Hatchery RoadChapter 15 free porn video

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Tyler Dawson grimaced at the news. “Seriously, Ren, I would not have predicted that. I just figured she’d spend her life bouncing you like a yoyo on a string. Have to say, though, I didn’t see that one coming ... not at all.”

“Me either.”

“Still, you have to admit ... with all the crap she’s put you through over the years, she turned you into one hell of a songwriter. And for that I’m not complaining!”

Gazing around the brew pub they were in while waiting for the girls, the comment caught him by surprise. Rennie rolled his eyes and wryly shook his head. “Asshole.”

His friend grinned briefly but then grew serious. “By the way, how did you find out she was running around on you, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“At the doctor’s office.”

“What do you mean?” Suddenly Ty’s confused look shifted to one of clarity. “No! Really?”

Rennie just nodded. “Yep, she gave me a gift that kept on giving. Fortunately it was treatable with a round of antibiotics.”

“Oh, man, Ren. I’m sorry I asked.” He’d had the glass to his lips but set it down without drinking from it. “I can only imagine how bad that must have been – I mean, you being a pastor and all.”

“It was,” he agreed somberly, “more than you know. The pharmacist who filled the prescription for me was one of my members.”


“Exactly.” Rennie lifted the draft to his lips, took a long pull, and then, with a look of determination, set it down. “Okay, no more sad talk. I’ve wasted enough time on her. Let’s focus on something pleasant for a change.”

“Sure.” Ty nodded sympathetically and then finally took a drink from his beer. A puzzled expression clouded his face, however, as he set the bottle down. “Just one last question, though, if you don’t mind.”

Rennie rolled his eyes a bit and motioned with his hands for his friend to hit him with his best shot.

“I have to ask,” came the eventual question. “Why in the world did you stick it out?” Ty just shook his head, as if in disbelief. “I mean, if it was me, I would have just packed up and left after the doctor’s visit.”

“It was mostly for the girls. They deserved better from us and I didn’t want to lose seeing them every day.”


Rennie shrugged. “It was also the path of least resistance,” he admitted as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “Helen actually became a lot more bearable to live with and I could continue doing what I’d been trained to do. I knew once we pulled the plug on the marriage, life was going to radically change for all of us, the church included, and very little of it for the better.”

“Makes sense,” the singer replied, nodding thoughtfully. “Still had to suck, though.”

The chatter of the lightly filled pub was interrupted momentarily by a flash of light and the sudden blare of street noise. Rennie watched as Ty glanced past him to see who’d just come in the door.

“Hey, speaking of pleasant,” he quickly blurted out, a huge, admiring smirk on his face, “check out the legs on the chick that just walked in! I must say, I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better! She could wrap them around me anytime.”


“No, seriously, you’ve got to see this girl! What I wouldn’t...” He suddenly paused, with a surprised look on his face, when the door opened again. “Wait a minute, Sarah just walked in behind her. Holy crap, that’s Josie, isn’t it?”

Turning briefly to look, Rennie couldn’t help but smile at the shocked expression on his friend’s face. “Yep.”

Ty laughed out loud, slapping the table with his open hand. “Damn, bro, you sure landed on your feet! That is one hot little number! She’s quite a bit smaller up top than I prefer but my goodness...”


“What? Oh right, you’re attracted to her for her mind.” He snickered. “Yeah, right, and guys buy Playboy for the articles.”

“Ty, behave.”

“Oh, don’t worry, man. I’ll be good. Besides, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Once she saw you, that was it. Probably doesn’t even realize someone else is sitting at this table right now.”

“Oh, I’m not worried about her at all,” he shot back with a teasing grin. “It’s you that has me concerned. You’ve got all the couth and manners of a stray dog in heat.”

Ty laughed out loud again. “Yeah, I probably had that coming.”


Rennie stood as Josie and a trailing Sarah approached the table.

“Hi, honey,” she greeted as she leaned in for a quick peck on the lips. “Where’s your trailer?” Josie asked with an expression of concern. “When I stopped over at the hotel this afternoon, I noticed it’s wasn’t parked in its usual spot at the end anymore.”

“I’ll tell you about that in a moment,” he replied, “but first, there’s someone here I want you to meet.”

Josie’s eyes became as large as saucers. “Oh my goodness, Ty!” she gushed excitedly as she shook his hand. “But it’s Monday! You’re not supposed to be here for another couple days.” She turned back to Rennie and lightly pushed him on the shoulder. “How come you didn’t tell me he was here?”

“Don’t blame him. I snuck out and came up here early,” Ty jumped in with a chuckle. “Of course, he’s trying to put me to work now.”

Sarah snorted derisively. “What, no entourage?”

Tyler glanced over at the familiar blonde with a clear expression of amusement and opened his arms wide, as if to embrace her. “Hi, Sarah. Don’t I get a hug?”

“Nope,” she replied quickly, taking a step back, her palms up in a defensive posture. “Last time you grabbed my butt.”

“Aw, it was just a friendly squeeze between friends,” he teased.

“Friendly squeeze, nothing,” she retorted. “I was manhandled! So keep your distance, mister!” Sarah’s small smile, however, took most of the sting from her words.

Josie, though, gaped back at her friend in surprise. “Hey, since when have you known Ty and how come you didn’t tell me?”

“Oh, come on, girl,” Sarah dismissed the question with a wave of her hand, “he’s just one of the talent signed to our label. Of course I know him, along with eighteen other current or up and coming stars. But he’s a player, so he’s never been worth mentioning.” The last part she tossed in with an exaggerated eye roll, as the four of them took their seats.

The object of her disdain, however, matched her exaggeration with a loud sigh and hand to the chest. “You wound me, Sarah. I’m hurt you think so poorly of me.”

“Oh, hush up, Ty. Taylor said a whole lot worse about you on her last album, so I think you’ll survive.”

“Oh, man!” He exclaimed, launching into a personal rant. “On the outside that wench puts on this whole ‘I’m so innocent and sweet’ routine but inside she’s nothing but a bona fide, top of the line, grade A bi...”

“Ty!” The reprimand came from both Sarah and Rennie at the same time, while Josie merely sat back and giggled.

“Shutting up.”

“So, what’s up with the trailer?” Josie asked, after the waitress left with her and Sarah’s drink orders.

“Darren and his crew needed it and the truck to move a bunch of stuff this afternoon,” Rennie answered. “He tried to explain it to me but, in all honesty, I was a bit distracted at the time. They should be back soon, however.”

“Your truck’s gone, too? I must have missed that.” She smile briefly but then a look of confusion swept over her. “Wait a minute, what about all your stuff in the trailer?”

“Almost all gone now. Let me see ... the Ellisons got the dining room table and chairs, Diane Kovak got the couch and recliner, while...” Rennie struggled for the couple’s name, snapping his fingers a couple times and eventually looking over to Ty for help.

“Rick and Deb... , “ his friend quickly interjected.

“Right, Rick and Deb Matthias took the girls’ bedroom set.” Rennie thought for a moment more before he remembered what he’d missed. “Oh, and they all got autographed copies of Ty’s latest cd, too.”

“You actually helped?”

Rennie was coming to the realization that Sarah didn’t have a high opinion of his old friend.

Ty, however, seemed unfazed. “Surprised?”

“A little,” she remarked with a slight nod.

“Actually, today was just a warm up.” Rennie tossed in. “Tomorrow I’ve got him all set to go with Darren, Shelley and their crew.”

“Wow, I’m impressed,” Sarah responded. “Be prepared to get dirty, though. Want me to stop by and take pictures?”

Ty laughed. “No, that won’t be necessary. I’m off the handler reservation right now and would just as soon keep it that way, at least for a few more days.”

The free flowing conversation came to a temporary halt, however, when a noisy rabble of college kids flew in through the door, followed up by the Burkes. Darren tossed a set of keys to Rennie, while Shelley claimed a seat next to the country superstar and across from Josie.

“Thanks, Ren,” he offered, as his crew began to drag some tables together for the now larger group. “That really helped out a lot with all the drywall, plywood and lumber we were hauling today. Oh, and all the stuff you wanted to keep is piled neatly in Sean and Lindsey’s garage.”

“Glad I could help.” Rennie smiled and then nodded back toward the door. “Are you going to need it again, tomorrow?”

“Only if you’re coming, too. Those AmeriCorps kids they’ve assigned to us mean well,” he grimaced apologetically, “but George could really use an experienced hand with chainsaw certification.”

“Chainsaw certification? What’s that?” Ty asked while signing an autograph for a star struck Shelley.

Rennie was about to answer when Josie jumped in. “The rules are that only certified trained volunteers may operate chainsaws or be within six feet of a running saw.”

“You have to be certified before you can use a chainsaw?” He asked with a fair amount of irritation. “That seems kind of silly. I mean, what about me? I’ve been around them since I was a kid growing up in Texas. So, what, I’m not allowed to use one just because I haven’t gone through some class?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Rennie answered with a shrug. “It’s a thing that’s been in place with FEMA and all the various emergency response organizations around the country for a few years now. Mainly because there have been a number of clueless volunteers over the years who seriously hurt themselves in chainsaw accidents. They’ve also got a bunch of certification programs for other things, like tarping roofs and mucking out houses, all for the same reason.”

“Don’t worry about it, though. There’s still plenty enough to do without the power tools.” Darren offered reassuringly. “Hi, I’m Darren, by the way,” he added, offering his hand to the singer. “I hear you’ll be coming out with us tomorrow.”

Ty nodded. “Yeah, Ren seems to think that it’ll help me develop some character and keep me out of trouble at the same time.”

Darren chuckled and then looked back over at Rennie. “So, what about it? Are you going to be able to come out and help tomorrow, too?”

Rennie reluctantly shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. We’re finally closing down the other two shelters. And then I’ve got a boat load of phone calls to make. But you could take Josie with you,” he added, glancing over at her and affectionately patting her on the thigh. “She’s all wrapped up at the main shelter now and we finally got the last of her certifications taken care of yesterday.”

Josie beamed with pride at the accomplishment.

“Oh, that’ll be great!” Shelley interjected excitedly. “Bella’s going to come out, too, along with Rod and their daughter, Gabby. It’ll be so nice to have some real people to talk to, rather than just these yahoos.”

“Hey!” came the response from several of the boys.

“Oh, you know what I mean,” she teased.

“So, what exactly have you been doing here lately, anyway?” Ty’s expression was one of open curiosity as he looked across the table at Rennie.

“Well, initially, I was put in charge of setting up the shelters at this end of the destruction zone,” he replied with a somewhat bemused expression on his face. “After a couple days, the Red Cross was able to get a team of their folks in from Denver to take over for me. I still help with the shelters a bit, but now I’m tasked mostly with coordinating relief efforts with all the faith based NGOs.”

“So, all the mess I saw coming up here, stretching from Carbondale to Mt. Vernon – you’re saying what you’re doing covers them, too?”

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Chapter 1 Once upon a time not so long ago on an island out in the ocean there was born a boy. Now this boy was not special. He was the son of regular people who loved him and raised him to be a good person. He tried. But sometimes he would get into a little trouble. He grew toward manhood and did well in school, making many friends. His family was proud of him. The day came when this boy, now a young man, felt the need to leave this garden in the ocean and spread his wings. He decided to go...

1 year ago
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BlackValleyGirls Misty Stone Hot House Arrest Action

Misty Stone is a hard bodied black valley girl who makes the best of any situation, even when she is on house arrest! She usually passes her time by playing with her tight chocolate pussy or watching tv. This was starting to get old though. She needed to get out of the house. One day she decided to cut off her monitoring bracelet and hit the club! Just as she was about to walk through the doors her parole officer Mr. White showed up. It turns out that her bracelet had a tamper sensor. Misty was...

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Starting Anew Part 1

Chapter 1 Amy Lee looked over her classroom with jealousy. She was considered by all of classmates to be as one person pointed out "a bitch." Her classmates shied away from her, giggling and pointing whenever she walked by. Amy was an outcast. She didn't want to be but she was the victim of her own creation., one that she created to keep her darkest secret safe from others. Her mother had high hopes for Amy. She believed that she would grow up to be a famous model, actress, singer,...

1 year ago
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summer on the farm pt 1

It all started in the summer, when I was 12 years old. My parents wanted to teach me responsibility, so since my grandparents farm. Both my parents are grown up on farms, and learned the responsibility of work. Since I had grown up and sitting, they felt that I had learned the value of work yet. I grandparents farm had very little extra space. I didn't have room of my own, I had to share one with my uncle, who was only seven years older than me. But he seemed like he knew everything. ...

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Anything Goes

Anything GoesFaith squirmed under Dawn's scrutiny. Reflexively wriggling away from the younger girl as they roosted over the coffee table, languidly lounging on the sullen couch. The television puttered even in neglect, displaying a cartoon regarding a nautical sponge. "Are you wigging on me or something?" said Dawn, intently studying the slayer.She laughed timidly, forcing her body to stop easing towards the opposite direction. "Of course not, Dawnie," she sputtered, gritting her teeth as she...

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Shore Dreams

Madison was finally at her favorite place, the beach, but not just any beach, Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her children were nearly grown now and she had promised them a trip to the beach and as everyone went through the hustle and bustle of settling in, she decided to do her favorite thing and walk on the beach. It was late, they hadn't arrived until after 7 and after unpacking and eating dinner, it was now almost 11. She changed into her one-piece bathing suit and grabbed her flip-flops and headed...

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Lillys first Hand Job

* All characters in this story are 16 and older ****The knock on the door came as a surprise at first, but then I remembered that we had organized for Lilly from across the street to come and look after the kids while my wife and I went out for a work function dinner and drinks.As Angela, my wife, was still in the en-suite blow-drying her hair, I jumped up off the couch expecting to open the door to who I thought would be the awkward, shy young girl whose family had lived directly across from...

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The PictureChapter 3

Thursday After such an emotional rollercoaster of a day, Mike had not expected to fall asleep so quickly. Mike had been peripherally aware of Juliet saying good-bye, and had fallen back to sleep. The sun had somehow moved the curtains a slight amount, that it was now shining directly on his face. He had been awake for a few minutes and was busy dealing with his morning glory, when Jenny burst in through the door. She blushed, but asked him to carry on, when he started to try stuff it back...

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Warmth of a Mid Autumn Night Ch 22

Note: This is a novel, not a short story. It is designed to be long. Chapter 22 Home at Last It is certainly nice to be back home. Humbly had the dining room all warm and cozy. ‘Glass of sherry, Sir?’ ‘Yes, Humbly. Thank you.’ ‘Dinner will be out soon.’ ‘That sounds lovely. Please join me.’ ‘Yes, Sir.’ I wonder if Gracie is still upset with me. This will not be an easy talk when we see one another again. I dread the thought of making her upset, but this is not about upsetting her. It...

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Alien tools

It was a dark but not that stormy night. Alex was driving by a forrest to get to the college campus where she lived, Alex was a short black haired woman with a black coat with a white shirt underneath with B cups. Alex was obsessed with alien spaceships and was into science fiction. She had found the crash and was looking around it for any proof. She found a container with some weird yellow fish things. She decided to open them

Mind Control
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 15

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 15 Amanda tried to keep from laughing as she watched her mother try to teach Nicole and Amber lessons about poise and grace for the pageant. She had to admit she wasn't the pageant type, but Nicole and Amber seemed to enjoy their preparation. The sight of both of them walking around the house with books on their heads was a bit funny. It was also a bit priceless. She reached for her camera and snapped photos. "One of these days they'll kill me,"...

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The Young Barista Part 3

I pulled up at our agreed upon rendezvous point, it was at the bus stop a couple of blocks away from Sam’s house, a route that her parent’s seldom took. She was the only one at the bus stop and as she came into view, I could not help but stare. There she stood, looking simply exquisite in a very tight fitting, long sleeve, short black dress. She had matching heels on that were not so high that it made her look slutty. No, not at all, it was only about a two-inch heel, but the effect of it...

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Story of being kidnapped and used

A voice says, “Scream and you die,” and that was enough so that I would not speak. The hand moved down from my mouth down my body. I try to think of other things, as though I am not here. I can feel the hand against my throat, holding my throat. The hand continues down my body to my arms, which are quickly pulled behind me and tied together with rope. Suddenly every thing goes dark, as a blind fold is placed over my eyes. He pulls me away form the car, and he pushes me forward. I hear a door...

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Twists and Turns Among The Wampyr

San Francisco, if you know it well, is a 24 hour city. Like our kind, the city never sleeps. Karen and I sit in a darkened booth in the far corner of a members club, very select, you understand. Soft music plays, a susurrus of distant conversation reaching us as the assembled mortal throng describe their day. You’d know some of them. ‘$100 a gramme, but it’s not cut and I say that as a friend…’ (This from a perspiring long haired nervous type who it appears samples his own product.) ‘Did...

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Love Never Dies Chapter 9

We sat in Gaynor’s lounge but not in the usual chairs in the bay window. This time, Gaynor was stretched out on the four-seater leather couch, her back resting against a cushion and her bare feet in my lap. I was in my all-black golf attire and Gaynor was wrapped in a white cotton bathrobe, her legs bare from below the knees. She held a mug of steaming coffee in both hands, gently blowing over the rim, and I balanced my ‘world’s best golfer’ mug on the arm of the couch. “So,” she broke the...

Love Stories
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excerpt 6

i couldn't help but moan, my hands gripping the sink feeling the cold steel underneath my palms as i leaned into a body that was so much more than mine, definitely masculine. strong hands moved their way over my hips and underneath my shirt just to tease by touching my belly. and then fingers just brushed up against the underside of my left breast only to slowly move their way down. I gasp loudly, breath becoming more panicked with excitement as i feel a warm mouth on my neck, gently biting and...

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Georgie GirlChapter 10 Sanity Prevails

It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas's people skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she'd been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she'd swatted a pesky fly. She had shot Bradley in the lower abdomen and crotch. He was fortunate that he was wearing fairly heavy pants and they absorbed some of the bird shot pellets. But...

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The Drifter Chapter Six

As I drove along Route Sixty-six past various stores, restaurants, and billboards, we were both quiet, lost in our thoughts. I knew Avalon was about forty miles from the Black Mountains and that we’d soon be there. I saw a sign that announced we were entering Death Valley. Carla held my map on her lap while we drove past the sparse vegetation, mostly Joshua Trees, sagebrush and odd shaped cactus. Dusty bronze colored hills rose from the flat land. They created deep valleys and basins that...

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My first lifestyle party

My first lifestyle experience was more than I could ever imagine. My girlfriend had quite a bit of experience in the LS in a past relationship. I was brand new. We decided to throw a small house party with some couples we had met before and a few we hadn't. We all were having a great time eating, dancing and drinking.After a while, Mindy began flirting with one of the guys, Chris, who we had met on a couples date weeks before. It was hot to watch. She is very sexy and very flirty when she wants...

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Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be...

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Groundhog House Party

"I don't see why I even have to go." This is going to be such a pain... "C'mon! It'll be fun, I promise!" The annoyingly optimistic voice driving the car right next to me said cheerfully. I sighed, "When have I ever shown any interest in wanting to go to parties? I don't even like going to parties within my own age group! What even makes you think I'll get along with a bunch of college frats?" "Don't be such a downer! Most of them are my friends, so I'm sure you'll get along great!" This...

4 years ago
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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

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I Dream of Demie

--- I Dream of Demie (MF, MFF, con, reluc, impreg, mc) by Krosis of the Collective --- I listened carefully to the homeless guy's breathing as he slept under the stained, stinky tent. Yes, ragged and slow...in this cold winter weather he wouldn't last the night. I was sure of it. I pulled out the chalk and drew the protective circle around the tent. It was difficult to get a proper circle due to how close the tent was to the wall of the alley but I did my best, making sure...

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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 9

After leaving the clothing store you grab a quick bite to eat. You continue to joke with Wendy, "Um, maybe your not hungry? Have you eaten enough for the day?" "Perhaps if your cum was still a thick as it used to be, then I would be full. As it is, I'm definitely not thirsty at all. I mean I do intend to drink you dry a soon as I can." "Well, maybe I should eat some more of your thick cream. Sandy wasn't really in a sharing mood. Maybe I should just slide under the table right now and...

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Premier Classe Premier Fuck

I opened my eyes, stretched, and looked at my phone. I’d only dozed off in my compartment for half an hour or so, but even during that short time, the landscape had changed completely. I’d closed my eyes on endless rows of ramshackle, corrugated-iron-roofed, single-story shanties on the outskirts of Johannesburg, and opened them to equally wide vistas of flat uncultivated scrubland. There were now no signs of human habitation; just short, twisted trees dotting the landscape, along with random...


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