Hatchery RoadChapter 18 free porn video

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“And just who do we have here? You’re not trying to sneak in backstage, are you?”

Grant’s gruff demeanor, however, was met with giggles. “It’s us, Mr. Thomas: Katie and Lena Erickson,” Rennie’s oldest explained with a huge grin. She then turned and pointed out who was with them. “And this is our friend Hailey with little Tommy, who we’re watching for his mom, and – of course – Daddy’s friend, Josie.”

“A likely story,” he growled, working hard to maintain a somber stare. “Where are your passes and photo IDs like this?” He asked, holding up his own hanging from the lanyard around his neck.

Lena’s eyes grew wide at the challenge and stepped back, but Katie just stood her ground. “No one gave us any,” she tossed back matter-of-factly, her hands now firmly on her hips.

“So, why should I let you all in?”

“Because ... because ... we’re with the band,” Katie’s little sister finally responded, her tiny voice practically begging him to let them through.

Grant couldn’t help but laugh. They were all just too cute. “Good enough,” he chuckled. “But first, how about we have all of you young ones step over to Debbie’s table right there and she’ll get you set up with your own passes and IDs.”

“You almost had them crapping their shorts for a minute there.”

Glancing up from the departing children, he met the previously silent brunette’s gaze and smiled. “Hi, Josie. Yeah, I couldn’t resist,” he replied with another chuckle. “My own grandkids are still too young to do that to but give it a couple years.”

Looking down at his clipboard, he lifted a small stack of laminated paper off of it and gave it to her. “Here’s your official packet for getting in and out past all the security guards throughout the park tomorrow.” Gesturing over his shoulder, he motioned toward a pickup backed up behind the stage. “Some of your bandmates arrived a little bit ago to unload. All we’re missing now is the main man himself. Is he still over at Stage B?”

Josie nodded. “Yeah, he’s doing a quick sound check over there with Rowdy and The Jays, now that he’s filling in for their lead guitarist.”

“Poor guy,” Grant responded quietly. “Somehow Rowdy avoids getting hit when that rigging fell but still cuts his hand all up. So, Ren’s going to be able to play with them and you guys?”

“He seems to think so.” Glancing over at the girls, Josie couldn’t help but chuckle as they took turns getting their picture taken in front of something that looked like it belonged at the DMV. Looking back at Grant, she appraised him with a bemused look. “And just how did you get roped into standing guard over here?”

He laughed. “It was simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Gesturing toward Sarah, who looked to be tied up with some media people with cameras a ways off to the far side, Grant continued. “It’s actually all tied up with that accident over at the other stage. When it happened, Sarah had to start shuffling people around and she asked me to cover this spot for the few hours.”

“How is Sarah, by the way?”

“Doing pretty well, all things considered. She’s getting stressed out, though, and that boss of hers that showed up today is only making things worse. Thankfully, Nina – Rachel Vargas’ personal assistant – is helping her.”

“Who, Mr. Lanci?”

Grant shook his head. “Actually, Tim’s a great guy. No, I was talking about her immediate boss, Charlie Ross. He blew in this morning with the rest from the label and began throwing his weight around, trying to take over. What an ass.” A large smile spread across his face, however, as he looked over Josie’s shoulder and watched as a long awaited someone pulling up in a golf cart.

“And speaking of annoying talking donkeys...”

“Oh, you wound me, Grant,” the overworked guitarist teased as he brought the cart to a stop. “But only a true friend would be that brutally honest.”

“Daddy!” The girls immediately swamped their father, bouncing up and down, all excited about their brand new photo IDs and passes on lanyards around their necks. Hailey still had monkey boy on her hip, so she came and stood by Josie.

Grant couldn’t help but smile. “It would seem you have a few new additions to the band,” he called out.

“I can see that,” came the amused reply.

Josie smiled, as well, but Grant thought it seemed a little strained – especially around the eyes – for some reason.

“As someone who calls this area home, how concerned are you that this concert might be a drain on manpower and resources that could be better used elsewhere?”

Sarah watched as Rachel graciously fielded the question from the TV reporter, but inwardly seethed because she knew where the criticism came from. The idiot was standing behind the camera with a smug look on his face.

“As you said, Cheryl, this is home and my husband’s roots go deep here,” the supermodel replied with a winsome smile, “so we have a personal stake in all this. And I have to say, from what I’ve seen, the criticism couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

“How so?”

“Well, first off, apart from paying for an outside firm to take care of security, all of the money raised for this music festival is staying right here.” Pointing back toward the food court, she continued. “Just check with our many food vendors back here. Two weeks ago, quite a few of them had lost their livelihoods – their restaurants, cafes or catering trucks gone. Now, thanks to donated funds, they are back in business and able to provide for their families again. Plus, not one of them is working tomorrow for free. They are catering the festival for us and we are gladly picking up the tab.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Sarah hissed quietly, as Rance’s graceful wife went on to tell the reporter about how nearly all the hospitality RV’s and campers would be donated to local NGO’s for housing reconstruction crews over the next couple years.

“I don’t know ... that might make going back to work next week a little problematic, don’t you think?”

Despite her anger and building frustration, the tall blonde couldn’t help but smile – with a little eye rolling, of course.

Rachel’s assistant, Nina, for her part, simply gleamed up at her with that pixie grin of hers.

“He just pisses me off, you know?”

“Understandably so. He’s a condescending, egotistical sack of shit that’s trying to undermine you for some reason – but you’re looking at this all wrong.”

“How so?” She asked, taking a peek over at her boss, who at least was appearing more and more unhappy at the direction of the interview.

“Your boss may be here, but he’s not your boss here. This isn’t a Stone Mountain production, it’s a Sarah Gaines production, so just ignore him. Look around, everyone else is ... well, everyone but that reporter, but Rachel’s got that well in hand now. Just remember – this is your show, so act like it, okay?”

Sarah just shook her head in amusement at the audacity of the diminutive assistant. “Do you talk to your boss this way?” She asked, looking over at the other St. Louis TV stations, queuing up for interviews. She had expected the Great American Country channel (GAC) folks to show – and the on-air personalities from 93.7 The Bull would be doing live feeds from the park all day tomorrow – but the arrival of all the news crews was a bit of a surprise. Thankfully, both Rachel and Ty were around to handle the media interviews.

“Absolutely—at least once every couple of weeks, whether she needs it or not.”

“You know, I think I believe you.”

“See, I knew you were smart,” Nina shot back with a dimpled smile, before getting a bit serious. “Now remember, your boss’s boss is here, too, and he’s no dumb bunny. Just dance the dance of the innocent and keep giving the ass enough rope to hang himself.”

“And come Monday?”

“Your problem will not be whether or not you have a job, but which one you want to have.”

Sarah thought about it for a moment and then nodded her head. “Okay, that’ll be the plan. Now, how are things going over at Stage B?”

Nina glanced down at her iPad. “Rance was able to get a hold of a certified welder, so the repairs to the light rigging are ahead of schedule. It should all be done in the next hour or so.”

“And the injured?”

“All three were treated and released by the EMT’s, pretty minor stuff thankfully.”

“One of those was in the band, right?”

“Yeah, Rowdy Keller. He cut his hand and while he’ll still be able to sing, he can’t play. Evidently, Rennie’s agreed to fill in for him on guitar.”

“Will that be a problem tomorrow?”

“Don’t think so,” she replied, scanning the concert schedule. “We’ve moved things around a bit, so their set starts at one, while Hatchery Road won’t be going on until about six over here at the main stage. Speaking of which,” Nina paused as she flipped back through her tablet, “Rennie, Josie, and the gang are up for the sound check here in a few minutes.”

“Alright, well, let’s check in on Ty and then stop in at the mixer.”

The sound check was in full swing by the time they reached the GAC crew, who were set up not too far behind the sound and light guys. The spot was perfect, as it afforded a wonderful view of the stage in the background while they did their interviews.

Listening to the performance, Sarah found herself a little disappointed. It was still good but it seemed a bit flat, like something was missing. Perhaps it was just because it was a sound check. The sight of Rennie’s girls dancing by their daddy with their own tambourines, however, was absolutely precious. She was so taken in by the sight, that she almost missed something that Ty was telling the lady interviewing him ... almost.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa ... you invited someone to perform and you didn’t tell me? Ty, you can’t be doing that! You’ve got to let me know ahead of time!”

Completely focused on the potential problems the star had just dropped in her lap, she charged in totally oblivious to the cameras, the on air personality, and the fact that the interview had not finished. Ty, for his part, seemed unaffected by Sarah’s interruption.

“What? It’s no big deal ... they’ll come out and do a song or two.” The country star shrugged. “Sorta like a cameo.”

“No big deal? Argh! Ty, you are such a guy! You never think this stuff through and you always leave me to clean up the mess.” She ran her hands through her hair in frustration when she suddenly caught something else that he’d said. “Wait a minute ... they? Who’s they?”

He shrugged. “Once folks back in Nashville heard what we were doing and that Rennie was here, I started getting calls from almost everybody.”

Willing herself to show no fear, she subjected the unapologetic star to the stare all women are seemingly born with. “Ty ... who’d you invite?”

“Well, not everyone...”

Sarah, however, did not give him time to answer. “Ty, I can’t believe you did this. Did you even give any though to where these people are going to stay? All the RV’s are full.”

“Actually, they’re bringing their own. One’s already parked over next to mine.” He explained, gesturing nonchalantly with his thumb over his shoulder. “The rest should be here in a couple hours.”

Stunned by the news, Sarah’s head swiveled as she desperately sought to see who he’d invited. “What? Someone’s already here? Who is it?”

A sudden thought, though, caused her to stop and return her focus back to the singer. She knew who it was. “Wait ... Ty ... you didn’t!?”

“Why not? She’s only collaborated with Ren over Skype and she wanted to meet him in person.”

“Reba ... you invited Reba?”

“Well, yeah, she’s one of them,” Ty answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “She wanted to come.”

“Where is she?”

By this point, Lori Owens, the interviewer for the country music channel, was struggling mightily to contain her laughter. As it was, it was all she could do to not fall out of her director’s chair.

“Backstage. She wanted to surprise them.”

“Oh, crap! Josie’s going to flip!” Spinning around to look at the stage, she turned just in time to see her friend do just that when country music legend made her presence known.

“Yeah,” he tossed back with a loud chuckle, “it would appear that she is.”

Sarah just shook her head in disbelief, realizing the bad boy of country music had just fulfilled one her best friend’s biggest dreams. “Ty, sometimes I don’t know whether to slug you or kiss you.”

“Well, you know which one I would prefer.”

She snorted. “Yeah ... that’s not going to happen. Now who else did you invite? Wait a minute ... is that... ?”

Helen and her sister had made it to the security stop at the left side of the stage and were going through the process of getting their own IDs and passes, when the country superstar walked past them. Helen, however, missed her – being focused, as she was, on how cute her girls looked dancing with their tambourines by their daddy and how good he looked. Both sights only deepened her melancholy.

She had turned to get her laminated items from the tall, older black man at the table, when she heard her sister say something. Curious, she turned back to her. “I’m sorry ... what?”

“I said,” her sister replied slowly, motioning back to the stage, where Andy was on the receiving end of a bear hug from a familiar woman with red hair. “It appears your husband also knows Reba McEntire.”

“Exactly! Go ahead and catch them in a few shots but not too many. Go light on the girls at this point, too. No way of knowing how their mother will react.” Grant’s eyes momentarily moved to that very person beside the stage and then back to the young man in front of him. “Tell you what, I’ll approach her and her sister to see about that for tomorrow. Now, what’s your plan for after the sound check?”

“My thought was we’d grab Lori and catch up with Ms McEntire and Ms Wells for a couple of short interviews, do a short sit-down with the band, and then wrap up the day with some filler shots around the park, while it’s still relatively empty.”

“Were you able to... ?”

He nodded and jumped in immediately. “Yeah, that was a really good idea, actually.” Turning around, he pointed to a scaffolding tower for both speakers and lighting. “Manny gave the okay, so Jackie took one of our smaller cameras up there and set it up for those time delay shots, both for the setup today and then of the crowd filing in tomorrow, like you suggested.”

“Great! Well, I must say, I’ve been very impressed with you and your crew, Aaron. Keep up the good work!”

“We aim to please!” Shaking hands, the incredibly skilled but young field producer headed up to rejoin his crew still in the midst of shooting backstage, leaving Grant to enjoy the music. Well, that and sorting out his email – his inbox was totally swamped.

“What station are those guys with?”

Engrossed as he was in his smart phone, Grant was caught unawares by the question. Glancing up, he saw the modest height, salt and pepper hair, wire rim glasses, and confident demeanor, and recognized Timothy Lanci immediately. It took him a bit longer, however, to rewind and understand the question.

“What? ... Ah... ,” he stalled until he finally connected the dots. “Oh! You mean the video crew.” With a look toward Aaron and his unit, Grant turned back to the Stone Mountain CEO and shook his head. “Actually, they’re freelancers I hired last week to document all the damage, both with broadcast quality video and still photography. When you guys turned down Sarah’s request for a production crew to do behind-the-scenes and concert video, it just made sense to have these guys come back out and do it. I’ve been very impressed, so far.”

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It Gets Complicated

Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...

1 year ago
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Sis and Mom See a Whole New Side of Me

Growing up with a drop dead gorgeous sister resulted in an infatuation that had me masturbating at least two or more times a day ever since I first learned how. I started this before I even understood what I was doing when long before puberty I found out that rubbing my penis felt good and it got stiff whenever I thought about her. My sister, we'll call her Kari, is three years older than me so when I all of a sudden had a growth spurt leaving me with a 7 inch penis when I was 18, she was 19...

2 years ago
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Golden GirlChapter 8

On the way to Grandma's house, we formulated a rough plan. We both wore matching mini skirts and tube tops without underwear. Mom suggested that I get Grandma alone and warm her up. Grandma still treats me like a little child, and I am in the habit of assuming a childish demeanor with her, complete with baby talk, which in the past drove Mom up a wall. Mom wanted some time alone with Grandpa and Bruno to check out Bruno's animal endowment and work out the details of how their copulation...

1 year ago
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Uncle Hanks DriveIn Adventure

My favorite uncle was my father’s younger brother, Henry D’Amato, or Uncle Hank as we called him. When I reached college age in the 1970s, he had a successful fruit wholesaling business in the Bronx Terminal Market. By then he had surpassed his own father, who had his store just down the block. Hank had two trucks and two “stores” or units, while my Grandpa Carmine only had one of each.During my school years he sometimes gave me jobs helping out with deliveries to various grocers around New...

3 years ago
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Fun With Lady In Surat 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian sex stories readers, hope you are having very good time here on this website. This is my fav. Website, I like the imagination power of people here as well, but I am here to share my true story. I am Hardik from Surat, working in a good company. I am decent looking 23 age guy with nice tool, thick and 7 inch long. I used to read stories here a lot. I used to use yahoo and wechat to talk with girls and ladies. So one day, I was using yahoo. I have added a girl named Pooja ( name...

3 years ago
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Shiney Leena Krishna And Nissy

I was 27 years old and I was staying in a village in andhra pradesh. There was a school running near my residence by one mallu man and his wife.And some relatives.They stay near the school only. She is the heroine of our story. Her name is shiney 36 years old fair looking with a perfect body. Her most attractive part is her ass.It is not so huge but the round shape and the shaking while she walks is make any man a hardon. She is not so beauty queen but attractive. I used to masturbate imaging...

1 year ago
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The thing

If you want to be the slut in this story or you feel the need to contact me for any reason you will find me on. Yahoo: sadistic_gentleman Email and MSN: [email protected] Thing Part 1One day when I just happened to have my slut friend Id over for some fucking a message is waiting for me when I log on to a community site. It's from a nineteen year old girl from Stockholm without a profile picture. The mail says: "Hello. I dropped in and looked at your page and was a little curious about...

1 year ago
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Kim Dave part 2

PrologueAfter I posted part 1 of this story, I realized that I hadn't told you, my readers, much about Kim and me. I originally wrote the story just for Kim, and she and I already knew each other well, having corresponded by E-mail for over a year, so we knew a lot about our needs and passions, our sexual likes and dislikes, so I didn't need to explain any details to her. But for you, dear readers, more explanation is needed.I am a 69 year old male, 5'11", 175 pounds, gray hair, with an...

1 year ago
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shopping with sis 2

First of all Thanks a lot for your response and your scraps, I am really excited to post the next part of shopping with sis 1. Hope you all enjoy it and give me feedbacks by sending scraps on: http://www.orkut.co.in/Profile.aspx?uid=18232090167820553841 plz copy and past the address to vist my profile on orkut… Now lets continue with the story….. Soo… After all the stuff which happened in the changing room my sis (sonal) purchased the costume and we were on are way to home. We took a cab and...

2 years ago
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Sweet Sixteen

Time for his last class of the day, 5B, one which Mark Taylor always approached with trepidation. It wasn't a large group (around twenty) but they were far from straightforward. Sure enough, reprehensible activities were going on as he walked in. Some of them were in their seats but a sizeable and noisy group were gathered around something at the back of the room. The accompanying jeers and guffaws were what he'd heard as he was approaching down the corridor. 'Hey, no looking up her skirt,...

2 years ago
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TRADE Part one: Dissorientation The night had begun normally enough; a quiet evening alone with my girlfriend, Vanessa. We inevitably ended making love languidly in the bedroom. She was beatiful, and I smiled at her, looking into her eyes as we moved in unison. We rolled around so that she was on top, her dark and curly hair falling over her face. I took a second to admire her athletic body with its pert tits and well-formed abs. I slid my hands over her smooth, curved hips as she...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 66 Party at The Meadows ndash Pt 3 of 3

Mark Janet woke me with wonderful feelings as her lips wrapped around my cock and her tongue danced around my glans. Given my sexual performance the night before, I was surprised that I became fully aroused so quickly. When I looked around the room, I saw that a rejuvenated Nils was fucking the hot waitress again next to where Cari slept soundly with her smooth bare back to the fucking couple. God, she had a nice ass and I had fond memories of us making love right where I lay. Beside me,...

2 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 14 More Business in Rockville

1871 Robert leaned on the small oak table in the sitting room of the farmhouse where he and his family had lived for more than two years. The clapboard home with its two frail-looking chimneys perched on a rounded hilltop near the road to Darnestown, barely a mile from the center of Rockville and the busy store where he worked ten or more hours a day, six days each week. He could hear his wife upstairs getting their children to bed, his son squalling as usual about wanting to stay up...

1 year ago
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Orgiastic CultChapter 9

At the sound of the mirror being smashed, everyone in the worship chamber came fully conscious, torn from the lulling spell of erotic enchantment by Ed's sudden intrusion. Raoul and Lorraine scrambled madly out of the way of the splintering glass. "Ed!" Marion screamed, when she saw her husband fully revealed. "Oh Ed!" Tears streaming from her face she ran to her husband and they embraced tightly. "It's okay, baby, it's okay! Don't cry." "Oh, Ed, it's been horrible....

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 55

Brent awoke the next morning, momentarily disoriented. He felt something soft rubbing his chest and it took a minute for his eyes to open enough to realize that he was staring at Emma’s ass. The “something soft” was her belly. A moment after that, more details filled in. He was erect and felt Emma’s soft, warm mouth on his member. She was on all fours above him, but her stomach hung down enough to rest against his skin. She was facing away from him and, obviously, sucking him off. Her cheeks...

3 years ago
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my 1st dirty female teacher

Hello thank you for reading this! I would really appreciate any comments this is my first story. Message me if you have a request for a story!The first time I met this teacher I was in year 9 of high school. She wasn't currently my teacher but she still got me hard every time I saw her! So not a lot happened until year 10. In year 10, she was my English teacher and I was so happy. I got to see her everyday. Every lesson my cock would be rock hard and she'd have a different sexy outfit that was...

3 years ago
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My Strapon Fantasy

I woke up in the middle of the day and smiled; my girlfriend had gone to work a few hours earlier and promised me a really good time when she got back. I ran upstairs to shower and make sure I was hairless before getting ready for her.I wandered into her room to dress for her arrival. I found a purple sheer thong and matching bra in her underwear draw that would be perfect. I really wanted to wear tights but I didn't want anything to get in the way later. Luckily, after some digging I found...

1 year ago
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Jurasic Fuck

There really isn’t a black or white way to classify a date that ends with you stranded in the Cretaceous Period [1] with a laptop, a solar cell, four condoms, a bottle of lube, 40 feet of high quality bondage rope, a pair of nipple clamps, and a half dozen cliff bars. I also had the company of Opal G. Wetzel, my date for the night. You see, Opal was a physicist. We met on OkCupid, the best place for shut-in nerds to meet other shut-in nerds who are looking for romance. I’m sure there...

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Alex Blake E14

Bound SleuthSmoking hot teen Alex Blake takes a little vay-cay in a cozy cabin in the woods. Everything seems serene until she begins suspecting that the kindly cabin owner Bruno mmay be a murderer. She ventures into his creepy shed and makes two blood-curdling discoveries, he’s definitely done something nefarious and he’s right behind her! Fortunately for this nosy girl he’s willing to let her go in exchange for her tight teen pussy. Bruno ties her up and proceeds to sexually...

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A Wifes Gift to her Husband

Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesn’t see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour in full swing. He decides to walk through the place to see if he could find her. Just then his cell phone rings. “Hello”, he answers. “Hey Honey, I am at the far end of the bar.” Brenda, his wife, says to him. “OK, I will be right over.” He answers as he hangs up his phone. He makes his way through...

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Journal CHAPTER I - THE DEVELOPING TEEN Hi. I'm Chrissy Parsomes. Many boys like myself got theirstart wearing girl's clothes by stumbling into cross dressing byaccident. Many tried on their sister's clothes when the familywas away from the house, or dressed as a girl for a Halloweenmasquerade party. My introduction to dressing came in a moreinsidious fashion. To make a long story short, my step-motherdecided that she preferred to have a daughter instead of a son,and in one year, she and...

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Foursome fantacy with my wife

Hello, I am Nitish, happily married for last 5 years, to my wife. We are happily married couple excepting for the fact that my will not be able conceive. Both of us are very open minded and love to have sex almost every day. My wife Reeta is extremely beautiful. Best part of her body I like is her globes – milky, round and firm. Many times I have breast fucked her. It has been my fantasy to see my wife with other men. We have a group of couples, who are also open minded and many times discuss...

1 year ago
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My BBW Mistress

My bbw mistress has been with me for a long time now, and will do anything for me, ( I mean everything). we have watched a lot of porn movies together and she likes to do what ever I see in them that I like. I love Rocco's movies as he loves to be rimmed and so do I, so rimming is the number one thing that she does for me, it always makes me cum. She is blonde 55" boobs a bubble butt ass( 45") and loves to wear the tight stretchy mini skirts and low cut tops for me ( although only in private)...

4 years ago
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Hot Motives

Just fifteen minutes before five o’clock, and the beach was beginning to empty out. This was probably one of the best times to venture out into the sand, and enjoy the sun. Most of the tourists, or at least the ones who chose to come to this beach, were packing up and leaving to go have dinner. There was probably another hour or so before the sun was about to set, so it was best to find a spot soon. That was a bit difficult, because people at the good spots hadn’t left yet.Raising a hand over...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 549

The Retreat While the Lieutenants were having fun in the pool, Ashley and Christine were in their suite sorting through their purchases which were piled high on the bed with some even on the floor. Many of the items had been gift-wrapped at the stores, but some not. Some were in boxes – some not. Ashley took a step back to look at everything and sighed. “How will we ever pay the Matthews back for all of this?” Christine smiled at her partner. “You know the answer to that as well as I do....

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Humble Haberdasher

PERHAPS HE SHOULD have paid the tinker for his story with one of his own right away and set off at a more brisk pace to put steps behind him, Steven thought; but the tinker was such good company and Steven had so many questions that it was difficult to part. Steven spent the entire walk the next day asking for more details. While others he had met confessed to have heard of a dragon, the tinker was the first who actually knew a story about one and may have even seen the impossible pot at some...

3 years ago
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TammyChapter 9

"That was very unexpected," Karl told Tammy as they walked across the meadow back toward the house. "Ya think?" Tammy laughed at him. "I was afraid that Sergeant was going to shoot you," she added. "I will admit that part was quite scary," Karl told her. "They must have thought I was some sort of Serial Pervert something or other." "Well, you are perverted in your own special way that I love," Tammy laughed. "Oh yeah!" Karl said stopping and turning her to him, holding onto...

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