Hatchery RoadChapter 23 free porn video

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“How awesome was that?!”

The concluding chords to Hatchery Road’s last song, “Waiting for the Sunrise”, were still hanging in the air as Rachel Vargas-Steiger called out to the crowd and gestured to the band. “Hatchery Road, ladies and gentlemen!”

The audience responded wildly – clapping, screaming, and whistling their appreciation. Rennie, handing off his guitar to one of the stage crew, grinned at the response and waved back to show he heard them. He was hardly alone. Glancing around, he could see Josie and the rest were doing the same. Motioning to them, he had them follow him to the edge of the stage where they waved a bit more at the crowd, before bowing and heading off to go backstage.

No sooner had they made it there when Josie let out an exuberant squeal and jumped into Rennie’s arms. She proceeded to kiss him thoroughly before bouncing away to give hugs to all the other band members. Amused by her antics and thrilled it all went so well, he followed behind her to show his appreciation to them, as well.

Before he knew it, though, their little group of six swelled to three or four times that number, as many of the other singers and musicians waiting around backstage descended upon them. There were hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back but apart from Josie, no kisses. Reba teased with a bit of an eyebrow wiggle, but she settled for just giving him a warm hug and some encouraging advice.

“When you’re ready to record your first album, give me a call,” she told him with a big smile and an affectionate pat on his chest. ““I know a few folks.”

“I imagine you do,” Rennie replied, chuckling. “Thanks.”

Jumping in after her was one of his best friends. “That was absolutely killer, dude!” Ty enthused as he and Rennie exchanged a ‘bro hug’. “Y’all did great out there!”

“Thanks, man,” he offered back, just a bit overwhelmed now by everything. “So, are you all ready?” he asked, wanting to shift at least a little of the attention away from himself.

Ty let out a small snort. “Easy peasy, dude. We’ll give ‘em a good show,” he replied, dismissively waving his hand. A small expression of concern appeared on his face, however. “You’ve got your ukulele, right?”

Rennie nodded. Ty had already asked him a week or more ago to appear with him during his concert time and do a couple of songs “for old times’ sake.” But just that morning, Ty had made a change in which songs they would do – one of which, obviously, requiring his trusty ukulele.

“It’s safely stored in its case and waiting to be used,” he answered, pointing over to the aforementioned instrument.

“Terrific!” the country superstar exclaimed, patting him on the shoulder.

Rennie was about to go and look for Manny, the stage manager, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning, he could see it was Jenna Wells, who had a rather mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Yes, Jenna?”

“Wish me luck!” she exclaimed, before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a surprise kiss. Totally caught flatfooted, all he could do was go with it. With a giggle, she released him, but before he could get his bearings another set of arms were around his neck.


“Wish me luck!” the actress told him, before fully imitating her co-conspirator. Moments later, she left him with a laugh of her own, headed out for the stage with Jenna.

“What in the... ?”

“Hey, you started it.”

Rennie turned, only to see the smirking face of Sarah Gaines smiling back at him. “Yeah, but not with them,” he retorted, shaking his head in a mix of confusion and amusement.

“That, my friend, is called the law of unintended consequences,” the pretty blonde said with just a hint of a giggle. Patting him on the back, she gestured out toward the stage with her chin. “And they’re just having a little fun with it.”

“But what are they doing?” Rennie asked, curious as to the whole ‘wishing them luck’ thing. He could see them and they hadn’t gone all the way out yet. They were waiting by the curtain, just out of sight of the audience.

“I would say, based on the time,” Sarah answered, glancing first at her watch and then back up at Ren, “that they are about to go out and introduce the next act.”

“Oh,” Rennie replied, nodding his head. Suddenly he stopped. He was part of the next act. “Oh, crap!”

“K –A – N – Y – R”, Manny called out from somewhere behind him, “you have three minutes.”

Rennie looked around with a hint of panic.

Sarah laughed. “Through there,” she chuckled, pointing to a curtained off area. “Josie’s waiting with baby wipes, towels, a hairbrush, and a change of clothes.”

Knowing time was off the essence, Rennie was off like a shot – totally ignoring Sarah’s teasing remarks chasing after him.

Grant was really glad he’d taken Lori up on her offer. GAC had a roped off area just a bit back and to the right of the sound and video guys, and it was proving to be the perfect spot for taking in the concert. Maybe it was his age showing, but he had no interest whatsoever in being down in front of the stage. Back here, the sound wasn’t too loud but it wasn’t too soft either – a bit of a Goldilocks spot, as someone else put it. The view was great and the lounge chairs he and Anisha had, were really comfortable. Then there was the food! A craft beer in one hand and plate of nibbles in the other, this was VIPing at its finest!

Walking back to where their chairs were, Grant offered the plate to his wife – who took a couple of the hors d’oeuvres – before setting it down on the small table between their seats. Hatchery Road had just finished up and now Rachel was presenting the next rescue story, so he had opted to head back to the buffet and get restocked.

Back in his seat, Grant glanced over at his wife and raised his glass of beer. She raised her glass of wine in return and they both clinked them together in an unspoken toast. Of course, they didn’t really “clink” since both cups were actually plastic, but still, it was nice.

“So, a sorority sister, huh?” Grant more commented than asked, after taking a sip of his beer.

Anisha looked over at him with a cute grin and nodded her head. “Yes.”

When nothing more was forthcoming, Grant let out with a laugh. “That’s it? You aren’t going to give me any more?”

“No,” she answered, laughing herself. “A woman’s got to have a few secrets.”

Grant was about to ask her another question when he both felt and heard a text come into his phone. Having a pretty good suspicion as to who it might be, he set his beer down and shifted in his seat to retrieve the phone from his pocket. Logging into the phone, Grant smiled when he saw who it was.

“Who is it?”

He handed her the phone.

“Oh, Mark ... he was the one from Arista, right?”

Grant nodded.

“He’s pretty interested, isn’t he?”

About to reply, Grant stopped when his phone chimed again and then, only moments later, a third followed by a fourth.

Anisha laughed. “Oh, man, this one’s Tim and he is super excited!” Scrolling down, she read off the others. “Next is Dennis. He’s wanting to talk to you. Big Machine, right?” she asked, glancing over. Seeing his nod, she looked back and continued. “And last ... whoops, not last,” she exclaimed as the phone chimed again.

Giggling, she handing him back his phone. “Here, you take it,” she told him.

He took it from her and just set it on the table between them, next to his beer.

“Aren’t you going to reply to any of them?” she asked, clearly curious.

He shook his head and looked back towards the stage. “Nope.”

When nothing more was forthcoming, it was now Anisha’s turn to laugh.

Grant turned back to her with an amused grin and, bringing the tease to an end, gestured to the phone with his eyes. “I’ll text them later tonight to let them know I got their texts, but anything else can wait until Monday.” Reaching over, he took her hand in his. “Right now, I’m on a date with my wife and that is far more important.”

She smiled proudly and squeezed his hand with affection. “Good answer.”


That was the best word Helen could come up with for what she was witnessing. How else might you describe watching another woman assist your husband take off his pants? The fact that she is both beautiful and the one he prefers to you – she’d seen the looks and the kiss she gave him – added another wrinkle. If it were an erotic scene, a few no doubt would find it arousing, while most wives would be somewhere between horrified and outraged, but it’s not – erotic, that is. The other woman is simply helping him change clothes. There is nothing apparently sexual about it at all. What there is, however, is a familiarity, as well as an intimacy, that is ... disconcerting.

“Here, take these.”

The other woman, Josie, had seen her standing there watching and tossed a package of something her way. Clumsily catching it, Helen glanced down to see she was now holding a package of baby wipes. Confused, she looked up.

Josie held up a bunch of wipes in her hand and motioned towards the package she’d just tossed. “Grab some and come on!” She then turned to Andy (Oh, how Helen loathed the name this woman called him!) who was now standing there in just his boxers, running a towel through his hair.

“All right, Ren, this is going to be a little cold,” she told him as she began to run the baby wipes across his chest. He flinched a bit and Helen couldn’t help but chuckle.

Obviously recognizing her voice, Andy pulled the towel away from his face and looked over at her. Unsure of what to do, she held up the wipes in her own hand as if asking permission. He gave it with a nod. Taking a position opposite of Josie, she likewise began to bathe him, in a sense, with the wipes – first, the chest and back, then the arms and legs.

Helen struggled mightily with the knowledge that this was likely the most intimate, physical contact she’d had with her husband in at least six months, if not a year or more. What had started out as definitely not erotic was starting to become so, at least for her. It didn’t last, however.

When they finished, Josie tossed her wipes in a pile on the floor and reached for an aerosol can. “Okay, Ren, arms up, close your eyes, and hold your breath.” She quickly sprayed Andy under the arm on her side and then handed the can to Helen. “Your turn,” she said with a grin.

Smiling back, however hesitatingly, Helen took the deodorant and did the same on her side. Of course, now the room was filled with overspray – causing all three of them to cough a bit and wave their hands.

Josie handed Andy a pair of longer dark brown shorts and he quickly put them on. Helen watched as he threaded his belt through its loops, her mind recalling just when and where she had bought those for him. She didn’t recognize the shirt Josie handed to him next, though. It was a long, cream-colored, button-down, short sleeve shirt, with some embroidery on the front, which was meant to be worn outside his pants. It looked light and comfortable and made her think of a tropical resort, for some reason.

“Go ahead and button him up,” Josie instructed her, while she pulled a chair over next to Andy and stood on it. “I’ll take care of his hair,” she said, waving a hair brush in her hand.

Helen’s fingers shook a bit as she worked the buttons, but she soon got that under control. Peeking up, she wanted to catch his eyes looking at her but he wasn’t. He was looking at Josie. It made sense, since she was brushing his hair, but it still hurt. She bit her lip and renewed her concentration on the buttons.

In short order they were done. His shirt was buttoned and the hair looked great. Andy took the chair once Josie stepped down, and sat on it so he could put some sandals on. As he was doing so, the stage manager’s voice rang out again. “K-A-N-Y-R, you go on in thirty seconds.”

“Another kiss for good luck?”

The question came from Josie, and she and Andy exchanged a look before he nodded his head in agreement. Quickly leaning over, he gently pecked her on the lips. It didn’t last long and no other part of their bodies touched, but, even so, Helen could sense that there was something more to it. Then they exchanged another look before Andy stepped over to her.

Helen had been taken by surprise the first time, but now she readied herself. She was going to throw her arms around his neck and kiss her husband for all she was worth. Unfortunately, Andy seemed to guess what she had planned, and, when he started to lean down, grabbed her hands with his own before she could do anything. Holding them gently in his own, he leaned the rest of the way and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. Sadly, she could tell it was nothing like what he’d just given to the other woman.

“Thanks for helping,” he murmured as he stood back up. Releasing her hands, he smiled down at her and then walked out of the changing area.

Josie followed Rennie out, but for some reason Helen stayed behind. Judging by the look on the woman’s face when they left, Josie was pretty sure she knew what that reason was. It had been a rough day for her. Putting that out of her mind, though, Josie walked with Ren over to where the rest of the group was waiting to go out.

She noticed that Manny wasn’t counting down the seconds like he did before. Instead, Josie could hear Rachel announce that she, Nicole, and Jenna were going to introduce each member individually. First up was Keith, then, Alison, followed by Norah and Yo-Yo. For some reason, Rachel was having them all stay up at the front of the stage, so when Rennie’s name was finally called, they were all waiting for him.

It quickly became clear, as stools and handheld mics were brought up for everyone, that there was going to be a bit of an interview with the five performers. Surprised by this change in the program, Josie quickly glanced over at Sarah.

Her friend smiled back at her. “It was Ty’s idea, and at least four of the five thought it was a good one,” she said, gesturing toward the stage with her good hand. “I think you know who wasn’t so thrilled with it.”

Rachel’s voice boomed out, ending any possibility of conversing with Sarah, so Josie turned to watch the interview unfold.

“We’ve had an amazing array of talented performers all day today here, haven’t we?!” the rather pregnant woman remarked, mostly to the audience, who responded with clapping and cheering. “And look who we have with us now!” Turning back to the five, she asked them, “What was it that brought each of you here?”

Josie nearly burst out laughing when all four pointed at Rennie.

The model turned interviewer then gave each of the four an opportunity to speak more in depth, with Nicole and Jenna periodically chiming in questions of their own. Keith and Norah spoke of their own connections to Rennie, while Alison focused far more on her own personal ties to central Illinois. Yo-Yo, however, turned out to be the comedian of the bunch.

“It was all her idea,” he said, pointing to Norah. “She was all on fire to come down here and I was like, ‘Well, you should go.’ And she was like, ‘You’re coming with me.” And I was like, ‘Really?’ And she was like, ‘Oh yeah, get in the car!’ And I was like, “Okay, put down the gun.’ And so here I am.”

He had the audience laughing with that one. Of course, he went on to say he was kidding and waxed rather eloquently about the pleasure he had at being a part of such a wonderful event. But that first bit, with him mimicking teenage-speak, was truly memorable and laugh-out-loud funny.

Finally, it was Rennie’s turn. While not as surprisingly funny like the cellist, he held his own. He gave a very condensed run down of his life over the past couple weeks, helping out first with the shelters and then with all the NGO’s, and throwing in a few humorous observations that had the folks chuckling.

“Now Rennie,” Rachel teasingly began as soon as he finished. “It would seem you have been on a kissing spree as of late.”

“Oh, dear Lord!” he muttered, to the amusement of the crowd.

“And some of us have been feeling left out.”

“Well, it can’t be those two,” he playfully retorted, pointing to Nicole and Jenna, “because they ambushed me backstage.”

“You’re right; they did,” she agreed. Suddenly, Rachel’s image vanished from the screens behind them and the very moment Rennie had just referenced appeared in her place. Both Nicole and Jenna smirked and giggled as their successive “Wish me luck!” played on the screen. The audience roared with laughter.

Rennie just shook his head in amazement, then shielded his eyes with his hand and looked out toward the sound and video booth. “You guys are good,” he exclaimed, pointing out at them. “I never even saw that camera back there.”

Way off to her right and still on stage, Josie could see a girl with a camera smiling and waving to the crowd.

“That was you?” Rennie asked, seeing her. When she nodded her head yes, he hopped up off his stool and walked over to her. “I never even saw you, Jackie. Great job! High five!” Once she slapped his hand, he put his arm around her shoulders. “Now, you didn’t follow me in when I changed clothes, did you?” The crowd laughed as the camera girl paused momentarily with a sly smile, before shaking her head no.

“Whew, you had me worried for a moment there,” Rennie remarked, playful wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. “Have you met Keith Urban?” he asked her, pointing over to the singer.

She again shook her head no. When she did, Rennie lifted his arm from her shoulders and took her hand. “Here, come with me,” he told her and started walking back to the group.

Rachel was clearly confused by Rennie’s impromptu conversation, but Josie had already figured out what he was going to do and was a wee bit concerned. “Is he going to do what I think he’s going to do?”

“It would appear so,” Sarah replied, chuckling. “Don’t worry. Jackie is a huge Keith Urban fan and she’s about to live out one of her biggest fantasies.”

“Here, let me take that,” Rennie offered, taking Jackie’s camera from her as they drew close to where everyone else was. Lifting it so he could obviously start shooting, he motioned for her to go over by Nicole’s husband. “Jackie, this is Keith. Keith, this is Jackie,” he said, by way of introduction. They both smiled, shook hands, and said “hi” to each other.

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I married a woman I didn’t love, in fact, could barely stand to be around. Old men like me dream of a passionate May/December marriage that will bring back the fire of our youth. But ours was a December/December marriage. A union between two dried up, worn out people whose time came and went and are now just waiting around, I guess, for the curtain to fall. Her name was Marion and I met her on a cruise to the Bahamas. My son and my grandkids were always joking about how my mind went to the...

4 years ago
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A cute little forced fem story

Rick becomes Ricky I never realised how handy boys can be when trained properly! I now have my own live in maid who will do anything I say any time. It all happened by mistake so let me take you back to the beginning. My name is Cindy. I am tall for a girl, blond and slim. I do so love to power dress in tight pencil skirt suits, super high stiletto heels and my long hair in a high pony tail. I think that's how Rick first saw me and fell in love at first sight. He is almost the same...

3 years ago
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Disobeying Stepdads Orders

I heard my stepdad bitching at me from downstairs. "Becca I told you to do this dishes! I'm sick of your laziness!" What a dick I thought, I never even eat here, why should I clean up after some guy who's fucking my mom? "Do em' yourself!" I replied. He stomped up to my room, red in the face. "You leave me no choice but to deciplince you. This is my house and I make the rules." I laughed, "whatta ya gonna do Dave? I'm already grounded and you took away my computer." He made a slapping motion in...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 62 St Martin Part II

May 28, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles “I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” I said to Samantha as we cleaned up after dinner. “Why?” she asked. “The scope of dares is pretty limited. I mean, what are you going to dare each other to do?” “Things with you, I guess.” “Exactly. And that bothers me more than I thought it would.” “You don’t want to play?” “I’m just wondering how quickly it would escalate. And what might happen.” Samantha smirked, “Oh, I’m sure you...

1 year ago
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Caught in a New Life Pt9

Chapter 12 The arrival of yet another day was set in by another groan from Monroe as he was rudely awoken by Ms. Thompson's loud blaring alarm. By now he didn't need to be told what to do anymore as he made is way through his morning routine, smelling strongly of lavender just like Ms. Thompson when he came out of the bathroom. His mind was more on what his closet would bring this morning than the fragrant soap and shampoo. Making his way across the hall naked under the watchful eye...

4 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 17 Epilogue and End Notes

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife-End Notes I published this story on this site and one other TG site. Between the two sites I have received a number of comments and questions, which I will try to answer, and share some of my thoughts. How did I start writing on these sites? I write as a hobby on other fiction sites, mostly romantic stories. Several years ago my brother was struggling with his sexual identity, or I should say he begin going public with his struggles. He told me...

2 years ago
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Put Me In CoachChapter 12

When I picked Alice up at her office late on Wednesday afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to see that she'd forsaken the usual pantsuit combination for an extremely feminine-looking bright yellow sundress. Whether she had worn that all day at the hospital or changed into it during the past half-hour, she was bound to turn a few heads on the way out of her office. The hospital was a crowded place, full of people who knew Alice. I had a feeling they were going to get a brief look at a New,...

3 years ago
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Our naughty night at wifes work evening

It was a beautiful warm summers evening and we had to attend a cocktail evening through my wife’s work. Neither of us really enjoyed these events a great deal, it consisted of some casual drinks and lots of talking to other work clients from different areas to promote businesses and products. These got to be a bit monotonous and time at these events seemed to last a life time. I wore the traditional black tuxedo and the wife had opted for the little black dress. It was a shoulder strapped...

2 years ago
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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

1 year ago
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Its My PartyChapter 94

Time: Friday, August 8, 2019 12:13:17 PM GHT Jessica whimpered in the pitch darkness. Just a few seconds ago she had slid herself closed inside the bottom closet drawer, and the instant after the drawer closed it seemed to bump and start to slide out again. Only this time the closet was in absolute darkness and the air completely still. Jessica groped for a moment along the floor until her hand found an air duct. Nothing. Did she cause all this? The closet went dark the instant she closed...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 80

The tiny clearing Lena had found was sufficiently far in to the bushes such that we could not be seen from the path. She faced me, and in a fair impression of a sexy female genie said, "Oh most horny one, lover of my pussy, sucker of my tits, licker of my clitty, what would you have me do?" I felt like laughing but I was too randy to even smile, instead with a straight face I said, "You can eat my snatch, NOW!" Lena immediately dropped to her knees amongst all the leaves and twigs. "Oh...

4 years ago
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A Night Journey Worth Remembring

Hello friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and very much impressed with the type of real life stories you people share here. I am also sharing one of my real life experience which happened last month when I was returning from Delhi to Dehradun in a deluxe bus. So dosto pehle main aapko apne bare mein bata du…mera naam Aman hai, 22 saal, height 5’6″ fair colour, and a good looking guy, tool size 6 inch hai. So dosto ye story tab ki hai jb main Delhi se Dehradun wapas aa raha tha. Main ISBT...

3 years ago
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Lucky Thong Get Me Life 8211 Part 2

That day I reached home at 6 and to be honest my bank was not leak proof and I have to lick my jeans, thong and fingers .And no fuck from husband that night was working like oil in fire. Ok hubby you have your sita but I want sex .I never knew I will get it at so near to my home and even in my home.Sorry hubby.Kisses On 10 October a uncle came to our house I got to know he is our next door neighbor. He is retired from army and his wife has expired. His daughter got married in April and since...

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Neighbourhood Watch

  The Voyeur… At 2:12 p.m. precisely, her car purrs onto her driveway, its tyres crunching upon the white gravel. The door swings open to reveal a pair of black leather stilettos perched on the end of shapely, nylon enveloped legs. The driver eases herself from the car before reaching back inside to retrieve her handbag and laptop. Her rounded ass points skyward as she stoops, her short, navy skirt clinging to its contours. She rights herself, smoothing down her clothing as she pushes the car...

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Jakes Saga Ch 15 A Teams Grand Slam

Although Jake didn’t get a chance to meet up with Katie and Chloe together during the week after prom, he was able to sneak off during lunch with Katie for a quickie one day and Chloe on another. The three teens promised to get together for lunch on Sunday, but nobody was sure if they would have time, or would be able to host for the sexual activities the three normally conducted, but vowed to make something work. Emma, the hotel concierge, had written her number down, and Jake had texted...

2 years ago
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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 19 Covered in Goo

Chapter 1-At Janet's Place Rocky loved Janet's home because it had an indoor heated swimming pool . outside it was January , but indoors , these two 50something old slags were wearing thong bikinis & heels , they had all gone for a swim were nearly all dried off. So Rocky decided it was time for a long overdue blowjob from his most intelligent sex slave Janet, unlike Esperanza she couldnt deepthroat his whole member and she still had a gag reflex , but Rocky didnt care . Today he was...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 50 Good Man Good Woman

Everything was coming together. The caterers and the rental company had arrived and were setting up in the ballroom after a little confusion. We moved the wedding indoors because of the threat of bad weather. The band had arrived and was setting up in the ballroom. The friends of the family were arriving, as were The Brothers. I was smiling when the six single Brothers showed up in the company of the dancers I had arranged for them to meet at the bachelor party on Thursday. The six couples...

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A Ticket to LustChapter 4

Vicky had one of the best weeks she had had in years. She and James had another discussion over breakfast and he agreed to let her go out with the cop again as long as she brought him back to their house. He did bring up the subject of her fucking him without a condom. When she said again that he couldn’t wear one James was reluctant, but still agreed. Then he said jokingly, “Well, we want children, so if the cop looked like me, maybe it’s all right. After all we have been trying for five...

1 year ago
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Helping Sarah

Every morning, just as late. I opened my younger sister’s door to find her still in bed, hand draped over one edge, covers askew. I pull the rest of the covers off and begin to shake her awake. As any guy my age would, I don’t skip the chance to admire her sleeping form. Her normal PJs are an oversized t-shirt and cute cotton underwear. Today is no different. She is above average for sure, related or not. She groaned in protest, covering her face with a pillow from the early morning light....

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Evas introduction

It was her first time meeting me. We had been speaking online for some time and i had spent most of it psycologically preparing her and encouraging her. This was what we both wanted.. but more than anything, it is what she NEEDED. It had been a long time coming, and after some very some very carefully worded emails, i finally convinced her to make the long journey to my place.She arrived 2 hours later. The entire journey she was texting me nervously, asking for reassurance that she was doing...

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A Football Bet Ends Well

Sunday was the weirdest day of my life, bar none. I guess I should explain. I am an atypical sports fan. I think it stems from the fact I was an athlete, a runner in college and did pretty well. Not quite Olympic caliber, but not for lack of trying and training. As a result, I hung around with lots of athletes, male and female. This also means, now that I am a few years away from my own serious athletic days, I am a fan of a number of sports including football and baseball. Why atypical? I...

2 years ago
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HunterChapter 39

The American forces had just finished their destructive walk across Iran and were in the process of entering Iraq. The scorched earth policy had left behind very few survivors. Those who remained alive were on the brink of starvation and were more worried about feeding themselves than fighting the Americans. Rather than occupy territory, the American forces were advancing. They were rolling over any and all resistance. It was relentless and didn’t look like it would end. Mike was seated at...

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Lauras MareChapter 2

I think Laura chose those words as a test. The Whizz sometimes just can’t comprehend how awful my social skills are. You, dear reader would most probably cringe at those words. Me? I just smiled and tried my best to give my lover my full attention. Not easy with a stallion’s cock deep inside you. Anyways, I was unaware of the usual reaction, Laura just looked at me, sighed then started talking. Laura had a plan, phase one, our getting engaged, completed. Phase two, living, loving and...

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Politics Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Charity bash Thomas failed dismally to disguise the yawn. ‘Sorry, Sally, no offence.’ The petite redhead grinned. ‘That’s okay, we’ve been at it since six this morning. That makes it a long day. And with tonight’s charity bash, it’ll get a lot longer before we’re home in our beds.’ The fair-haired man nodded. In the week since he’d been working for Alistair Brinkley-Jones, they’d all been long days. Today had been no different, ten hours of slog, understanding everything he...

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A Trip To The Supermarket

That horny old couple again.A TRIP TO THE SUPERMARKET I've lived in the small block of retirement flats in Bangor, North Wales for a little over two years and I've seen my next door neighbour just a couple of times. All I know is, Mrs. Evans is a divorcee and had been for several years before moving into the block. I guessed her to be in her early to mid sixties, I found out later that I was wrong by almost ten years, she was actually in her early seventies. Mrs. Evans, Hazel, is an...

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Celtic Love Ch 01

First and foremost I need to thank my editors DawnJ, aimtwoplease, and several others! This story wouldn’t look as good as it does if it hadn’t been for them.Any errors in this final draft are completely my fault. I know this is a rather short story but it is only part 1. I’m working on part 2 and will have it out just as soon as I can. As always, feedback is welcome. Please take a moment to vote for my story. Thank you! Ccollins2009 * Gerrard pulled the tanned leather away, from the window,...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Three

Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 3 When I wake, I am confused. This doesn’t feel like my bed. My body is sore and when I shift my legs slightly a spasm of pain rushes through me from my womb. My skin is chilled and feels odd, but I can’t yet place my discomfort. It doesn’t take me long to figure it out though. Why the fuck am I naked? My vision is blurred and my eyes feel itchy and painfully dry. Did I forget to remove my contacts last night? I make a move to rub my eyes. As soon as I lift my...

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Exhibitionist Vicariously Through My Wife

Just a short experience this time.So, while we were up at Avila, I suggested my wife take a hot tub and get a massage.  The first time was fine, typical massage with a sheet.  The thought of some guy massaging her just about nude was quite appealing to me.  I knew that a sheet, while providing a minimum of cover could be strategically moved to reveal the treasures that lay underneath.  A guy would have to be a moron or gay not to try.  The next time, I asked her to "help" the sheet expose...

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Wild WoodsChapter 11 Emergence

Gee picked Karen up and carried her to the sofa in Wayne’s living room. “What on earth happened?” Jo asked, coming in from the kitchen. “Gee, let us take care of Karen so you can tend to Nina. She’ll trust you more than me.” Wayne directed. Gee reluctantly gave care of his lover over to Wayne and Jo as he ran outside to see Nina now swinging quietly on the rusty chains. Gee approached her slowly. “Nina? Are you okay, honey?” She looked up at him with eyes gradually focusing. “Gee? I had...

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Kaypea Special Slutty Stream

Kaypea's Special Slutty Stream“What’s all this about?” you ask your friends. They’ve been acting strangely all night. “Just go on in, and have a good time,” one answers cryptically, gesturing towards the bedroom door. You give them all a suspicious look, then open the door. It’s dark inside. One of them gives you a firm push and you stumble into the room. The door clicks shut behind you. Blind, you fumble for the light switch. After a few seconds you find it and flip it on. And your heart skips...

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EvilAngel Alex Harper Round Ass DP

Pale, natural Alex Harper wears her red hair in pigtails. She strips in a wooded park, revealing her full, soft tits, hairy pussy, and the butt plug stuck inside her fleshy ass. She masturbates with a large anal toy, making her butthole gape. Alex heads inside to meet heavily hung studs Angelo Godshack and Charlie Dean. The threesome starts with blowjobs. Then the men take turns fucking Alex’s every hole. She enjoys an intense double penetration, pricks simultaneously plowing her cunt and...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Sommer Isabella Teen Slut For Hire

A thick black chick like Sommer Isabella could get paid in many different ways, but she chose the most fun one… porn! She was already being slutty in her everyday life, so she decided she might as well get paid for it. Well, Isabella, you have cum to the right place. She loves penis and our stud has all the hard cock she can handle. This chick can suck cock like a pro. She slobbers on our studs shaft, getting it nice and wet before he slides it inside. Then, she takes it doggystyle,...

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With My Training Instructor

Hi I am Renjith () working in defense. I am a regular reader of this site. Today I am describing a gay experience of my life any gays who like the story and interested for same type of sex with me please contact me now I am serving in Gujarat basically I am from Kerala and I like old men in gay sex. Today I am going to tell a story happened after I joined defense. I joined defense at the age of 18 and that time in my view I was not much attractive to anybody in any angle. I was some 6 ft tall,...

Gay Male
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The Enabler Chapter 2

“ Well Mark what do you think? “ Mary asked me. I thought the idea was stupid. I thought even if she said “Dust Bunny’s” her safe word, what could I do from the dorm room closet, hand out condoms. I told her that and to that she replied. “ Come on admit it, it would be real hot in that closet.” Then Mary did something she never did before. She grabbed my crotch hard through my pants, enough to really get my attention. “ Yeah see harder than it’s been in a while. Harder than it will ever be if...

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