much trouble,” she laughingly repeated to herself as she resumed her brushing.

Drawing her brush gently through her charge’s beautiful curls, Jaycee noticed Andy making his way back to their end of the hall. She could feel him staring at her. She glanced up and their eyes met. A shy blush started across her face but faded when she saw a look of pain flash across his. Jaycee tipped her head to the side ever so slightly and gazed up at him, confused. He looked away quickly, but not before giving her a sad little smile.

“You okay?” Concern filled her voice as Andy wearily took a seat next to her on the hallway floor.

He didn’t say anything at first. Instead, he reached over and brushed a few stray strands of Kylie’s hair away from her precious sleeping face – his features haunted by a wistful expression of tenderness, tinged with sadness.

In that moment, she understood.

“Yeah, I’m okay.”

But she knew he wasn’t. Andy’s face was so close but his heart was so far away. Her own heart breaking for him, Jaycee found herself tracing her fingers gently across his tanned cheek. “Someday you will be,” she whispered softly.

He drew up his hand and covered hers with his, lightly pressing it against his face.

To Jaycee, it seemed as if – for just a moment – time stood still. Everything else faded away. The heat of his skin warmed her own. The rhythm of his heartbeat pulsed through her fingertips. The coarse stubble of his jaw tickled her palm. And the play of emotions across his face tugged at her heart.

But just as suddenly as it arrived, the moment was gone. A nonchalant cough brought them back to the present. Grant had come back from somewhere and was a little further down the hallway rearranging his sleeping area with his newly acquired blanket and pillow. Jaycee glanced to her right to see that the young couple had fallen asleep, the mother still cradling Kylie’s little brother.

Turning her hand against Andy’s cheek, she entwined her slender fingers with his. With a slight tug, their conjoined hands dropped between them, swaying like a suspension bridge. Even this connection between them was magical, but it came to an end far too quickly. With a wince, Jaycee apologetically withdrew her hand from the embrace in order to deal with Kylie. The child was slumped over one of her legs, which had unfortunately started to fall asleep.

Wrapping her up in a blanket, Andy, gently and with practiced hands, lifted the sleeping cherub and moved her over onto a pillow by her parents. Those hands of his were not done, however, for upon his return – to Jaycee’s delight – they found something else to do.

When Grant finished with his minor sleeping quarters relocation project, he started going back through his stuff again. He knew he should probably try to get some sleep. Problem was he wasn’t tired. Actually that wasn’t really true. He was exhausted. It’s just that his brain wouldn’t turn off. Daylight was coming and just how close of a call they’d had that night would soon be revealed.

Glancing around, Grant noticed that he, Andy and Jaycee were the only ones still up. The sounds of sleep filled the hallway. And, he admitted with a grimace, some of those sounds were not all that pleasant. Still, he had to concede, it could be a lot worse – which, of course, was why he was still awake. Grant smiled to himself. The irony of it all was not lost on him, not one bit.

He was pleasantly surprised when Andy invited him over. Evidently he and Jaycee couldn’t sleep either. They were such a cute couple, so at ease with each other. They were also always touching each other but it was never sticky-sweet or clingy – just heartwarming, leaving him rather nostalgic for what used to be. When Grant came over, Andy was attentively massaging her calves. Evidently one of Jaycee’s legs had fallen asleep when that little tyke nodded off in her lap.

He was a little afraid that he would be a “third wheel” but Jaycee put Grant perfectly at ease. Soon the conversation was flowing back and forth between the three of them, albeit quietly. They mostly talked about the weather – all the way from the challenges and difficulties they faced driving in it, to what they all would face when the sun rose in a few hours.

Grant looked over at his new friends. By this time, both were seated next to one another, with their backs against the other wall. Jaycee was pressed up close to Andy, her left arm inside his, and her hand safely ensconced within his as well, lying contently on his thigh. Seeing no rings and remembering that they were in different rooms upstairs, Grant opted to ask the obvious question.

“So, how long have you known each other?”

“What time is it?”

Jaycee burst out laughing at Andy’s quick-witted response. She couldn’t help it – the perfectly matter-of-fact tone of Andy’s voice, matched by Grant’s shocked expression, was simply priceless. She tried to quickly muffle the sound with her free hand, but knew instinctively that it was a bit like closing the barn door after the horses got out. She could hear Kylie’s restless whimper beside her.

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Dukan Wali Bhabhi

Hi this is sandy I am from Mumbai(dadar)age 20yrs ye story aaj se 3 mahine purani hai, mere ghar ke pass ek bhabhi rahti unka ek chota sa dukan hai, unka naam manju hai unki age 32hogi aur mast figer hai bade mammy hai aur gaad to kamal ki hai jab bhi o chalti hai to sabka lund khada ho jata hai. unke ghar me unke pati jo company me worker hai to raat me late ate hai aur chota ladka hi 4th std me padta hai budhwar ka din tha me me subah unki dukan me saman lene gay to bhabhi kapde dho rahi thi...

3 years ago
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The Contest Winner

The Contest Winner By Nicole Larson “Did you enjoy the show?” the big security man with the headset asked. “I did!” I gushed. “Very much!” And I had. It had been a long time since I’d been to a rock concert, and I wasn’t a huge fan of Cindee’s music, but she had put on a great show. The lights, the songs, the dancing, the insanity of the crowd, it was intoxicating. So here I was, riding an elevator up to the 24 th floor of a swank downtown hotel, on my way to a private meet and greet with...

Group Sex
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Too Much LoveChapter 43

“So, I called Threnody today.” Shelby said out of the blue. “When?” Alexis asked. They were sitting in Nick’s hot tub sharing a very good bottle of Nick’s Riesling with Lev’s cousin Rifkeh and The Infamous Cat Easton - a title Cat herself had suggested should be attached to her name last night after the four of them had split three bottles of Nick’s excellent Shiraz. Alexis had started subtly adding possessives to things around Nick’s Loft since Shelby had convinced them to go clothes...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 92 The Rooster and the Broom

Sanosuke: Well, it was kind of a gamble whether you'd come to Kyoto or not. When I thought about it, I didn't know if you'd set Kenshin on him yourself or what. Hey, you could look a little more pleased to see me. I did some training on the treacherous Nakasen Way. Saitou:? Sanosuke: Thanks to my getting lost, this guy pushed me a lot farther than I really needed to go. (turning to the audience) When I checked with Kenshin, I found out he went by the easy Toukai Way, so think about that...

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Hooked and Cropped

You were warned. How many times do we keep having to play the same game?  You love punishment and impact play but stil, I am the Dom. I am the one who sets the rules. While I am a Paternal Dom, and not sadistic by nature, there is only so far out of line you can be allowed to step. And so we find ourselves here. The coquettish grin on your face suggests to me that it's exactly where you knew and wanted that we would be.  Bratty is no way to go though life naughty girl.  So, here we are. The...

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FuckingAwesome Dillion Harper StepSister Fantasy

When Dillion Harper is your step-sister you just can’t help having a step-sister fantasy. Just ask Chad White. When Dillion and her friend are chilling by the pool Chad creeps around watching the sun bounces off Dillion’s amazing body. It doesn’t take much for Chad to head into the bathroom to jerk off to his step-sister’s amazing tits. Just as he get’s started all his dreams come true and DIllion walks in and catches him mid jerk. Instead of being freaked out...

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Handyboys New Customer

Billy's mother put the sandwich and glass of milk down in front of him and then sat across the kitchen table and smiled, licking her lips and secretly pleased, her warm, damp pussy trembling. "I saw Mrs. Peterson today, at the store. She told me what a good job you did for her." "Um," he said, chewing. "She's very pretty, isn't she?" She let her bathrobe fall open. He nodded, trying to ignore her full, firm breasts. "She called you a fine young man, and said she hoped to see you...

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EvilAngel Eden Ivy Cherry Kiss DP Foursome

European sex stunners Eden Ivy and Cherry Kiss share playful lesbian flirting and kissing for free spirited pornographer Proxy Paige’s camera. Blonde Cherry smacks Eden’s round ass, and tattooed brunette Eden rims Cherry’s butthole. Cherry eats pussy and tongues Eden’s stretched bunghole. She jams huge toys up Eden’s ass, and dildo plunging makes Eden’s rectum gape! Eden sucks a rubber phallus ass-to-mouth. Cherry ejaculates a mess of girl squirt, flooding...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 7A Making New Friends

Saturday: Sushi woke me with a steaming cup of mocha! What a way to wake up. We drank our mochas. It was still foggy outside. I checked the WE clock. It was 0615. Sushi and I packed and stowed our tent and bedding, then went and helped James and his set with their things. We soon had the camp clean and ready for the next campers. Joe took all of the extra fire wood and built a large pile in the fire circle so it too would be ready for the next camper to use. We were on the road by 0715. We...

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Crossdressed In best friends mom clothes 6

I woke up the next day pretty late again. My head was sore. But other then that i was fine. I walked passed Nico room and his stuff was already gone. I continued into the kitchen, were i see mom. I ran over and hugged her. “Hi sweety. How you been?” I sat down at the table. And Margret came with a cup of coffee. “Thanks. I've been a good girl mommy” “So you have? I drove my boy to the bus station this morning. But before that i see you sleeping in your own bed fully clothed as Caroline” I...

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Suzanne II The DesertDay Two

Buck and Suzanne were sleeping on the balcony of a suite on the 21 first floor at the Desert Springs Hotel as dawn started to break over the desert. Buck was laying on a chaise lounge and Suzanne was laying on top facing him with his soft cock still in her gently pulsing vagina. She had her arms folded across his chest with her head on them. As the desert sky started to brighten Buck started to wake up. They had been sleeping for almost 3 hours. He could feel Suzanne's pussy pulsing on his...

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Milkman to bithday party

Dear iss readers, i am nandini, a bengali housewife back here again with third part of my real life facts about how i became a nymphomaniac slut from a conservative woman due to my hubby’s perverted nature. I described in my previous two postings named “hubby made me a nympho” how my husband made me to do sex with our milkman in his presence which turned me into a slut craving for next fucking sessions with vivek, the milkman. Ok, let me come back to the facts again. As requested by me, the...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 70

Dan Richards' turn: I can do this story biz again. Let's see ... Oh, yeah. Knock on the door of the hotel room right before Cindy and I strip down for one of those 'somebody else's hot water' showers. That's one point where fate swung in our favor. I surmise that the impact of charges of consorting with an underaged girl would have been much more impactful had we both been in full 'consorting' configuration. Instead, when I opened the door to reveal two of, Cindy's words....

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Upper Class Tart with Big Tits

This is a real story and happened about 15 years ago when I had been divorced for about 3 years. In that 3 year gap my sex life was close to non-existent as I was focused almost 24 x 7 on growing a company that I had started with a few colleagues. The company was now growing very quickly and I after I had been paid a few dividend checks I was feeling like I wanted some female company again. Not having spent any time socializing or going down to the pub I was at a loss to think of how to make...

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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 4

Rowena was much dedicated to the simple premise of robbing the rich to give to the needy and poor of the region. It might be simplistic to equate the accumulation of wealth to happiness but it was easy to see that the lack of coin was tantamount to economic ruin and social suicide. She was under the control of a knight who was a bit long in the tooth and partnered with a cleric of degenerate impulses but her intent was well-intentioned and her motive was pure. Sir Roland was becoming much...

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Treehouse Adventures 4 The Final Chapter

So after the last adventure I told you about, what would you assume? Henry and I lived happily ever after? We were meant to be together? I wish I could tell you that it was the truth, but it was far from it. Now I don’t know if our love wasn’t strong enough, or the way we wanted the world to see us too great, but there was to much riding against us. So we ended up going our separate ways. Hannah and Henry ended up getting married after all and life went back to the way it was. ______________ “I...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 6 The Quest for Sarah Begins

"NO!! SARAH!! NO!!" Joey cried just before he fell out of the bed. "Joey! It's okay! It was only a dream!" I said, nearly falling out of bed after him. "NO! I SHOT HER! I SHOT SARAH! I REMEMBER! I DID IT! IT WAS ME!" Joey continued as he stumbled and struggled to get free of the covers. I realized he was lost in the emotions his dream had produced, and just as he got to his feet intending to run, I tackled him back to the floor and held onto him with everything I had while he went...

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Black StigmataChapter 9

"So how did your parents take it?" Christi asked, speaking to Jason through their cell phones. He was sitting in a snowy parking lot in Portland, having just filled out his fifth job application. In front of him now was a McDonalds application. Damn, his parents had always told him to study hard and get into a good college so that he would never have to flip burgers. Thanks a lot, Black Stigmata. "I can't really say, I went to bed as soon as I got home and left before anyone else got...

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A Wet Dream on Elm Street

Christina slowly adjusted the fit of her thigh length dress and looked around at the room. Filled to the brim with fluffy penguins and colorful bears it was her sanctuary. A place where only she could go. She smiled and jumped down into the pile of stuffed beasts and seized one against her firm breasts and rolled onto her back. Brunette curls spilled backward, fanning out over her head. “Mmmm.” She smiled and planted her feet on the floor standing up with a pink and blue penguin in her hands....

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MBF 23 A Surprise Gift Pt 1

Author’s Notes: Last time we saw Jay he was having sex with Amanda and Jeanette in a room full of people seeing who had the best equipment and who could use their equipment the best. Some time has passed since that night. Things has changed between Jay and Amanda because of that night. The only question has it been a good change or a bad change. The only way to find out is read and find out for yourself. We join Jay of a bus late at night going back from. Let’s read along and find out what is...

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The Dental PlanChapter 2

Murphy’s law, Melissa sent me a text about five miles down the street, just as I turned onto the exit from the freeway in my Ford Ranger, a vehicle that I often used for personal reasons when taking a day off from my law enforcement work. I didn’t use the squad car for anything but county business if I could avoid it. As the chief peace officer for the county, I wanted to save the taxpayers excessive waste and set a good example for my deputies. For the sake of public safety and defensive...

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My Hot Office Colleague

Hi everyone, am Gopinath from Chennai residing in Perungalathur. Am a regular ISS reader. So am very eager to share my present true story happening in my day to day life for the past one two months. Since this is first sex experience , am really very excited to tell this to you all about the incidents which is a very unfortunate things that happened to make my sex desire come true. Am 26 with 6. 5 inch length dick with a light curve shaft (people having curve shaft dick can give 200%...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome Part 3 of 4

Warningthisseries is fundamentallya bisexual (MMF) threesome story. If bisexuality makes you feel uncomfortable, you should probably stop reading now. Also, I have illustrated versions of these stories in PDF format for anyone who would like a visual to go along with the words. Just drop me a line at I hope you enjoy. M ************************************************************* David flopped down on the bed next to me and let out a long sigh. ‘Thank you for letting me do that.’ ‘Believe...

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River wild

I woke up with an erection. It was poking through the hole in my boxers and pointing straight at my friend's girlfriend. The truth his I'd been imagining her lips around my 8 inch shaft. Dreaming of her spit dripping over my balls and feeling the back of her throat as I pushed her head on to me. I opened my eyes and realised my duvet wasn't covering me and my friend Tom, 20, and his girlfriend Lisa, 19, were facing towards me, his arm around her asleep. I enjoyed being in front of them like...

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In Cold BloodChapter 2 Back to the Nightmare

Oh damn! I woke up. I’d only been dreaming. I was alone in my house. Oh Jesus, now I remember; my parents and brother had come and gone, I’d tried to eat, I’d gone in to lie down and watch some TV. I took one of those pills, and must have drifted off. What a dream, but it was only a dream. I checked the clock – 4:00 a.m. What day was it, Tuesday? No Wednesday. I rolled over to the side of the bed. Oh crap I had a morning trip; shouldn’t be a problem. I got up and got dressed, so I’d do the...

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