Hatchery RoadChapter 25 free porn video

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Shelley called out as soon as she came in the door. “Hey, Lindsey!”

“We’re in the kitchen!” came the reply.

Walking through the living room, she could hear them before she saw them. From the voices, it sounded like the pastor’s wife had a few additional helpers in making lunch. Sure enough, when she came around the corner, there was Megan doing something with fresh green beans, while Josie was hard at work putting a garden salad together. Lindsey, meanwhile, was pressing out hamburger into patties.

“Can I help?”

Megan snickered as her mom glanced over at Shelley and then gestured towards a brown paper bag on the kitchen table. “The Fergusons gave us some sweet corn this morning. You up for some shucking?”

More than willing to do it but wanting to have a little fun with it, Shelley let out a good-natured groan. “Aw, Mom, do I have to?”

Now it was Lindsey’s turn to chuckle. “Oh my goodness, Shel, you sounded just like Megan!”

“What?” her daughter protested. “I do not sound like that!”

The two bantered back and forth, with Shelley tossing in a comment every now and then, while she sat down at the table and began to do her assigned task. As this was going on, though, she noticed something about Josie. She was way too happy for someone currently cutting celery. Having sat behind her in church that morning, Shelley had an inkling as to why, but she was curious what the girl would say.

“So, what’s got you so cheery this morning?” she asked the raven-haired singer.

Caught unaware, Josie’s face started off with an expression of surprise that soon morphed into one of mischievous joy. With a sly grin and a twinkle in her eye, she responded to Shelley’s question. “I just really like salads.”

Shelley shook her head and made a buzzer sound. “Try again.”

“The sermon today was very uplifting?”

“Sean did have a rather insightful take on the Gospel lesson,” she replied, knowing better than to make the buzzer sound again. “But something tells me that’s not the real reason why you can’t stop smiling.”

“Well, she was up really late last night,” Megan tossed in. “Maybe that has something to do with it.”

“We weren’t up that late,” Josie protested, leaving her celery only partially chopped.

Shelley gleefully pounced on the plural pronoun. “We? Oh, that’s right; you and Ren were gone from the party for quite a while.”

“I wonder what they were up to,” Megan teased, wiggling her eyebrows, as she mixed in some bacon bits with the green beans.

“Had to have been good to produce that kind of smile,” Shelley returned with a smirk. “Patty Cake, maybe?”

The younger redhead giggled. “Or Hide and Seek?”

Josie, for her part, shook her head in amusement as they kept going but said nothing – evidently content to finish with the celery and move on to the carrots. Her expression of happiness, however, remained.

Shelley, sensing the need to drop the teasing (mostly due to a serious look from Lindsey), asked the question she’d been thinking. “He finally told you, didn’t he?”

“Told her what?” Megan asked, her eyes switching between Shelley and Josie.

“That he loved me,” came the soft reply.

Dumping the green beans into an aluminum foil pouch for use on the grill and folding it closed, Megan let out an enlightened sigh. “Oh! So that’s why she looked like she’d been sucking on lemons all through church.”

Shelley thought it was funny no one asked Megan who she meant. It got her to thinking, though. “Speaking of Helen, where is she ... or Rennie, for that matter?”

Lindsey spoke up. “They’re meeting with Sean over in his office at the church. Heidi and Grant are with them.”

“Meeting about what?” her daughter asked, clearly confused yet curious.

“Custody and visitation of the girls,” Josie answered, her smile now replaced by a worried expression. “Grant and Heidi are there as witnesses.”

“Helen’s already pulled her divorce petition in Minnesota and it’s going to be a while before Ren can submit one in Tennessee,” Lindsey explained to the other two as she washed her hands in the sink. “He’s got to become a resident first. So they need some sort of temporary arrangement until then.”

“But Dad’s not a judge,” Megan observed, clearly confused, “or even a lawyer.”

Her hands now dry, Lindsey placed the dish towel over the handle of the oven. “No, he’s acting strictly as a mediator and the agreement they come up with is not legally binding,” she conceded, with a shake of her head. “That said, he’s done this before and judges take the agreement into consideration, along with how each side has honored it or not, when it comes before them in divorce court.”

“Wow! Really?”

Lindsey looked over at Shelley and nodded her head. “Sean’s also a licensed counselor and occasionally has to do this type of agreement as part of marriage counseling when the couple is no longer living together.”

“In this day and age, that makes sense,” Shelley replied thoughtfully, shucking the last of her sweet corn. “With Darren as a campus pastor, we hardly get any of that.”

“Where is Darren, anyway?” Josie asked.

Finished with the shucking, Shelley was now individually wrapping the corn in aluminum foil. “He and the guys are over at the school packing the van so we can leave after lunch.”

“Bella and her family already left right after church,” Josie offered, as she put slices of hardboiled egg on the top of the salad, “but Helen, Heidi, and the girls are waiting to leave until after lunch like you are.”

“Burgers fresh off the grill with green beans, corn on the cob, and salad versus grabbing a quick bite at a McDonalds along the way? That’s not even a real choice.”

“Wait, you’re actually letting them pack your stuff?” Megan chimed in.

Shelley couldn’t help but chuckle. “Of course not! You can’t trust a bunch of guys with that. I packed and loaded all my stuff this morning before church.”


She nodded in reply. “So, when are you guys leaving?” she asked, looking over at Josie.

“Tuesday morning,” the singer answered. “We’ve got a sit down on Monday with Grant about all the contract offers the band’s received. Plus, I wanted to hang around for moral support for Sarah when she meets with her lawyer.”

Megan was confused. “Her lawyer? For what?”

“It’s just preparation should that idiot Charlie try to sue her for putting him in the hospital,” Josie explained, shaking her head in disgust.

“He can do that?” she asked, clearly horrified at the prospect.

“Can he? Yes. But will he?” Lindsey responded to her daughter’s query then shrugged. “Who knows ... hence Sarah meeting with an attorney specializing in civil lawsuits tomorrow.”

“Wow, that sucks.”

“Amen to that!”

About that time, a phone chimed signaling an incoming text. The women looked at around until Lindsey signaled it was hers. “They’re all done,” she explained, laying her phone back down on the counter. “Why don’t you ladies set everything out and I’ll get the burgers on the grill.”

With a nod to the woman of the house, they did just that.

“I don’t recall seeing you in church this morning, young lady.”

Sarah had arrived a bit late at the O’Malley house and had just managed to grab a plate of food and a drink and find a seat away from all the hubbub. She turned in the direction of the voice and grimaced apologetically. “Sorry. I didn’t get to bed until somewhere around four thirty or five this morning.”

Father O’Malley, taking a seat in the lawn chair next to her, gave her a quizzical look. “What had you up so late? The after party broke up before midnight.”

“Ty and I were talking.”

“Oh, so that’s what you kids are calling it these days.”

“What? Hey!” Taken aback by the cynical tease, Sarah sputtered a bit. “We were! ... Talking, I mean!”

“Sure. I believe you,” he retorted with an expressive eye roll.

Sarah was about to go off on him, when she noticed the twinkle in his eye and the hint of a smirk on his face. “You’re terrible!” she exclaimed and punctuated it by tossing a green bean at him.

He laughed. “Guilty as charged,” he admitted before taking a drink of his soda. Glancing back over at her, he changed the subject. “So, have any of our visiting celebrities headed out yet?”

Sarah nodded. “Norah and Yo-Yo headed out a few hours ago to get back up to Chicago. They’ve still got another week of their youth music camp thing and they wanted to get back at a decent time today.” Taking a bite of her burger, she chewed for a bit before finishing her reply. “Since Nashville is only about four hours away, the rest are taking their time and will probably head out early this afternoon sometime.”

“What about you? What are your plans?”

“A few of us – mostly just Ty, me, Josie and Rennie,” she answered, gesturing toward those very people nearby, “will caravan down to Nashville Tuesday morning.”

“Well, if I don’t get a chance later, let me express my gratitude for all you’ve done for our communities in your short stay with us,” Father O’Malley offered to her with a smile and a nod of his head. “What you managed to put together – with a lot of help, I know – was nothing short of remarkable. Thank you, so very much!”

Never sure how to take a compliment, Sarah deflected the well-deserved praise. “It was my pleasure and you’re not kidding about me having a lot of help! The on-stage performers, of course, were fantastic yesterday – all of them – but I’m thinking about all the behind-the-scenes folks who actually made the whole concert possible. The real credit belongs to them.”

The good Father smiled. “That may very well be true, but I happen to know a lot of those folks and they’re all pointing the credit finger back at you. You had the vision and the wherewithal to get them all pulling in the same direction.”

“How about we just agree that there’s plenty of credit to go around?” Sarah replied, still not comfortable with all the acclaim. “Besides, it’s not like I had pure motives,” she admitted, her eyes drifting over to her best friend, who was kneeling down and chatting with Rennie’s oldest, Katie.

“What does that matter?” Father O’Malley asked, drawing her eyes back to him. “To paraphrase Martin Luther: God doesn’t need our good works, our neighbor does.” He gestured over to Josie. “Your intention was to help a neighbor who is near and dear to you, and, in so doing, ended up helping thousands of neighbors you never knew.” Rising from his chair with a huge smile on his face, he reached over and patted her on the knee. “Good job!”

“Now, if you will excuse me,” he continued, with a glance toward the driveway on the side of the house, “I need to go bid farewell to some folks who are now leaving us.”

Sarah mused on what he said towards the end as she watched him go. Looking over at her best friend now talking with Helen’s sister, Heidi – and also seeing Helen herself seemly rounding up the girls and preparing for their own departure – she remembered something else she needed to do. Taking the last bite of her burger and a quick swallow of her drink, she stood and headed over towards them.

Glancing over to the side of the house as she walked, Sarah could see that it was the campus pastor and his wife and their group of college kids from Wisconsin that were preparing to head out. The good Father had joined Rennie who was already there shaking hands and giving out hugs.

“Good to see you finally up and about,” Josie teased as she got closer.

“Now, don’t you start,” Sarah shot back with a smile. “You didn’t get to bed all that much before I did.”

“But I managed to get up this morning, didn’t I?” her friend replied with a self-satisfied smirk.

“Pshht,” she rejoined with a dismissive wave of her hand. “You’re one of those disgusting morning people. You always do that.”

Josie laughed. “And you’re one of those annoying night people who doesn’t really get going until noon at the earliest.”

“And you two are actually going to share an apartment?” Heidi asked, looking at the two of them with amusement.

“I know, crazy, right?” Sarah answered with a giggle. Getting a more serious look on her face, though, she rooted around in her right front jeans pocket and pulled out a flash drive. “Hey, before y’all left, I wanted to give you this,” she said as she handed it to Heidi.

Helen’s sister took it from her but gave her a look of confusion. “Thanks ... but what is it?”

“It’s the rough feed of Ty’s part of the concert from one of the mobile hand held cameras,” Sarah replied. “It’s got a lot of views from backstage and I thought it might be a good replacement for you, since you ran out of memory on your phone.”

“Oh my God, are you serious?” Heidi exclaimed, clearly surprised by the gift. “Oh my ... really?” Sarah nodded yes and was quickly on the receiving end of a boisterous hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Feeling a twinge of pain in her arm, Sarah grimaced and let out a small grunt.

Hearing it, Heidi stepped back and was instantly apologetic. “I am so sorry! Are you okay?”

Before she could reply, a deeper male voice spoke up from behind her. “Hey, now, that’s my girlfriend you’re molesting.”

“It’s nothing,” Sarah responded, shaking her head, and then looking back at Ty. “She just got a little excited.”

“A little excited?” He tossed back, a teasing gleam in his eye. “That’s like saying a ghost chili is a little hot.”

Heidi, for her part, now looked mortified. Sarah reached for her hand with her good one. “He’s not serious and I’m fine. Y’all are going to be heading back to Little Rock pretty soon, aren’t you?”

The other woman nodded her head yes.

“Would you like to get a picture with him before you go?”

Another nod and Sarah was quickly arranging a photo session, though she left the picture taking to Josie, since the girl still had use of both of her hands. Ty, being the goofball he was, decided to ham up the picture. He first swept Heidi up in his arms and cradled her, with her arms around his neck and giggling like crazy. If that wasn’t enough, he then opted to switch her around and toss her over his shoulder in a fireman carry. The shot from the side of Heidi laughing and pounding on his back was a definite keeper.

One look and Sarah knew that it would be on Facebook within the hour. She chuckled.

Setting Heidi down, Ty glanced over at her, clearly curious. “What?”

She had Josie turn the smartphone around so he could see the picture.

As he looked, a secretly amused smile spread across his handsome face. After a moment, Sarah watched as his eyes shifted from the picture to her.

She couldn’t help but start to laugh. The boy was way too transparent. Lifting her damaged arm, Sarah shook her head. “Not a good idea, Ty.”

He just continued to smile.

The loud squeal that pierced the air when Ty hoisted the hussy’s blonde friend into his arms, only served to underscore Helen’s unhappiness. It had been a mistake not to head back to Arkansas right away in the morning. Instead, she sat through a church service within arm’s reach of her husband, with their youngest daughter between them. The distance might as well have been a million miles. He paid her no mind, saving his loving glances for the raven-haired witch sitting with their oldest daughter, Katie, on his other side.

Watching them together during this lunch at the O’Malleys was no better. Oh, there was nothing flagrant about their behavior together, but Helen had eyes and she could see. A palpable ache radiated from her gut. The food that smelled so good earlier quickly became so much ash in her mouth. And the outwardly-friendly backyard barbeque took on the morbid pallor of a soon-to-be-executed criminal’s last meal.

Her eyes now drifted over to her husband, who was bidding goodbye to the Burkes and their crew. She had started to round up the girls to get ready to leave, but he interrupted that. Instead, he called his daughters over so they could say goodbye, as well. She let out a sigh as she watched him take hold of Katie and Lena’s hands. The three of them were there and she was here, separated, just like in her dream. Well, more nightmare, really. She had not slept well, and what little sleep she did have was troubled. Of course, having those two women come traipsing in, one then the other, during the wee hours of the morning didn’t help either.

Helen managed to catch her sister’s eye and motioned that she was ready to leave. Heidi, still engaged with Ty and company, nodded back and appeared to be saying her goodbyes.

An overwhelming sadness gripped her as she walked over toward her husband. There was a finality to this moment that shook her to her core. She had done him wrong, time and again, and it seemed like there was nothing she could do to make it right. Every decision she made only proved to make a bad situation worse. It was past time she made some right ones.

Drawing near, Andy turned and their eyes met.

“We need to get going,” she told him, each word feeling like lead as they left her mouth.

He nodded and then knelt down to speak with the girls, who were now starting to get teary eyed. Helen felt herself getting the same way. “I will see you in just two weeks, okay?” he told them, wiping the tears from their cheeks. Too sad to speak, they nodded but then threw their arms around their dad’s neck and shoulders and began to cry. The emotion in his voice as he told them how much he loved them was palpable and moved her to tears, yet again.

Helen felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning her own tear-stained face, she saw that it was Lindsey with some Kleenex. With a thankful smile, she took them and mopped up the moisture on her cheeks. Following that, the two women shared a heart-felt hug.

“You ever need to talk...” the pastor’s wife murmured to her.

“I’d like that,” Helen whispered before stepping back.

Making use of the tissue again, she glanced over, only to see Andy and Heidi getting the girls situated in the car. He stood and turned toward her, his eyes watery from unshed tears. She stepped toward him, her whole body expressing her unspoken plea. He nodded ever so slightly and she stepped into his embrace. Her face rested against his chest as her ears picked up the rhythmic beating of his heart.

It took every ounce of strength she possessed not to fall apart in that moment, as the tears streamed down and a sob escaped her lips. This was it. With a deep shudder, she somehow managed to step back out of his arms. Wiping her eyes yet again, she gave him a teary smile. “The girls and I will be there in two weeks,” she assured him, her voice quivering.

He nodded, his own cheeks now on the damp side. “I’ll have some places for you to look at,” he told her.

Unable to say any more, she nodded back. Reaching for the passenger side door, she opened it and sat down. In moments, Heidi had the car backed out onto the street and they all waved one last time.

Minutes passed and the miles flew by. Before long they were on the Interstate, headed back to her parents’ home in Little Rock. Sniffles and sobs emanated from the back seat for a while, but were eventually replaced by girl chatter and then, finally, the sounds of sleeping.

“I’m proud of you.”

The words came out of the blue. Helen snapped out of her reverie of staring out the side window but not really seeing anything, and turned to look at her sister.

Heidi smiled over at her. “You made a good step today, telling him the three of y’all would be moving to Nashville.”

“I’ve caused enough pain,” Helen admitted, turning to look back out the window. “He and the girls need each other.”

“And it doesn’t hurt that you’ll still get to see him.”

Helen let out a snort. “Oh, that’ll hurt all right.” She stopped for a moment and then shrugged her shoulders. “But I guess that will be my penance.”

Josie heard the café door open and smiled when she turned and saw Sarah, followed quickly by Ty, come in. It had been a busy Monday morning for them all. Josie and Rennie had spent the last couple hours with Grant, learning more than they ever wanted to know about recording contracts; while Sarah headed off to meet with her lawyer and someone else from the local district attorney’s office.

She waved them over. They had all chosen to meet at the Steigers’ Crossroads Café for lunch and to swap stories. Grant and Anisha had come with her and Ren, and they were now waiting on Megan and the other Hatchery Road band members to finally show.

“So, how did it go?” she asked her friend, as she drew closer.

Sarah gave a bit of a grimace and shrugged her shoulders. “Some good, some bad,” she replied as she sat down in the chair Ty pulled out for her.

“Oh no,” Josie murmured. “Do I want to want to hear this?”

Sarah shrugged again. “They’re giving Charlie a plea deal: Fourth degree assault with no jail time, six months probation, and a $10,000 fine.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, she did mess him up pretty good,” Ty added in with a bit of a chuckle.

Sarah glanced over at him and rolled her eyes. Looking back at Josie, she continued. “Oh, and it looks like he’s probably going to try to sue me.”

Incredulous, the raven-haired singer just shook her head. “So, what’s the good news?”

“Franklin Gibbs, my lawyer, thinks we can get him to drop it if we threaten him with a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

“You don’t seem convinced.”

“I don’t know,” Sarah said with a shrug. “They guy was a creep and all but I don’t think he ever sexually harassed me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s not like grabbed my boobs or dropped his drawers and told me to play with his pecker. He was just an asshole.”

“An asshole I’d like to meet in a dark alley and pound into the ground,” Ty growled, earning him a warm smile and a pat on the thigh by Sarah.

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Hatchery RoadChapter 20

Josie had been paging through Rennie’s tablet, examining the particulars of their assignment from Nina, when she had a thought. The gathering at the Steigers’ food court pavilion had broken up and now Ren was driving her in one of the many glorified golf carts they had for shuttling people around. Their destination was the makeshift Camper/RV/Tour Bus campground south of the festival venue. Their current assignment was to coordinate with the expanding roster of prominent singers and musicians...

3 years ago
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Hatchery RoadChapter 21

Helen pulled the curtains back, letting the morning light stream into the room. A low groan broke the silence behind her. “What time is it?” “Six o’clock,” she cheerfully informed her sister, as she turned to look at her. “What the hell... ?” Heidi softly exclaimed, leaning up on one elbow with her eyes mere slits because of the sudden brightness. Helen watched her glance over to the other bed where Katie and Lena were still sound asleep and then back to her. Confusion reigned in her...

4 years ago
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Sisterly Love 8211 Part II

Hi all, I am Vinnie, studying in SY BE. Thanks to all the lesbians who have responded to my first story. Some of you are really wonderful and love all you lovely ladies, As I had mentioned that we are two sisters, Tammie being elder to me by two years and also doing her BE. We live with our parents, who are both into jobs. Tammie and I are both are fair and almost identical looking. All I can say is that by the reaction of guys that we had over the years, we are definitely sexy and...

2 years ago
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Babysitting 04

At the same time I was with a few of the girls from school and we were preparing one of my girlfriends parents house for our graduation party. Her parents were overseas on business and had given my friend , Claudia, an only c***d, permission to use the house, but not to have any alcohol or any sort of d**gs, and no boys. We promised to behave like ladies and they trusted us. However, one of the girls, Jill, found the liquor cabinet and thought that it would be cute to make some punch and pour...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Encounter 08 Miss Marilynns Tentacles Molests the School

Chapter Eight: Miss Marilynn's Tentacles Molests the School By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “I think we can all agree that was a most stimulating lesson,” Miss Erma, our Latin teacher, said to the class. I nodded my head, my body still trembling after the orgy of flesh we had. My four tentacles had known every girl in the class, pumping in and out of their tight pussies and giving them such effervescent flutters of pleasure. But now we were all decently dressed again in our school...

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The Mind Control Device Short Daddy Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare

Daddy & Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosa and Natalie, eighteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa's father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean...

2 years ago
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Hardware HarmonyChapter 18 Decision Time

It was hot that August, hotter than usual, the locals believed. Our home and the store was air conditioned, as were our vehicles. But hot is hot and it limited the outdoor time for the girls. We were constantly reminding them to wear sunglasses, a hat, and put on sunscreen. I glanced at the thermometer at the back of the house when I arrived home one afternoon and saw the mercury barely below 100° in the shade. I wondered how outdoor workers like roofers and other construction workers...

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Me and my part time job

I was always doing part time jobs to help the family with the bills, I was the youngest of 10 k**s ,but the only son. As I was walking home from school one day This guy asked if I was looking for a part time job that he had to clean out his basement and garage I was very very happy to say yes I'm always looking for extra money he asked me to come in. The Large house had a lot of antiques in it, The man "James" introduced me to his wife "Diane". We went into the kitchen for coffee and what they...

3 years ago
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Joe Ambles and John Midden

Joe Ambles "Hey Joe, I just hired a kid that looks just like you. Younger, of course, but your spitting image. I didn't know you had any family. You didn't spread your seed around about nineteen years ago, did you?" "Nope, never happen, Pete. What's the kid's name and where is he from?" "John Midden, and he comes from upstate near Bright Springs." "Do you have a next of kin listed in his records?" "Mother, a Mrs. Jonathan Midden. According to what he says, he also has a sister...

2 years ago
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visit to mexico pt V

Terry woke up this morning and, just as she has done so often these pastfew weeks, got up and made her way quietly down the hall to Carmen's room.After a quiet knock she entered the room where Carmen was already awake andwaiting for her. Terry thought little about her new routine, but insteadwas lost again in her lust as she nursed from Carmen's full breasts untilboth women were satiated. Afterwards Terry went back to her own room whereshe fully intended to relieve herself of the built-up...

1 year ago
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A Very Easy LayChapter 4

I was facing the big picture window that allowed us to look out but no one could see in. I saw Jake pull up get out of his car and come up to the door. As he came in he was greeted to the view of me sitting on the edge of the desk with my legs wide open and Red on his knees eating my pussy. He said, "Wow you guys are starting early." Lucky said, "Nope, Red lost a bet and he is paying up." Jake said, "If that is for the looser, what the hell did the winner get?" Lucky said, "Two...

3 years ago
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Sex Ecstacy With My Team Member

Hello all, I am a software engineer working at an MNC in Chennai. I am 6 feet tall with an athletic body at the age of 27 years. I joined this MNC recently and there were 8 members in the team, 3 girls and 5 guys. In the first week of my work, I noticed only 2 girls and other one was out of office. So, some time later I enquired the team members about the girl and I came to know that she was on the maternity leave and her name is Latha. I was very disappointed that the 2 girls in the team were...

4 years ago
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Learning about jacking off Part Twelve Ellen

Mrs Wilson and her family returned home from their vacation. I watched from my window for Mrs. Wilson to come out for some sun. When she finally did, she looked up at the window for me and smiled to see me looking down at her. She waved discreetly to me and I waved back. I went down the stairs and out into the back yard. She stood up and moved to the fence. Seeing my first lover always made me hard. "It's nice to see you are happy to see me again Peter. Do you have anything for me?" I...

3 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 35

Day 473 Saturday "You're here," Claire said with feral grin. "Yes," Denise said looking around the apartment nervously. The room was barely furnished. The furniture that was in the room was plain and utilitarian. She realized that the room was a perfect example of the Modern Minimalist style. She looked carefully at the furniture and realized that it was probably more expensive than anything in Dale's house. "I was convinced that you'd chicken out," Claire said stepping...

1 year ago
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A Black Baby

 A Black BabybyEnglish Bob©I know it will be black when it's born, there can be no doubt. For the last year, Michael, our lodger, has been much closer to my wife than I have. And when I say close, I mean close. Mona won't let me anywhere near her since he moved into our spare room. Although his tenure in that room didn't last very long at all.It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was working all hours and my wife, Mona, was at home all day by herself. We are a c***dless couple (I am...

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Periya Mulai Auntyai Kuthiyil Oothu Kanjai Irakinen

Vanakam friends, en peyar chandru vayathu 29 aagugirathu. Naan chennayil ias padithu kondu irukiren, enaku stress kuraika niraiya pengal udan sex seithu oopen. Naan oru ezhmaiyaana paiyan athanaal niraiya naatkal chennaiyil thangi padika mudiya villai adikadi sontha ooruku vanthu seluven. En gramathil padikum vasathi athigam kidaiyathu, en appa vivasayam siethu athil varum kasil thaan naan padithu kondu irukiren. Ithanai naatkalaaga muyarchi seithu irukiren, relax seiya kama kathai matrum...

1 year ago
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Lesbian OneNight Stand with an Amazon

Carolyn worked as a government Inspector and traveled quite a bit. She inspected hospitals, doctor’s offices to make sure their Radiology equipment worked properly. Carolyn had been bi-Sexual since college and even lived with an older woman for a year. She introduced her to the art of Sapphic lovemaking and she had pleasured many a women since then. Carolyn always had a thing for the large black athletic women. Carolyn was short, but athletic, she stood maybe 5 ‘4” with a nice body and medium...

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my most weied fanasty

Hello to all reader, this is my first writing and my most weird fantasy which I want that it will become true some day. Please review this story and send your comments so I will write more good.MY MOST WEIRD FANTASY I do not know when I realized that I am a submissive soul and some but bicurious. I try to recall how it happens. It all started two years back when I used to surf web to read vanilla sex stories. However, one day when I was browsing catalog of story site I found a word BDSM and...

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TandraChapter 72

Henry stood by the tank containing his wife Susan thinking of how much he loved the woman. She was healing according to schedule and he was wondering what he was going to do with her. She was not mentally balanced and it had nothing to do with hormones but rather with the horror of being captured by the Samutz. Love was still very strong and he looked on her as someone that was sick and in need of some guidance. The way she endangered all the people she was to protect and even the very...

4 years ago
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An unexpected passenger

Just this morning I was delivering my cargo to a regular customer in the Midlands.I was chatting to the fork lift driver and as usual I was sneaking crafty glances at the girl in the stores who is gorgeous.I often chat to this girl who I shall call Claire and marvel at the size of her bouncing breasts. Claire is about 24 years old and well built without being at all fat, she is about 5'6 tall and has long wavy brown hair and is stunning.This morning the weather was excellent for the time of...

Oral Sex
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Training a Slut Wife Chapter 4

It has been a while since I posted. I have been fucking Pam, the preachers wife, their pregnant daughter who just had my baby, the slutty garage sale slut and the preacher. All are my private bitches. My wife had been on and off again, feeling guilty, but still going back and fucking her young BBC. He is still and has been secretly sending me video and pics of her doing him. So, it is time to up the activities, so that in the near future I will confront my wife Charlotte and make her the...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Holly Hendrix Double Anal FTW Joanna Angel Holly Hendrix

Do you want to see two dicks inside Joanna Angel’s fine ass? Do you want to see two dicks inside Holly Hendrix’s fine ass? Because you’re about to witness DOUBLE ANAL EPICNESS between Burning Angel’s Queen and AVN’s Best New Starlet, with professional meat-slingers Steve Holmes and Markus Dupree. You know these two don’t want to simply get fucked, they want to get fucking hammered by cock! They want it deep, they want it hard, and they want it all – and...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Ten

Jenny and Adrian gave a wide yawn once the plane shook them awake. They had left the US behind and landed in Vatican City, their new home. Outside, the towering cathedrals and obelisks were reaching up to the late-morning sun. Down on the airport tarmac, a limo was waiting for them. Jenny and Adrian looked at each other and smiled, both giddy and nervous. They stepped out of the plane with their luggage, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the fresh air. The limo driver quickly took their...

4 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 25 Undressing Brandi

As Keith mulled over this problem he found himself relishing that wonderful moment when everyone had gotten naked together in those little groups just a few days ago. He had found himself surrounded by five lovely girls all of whom were just so keen for him to slowly strip them of all their clothes in as sexually a provocative manner as possible. The first thing Keith found himself doing, and to Portia’s great surprise, was to plunge his hand down under her short skirt and into her panties....

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Superbowl Sunday

I was informed, after the last playoff victory, that the Patriots were heading to the Super Bowl in Houston and that my husband had a pair of tickets from his friend Rob at work. He then told me he was going to go with his work pals and crew. I asked if I could tag along and just spend three days in a city I had never been to before. He agreed and decided to make it into some additional fun, which I didn't argue over. He got cheap plane tickets out of Providence and we left at 3:00 AM on...

Wife Lovers
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Jake gets some assets

Jake had just completed his after-school assignments and wanted to take a shower before he went to his part-time job. He noticed that the student’s shower was out of order and he had no other choice but to use the teacher’s shower. He thought in his mind “It should be alright, its after-school and most of the teachers have left.” So he took his clothes off and entered the shower. As he was about to use the shower, he heard an angelic voice say “I think you might be in the wrong shower.” Jake...

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the ultimate cuckold

The ultimate cuckoldIt's coming up on the one year anniversary that this hot young couple have been going out. Both 20 and actually similar build, small and petite. They could almost be twins. She is a bit smaller but nice tits and ass, smooth all over, both blond. 10 months going out and not only has she not put out yet, she is still a virgin and teases him all the time. Though he is very horny and tries to get her to cave in and let him into play all the time. She is so hot so he waits for...

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Pamela gives me a special treatment

My sensual wife had asked me to purchase some sexy outfit for her, since those days she was in the mood for wild hard sex…But then, as I was entering a lingerie store in the shopping mall, I just bumped on a very sexy beautiful babe in her early twenties.She was hot; she apologized because she was looking backwards when she was walking out of the store. I helped her to pick up her bags and she then told me her name was Pamela…She went back inside with me and helped to pick up some sexy stuff...

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The Island Chpt 4

Chapter 4 "I knew what was to happen to me the next day. Had I not written it in the letter? I stood with my arms tied high and wide. They took great care that the bands of cord round my wrists were very tight. They even took close ups to show how securely my hands were held." Thalia chuckled. "I have learnt since that such pictures are sold at good prices all over the world. No doubt my k**nappers saw this as a small extra perquisite of their operation.""They did not raise my feet from the...

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Gloryhole Fantasy Part 1

This is a fantasy I have had for a long time and would love to experience but have not had the opportunity. A little background, I'm a white male athletic body 5'9" 200 played college football. Love bondage and having a dom use my holes.I opened the door to the booth in the ABS my master instructed me to use and instantly got rock hard when I saw everything laid out for me. There was a video recorder already recording, a blindfold, ring gag, pair of handcuffs and leg cuffs, a couple...

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MyPervyFamily Sydney Hail Stepmoms Regretful Tease

Mom caught me taking a peak at her toned body while she was rinsing off. It’s not my fault she forgot her towel! And when she started playing with herself, it was impossible for me to look away. When she came to confront me a few days later, I was absolutely embarrassed! Remember the other day, when I asked you to bring me a towel? …yeah why? I know you were watching me.. I’m sorry mom, you’re just so beautiful.. it won’t happen again Good, because I was thinking...

3 years ago
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Roadside Service

The engineer who thought up the idea of putting the spare tire for a pickup into a bracket under the truck box should have been castrated! At least that was what I was thinking as I struggled to get the rusted nuts off the bolts holding up the tire. I was in a wayside where I had stopped when I felt the tire begin to wobble just before it went flat. I had made it to the wayside and didn't have to go through this while on the side of the highway. I was cussing the bolts, and myself, for having...

Gay Male
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Black Mans White Sissy

I started jerking off to ejaculation when I was around 18. Once I started doing it, it was all I thought about, 27/7 it seemed like. I collected fuck mags and porno tapes wherever I could find them, to use as visual aids. Just looking at those sexy nude women being loved up by their hot men made my dick so fuckin’ HARD! Because of that I was able to convince myself that I was normal, of course, in retrospect it is obvious that I was identifying with the women. One day when my mom was at work,...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 17 Found Out

August 7, 1983, McKinley, Ohio The phone in my room rang late Sunday afternoon while Milena and I were relaxing and listening to music. “Hi, Mikey!” “Hi, Liz! What’s up?” “Guess whose parents came home WAY earlier than expected? Three guesses, and the first two don’t count!” “«Говно». Maggie’s.” “Right the first time.” “And?” “Grounded for two centuries, I think.” “Wonderful,” I sighed. “It’s worse, Mikey.” “How could it be worse?” “Her dad found the books you gave her and the...

1 year ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 3 At the Mall

Saturday, I picked up Jim and Meg and headed for the shopping mall. Meg was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a frilly pink and white halter-top. Jim and I both wore loose fitting knee length short pants and pull over cotton shirts. The mall was a favorite hang out for a lot of teenagers. We walked around saying hi to a number of other kids we knew. We looked in the windows and were always on the lookout for chicks. Of course, Jim didn't know it but I was not looking, I already had my...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 14

Regan glanced at her phone as she sipped the lukewarm water she neither wanted nor needed. Crestview Mall was different from where she and her friends did their shopping. The stores were K-Mart and J.C. Penney, not Sachs Fifth Avenue and Macy's. The food court where she waited didn't have a sushi bar or a place for organic food. The names above the stalls were Sbarro and Chick Filet. She decided the polite term for the place was "earthy." She adjusted the hem of her skirt and tried to...

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Tony was quite excited that day, if a little nervous. His parents had taken a 3-week holiday to a tropical resort in Mexico, leaving him in charge of the house, and his 12-year-old little brother, George. After much arguing, his parents had decided he was old enough at 15 to take care of himself and of his brother, and finally didn't end up getting a babysitter, or sending them to some summer camp somewhere. Since Tony had a girlfriend, those unsupervised weeks would be an excellent time to...

2 years ago
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Darkest DaysChapter 14

Here Roberts finds himself on his knees before his father again. His pants are gathered at his ankles around his shoes. His shirt lays tosses aside on the floor. He wipes his nose with the back of his hand and pulls it away covered with blood from his nose. He looks down and sees that his blood has dripped onto his chest. It isn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. The boy manages to kneel up and sit back on his heels. His chest is still heaving and he cannot stop crying, even...

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AdamDesire 2 Marinas Art

AdamDesire 2 - Marina's Art Introduction: Welcome to the world of "AdamDesire" for a story based on an experience that I actually lived. You might want to first read "AdamDesire 1- Meet Miss Lulu", to get to know Adam and Jodi and to share their first cross-dressing experience together. The English word "tableau", plural "tableaux", comes from the French term "tableau vivant", literally meaning a living picture. --- "It must be him. It must be him." sings the lovely and alluring...

2 years ago
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The Dream

This is a fantasy my gf wrote for me about me and our friend. Hope you people enjoy. :) Rudy and I were cuddling up after a long morning, we were on the couch watching our favorite episode of sg1 and kissing and spooning, when my phone rang. I was hoping to spend the whole day cuddling up with my sweet heart but my friend Roxy was on the phone, she wanted us to go over since her k**s were at their dads and he bf was away so she wanted us to come over and have a few drinks or go out or something...

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