Hatchery RoadChapter 5 free porn video

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Rennie was absolutely furious as he stormed out of the trailer. “Of all the damned, idiotic, stupid, ridiculous, shitheaded people in this world...” His word selection became more coarse and heated as he walked away.

“Sir,” came the voice from the doorway behind him, “that kind of language is totally uncalled for and I’ll have to ask you to stop.”

“Uncalled for?” Rennie spun and faced the power-tripping, bureaucratic imbecile some fool left in charge while he went gallivanting in his helicopter. “Uncalled for?” Rennie’s cheeks were bright red, his hands actively accenting his speech. “I only stopped in to be helpful, just like I was with those folks in St. John.”

He angrily strode back to confront the clearly incompetent Deputy IC. “And you had the gall to not only prohibit me from returning to help them but actually threatened me with arrest if I do?” He snorted. “Uncalled for?” Rennie firmly tapped his right index finger on the man’s chest to emphasize his words. “Buddy, I don’t think you have any earthly idea what that even means.”

“Sir,” the wiry balding man spit out with disdain. “If you insist on physically accosting me, I will have you detained and charged with assault.”

“Assault?” roared Rennie. Fury threatened to engulf him. All the anger and rage that had built up over the past many months, but could never be let out, finally began to break through. “Are you serious?” He leaned in with a menacing glare. “You think that was assault? Well, I can...”

Rennie felt a pair of small hands grip his right bicep and tug gently. “Rennie?” came the soft voice.

It was Josie. He turned his head to see her pale blue eyes filled with worry. “Rennie ... please ... let’s walk away for a bit ... okay, baby?” she pleaded. “He’s just not worth it.”

His body relaxed at her touch. The rage that threatened to overwhelm him just moments before now drained away and a sense of calm returned. He smiled at her. “You’re right,” he said, as he took her hand and began to walk away.

“Smart move, listening to your girlfriend,” the man jeered. “Now, run along and let us professionals do our jobs.”

“Are you a complete moron?”

The two of them had already taken a few steps away when the idiot just had to open his mouth again. Releasing Rennie’s hand, Josie walked back to confront the pompous fool. “Seriously ... could you be any more stupid?” she challenged, glaring at him.

With another step, she was now facing him nose to nose. “Did you actually want a beating?”

“Miss,” he snarled, motioning to the two sheriff’s deputies that were standing nearby. “I can have you arrested, just as well as him.”

“Gentlemen,” she calmly called out to the two as they approached. “I want you to pay very close attention both to what I do and what I say,” she declared as she deliberately took one step back, her hands raised in deference.

“I have, in no way, indicated to this ... worm,” her voice pausing for emphasis, “that I ever intended to cause him any physical harm.”

The deputies stopped in their tracks, now desperate to contain their own amusement at their supervisor’s expense.

“My words were solely intended to convey to this ... pathetic excuse for a human being ... the exact opposite, actually.”

Josie was being very deliberate in her speech, visibly choosing her words with incredible precision. All that came from the object of Josie’s ire, however, was a lot of huffing and sputtering. Meanwhile, the sound of whirling rotors slowly winding down could be heard coming from the nearby field.

“Let me be perfectly clear. I was simply informing this ... worthless lump of pig excrement,” the look she gave him was one of pure contempt, “that my own timely intervention had kept his ... squirrelly little face ... from being beaten to a pulp.”

She paused, tapping her slender finger to her lips as if in serious contemplation. “Which, now that I think about it, would probably have been an improvement.”

A few snickers and hoots could be heard emanating from the small crowd that had begun to gather, with more people pouring out from the nearby work trailers to see what was going on.


“Why you little...” The man attempted to interrupt her, his face a deep shade of crimson. But Josie silenced his attempt with a fierce stare and the simple wave of her finger, much to the delight of the crowd.

“And ... that his foolish attempt at bravado was threatening to undo all my dedicated work in keeping this lovely man,” Josie gestured at Rennie, taking his large hand in her own, “from possibly damaging his beautiful hands on that wretch’s miserable useless hide.”

Josie turned to gaze deeply in Rennie’s eyes. She raised his hand to her lips, kissing it. “Now that would be a crime,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Loud, spontaneous applause and cheers erupted around them but Rennie saw no one but Josie.

The man so thoroughly insulted by her, however, lost it. Red as a beet, he shrilly ordered the two deputies to arrest her. When they refused, he went off the deep end, screaming and flailing his arms, threatening them both with dismissal.

“Russell!” The booming voice brought the out of control man to a complete stop, as the previously gathered observers quickly and quietly found other places to be. “My office ... now!”

Rennie, however, heard none of that. He was simply taken in by the bewitching spitfire clinging to his hand. Pulling her close, he wrapped his arms around her waist. She did the same to him, her face tipped up to his.

They just stared at one another until Rennie broke the silence. “You were amazing.”

“Not really.” Josie shook her head and laughed. “When you’ve been around as many bar fights as I have, you learn how to talk to cops.”

“I’m serious! You were audacious ... and gutsy, and courageous, and valiant, and brassy...”

She blushed. “I think your word for the day calendar is really getting a workout today.”

“With you around, I suspect that’s going to happen a lot now,” Rennie chuckled. “I think I just got a glimpse of brash Jaycee in all her glory.”

“Oh, no!” She shook her head decisively, an impish grin on her captivating face. “What you saw was 100% Josie. That idiot was trying to mess with my man and I was havin’ none of that!” Her arms contracted in a brief but vigorous squeeze as she looked up at him with a playful sparkle in her eyes.

“So I’m your man, huh?” Rennie whispered softly, drawing her closer.

She nodded, her eyes dancing in the sunlight.

“I think I like the sound of that.”

Rennie was entranced, her lovely face filling his vision. Her coal black tresses that shimmered in the sun and cascaded in waves off her shoulders surrounded it gracefully. Her sky blue eyes with just a hint of rain widened in recognition of what he was thinking. And her generous lips, framed by adorable dimples when she smiled, now parted slightly in anticipation ... as he started to lean in.

Unfortunately, the gravelly sound of someone clearing their throat nearby brought them back to reality. They were standing in the middle of an increasingly warm asphalt parking lot, surrounded by emergency trailers and rescue vehicles, with a somewhat uncomfortable sheriff’s deputy watching them.

“Um, excuse me, Mr. Erickson?” the young man interrupted awkwardly.

Rennie turned to face him, slipping his arms out from around Josie’s waist and then taking her hand in his.

“The Sheriff would like to speak to you and Miss... ?” He glanced at Rennie’s companion with curiosity.

“Fontenot,” Josie filled in for him.

He nodded to her and then looked back to Rennie. “Sheriff Frohm would like to see you and Ms. Fontenot, if you have a moment.”

“I take it he’s the actual Incident Commander here?” Rennie inquired.

“Yes, sir, for the time being until someone from the Governor’s office arrives to take over. You can find him over in that trailer over there,” the deputy replied, pointing to a large fifth-wheel trailer just off to Rennie’s right, toward the diner.

“That’s three kisses you now owe me,” Josie teased provocatively after the deputy walked away.

“Not a bad debt to have, I suppose,” he tossed back. But then, as they walked to the trailer, he started to laugh – a deep throaty rumble that threatened to erupt into something more.

“What?” Her curiosity was piqued.

Rennie wouldn’t answer, only shaking his head and chuckling as they continued to walk.

“What?” There was a harder edge to her voice this time, as they approached the trailer steps.

He stopped and turned. “If you only knew what ran through my head whenever I look at you,” his dark eyes nearly smoldering as he glanced her way. “You’d have that count a heck of a lot higher.”

Absolutely stunned, Josie could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. Looking up, she saw his crooked smile and the laughter dancing in his eyes.

“And you call me audacious!” she muttered, as he drew her by the hand up the steps to the trailer door.

“Hazelton is gone.”

A whole town of 1200 or so people wiped off the map in the span of ... what ... fifteen minutes? It used to be about ten miles northeast of Ferris. Used to be, he said. How many injured? How many dead? Sheriff Frohm didn’t know yet.

He had apologized for the idiot – a Russell something or other – and Josie thought that was decent of him. He even asked about what they’d seen in St. John, but he’d already seen it from the air. Seems St. John just got a glancing blow. Hazelton took the full brunt. Preliminary teams were already there doing what they could and more resources were being mobilized. It wasn’t just here, either. This was just part of a whole line of twisters that stretched well to the south and west, almost to the Kentucky border.

So here they stood, as the morning sun continued to rise, watching all the rescue workers and their gathered equipment head out in a long convoy. Josie stood in Rennie’s embrace, her back to his chest, with tears streaming down her face.

Rennie softly kissed the back of her head. “Come on. Let’s get going.”

Josie nodded, brushing the tears away with her fingers. They couldn’t do anything for the people in Hazelton, but they had work to do in St. John. Sheriff Frohm had said that all the currently available resources were going to Hazelton, but St. John could expect help to arrive by mid-afternoon. The Illinois National Guard had been mobilized, and more equipment and personnel was even coming in from Missouri, Indiana and Kentucky. He then asked a favor of them, namely, to take an emergency satellite phone along when they went and give it to the pastor of St. John’s.

The Sheriff personally knew him to be a good guy in touch with the whole community – the perfect person to be his point of contact there. The pastor could be his eyes and ears in St. John and help coordinate rescue efforts there for the time being. Josie was surprised, though, when he referred to him as “Father O’Malley.” She could have sworn Lila said it was a Lutheran church, not a Catholic one. She didn’t say anything, however.

Rennie took Josie’s hand securely in his and walked her to his truck. Glancing over at the diner, she could see Marge and Lila through the large picture window, watching the rescue convoy slowly pull out. Their eyes were as moist as hers. They waved. Rennie and Josie waved back as they left in the opposite direction.

It was quiet for a time in the cab of the truck – for Josie a little too quiet. Looking around, she spied the satellite phone lying on the seat. Wanting desperately to think of something other than the haunting thoughts roaming through her brain, Josie picked it up to examine it.

“Isn’t the church in St. John a Lutheran church?” she wondered aloud.


“So, why did Sheriff Frohm call the pastor there Father O’Malley?” she asked, looking at him intently. “Do Lutherans call their ministers ‘Father, ‘ too? I thought Catholics were the only ones that did that.”

“Well, they aren’t the only ones—just the best known,” Rennie answered.


Rennie nodded. “The various Orthodox Churches have historically used the title, for example, as do Anglicans, though that’s a bit more recent development for them. But as far as Lutherans go, no, they usually don’t.”

He thought for a moment and then continued. “Back in Europe, as I recall, Lutheran pastors are still commonly known as priests and are sometimes called ‘Father’ out of respect. But here in this country, those titles and a lot of other traditions were ditched a long time ago because they sounded too Roman Catholic to other Protestants.”

Josie raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Okay, now that seems like a really dumb reason to do anything.”

He chuckled at her observation. “Spoken like a good Roman Catholic.”

“Well,” she crinkled her nose at his statement. “I don’t know about good. Haven’t been to Mass in a few years but, yeah, I was raised Catholic.”

“Thought so.”

She gave him a quizzical look.

“French last name? Born and raised in Louisiana Cajun country? I think the odds were in my favor.”

She nodded, an amused expression on her face.

He glanced over and smiled. “You know, I bet you were adorable in your little white dress for First Communion. Was your hair tied up with ribbons and bows or did you wear a headdress with a veil instead?”

Josie shook her head. “My folks couldn’t afford much, so I wore the same dress my older sister wore and it didn’t come with a veil,” she recalled. “It was pretty, though.” A wave of nostalgia hit her and her eyes grew a little misty. “I remember Mama spending what seemed like hours curling my hair, and how handsome Papa looked in his suit.”

Rennie reached over and affectionately squeezed her hand.

Josie smiled back at him.

With his hand back on the wheel, Rennie returned to the original conversation. “Well, to get back to your comment – you’re right. It’s a dumb reason to do anything. Understandable, but dumb.”

Josie watched as Rennie’s face grew serious.

“In this case,” he continued, “Lutherans were just trying to fit in. Remember, back then America was a country dominated by English Protestants and Freemasons – neither of whom had much love for the Pope.” Glancing over, he caught her eyes. “So, imagine then, what it would have been like coming here as German or Scandinavian Lutheran immigrants whose traditions and worship reminded their neighbors of dreaded Papists.”

She thought about that for a moment and for some reason, thought back to high school. “So you’re saying they changed what they did in order to fit in with the popular crowd – that they were just trying to be liked?”

“Pretty much,” agreed Rennie, “not that it really worked. Lutherans are still seen as not being ‘Protestant enough’ here.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway, over the past three or four decades, a number of Lutheran pastors and theologians here and there have tried to bring the titles and other traditions back, seeing it all as part of their lost heritage.”

Rennie waved to a group of men loading the pole barn debris onto a flatbed trailer. He then looked back over at Josie. “Like with most things, some of it’s been good and some not. As for the whole calling a pastor ‘Father’ thing? I don’t think that’s ever coming back, at least not for American Lutherans, anyway.”

“Okay, professor,” Josie teased. “So what does this history lesson have to do with Father O’Malley?”

“Very little, actually,” Rennie conceded with a grin. “You just got me off on a tangent.”

Josie jokingly narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

Rennie just laughed. “Actually, the only reason Sheriff Frohm called him Father O’Malley is because he looks and sounds like he should be a Catholic priest. It’s more of a joke than anything – a very well-meaning and affectionate one – that Sean has always gone along with.”

Rennie saw Josie’s confusion and tried to explain. “You see, Sean Finnegan O’Malley is a big redheaded Irishman with the gift of gab and the lilt to match. After coming to this country, he settled down with a good Lutheran girl, had a gaggle of red-headed kids, and eventually became a Lutheran pastor.”

He shook his head in amusement. “Put the clerical collar around his neck and he simply looks and sounds like he should be called ‘Father.’ You’ll understand when you meet him,” he finished, looking back her way again.

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Even after twenty-odd years of marital bliss, I still find it hard to understand certain actions of my wife. I mean, first, she gets mad at me for having an affair with our daughter... then she storms at me for breaking up the affair. As if that is not enough, she complains that I am not being randy enough! And boy, did she blow her top when our daughter let it slip that we were using protection. And now, she is mad that... I guess it all began when I sold my Jag for a 1987 model...

1 year ago
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A great leap forward for this Mankind

Having dreamt about bi-sex for fifty years or so because of my 16 year-old sucking experiences with another boy, - (at school that was), - mutual masturbation then being par for the course but the sucking was LOVE), - I tried when joining this site to stress bi-sexual desires as the prime desire..... The other fetishes are still strong, but incidental to glorious spunk-filled three-sided sexual passion..... Turned out to be an inaccurate choice of emphasis though - for both positive and...

2 years ago
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MorganChapter 2C

Morgan stood at his little cooker warming some soup, he had checked on Susan a few minutes ago and thought she would wake up soon. When he heard the bedroom door open he turned towards it smiling shyly. Susan stood in the open doorway looking terrified. “Hi, did you sleep well?” Morgan asked as cheerfully as he could. He was scared, if she screamed or whatever now he could be done for abduction or even worse. “Um, yeah like a baby, uh how did I get here.” Susan asked softly. “Uh you fell...

4 years ago
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Apertus ViceChapter 7

CIA Agent Simeon Mena, Wednesday August 16, 2006 I met Alian in front of the sex lounge immediately after the lunch bell rang. We had started dating over the past few weeks, and met every day for sex. We found a bed and I lay down on it and opened my legs as Alian fished a bottle of lube out of his backpack. I gasped as he worked the cold lube into my asshole. He squirted some more lube onto his cock and mounted me. Alian mounted me and took my penis in his hand. He began stroking it as he...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy with her was undeniable 3 of 4

My eyes saw three different images of her fully nude body with her hand mere inches away from me. "Come on, grab my hand," she said, grinning. "It is time for you to make love to the one you love." My eyes glared at her shattered figure for a few more seconds before my hand came to hers. She helped me up, but then dropped to her knees. She grabbed my pants, while still holding my hand. She rose back up. "Let's go," she said, just before she turned around and turned off the light. She opened the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Penny Pax Elena Koshka Alina Lopez Bait And Switch

Elena Koshka arrives at the office and greets Alina Lopez, who is waiting for her behind her desk. Alina Lopez slyly slides her a piece of paper telling her that she needs to sign a disclosure when dating someone in the office. As expected, Elena denies that she’s involved with anyone in the office, but Alina smirks and pushes her a little more, knowing full well that Elena isn’t telling the truth. After all, it’s Alina that Elena’s fooling around with! Alina wants to...

4 years ago
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Our Stories Seducing the Staff

My company decided to send me to a conference in San Jose, CA on pretty short notice. Sheri had a bunch of vacation time, so I asked my boss if she could join me. It was no problem, but finding a hotel room in close proximity was much harder. We were always supposed to stay in the main chains of hotels because we got corporate discounts. With basically everything else booked, I found a small boutique hotel that had rooms available. The best part was it was within walking distance to the site of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 3

The next day he was dressed in white as though ready for the 'tropics' and was taken by cab to the house he had visited before when dressed as a woman. The stern looking yet kindly woman with the jet black hair greeted him at the door and waved at Marcia who remained in the cab. Marcia leant from the cab window. "Don't you spoil him Jenny; you make sure he remembers his place amongst women!" Miss Jennifer Ledbetter-Jones gripped his hand as he ascended the steps and looked at him...

2 years ago
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Holiday Hell part 3

Hello, Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback as it does make writing stories more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading what you write. If you have any suggestions for the plot that you'd like to see in the story please send me an email at [email protected]. Please also take some time to visit my blog that I have started all over again at mysissyplaytime.blogspot.com. Thank you Holiday Hell - part...

3 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 18

I woke up feeling the warm spot where Kristen had been. It felt good to be able to sleep in on Saturdays. Two weeks of crazy sex and powerful feelings, while still trying to hold down the day job. I couldn't keep doing this, but damn it was a lot of fun even if it did kill me. Kristen was obviously in the shower, cleaning herself up after she had kept me up last night. She had gotten home late from work and pretty much jumped on me in the kitchen, demanding that her Master take care of her...

4 years ago
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Caught in the act on the charter boat

This happened on the charter boat while I was in St. Croix. We weren’t supposed to fuck the people in the charter parties or, if we did we were to take it off the boat. This rule did get broken a few times, usually by me. I found that, unless it was a very bad incident, it was overlooked. I was helping the owner out anyway and didn’t really need the job. There were a few ‘near misses’ of being caught…one time that I wasn’t caught but the wife knew that the husband had fucked me.By this time I...

4 years ago
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In my early twenties, I made some poor choices and ended up in jail facing up to ten years in prison. Now just to clarify, I lived in a small Midwestern town, so it's not like I was headed off to pelican bay or Chino, but prison is prison. As a youth, I had been a bit of a malcontent and spent time in mental institutions but nothing like adult prison.Growing up, I found myself confused about my sexuality. This was in part because my dad ridiculed me and made nasty comments about me being gay....

3 years ago
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Business Trip Sex With Big Titted Colleague

I went on a business trip that took me away for 4 nights.On the first day we were put into teams and I had a female colleague from another office on mine.N****** was 5’4” , short black hair and everyone was commenting on her tits. As you will find out later I was able to check them out at 34EE and firm as hell at age 28.We sat together in the meetings and soon our legs would be touching each other. In the evenings we would all have dinner and drinks and her and I got closer, laughing, joking,...

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The Better To

On a beautifully mild fall afternoon a trim convertible scooted into a little filling station just off the rural highway. The driver, a lithe young woman of at most nineteen, parked her sports car in front of the single self-service pump and got out and stretched and looked around. It was the middle of nowhere. Hills of color-heavy forest loomed all around. Crickets munched the hot air. The cinderblock building squatted in the sun, its broad pane of glass catching the glare full-face, showing...

3 years ago
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The Cuckold Tale

Before I start I have to say it's good to know there are so many other couples out there living the Cuckold lifestyle. The stories on this board are a constant inspiration to us all and I am delighted to be able to finally add my own. My wife Sandra and I are from West Sussex in Britain. We are twenty nine and thirty one respectively and own a converted, English farmhouse in a pleasant country setting. Our marriage has lasted a total of six, happy years thus far and we have a two year old...

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Cutters CreekChapter 7

The obscene spectacle of a young teen being bred in a Sex Ed class as a "demonstration" of how to make a baby shocked the Superintendent of Education deeply. Even harder for her to understand, however, was her own reaction to it. Instead of rushing in to prevent this outrage, Alice had been so aroused, she thrust her own hand into her snatch and brought herself to three powerful climaxes. Even as she attempted to sneak away in shame, she was immobilized by the final act in the obscene...

3 years ago
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Secrets In The Dark

When I was 15 years old my cock was hard all the time. No matter how much I jerked off it never seemed to get tired. I guess it was pretty normal for a kid my age, but I was obsessed with pussy. I thought about it all day. But it wasn't girls of my age that I lusted after; I wanted older women. And not just older women either; the ones that got my dick really stiff were older white women. I spent night after night thinking about my schoolteachers. The girls at the school just didn't cut it...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Meri Personal Randi

Hello ISS readers and this is Sumit with my first story of how I was seduced by my bhabhi and later by her fucked her and her sister. First let me introduce myself and I’m 19 year hot guy mere ghar main mere alwa mummy bhabhi aur bhaiya hain ab shuru karta hun. Ye kahani un dinon ki hai jab main pichi garmiyon ki chutti apne ghar gaya tha. Meri bhabhi ghar main saadi hi pehenti hain aur unke blouse humesha hi deep cut hote hain. Maijn humesha mauka dhund kar bhabhi ke cleavage ko dikhta rehta...

2 years ago
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Just a little more

Introduction: George and I are divorced. We have other relationships, but we play around from time to time. George stood at the door, fidgeting and waiting for Annette to answer my knock. I was thinking of the conversation that we had on the phone. I knew she had been without sex for a while. And that she had been thinking about having me inside her ever sense our last meeting. She had explained to me that she has been watching video of anal sex and even though they had tried before she wasnt...

2 years ago
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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 6

Choice 1 (Watching a gangbang): "No!" Julian said horrified yet strangely aroused by seeing the look of lust in the older woman's eyes as she had locked eyes with him. Part of him knew the other woman wanted him to watch, and maybe join in as she was used by the strange men. "Here you will find that things that go bump in the night are quite real. We pride ourselves on that here. All you would not wish to reveal to the world can be made real on Dark Street, it feeds off your pleasure...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 10

The Gardener reached worm speed and negotiated the worm transit uneventfully. At the astronomers' request Captain Ziang left the external scanners on for a short while at the beginning of the transit, but the view was only of a featureless void and after a couple of the more agoraphobic members of the crew asked, she turned them off. On-board excitement built quickly as the ship exited its wormhole and began decelerating toward Eden. The astronomers and physicists busied themselves quickly...

3 years ago
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OverwatchChapter 7

We woke about 03.20, absolutely freezing. Your core temperature drops naturally about two or three in the morning in the morning, because of your body's natural rhythm, then rises again just before you wake. This was going to be a hard stag. Derek produced another flask. More tea, a fag, and a piss, then we dressed forward. This time I took the radio and log first. Like I said earlier, in the city, not much moved at night. Here, in the arsehole of nowhere, there was fuck-all cubed. Most of...

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Her Moms a Prom Whore

I thought my senior year would be a lot better. I was the starting quarterback for the football team. I only had a few classes this year. I was set to graduate with honors. I was still a virgin but things had to change. I was filling out in all the right places. I’d been seeing a new girl for the last two months. I was even looking forward to going to prom this year. But things can change in less than a week.I’m standing under the bleachers behind the school. Everyone was gone from...

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No Hands

No Hands Day 1 Mark sat down on the couch with his Aunt Tracy. His mother's sister was the younger of the two siblings somewhere in her mid thirties, Mark could probably work out her exact age based one what he knew of his Mom, but it really didn't matter, twice his age at least. She still looked young though, flawless skin, long dark hair that tumbled down her head in naturally curly waves. His Mom and her sister shared the same coloring but his Mom had long since cut her hair to...

1 year ago
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Angel of Destructionpart 1

Angelos City, Angelorian continent, Seraphia; 3432: Davariel watched his best friend, Kabiel, spread his black wings and take to the lavender and pink streaked heavens. The sun was dipping into a golden ocean, its rays stabbing slashes of light in a breathtaking display. The dazzling display of nature left Davariel unmoved. Loneliness was a hollow feeling in his heart. Most other fledglings were away visiting their families. “But not me,” Davariel whispered, peeking out from one corner of the...

4 years ago
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Big Dick Double Play

Enjoyed two hot sessions with huge cocks yesterday in trips to a pair of porn theaters. At the first, I paid my admission to the theater only to find it empty. I stroked my big cock for a while, then decided I would go over to the arcade part of the store. There is no cover, and since I’ve never seen a film running, the place certainly isn’t a cash machine. But that is where the action was.The booths are door-less, but have a seat around a concealing corner so you can't see what is going on...

4 years ago
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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 25

The wedding was the first Saturday in August. Amy looked wonderful in an ivory dress that seemed somehow to flow round her. She was 'given away' – for the second time – by her father, Alan Gardiner while her mother, Sarah, sat with tears streaming down her cheeks. When Alan sat next to her, she whispered, "I was such a fool before..." "Hush," he replied, "water under the bridge. You're here this time ... just enjoy it." It would be a toss-up who was the more nervous among the men....

1 year ago
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Stroking outdoors

So I was inside looking around ya know the new house thing seeing where stuff goes so I turned the light on in the dinning room there was a sliding glass door no curtains yet guys next I found myself naked walking around playing I opened my eyes and found myself in front of the door. I looked out and it was pitch black I saw nothing no where I'm in a pretty private spot half of the yard is privacy fenced the other part trees so I got to thinking I should go out side by the pool so I put my...

4 years ago
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Wife Screws Boss to Seal Promotion

Disclaimer All credit to original author. As a fan I have merely corrected multiple names and am posting as one of my favourites with no intent to gain monetary benefits Enjoy! Hello readers my name is Sudhir. My wife Rajshree works in a MNC at Delhi. I will tell the story how my wife got banged by her boss for job promotion. The story starts the month after I lost my job due to recession and Rajshree had to work hard to make our expenses meet. I used to stay at home and she used to go...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 6

A tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Six - Party Time*******​Following Martin's launch of his 'discovery' and the exhibitions of photographs he had compiled Jacqui attained an almost celebrity status within the 'Erotic Society of America'. For sure, it may have been a private and discrete group that was mainly unknown to the outside world but, no matter, for these associates and lovers of erotic art Jacqui, known affectionately as 'Martin's Nude', would become...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Natalie Knight Spitters Are Always Quitter

Natalie Knight is a cute, innocent looking chick with a smile that could make anyone melt. Whenever a guy cums in her mouth, she makes sure to swallow because spitters are quitters after all! She lays across our studs desk and moans as he slips his dick inside her sweet, inexperienced vag. Then she narrates the action, telling him just how much she loves riding the shit out of his cock. The cum in her face is the cherry on top, and Natalie loves to slurp. With cocksucking and dickriding skills...


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