Hatchery RoadChapter 21 free porn video

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Helen pulled the curtains back, letting the morning light stream into the room.

A low groan broke the silence behind her. “What time is it?”

“Six o’clock,” she cheerfully informed her sister, as she turned to look at her.

“What the hell... ?” Heidi softly exclaimed, leaning up on one elbow with her eyes mere slits because of the sudden brightness.

Helen watched her glance over to the other bed where Katie and Lena were still sound asleep and then back to her. Confusion reigned in her sister’s face. Helen couldn’t help but smile. “I’ve got a plan!”

“You’ve got a... , “ Heidi started but then stopped. Lifting her hand to shield her eyes, she fixed her sister with a weary stare. “Did you even go to sleep?”

The younger sister shook her head. “Maybe an hour or two. I wasn’t really tired. Instead, I stayed up going over all the songs I could find that Andy wrote,” she explained, gesturing to her laptop lying open on the small table near the window. “I’ve got it all figured out.”

Clearly skeptical, Heidi shook her head in disbelief at her sister’s pronouncement. “When I went to bed, you were fuming and fussing over what you were reading. Now, you’re all bright-eyed and bushytailed and have got something all figured out and for some reason it can’t wait until like ... I don’t know ... eight or nine?”

“No, we’ve got to get going,” Helen replied, trying to relay the urgency she felt. “I need to find Andy as soon as I can!”

Heidi let out a sigh and laid back down, her forearm covering her eyes. “They’re not opening the park for the festival until 10. Close those drapes and come lie down. We’ve got plenty of time to be out there easily by 9:30.”

Helen adamantly refused. “I’m not tired.”

“Well, go take a shower,” Heidi told her, gesturing toward the bathroom with her other hand. “That should kill some time.”

“I already did.”

Her sister peeked at her from under her forearm and groaned again. “Shit, you did.” Sitting up with obvious reluctance, Heidi swung her legs off the bed. “Fine. The continental breakfast room should be open by now. Go get something to eat and I’ll be down in a little bit so you can tell me all about this plan of yours.” She gestured to the other bed. “We’ll let the girls sleep for a few more hours.”

Helen started to move toward the door but a look from her sister stopped her. Rather than say anything, the woman simply pointed at the window. Knowing what was demanded, Helen went back and closed the curtains and then made her way to the door, picking up her keycard on the way.

Heidi came down about fifteen minutes later in shorts and a t-shirt with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Helen was working on her second bowl of Cheerios. Her sister grabbed a bagel, some cream cheese, and a small cup of orange juice and sat across the small table from her.

“All right, what’s this grandiose plan you’ve come up with?” she asked sarcastically, followed by a bite of her bagel.

“I’m going to be the woman Andy’s always wanted me to be,” Helen declared with a huge grin.

“And you weren’t that before because... ?”

“Because I didn’t know what he wanted,” she tried to explain. “I do now. I’ve pored over all his songs. Yes, I was mad he put our life and marriage problems out there for the world to see, but he also gave me a roadmap back to him.” Her anger suddenly flared as her thoughts turned to the woman who was standing in her way. “And I’ve got to take it before that white trash bimbo steals him away from me!”

Heidi shook her head in dismay. “Where do I begin?” she asked skyward before focusing on her sister. “First, let’s clear up a few things about Josie. She is not stealing Andy from you; you practically gave him to her. Face it, Helen. She’s not your worst enemy. You are. If anything, I’d say Josie has helped you.”

Helen looked at her sister like she was crazy. “Bullshit!”

“Why do you think Andy was able to carry on a pleasant conversation and even share a laugh with you at the hospital? Do you think it was because you turned up unexpectedly and fell to pieces in front of him?” Heidi shook her head no rather emphatically. “Now that’s bullshit. No, it’s Josie. He’s less angry because of her. So if you want to reverse that and really get him pissed off at you again, by all means keep badmouthing her.”

“What? Are you saying I should like her?” Helen asked incredulously. “Try to be her friend? Thank her for stealing...” She paused when her sister gave her a nasty look. “Fine ... that bitch may not be stealing him but she is definitely taking him away from me!”

“Can you blame her?” Heidi immediately asked. “I know you don’t want to hear this but there is not one damn thing you can do about her and Andy, except make the situation between you and him worse.”

Clearly unhappy with having holes poked in her plan, Helen protested. “Why can’t you be helpful and supportive? I’m trying to get my husband back!”

“I am but it’s not what you want to hear,” her sister said with a shrug. “Fine, you’re going to do what you want regardless what I say, but here’s what you won’t do.” Heidi leaned in with an utterly serious look on her face. “You will not speak a word of this plan to the girls. If you even so much as utter a syllable about it, I will leave you here and you can find your own way to the park. They don’t need their hopes raised only to be dashed again if it doesn’t work.”

“But it will work!”

“And if it does, and Andy agrees to give the marriage another try,” Heidi conceded, “then you can tell them, but it’s about damn time you start putting their needs before your own.”

Helen was about to lay into her sister when she waved her off. Moments later, a family of four walked past their table on the way to the various pre-packaged breakfast foods.

Heidi stood up and gave Helen a firm look. “Not a word,” she mouthed before turning and heading back up to the room.

Josie mourned the loss of her hotel room. Sure, it was nice being out at the park and so close to everything – especially today of all days, but the room she and Sarah had turned over to Heidi, Helen, and the girls, had one amenity she was missing terribly at the moment. As she turned and knocked the shampoo bottle to the floor for the third time, Josie longed for the days of a decently-sized shower.

Reasonably confident she’d rinsed the majority of soap from her body, Josie turned off the low pressure water and attempted to towel off in the constricted quarters. With a deft twirl, she soon had her long raven locks wrapped in one towel and her body from breasts to mid-thigh encircled with another. Stepping out of the shower compartment, however, she was immediately confronted with Sarah trying to dress herself and making herself miserable in the process.

“I would ask why you didn’t wait for me to get done,” Josie commented out loud as she moved to help her friend, “but I’m sure I already know the answer to that question.”

“It’s this damned shirt sleeve,” Sarah muttered through gritted teeth. “It won’t go over the brace.”

“Well, of course it won’t,” Josie observed, starting to wonder about her friend’s thought processes. “Why are you even trying? You should wear that yellow sun dress you have. It will easily fit over that thing.”

“That’s what I said!” a muffled male voice declared from outside.

Sarah, clearly frustrated, gestured silently with her good hand toward the camper door – as if to say that was why she was frustrated.

Josie quickly covered her mouth to restrain a giggle.

Sarah was not amused.

“Sorry,” she whispered, as she tried and failed to hold back a smile. Turning toward the door, she called out, “Ty, you’re not helping!”

“I know,” came the muffled yet obviously playful reply. “I’m standing out here when I could be in there rendering assistance.”

“I don’t think so,” Josie shot back. “I just got out of the shower and I’m only wrapped in a towel.”

“I don’t mind.”

“I’m sure you don’t but Rennie might.”

“You might be right about that. He’s standing here biting his knuckles at the thought of you in that towel.”

“Rennie’s out there?”

“I am.”

“Oh crap, I dropped my towel.”

Ty’s loud chuckle could be heard through the door. “You should see the look on his face!”

Josie, still ensconced in her towel, made her way over to the window by the door and opened it. Glancing about, she could see her man. “Hi baby, I was just teasing,” she told him.

He just shook his head in mock disappointment, while Ty openly booed.

A myriad of playfully suggestive things she could say floated through Josie’s mind but she instinctively knew it wasn’t time for them ... yet. The moment needed to stay a light one, so she just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. Everything else, she tucked away for later when she and Ren didn’t have an audience.

“It’s going to be a little bit before we’re ready,” she told them. “So, how about you boys go hunt us up some coffee and come back?”

With a nod, both men were off. Josie turned back to her friend, only to find her sitting on her bunk, clutching her braced arm to her chest.

Concerned, Josie quickly moved to her side. “Are you okay?”

Sarah sat there for a moment, but then looked up at her friend with worried eyes and shook her head no.

“What’s wrong?” Josie asked, sitting down next to her. “Is it your arm?”

Sarah shook her head no again. “I’m scared,” she finally let out in a small thin voice.

Suddenly, Josie understood what was troubling her friend. Wrapping an arm around Sarah’s shoulders, she pulled her closer and laid her towel-laden head against hers. “Just take baby steps right now,” she advised her. “Just focus on today and let tomorrow take care of itself, okay?”

“It’s not really tomorrow I’m worried about,” Sarah whispered, looking toward the door, but then changed her mind. “Well, it’s kind of about tomorrow.”

“It’s your heart,” Josie answered softly.

To which Sarah simply nodded her head.

“I can see why you might want to stay.”

Grant had just finished talking with Ike and Vera Kelly, a couple from Hazelton who had lost both their home and their hardware business, when he heard his wife speak.

The Kellys had walked away, leaving them standing there on what Grant had come to call the “Midway.” He glanced down at their conjoined hands and then back up to Anisha’s beautiful face. “Perhaps yesterday,” he agreed, with a bit of a smirk. “But not after last night!”

Her thoughtful look quickly morphed into an amused blush. She shook her head slightly and rolled her eyes. “No, I just meant that you’ve established relationships with so many people here in such a short time,” she responded, pointing about to the increasing numbers of people walking about them. “I can see why you would find that appealing.”

“It’s been rewarding, these past two weeks,” he agreed with a nod. “My skills could be put to effective use, but instead of helping a corporation protect its bottom line, it’s been helping hardworking folks get back on their feet again.”

A man at one of the nearby food vendors, Archie Hammond, waved at him. Grant smiled and waved back. He looked back to Anisha. “Like I said, it’s been rewarding.”

“I can see that,” she replied, her eyes taking on a bit more pensive look. “Now, I’m feeling a little guilty asking you walk away from all this.”

He shook his head no. “This versus you? I can walk away from it all without a single regret, if it means having you back again.” Grant leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She reached up with her free hand and caressed his cheek as they kissed.

“Woohoo!” came the catcall from somewhere behind them. “Way to go, Mr. Thomas!”

The sentiment was echoed by several others, followed by sporadic clapping. Grant soon felt Anisha begin to laugh. The kiss ended and she momentarily buried her face in his shoulder. Giving her time to compose herself, he nodded and waved to their recent admirers – all to their amusement, of course. Before long, they all moved on and Grant and Anisha were back to walking hand in hand down the Midway.

“Besides,” Grant said, returning to their earlier conversation, “I don’t have to stay here to do this kind of work. I can just as easily seek out similar ways of helping people back home. It simply requires I get off my butt and look for ways I can live out my vocation.”

Anisha glanced up at him quizzically. “Live out your vocation? What do you mean?”

“It’s something Ren and I talked about recently,” the tall lawyer replied, gesturing to the man himself with his girls as they neared the petting zoo area. “He explained how God has given each of us multiple vocations or callings where we can be of service to others, but all too often we only use them to serve ourselves. Take me, for example,” he said, turning towards her. “One of my vocations is to be your husband, but for most of our time together I didn’t see it as an opportunity to serve you but rather to be served by you, as if it was my due – to take rather than to give. That’s something I want to change.”

She nodded as she thought about what he said. “That’s very insightful and I can see I’ve done the same thing with you – though maybe not to your extent,” she added with a sneaky grin.

Grant laughed. “Hey, when I do it wrong, I go all out!”

Anisha’s smiling countenance changed to one of puzzlement as she suddenly looked past him. “Is that Tim Lanci over there?”

“Where?” he asked, turning to look.

“Where all those kids are with those farm animals.”

Grant’s eyes moved to where his wife indicated and, sure enough, there was the head of Stone Mountain Records evidently helping out with the animals. The “Petting Zoo”, for lack of a better name, was the brainchild of Bella’s daughter, Gabriella, and the O’Malley’s son, Brandon. A lot of the kids in the area did 4-H, like Brandon, so they pulled together the ones with animal projects and came up with a common exhibit area where kids and adults could come in and see them. How Lanci came to be assisting with it, however, Grant hadn’t a clue. So, he decided to head that way to find out.

The music executive, however, saw him coming. “A little surprised to find me here, I see,” he remarked over the fence, as he placed a sizeable rabbit back in a cage.

Grant nodded, taking in all the human – critter interaction taking place within the rather spacious enclosure. “You could say that.”

Waving them through the gate, Tim shook their hands as they came through. “After yesterday’s debacle, I talked with Sarah this morning about I how I could help out and this is where I landed. My wife and I used to be heavily involved in 4-H when the kids were younger, so this seemed a pretty natural fit for me.”

“We haven’t seen her yet this morning,” Anisha chimed in. “How does she seem to you?”

“Resilient,” he replied, shaking his head in amazement. “If it weren’t for her arm in a sling, you wouldn’t know anything had happened yesterday. She is just go, go, go, this morning.” His smile slipped as he gave Anisha a much more somber look. “No matter the fallout from yesterday, I will absolutely do right by her. You have my word.”

Grant watched as the two stared at one another. Finally, his wife – evidently taking her measure of the man – nodded her head in approval. “Good.”

“We have with us this morning the Queen Bee of the Foster Park Music Festival herself, Sarah Gaines! Thanks for stopping by, Sarah.”

Sarah found herself, upon the recommendation of Rachel and Nina, seated at the guest mike of 93.7 The Bull – a major country radio station in St. Louis that sent three of their on-air personalities out to do live interviews and what not from the park. It was a pretty nice set up under a tent canopy with large speakers erected nearby so bystanders could hear the continuous radio feed. The format was a bit of a free-for-all with the three hosts, but since they’d agreed off air not to talk about why her arm was in a sling, Sarah felt pretty confident she could handle it. The “Queen Bee” thing, though, did not make her happy.

Despite that, she responded in a very cheerful voice. “It’s my pleasure, Danny.”

Danny, the station’s afternoon drive time host and a generally laid back guy, laughed at her facial expression. “What you did not hear, my friends,” he said, leaning in closer to the microphone, “but all of those gathered around could see, was Miss Gaines rolling her eyes at the Queen Bee moniker.”

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Third group meet up

The very next day the group chat was active. All four of my friends and myself were eager to meet up as soon as we could. I would smile to myself reading their messages about how good the last meet up was. Even though I was painfully reminded about our activities each time I sat down, I found it extremely arousing reading how they all enjoyed using my body and asking how it felt to be fucked like that. Even after letting them know how painfull it was to start with, every one was pretty keen to...

3 years ago
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Holly A tiny experiment of story by Kim Ott. I was woken up by the sound of the telephone. It rang tyrannically from the stand next to my bed. I sat up and wiped the cobwebs from my eyes and yawned. 'Who would be calling me at 2 in the morning?' I thought. This had better be important. That warm shroud of heat one develops while sleeping slowly leaving my shoulders. I picked up the phone and tried not to sound groggy. "Hello?" I managed, my voice mumbly from sleep. "Holly,...

4 years ago
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Make Your Dreams Come True

I look at my handsome husband and tears trickle down my cheeks. "Alexandria? Baby, it's okay. It was just a bad dream," Jake says, pulling me into his chest.Tell him. Tell him now."Jake, it wasn't a bad dream. I wasn't screaming in fear." I say and then pause, unable to look him in his deep brown eyes. "I was screaming because I was cumming ... I mean dreaming about cumming.""What? You had a sex dream?" he asks lifting my chin up to face him."Yes."He hugs me tighter whispering in...

2 years ago
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First Time Part 3a

I went upstairs to my room after supper and laid on my bed. My butt was aching from being used by a man for the first time. I couldn't stop thinking about the sight of a gigantic hard cock and the unbelievable sensations I had felt as I was used for his sexual gratification. I listened to music on my little transistor radio as I replayed the events over and over in my head. I heard a lawn mower running, and I looked out my second floor window and saw Mr.Washington next door cutting his grass....

4 years ago
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Thalia the Muse of Comedy

It was Friday evening. The antique grandfather clock in the dining room struck eleven and I was wide awake and much calmer than a few hours before. I finally had forced myself to put my anger into the background so I could think and plan my moves. Stay calm and collected I had said to myself over and over. I had already alerted Thalia to what had happened today and she had agreed to my general plan, the details of which I would have to work out before next midnight. Our future was at stake and...

3 years ago
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Susies Zoo Submission IV

The politeness, after her ordeal yesterday, was clashing. Susie stammered in reply, "um... where am I? ... How did I get here?" Dr. Stone smiled at her, "after the tigers fucked you, you were in pretty bad shape. And you stunk of tiger sweat and cum, which would stink up the whole lab and prevent some of the prey animals from being comfortable in the lab. I cleaned you up some and let you sleep in my old dog's bed. Were you comfortable?" Susie could only manage a half smile as this...

2 years ago
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Abandoned InhibitionsPart 2 Our First Threesome

Liu took off his shirt and was now completely naked and stroking his very erect cock as Mel and I basked in our afterglow in each other’s arms. He left the room, but quickly returned with a plastic chair. This was no ordinary chair. It had a huge hole in the seat so that when he sat in it, his ass was exposed. When he sat in that chair, he wanted his ass licked. I left Mel’s embrace and crawled on our fours towards Liu. Positioning myself to the back of the chair, I opened his ass cheeks and...

Group Sex
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 342

The extra hours spent dealing with the wreck and an unusually long joint question and answer session put us a lot later returning home than I wanted. What I had hoped to be a 16 hour trip turned into a full day. It was Tuesday morning when we landed back at Morton Field. Luckily I had gotten some sleep on the return flight. We went into the airport restaurant for breakfast and one more quick meeting. My statement was simple, "You have the week off for rest and relaxation, and then it's...

2 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 06 of 15 In The Beginning

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

3 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 63 A Chorus of Mercy

"Go ahead," I said, putting my left hand up next to my ear. "Meiko," Maggie's voice said. "We have a teleport unit near Morrigan, but we are going to have a problem. The gunner is barely conscious and won't be able to get out of the pod without help." "Can someone from Morrigan do it?" I asked. "No," Maggie said. "I already asked. The grid is charged so anyone setting foot on it would be killed." I considered the situation. "We've done that kind of teleport before, but...

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CommuneChapter 4

Jack leaned into the engine compartment and wrestled the water pump out. He had to admit that he was moving a lot easier after the massage. It had been tough getting up off the floor when she finished working on his back muscles. He had been tempted to take a long nap, but he had too many things to do before it got too dark to do them. Abby had driven him to the auto parts store and dropped him off, before leaving for her apartment. Standing up, he examined the old water pump thinking that...

1 year ago
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your YIG entertains

Well I showed up early and he had me dress in cocktail outfit all black, tight pants and low cut top with a lifting bra and heels. One by one his friends arrived and I greeted them at the door and offered them a drink. I had full bar setup in the kitchen. I would serve them in the living room where they were all gathering...Eventually there was about 5 older guys, friends of my clients, relaxing on the couches, ordering drinks...my client told the guys the were aloud to touch or grope me as i...

3 years ago
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For I Did Not DieVersion 2

Last night, I heard the cry of the whippoorwill. The mournful song has drifted through the old walls of my bedroom six nights in a row. If I hear it tonight, my fate will be sealed. He's coming for me — my Bryden, my love, my loss. It won't be long now. The sound of his voice once set my legs to quivering and my heart to pounding. If only I could hear that voice again. I sit on my bed and wait. Will the whippoorwill sing again? Will he call me to Bryden's side? The bird conjures...

1 year ago
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Group Study Fucking

Hello friends I am back again with another little story. I did not know under which topic I should have put this story couple incest or group since I like incest I will put it in that. Also I would like to thank ISS for providing such a beautiful platform that makes people share their sexual fantasies. I would request all my dear readers to please rate his story 5 or 1 and if you don’t like it so that next time I can narrate my sexual experiences better. I will try to keep the language simple...

1 year ago
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BetrayalChapter 71

Mitch pulled himself off the floor and coughed. Dust filled his lungs, and the underground room was pitch black. He couldn't believe that his goddaughter had dared defy him once again. Mitch fumbled in his suit jacket, searching for the Streamlight he kept on him at all times. His days running covert ops taught him to be prepared for anything. "Spare the rod, spoil the child," he said through gritted teeth. "Sorry, Marcy, but your granddaughter broke her end of the bargain. I'm afraid...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration Ch 04

Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 04. The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 04.01 Ethan and Shawn: 04.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 04.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 04.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 04.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 04.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 04.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 04.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 04.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 04.10 Ethan, Plant, Feminization:...

2 years ago
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Devils Island CH 2

The four women were brought up from below. Their collars locked together with a short chain between them. The yacht had docked in a secluded harbor on the small island. The women could feel the moist and warm air blowing in from shore. They had no idea where they were but clearly it was somewhere warm. A road led up into the hills but no house or building except for the harbor shed was visible from where they stood on deck. Jason pulled on the chain and the four women had to follow him. Linda...

1 year ago
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BangBus Binky Beaz Binky Gets Fucked For Fake Cash

Binky was walking down the street when a white van stopped next to her and some guys were asking her what she would do for money. As soon as they were at $750 for just flashing she was game. Easiest money ever! Now they offered more. Another $1500 for fucking. She remembered the good old days when she used to fuck at church and figured why not. So Peter Green rammed his big cock in and out and the girl was screaming in pleasure and agony. He fucked her many different ways and finally came into...

2 years ago
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during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat. i would describe my looks as average and i dress in jeans and a bright coloured polo shirt marie h she is 20 years old, i would guess she is 5'8, she has hazel colour eyes and dusty blonde shoulder length hair and she has the most inoscent face, you look at here and you would bet your right arm that she has done nothing wrong ever. now to the...

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Cry Little Sister Ch 04

First off, as always, much thanks and gratitude go out to SoCalCynic for being awesome and editing this yet again. Really, it wouldn’t read half as well as it does if it weren’t for him. Sorry that there was a little bit of a delay on this, guys. Unfortunately life tends to get in the way every so often. So without further ado, here’s chapter four. * Jill half hoped that Rory would still be in the hallway when she opened the door to leave the next morning. He wasn’t. She rode the elevator...

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The Chief FastDirtyv5

Dale Rogers the new chief. Mayor Laura Jamison Lester Haines Sightly heavy night officer. Mike Simpson day officer. Gym rat also a short 5’4” Lucy Kerby chubby young secretary. Jim Sloan evening officer Adams the realtor. Wesley Brown handyman. Andrew Rice my roof repairman and plumbing repairman Betty Booth the Sergeant at arms of Happy Valley Colonel Williams rep for Happy valley Diane Rogers his ex wife Sarah Rogers his daughter Wilson Thomas Daine’s bf Allison Dempsey lucy’s temp Raul,...

1 year ago
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TheTrainingOfO Harley Jade Training the Eager Newcomer to Suffer for Cock

Sexy newcomer Harley Jade is an eager little submissive that brings allot of enthusiasm for cock to the table. But is she willing to work hard to get fucked? Harley learns that whips and chains strengthen our resolve as she suffers in frustrating predicament bondage just to earn a huge cock gagging down her tight throat. And when it’s time to fuck, the harder the better. Harley takes a vicious pounding from the Gimp and begs for more as the hot come is splattering all over her tender...

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IndiscretionsChapter 11

Steve and Carol were playing beach volleyball with three other couples. While Brad and I sat at the picnic table. It was the first time we had a chance to be alone and talk today. Brad had been out late last night, and I was zonked out from swimming, canoeing and our afternoon session in bed and was asleep when he came back and got in bed. The following day I could not help but ask, “So how did it go with Barbara last night?” “We have a problem, Mom.” “Oh my god, her father didn’t catch...

1 year ago
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Jamaican Vacation turned Gay

The only silver lining of my fiancé calling off our wedding was that I still had a non-refundable trip to Jamaica already booked. The trip gave me something to look forward to after this nightmare of a month.So a few days after my original wedding date, I hopped on a plane and went on my planned honeymoon by myself.The resort was beautiful, and coming from New York in the winter, the weather was a welcome reprieve. The only bummer was they lost my checked bag, but I still had a few things in my...

2 years ago
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Donnas Loving BrothersChapter 5

But before she could get from the doorway to her bed, Donna Judge stopped short, realizing that she was not alone. There was an only vaguely familiar male figure reclining on her bed, flat on his back, unshod feet sticking straight up in the air. Donna stood in her tracks for a good twenty seconds before calming down enough to realize that the interloper was her brother, Frank. Donna's first impulse was to turn and run, get away before she had to explain her confusion to a brother she...

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My first gangbang

Hey guys, My name is Wirginia from Poland. I am 20 years old who loves to enjoy a lot. Let me tell me something about myself. I am very fair, long, dark eyes. Must not to forget tell you my figure. Its sexy 34-28-32. I’m no stranger to the lustful looks of uncles and young boys of my town. To sum up, people would give anything to have me in bed.Coming to the story. I went to goa to attend my friend’s marriage, where i had this amazing sexpriance. Maine kabhi nahi socha tha that i will get...

4 years ago
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Family PetChapter 9

Judd said, "I had to get you out of my house, you hot-assed little bitch. My wife is due home at any time, and you'd have fucked things up royally if she'd come upstairs and caught us in my bedroom together." Sunny opened the front door of her own house and motioned him inside. "What'll she say about you being over here?" He followed her. "Oh, I can alibi this--like you needed a washing machine fixed, right? But what did you have to tell me that was so important it couldn't wait...

3 years ago
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A New House Share

New York. The Big Apple. A place for dreams to come true, etc. etc. My name is Tom, I'm a 25 year old American from a small town in PA. After getting a job in the city in finance, I needed to move, so I found a house share for a few months. Nothing fancy, nothing too expensive. I talked to the landlord over the phone - four women already in the property and I'd be the only man. Not a problem for me, I said, my last share was with guys and it was filthy. It'd be nice to have a woman's touch. How...

Group Sex
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Seize the Day4 Dress up

I wake in the morning a little sore but feeling a little better about the situation. It still haunts me. It just seems wrong, but it feels so right. You are already gone as I crawl out of bed. I find you in the kitchen working on breakfast. You say, “Good morning and thanks for last night. I suspect you enjoyed it as much as I did.” You hand me a cup of tea, “It's an herbal energy drink. Tell me if you like the taste.” After breakfast you say there are some things in the spare room you...

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Trailer Park TrashChapter 2

Mister Hamilton was well-aware of Tammy’s improvement in the matter of conversing in complete sentences with proper pronunciation. Her usage of slang words and outright obscenities was curtailed to the bare essentials. He was so satisfied with her improvement and her dedication to following his program of better conversational skills that he gifted her with a diamond bracelet that did a lot more to impress her than his skilled rimming of her hindquarters performed with great gusto underneath...

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Moans or Music

It started innocent enough. I went to pick up my wife's friend Allison in order to bring her to a 'girls only' Deck and Pool Party at our home. My job was to drive home whoever was feeling tipsy. Allison always got tipsy so she didn't even bother to take her car. And this is where I came in.On my way to pick-up Allison, my wife rang my cell phone and said that she just talked to Allison and she promised to be ready by the time I arrived. I said, "Honey. You know she always keeps me waiting. I'm...

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Pirates Heart Ch 04

Several days later a crew member approached her as she stood on deck and informed her that the prisoner had asked to see her. She stared at him, surprised by the request. ‘Thank you. I’ll send for him later today, when I have some time.’ She was quite curious to know what he wished to see her about, but she wasn’t going to jump at his request. Several hours later she was in her cabin, when the guard knocked on her door, announcing Nathan’s arrival. She let him in and sat back down again,...

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