Hatchery RoadChapter 22 free porn video

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The band was starting to get nervous and for good reason. Josie looked down at her watch. It was five to one and their replacement guitarist had yet to show up. She was about to call his phone yet again when she finally saw him coming through Stage B’s backstage security station.

“Hurry up! They’re about ready to start!”

Rennie nodded his head in reply but he was not alone. Helen was with him, along with their girls and her sister Heidi. The interaction between them all, however, was odd. Rennie was in the lead, with Katie clinging to his right hand and Lena, with a stranglehold on a huge stuffed rabbit, clutching to his left. What made it all odd was Helen. She was just behind Ren clearly trying to touch him and get his attention. Meanwhile, he was just as clearly using the girls to subtly keep her at bay. Heidi, on the other hand, was bringing up the rear, rolling her eyes.

Momentarily ignoring how sad that all was, Josie held out his guitar to him as Rennie reached the bottom of the stairs leading up to the stage. He let go of the girls’ hands and took it from her. “It’s all tuned and you’re on in four,” she told him, glancing at her watch again.

“Sorry about that,” he murmured, placing the strap over his head.

“You remember the playlist?” she stated more than asked, as she handed him his custom ear pieces.

He nodded as he placed them in his ears.

“The roadies switched out the defective video monitor at your feet, so you’ll be able to track it now,” she informed him while she attached the wireless unit to his belt in the back and helped him plug it in to his Stratocaster.

Rennie strummed the guitar, made a few adjustments to it as well as his ear pieces, and nodded to Josie to let her know he heard her.

Waving to the band that he was all set, Josie then stepped in close to Rennie, touching his right arm – all the while very conscious of a malevolent stare from Helen. “I love you and you’re on in two,” she told him quietly.

Rennie gave her a quick smile and then turned back to Helen, Heidi, and the girls. “All right! Why don’t y’all head back out front and I’ll see you when I’m done.”

Helen nodded in agreement and attempted to corral her daughters. “Let’s go girls!”

“But we want to stay with Dad!” Lena cried out, looking back and forth between her parents.

“Honey, your dad has to go on stage,” Helen tried to explain to her. “It’s not the same as what you were doing yesterday.”

“Can’t we stay, Dad?” Katie entreated her father. “We could just stand backstage and watch. We won’t be any trouble!”

“That’s up to Josie,” Rennie replied hurriedly, as he heard Rowdy greet the crowd. “I’ve got to go.” And with that, he shot up the stairs and out onto the stage.

Both girls looked up at Josie expectantly, while their mother glared at her with venom.

Josie, for her part, had no problem with the request. They were Rennie’s girls. Bending down, she met Katie and Lena’s eyes. “If you promise to behave, you can stay backstage with me. And if you get tired of being back there,” she added, “I can always bring you back out to your mom and Aunt Heidi. Does that sound okay?” That last part she more asked the two adults, rather than the kids.

“That sounds fine,” Helen let out rather reluctantly but smiled when her girls turned to look at her, more than a little excited and making happy sounds.

“Do you want me to hold on to your bunny for you?” Heidi asked Lena, as she and Helen were about to leave.

The six-year-old clutched at her prize even tighter and shook her head no.

“That’s fine,” Helen’s sister replied, chuckling. “If you need to bring them out, just send me a text,” she told Josie, wiggling her cell phone in her hand.

“Will do,” Josie replied, taking the girls by the hand. “Enjoy the show!”

Rowdy and the Jays were well into their first song, Caught Up in You by .38 Special, as Josie guided the two girls to an out-of-the-way spot backstage. While the sound was loud, it wasn’t so much so that you couldn’t speak and be heard – which was mainly due to the fact that they were outdoors rather than indoors. Josie knelt down beside the girls and tried to explain what was going on. They were understandably curious about everything, from the various people hustling around backstage to all the equipment and instruments they could see.

“What are they doing?” Katie asked during one of the song breaks.

Josie glanced to where she was pointing. “Those people are helping the band by taking new guitars out to them and bringing back the old ones.”


“After you play a guitar for a while, especially on stage, it can go out of tune. Do you know what that means?”

Katie nodded her head. “That’s when the strings don’t sound quite right and Daddy has to turn the knobs on the end to tighten them and make them sound right again, like on our violins.”

“You got it! But rather than your dad doing it this time, Jeremy over there is going to do it for him while your dad plays on one of his other guitars for a while. Then, at the next break, they’ll switch guitars again.”

The girls stayed watched intently for quite some time but after a while, Josie could tell their interest was fading. Seeing that their fidgeting was increasing rapidly, Josie knelt down by them yet again. “Do you want to go out and sit by your mom and Aunt Heidi? You’ll probably be a lot more comfortable out there.”

The girls looked briefly at one another and then back at Josie. They nodded their heads.

Quickly texting Heidi that she would be bringing them out, Josie stood up and took them by the hands. Leading them past all the backstage activity, she soon had them down the steps and past security. Josie had been able to see from backstage where Helen and Heidi had ended up, so she was able easily to navigate the girls over to them. Just as she was about to hand them off and head back, however, little Lena tugged at her hand.

“Can you stay with us?” she asked with all the innocent earnestness a six-year-old girl can muster.

Josie was torn. She wanted to return backstage and didn’t even remotely need to look over at Helen to know she hated the idea of her staying. But the face of this little angel was pleading with her and she couldn’t bring herself to say no.

A smile and a nod brought a happy smile to the child’s face, and Josie took a seat on the grass next to Heidi. Helen, thankfully, was on the other side of her sister with Katie, now, in between the two of them. In mere moments, meanwhile, Lena and her prize bunny were firmly entrenched in Josie’s lap. She could hear Heidi chuckle as the little girl began to chatter on about a whole host of different things as talkative little girls are wont to do.

Josie would respond periodically to her with either a nod of her head or a soft vocal affirmation, but she found her attention repeatedly drawn away to the lead guitarist up on stage. A glance to her left every so often, let her know she wasn’t the only one with that issue. While Josie’s emotions ran the gamut from love to pride to joy as she watched Rennie, she could tell from Helen’s expressions that the other woman was experiencing an opposite reaction of deep sadness and longing. Almost against her will, Josie found herself in that moment suddenly feeling no small measure of sympathy for Rennie’s estranged wife. Not remotely enough to give him up, mind you, but a genuine sorrow for the woman, nonetheless.

Grant was greeted by quite a few people as he and Anisha walked past the row of camera set-ups from the various St. Louis TV stations. They had obviously wrapped up the feeds for their networks’ local news-at-noon segments. Now they were sitting around digging into meals they’d purchased down in the food court and listening to the latest group performing at Stage A. Grant had to admit, this bunch sounded pretty good. Glancing down the hill, he could see their name on the stage marquee, High Heel & the Sneekers, along with a decent-sized crowd gathered to hear them. Not planning to stop and join them, however, Grant and his wife continued on toward their destination.

When they reached the large media pavilion tent, they could immediately see that the GAC folks had expanded their presence in the far right corner. Off to the left, meanwhile, was a familiar couple sitting by themselves amongst a fair number of empty round tables and chairs. While not previously considered a couple, the way Ty and Sarah were seated together and intimately conversing over lunch suggested to Grant that something had finally changed. Unfortunately, he needed to interrupt them.

“I’m going to catch up with Lori over here,” Anisha told him, pointing over to the GAC area, “while you go talk with Sarah.”

“Sounds good,” he murmured in reply, before heading over to bring Sarah up to speed on the latest settlement offer from Stone Mountain.

Ty stood up and greeted him with a handshake as he approached the table. “Good afternoon, Grant! Pull up a chair.”

The tall lawyer shook his head. “I don’t want to intrude. I just wanted to catch Sarah up on the newest settlement offer.”

“What settlement offer?” Sarah asked, clearly curious.

“Anisha and I spent the better part of an hour talking with Mr. Lanci. He’s tendered you an offer to compensate you for everything you’ve had to put up with at Stone Mountain, up to and including yesterday.”

Sarah was somewhat taken aback. “Really?”

“Man, that was quick!” Ty remarked, staring quizzically back at Grant.

“He seems genuinely appalled by it all and told us he wanted to do right by you. I sent a copy of the offer to your email.”

Sarah retrieved her iPad from her purse, and quickly set about logging in to her email account. Her swift inhalation of air let him know she had come across the settlement offer. “That’s a lot of zeros!” she exclaimed, looking up at him with wide eyes.

“I’ll say!” Ty concurred, when she showed him the screen.

“If you’ll notice,” Grant responded, pointing down at her tablet, “there’s two separate and distinct parts to the offer. The first is the monetary settlement. The second is a job offer and promotion.”

“Holy crap!” Sarah blurted out, as she examined the second page. “Nina was right!”

Not sure what she meant by that, Grant continued on. “Now, you can accept the first and reject the second, if you want. You can even decline the settlement offer and ask for a larger payment.”

“What do you suggest?” she asked, looking up at him again with those wide blue eyes of hers.

“The settlement is a very generous offer,” he conceded to her. “As your lawyer, I recommend that you accept it. As for the job offer,” he paused and shrugged, “that’s entirely up to you. Based on some of my conversations with some of the big studio reps walking around here, though, I’d say finding other work in the music industry will not be a problem for you.”

“Oh, man, ain’t that the truth!” Ty let out with a bit of a chuckle.

“Anyway, don’t feel like you have to make a decision right now,” he said with a smile and a gentle pat on her shoulder. “Take a few days to think about it.”

“Okay,” she responded with a nod. “That’s a good idea.” Suddenly, an expression of confusion swept across her face and she stared at him with furrowed brows. “Wait a minute! You were talking with studio reps? Why?”

“I asked him to,” Ty explained, drawing Sarah’s attention back to him. “Ren’s a proven commodity as a songwriter, but his stock is going to shoot through the roof when they hear Hatchery Road tonight,” he told her, gesturing toward Stage A down the hill. “Just the whiff of a potential bidding war could really strengthen his hand in contract negotiations.”

Sarah nodded her head in understanding before turning back to Grant. “So, what, you’re going into entertainment law now? What about taking on the director of redevelopment job here?”

“I’m acting as Hatchery Road’s agent for now,” Grant replied, then followed it up with a shrug. “Taking that on full time could be interesting, but who knows? As for the short term state job here, Anisha asked me to turn it down, so I will.”

Sarah momentarily glanced past Grant before returning back to him. “So things with your wife are ... good now?” she asked hesitatingly.

The big man nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. “Yes, they are and I guess I have you to thank for that. I must say, I really appreciate you giving her a call and convincing her to come up here.”

Sarah’s face clouded over with confusion yet again and she shook her head. “I’m glad things are better between you two but I didn’t call her.”

“You didn’t?” Now Grant was confused. “When I asked Anisha why she came up, she said a little bird told her she needed to come. I just assumed it was you.”

“As much as I would love to take credit for that,” Sarah responded with another shake of her head, “it wasn’t me.”

“If I had to guess,” Ty chimed in, “I’d say the answer to who the ‘little bird’ was, is over your shoulder.”

Seeing both Ty and Sarah looking past him, Grant turned look, as well. There was his wife, Anisha, embracing the lieutenant governor of Illinois, one Wendy Capriati, as if she were a long time friend. He couldn’t help but laugh when the lieutenant governor noticed the three of them looking their way and waved.

“I might be going out on a limb here,” Ty wryly observed, “but I don’t think she’s expecting you to take the job here.”

“I think you’re right, Ty,” Grant responded. “I think you’re right.

“Now, it’s my turn!” the supermodel declared with a huge smile and few wiggles of her eyebrows, before following several of the stage hands out onto the stage. Rennie had to admit, even at eight months pregnant, Rachel Vargas-Steiger was stunning. More than that, though, she was both incredibly pleasant and really funny – two qualities that the evening audience there at Stage A was discovering.

While she entertained the crowd between the sets and the stage hands prepped everything for Hatchery Road, Rennie chose to greet the guy who had warmed up the crowd for them. “Excellent job as always, Josh,” he praised the singer and his band as they came off.

“Oh my goodness, you guys were great!” Josie gushed from just behind him, giving the band high fives as they went past.

“Thanks, it was our pleasure,” the singer replied with a chuckle, obviously responding to Josie’s exuberant enthusiasm while wiping some perspiration from his forehead. “It’s a little warm out there, though. You guys all ready?” he asked, glancing between Josie and Rennie, and then looking past them to the rest of Hatchery Road.

Josie was quick to respond. “Oh, yeah!” she exclaimed.

Rennie, however, was a bit more reserved. This was by far the largest crowd he had ever performed before, and it had him more than a little nervous. “I think so,” he replied, looking back at the rest of the group.

“He’s just a bit nervous,” Josie chimed in, giving voice to his thoughts. Stepping up next to him, she slipped her hand into his and entwined their fingers.

Josh smiled at the move and nodded his head toward Rennie. “You and I both know a little nervousness right now can be a good thing. They’re a good crowd tonight. So, go out, have fun, and show ‘em a good time!”

“Will do!” Rennie replied, giving the man a pat on the shoulder as he headed off to find his family.

“What’s she doing out there?”

Rennie had been mentally reviewing the playlist, when his girlfriend’s question, followed by loud applause, broke into his reverie.

“They were all laughing at what she said just a bit ago, but now she’s gotten all serious and is talking about the tornadoes.”

Still standing together, he glanced down at her and then out to the stage to see what she was asking about. Rachel was there standing at the microphone with a couple of other people. Recognizing them, he immediately had an answer for Josie. Taking her by the hand, Rennie led her to a different spot backstage where they could look out and see the large screen on the opposite side of the stage.

“She’s telling one of the rescue stories,” he whispered, pointing up to the screen as both images and video flashed across it.

“That is so cool!” The exclamation, however, came not from Josie but from Megan, who had evidently followed them and was looking over their shoulders. “Whose idea was that?”

“Lori and Sarah’s, actually,” Rennie replied, glancing back at Megan. “They both saw the pictures and video Aaron and his crew were coming back with from the tornado zones, and realized what else could be done with them.”

“It was more Lori’s than mine,” Sarah admitted, her voice surprising them from behind. As the three of them turned to look at her, she shrugged a bit. “Aaron’s footage was incredible but I wasn’t sure we could use it. Then Lori thought of this,” she said, gesturing out to the stage and screens. “And I thought, ‘How cool is that? To remind everyone tonight that this tragedy didn’t just have victims but heroes!’”

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Finally five o’clock came and he was off. John grabbed his bag and almost ran to the school parking lot. Often he enjoyed visiting with his fellow teachers in the halls on his way out. No students, noise, or interruptions. Mostly because 95% of his coworkers were women, so he loved chatting with them and taking quick glances at their cute feet. He got to his truck and turned the key. Thankfully the 23-year-old bucket of bolts started up and he drove home. As he pulled up into the driveway he...

3 years ago
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Reminiscing about my first time

Part OneAt the moment I'm so frustrated and it feels like forever since I'd had anyone that I've felt a real connection with. I miss when I was younger, when I'd just started finding myself and watching my body develop, remembering how taboo self masturbation was for me, the smells, wetness, softness and that anticipation - that general all round naughty feeling of something new. But recently I'd chatted with a complete stranger online who made me go back to that feeling when I was that young...

1 year ago
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Wet Heat

Finally, I arrived at my destination.Deep in the forests of the Algonquin outskirts, close to Hunter's Point. I was so excited about my camping trip; I couldn't help but giggle when I got out of my rented Range Rover SUV.It was over an eight-hour drive to get to my final destination, but it was worth it.The scenery in front of me was breathtaking. There were beautiful tall red oaks, standing there in front of me, elevated and robust, as far as the eye could see.Once I was out of the car, I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Head orAND Tails

Heads or....AND TailsSo....these are a few cell phone stories I had to send to a friend. When she and I were in our younger 20s, she turned me out. She showed me what sex is REALLY supposed to be like. She moved a few states away and we lost contact. She searched me out when she moved back to the area and of which, we are now in our late 40s. She was still as hot as ever and was curious to see if her student had learned anything new. Well....THIS time....I turned HER out. I showed her what sex...

2 years ago
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My best friend used me

All throughout high school I was treated like a ghost, no girlfriend no group I fit into. I had three friends, Brent, Sam and John. We were the so called "Rebels" we all had tattoos and piercings and all the other Jocks and girls looked down on us and laughed at us as we walked by. The only one who had a girlfriend through high school was Sam and the rest of us went without. After high school Sam and John went to college in a different state while me and Brent decided to move to a different...

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Salvation Ch 3 The Staff

Lord Holmes was generous with his time and helped out when needed. Alice never let it show, but she was grateful to him for suggesting ideas that reduced the disruption that this work made to the children’s daily routines. Although she would have denied it a bond was growing between them as they worked closely to re-build the once prosperous St Saviour’s. Alice brought the governors together on a regular basis to discuss important matters such as the purchase of new equipment and...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 690

The Retreat When Diana, Jennie and Melissa hadn’t come to the bedroom by nine-fifteen, Jeff went looking for them. As soon as he opened the door to his office, he knew that Diana was going to have an actual office of her own, and not one associated with the kitchen or ordering supplies. Maybe even an office for her and a connecting one for her assistants. It also needed to be soon. The free space in his office had suddenly been reduced to practically nothing by the addition of a long table...

3 years ago
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Wife drinking to much

In my early thirties one of my friends invites me out for a cpl drinks ,my my stayed home with the k**s. I called her around ten and the k**s were asl**p but the more I talked to the more I realized she was d***k. She gets really horny then so I start telling her how I’m going to fuck her and she s moaning in the phone,very hot. I told my friend how d***k she was and he says we should leave now. 45 minutes later we get home , I put the car away and he goes inside. What he told me later was she...

2 years ago
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Sexy student ko choda

Ek din mare centre par ek ladki internet ki coaching ke liye aayi wo bahut hi sexy thi aur uske boos bhi bahoot bade aur sexy the wo lal rang ki salwar kamiz pahan kar ayi thi jab uski chunni uske boobs par se hatti thi to uske boobs ki gahrai nazar ati thi use hot bahut hi rasile the. Aur bal bahut hi bade the. Rang bilkul gora aur aakh nili nili thi, esi lagti thi jaise america ki rahne wali ho Wo ayi aur usne mujh se internet ki fees pushi. Maine use 500 rs. Batayi. Wo razi ho gayi aur usne...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 119

Hailey waited outside the hotel for Randi Raver and Meredith Miller. Phil was going to spend the morning at the studio. He said he would probably spend the afternoon getting rip-roaring drunk. A black SUV with tinted windows pulled up outside of the hotel and Randi Raver hopped out wearing a huge smile. She wore a sundress, a straw hat and a pair of oversized sunglasses. “Come on in,” she said, gesturing to the rear of the SUV where she exited. Hailey saw a brunette woman driving and a...

1 year ago
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Olivia Takes Spring Break

It was her freshman year at college and it should have been exciting. The new adventure of being away from home, making new friends and embarking on her education. When she texted me she was anything but excited; frustrated was more like it. She had just caught a break for a while as her roommate had gone out with her parents. You see, her roommate didn’t even like to discuss sex, let alone do anything about it. Olivia had tried to talk with her new ‘roomie’ about sex and learned of her total...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 23

Brent had made contact with Tom Blanton, and they had arranged to meet when he was next on the coast. It would be two weeks before Stampede. He hoped that Blanton Construction would be interested in his product line and recommend it to their customers. A little research by phone had confirmed that Blanton was the right choice for a leading builder endorsement. By all accounts, they were the front-runners in the renovation and luxury construction market in the very exclusive North Shore...

2 years ago
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3 Families

PROLOGUE: HOMEWARD BOUND While I have abonded this story after Chyoo broke down and glad to see a new site up and running in its place I have taken the story to Literotica and invite everyone who likes this story to check it out over there and as well though I am also posting new content here under the extra's at the bottom. And feel free to help upvote it at Literotica and thanks for reading my story. New Version Here https://chyoa.com/chapter/Alternate-Version.169573 Rico Louis It was a...

1 year ago
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Trick or Treat

Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

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Continued 2

So there I was, riding Andre. Slow, at first, but building a nice rhythm as I got used to the size of him. I was locked in on him, ignoring the two other guys in the room - did one of them have his cock out? I don't know - and just slowly easing myself up and down on that monster. And I started doing one of my favorite things to do. Which is just to go so ... damn ... slow. When I'm on top of a guy, I like to tease him with my pussy, too slow to get him off, too slow to build momentum, but I...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Octavia Red 02072023

Octavia over heard her roommate and close friend Jax crying on the phone. Apparently this girl he was seeing dumped him talking about him hurting her. Octavia knows Jax well and knew he wouldn’t ever hurt anyone. So Octavia sat besides Jax and lets him cry on her shoulder. Jax asks Octavia why are girls scared of him. Then tells her when he pulls off his clothes girls run away from him. Then as he’s crying, he asks Octavia if he’s fat or ugly. Octavia now being perplexed with the situation,...

1 year ago
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Well my step dad would walk around the house naked and ask me to suck his dick , I mean the first time I did it he moaned like I was a pro. It mad him reall happy so I would keep on sucking his dick and eating his cum . But one day he called me in the room while my mother was at work. He told me to take all me clothes off . I was only 15 at the time by the way. So I did exacly what he told me to do , he said " My sweet Brittney why don't you let daddy suck your tits and fuck that beautiful wet...

4 years ago
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Flight Fantasy part 2

Flight Fantasy -FinaleI awoke slowly that Saturday morning after a long night of passion. Cheryl had been insistent in her desire, not only urging me to take her to higher and higher places of sexual pleasure but in her seeing that I was equally pleased. There was nothing of herself that she held back and she demanded everything from me in return. It was the most incredible sex I have ever had. It was almost as if she thought there would never be another time for us. That thought gave me a...

1 year ago
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I was Tied up and Fucked up my Arse

My Early days'Friday the 13th', I wrote into my diary, today Lorraine took the blame for a crime I had done and she is now to face the punishment, that would normally have been meant for me. I was caned once, over my skirt, so it was more a dull thud feeling than anything that could be considered painful, 'Humiliation', was the word they used, but if you were a repeat offender, well then, it was the bare ass then, that was Lorraine's field of speciality, she was into that sort of stuff and...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 25 Dutch gets engaged

Later that same evening Dutch managed to get Rosa alone. Kathy had been pestering him to let her sit on his lap while perusing the computer and as much as he loved the idea of her ripe body astride his lap and his erection, he had more important business to conduct. And so at the risk of hurting her feelings he ordered Kathy out of the "office" and after she had slouched on out, mouthing silent protests he and Rosa were alone at last. "Didn't want her rubbing herself all over you did...

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Cordelias Feet 8 The Queen Bees Pet

Most often in life, we carry around fears, and these fears, at unpredictable times, well up in terrifying intensity, only to turn out unfounded and leave us shaking with dizzy relief. We do things we shouldn’t do and say things that should have kept unsaid, and every so often, they lead us to face the dread of being discovered and demeaned for it. Our heart hammers, our hands sweat, and we pray inside that the images our mind conjures won’t come true. Mostly, we get off easy. But not always....

3 years ago
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BreederChapter 16 R R T A

Rick slowly opened his eyes. "So, you're finally awake." He heard a giggling female voice exclaim. "I'll call Dr. Curtis. You know it's amazing what you'll sleep through." She giggled again. Looking over he saw a pretty nurse standing by the sink. It took a few moments for him to realize that she was gently washing cum from her face and breasts. Looking down he saw that he was lying naked on the bed, his cock still warm and thick against his stomach. "I'll say." He replied. "I...

1 year ago
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The Snotty MILF Is Brought To Her Knees

Many of his old friends were there and to his surprise, most of the 'cliques' from Old BHS days had gone by the wayside. Almost everyone had matured to the point that, rich or poor, black or white, they were all the same age; all getting older; all had interesting tales of the paths their lives had taken. Don, having come from a large family with not much wealth, had found unexpected success as a novelist. He began writing before his wife was killed in an auto accident, and continued...

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IncomingChapter 4

Wednesday morning, Doug called for a wheelchair-accessible carrier, and he was waiting in front of the building when it arrived. The van had a flip-out hydraulic lift at the side door that let him roll his chair in place, then raised him to the level of the van floor. Rolling inside, he saw where he could slot his chair into lugs that would lock the wheels in place. Reversing the process would let him out at his destination. He had hired the van for the day, so he gave the driver his first...

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XVideos Cartoon

Let’s talk about animated porn, and more specifically, let’s talk about the animated porn that xVideos has to offer. By now, I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about xVideos.com since this site has been here for quite some time. It is a free porn place with millions of porn videos for you to enjoy, and I particularly love their cartoon porn section.Since you are here, reading my shitty review, it is safe to guess that you are also a big fan of animated tits, right? Well, my friends, you...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Playing Away Part II The Kick Off

Playing Away - Part II - The Kick Off James turned over on the sun lounger and was still sweating buckets despite only wearing a tiny bikini. Wearing a female suit in the sun in Greece in May had its trade-offs. The main negatives revolved around the heat and the fact that he was wearing a complete skin-suit that, whilst it had some sweat facilities was still an extra layer he could do without. The other negative was that he was now a piece of meat that all the men would eye up as...

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Aunty K Sath Mouke Ka Faida Uthaya 8211 Part II

Hi dostoun , mera naam ayaan hai aur hyderabad ka rehne wala houn, Aj main apko apni real kahani sunane wala hun, Ye aj se 2 saal pehle ki baat jab me inter me tha . Aur ye meri iss ki pehli kahani he , islye agar koi galtiyan ho to maf karna To dostoun, Main aksar holidays milte hi apni nanu (grandmother) k pas chale jata hun. Meri nanu city se baher gaoun me rehti he aur sth me nana aur meri aunty(samina) rehte hain. Mere clg me x-mas ke chuttiyan the to hamesha k tarha main nano k pas agaya...

2 years ago
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Raped By Pep 2

The wet tongue stroking my pussy and the seemingly steady stream of hot breath on my clit proved to be too much to handle. Cum started squirting into Peps face as he licked me into a major orgasm. He continued to lap at my pussy despite the sporadic squirts of cum. I bucked my hips wildly with each lick. I tried to back away, my clit was extremely sensitive, and I needed Pep to stop. Good boy! Heel Pep Pep ignored my command and continued to lap at my now dripping pussy. Pep thats enough I...

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The Sanguine Chronicles Ch 3

BaliorAvdaci, the Sanguine Regent of Lyrisa and a Prince of Relicium, slowly descended the marble staircase of his new home. ‘New’ was a term he used quite loosely to describe the decrepit castle where he would dwell henceforth. An oracle had convinced his father, King Jorin, that Lyrisa was where he might find his mate. The oracle had neglected to say how long it might take him to find her in this sprawling village or whether or not she was even yet to be born. He’d been skeptical, resentful...

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Thats What Daughters Are For Chapter 1

Santana Zahn sat nervously in the waiting area, hoping for the best.  She needed this job, and she’d heard that this was a really good place to work. The interviews had gone well, and she was about to meet the Director of Sales she would be working for.  The woman she spoke with to set up this interview had mentioned that this was just the final check; just to let them know if she’d be a good fit.  The position was just an admin-assistant slot, but she’d just recently graduated from Collins...

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Lisas Sexy Secret

Lisa leaned into the curve, her thick mane of black hair whipping behind her. The mountains of Vermont flashed by and her motorcycle purred between her legs, soothing away the stresses of life. Her ex-husband had always looked silly on it but it fit her small frame perfectly. Now she could even drive it, her ex had always made her ride behind him. A young man hitch-hiking beside the road startled her. The brief glimpse she caught of him didn’t look much like the drifter you would normally see...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Lena Paul The Porn Office

If you have ever seen The Office, you may think you know which character Lena Paul is playing, but Pam has nothing on this bad bitch. She sits at her desk in high, black stockings, doing business like a dynamo before challenging her male coworkers to a sales competition. The person with the most sales gets the biggest reward, her juicy, delicious cunt. Immediately, the office gets to work until finally our stud wins out and gets to claim his prize. He takes Lena into his cubicle space and...


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