Hatchery RoadChapter 22
- 2 years ago
- 24
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It had felt good putting his restless muscles to work but Rennie was glad for the lunch break. Seeing Marge and Lila finally return from the diner with lunch was a welcome sight indeed. While his daily runs had allowed him to stay in shape (not to mention sane), they unfortunately had not prepared him for this kind of physical exertion. He definitely was not cut out to be a lumberjack. Well, at least not every day, anyway.
Sitting on the tailgate of his truck with his legs dangling off, he smiled to himself as he took another large swallow of iced tea. At least he was faring a good deal better than Grant and Henry. The two of them were opposite him over on the front stoop, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. And they would have been in far worse shape, had Marge and Henry’s son, Rance – who was now over at the church taking a look at the bell tower – not shown up. He may have struggled physically, what with his new below-the-knee prosthetic and all, but his training as an army engineer sure came in handy.
Rennie definitely had to hand it to the three them. They’d been working hard both on the top of the maple and on the damage it did inside the house. In addition to that, it was getting hot in there, what with the power still being out and the summer sun continuing to rise in the clear blue sky. At least the portable generator he’d brought was able to power some fans while they worked, in addition to the refrigerator and their power tools. Fortunately, all that was left for them to do, now that the tree had been removed, was to temporarily patch the holes to keep out the weather and critters – which shouldn’t take too terribly long.
Rennie, meanwhile, had been working on the outside and was glad for Josie’s suggestion of sunscreen. Since they still had the big oak leaning on the garage to do, it was most likely they’d be working out in the sun all day. And it definitely wouldn’t do for either of them to get charbroiled in the process. Josie had been a trooper, though, cleaning up debris and pulling away branches as Rennie lopped them off with the chainsaw. At times, it was tough to concentrate with her so near. But then he reminded himself of the very dangerous and deadly tool in his hands and he was back focused again.
He let out a deep sigh and set the empty glass on the tailgate next to him. “How did my life suddenly get so complicated?” he wondered to himself. Twenty-four hours ago, his immediate future was clearly laid out before him. Get to Nashville. Move into the apartment above his sister and brother-in-law’s garage—at least temporarily. Spend the summer getting settled and vying for visitation rights in the divorce settlement. Once fall came, it would be back to the classroom to finish his doctoral work at Vanderbilt with, perhaps, a little studio session work along the way.
“Nowhere in that plan was there mention of a raven-haired beauty with striking blue eyes and a mesmerizing smile,” was his amused thought, as he watched the object of that very thought walk past him and into the house. “In addition to a soon-to-be ex-wife,” he reminded himself, “I now have a girlfriend.” He simply shook his head. The first he’d seen coming for well over a year now, but the second was going to take a bit to get used to. “And what’s Izzy going to say when I tell her about all this?” Rennie chuckled. He had to admit, though; it felt good to actually be wanted for a change.
The energetic whine of an approaching four-wheeler, however, disturbed his contemplation like a pesky mosquito hovering near the ear. Turning his head, he watched as the ATV pulled up and its slim rider hopped off and walked toward the house. Rennie knew who it was right away, her red hair being a total giveaway – though it had been a few years since he’d last seen her. She had to be ... what ... twenty, twenty one now? Rennie slipped off the tailgate and stood up. The young lady’s eyes lit up and her face broke out in a huge smile when she saw him.
“Ren!” she cried out, as she sprinted over and wrapped her arms around him in a spirited hug, not unlike her father.
“Oof,” he grunted and then chuckled. “It’s good to see you, too, Megan.”
Grant looked up just in time to see a rather attractive young lady in jeans and a tank top dismounting an ATV right in front of the house. He surmised from the striking red hair and fair skin with a good deal of charming freckles, that this was likely a daughter of the local preacher. Oddly enough, Grant was not the least bit surprised to see her eyes widen in delight when they fell upon Rennie’s frame, nor when she called out to him familiarly by the name Ren, instead of Andy. Even her giving the guy a passionate hug, like she’d known him for years, did not faze Grant one bit.
“Nope,” he reasoned to himself, glancing over as the two of them began to talk. “After the last twenty-four hours, I don’t suppose there is much of anything that could surprise me right now.” Though he was curious how Rennie knew someone here in St. John – especially such a pretty someone – for a guy just passing through.
Before too long, Grant heard footsteps at the door behind him and could see slender legs clad in denim come to a standstill on the stoop next to him. Tilting his head back, his lips slowly spread out in a wide grin. “This should be interesting,” he murmured, as he peered up at a rather sour looking Josie with her arms folded firmly across her chest.
“Yep,” he repeated to Henry, as Josie briskly made her way to Rennie’s side. “This should be real interesting.”
Henry just nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye and a knowing smile on his lips.
Josie’s eyes narrowed and her lips pressed together without realizing it. Likewise, her arms instinctively crossed in front of her.
“Who is she?”
Of course, Josie didn’t actually ask that out loud. One look at the girl and Josie could tell she was an O’Malley. No, what Josie wanted to know was: who was this girl to Rennie? She just didn’t want to seem like the jealous psycho girlfriend in the process, even though every fiber of her being was screaming at her to be that very thing. It was an odd, intense feeling, one she had never experienced to this degree before. But this O’Malley girl was being way too friendly with her Rennie. The blissful look of infatuation on her face, the frequent familiar touches, her standing so close and laughing so coyly.
“Oh, no,” Josie determined resolutely, “this has got to stop!” With that, she marched down the front steps and across the yard to them, fixing on her face a bright, cheery smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
As she approached the pair, though, Josie started to catch snippets of their conversation. Apparently, the two of them had been talking about Rennie’s oldest, Katie, which naturally brought up Helen and the matter of the impending divorce. The attractive young redhead was expressing her sympathy when she visibly noticed Josie walking up. Their eyes met over Rennie’s shoulder. And in them, Josie could see a look of curiosity change rapidly to one of concern and then sadness as the determined brunette took her place at her man’s side, placing her hand possessively in the small of his back.
The light in Rennie’s brown eyes, however, and the lopsided grin he gave her, as he placed his right arm around her, scattered her worries and insecurities to the wind like a child with a dandelion gone to seed. Whatever her problems with guys in the past – the constant games, the fooling around, and all the crap – Josie instinctively knew they wouldn’t be repeated with him. Rennie was so different from the usual cast of clowns she attracted, not to mention light years away from that idiot Jimmy. And why Helen decided to play “catch and release” with him, was a choice she would never understand. She was thankful for it, though. He was the real deal and he was a keeper.
Suddenly Josie had a measure of genuine sympathy for the pretty redhead watching the two of them. Whatever her history with Rennie, it was obvious to Josie that she was thinking along the same lines.
“And who wouldn’t?” She mused as she smiled back up at him. “But I’ve got dibs!” With a slight nudge of her hand in his back and a slight nod of her head toward the girl, Josie prompted Rennie to introduce them.
Marge and Lila really outdid themselves with lunch, and it wasn’t just Rennie that thought so. Everyone was raving about the mouthwatering roast beef sandwiches, with sides of French fries and coleslaw. And to top it all off ... they brought pie! There was banana cream, apple, cherry, and strawberry rhubarb, all with a bowl of whipped cream—real whipped cream, not the fake stuff. Rennie was in down home cookin’ heaven!
“And just who do we have here? You’re not trying to sneak in backstage, are you?” Grant’s gruff demeanor, however, was met with giggles. “It’s us, Mr. Thomas: Katie and Lena Erickson,” Rennie’s oldest explained with a huge grin. She then turned and pointed out who was with them. “And this is our friend Hailey with little Tommy, who we’re watching for his mom, and – of course – Daddy’s friend, Josie.” “A likely story,” he growled, working hard to maintain a somber stare. “Where are your...
“Oh my goodness, you’re Josh Cannon!” Shelley had been standing off to the side, watching and listening as Rennie and company did their sound check, when she noticed a vaguely familiar face not far from her. Taking in his boyish good looks, western attire and cowboy hat, she wracked her brain trying to figure out where she knew him from when it finally clicked. “Yes, ma’am,” the singer replied, an amused grin on his face. “Last time I checked.” “Sorry,” Shelley apologized, a bit...
Jaycee couldn’t help but laugh a little as Andy did his mad dash around the front of the truck. He really did not look like a man a little over thirty, no matter what his license said. And he was cute, really cute – not that she could have talked to Sarah about that with him sitting right there! He was also sweet, she mused, as her hand toyed with the zipper on the jacket he loaned her. Still, she barely knew him, or he her, for that matter. After all, he’d only picked her up off the side of...
He was standing in the doorway when he realized she was there. Her low, throaty chuckle gave her away in the darkness. Desire and dread waged war within him. His feet were transfixed. His hands paralyzed. She called but he did not answer. He could not. She wasn’t calling him. Another voice murmured in response. A sigh. A moan. He couldn’t turn away. Pounding. Was he pounding? No. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. “Andy!” His name. Was she calling him? No. It was ... Jaycee? “Andy!...
The sun had already risen by the time they emerged from the hotel. The sky was a pale blue with only a few wispy clouds left to remind them of the previous day’s tempest. That storm, however, left a lot of other reminders of its disruptive visit. The entire parking lot area, for example, from the hotel all the way over to the diner, was littered with debris. It wasn’t too major, though – mostly trash, with the odd shingle or piece of wood here and there. Rennie did a once over of his truck...
Rennie was absolutely furious as he stormed out of the trailer. “Of all the damned, idiotic, stupid, ridiculous, shitheaded people in this world...” His word selection became more coarse and heated as he walked away. “Sir,” came the voice from the doorway behind him, “that kind of language is totally uncalled for and I’ll have to ask you to stop.” “Uncalled for?” Rennie spun and faced the power-tripping, bureaucratic imbecile some fool left in charge while he went gallivanting in his...
Quickly grabbing the piece of paper from the printer, Josie swiveled in her chair and handed it to the young lady waiting for it. “There you go, Denise,” she encouraged with a smile. The clearly frazzled single mother shifted her infant son on her hip and rose to receive it. Looking it over quickly, she glanced back up at Josie in expectation. Sympathetic to the woman’s plight, Josie smiled warmly and began to explain to her where she needed to go next. “Take this form, along with your...
“So when did you become Florence Nightingale?” It was obvious from her expression that the question clearly took Josie by surprise. Sarah had been getting a tour of the facility from her best friend, when they were interrupted yet again by someone needing to speak with Josie. The high school gymnasium, where they were located, was impressively packed with roughly 400 or so cots, along with enough evacuees to occupy nearly all of them. The substantial din of numerous conversations going on...
The metallic click of the latches closing echoed loudly in the now empty room. With the last of his tutoring over for the evening, Rennie lifted the battered violin case off the desktop and walked it over towards the door, setting it next to his equally worn guitar case. He’d been glad he’d had it along. In preparing for the move, Rennie had shipped some of his more valuable instruments ahead to his sister’s. The others, like his old Suzuki violin that both Katie and Lena had started on, and...
Josie was standing way off to the side by the tire swing, sipping her sweet tea, while Sarah made her initial pitch to the group. She wasn’t really paying much attention to her friend, though. Oh, it wasn’t like she was trying to be rude. Truth was, Josie had already heard her best bud’s big idea the night before and had given it her full support. So, rather than listen to it all again, she opted instead to engage in one of her favorite all-time things to do: people watching. To be sure, the...
“You are not seriously suggesting Puccini even remotely compares to Verdi?” “Not at all,” came Ren’s rather smug reply. “What I am telling you is that he is definitely the better composer of the two, hands down.” “What? You have got to be out of your ever-living mind!” “That may be but...” “No buts about it!” she immediately interrupted. “Sure, Puccini could write a nice melody but that’s about it. Verdi, on the other hand, is clearly the greatest operatic composer since Mozart.” “Oh,...
It was like Christmas on steroids and it was only Tuesday. Josie couldn’t help but laugh at the chaotic scene unfolding before her. But the noise – the noise made her want to cover her ears. It was hard to hear, what with all the talking, chattering, laughing and screaming going on. Well, that, and all the boisterous kids trying out their new instruments all at once. There were trumpets and cellos, saxophones and guitars, and even a drum set. But try as she might, she couldn’t feel the...
“So how does it look?” Josie asked, firmly tucking the cell phone into the crook of her neck as she quickly gathered up completed paperwork from a new client and shifted it to the appropriate tote container. “I think it’s exactly what we want, girl. We’ve got several big open fields to choose from for the stage, plenty of places for parking and portable toilets, and even an indoor horse arena if it looks like it’s going to rain. There might be issues with electricity, so I’ll have Rance...
“Oh, this is so good!” Grant couldn’t help but laugh. The look of sheer bliss on Sarah’s face after she bit into the enormous cheeseburger she’d ordered was priceless. Lindsey recommended the place to her and the pretty young blonde had been looking forward to this all day. And after all the work she’d put in today, she deserved it. “I’m serious!” She loudly exclaimed to her dinner companion, though it came out a bit garbled as she was still chewing. “And I really like this cheese! What is...
“How’s it been out front?” Sarah asked, handing the tablet back to Nina. The overall numbers for the concert were excellent, with only a few minor security incidents to report. “It’s been awesome!” her on loan assistant gushed. “The performers have been stellar and everyone’s having a great time. One of the main cameras did go down but Aaron and his crew were able to replace it with one of theirs.” “Good,” Sarah replied with a nod. “What’s left?” “Well, we’re almost done,” Nina answered,...
Tyler Dawson grimaced at the news. “Seriously, Ren, I would not have predicted that. I just figured she’d spend her life bouncing you like a yoyo on a string. Have to say, though, I didn’t see that one coming ... not at all.” “Me either.” “Still, you have to admit ... with all the crap she’s put you through over the years, she turned you into one hell of a songwriter. And for that I’m not complaining!” Gazing around the brew pub they were in while waiting for the girls, the comment caught...
“So you guys came up with that game back in college?” “Yeah, it actually started as just a way the band could do better with song requests,” Tyler admitted, as they approached the front of the house. “But with Ren, and his ability to memorize, it took on a whole life of its own.” “How so?” “Turned it into a drinking game,” he answered with a grin, “and he never lost.” “Really?” The country superstar, glancing her way, just rolled his eyes and laughed. “Really, though we almost got him...
“They’ve got her sedated now and on an IV drip.” Rennie glanced up from the small stack of admission and insurance forms previously handed to him on a clipboard to fill out, to see his sister-in-law, Heidi, standing in the doorway. “They said they should be moving her up to a room in a couple hours. I’ve got to go call the folks and pass along the update. Let me know when the doctor comes to talk to you, okay?” He nodded in agreement but evidently the expression on his face was far from...
Josie had been paging through Rennie’s tablet, examining the particulars of their assignment from Nina, when she had a thought. The gathering at the Steigers’ food court pavilion had broken up and now Ren was driving her in one of the many glorified golf carts they had for shuttling people around. Their destination was the makeshift Camper/RV/Tour Bus campground south of the festival venue. Their current assignment was to coordinate with the expanding roster of prominent singers and musicians...
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September 24, 1983, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, I was up at 4:30am, quickly showered, dressed, and left Sophia in my bed while I went to the lab to take down the readings and complete the checklists. I was back about 6:10am and Sophia was still sleeping. I changed into my running clothes and headed back outside. As I ran, I thought about my conversation with Sophia the previous evening. I didn’t have an easy answer for Angie, any more than I’d had one for Jocelyn, and I was...
What If... ?Do you remember the dream you wrote me that note about last year?? asked my lovely devoted wife of fourteen years. ?Not really, which one?? I asked as the waiter picked up our salad dishes. ?That one where I meet a guy while we’re out doing something or another,? she reminded me. ?And you picked him up?? I finished. ?Yeah, I remember that you were pissed off for two days.? I reminded her. ?Well, I think I know that guy at the bar. He tried to...
Tabitha knew she should leave or make herself known to her mother and Jon. It was a complete surprise to see them standing at the end of the hallway across the living room. Still quietly standing and staring at the two of them naked and kissing, she decided she would hide and watch. She had assumed that they would have gone to Jon’s house after the date. Her mother had thought she was going to sleep over at a friend’s place. Events changing now brought them all to the same house. Tabitha didn’t...
IncestBus Ride I am gay and proud of it. I fear no social structure or consequences, so I can narrate these real life incidents in my life that have given me immense pleasure. If you have read my earlier stories then you might know that I am in the IT field and travel very much for work. On 1 of these travels through to the north of Gujarat this particular incident took place and gave me immense pleasure; I would like to share this incident with all of you. What ever happened is told as it happened...
Gay MaleApril 1Journal entry #3- I have a girlfriend. It has been a long, long time since I have been able to say that. I have been to the movies more in the last two weeks than I have been in the last two years. We have gone out to dinner which is a lesson in ordering with Molly. I cannot believe I ate the food they served before I realized how bad it was for the body. We (it’s strange to say we again) have taken walks in the park, talking about the past, and our kids.Molly and I have been...
NovelsIt turns out that I was going to be released the day before exams started for Harvard, December 9th. Carl had gone out of his way to arrange for us to get my weekly tests done at the hospital and I’d be doing my exams under his eye, or when possible, with my class. Psych happened to be the only one of my courses I could do with the class and Emma insisted on me attending. It was the first exam on Friday. I was confined to a wheelchair for the next couple of weeks due to the difficulty of...
Hai telugu lovers, this is prasad 30 years from hyderabad. My mom inlaw, jayalaxmi, 50 years, is by nature very cruel and sadist. But she is beautiful. She has a big nose, 44-38-42 stats. I married to her daughter pallavi. The first night she held my dick and said” your cock is too small. I want 12 inches cocks. My brothers cock is 12 inches. More over there is no temper in your cock. At this age, mens’ dicks should be like donkey dicks.” she held my nose and twisted and started slapping. I...
IncestWhen the Federal Witness Protection Program placed Salvatore 'Big Sal' Buscemi in an all-girl private school, he thought Christmas had arrived early. But then, he never dreamed he was about to become one of the girls. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 1 by BobH (c) 2016 (Note: The events in this story take place after those in ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO, which is where Sal first appears and gets framed for murder. You don't need to read that tale to enjoy this one,...
Leak 'Em Up! You have to thank the Internet for giving us all kinds of great porn genres. If humans had to settle for whacking off in adult movie theaters – while avoiding stray jizz splashing all over their faces – there wouldn’t be nearly as many genres as there is today. Among the many genres that wouldn’t exist is the ‘leak’ genre. And no, I’m not talking about watching fat bitches squatting and pissing down your throat. Rather, I’m referring to the kind of content that seems like it was...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesIt had been several weeks since Debbie had her sexual encounter with one of her clients. At firs she was afraid that he was a state inspector and she would lose her license but as time passed she became more confident that he wasn't. Today she had two clients, both female. The morning appointment was at 9:00am and the afternoon wasn't until 5:00. At 8:45 the doorbell rang. Gina was right on time as usual. She has been a client for almost two years now and was never late. Debbie walked her...