Hatchery RoadChapter 19 free porn video

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“Oh my goodness, you’re Josh Cannon!”

Shelley had been standing off to the side, watching and listening as Rennie and company did their sound check, when she noticed a vaguely familiar face not far from her. Taking in his boyish good looks, western attire and cowboy hat, she wracked her brain trying to figure out where she knew him from when it finally clicked.

“Yes, ma’am,” the singer replied, an amused grin on his face. “Last time I checked.”

“Sorry,” Shelley apologized, a bit embarrassed by her outburst. “You probably get that a lot.”

“Some,” he admitted. “Though it’s to be expected in a place like this,” he added, gesturing to the state park turned concert venue around them.

“I take it you’ll be performing tomorrow?”

“Yes, ma’am. My band and I will have a set down on Stage C in the morning and then we’ll do a few songs, back up here at Stage A in the evening, as the warm up for Hatchery Road.”

“I’m Shelley, by the way, so you can cut out with that “ma’am” stuff.”

“Good to meet you, Shelley,” he replied with a laugh, shaking her outstretched hand.

“Did your family come with you?”

“They weren’t going to at first, but thankfully Trace Atkins loaned us his RV so Darlene and the kids could come.”

“That’s right! You opened for Trace on his last tour, didn’t you?”

“He would’ve loved to have been here but has some sort of prior commitment with a veterans group in D. C. this weekend.”

“So, is that how you found out about our little concert up here?”

“Who, Trace? No, it was Sarah,” Josh said, nodding his head back to where the woman in question was talking with Ty. “She heard Rennie had written a couple songs for me and called my manager. Once he told me, I was all for it. Rennie’s a great guy to work with and it’s a worthy cause, so here we are.”

Hearing the latest song come to a premature end, the two watched as Rennie made a few gestures to the sound guy backstage and then stepped back up to the microphone. “I think we’ve got the monitors straightened out, how’s the front of the house with that lineup?”

Shelley thought it sounded pretty good and the sound engineer out by them must have, too, because he gave Rennie a thumbs up. The banter between the two of them after that, however, only confused her. Thankfully her current technical advisor was able to put it in plain English for her.

“Some of the band members switch between instruments, so they need to do that now and change the mixes accordingly,” he told her.

“How come they have one sound set up out here and another one back stage?” she asked after a bit, pointing to the two different areas in question.

“Well, the two take care of different things,” the singer replied. “The guy you see backstage there with the Cubs hat on handles what the band hears in their monitors, while the guys out here at the big soundboards handle what the audience hears.”

“So, what’s coming out of those monitors is different than we’re hearing right now?”

He nodded. “Right. Band members need to be able to hear themselves and each other, in that order, but that would sound awful out here. Which is why you need someone out here to balance it all back out again.”

“Makes sense.”

“Something’s not quite right, though.”

Shelley glanced over at her temporary companion, a confused look on her face. “What do you mean?”

“It’s taking too long,” Josh tried to explain. “The transition between instruments seems uncoordinated. It should be much smoother, like clockwork. Plus, the sound’s a bit off.”


“Oh, don’t get me wrong, they still sound good but can’t you hear it? It’s like someone or something is slightly out of sync.”

Pausing to listen, Shelley’s eyes widened in surprise. “I didn’t hear it before but now I do!” she exclaimed. “How weird is that! What do you think’s causing it? The out-of-sync-ness, I mean, not my not hearing it before.”

Josh chuckled. “Hard to say. Could be any number of things – pre-concert jitters, the fact they haven’t been playing together for very long, an unfamiliar venue, just to name a few.”

“Should we say something?”

The singer shook his head. “No need,” he replied. “Judging from the looks on their faces, I’d say they already sense there’s a problem. They’ll work it out.”

“I sure hope so.”

Around that time, the band wrapped up its sound checks and the individual members began to pack their instruments away. Shelley was about to bid farewell to Josh and head down to visit with the band, when Reba McIntire walked out to greet them from backstage.

Shelley squealed with delight but then quickly spun and glared at her newest acquaintance. “You knew, didn’t you,” she accused him.

The singer’s smile grew quite large and he nodded his head. “We passed her bus on the way up here.”

She lightly whacked him on his arm. “And you didn’t tell me!”

He just shrugged, the huge grin still on his face.

Glancing back, she watched as Josie and Rennie talked with Ms. McEntire. As she watched, however, she caught a glimpse nearby of long, white blonde hair. “Wait a minute! That’s Jenna Wells!”


“Let me guess,” Shelley asked sarcastically, “you passed her tour bus on the way up here, too?”

“Nah,” he replied, shaking his head. “She was already parked at the RV camp area when we pulled in.”

How he responded piqued her curiosity. “So, who else is here?”

Josh, however, said nothing. Instead, he silently moved his fingers over his lips, as if closing a zipper.

“Oh, come on, Josh! You gotta tell me now!”

He just shook his head again. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Josie had to admit, she was totally surprised – stunned really – when Reba walked out to greet them. Well, greet Rennie really and she got to be included in the deal. Turned out the country music superstar had known him for several years now. They’d connected through his sister, Bella, and worked through a few songs together via email, text, phone, and Skype. They’d just never met in person.

Ms. McEntire also greeted the girls, giving them each a hug before they ran off to their mother. Chit chat with Rennie soon followed as they caught up with each other’s lives. She tried to include Josie, but the younger woman was more than a little distracted. Part of it was Helen’s presence, but that was only a small part. As much as she wanted to talk with Reba, she knew she needed to talk with Rennie more.

Ever since he’d stopped by the RV while she was watching the kids, things had been strained between them. Constantly surrounded by people, she’d not had a chance to try to resolve the issue and now it’d gotten worse. It had affected the band. The smooth flow and sound they’d had back at the barn was gone. Instead, they were off kilter, disconnected, out of sync. It was clear from the looks they’d exchanged, that the other band members were concerned. Rennie, meanwhile, was oblivious – seemingly lost somewhere in his own head. Josie could not let it continue.

“It’s pretty obvious you two have some things you need to talk about,” the superstar declared out of the blue, “so I’m going to bow out at this point.”

Josie turned to Reba in surprise. Rennie did the same.

“What?” she exclaimed looking at the both of them, a sly grin on her face. “You two can’t keep your eyes off each other, not to mention acting all twitchy and nervous when you get close.” She gestured back toward their instruments, now stacked neatly in their cases. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out your earlier problems trace back to this.”


Reba laughed. “Girl, I may be getting old but I ain’t blind, or deaf for that matter!”

Josie could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. “Sorry.”

“Earlier problems?” Rennie asked, clearly confused.

She clucked her tongue a bit and patted him on the upper arm, “Ren, you were so focused on getting the levels right, you didn’t notice how you and the group were off.” He appeared to want to ask another question but she waved it off. “Hey, don’t worry about it. It happens to the best of us.”

Reba then tipped her head toward Josie. “Besides, I think your girl here has the solution. So, with that,” she said, stopping to give them each a hug, “I’m off to do some sort of interview, I guess.”

She took a few steps but then turned around. “Oh, come by the tour bus tonight when you’re all done. A few of us will be kickin’ back and chillin’ out before all the hoopla tomorrow.”

They both nodded their assent and about that time the main video guy, Aaron, swooped in and steered her in the direction of his crew. Seeing them, reminded Josie that the band still had yet to do their interviews – not that they were all that ready to do one, considering the current situation.

Noticing it was now just the two of them, with Helen and the girls gone and the closest other person twenty or so feet away, Josie took a deep breath and turned to face Rennie. She noticed he was about to say something, so she gestured for him to let her start instead. He acquiesced.

“Things have been off between us ever since you came to meet us at the RV,” she began, “and I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to figure out why. All I can come up with is you overhearing me tell Katie that I love you.”

He nodded and went to speak again, but she stilled him with a touch.

“I was scared to death when Bella dropped them off with me after all the mess down at Stage B today. I didn’t want to complicate things further, for you or them, but they looked so lost standing there ... so I sucked it up and tried to be who they needed me to be. We were doing okay for a while but Lena was missing you something fierce and started to cry. It was all I could do not to cry with her.”

Just talking about that moment – reliving it, really – brought tears to her eyes. She quickly looked away and wiped the inconvenient moisture away with her fingertips.

“To try to get their minds off that,” she continued, “I got them talking about that time in the Italian restaurant you told me about when we first met.” A small chuckle erupted from her throat. “Oh my God, Ren, those girls are just like you when they get to talking – their facial expressions and hand gestures, their sense of humor! Pretty soon we were swapping stories about you.”

“Your Katie is one perceptive little girl, though.” A wan smile appeared on her face as she glanced up momentarily and met his eyes. “She saw through what I was doing and asked a question I wasn’t prepared to answer.”

Josie shook her head slightly at the memory.

“I get how protective you are of them, Ren, I do,” she said, reaching out her hand to touch his arm again. “They’ve been put through the wringer with all Helen’s done and you don’t want anything to make it worse. I don’t either. And right in that moment, I knew I couldn’t lie to her.” She paused, staring up into his eyes again, which were now as watery as hers. “I do love you, Rennie, very much. They love you. I love you. We all love you. That’s all it was going to be. All we need is love, right?”

He nodded, a glimmer of that crooked smile of his starting to peek out.

“Ren, I will never apologize for loving you. The truth is I do love you very, very much. Get used to it, okay?” she said with a sudden fierceness, punctuated by her poking him in the chest with her finger.

She went to speak again, but Rennie stopped it by pulling her into a warm embrace. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she just closed her eyes and buried her face in his shirt. She felt him kiss the top of her head and a sob slipped out from her lips.

“I’ll try, Josie,” he murmured into her hair. “I’ll try.”

Josie stayed there a while until she found her voice again. Stepping back, but not completely out of his embrace, she looked up into his eyes.

“Ren, this whole thing has turned into a bigger problem,” she told him, the concern etched on her face. “You let what was happening between us affect the band. Our problems are not their problems.” She hesitated, took a deep breath, then plowed ahead. “So suck it up, get out of your own head, and be the professional musician and band leader I know you are. Okay?”

“Okay, Josie,” Rennie said with a chuckle. “Don’t hold back. Tell me what the problem is.”

She lightly swatted his chest. “Rennie!”

He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to hers. The contact was brief but it was what Josie had been thirsting for all day. She reached up with her hands and pulled him down so they could do it again.

“Oh, thank God!”

Megan’s loud exclamation brought Josie back to where she was. With a snicker, she pulled back from Rennie lips and looked to her left, where the redhead was standing with the rest of the band. As soon as Josie’s and Rennie heads turned toward them, they began to clap.

Embarrassed, Josie turned back and buried her face, once again, in Rennie’s shirt. She could feel his body shake with laughter.

“It’s about time!” the apparent spokesperson for group said as she drew closer. “You two were driving us crazy! It is fixed, isn’t it? Please tell me it’s fixed.”

Josie couldn’t help but giggle. “That’s a great question, Megan. It is fixed, isn’t it, Ren?” she asked, leaning back in his arms and looking up at his face.

“Yes, I believe it is fixed,” he replied, laughing.

He was about to say something else when a loud shriek and some yelling pierced the air. It came from up the hill, somewhere behind where the sound engineers had set up their sound and video booth. Within seconds, Josie could hear the call come over a nearby security guard’s radio: “There is a situation at the media tent. Security, please respond.”

It was organized chaos by the time Shelley and Josh made it to the top of the rise where all the media folks were. Chairs were scattered about the grass and one of the poles for the big tent was knocked out of place, causing it to sag. What caught her attention the most was all the men and women in dark blue t-shirts with “security” written on them. It wasn’t simply the number that impressed her. It was the fact that, though she and Josh were pretty close, just down the hill in fact, all these folks got here before they did.

“What happened?”

Shelley turned to see Rennie, Josie, and the rest of the band, coming over the crest of the hill from Stage A.

Josh shook his head in reply. “No idea. We just got here ourselves.”

“Where’s Sarah?” Josie asked, the worry palpable in her voice. “I don’t see her and she was just up here a bit ago.”

Shelley shrugged her shoulders. Glancing around, she thought she recognized someone. “Hey, isn’t that Rachel Vargas’ assistant over there talking with that GAC lady?”

“Nina,” Josie chimed in quickly. “Her name’s Nina and she’s been helping Sarah the past couple days.”

“And that’s Lori Owens,” Josh added. “She’s the primary person GAC sends out for interviews and on site reporting.” He shrugged when everyone looked at him. “I’ve been interviewed by her a few times. She’s actually pretty nice.”

With a possible source of information in view, the group started heading Nina and Lori’s way. As they got closer, they could see the two women huddled around what looked to be a monitor of some kind and talking to a guy at a computer workstation set up not too far away.

“All right, roll it back another ten or eleven minutes and start there,” Lori called out to the tech guy.

“Hey, Nina! What’s going on? Where’s Sarah?”

“We had a bit of an altercation up here,” she replied to Josie, shaking her head. “Sarah’s fine, but her boss at Stone Mountain attacked her. After it was over, Ty took her down to one of the hospitality tents.”

Her phone started to ring.

“Hold on a second, I need to take this.” She lifted it to her ear and then turned away a bit. “Yeah ... just come straight up to the media tent ... okay ... that’ll work ... see you in a few ... love you too ... bye.”

“Charlie attacked her, as in hit her?” Josie asked as soon as Nina got off the phone. “But you said she’s okay?”

“Yeah, it was crazy,” she replied, shaking her head. “We’re still trying to piece it together.”

“Several different cameras were recording up here at the time,” Lori then explained, pointing to all the equipment around them. “So, we’re trying to see what they all caught as far as audio and video. We know the Sheriff’s Department is going to ask, so we thought we’d get a head start.”

By that time Shelley’s attention was focused elsewhere. Her eyes were drawn to where quite a few security people were huddled together, some standing and some kneeling, off beside the tent. Straining to see what they were doing, she audibly gasped when several of them moved, allowing her to see past them. There was someone lying there on the ground.


Shelley glanced over at Rennie and then pointed back to where she’d been looking. “There’s a guy in a suit on the ground over there ... and I don’t think that’s ketchup.”

“Who is that?” Rennie asked, glancing around.

“Holy shit, that’s Charlie!” Josie exclaimed when she turned to see who they were talking about. “Who did that to him? Ty? A security guy?”

Lori shook her head no but it was Nina who gave the answer. “Sarah.”


Nina nodded, but the whir of an electric motor and the sound of tires on grass brought a halt to their conversation.

Shelley watched as a pair of EMTs in a modified golf cart with a red cross on it and room for a stretcher, pulled under the tent and over to where they were standing. She recognized the driver. His name was Jason Frohm and he was one of the ones who manned emergency stations for the first responders and volunteers out at St. John where she and her crew had been working.

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The Working Girl Goes All Out

When you last heard from me, life had gotten horribly complicated by my fucking my father. Yes, I’m sure it’s wrong somehow, but well, I love him. It’s complicated, let’s just put it that way. My summer at home before heading out to law school was awkward at first, but Mom spent tons of time with her various charities and other adventures which left time enough for us to have some truly incredible sex. We also got away with a two week ‘business trip’ that I accompanied him on. He DID work, but...

3 years ago
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My First Job

It was my first job and I was just a young lady at the time. I worked at a pizza parlor of which I cannot share the name of. I am a full figured ebony woman with a cute face, as I have learned through life many men have a taste for women like myself, even if they are afraid to admit it. My boss was a very fit and attractive white male, in his early 30’s. A man that was a lifelong bachelor. Quite the lady’s man, at least in his eyes and of the eyes of all the young ladies that worked for him. I...

3 years ago
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Zsuzu Synopsis Tom saves the life of thegranddaughter of a black woman, Zsuzu. When he becomes attracted to Zsuzuher son, the little girl's father, is angry and punishes Tom severely. However,when he tries to burgle the house of a concert singer, he gets much morethan he bargained for. Please take note! The text in this story containserotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MM NC Rom If you are an underage minoror offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is...

4 years ago
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My Anal Bitch Slave Boy

“You’re going to be my slave boy tonight,” I whisper. For emphasis, I pull a little harder on your hair. “Aren’t you?” You nod as best you can, considering the circumstances. “I didn’t hear you,” I said loudly this time. From prior experience, You knew the proper response. You managed an acceptable, “Yes, Mistress.” I ordered you to undress in the corner by the door, and look only at the wall. “Everything!” I command. Quickly you dropped the boxers after a short “Yes’ Mistress.” ...

2 years ago
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I could feel his finger slide in my gurl pussy. Being instructed to push back on his finger was a new feeling. I could hardly catch my breath. Mark kept telling me what a lovely little pet I was being. He was telling me how glad he was that I walked through the door and as his words were washing over me, I felt a jolt and I felt something a little cold but much bigger press up against my hole. I grunted loudly enough for him to hear.Mark just said to take some deep breaths and open wide,...

1 year ago
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Girls Night Out

When I was in school I never had much luck with girls. I was one of the geeks and was literally blown away when I met Karla. We were introduced through a mutual friend who knew her through his church. We got along well and within a few months we were engaged.Marrying a stunning woman like Karla was the best thing that ever happened to me. She was the best wife imaginable. Life was great. With her strong religious beliefs, I found trusting her to be easy. Her family could have been a TV show in...

Wife Lovers
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Webmeets Diary Ch 08

Note to the reader: In this diary I have told the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others' privacy, and also because they don't matter. Each entry in the diary can be read alone or as part of a series, but since I have a wide sexual appetite you may not find everything I've done to be such a turn on, so you may want to skip those chapters. This chapter,...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Stopping By the Woods On a Balmy Afternoon

We met in a grocery store, where he was working as a cashier. When I first laid eyes on him, there was an instant spark. He had dark hair and dark eyes and a gorgeous smile. His name tag announced he was Alex. He smiled at one of my comments, and my heart skipped a beat. I am not sure if he felt it, but I felt a strange compulsion to make a move. He was handsome and my attraction to him was intense. I was passing through his state, I was bolder than I would have been if I was in my home state....

2 years ago
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Lena Loses Her Hymen 2 In Love Lake

LENA LETS ME FEEL HER UP DURING OUR BATH OF HOURS IN LAKE LOVE, I HOTLY HOPELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental 'prison': over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is with me, others siblings and our folks on a hot holiday at our auntie at Lake Love, Bavaria.Lena looks like me and dad: tall and very pretty. Lena and I are always closer, than the others.Lena is by three or four years younger...

1 year ago
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Sex Fantazys 1

I GUESS YOU CAN SAY THAT I'M JUST A PERVERTED HUSBAND THAT GETS OFF THINKING ABOUT WATCHING MY BITCHEN LOOKING WIFE WITH OTHER MEN. this is only something in my thoughts. she has no idea I get turned on this way. my wife is a very beautiful girl, and you'd have to be either a dead man or queer not to get ideas if you seen her. she is 5,6,-34-24-35, about 120, long blond hair, and a very pretty face. i've never got used to looking at her body in all the years we've been together, which is about...

Erotic Fiction
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The Seventh SensePart 5

///CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET/// THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISSEMINATED TO ANY ENTITY WITHOUT DIRECT AUTHORIZATION OF THE SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY Exhibit 7, excerpts from manuscript found in cell of John Doe, AKA Robert Michael Wilson, 13th Circuit Court of Appeals of the United States of America, in the case of the Government vs. John Doe: There was a lot less modesty after I had my first premature ejaculation. That’s what Tiffany called it, though she said, technically, it...

2 years ago
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The Other Side of the Family

Norma stood at least two inches taller than me in her black patent high heeled pumps. “Hon,” Francine spoke as Norma turned to sit back down at the kitchen table, “I’m sure you remember me telling you about my brother George in Rockford and his family.” I didn’t, but I replied “Oh, yes,” anyway, and asked Norma “How is everything with the other side of the family?” Norma only said, “George and I are doing fine, and my mom Sara sold her home and moved into our guest bedroom after dad died....

3 years ago
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My Training Begins Pegged

Tina was a freak. She loved to fuck and suck and there was nothing that she wouldn't try. We met the year after my divorce. I was damaged goods. I was drinking too much and chasing women like I was back in college.Tina was a sexy brunette with several tattoos and a pretty smile. She has a short compact body with big natural C cup tits, an improbably flat stomach, wide hips and perfect thick shapely legs. She wore her hair long and straight and she told me the night we met that she loved to have...

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Angels Journey Chapter 22

I wake up to the feel of a hand gently caressing my hip, a warm body pressed tight behind mine.. I start slightly as someone leans in and nibbles my ear... "It's okay Angel, let Miss take care of you..." Miss Caroline whispers, "I was so worried about you last night, I waited outside Ravens office for hours but you didn't come... only later did I check here and find you.. and your poor ass..." She moves and her other hand slides on to stroke my ass gently, "So I slipped in to take...

1 year ago
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The Bath Towel

Kimberly was sprawled on the couch watching a show on the television. Mark, who didn't care for the show, was in the den playing a video game he had bought earlier that day. Natalie entered from the kitchen and crossed to the couch. Trying not to block her daughter's view, she replied, "I'm going to take a shower. Could you keep an eye on dinner for me?" "Sure, mom." Natalie looked about the room. "Where's your brother?" "Oh, he's in the den. Playing some stupid video game, I suppose." "You...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter 28 Thats Private

Story to date: Mark Sherman graduated high school as a virgin, with no experience in sex. He had never even seen a naked woman. His mother paid for college if he would go where she chose – Anthony College. His first day Mark was horrified that a woman saw him naked in the shower. He soon learned that at Anthony the women have the power. And, it was an unusual place. Public nudity and even public sex were both allowed. Uperclassmen could have alcohol. And women could go anywhere on campus that...

3 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Introduction: Suzi stars in a movie about the Commons Chapter 4 Things have been quiet around her for about a week but theyre about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and Ive got tickets. Im going to drive down and pick up John then were going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. Theres a shooting range nearby and weve reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, its beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 488

THE MORE YOU READ THE FUNNIER IT GETS ... COULDN'T DECIDE WHETHER TO LAUGH OR CRY. $5.37! That's what the kid behind the counter at Taco Bell said to me. I dug into my pocket and pulled out some lint and two dimes and something that used to be a Jolly Rancher. Having already handed the kid a five-spot, I started to head back out to the truck to grab some change when the kid with the Elmo hairdo said the hardest thing anyone has ever said to me. He said, "It's OK. I'll just give you...

1 year ago
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Fucked in the aunt house

Hi,im melisa. im very beautiful and have a figure of 36-26-36. any guy who sees me has a desire to fuck me. I too have a desire to get gangfuck. on my 21th birthday I visited my aunt place. with one of my sister we visted to her bf to celebrate my bday. the house was well equiped. I was wearing a short transparent scott. my boobs could be visible outside as I was nt wearing any bra. One of his friend named jim started to talk abt sex,which made me exotic. the heat to get fuck was rising under....

Group Sex
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Randy Day

I woke up early for it was still dark but I know straight away that it was going to be one of my randy days. Mostly when it comes to sex I can take it or leave it but on my randy days my hormones were all over the place and pushing me onwards to having lots of sex. The body of my husband lay still asleep next to me but not for long if I had anything to do with it. I buried under the covers and found his limp cock and started to gently suck it. It didn't take long before it was filling my...

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Being Broken In By Black Guy Gay

Shortly after high school I took up residence in an apartment complex which had something of a communal quality between neighbors. Next door lived a black guy named Charles in his mid-twenties, who lived to party and always seemed to have women, especially white women over his place. One night in particular I remember a blonde girl about twenty who came over in slut-wear, short shorts and tank top as we passed in the hallway. That night they had the most intense fuck session with moaning and...

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Fucked My SisterInLaw On The Note Of Sorry 8211 Part 2

Hi there thanks every one for your wonderful feedback. I did not believe how good feedback I got . those who don’t know me this is Raj from Hyderabad you can read my 1st story from above link. Now I’m going narrating how I enjoyed with my sister in law Rani after our love n fuck story started.let me once again tell u about myself I’m 29 now with good muscular and well build body and 6′ 02ft tall about rani she is a simple housewife mother of two kids and she is 38 now but wont look like that...

4 years ago
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First Meeting

Thank you to the wonderful Morgan Hawke for the great advice she gives in the forum. I tried to use it here. Also a special thank you to my amazing geeky girl (you know who you are!!!), all those stories you make me tell encouraged me to write again…… Walking through the airport concourse, pushing the unwieldy trolley ahead of me, trying to stop it clipping the ankles of the people ahead of me I search the crowds for my first glimpse of her. Finally I see her, standing in from of Starbucks,...

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Life Never Fades

Growing up. My name is Aaron Fitz. For the first twelve years of my life, I grew up like any other child. Going to school, coming home from school, doing my homework, playing with toys, just being a normal child. I was a happy normal child, until one of the most important nights of my life. My father was one of the smartest people around, CEO of one of the biggest glass producing companies around and a person loved within the company. On the outside, Jerry Fitz was a great man, he made...

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LoveHerFeet Gia Derza The Slutty Party Planner8217s Feet

Gia Derza is a party planner. She is one of the best and definitely the hottest in the business. Jake Adams the famous DJ is planning his birthday party at one of Gia’s venues. While she shows him around wearing a super hot short dress with very sexy open toed high heels, the two get into a conversation and a few minutes in she reveals that she has seen him spinning in Ibiza and became a fan immediately. He is blushing to hear that. As he is looking around in the huge ballroom he notices...

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My brown beginning

I was raised in a small 2 bedroom single bath home,At times it was inevitable someone either my mom or grandma would have to pee when I was in the bathtub.Mom was about 50 at the time and who knows how old grandma was but pretty old I guessed.Both women had medium breasts and were pleasingly plump but not fat.Dad had long ago divorced and split ,so it was just me and the two women left to raise me. It was always the same Mom or grandma would knock on the door while I was in the tub and tell...

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Fucking my cousins maid

it was summer 2010 in the Philippines... i was drunk from the party and tired from my OJT, where my friends and i hanged out but the place is kinda isolated so i decided to sleep on the nearest relative in the place... in my cousins... so there i am 12 am in the morning when i got there walking alone i knocked on the door... then i asked my aunt that i will be sleeping because there is no transportation for the night... while my aunt is setting up where i am gonna sleep i saw their maid lying...

4 years ago
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My Brothers KeeperChapter 13

I went to bed earlier than usual after leaving Connie and Leslie alone together down in the garage apartment. I'm not certain if I expected Connie to spend the night in Leslie's bed or not. I think it was more a case of my not anticipating her sleeping needs. I hadn't shown her the guest bedroom she'd be using. Her two suitcases were still downstairs in the living room where she and Delilah had dropped them when they'd first come to my home. I woke up at about three in the morning....

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Sex at havelock a n islands

Hello, all iss reader, i am Raj kumar from a & n islands. (delanipur, port blair. Yah kahani 3 month old hai jab mai x-mas ki chutti mai havelock island jana ka programme banaya or mai akala hi gaya. Morning 6.00 o’clock per phonix bay jetty se havelock ka liya speed boat (mv baratang) choda, boat mai 100 passenger tak haga or maximum indian tourist. Boat mai ek newly wed couple jo delhi se andaman honeymoon trip pa aaya tha aur mera pas ki seat per baith gaya aur meri us couple sa dosti ho...

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The Swing2

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 Victoria and I moved into a gated community very near to Disney World in the Orlando area several years ago. We moved here from the Midwest following my transfer due to a promotion at work. I work for a nationally known elevator company and my beautiful wife, Victoria (Vickie for short) is an RN that works in a doctor’s office. We are a blended family with both of us having children from prior marriages. When we moved here, we did all the usual things with...

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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. "Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

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my wifs first black cock

This a story of me and my wife and an experience that changed us, forever. My wife, Lisa, is a very beautiful woman, 5’ 3” tall, 115 lbs, blond hair and blue eyes. She is 38 now and we have been married for 20 years. I am quite a bit older than her and we married when she was only 18. We have never had c***dren, so Lisa is firm, build well with a beautiful ass. We have always a very good marriage and have a good sex life. We love to watch X-rated videos, and we had just rented some...

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Taking Alices Ass

I wanted to do something special for my Alice for her 16th birthday. She had to celebrate with her family but she had promised me Saturday night. Now I wanted to take her out and buy her dinner and stuff but obviously I couldn’t take her out locally so I got a hotel in the city about two hours away. I made dinner reservations at a nice place and even bought her a dress. She came over around 3 and took her sweet time getting dressed. When she came out I almost creamed my underwear she was so...

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Abenteuer vom Mittelalter bis Fantasy

Aus der Sicht des Doktors: "Legt ihre Titten frei", mein Schwanz wölbte sich schon bedenklich, als der Wärter des Kerkers dem jungen Ding die Bluse runterriss. Natürlich versuchte sie schamhaft ihre kaum sichtbaren Tittchen zu verstecken, doch auch ihr sträuben half nichts, brutal zerrte er ihre Arme zur Seite. "Für eine Bauernsau siehst du schon recht fickbar aus!" Ich lachte, während sich das Gesicht der 18 jährigen Hexe dunkelrot verfärbte. "Nun wer wird denn schüchtern werden", ich genoss...

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