Hatchery RoadChapter 21 free porn video

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Helen pulled the curtains back, letting the morning light stream into the room.

A low groan broke the silence behind her. “What time is it?”

“Six o’clock,” she cheerfully informed her sister, as she turned to look at her.

“What the hell... ?” Heidi softly exclaimed, leaning up on one elbow with her eyes mere slits because of the sudden brightness.

Helen watched her glance over to the other bed where Katie and Lena were still sound asleep and then back to her. Confusion reigned in her sister’s face. Helen couldn’t help but smile. “I’ve got a plan!”

“You’ve got a... , “ Heidi started but then stopped. Lifting her hand to shield her eyes, she fixed her sister with a weary stare. “Did you even go to sleep?”

The younger sister shook her head. “Maybe an hour or two. I wasn’t really tired. Instead, I stayed up going over all the songs I could find that Andy wrote,” she explained, gesturing to her laptop lying open on the small table near the window. “I’ve got it all figured out.”

Clearly skeptical, Heidi shook her head in disbelief at her sister’s pronouncement. “When I went to bed, you were fuming and fussing over what you were reading. Now, you’re all bright-eyed and bushytailed and have got something all figured out and for some reason it can’t wait until like ... I don’t know ... eight or nine?”

“No, we’ve got to get going,” Helen replied, trying to relay the urgency she felt. “I need to find Andy as soon as I can!”

Heidi let out a sigh and laid back down, her forearm covering her eyes. “They’re not opening the park for the festival until 10. Close those drapes and come lie down. We’ve got plenty of time to be out there easily by 9:30.”

Helen adamantly refused. “I’m not tired.”

“Well, go take a shower,” Heidi told her, gesturing toward the bathroom with her other hand. “That should kill some time.”

“I already did.”

Her sister peeked at her from under her forearm and groaned again. “Shit, you did.” Sitting up with obvious reluctance, Heidi swung her legs off the bed. “Fine. The continental breakfast room should be open by now. Go get something to eat and I’ll be down in a little bit so you can tell me all about this plan of yours.” She gestured to the other bed. “We’ll let the girls sleep for a few more hours.”

Helen started to move toward the door but a look from her sister stopped her. Rather than say anything, the woman simply pointed at the window. Knowing what was demanded, Helen went back and closed the curtains and then made her way to the door, picking up her keycard on the way.

Heidi came down about fifteen minutes later in shorts and a t-shirt with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Helen was working on her second bowl of Cheerios. Her sister grabbed a bagel, some cream cheese, and a small cup of orange juice and sat across the small table from her.

“All right, what’s this grandiose plan you’ve come up with?” she asked sarcastically, followed by a bite of her bagel.

“I’m going to be the woman Andy’s always wanted me to be,” Helen declared with a huge grin.

“And you weren’t that before because... ?”

“Because I didn’t know what he wanted,” she tried to explain. “I do now. I’ve pored over all his songs. Yes, I was mad he put our life and marriage problems out there for the world to see, but he also gave me a roadmap back to him.” Her anger suddenly flared as her thoughts turned to the woman who was standing in her way. “And I’ve got to take it before that white trash bimbo steals him away from me!”

Heidi shook her head in dismay. “Where do I begin?” she asked skyward before focusing on her sister. “First, let’s clear up a few things about Josie. She is not stealing Andy from you; you practically gave him to her. Face it, Helen. She’s not your worst enemy. You are. If anything, I’d say Josie has helped you.”

Helen looked at her sister like she was crazy. “Bullshit!”

“Why do you think Andy was able to carry on a pleasant conversation and even share a laugh with you at the hospital? Do you think it was because you turned up unexpectedly and fell to pieces in front of him?” Heidi shook her head no rather emphatically. “Now that’s bullshit. No, it’s Josie. He’s less angry because of her. So if you want to reverse that and really get him pissed off at you again, by all means keep badmouthing her.”

“What? Are you saying I should like her?” Helen asked incredulously. “Try to be her friend? Thank her for stealing...” She paused when her sister gave her a nasty look. “Fine ... that bitch may not be stealing him but she is definitely taking him away from me!”

“Can you blame her?” Heidi immediately asked. “I know you don’t want to hear this but there is not one damn thing you can do about her and Andy, except make the situation between you and him worse.”

Clearly unhappy with having holes poked in her plan, Helen protested. “Why can’t you be helpful and supportive? I’m trying to get my husband back!”

“I am but it’s not what you want to hear,” her sister said with a shrug. “Fine, you’re going to do what you want regardless what I say, but here’s what you won’t do.” Heidi leaned in with an utterly serious look on her face. “You will not speak a word of this plan to the girls. If you even so much as utter a syllable about it, I will leave you here and you can find your own way to the park. They don’t need their hopes raised only to be dashed again if it doesn’t work.”

“But it will work!”

“And if it does, and Andy agrees to give the marriage another try,” Heidi conceded, “then you can tell them, but it’s about damn time you start putting their needs before your own.”

Helen was about to lay into her sister when she waved her off. Moments later, a family of four walked past their table on the way to the various pre-packaged breakfast foods.

Heidi stood up and gave Helen a firm look. “Not a word,” she mouthed before turning and heading back up to the room.

Josie mourned the loss of her hotel room. Sure, it was nice being out at the park and so close to everything – especially today of all days, but the room she and Sarah had turned over to Heidi, Helen, and the girls, had one amenity she was missing terribly at the moment. As she turned and knocked the shampoo bottle to the floor for the third time, Josie longed for the days of a decently-sized shower.

Reasonably confident she’d rinsed the majority of soap from her body, Josie turned off the low pressure water and attempted to towel off in the constricted quarters. With a deft twirl, she soon had her long raven locks wrapped in one towel and her body from breasts to mid-thigh encircled with another. Stepping out of the shower compartment, however, she was immediately confronted with Sarah trying to dress herself and making herself miserable in the process.

“I would ask why you didn’t wait for me to get done,” Josie commented out loud as she moved to help her friend, “but I’m sure I already know the answer to that question.”

“It’s this damned shirt sleeve,” Sarah muttered through gritted teeth. “It won’t go over the brace.”

“Well, of course it won’t,” Josie observed, starting to wonder about her friend’s thought processes. “Why are you even trying? You should wear that yellow sun dress you have. It will easily fit over that thing.”

“That’s what I said!” a muffled male voice declared from outside.

Sarah, clearly frustrated, gestured silently with her good hand toward the camper door – as if to say that was why she was frustrated.

Josie quickly covered her mouth to restrain a giggle.

Sarah was not amused.

“Sorry,” she whispered, as she tried and failed to hold back a smile. Turning toward the door, she called out, “Ty, you’re not helping!”

“I know,” came the muffled yet obviously playful reply. “I’m standing out here when I could be in there rendering assistance.”

“I don’t think so,” Josie shot back. “I just got out of the shower and I’m only wrapped in a towel.”

“I don’t mind.”

“I’m sure you don’t but Rennie might.”

“You might be right about that. He’s standing here biting his knuckles at the thought of you in that towel.”

“Rennie’s out there?”

“I am.”

“Oh crap, I dropped my towel.”

Ty’s loud chuckle could be heard through the door. “You should see the look on his face!”

Josie, still ensconced in her towel, made her way over to the window by the door and opened it. Glancing about, she could see her man. “Hi baby, I was just teasing,” she told him.

He just shook his head in mock disappointment, while Ty openly booed.

A myriad of playfully suggestive things she could say floated through Josie’s mind but she instinctively knew it wasn’t time for them ... yet. The moment needed to stay a light one, so she just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. Everything else, she tucked away for later when she and Ren didn’t have an audience.

“It’s going to be a little bit before we’re ready,” she told them. “So, how about you boys go hunt us up some coffee and come back?”

With a nod, both men were off. Josie turned back to her friend, only to find her sitting on her bunk, clutching her braced arm to her chest.

Concerned, Josie quickly moved to her side. “Are you okay?”

Sarah sat there for a moment, but then looked up at her friend with worried eyes and shook her head no.

“What’s wrong?” Josie asked, sitting down next to her. “Is it your arm?”

Sarah shook her head no again. “I’m scared,” she finally let out in a small thin voice.

Suddenly, Josie understood what was troubling her friend. Wrapping an arm around Sarah’s shoulders, she pulled her closer and laid her towel-laden head against hers. “Just take baby steps right now,” she advised her. “Just focus on today and let tomorrow take care of itself, okay?”

“It’s not really tomorrow I’m worried about,” Sarah whispered, looking toward the door, but then changed her mind. “Well, it’s kind of about tomorrow.”

“It’s your heart,” Josie answered softly.

To which Sarah simply nodded her head.

“I can see why you might want to stay.”

Grant had just finished talking with Ike and Vera Kelly, a couple from Hazelton who had lost both their home and their hardware business, when he heard his wife speak.

The Kellys had walked away, leaving them standing there on what Grant had come to call the “Midway.” He glanced down at their conjoined hands and then back up to Anisha’s beautiful face. “Perhaps yesterday,” he agreed, with a bit of a smirk. “But not after last night!”

Her thoughtful look quickly morphed into an amused blush. She shook her head slightly and rolled her eyes. “No, I just meant that you’ve established relationships with so many people here in such a short time,” she responded, pointing about to the increasing numbers of people walking about them. “I can see why you would find that appealing.”

“It’s been rewarding, these past two weeks,” he agreed with a nod. “My skills could be put to effective use, but instead of helping a corporation protect its bottom line, it’s been helping hardworking folks get back on their feet again.”

A man at one of the nearby food vendors, Archie Hammond, waved at him. Grant smiled and waved back. He looked back to Anisha. “Like I said, it’s been rewarding.”

“I can see that,” she replied, her eyes taking on a bit more pensive look. “Now, I’m feeling a little guilty asking you walk away from all this.”

He shook his head no. “This versus you? I can walk away from it all without a single regret, if it means having you back again.” Grant leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She reached up with her free hand and caressed his cheek as they kissed.

“Woohoo!” came the catcall from somewhere behind them. “Way to go, Mr. Thomas!”

The sentiment was echoed by several others, followed by sporadic clapping. Grant soon felt Anisha begin to laugh. The kiss ended and she momentarily buried her face in his shoulder. Giving her time to compose herself, he nodded and waved to their recent admirers – all to their amusement, of course. Before long, they all moved on and Grant and Anisha were back to walking hand in hand down the Midway.

“Besides,” Grant said, returning to their earlier conversation, “I don’t have to stay here to do this kind of work. I can just as easily seek out similar ways of helping people back home. It simply requires I get off my butt and look for ways I can live out my vocation.”

Anisha glanced up at him quizzically. “Live out your vocation? What do you mean?”

“It’s something Ren and I talked about recently,” the tall lawyer replied, gesturing to the man himself with his girls as they neared the petting zoo area. “He explained how God has given each of us multiple vocations or callings where we can be of service to others, but all too often we only use them to serve ourselves. Take me, for example,” he said, turning towards her. “One of my vocations is to be your husband, but for most of our time together I didn’t see it as an opportunity to serve you but rather to be served by you, as if it was my due – to take rather than to give. That’s something I want to change.”

She nodded as she thought about what he said. “That’s very insightful and I can see I’ve done the same thing with you – though maybe not to your extent,” she added with a sneaky grin.

Grant laughed. “Hey, when I do it wrong, I go all out!”

Anisha’s smiling countenance changed to one of puzzlement as she suddenly looked past him. “Is that Tim Lanci over there?”

“Where?” he asked, turning to look.

“Where all those kids are with those farm animals.”

Grant’s eyes moved to where his wife indicated and, sure enough, there was the head of Stone Mountain Records evidently helping out with the animals. The “Petting Zoo”, for lack of a better name, was the brainchild of Bella’s daughter, Gabriella, and the O’Malley’s son, Brandon. A lot of the kids in the area did 4-H, like Brandon, so they pulled together the ones with animal projects and came up with a common exhibit area where kids and adults could come in and see them. How Lanci came to be assisting with it, however, Grant hadn’t a clue. So, he decided to head that way to find out.

The music executive, however, saw him coming. “A little surprised to find me here, I see,” he remarked over the fence, as he placed a sizeable rabbit back in a cage.

Grant nodded, taking in all the human – critter interaction taking place within the rather spacious enclosure. “You could say that.”

Waving them through the gate, Tim shook their hands as they came through. “After yesterday’s debacle, I talked with Sarah this morning about I how I could help out and this is where I landed. My wife and I used to be heavily involved in 4-H when the kids were younger, so this seemed a pretty natural fit for me.”

“We haven’t seen her yet this morning,” Anisha chimed in. “How does she seem to you?”

“Resilient,” he replied, shaking his head in amazement. “If it weren’t for her arm in a sling, you wouldn’t know anything had happened yesterday. She is just go, go, go, this morning.” His smile slipped as he gave Anisha a much more somber look. “No matter the fallout from yesterday, I will absolutely do right by her. You have my word.”

Grant watched as the two stared at one another. Finally, his wife – evidently taking her measure of the man – nodded her head in approval. “Good.”

“We have with us this morning the Queen Bee of the Foster Park Music Festival herself, Sarah Gaines! Thanks for stopping by, Sarah.”

Sarah found herself, upon the recommendation of Rachel and Nina, seated at the guest mike of 93.7 The Bull – a major country radio station in St. Louis that sent three of their on-air personalities out to do live interviews and what not from the park. It was a pretty nice set up under a tent canopy with large speakers erected nearby so bystanders could hear the continuous radio feed. The format was a bit of a free-for-all with the three hosts, but since they’d agreed off air not to talk about why her arm was in a sling, Sarah felt pretty confident she could handle it. The “Queen Bee” thing, though, did not make her happy.

Despite that, she responded in a very cheerful voice. “It’s my pleasure, Danny.”

Danny, the station’s afternoon drive time host and a generally laid back guy, laughed at her facial expression. “What you did not hear, my friends,” he said, leaning in closer to the microphone, “but all of those gathered around could see, was Miss Gaines rolling her eyes at the Queen Bee moniker.”

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Hello friends This is Crazy Sandy back with one more encounter. I am looking for friends with whom I can share my fantasies so if you are interested , mail me at Let me tell you what happened to me at work about a month ago. I’m a businessmen and have a I have a three women working for me. Two of them work on a part-time basis a couple days a week and the third works full-time as my secretary and assistant. Well this story is about my secretary, Priya. Priya is a beautiful young lady of...

1 year ago
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IHaveAWife Kenzie Love 31759

Kenzie Love is working out at her apartment’s gym when Danny walks in. What a surprise? Danny is one of Kenzie’s college ex’s and he just moved into the complex with his wife. There’s something about that ring on Danny’s finger that gets Kenzie wet and she just needs to have Danny right there and then. Danny is a little hesitant, but Kenzie assures him that no one else ever uses that gym. Well assured, Danny grabs on Kenzie’s big natural tits and starts...

4 years ago
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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 12

Revanche was bored out of his mind, he still trained with Brand and Brax, worked in the stables with Keebler, practiced his magic with his mother and Mar but it didn't seem to be enough. He knew he was driving everyone crazy continually asking if they needed anything done but he just found it difficult not doing something all the time. Going over to the Keep, Revanche was run out of the kitchen by Harriet, finding his Grandfather in his study he watched him frowning over his account books,...

2 years ago
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A Wardrobe ChangeChapter 3

The sun peeked through the blinds in Jennifer Moseley's room, signaling the start of a new day. She woke up with excited anticipation this morning. Ned was coming over to swim and she had something to show him. She gently rubbed her pussy through her panties as she remembered last night. She gave herself a final rub and got up. She had alot to do before Ned's arrival. That day in the wardrobe room while waiting for Ned, Jennifer looked around for any more clothes in the room that she might...

3 years ago
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Losing Virginity At 19 By Uncle

Hello ISS readers. This is my first story which is true and exciting. My name is Aakash 19 year old boy I am doing engineering in Delhi. I am 5.10 my waist size is 32 and have a fair and good round ass my weight is 65kg not so slim but can turn anyone on. I have very small boobs but a big soft ass. I felt embbarased because of my ass boys used to tell me that I look like a fair girl whom every man wanted to have. This incident took place around 3 months back I went to my uncle’s place nearby...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Tushy Jade Jantzen Taylor Sands A Threesome With My Best Friend

Taylor has been staying with Jade and her boyfriend for the last few days. She is an old friend from college and they have had intimate moments in the past. The old feelings are starting to show again, but Jade is in a committed relationship, and if anything is going to happen she wants to include her boyfriend too. One day when he comes home from work he finds a note to say Jade has a surprise for him. Taylor is leaving in a few hours and she wants to give her a good send off. Not...

2 years ago
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Accidents Happen Part 2

After her summer vacation started we decided to head up to the mountains for a few days to go camping and to hike to our favorite water hole. Sam asked me if she could bring along her friend Melinda, or Mindy for short. I told her that would be fine. Where Sam was petite with light brown hair that turned blonde in the summer sun, Melinda was taller, probably 5’9” with raven black hair and the most unique pair of blue eyes. Of Sam’s friends, she was my favorite. She was always very respectful...

4 years ago
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With the girlfriend away

A fantasy I'd love to make true.I have been with my girlfriend since high school. I am totally in love with her, but its been a long time and the sex has fallen out of the picture. This being the case, I've resorted to internet porn for relief as I need to go sometimes 6 times a day. I'm a big guy about 6'7 and 400 lbs. I used to lift weights in highschool but am a mover now for a moving company. This helps me keep my bulk instead of being just round im big and bulky. I was always a cum eater....

2 years ago
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Testing the Limits Part 4

Takes right up from Part 3 “I wonder what the girls have been up to,” Nick had said.I had been wondering this myself all afternoon, during the long slow ride back from the lagoon where we’d spent the afternoon. I had a pretty good idea, however, that while I was having sex with her husband, Tanya might be doing the same with my wife.Still, I felt a twinge of guilt. Not only had I cheated on Vickie -- with a man, no less -- but I had also left her alone with a woman I knew to be sexually …...

1 year ago
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Fun With Twin Sister

"Finally," I screamed. My parents just walked out of the door, which ment me and my twin sister where alone for the whole weekend. My name is Nicole, and I am a cute 16 year old. And to this point i had not had any real sexual experience. I have thought about it a lot though, and I mean a lot. My sister,katie, was identical to me, and i couldn't help but stare at her when she wore her sexy night gown. I've thought about being with her sexually, but of course never acted on it. "So what are you...

2 years ago
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We, two couples, went to spend a weekend in a remote 1,500 acre valley S. of Sydney. I was with my cute, slim Lady and her friend, Jenny; a large, NSW Avon rep.We were camped by a stream and, Sunday. mid-day my Lady, said, 'I'm going to have a sleep. Why don't the two of you go and explore the stream?'Jenny's guy was cleaning our kerosene lamps and setting up lunch.None of the four of us had bothered to wear anything since arriving the day before.I followed her friend up stream. Naked and...

4 years ago
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The Dinner Party

When Rachel opened her apartment door she was holding her robe in front of her. "You're 15 minutes early Josh!" she exclaimed. "I'm not even dressed yet!" "It's ok, take your time," he said as he stepped into the apartment and closed the door. When he turned, Rachel was already on her way back to her bedroom. Still clutching her robe she presented Josh with an arousing sight. Her voluptuous hips swayed back and forth, encircled by black lace bikini panties and a matching garter belt...

2 years ago
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Getting A Grip On The Situation

As our story opens we find sixteen-year-old Ken almost naked and laying at Vanessa's side enjoying the slow descent from his orgasmic high. The wonderful feeling is made even better by the fact that Vanessa's body is pressed against him and one of her satiny smooth legs is on top of his leg.He smiles to himself as he glances over at her and recalls her asking him not to tell anyone. It was a request that was not really necessary. Being jacked off by your buddy that was dressed and made up as...

3 years ago
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Sissy at gym

English is not my primary-language, so be gentle with me. But wanted to share the story of my fantasy. It began like a ordinary day and how I ended up sucking and fucking a BBC I dont know. It must be my sissy nature. But I went to the gym as I often do in the mornings when its few people there, mostly just a bunch of old people that sit there and talk for ever and a handful using the machines so you are free to use them when you want. After a sweaty and hard workout I went down to shower, but...

4 years ago
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Nickel NoveletteChapter 5 Lessons

“Ready for another game, Terry?” Faith asked. “Closer to ready than you are. Get your clothes; I’ll get the coin.” He removed his slacks and boxers first. As he got the nickel from the box on top of her dresser, Faith could see him getting even readier. He pulled the top covers down on the bed and handed the nickel to her. She flipped so the nickel fell on the bed. “Heads,” they said together. Terry put the nickel back in the box and took a deep breath. “Mrs. Griffin,” he said. “I’m Jack...

2 years ago
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Digimon sex world

(All characters have been aged up to 18 our older.) You yawn as you wake up. You get up and take a shower before breakfast. You look yourself in the mirror. Your no model but your a fine looking guy if you do say so yourself. You brush your teeth and put on some cloths. Of corse you don't forget to put some goggles on your head. A bold fashion statement but you have no doubt it will catch on. You look online to see if there are any companies that want you too test they're security. Non today....

2 years ago
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After School JobChapter 11

It's very interesting how you think you know what will happen in a given situation, only to find out your expectations turn out to be completely wrong. Okay. Maybe not completely wrong. They were angry. Sure. And all those phrases about stupidity and throwing our lives away, that I expected to come out of their mouths did, in fact come out of their mouths. But that's where things went differently than I expected. I suppose to be completely truthful, I didn't know what to expect, but I...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 12 Rock slide

The trail into upper Wolf Creek canyon was open; the last snows had melted out of the north-slope shaded areas and the spring floods had subsided. Graydon was restless. He gathered together his packsack gear, some staple foodstuffs, his fishing pole, and told his mother that he'd be hiking up the canyon, perhaps as far as Gardner Meadows, at the base of the mountain. He planned to be gone three days for some early season trout fishing on the way up, and two nights of sleeping out. Actually,...

3 years ago
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My first threesome

I lived a fairly repressed life up until my mid-thirties. I decided then that life was way too short and that I needed to start to do the things that made me happy. I left my marriage and lived alone which suited me just fine.It was at this time I met a young girl online. Sarah was 20 years younger than me but we got along very well and soon we met in real life and became lovers.We had been together a few months when we went with her best friend Jenny to a bar one night to drink and play pool....

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 111

After their performance on their first assignment in Colorado back in October of 1896, the six Young Bucks’ names became well known at the Western District U.S. Marshal’s Service office in Kansas City. During the next two years they were called upon time and time again to settle disputes. They were sent to the Missouri border town of Fort Scott, Kansas, to help settle a railroad union dispute that had already gotten out of hand with clashes of violence by the time they arrived. With strong...

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Jamie is late for the gym

“Did you find it?” Jaime heard her husband Patrick calling from down below.“Not yet, I can barely see up here! Could you pass up the flashlight?” Jaime blindly reached down the hole connecting their attic to the second floor walk-in closet. She waved her hand impatiently until she brushed up against something hard and metallic.“Thank you!” she shouted cheerfully down to Patrick as she grabbed the flashlight. She turned it on and could immediately see the entire attic in front of her. “Holy...

3 years ago
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Sex With Hot Lady From Office

Sandhiya was my colleague, in her mid-30s, wheatish brown skin, not so lean frame. She wasn’t among the beautiful women in my office but there was something in her that made me to add her name in the sexy women in my office list. I think it’s her long, black straight hairs that ran up to her shoulders, slender neck and more than average size boobs. With a baby fat belly around her waist, she looked little bustier with a curvy figure. She wore ass-tight jeans and shirts mostly. She looked sexy...

2 years ago
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Mommy Teaches Son About Sex

I visited my son’s room. “Honey, daddy is asleep.” That faint scent, the scent of a man, mixed in with the smell of paint… My son, Billy, was barely a man, over 18 and a senior in high school. Like most boys his age, he was interested in hobbies and girls. Both worried me. Hobbies, because he enjoyed painting his models. Girls, because he was such a timid boy, I wondered if he would have problems courting them. But in the evening, in the middle of the night, nobody disturbs us. It’s...

3 years ago
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New Year Eve In Goa Was Damn Exciting

This is my first story and hope you will encourage me to write even more stories. If you like it or want to give feedback please write to Let’s start with the story. Lemme first start with myself. I was a virgin before the new year eve of 2016. I am 19 and from Delhi, an average boy with decency outside and naughtiness inside, ;) Like everyone dreaming about going to Goa on New Year, I was quite lucky to go on a trip to Goa on New Year with one of my friend and his friends. I am the horny...

2 years ago
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Sam and AmyChapter 10

Amy awoke and for just a moment, was unsure what had happened. She opened her eyes and lifted her head. As she looked at the beautiful young woman that was sleeping beside her, the memories came crashing back. Amy looked down at Sam and was reassured when she saw that Sam's lips were once more pink and healthy looking. She pressed her head to Sam's chest and was further reassured by the strong heartbeat she heard. Carefully, so as not to wake her, Amy slipped out of bed. She looked at...

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A Relationship 8211 The Beginning

After going though many real incidents/ sex stories, I have mustered my courage and started writing down the experience which I do not know how much it is justifiable. It was an incident which was not usual at all but changed me a lot to become a person. This incident brought me into new world which were fantasy at some period of time. Let me introduce you to my family. I am Amar Sharma 44 yr old, by profession CA, working on a multinational company. I am well endowed with all kinds of things...

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The Male Fantasy

This introduction will be short as I feel I have explained what this "book" will contain. However, if you are into aggressive and often times degrading sexual encounters that involve: Futa, sissy, straight, gay or bisexual characters.. then this story will hopefully be to your liking. • Stories will most often be in 2nd person. Please leave suggestions and outcomes you want to see me experiment with! Alrighty then.. let's begin.. *opens book*

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Daddy please come in my mouth

Introduction: His wife left him and when his daughter grew up he could not resist her Ten years ago I lost my wife. No, she didnt die. I came home early from a fishing club meeting one evening only to find her in our bed with a very big, very black dude with a cock that matched. She was on her knees and elbows while he held onto her hips and pounded his huge man meat in and out of her very white and very stretched cunt. She cried out in a combination of intense pleasure and pain, Oh, fuck yes....

2 years ago
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Moms Massive Melons

Ah, another Friday morning. Your dad is away for a week, not to be back until next Friday. School is basically out, with only graduation practices remaining. You lay in your bed, trying to think what could be better. Immediately, the hard-on tenting the sheet covering you tells you exactly what. Your naked mom lying beside you and letting your hands freely grope her unbelievably large breasts. You daydream of what it could be like to finally be able to just walk up to your sweet mother and grab...

3 years ago
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Rodney and Denise

"Rod, at first I had no intention of you ever being in the know about all of this. But—frankly—hiding it from you has gotten to be way too much for me," she said. "Huh? Hiding what, Denise?" I said. I had a bad feeling. "Well, to put it crassly, I'm a slut, Rodney Harris. I've been one for a long time. I have had many men, and I intend to keep on having many men. Wait please, let me finish, please." I'd started to get up. "That said... "Rodney, you are the only man in my life for...

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She was male

Near my home, a red light is the hub of prostitution in the town. Personally, I have no interest in having a prostitute but some of these sluts are nasty and attractive. Among them there was a tall blond green-eyed chick whom I had a special feeling to her. She had such a sex appeal that I could not resist staring her. Her name was Ashley. She always smiled at me and she had such a behavior I sometimes thought we knew each other. Her sexiness ignited my imagination so I decided to pick her up....

She Males

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