What If.... free porn video

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What If...

       ?Do you remember the dream you wrote me that note about last year?? asked my lovely devoted wife of fourteen years.

       ?Not really, which one?? I asked as the waiter picked up our salad dishes.

       ?That one where I meet a guy while we’re out doing something or another,? she reminded me.

       ?And you picked him up?? I finished.  ?Yeah, I remember that you were pissed off for two days.?  I reminded her.

       ?Well, I think I know that guy at the bar.  He tried to pick me up when I was went dancing a few months ago.?  She stepped over my chided retort and continued on with her train of thought.  ?Would you like to see if that dream can come true??  She smiled and winked.  I looked at the guy standing at the bar.

       ?Isn’t he with someone, another guy, or is there someone else I’m not seeing??  I asked my curiosity up at the moment.

       The waiter arrived with our meals.  She paused while he set them in front of us.  I had ordered chicken in a white sauce.  My wife had ordered southern style egg roles.  He smiled politely and left.

       ?That’s the one.  I do believe he is with someone too.?  She took an egg role and dipped it into the curry sauce, then took a bit.

       ?You gonna cull-him out or what??  I asked shifting the stiffness forming in my seat.

       ?Let’s let the band start up and finish dinner.  Then I thought I’d go say hi? and see what happens.  That is IF you really want to me too.?  She took another bit of egg roll.  The band was tuning up their guitars.  It was decision time.  She had placed my fantasy on the table. 

       ?Okay.  You’re on, let’s see what happens.  How are you gonna separate them??  I asked again.

       ?I’m not.?  She said quietly.  ?I’m just gonna play it out and see what happens.  It should be interesting though.? 

       ?Okay.?  I puzzled over her comments while I ate my dinner.  The band began to play.  It took two sets before people began to dance.  My wife leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

       ?You sit here and watch.  I’m gonna see what’s up?and if it goes well, I’m gonna leave you here and go home with him!?  She sat back down, wiped her lips with her napkin, and then stood again.  She leaned forward to kiss my cheek then whispered again in my ear.

       ?If I leave with them I’ll text you when and where to pick me up in the morning.  Don’t leave before I can let you know what’s up for the night.?  She walked confidently toward the bar.  I watched.

       She walked right up next to the one man.  Talked to the bartender, and then turned to face the man.  He said something.  My wife smiled as she took the glass from the bartender.  She sipped it several times.  The man introduced the other man.  He got up from the stool he was sitting on and moved one stool to the side.  My wife shifted herself taking the vacant stool between them.  Her skirt was NOT designed for her to sit on a stool.

       We had spent many months shopping for her ‘dating’ wardrobe.  She wore it when we went out together and when she went out alone.  We had designed four outfits together.  Each was completely different from the other.  Each outfit intended to ‘market’ my wife’s sexuality.  It had to be revealing yet proprietary, it had to provide easy access to her sexually, and it had to be easy to remove from her by anyone at anytime.

A Levi skirt was shortened.  I had my wife sit on a chair.  I pinned the hem so it only just brushed the chair seat.  She walked about the house in it for ten minutes to be sure it was viable at that length.  It was not.  We moved the hem about two inches down and repeated the exercise.  A that length it only just covered her sex as she moved about, but it did cover.  To the hem she sewed a two inch black lace band.  That adequately covered her for public use.  However, because it was lace it gave a very real sense of reveal and enticement to what was beneath the skirt. Under the skirt she wore shear to the waist suntan hose.  Over the hosiery she wore black lace French cut panties. With this we purchased a black lace button down blouse and a black lace bra.  With the double layered lace it covered her nipples, but not really, nor was it designed to completely cover her.  A simple ‘A’ lined maroon skirt was split at the sides.  This we hemmed back on itself allowing a 2 ? inch gap along each thigh.  This ran from the point of her hip bone to the bottom hem.  The bottom hem we placed at three fingers from the top of her knee.  Into the side hem of each split we placed grommets and thru these grommets we thread laced strands of rawhide.  We tied these in simple bows at the top hip bone and the bottom hem.  Under this she wore shear to the waist hose.  Over the hosiery she wore a maroon French thong.  This allowed her to appear completely naked thru the splits at either side of the skirt.  She wore a bone colored shear, but opaque, blouse and a bone colored tri-cot bra.  The bone color was enough to hide the areolas and nipples that featured thru the light-weight fabric of the blouse and bra.A lavender plaid ‘A’ lined skirt.  This featured a three inch wide waist band.  We split this skirt from waist band to hem front and back.  The hem we placed at the knee.  Into these two splits we sewed bright shiny brace two way zippers.  Onto the tabs, top and bottom, of each zipper we attached a bright shiny 2 inch brass loop.  By tugging in any of the loops the zippers slid easily up or down providing access to, well, to her pussy from either front or back.  Under this she wore crotch-less white lace panties with lavender lace ribbons trimming each leg.  Over this she wore shear white stirrup hose.  This left her sex accessible and available with a minimum of effort.  (It worked exactly as we had planned only last week when she was fucked in the parking lot of the dance hall!  No one seemed to take notice as she leaned against the side of our truck while her suitor made use of the design features in her skirt!)  With this she wore a lavender appliqu? button down blouse and lavender tri-cot bra.The last skirt was a full pleated blue skirt.  At the underside pleat of every other fold we split the skirt and hemmed it.  This provided four splits in the skirt.  At the sides the splits reached mid thigh.  The front split reached the top of her clit while standing.  The rear split reached the bottom of her cheeks while sitting.  To keep covered at the front it required that one or the other side split fell apart.  Walking about gave little evidence of access.  Under this she wore pale blue silk panties.  Over this she wore a garter and hose to above mid-thigh.  With this she wore a silver sweater blouse with a low cut round scoop neckline.  Under the sweater blouse she wore a pale blue push up bra this provide a substantial and very visible cleavage.On each of the button down blouses we bought I had my wife put them on.  I marked the button directly over or above the bra where it clasps in the front.  Then I carefully removed all the buttons above this one?and then I removed that button.  This left the blouses slightly open at the front, often exposing a touch of bra from this side of that.  She could NOT chicken out and button up because they were NOT there.  I kept two ‘granny-bras’ for her to use around the house, the yard, and to work outs.  I threw the others away.  All of the new bras were lace, tri-cot, or push-up?and fastened at the front.

       She wore the first outfit.  Struggle as she might the length of her skirt was NOT designed to cover her on a bar stool.  After a number of shifts about, tugs, pulls and fidgets she resorted to crossing her legs and facing away from others.  The three of them chatted while sipping their drinks.  He bought her a second drink.  The other guy escorted my wife to the dance floor.  It was a line dance.  She danced, laughed, and tossed her hair invitingly.  He seemed taken by my wife.  But then she is pretty, what’s not to desire!

       Cindy is petite, about 5’3 ?? tall.  Thru three kids she has kept her shapely figure.  It has taken some effort but she maintains a nice 36-26-37 figure.  Her legs are shapely and trim.  Her thighs are muscular.  Her breasts are firm, round belying age and kids when they are allowed to hang free.  Her nipples are large, tall, round, and firm.  Her areolas are pronounced in shape and color.  BTW- we had her pussy laser shaved two years ago.  Cindy is a smooth as the day she was born from chin to toe!

       They returned to the bar after a few dances.  My waiter returned to clear the table.  I watched my wife flirt with these two guys.  I could barely breathe.  The waiter brought the tab for OUR meal.  I fumbled thru my wallet looking for my credit card.  My fingers felt stiff and numb.  My mind barely functioned.  There!  I put the credit card in the tab holder for the waiter. 

       Where was she?!  I panicked.  My heart stopped beating.  Then I spotted her?on the dance floor again.  This time she was with the first guy, the one she had met before.  It was a slow dance?he seemed far too close to my wife?she seemed far to close to him!  Jealousy raged wildly from head to toe.  I watched in stiff silence.  They returned to the bar.  I watched while the three of them chatted?and danced.  An hour passed since my wife had left me alone at the dinner table to pursue this ‘dream’ in had.  It felt like a nightmare now!

       The first guy bent down and kissed my wife?on the lips?she did not flinch?she accepted his kiss?on her lips?he whispered something to her?she smiled tucking her forehead against his chest.  My dick stiffened?my anger flared?I was JEALOUS!!!  Every muscle wanted to race to snatch my wife from these two; to proclaim MY right and possession and whisk her away from here.  I forced myself to sit motionless lest any movement of mine might end in disaster for the evening.

       Ten minutes later the other guy repeated the activities of the first while dancing?she accepted his kiss too?on the lips!  What up!!  He bent to her.  She whispered something into his ear.  After the set was finished they left the dance floor walking to the bar.  He said something to the first guy nodding towards my wife.  He smiled at my wife.  She winked and blushed visibly.  The guy she knew paid the bar tab and the three of them headed for the exit!!

       ?I have to let the babysitter know that I might not make it home tonight.?  She said as the door closed shut behind them.


       She stopped under a light pole next to the entrance/exit.

Don’t wait up.  I’ll let you know where to pick me up?later.

       My phone vibrated in my pocket.  I read the message four times.  She had done it!!  My dream had been that she would pick up a guy and leave with him when we were out.  She had done exactly that!!  I waited another ten minutes before I stood to leave.  I checked the phone screen at least once a minute while I waited.  NOTHING.  Not a word from my wife.  She had left with TWO PERFECT STRANGERS who had only one thing on their minds!  I WAS LEAVING ALONE.  I KNEW exactly what they were planning to do with my wife?and that she had made it happen?and that I had sat there, watching, and let it happen!!

       The drive home was arduous.  I was stricken with jealousy and a sense of loss.  My stomach knotted, twisted, and wretched.  Half way home I stopped at the side of the road threw up.  Tears welled up in my eyes?my cock raged.  I looked at my watch as I pulled into the driveway.  An hour had passed since she had left with them.  I was sure my wife was naked, riding or being ridden!!  I check the phone again?NOTHING!

       I check the kids.  The oldest was old enough to take care of them while we were out.  He had done a good job.  They were in bed asleep.  I took care of a few night things in the house before lying down to sleep.  I turned the TV on?

       I could not sleep?I tried but I could not sleep.  I tossed about.  I changed channels.  I took a second shower.  I tried reading.  I tossed about some more.  I could not close my mind enough to sleep.  My phone, on the night stand, buzzed?it was three AM.

1539 Ea Stanton about 8:30 AM.  I’ll be out front.

       Another five hours!  I knew she would be tired.  I can not imagine that she would get much sleep!!  I certainly would sleep if I had a good looking woman to fuck!  Exhausted, I dozed off?and awoke with a start.  No noise?nothing?just a conscious jolt to my mind!  It was 6 AM.  I showered?  At seven thirty I got the oldest up just enough to tell him that I had an errand to run and would be back in an hour.  He nodded though I am not sure he really heard a thing.  It was a forty minute drive.  I left to get my wife?

* * *

Cindy’s Night


       ?I have to let the babysitter know that I might not make it home tonight.?

       ?Sure.?  Mark said.  He left Cindy standing under the light pole cell phone in hand.

       ?Can you believe this?!?  Cody remarked barely above a whisper just to be sure they were out of earshot.

       Cindy typed a quick message to her husband letting him know that she would not be riding home with HIM tonight.  She had a new ride tonight, Mark & Cody.

       ?I met her a few weeks ago at a club across town.  She didn’t seem that interested in me then?but wow?she’s hot for it tonight!?

       ?What do you think?  Are you interested, I mean, do you want to do a threesome, or what??  Cody asked Mark as they approached the tail gate of his new F-250 pickup truck. 

       ?Don’t know.  I’ve never done a three-way.  I’ve read about it, but now?really??  Mark replied.  ?I think I want to fuck her first?then let’s see how it goes.  Are you up for a three-way if it goes that way?? 

       ?Sure!  I did one last year with some chick I met at a private club.  It was a trip!  She sucked and fucked for hours, wore us both out!?  Cody stopped talking as Cindy approached the truck.  He opened the door for her and waited.  Cindy paused looking inside the truck.  Cody almost expected her to bolt away in the last minute.

       ?Thanks.?  Cindy drew a breath before stepping up into the truck.  As Lady-like as possible she slid to the center seat between Mark and Cody.  Mark started the truck.

       What have you gotten yourself into woman!  Cindy thought as Cody climbed in next to her.  There are two of them and one of me, and I don’t know either of them.  She dared not allow her mind to picture the immediate future events.

       She had just enough rum at the bar to allow her climb into the truck, but not enough that she did not fully realize her situation.  When THIS truck stopped, wherever it stopped, these two men sitting beside her expected to fuck her!  She knew too that she would have little or NO choice in what they did to her once they left the parking lot. 

       She had NEVER done two men at the same time.  Once a year ago she had fucked three different guys in the same day.  Even that was over the space of four hours, and in different places.  She had met one in the back of her SUV, one in the parking lot after dinner, and then her husband as she told him about her erotic adventures.  But she had NEVER met two guys in the same place, at the same time, with HER pussy available for their purposes. 

       Her nerves fluttered as the door closed behind Cody.  His look, the cat and the canary, made her blush.  He did not miss any part of her!  She felt a touch of vulnerability at his gaze.  Mark headed the truck thru the driveway and onto the street.  Her hands became instantly clammy.  She flushed from cheek to pussy and back.  It was too late now!

       It was gonna be a NIGHT to be sure?and all long!  She was positive of that!  She had to do something?say something?or climb out of the window and run away.

       ?So?where are we headed??  Cindy asked almost chocking on the words.

       ?I thought we’d go to my place.  Is that okay with you??  Mark asked with a charming smile.

       ?Sure.  And then??  Cindy asked rhetorically knowing exactly what the ‘then’ was going to be.

       ?Well, now that’s kind of up to you.  Let’s get there and see how this plays out, okay??  Mark answered back.

       ?So?you have kids??  Cody asked staring directly ahead as he spoke.

       ?Yes.?  Cindy replied.

       ?How many kids do you have??  Mark asked seeming genuine.  He was a little surprised, but then she had said something about a babysitter.

       ?Three??  Cindy answered without hesitation.

       ?Are you married?or divorced??  Cody asked.

       ?Does it matter??  Cindy replied.  ?I’m here aren’t I??  Her smile softened the rebuke in her remark.

       ?True enough.?  Cody responded apologetically.

       ?Married??  Cindy said.  That DID catch Mark a little off guard.  She was a married mother of three?and here tonight to fuck two near strangers?INTERESTING.

       ?Really??  Mark responded trying to hide the surprise in his tone.

       ?My husband was there tonight.  He watched me walk over to you at the bar. He saw us dancing.  He watched both of you kiss me.  He watched you pick me up?and he sat still while I walked out the door with each of you in my arm.?  Cindy smiled at Mark.  ?Really!?

       ?He was?and he??  Mark paused, stunned.

       ?Yes, and I’m here.  Aren’t I?  And we all know exactly what we are going to do when we get to your place, right??  Cindy said.

       ?Yes we do!?  Pronounce Cody a bit too exuberant for Cindy’s comfort.  With that he placed a hand on Cindy’s knee.  She flinched slightly.  He paused nearly deciding to remove his hand.  Cindy caught his hand with hers keeping it upon her knee, reassuring him of his advances.  Gently Cindy placed Mark’s hand on her other knee. 

       ?Now let’s have no more discussion about such things.  They can put such a damper on tonight.  I don’t want anything to inhibit the night’s fun.?  Cindy lifted her hand from each of the men’s hands leaving them resting upon her knees.  After several eternally long seconds of no one moving in frozen silence Cindy spoke.  Her nerves were shaky.  ?Now, don’t be shy boys??  Each of them began to stroke and to explore her thighs.  Cindy’s pussy flushed wet!  She blushed.  Her cheeks reddened with color.  It felt good, but DAMN there were two strangers exploring the soft inner regions of her thighs.

       Mark pulled into the driveway and stopped.  The garage door opened.  The tip of Mark’s finger stroked the slit of her pussy.  Cindy caught her breath.  Mark smiled as he pulled into the garage.  Cody was on her before the garage door completely closed.  His hand was instantly upon her tits.  His tongue plunged deep into her throat.  Cindy choked but did not refuse him.  Mark opened the truck door.

       ?Are you two coming inside or do you want to be left alone for a spell??  He stepped out, closed the truck door and walked to the garage man door before Cody released Cindy.  He too stepped of the truck.  Cindy, a bit rumpled, followed them into the house.

       At the couch she sat down.  Cody sat across from her.  Mark stood in the kitchen.

       ?Want a drink?? 

       ?Yes, please, thank you??  Cindy replied.  Mark returned with a rum and coke.  Cindy took several sips before setting it down on the coffee table.  Mark sat down completing the corner of a triangle.  Cindy stood as Mark sat down.  She strained a smile at each of them.

       ?Well?I suppose you want to see what I’ve brought to the party.?  She reached the top button of her blouse and with three quick flicks laid it open.  ?I won’t need this.?  She laid it upon the coffee table.  Then with another deft move she slid the zipper at the side of the Levi skirt down.  It fell to the ground about her.  ?And I won’t need this.?  She laid it on top of her blouse.  Then she sat down on the couch before grasping her drink.  She took another sip before either of the men recovered their stunned silence.

       ?You’ll excuse me if I finish this before we start.  I’m not quick drunk enough for what you’ve got in mind?not just yet.?  Cindy strained a smile then swigged the remainder of her drink. 


       ?What’s next??  She asked.  ?Who’s first??  She asked confidently.  Mark stood up. 

       ?The bedroom is this way.?  He led.  Cindy followed.  He stood beside the bed staring at Cindy.  Cody stood in the door way behind her.  She was boxed in, not that it really mattered now.

       ?What would like?...?  Mark’s question seemed trivial, trite, and superficial.  It was not intended that way, more like an ‘ice-breaker’, but, well, it didn’t come out that way.

       ?Strip me?and fuck me.  When you’re done?we’ll do it again.  Fair enough??  Cindy retorted. 

       Cody was on her from behind in an instant nearly knocking her off balance.  His hand fumbled at the back of her bra.

       ?Relax, Stud, there’s plenty of time.  We’ve got all-night-long.  It fastens in the front.?  Cindy turned around facing Cody.  His shaky hands slipped the clasp apart.  Cindy’s breasts spread the cups to the side while clinging to their immediate protection.  Her ample breasts held snugly to each cups.  Cody un-wrapped her tits tossing her bra aside.  He hands were too eager and too rough.  She placed her hands upon his attempting to calm his energy.  He seemed a staving man set before a meal not savored in the last age.

       ?I want to do the rest.?  Mark said as he stepped around Cody.  Cindy sat onto the bed allowing Cody to take her as far as she was available for the moment.  He pressed her backward onto the bed before engulfing her tits in his wet slobbering mouth.  What he lacked in finesse, he more than made up for in energy!  Her tits tingled.  He found her mouth kissing her more gently than he had her tits.

       Mark knelt between her legs his hands, softer, gentler, more learned and appreciative than Cody’s.  He began at the bottom of Cindy’s thighs close to her knees.  Slowly erotically, methodically exploring, savoring, and stimulating Cindy’s loins.

       Cody kissed, sucked, and slobbered about her breasts.  His manners were unschooled and rough.  It felt good if not polished.  Cindy enjoyed his attention.  He pinched, twisted, and rolled her nipples.  It hurt, but hurt good.  It was masculine and stimulating.

       Mark kissed her tummy and made love to her navel with his tongue.  Her pussy felt hot!  His hands danced lightly, softly, erotically along the outer parts of her thighs still covered in silky nylon hose.  He pressed her legs wide apart.  Cindy followed his direction.  He kissed and caressed her delicate sensitive inner thighs.  His fingers glided softly along the edges of her damp camel-toe.  She felt a hot moisture seep from her sex.  He slipped her black lace panties from about her bottom tossing them aside.

       Cody stood to remove his pants.  His manhood stood tall, thick, hard and ready.  The tip of his cock glistened with pre-cum.  Cindy smiled as it bobbed about in front of her.

       Mark took advantage of Cody’s brief absence to slip Cindy’s panty hose from beneath her bottom.

       ?O..M..G?she’s clean shaven, smooth as the day she was born!?  Mark exclaimed without thinking.  ?And she’s wet too!?  Cindy blushed, smiled, and winked at Mark.

       ?Can you take care of that?!?  She chided playfully.  Marks face disappeared between Cindy’s legs.  She gasped when his tongue flicked across her clit.  She wanted to cum?very soon?her sex pulsed?Cindy craved this sensual feeling in her body.

       Cody knelt beside Cindy’s head.  She struggled to take him in her mouth.  He was salty and strong.  Cindy closed her eyes.  Passions overpowered the taste.  She licked and sucked, but she did not want him to cum just yet.

       She caught her breath.  She could feel her first orgasm about to explode?

       ?Yes?.Gawd?.yes??  Her tummy convulsed.  Her pussy contracted.  Cindy came writhing as Mark sucked her snatch.  He did not stop.  He would not stop.  Cindy jerked then pressed his head away.  ?Your turn?come here??  She patted the bed above her.  Mark lay on his back.  Cindy knelt above his cock, firm, dripping and swollen.  She patted her bottom.

       ?Here?put it here??  Cindy directed Cody to her bottom.  He mounted her doggie-style from behind.  His cock found her butt sphincter before her hot twat.  She braced herself.  In another moment he was inside her bowels pounding away.  It felt really good!  Cindy’s pussy gaped open, wet and dripping passion’s honey. 

       She took Marks cock into her mouth.   Slowly she relaxed her throat muscles.  Little by little he slipped deeper into her Cindy’s throat.  With sensuous slow strokes she took his cock into her mouth, passed her tongue, and down her throat, and then returned it to begin again.  She milked Marks cock, kneading and cupping his balls as she did.  Carefully, very carefully Cindy pleasured this man.  She paused. 

       Cody’s cock enlarged?and exploded into her bowels.  Cindy closed her eyes enjoying the sensation within.  She waited until he was finished cumming.  Slowly he resumed penetrating her bottom.  She smiled at Mark?.

       ?A moment Love?.?  Cindy enjoyed Cody’s drilling for another few seconds.

       ?Give a guy a turn too??  She said softly.  ?Go clean that off so we can use it again.?  Cody stepped from the bed strutting to the bathroom.  Cindy heard the tap water turn on? 

       She smiled at Mark as she wiggled herself above his manhood.  ?Now for the Man that knows his way about a girl??  Gently she slipped the tip of his hard wet cock into the gaping opening at her twat.  It disappeared as she sat down.  While staring directing into Marks eyes she firmly impaled herself on his cock.  ?I like that??  She waited savoring the sensations inside her pussy.  Cindy leaned forward placing her hand just above Marks shoulders?her tits began to sway above his face.  Cindy never broke her intense stare into Marks eyes.

       ?Now FUCK ME while I ride your cock?cum into my pussy?pinch my titties??  Mark took hold of Cindy’s breasts.  Softly he sucked each of them.  ?Pinch ‘em hard!?  She said in a guttural grunt.  Mark took a nipple in each hand and began to squeeze.   Tears welled up in Cindy’s eyes.  He let off.  ?No?not yet?not yet??  Cindy begged.  Mark pressed harder.  Cindy rode his cock all the harder.  ?Oh?oh?yes?just a bit?yes??  Marks cock exploded inside Cindy’s sex, spewing hot jism against the cervix of her cunt! 

       ?Yes!?  She came hard.  Her nipples burned like a wild fire.  Her cunt raged with passion.  Mark filled her as she continued to ride his cock.  Tears streaked her cheeks.  Finally her hands grasped Marks.  ?There?hold it there for a minute??  Cindy savored the painful fire in her compressed nipples.  Then she released Marks hands.  He released his grip on her nipples.  She sat euphoric impaled on his flaccid cock.

       ?I need a break.?  Cindy stood from the bed.  She shook her hair with her fingers, and then smoothed it back.  She walked to the bathroom closing the door behind her.  She sat on the toilet recovering her senses.  She had NO sense of propriety, nor did she wish any at the moment!  After all she had just fucked two guys, near strangers...and she wanted more!  It took five minutes to freshen up, rest, and prepare for round two.

       Cindy walked from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her nudity.  It wasn’t like these guys hadn’t seen her, nor was it that they weren’t going to see her again, but it seemed to give a sense of security to the moment.  She walked to the living room and sat down.  Cindy picked up her purse, a small clutch bag, and rummaged about a bit.  She took out an indelible Sharpy Marker?and a small lavender vibrator?.and several brand new batteries...and a set of clover nipple clamps.

       ?Mark, I could really use a drink?just the coke this time if you please.?  Mark had just arrived from the bathroom.  He fixed an ice cold coke for Cindy.  She sipped it slowly.  It tasted good, the cold felt refreshing. 

       ?I’ve always wanted to do this.  I want each of you to sign my body where you fucked me.  Print your name, date it, and sign it.? 

       ?Sure.?  Gloated Cody.  ?I’d be glad too!?  Mark seemed amused.

       ?For someone to see??  Mark quipped. 

       ?I supposed so.?  Cindy had never really thought about it.  She had just wanted to do this one day and today seemed like a great candidate.  But it seemed to make sense.  Maybe, she really did want to rub her husbands nose it the reality of her activities.  This HAD BEEN HIS fantasy, not hers.  She had in fact objected to it.  Why had she brought it up tonight?  Why was she really here?  She wasn’t sure and NOW was NOT the time to ponder such things.  Signing just seemed to fit the occasion for some reason or another.

       She handed the tiny dildo to Mark with the nipple clamps and her phone.  ?Do you know how to use these??  She smiled.

       ?I think so??

       ?I want you to tie me up to the bed?spread eagle?sign and date me?then take three pictures of me with the cell phone camera?and use the vibrator on me.  They are brand new batteries.  You are not allowed to stop until the batteries are completely spent even it I beg you...and I might!  Then I want to jack-off each of you.  I want you to splatter me with your cum?then I want you to take three more pictures.  Then if you’re up to it?each of you can fuck me anyway you want?for as long as you want.  Deal??  Cindy seemed sincere enough.

       ?Okay?sure??  Mark said standing up.  Cody sat silent.  ?I need a length of rope.?

       ?Oh, both of you sign my tits too.   Be creative and bold?I want my husband to see where you’ve been tonight.?  It was 1:35 AM.

       It took about ten minutes before Mark returned, rope in hand.  Cindy finished her coke before walking to the bed.  The towel dropped from about her body. 

       ?I believe someone owes me a signature here.?  She said as she bent over the bed.  Cody took the marker from Mark’s hand.  On her right butt cheek he printed clearly –

My cock came in here.


       On her left butt cheek he printed –

May 18


       ?and signed her bottom.   Then Cody drew two small arrows toward Cindy’s anus.  She tuned over laying on her back her head on the pillows.  Cindy placed an arm towards the corner of the head-board. 

       ??and someone else owes me a signature here.?  Mark took the marker from Cody.  In bold print he wrote directly upon Cindy’s pubic mound –

I fucked your pussy

May 18



       ?with a small arrow pointing to the top of Cindy’s clit.  Mark tied Cindy’s arms to the head-board; Cody separated Cindy’s legs spreading her as wide as he could.  Then Mark tied them secure to the bed frame.

?Now sign my tits?be bold??  Each signed just as they had before –

We fucked your wife

May 18

       ?above the nipple and areola –

Mark – Cody


       ?one on each breast.  With that complete Mark squeezed the nipple clamps wide then placed one about each nipple.  Cindy winced.  It hurt!!  But they had promised NOT to remove them till the batteries died.  The cell phone camera clicked?once?twice?three times.  Buzzzzz?. The dildo started.  It prickled and tickled as it touched her tender labia.  It took a full two minutes for her to reach her first climax.  Cindy knew there was another good ten minutes before the batteries would spend out.  She came?over and over?and over?.the men seemed to find greater and greater pleasure in her gasping climax?Cody cheered when she wept begging for the batteries to die?they did not?the men did not stop!  Cindy hurt.  Her pussy hurt.  Her nipples hurt.  She wept and came again and again? Cody gloated and enjoyed.  Mark giggled pleading for her to do it again.  Then at last the batteries silenced.  Cindy was barely conscious.  She rested a moment from the assault on her senses?

       ?Un-tie my hands.  I need a bit of lotion.?  Mark brought her lotion.  Cindy applied it to their manhood.  Deftly she stroked both cocks, one in each hand.  ?Splatter your jism all over me??  Mark came first.  Large globs hit Cindy’s face and tits.  He ejaculated again and again splattering Cindy as she requested.  Cody was only a moment behind Mark.  His cum was a shade yellow-er, much more glob-y, and seemed to never stop.  Cindy was covered with glob-y cum from her tummy to her hair.  A few globs stuck in her hair.  Several plopped and streaked her face.  She was a mess of jism.  The camera phone clicked?once?twice?three times? They took the nipple clamps off.  Cindy grasped her breasts in obvious pain and wept as she softly cupped her abused tits.

       ?I need another drink?this time with a bit of rum.?  Cindy said as she un-tied her ankles.  She walked to the bathroom.  Carefully she cleaned herself.  The marker did not smug.  She smiled before wrapping the towel around her again.  Mark fixed her drink.  Cindy sat on the couch enjoying the rum.

       ?I do believe each of you have earned whatever you want?for whatever you have left.?  She smiled at the two men.  ?I have to send a text to my husband telling him where to pick me up.?  Mark handed her the cell phone.   Cindy text-ed the address Mark quoted to her?.send.  She stood up, walked to the bed, and dropped the towel.

       Cody was semi-erect before she got to the bed.  He was firm enough to bury his cock in her pussy.  He rode her a long while before he came again.  Cindy was too spent to cum but she did enjoy the ride.  Mark ushered Cody to the door before joining Cindy.

       ?We’ve got another five hours?fuck my ass before we sleep, then you can get a little before I leave in the morning.?  Cindy rolled to her knees?.  Mark did not need another invitation.  He quietly buried his manhood in her bottom.   Cindy enjoyed his assault though her mind was quite numb.  He came in Cindy’s bottom. 

       She struggled to the top of the bed, pulled the blanket down, and climbed inside.  Just before she passed out Cindy said clearly.

       ?My husband will be here about 8:30.  Set an alarm for seven-ish.  I want one more before I leave??  She fell into exhausted silence.  Mark obliged her request then climbed into be next to Cindy.

       True to her word Cindy when the alarm sounded she mustered enough energy to more than enjoy Mark one last time.  He rode her hard while Cindy wrapped her legs about his hips pulling him deep inside.  She enjoyed HIS cum splashing inside her sex.  Cindy was just to spent to cum again.  She enjoyed the ride!

       Cindy freshened up, dressed, and then sat on the couch with her phone in hand.  In a few seconds the six pictures raced thru cyber-space appearing on their lap-top.  Cindy smiled brightly.

       ?Thanks for a great evening!  We’ll do this again?soon.?  She stood walking to the door.  Mark opened the door for her.

       ?You can count on it!?  He said as Cindy stepped outside.  She walked to the curb.  It took less than a full minute before her husband appeared curbside.

       ?DOES HE HAVE A SURPRISE WAITING FOR HIM!?  Mark stepped back inside closing the door on the night’s adventures. 

* * *

       ?Did you bring me a change of clothes??  Cindy asked as she sat into the seat next to her husband.

       ?Yes.  The kids were asleep when I left.  Hungry??  I asked.

       ?Yes.  Let’s stop somewhere so I can change.  Then we can get the kids and go to breakfast.?  Cindy smiled.  Her face showed a bit of tired strain.

       ?How did it go last night??  I asked.

       ?How do you think it went?  I mean honestly.?  Cindy giggled.  ?It was a busy night.  I was surprised at how the time passed so quickly.  The guys were?pleasant and respectful enough.  And I am safe.?  She knew my concerns even if she didn’t want to address them straight on.  ?I sent pictures to the lap-top for you to see.  I’ll tell you all about it tonight though, honest.  Right now I just want to get out of the clothes!  I need a shower.  I’ve been used?and it feels like it right now.?

       I pulled into the gas station.  Cindy went to the Rest Room.  I waited.  She came out a few minutes later in her Saturday jeans and a clean Tee.  After she returned the key to the attendant we drove home.  The silence felt a little uncomfortable, but it was due more to exhaustion than any sense of betrayal or violation.  I knew.  Cindy knew I knew?and it was okay that way, for both of us.  I waited for her to speak?

       ?After breakfast I really need some rest.  I didn’t get much sleep last night.?

       ?I can only imagine!?  I said, and I had imagined, all-night-long.  I was tired too.

       ?And that will have to do you until tonight.?  Cindy said with a wry smile.  ?I love you.  I will tell you all about it tonight.?  And that was the end of it until later that night when we are together.

       Cindy showered. I did check the email?YES?the pictures were there.  I was erotically STUNNED!   I would review and savor these while she slept later this morning.  I waited in the bedroom just to see the written marker on her body.  Yes, it was still there!

       The kids were ready for breakfast before Cindy was dressed, noisy as always, busting, and ready to go.  Off we all went to breakfast, then a well deserved nap.

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First LoveChapter 18

Friday finally came. Ryan couldn't believe how long the day dragged on. Jen wasn't coming over until eight. His parents left at ten AM. Will and Robby left at noon. He went to the store, buying what he supposed he needed for dinner. He'd never cooked a whole meal by himself, although he was a decent cook. He spent the rest of the day in the kitchen. It kept his mind off of that night. Melissa was going to drive Jen over. Ryan had offered to pick her up but she refused. The clock dragged...

2 years ago
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Wank Fun in Black FFs

I met Roger online in a MSN chatroom (remember them), he was an openly gay man, what we had in common was we both had a fascination and love for women who wore nylons especially FF's, even though he was a gay man, he still appreciated a women in FFs he said it reminded of his c***dhood and of his mother, after we had spoken a few times, he told me he would often wear them himself and would wank in them, and to prove it sent me a video clip, which I admitted to him that I loved the clip and that...

3 years ago
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Church Youth Trip Turns Naughty

Lexi was finally relieved to be inside and sitting under the fireplace wrapped up in a furry lavender throw. As much as she enjoyed the beauty of the snow and mountains, she found a greater appreciation of it from inside. One thing she loved about the snow was the unmatched serenity it brought with it, which allowed her creative juices to flow. Lexi fixed herself a steamy glass of ginger tea and added a few drops of honey while her camel leather diary and ink pen kept her company. The other...

1 year ago
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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 43

When it was all said and done, Lieutenant Colonel Ridgeback obtained permission for a tour flight for Veterans of Foreign Wars. That those veterans were WWII, Korean Conflict and Vietnam combat pilots and flight crew was not mentioned. Something on the order of; "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission" and "what they don't know, won't hurt me." The old guys knew the planes, had trained on the planes, understood the sounds a properly synchronized set of engines make and...

2 years ago
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Thursday Nights Rendezvous at the Jade Inn

Thursday Night's Rendezvous at the Jade Inn Thursday morning came, and Anne was up early. Stepping out of the shower, smelling clean and fresh, she called to her husband, Michael, "Honey, are you ready? You know we're supposed to meet Garrett and Su Lin for breakfast at the Scrimshaw Café." Michael laughed. "I'm ready. I'm just waiting for you." Several minutes later, after a short walk, Anne and Michael arrived at the Scrimshaw Café. There they found Garrett and Su Lin waiting for...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour Kyle

Part 1Kyle is my forty-years-old neighbour. He is quite a hunk at around six feet tall, weighing two hundred pounds of muscle, unshaven with blond, curly hair. He lifts weights at the Y, jogs regularly and, in short, he is one handsome bugger.One day in early spring, we greet each other over the back fence, exchange a few pleasantries and he suddenly says, “Why don’t you come on over? I got some jobs to do in the garage and we can continue chatting for a while." He has a double car garage but...

Oral Sex
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Camping guest

I had to leave my wife Debbie at the campground for a few days. We were staying there for about a month and I had to go home to take care of a few things with our realtor that we had listed our house with. Our realtor, Danielle, was about 30, long blonde hair, nice legs, and great tits. Debbie had told me to watch out for Danielle, that she had actually come on to her. Debbie and I had on occasion invited others into our sex life, but Danielle hadn't been one of them.She had scheduled an open...

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My fianceacutes birthday

It was the day of my fiancés birthday, it was her 42nd. She was really excited about this one as I had told her for weeks she was getting a double surprise. Through out the day I teased her what it could be, I sent her naughty messages to get her horny , she responded with pictures of her amazing breasts which were a natural 32DD and incredible ass that looked like it was off a model 20 years younger.For dinner I cooked her favourite meal, lasagne , I wasn't a fan of it but I'd do anything to...

1 year ago
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Ovids Other Metamorphoses part 3

Nothing Criminal "If anyone wishes to know all my misfortunes, He asks for more than circumstance allows." --Tristia 4.10 Caesar Augustus held a sumptuous banquet in the magnificent palace triclinium. We were not the only guests of the First Citizen and his queen that evening, of course; there was such an excess of company that five tables and fifteen lecti were not enough to seat us all. I could not recount the full spectrum of distinguished personages that attended...

3 years ago
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Tale of Two MothersChapter 6

"Ungggh! No! Don't fuck Mommy's pussy again, Walter!" Patty gasped. "It's a sin! You know it's a sin to fuck your own mother!" Walter paid no attention. He was on top of her now, holding her legs open, trying to stuff his big cock up her pussy. Ten minutes earlier, he'd barged into her bedroom, catching his naked mother feverishly finger fucking her cunt. That was all the encouragement her horny son had needed. Patty had valiantly resisted her craving to fuck her son again, but she...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Chloe Cherry Judy Jolie Squirting Lap Dance

Judy Jolie, wearing a cute party hat, waits patiently with her eyes closed for her birthday surprise. Chloe Cherry comes in, kissing Judy on the neck and wishing her a happy birthday. Is she ready for her surprise?, Chloe asks Judy seductively. Chloe tells Judy to open her eyes, and when she does, she’s greeted by the sight of her girlfriend Chloe, dressed as a sexy school girl, straddling her lap, Chloe’s beautiful naked ass poking out of her skirt. Judy tells Chloe that she looks...

4 years ago
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Fuck They Are Here

Varun wake up!! I pulled my blanket up and remained in bed in half sleep while my mom was saying that they have to move to their native place because it is an emergency . “you stay in home and do your exams well and we would return in a week maybe ?! And I have asked Raji to take care of your needs . I heard the door being shut and went back to sleep and woke up by 11 not intentionally but just because of the maid switched off the fan (typical Indian maid ) and gathered my stamina and went all...

1 year ago
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All the Kings HorsesChapter 2

It was the fateful Tuesday night of the men's awful discovery. Sandy O'Connell got home at about 11:00 to find no sign of her husband Trent. Josh, 13, was still up, watching a movie downstairs. Since it was summer, that was not a crime, but Trent's absence was curious. Craig, 11, had gone to bed. "Josh, where's your dad?" "He left." "Left? Where did he go?" "I dunno." "Josh. Look at me. When did he leave? How was he dressed? Tell me something." The first tendrils of fear...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Liya Silver Fucking Hot Interns Wet Pussy

It’s sexy secretary Liya Silver’s first day at Raul Costa’s office. She brings him coffee and once he notices her endless legs, hot high heels, and mouth-watering ass, he can’t hide that massive boner any longer… Today’s Hands on Hardcore office fucking scene is a 4K XXX porn video brought to you by the DDF Network! Get ready for some classic boy-girl fucking on the office desk and watch that curvy Russian undress after sucking that big hard dick of her boss!...

2 years ago
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Ex and friend

The wife and I had a thing where sometimes when one of us would come home from work or wherever that the other one would be standing there naked or just ready to go. Sometimes I would come home and she would be fully naked, wet and on all fours, or be in a sexy outfit. One day she came home and she didn't tell me that a friend was with her. She unlocked the door and walked in with me standing there fully clothed but with my cock in my hand stroking it, then her friend walked in behind her. Her...

3 years ago
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Still You Turn Me On

"Do you want to be an angel?" "No!" Penny stuck her tongue out at me and giggled as I responded in kind. The teacher sighed. Every year it was the same, persuading teenagers to behave sensibly during the annual school Christmas production. This year we were going to perform a Nativity Play. "Have you cast Mary yet?" I was cast as Joseph and I would like nothing better than having Penny playing Mary opposite me, not to mention all that extra rehearsal time! The teacher looked at me and...

2 years ago
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How I transition

It was June of 2001 I was 21 years old, skinny and horny. But not like most guys my age. I wanted girl cock . The internet was still in its early stages. AOL dial up, remember that shit! I did well in the chat rooms with the ladies. Fucked , black, white and even Asian. A lot of fat black chicks. But I always craved the infamous transgender woman. One day I met Paul, we were chatting about transgender women and how we loved them. Paul came to the conclusion that I didn’t love them I wanted to...

2 years ago
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A Vacation To Remember Ch 03

Heather got back to her hotel room and was mobbed by her three friends. Who all wanted to know how her date went. She told them that it went well but held back about how the hostess had treated her and about the car ride back to the hotel. She knew her friends well enough to know that if Melissa got it in her head there would be no stopping her from hurting the poor hostess. She still refused to tell them her date’s name. She knew it was driving them nuts but, isn’t that what friends are for?...

3 years ago
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Red or Blue

Finally today is the day you tuned 18! It seems like just yesterday you were playing video games and watching cartoons. That was until you started to become interested in girls that is. Now your life mostly consist of porn and masturbation....You are getting ready to move away from home for the first time for college. Upon packing up all your stuff you find your old game-boy. “Man...I used to play this thing for hours on end....“ Speaking to yourself. You must of spent hundreds of dollars on...

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