Rendezvouz With An Online Friend free porn video

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He started off very safe, albeit a bit naughty. Nothing anyone would think is inappropriate. He was a businessman and traveled quite a lot. He wouldn't tell me his age but would always say that he was still young enough to please any woman and then leave with a naughty smile. He was very sweet; always greeting me good morning, checking up on how I was doing in my schoolwork. But every so often he would send me some naughty emails.

For example:

Good morning Sunshine!

Have you recovered from your flu, and catching up with everything since that?

I was in the middle of something, and I thought of a little vignette that I thought you would enjoy... (and, maybe this is the right medicine for your sore throat... )

From where our story last left off, we get together again and you've secreted yourself into my offices for a very personal meeting. My secretary doesn't know you are here.

Being your naughty, playful self, you 'clumsily' (with great skill and accuracy -lol) drop your pen under my desk and venture to get it. Crawling underneath wearing your tight work dress and high heels you push your ass up to generate more excitement from me, as if you weren't enough as you are.

While under my desk, your hands dig into my pants and opened my zipper. All the while I am on a conference call discussing business ... and trying to be nonchalant with the other businessmen.

You zip open my fly, stick your hand into my pants, and grab me by my stiffening cock through my boxers. You pull on it a few times to release it from its bound prison. Finally free, it's throbbing from your touch and hold.

I clear my throat as my secretary knocks politely on my door, and enters my office to give me a document to sign. I sign it while you hold my cock in your hand and, to challenge me, you squeeze it a few times while I talk with her.

She turns and leaves after a few moments, never noticing you under my desk.

I return to my call, and you forcefully shove my chair back so you can best access my cock with your mouth, and you begin your phenomenal dance with your tongue.

My mind periodically blanks during my call, but you don' t miss a beat, and you succeed in making me lose more and more self-control while you take more and more control of my mind.

I prematurely end the call so I can pay more attention to your heavenly work. My secretary knocks on the door one more time, and I tell her not now ... she enters anyhow, and sees your head bobbing on my lap and the stupid smile on my face.

Then she...

any ideas on how to finish this?

hurry up with you answer ... I desperately need it now!!!! (before I burst) );



My replies were usually curt and simple, trying not to give away what I was really feeling each time. It was also about the time when I learned how to type with one hand, as my left hand always seemed to wander. : )

We exchanged emails all the time; he even helped me write my other story here. And every time, he would put in a short comment like. "I really wish you were here sitting on my lap right now. So I could feel your tight ass rub against my cock." Or "Can you imagine what it would feel like to have my tongue explore deep in your pussy?"

The curious thing about me is that I'm really drawn into whatever story I write. It takes me days just playing with ideas in my head. And as I was writing the story, I would really believe that I was there, even more so than what my readers would say that they felt. So drawn in, that I would often need to stop writing and just lay on my bed. I would become partially out of breath and my mouth would just dry up from the arousal.

Our emails became more and more risqué. Soon we were asking each other to perform some dares.

I want you to go to school without any underwear today Kate. Tell me how it felt when you get home.


Why don't you wear a low-cut shirt to school and flash your cleavage to your professor. I'm sure he would lose it in class.

Out of sheer excitement, I would often do his tiny dares. And in return, I would also give him a few dares of my own.

Our online relationship was very healthy. For one, I was a bit perkier in class despite the weight of all my homework. I always felt a sigh of relief when he emailed me and offered me a release from all the tension I was under.

Slowly but surely, our dares became kinkier and kinkier. We started taking photos of our dares to show each other as proof. Like one time, I asked him to shave his cock and in exchange he wanted me to draw a heart in my pussy with lipstick.

But I guess his best dare came while we were chatting online.

"Hello Sunshine."

"We've known each other for a long time now; maybe you'll let me see you on cam?"

Let me make this clear now: I've only seen his face once from a photo he sent me. And he's only seen my profile picture here.

"You don't have to show your face, but maybe I could see those pert little tits of your's."

I was, of course, hesitant but very excited. After a bit more prodding, I finally gave in and set up a webcam. To be on the safe side, I only showed him my body from the neck below. For those of you who have already read my stories, you should have ample description of what it looks like.

The dare started simple.

"Open your blouse Sunshine and let me see your bra."

"Very nice! I just love those sexy shorts you're wearing. It would be much nicer if they were on the floor, don't you think?"

Each command he made was so smoothly said, that I felt very little hesitation to obey. That was what really attracted me to him. The anonymity always made me safe and secure despite our naughty dares. And the air of mystery around him made him even more attractive.

"Can you imagine how it would feel if I were there right now Sunshine?"

"You'd be sitting on my lap, as I played with your nipples."

I would gently do what he said and imagined he was there. My arousal was building up by the second.

"Why don't you let out your bra down Sunshine, and imagine that I'm licking your nipples."

"Can you feel my cock under your ass? Move your hips so you can feel it more."

"I just love massaging your tits; your nipples are very hard now aren't they? Almost as hard as my cock? Do you want to feel my cock inside your pussy?"

"I'll show you my cock now Sunshine; imagine how it would feel inside your pussy."

"Why don't you put your finger in your pussy Sunshine? Imagine that it's my cock."

"You like that, don't you? Fuck yourself faster. Can you feel my tongue circling your nipples while my cock fucks your pussy?"

"You're damn hot Sunshine; I can't stop stroking my cock. I'm almost cumming. Ride me Katie. Fuck, you're so hot."

"Faster Sunshine, can you feel my cock about to burst? I can feel your pussy tightening around my cock. I'm almost there."

"Ahhhhh, fuck yeah..."

I was moaning the whole time, imagining every single line he wrote. I did all I could not to scream when I brought myself to orgasm.

Our emails and dares lasted for a couple of months and got hotter and hotter. My papers finally caught up with me and I was no longer able to spend as much time on the net as I would have wanted.

It was only a few weeks ago that I had the time to write again. You've all read the last chapter of Kate: Hot Asian Tutor right? Finally, after almost two years, I was able to finish that story. However, it's still not the end of THIS story.

After posting the last chapter here, as expected, I had more than a few feedbacks from the readers. (By the way, I would really like to thank you all ... They were wonderful, and very helpful.) But a familiar email jumped right out of the screen.

Hello Sunshine,

Glad you're finally writing again. I loved how you finished your story. I do hope we can continue writing ours'.

Oh, by the way, I'll be in Singapore for a few days this week. If it's ok with you, maybe we can meet in Manila. Tell me soon so I can arrange a short stop-over on my flight home.



"Oh god, he's actually coming here," I let out a whisper. I felt excited and unsure of what I should feel. Here's a stranger who I've been really intimate with but completely shrouded in mystery. Now that shroud is about to be removed. I didn't really know what I wanted so I just let the email sit for a few of days before I replied.

Subject: Manila


I'm sorry I'm a bit late with my reply; I only opened my email today. I've been a bit busy with my new job, and all.

Sure, I'd love to meet with you here. I just hope it's not too late for you. Just email me if you can still make it.



I was naïve enough to expect that my email reply was already too late and that he had already returned home. Can you imagine my surprise when, after just a few minutes my messenger popped an icon "New Message: Subject: Re: Manila"

Hello Sunshine,

You caught me in the nick of time. I thought we wouldn't be seeing each other ... ever. Fortunately, I still need to finish some business tonight.

I've already booked a flight to Manila even before I came here, just in case.

My flight leaves at around 2pm tomorrow, so I'll be in Manila at around 8pm. It'll be just a short stop over, as my flight home will leave at 6am.

I think that should be enough time for us to have a dinner and few drinks, if that's ok?

Would it be ok if we met at the Pearl Hotel lobby, by the airport, around 8? I don't really know my way around, and I'll be in a fix if I miss my connecting flight home.

Dinner's on me.



My mouth hung open when I read and re-read the email. I could hear my heart as it thumped. I didn't really know if it was fear, or excitement, or maybe a bit of both.

The entire day went by like a dream.

My thoughts kept going back and forth: "Should I meet him? Is it safe? I want to meet him. I don't want to go." Over and over the entire day, my thoughts mixing with his words: "Can you imagine how my cock would feel inside you? You would like that, wouldn't you Kate?"

I was in a semi-hypnotized, semi-aroused state the entire day. Even a cold shower wasn't enough to bring my temperature down.

"What the hell should I wear?" I thought to myself as I walked into my closet.

I took out a long black dress and looked at it through the mirror.

"Nice, I like this" I thought, suddenly countered by, "What are you thinking? You're having dinner with a friend, not going to a prom."

My pantsuit, slacks, skirts, all received similar responses. I felt like I tried on all my clothes, until I finally settled on a white, one-piece, halter dress that fell just below my knees. I let my hair fall on my back and shoulders and looked at myself in the mirror. I did a pirouette which partly lifted my skirt.

"That should do. It's sexy enough but not too sexy."

To be honest, dear Readers, I thought about going out without wearing any underwear, (his words really messed me up ... bad... ), but decided to wear a white thong and a matching low-cupped bra that hooked at the front, which barely covered my nipples.

It was almost 7:30 when I left home. As usual, I had to put on a light sweater on top so that my mom wouldn't catch me wearing something so sexy. (Alright, the dress was way too hot but I couldn't help it).

The cab ride seemed to take forever, I was quite lucky the cab driver was an elderly gentleman. Otherwise I would have verbally pounded on the driver. I was so high-strung already, and my heart rate was going about 120, so you can just imagine.

I took off my sweater as the cab arrived at the hotel driveway. The weather was unusually chilly for a late February evening in Manila, and the night air embraced my legs and bare shoulders and hardened my nipples, as I walked to the front door, further amplifying my feelings of anticipation.

He was already waiting in the hotel lobby, watching the door from where he was sitting on a sofa. He practically jumped up as he saw me enter. It was almost comical, only shows how excited he was.

I've always guessed that he was in his mid forties from his stories. His hair showed some hints of grey but he looked very youthful and may pass as a guy in his early thirties.

Again, we had seen each other's faces only once before, from relatively old photos. We wanted to keep the mystery going, so no other photos were sent between either of us. But that single photo was enough for me to recognize him, and vice versa.

He was already quite good looking in the photo, (and I mean this with all due flattery and compliment to you Alex, I know you're reading) but the photo didn't do him any justice.

His looks were somewhere between a young David Hasselhoff and George Clooney. He approached me and gave a light hug, or rather a touch on the hips as he kissed my cheeks. It felt almost fatherly, which was good because all my fears and hesitations seem to have faded after that. I guessed that he was about 6'2" and dwarfed my 5'4" frame.

"You look really beautiful, Sunshine," he greeted.

"Please, don't call me that," I said with a blush. "Call me Kate."

"Well then, you look really beautiful, Kate," he said with a wide smile on his face, which made me blush all the more.

"Would you like to sit here and talk for a while or would you rather go to the restaurant and chat there?" he asked as he guided me across the room.

"Let's go to the restaurant, I'm quite hungry," I clumsily replied.

"Ok, I'm pretty famished myself."

He was quite the gentleman. You would never think that he was the same man who kept sending me those naughty emails and giving those sexy dares. "Maybe he's just like me, naughty on the net but not in real life," I thought.

Dinner went pretty well. We talked for over an hour about ourselves. Pretty soon, we were both laughing as if we had been friends our entire lives. We talked about his work, and he mentioned that he also did some stage play writing as a hobby.

One question he asked repeatedly was "How could such a pretty girl like you, have such a naughty creativity when writing?"

He kept asking me to share how I was able to draw out my thoughts and ideas for writing. How I was able to relate with the character. What I felt as I wrote the stories.

I wasn't sure if it was his intention, but the more I answered his questions, the more aroused I felt. But he did it so smoothly, always relating to his hobby as a writer that I didn't feel anything wrong with his questions.

At around 10 pm, the waiter told us that the restaurant was about to close, but we could transfer to the bar. Very politely, he asked me. "It's getting a bit late, is it still ok if you stayed a bit longer?"

I replied by taking his hand, and leading him to the bar.

We sat by the bar facing each other. I felt more exposed sitting at the bar. My skirt hiked up as I sat on the bar stool and now my thighs were clearly showing. Fortunately, there were very few other people there.

"Scotch on the rocks," he told the bartender. "How about you Kate?"

I looked to the shelves at the back trying to look for the menu or something. Sensing my inexperience, he said to the bartender, "And a strawberry daiquiri for her."

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Kerries Journey Chapter 2 I explore online

At the time I had just turned forty. That milestone, for some reason, had me beginning to wonder whether, as good as my sex life was with my husband, Tom, there was more to sex than I had experienced.Certainly the massage in Phuket was the first time a woman’s touch had aroused me. And, how I came and came again! Even in my late teens, I had not, as many girls do, experimented sexually with girls. I didn’t mind if they did but, for me, sex was something you did with boys. Not that I was that...

4 years ago
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Online Friend Sonia Fucked

Hello People this is Luvbunny once again here to share my story with you guys. This happened with me in 2010 December and I met this beautiful South Indian Kerala lady or should say girl online via website chatting and her name is Sonia 29 years of age when we met. She is about 5 feet tall typical south Indian skin colour black hair till shoulders black eyes soft lips, bust size 32 C flat tummy and cute little ass but married lady. I use to surf a lot online to meet girls online but never got...

2 years ago
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The Limitations of an Online Relationship

They met in an online, sex chat room. It was Andrea’s first visit and she almost left thirty seconds after she created her profile. Six private messages popped up on her screen.Hey beautiful. Want 2 fuck?I’m 9 inches and ready to go.Hard and hot 4 u. Hi, Baby. A/S/L?Do u cbr?Gonna cum all over you. “What am I doing?” Andrea said aloud in her empty apartment. This was sleazy. Maybe not as bad as going to bar and picking up a random stranger, but close. Nonetheless, she was here because she would...

2 years ago
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Meeting my online daddy

I met Mark online. I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest.To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages.I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it...

4 years ago
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From Online to Bliss

We first started chatting online and both of us had fantasies of having sex with someone we met online. We are both married and were both going though a pretty dead period in our married lives. I was about 55 and she was in her early 40's. We were both looking for fun online but during our long chats we came to the conclusion we should meet and test the waters. So this was an adventure. The first time we met we arranged to meet outside a major bookstore in T*****o. After a delay, in which I...

3 years ago
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Cheating On Boyfriend With Online Friend

Hi, I am sibon limbu from Mumbai. And this is my first time here narrating one of the stories hope u guys will like it but its a bit long coz of all the description. So not waste any time let me give u brief description of me, I am 25 years old, I am fair in color and my height is 5.4” a bit in the plump side. I have magnificent boobs frame size of ass and my body size is 38, 32, and 36.And I lost my virginity when I was at 16. And this story is about 4 to 5 years back and I will try to write...

1 year ago
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Online Chat Room to Real sex First Experience with a Housewife

This story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...

2 years ago
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Gf Share With An Online Friend

Hello fellow readers, thank you for the hearty response to my previous thread,”Loving Boyfriend Sharing Slutty Girlfriend With His Good Friend ”. Recap for the readers who haven’t read the previous posts. Our relationship started in school, by the time we reached college we were hornier and started experimenting with our sex lives. For feedback kik id swtboy11. After being ravaged by Vipin and Madhav my Gf became a total nymphomaniac. I was also addicted to it. I craved for random dicks...

2 years ago
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Falling Prey To An Online Hypnotist

This is written by me, and can be reproduced for your enjoyment, however not if it is reproduced on an Internet pay site, or any other medium, without compensation for me — the writer. Summary: Kathy and Ted become subjects of an online hypnotist – with some submissive feelings toward serving him and his sexual urges. My girlfriend Kathy and I were together the for past year. I took her for granted. Then I started noticing a change in her attitude, her demeanor and her dress. She and I were...

1 year ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 94 Online Dating

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-93”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I’m a workaholic. Most...

2 years ago
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Her Online Lover

Cherise had been writing to Fred for a while and she had to admit, she wondered if he was nearly as good in person as he was in writing. This whole friendship started when she was lucky enough to have a short erotica story posted on a website. While she liked the story, she was unsure of how it would be received. When a friend told her to give it a try, she did. It seemed to take forever before the story was posted, but when it was she was giddy with excitement. She never actually got...

1 year ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 94 Online Dating

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Banging A Hot Punjabi Cam Girl Online

Hello, everyone. This is Yash from Punjab. I am a regular reader of ISS. Today, let me share my sex chat and video call experience with a hot cam girl I met online. Well, to tell about myself, I am a businessman (small time) and I live alone. So, I have no commitments. Sometimes, if I have enough time, I would visit my favorite call girl and have a good time with her. But I am not getting the mood nowadays. I don’t want to spend too much time with the girl. Too hectic. It may sound like fun at...

3 years ago
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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 1

Hotel ki online receptionist ko asli sex ka maja dia hun Hi iss readers, am basa here am a big fan of iss, regular reader and all most read all the story here, i hope ill do more sex experience through iss in future, i like and believe most story and little was fake also, ok leave it come to point, i want to submit my story in Hindi because Hindi is sexy compare to English. Mai iss may 2nd story submit karta hun aur first story ka first part submit kiya hun aur 2nd part be bahut jald submit...

1 year ago
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SAO Sex Art Online

I was obsessed, I had to get one of the 10,000 copies of Sword Art Online. I hadn't gotten into the beta and it really disappointed me. First off let me introduce myself. My name is Dai, I'm 24 years old and I've been a bit of a gamer my whole life. Somehow I've been extremely lucky and was recently left with billions from my grandfather who had an international company that sold a lot of kettle corn (weird I know). I live comfortably now thanks to him but unfortunately alone. Even...

4 years ago
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I had always been a Bhabhi boy and will always remain the same.After all being bhabhi boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with bhabhi cuddling me after collage and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside bhabhi shirt and innocently caressing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my bhabhi as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had always a deep desire of getting my...

1 year ago
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Online Free Chat

OnlineFreeChat has one of the most generic names I’ve seen slapped on an adult site lately, but sometimes those bland keyword search titles make for internet gold. The fact that these guys have been around since 2007 says something, but does it speak to the strength of their platform or did they just pick a good name? They get half a million visitors a month, so I was hoping it was the former, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I lubed up and tried it out for myself.Despite the SFW domain name...

Sex Chat Sites
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Son finds real mom online

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always been a momma's boy and will always remain the same.Afterall being momma's boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with mom cuddling me after school and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside moms shirt and innocently carresing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my mom as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had...

2 years ago
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My Online Friend

I have this online friend name Becky, she is a BBW but not too big, C cup breast. Dark brown hair with some purple on the ends. She has a daughter and have a roommate. The roommate is a male guy his name is Dave, little bit chunky. He is renting out one of her bedrooms, she couldn’t afford the payments so she needed a roommate.Becky and I have phone sex, we’ve been doing this before she got a roommate. Her house is old, for some odd reason, all her doors in that house except for the front and...

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online guy and his friend

i started talking to this guy online and we had been talking for a while swap pics of each other and agcreed to meet up on saturday at 11 in his was saturday 11 o clock i was waiting at the side of the river waiting for him. 5 mins later he rang me and said to meet him at his house so i went to his house.i knock on the door he answer wearing nothing but tight pants he said "come in" so i went in and sat on the sofa he came in the room and stood and he had a huge hard on he did not know...

3 years ago
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KAW Online Dating Can Be Hell

This is a work of fiction. It involves a Japanese woman who decides to meet a "Man" she first met online. This story contains sex and humour. It is not serious and I hope it makes you smile;) Have a wonderful day! JadeM Online Dating Can Be Hell! My name is Chiaka Kurigawa. I am a 27 year old professional woman who has always put her job ahead of relationships. To say that I am lonely would be an understatement. I have no one to blame but myself I have never made time to try and...

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Online Christmas Wishes

The tree was glittering with lights. Her stocking was hung on the mantle. A crackling fire danced in the fireplace. A CD full of Christmas tunes filled the room with holiday cheer. To anyone looking in the window, it would’ve appeared as if the occupant was in a festive mood. That is, unless they knew the occupant. Tess sat in front of her computer, alone again on Christmas Eve and talking to others who were suffering from the same problem. Far away from family and few friends aside from...

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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Two online friends meet for drinks

This is a story of when an online friend, Ashley, came to visit me in my hometown. Well really she was in town for work, but she made it a priority to make time for me one evening. My family was out of town for a bit of R&R and I had a golf tournament. Ashley and I are both married and dedicated to our vows, so we won't physically cheat. But neither of us were getting any passion or sensuality in the sexual department with our spouses and it can be depressing and frustrating. Ashley and I love...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn't...

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I found heaven online

I began playing online games quite by accident. I was checking for messages on Facebook when a friend invited me to play a game. It began quite innocently. After more than twenty years spent married to the same guy I thought my sex life had pretty much been bludgeoned to death by life. Just coping with repressing the urges was becoming troublesome and finding an outlet, difficult. I began making short comments in the online chats of the MMORGs I played, in response to the flirting that others...

Love Stories
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Met her online

I was online checking to see if i could find a Mistress that was looking for a sissy slave, well a few days later i got a e-mail from a lady said she was looking for a new boy bitch an over the next 4 or 5 months she knew all my little secrets, she mailed me a locking cock cage that a note said put it on an lock it i did without thinking thats when i noticed that the key was missing , i sent her a e-mail asking her where the key was , she said that i didn't need the key ..... wow only met her...

1 year ago
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The Married Woman I Met Online

I Had Sex With a Married WomanThe Married Woman I Met OnlineI have been attracted to and dated older women my entire adult life. Recently however I have been meeting a lot of married women online. Initially I stopped pursuing them after learning they’re married, but a rather persistent housewife I met online named Keri, persuaded me into meeting up with her for happy hour one afternoon.Since we lived in the same general area, we agreed to meet up at a bar across town so as to not run into any...

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College Guy Fucks Sexy Girl Online On Cam

Hello, friends. I am Vishal Kannan. I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Recently I read a story about a cam girl in Delhi Sex Chat from this site. First, I thought it was some person’s mere luck and it would not favor all the people. But I too felt lonely like the guy who had narrated the story. Coming from a normal and orthodox background, I wanted to explore things on my own. I didn’t want to feel embarrassed in front of all my friends asking about the sex and how to make a girl happy. Things do...

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