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To give a bit of a back story, Samuel worked in the same office I did but in different departments. I only knew him after matching with him on the dating app Tinder. He is from Mauritius and this story is based in Malaysia, where I am from. He is a short lean guy, just an inch taller than me. I am short and slender and a Malaysian Indian, so my brown complexion was slightly lighter than that of Samuel's. I would say that my ass and eyes were my best features. And Samuel had this French accent that was certainly sexy although most of the time he simply annoyed me. We never dated and I never found myself attracted to him at that point since I had already had my eyes on my current boyfriend, whom I had just met during that time. Samuel stayed near to my place and I found myself spending more time with him during the pandemic and working from his place rather than suffering with my mom at home.


Now to the story of how I ended up cheating on my boyfriend of six months because of the pandemic and working from home.

There I was at Amish’s place working from home. It was just us and we were taking a break sitting on his couch whilst he was taking a hit. We were laughing about something when he offered me the blunt. Accepting it, I took a long puff before sputtering lightly as I coughed, allowing a stream of smoke to slip past my lips.

He looked at me with amusement filling his features, causing me to playfully shove at his shoulder. He laughed and I shook my head, taking another puff, this time determined to do it right. I took a long drag, fighting back the cough and held it in, my eyes closed. I then let the breath out slowly and felt as if my whole body had become weightless.

Offering the blunt back towards him, I watched him looking at me and raise an eyebrow in his direction.

“Have you ever tried a shotgun?” he said.

I didn’t know what that was. “No.”

“Come over a bit closer.”

Curiosity peaked through me as I shifted nearer.

“Okay,” he said. “I am going to take a hit, and when I do, you bring your face close to mine and open your mouth.”

It sounded funny and I let out a short laugh but I agreed. “All right.”

He sucked on the joint and tilted toward me. I scooted a little closer and leaned my face in. He blew the smoke out in a hard stream into my mouth. Reflexively, I inhaled it until I felt like my lungs might burst.

“Hold it in, hold it in,” he coached.

I did, closing my eyes to concentrate on the task, my body feeling light, as if I was weightless. Finally, I couldn’t hold it in any longer and blew the smoke out. I opened my eyes to see Amish looking at me.

“Well?” he asked.

“It was… intense,” I admitted.

He grinned. “An old hippie trick.”

I saw Amish giving me another weird look as I stood up and headed towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. I didn’t hear him move until I suddenly felt pressed against the wall to my left. His hands are around my wrists and pinned to my sides. I gasped loudly with my cheek against the wall when he put his lip to my neck. He bit softly and ground his pelvis into my ass. My mouth hung open, words were caught in my throat and I couldn’t find the muscles to move. He took another bite into my shoulder and I sighed a moan of confusion. Before I can respond further, Amish released me and I am forced to use my legs before I fell to the floor. I looked back at him, who was slouched and panting slightly a couple of yards away from me.

"I'm... so sorry," he whispered, shaking his head.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked bewildered.

He didn't respond, just stared at the floor.

I didn't know how to react. He had never done that before. Sure he had openly hit on me but I had always brushed it off. I never felt attracted towards him and he knew I was taken. Plus he had the hots for my best friend.

But suddenly I was confused. Why now? What changed? I have love for him, fuck, he's one of the best friends I have. He has helped me out more than I have ever deserved. And in that moment, all I could think about were his hands locked around my wrists.

I looked up at him, not knowing what to say or think. My mouth felt dry and I licked my tongue across my lips. He seemed to focus on it, and suddenly he was kissing me. I pressed my hands to his shoulders to push him away, but they seemed to melt into him. His tongue teased my lips, then dipped inside my mouth, rolling, playing. It felt like it was everywhere, all at once. I swirled my own tongue against it, and he pulled back a bit and sucked on it. When I returned the favor, his hand found my breast and squeezed.

I moaned and arched my back into his touch. It was so wrong but damn did it feel so good. I hadn’t been touched in so long that my body craved the intimacy he provided.

My arms wrapped around his neck and my fingers combed through his hair as he pressed me against the wall once more. I drew him closer, mouth crushing hard to his mouth. They were hungry, deep, and passionate kisses. Tongues battled until we had to break for air. But he kept kissing down my jawline to my neck.

Who knew he could kiss so well? He seemed to know where to kiss me too as his mouth sucked down the skin at my neck and caused it to throb, which increased my temperature tenfold that I couldn’t think straight enough to stop him. I blamed the combination of the drinks and the weed for my horniness, and coupled with the fact I hadn’t had any action in a while. But still, he was supposed to be my friend. Someone I trusted. We were both involved with other people at the time but there we were, mouths fused together again.

His hands slipped beneath my top to squeeze my breast through the bra before he pulled the cup down. Cupping my bare breast again, he rolled my nipple between his forefinger and thumb, teasing it into a tightened peak. I moaned again, encouraging his actions instead of putting a stop to it like I knew I should have.

His hand then slipped under my shirt to touch my waist and held me tight enough to lift me onto the table beside us. His hand then slid beneath my top to cup my bare breast again, kneading it with ease. I pushed myself closer to him, well, my lower half. My legs bumped either side of his waist. He met me halfway, closing what little gap there was left between us, and he ground himself - hard and straining in his jeans - against me.

He tugged at my top and broke the kiss long enough to raise the hem higher. Instead of stopping him, I settled for raising my hands so that he could pull them free of my arms and hair. Then he stepped away from me to pull his shirt over his head. It wasn’t the first time I had seen him half shirtless having gone swimming with him before, but it was the first time I had touched him intimately when he came back towards me.

Our lips met halfway once more and the palm of his hand slid along the plane of my back to brush against the clasp of my bra and unhook it with a flick of his fingers. He pulled it from my shoulders and discarded it somewhere behind him.

When his lips closed over a hardened nipple, I moaned out his name. We had passed the point of no return, no going back, no do-overs. It was what it was.

One of Amish’s hands slid along my leg to feel the curve of my thigh. It found the waistband of my jeans, then the button at the top, and then the zipper. When he tugged on it, pulling it down, his lips paused on mine for a moment. I could practically hear his question in his mind, unwilling to be the one to break the silence. It had been carefully maintained up until that point.

Is this okay? he wanted to know. He wanted to be sure. It was such a process, this whatever we were doing. Go too fast and it might mess everything up. Go too slow and rightness, morality, and memory would crash down on us both, and we would go our separate ways unsatisfied and guilty.

In answer, I wrapped my arm tighter around his neck and dropped a hand between us to touch his belt. It was enough. His lips were urgent on mine once more, and I thought I felt him sigh in relief as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

I tried to concentrate on undoing the buckle, but it was hard with the way he was kissing me. He was much better at multitasking than I was. He worked a hand into my jeans, slipping past the band of my underwear, and he didn't break their kiss as his fingers rubbed against me. They slipped and slid against me where I was slick and warm, focused in their teasing.

I had to turn my head so his lips fell to my neck instead, and I was finally able to get a good grip on his belt. I smiled to myself at the clang of the metal buckle coming undone. And the rest was easy. Shoving his jeans down, I ground against his fingers, just trying to get them in. But Amish kept circling my clit, pressing against it when he wanted and pulling breathy moans from my lips.

“Amish.. fuck!” I breathed out desperately.

He withdrew his fingers quickly to step out of his jeans and underwear while I leaned against the wall to catch my breath. I pressed my hair away from my face and moved to kick off my jeans. He helped me, rolling my jeans down with swift precision. My panties followed them.

Then he kissed me again. And so well. I hadn't kissed in so long that I drank his kisses in hungrily. His fingers had moved back between my legs. This time he eased them inside, testing the waters, feeling just how bad I wanted him - wanted this, wanted whatever.

How bad did I want it?




I sighed against his mouth as he pushed his fingers into the knuckle at a steady rhythm. He responded with a sigh of his own and a nip at my bottom lip with his teeth.

He had perfect fingers that knew how to get the job done. I briefly wondered what Rev was missing, or his ex. But I quickly pushed the thoughts aside.

I reached down, wrapped my fingers around him and ran a finger along the vein of his cock. When I circled the tip with my fingers, they came away wet, and I spread the dampness along his shaft. He hissed at my light tug and took his fingers away from between my legs like I wanted.

He pushed my knees apart and took himself in hand. His tongue glossed across his bottom lip, and my body hummed with anticipation.

This wasn’t what I thought my day was going to look like when I came over to his place to work from home. He had always hit on me but I had always seen him as a friend, never really attracted to him. At least not until then.

And then that happened.

I arched my back as he pushed inside me. A satisfied groan left my lips and I looped my arms around his neck to kiss him deeply. His strokes were deep and fast, hard enough that I lost sight of the few perceptions I had left. Whatever reminders of Rev and my boyfriend got pushed further and further away with every thrust of his hips against mine. Eventually, nothing existed but him and me in his house, with him inside me, me wrapped around him, our mouths fused together as we fucked.

I clawed at his back, having too much fun to worry if I was leaving marks. He threw his arm around my waist to pull me tighter against him, holding me close and very tight as it rushed over me. I felt it in the center first, then it spread through the rest of my body as I closed my eyes to tilt my head back. His lips fell across my neck, kissing along my throat, and he didn’t stop thrusting. I almost told him to stop. I always got too sensitive after an orgasm, but I didn’t tell him, and he didn’t stop. And I was glad I hadn’t said anything because this was much better.

The second orgasm was a surprise to us both.

It came in the middle of his, and he was grunting in my ear. It was a sound he made, deep in his throat that triggered it. And the breathy ‘Fuck’ that accompanied it.

When Amish pulled out of me, I felt the wetness drip onto my thighs, but I didn’t have the energy to do any moving of my own. And he didn’t move much further either. He rested his head against my shoulder as he softened against my leg, and I threaded my fingers through his hair and tried to catch my breath.

I thought for a moment, my fingers stroking the back of his neck as I thought how I should leave. What happened was hot enough, but it was also a mistake.

“Amish...” I said, my heart picked up an anxious beat when I heard my own voice.

“Yeah?” he asked.

Would I be asking too much if I suggested another go? Oh well, we had already done it once, no need to find any sort of morality now.

“Can we... Can we go to bed?”

He didn’t answer at first. I knew he had heard me. He was probably thinking up a delicate way to refuse, maybe something a little more original than, “I’ve got an early start in the morning.”

Languidly, he pulled his head from my shoulder and angled his lips to mine for a deep kiss. “Come on.” Pulling away from the kiss, he took my hand and I stepped off the table, following him into his bedroom, ignoring the mess of clothes we had made on the floor.

As we got to his room, he laid sprawled out on his bed and I could see him clearly, every part of him. He wasn’t the most attractive or muscular by any means, but he was lean. But what caught my attention was his dark cock as it got hard again before my eyes.

I sat next to him on the bed and rested a hand on his thigh. As he watched me pull my hair over my shoulder, I was sure he knew what was coming. When I lowered my mouth and took in the head, his hips lifted off the bed just slightly, but I noticed and it made me proud. I filled my mouth with him, and when I drew up, I looked toward him.

He was watching me.

I held his gaze as I dragged my tongue along his shaft, and he grinned. Laughed a little too.

It was the kind of laugh I wanted to laugh. An I-can’t-believe-we-are-doing-this-but-so-glad-we-are kinda laugh. I would have laughed too had my mouth not been full again.

‘He tastes good,’ I thought. I held him in my hands and flicked my tongue against the slit at the top of his cock, then pulled the tip in to just under the ridge and sucked him hard, moving my tongue all around the sides as I did so. He groaned again. The sound made me wetter. I took a breath and pulled him deep into my mouth again. I stroked his balls and felt them tighten a bit as I slid my lips up and down his smooth rod. He absentmindedly thrust a bit into my mouth and out again, breathing hard.

“Fuck! Where did you learn to do that, Ritu?” he gasped.

I didn’t answer, but took him in my mouth further, sliding the top of him a bit against the top of my mouth. He grabbed hold of my hair and changed my rhythm. I switched up my pattern, going from sucking to licking to giving attention to his balls again. I skirted my tongue around the wide head before sinking my mouth over him again. His stiff tip prodded against my tongue and palate and cheek as I took in as much of him as I could, pushing my mouth down until he butted against the back of my throat.

My head bobbed up and down with deliberate zeal. The almost graceful rhythm was betrayed by the squelching, laboured sounds of my greedy sucks and slurps that filled the room.

His hips pushed forward again, this time filling my mouth with fervent, brutish thrusts. I accepted the challenge with relish, anticipating each forceful shove of his cock.

“Fuck, Ritu! You are going to make me cum again,” he groaned.

I revelled in his taste, his length, his hardness. I dragged his tip along the inside of my mouth and against my tongue. I gulped and wheezed, panting aloud whenever his thick head wasn’t stuffed against my throat, my desperate moans seemed to spur him on for more. I soaked in his gasps of gratification. My whole body tingled -my nipples tightened, my pussy weeped- as I fast approached sensory overload. I would have just inhaled his entire length if I could.

I applied more pressure with a final hard suck, then reared my head back, letting his heavy muscle slip past my lips. Glancing up at him, he had a shocked expression on his face that made me grin.

Moving up, I easily straddled his lap and pushed him down on his back. My fingers wrapped around his length, I positioned him between my legs before I sunk down on him slowly.

My mouth hung open as his shaft spread my walls, while my muscles worked to accommodate his girth once more. Even though I had him inside me once already by that point, I still wasn’t used to the size or the foreign feeling of a new cock inside me.

“Fuckkk!” I moaned out and he groaned with me.

His hand slid from my waist to my ass and kneaded it in circles as I bottomed out on him before I lifted my hips and sank back again. I rode him slowly, increasing the tempo with each thrust. His hands on my ass spurred me on.

Leaning up, his mouth latched onto a nipple, sucking and flicking his tongue around the swollen nub. I tipped my head back and revelled in the simple feeling of Amish, my best friend, inside me. I moaned and combed my fingers through his hair, pulled on it and held him close. I rode him with everything I got, despite being sore from our earlier escapades.

He released my nipple with an audible pop and cupped my face to kiss me passionately. His moans reverberated against my lips as his hands moved back to my ass and encouraged me to keep moving.

I felt my orgasm brewing inside me, so I squeezed my muscles and moved quicker up and down and rocked my hips as I did. He intensified the kiss and groaned every time I lifted myself. I tore my lips away from him and rested my forehead by his temple as I struggled to catch my breath. I barely had a moment to breathe as Amish flipped me onto the bed so that he was on top of me.

He shoved his arms under my shoulders and gathered me close as he began to thrust forcefully in and out of me. I moaned embarrassingly loudly, every movement he made brought me closer to my release. His lips stroked the length of my neck, his tongue licked my pulse, which caused me to gasp. My hands clasped around his biceps as they supported his weight, my legs wrapped around his waist to bring him deeper inside me.

“Oh, Amish,” I moaned, unable to not say his name or keep the need out of my voice. 

He has me under his spell and he is under mine. I felt his chest brush against my erect nipples from our combined movements. 

“Say my name, Ritu. Say my name. I always wanted to hear you say my name,” he grunted into my ear and I was surprised at the confession but I repeated his name, again and again.

“Amish. Amish. Fuck. You feel so good!” I moaned, my hips bucking with his to deepen the connection we shared. Oh God, it felt more amazing than I could have ever imagined. With each in and out stroke, his massive member drove deeper inside me.

Was it wrong? Was I a whore? What did this mean for our friendship? Or my relationship? Or Amish’s? So many questions and insecurities swirled in my mind competing with the sexual sensations. The questions tried to overwhelm my brain, but the huge cock drove them all away. All I wanted right then was to be fucked properly.

“Oh, God, yes, fuck me harder.”

My backside clenched and I angled my pelvis so that the friction of his crotch pressed more firmly against my most sensitive regions. There was something about the extra girth inside me which feels so different. He was also fucking me differently. I squeezed my intimate muscles with all of my might as I wanted to feel every contour, every throb, every pulse of his heartbeat through his manhood buried inside me.

“Yea, fuck! You feel amazing, Ritu,” he grunted.

Our pace quickened rapidly and the usually solid bed frame creaked under the strains of our intensifying display of passion. It was so very warm, both outside and within our bodies.

“Uh! Fuck!” I panted as my body rocked back and forth. Despite the rigorous shaking, my eyes pierced straight through his. “Amish! Fuck me. Fuck! You feel so good!” I moaned, my head tilted back as I was unable to hold his gaze.

He grunted as he switched his pace to short rapid-fire thrusts into me. As I moaned beneath him, he grinned and grunted, “Yeah, I knew you wanted this. You wanted me from the day we met! How does it feel?”

I narrowed my eyes and tried to stare him down but the energy from his heated strokes coursed through me. I squeezed my eyes and threw my head back over the pillow, crying out to the ceiling.

“How does it feel?” he repeated. “Uhh! You’re so fucking hot and wet!”

“Bastard!” I hissed. I twisted my fingers into the hair at the back of his head and yanked his face to mine. Our mouths opened wide on one another, melded together in a voracious, violent lock of lips and lash of tongues. His hands scratched down my smooth and silky sides. He took a firm, demanding grope of my ass and dug his nails into the tender skin of my cheeks.

I pulled hard on his hair. With a surprising burst of strength, I flipped him onto his back on the other side of the mattress and instantly was on top of him again, practically wrestling and pinning him down.

Pleasantly startled, I could see the side of his lips curl upward.

“Don’t you dare fucking grin at me like that!” I snapped.

Keeping a watchful eye on him as he lay motionless on his back, I raised myself on the balls of my feet, straddled him, and reached down. I took hold of his hard, long shaft and wiggled my hips over the tip.

“Showing me how you can handle meat again, huh?” he said.

A swift crack of my palm across his cheek signalled to him his error. “What did I say about food-related comments?” I reprimanded him.

He nodded sheepishly.

I guided his bulbous head against the narrow folds of my slit. My head lifted slightly upwards and my eyes closed as I slipped over him. Feeling his swollen length slip into me again, I shuddered and gasped.

Now it was his turn to let out a loose torrent of unintelligible moans and groans. I bucked and rode him hard, my back arched backwards and my hair dropped down seductively as I raised my head towards the ceiling. My slender, glistening body rolled and undulated like a belly-dancer.

I was letting loose like never before. The swollen member flaring inside of me sent ripples of energy from me even as I drained everything I had in the heated effort. My long hair draped across my face and I pushed it back with my hand, wanting to watch his expression.

I knew how much Amish had wanted this. I should have seen the signs coming but never did I think I would give in to his flirtatious nature by actually getting physical.

“Uhn! Come on, Amish!” I gasped. “Come on...ah…! Show me...uhn..make me feel how much you wanted me! Huhn! You are so fucking hard. So...uhn...hard inside me!”

He bucked against me like a bull. His cock thrust upwards to glide along my slick inner flesh. I held on, rocking on his staff until I finally lost balance and bent over his chest. We clutched each other and kissed wildly and filled the room with our dry gasps for air. I loved kissing and his soft lips against mine felt perfect which drew a loud sigh from my mouth.

With no sign of our intensity ebbing, Amish slid out from under me then slipped behind me on the bed. I clutched a pillow on the bed while I propped up on my knees. I looked back over my shoulder to watch his face looking down and admiring my lovely round ass as he positioned himself between my legs.

With a wriggle of his hips, I felt his cock rub up against me and then just as quickly thrust into me once more. My body rocked forward then sank back against his stiffness. He held my hips and smacked his crotch against my butt over and over. It felt as if his swelling length plunged deeper and deeper each time he did.

“Uhn! Uhn! Fuck!” I groaned through gritted teeth, my face pressed forward against the bed. I clenched my fists around the sheets beneath me for something to grip, my eyes shut tight as he took my body from behind with quick, stiff thrusts.

We were both almost spent now. My body glistened and glowed. My muscles ached and strained. We were good together in bed. Fucking perfect, actually.

His energy drained, his body joined me lying on the bed, still thrusting from behind, kissing desperately at my neck. His hands embraced me from behind and squeezed my breasts. I was experiencing sensory overload again. 

“Amish!” I moaned, my throat raw. “Ah! Faster! Don’t..uhn..don’t stop!” 

"Ahhn!" he groaned as he filled me with the relentless thrust of his hips. He held his breath and buried his face into the back of my head. Both of us peaked.

My cries surged up from my gut. After one last short gasp for air, I groaned loudly, "Ah- uhn!” I burst, spilling my fluid warmth freely over his piece in a delectable, over-heated rush. My body hitched and shook as I drained my cum all over him.

Just as I did, Amish’s butt clenched and his abs tightened. He groaned and gasped as his aching cock finally fired a full load of rich, pungent jism into my tender snatch. He kissed and rolled his teeth against my shoulder as he continued to shiftl his hips forward, spurting out every last strand of cum from his stiff length.

My hands covered his as they continued to softly fondle and massage my breasts and nipples. My eyes were closed but my mouth hung open as I sucked in oxygen from the warm air surrounding our nude bodies.

My whole body sighed as he finally slid his cock -- slick and slippery-- out from me, my sweet spot still tingling. Rolling over on the pillow, I faced Amish. His face was also red, his hair also damp, and he looked entirely spent and unmistakably satisfied.

I brushed back my hair with my hands. Clearing my throat, I said sternly with an arch of my brow and a coy grin, “So… is that what you do to all your friends?”

He smiled back a shifty grin and shook his head. “Well.. sometimes. But I am hungry now.”


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Hi, I am Daksh Kashyap, graduate from IIT Mumbai. Pichli kahani mein maine bataya ki kis tarah maine Diu trip pe Anamika ki chut aur gaand mari. Anamika ki gaand marwane ki shart thi ki main trip se wapas aakar bhi use chodu. Actually mujhe bhi Anamika ke sath rough aur abusive sex jyada acha lagne laga tha. Himani bohut hi simple ladki thi. Uske sath pyar wala sex hota tha. Trip se lautne ke bad second project milna tha. Isme partner change hue. Anamika ne pata nahi kaise senior ko pata liya...

3 years ago
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Boys Night

Kelly was back stage in her dressing room changing her costume between scenes. Kelly was a drama student and a senior and was excited to be playing Viola in a contemporary production of "A Twelfth Night," as it was opening night of her final production before graduation. For the next scene she had to dress up in drag to play Cesario. She had stripped off her previous costume and stood naked before the mirror binding her chest. She was pretty tall at 6'1" and weighed 140...

1 year ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 3

As soon as she and Charles went outside, they were mobbed. I moved out to listen. A reporter said, "Eve, tell us about your day yesterday." Eve nodded and, to me, seemed to brace herself. "It was a long day after my SUV crashed. Richard Chamberlain, my manager, was driving. He was killed instantly by a large tree branch. I was rescued by an amateur radio operator who was prepared to help people. I wound up going with him and performing nursing that I haven't done in years. It was a very...

1 year ago
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The Blind Domme

The Blind Domme My fingers moved quickly across the last of the raised dots. "Allison" myfingers read "I've been looking all over town for you! You have companyat home. A young man all the way from New York." My fingers dropped off the page, and I closed "Peyton Place", myfirst "naughty" book I'd ordered surreptitiously as a girl, yearsago,hiding it under "Little Women" when I'd gotten it in the mailfrom Jennie, my roommate at Perkins. "It is such a sexy book, Kyra!" she'dsaid to me over the...

4 years ago
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A Chance Meeting

I was annoyed. I had arranged to meet Leonie, my wife. Slim build. Long black hair. We were going to have a drink here at the hotel bar, then go to the theatre. Leonie bought the tickets. . She was late. I called her mobile but it went to voicemail. I was about to leave. I watched the tall woman as she entered the hotel bar. Long blonde hair. She looked about twenty five. She was wearing a sleeveless shimmery dress with the hem just inches below her bottom. Her legs were bare. She wore black...

2 years ago
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Author's note: I apologize for any grammatical error. Inevitably the chapters will come out first in Portuguese. Thank you for reading this story. I was still watching my father's coffin went down in the cemitery. Beside me my mother and little sister wept inconsolably the last "moments" with this special family being. I could still hear the words he told me when I last visited him in the chemotherapy ward of the hospital: "Take care of your mother and sister, promise me that." I promised him...

3 years ago
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Borders Crossed Part One

Introduction: The true story of a tangled love affair between two tourists, a mother and her daughter. This is a true story of how three people I know first met and fell in love. The following events are based on what has been recounted to me by the persons involved. However, their names have been changed to protect their identities. ******************************************************************************************************************** Borders Crossed Part One ...

3 years ago
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Hocus PocusChapter 9 Deductions

"So how was your evening?" Maxine raised a sceptical eyebrow as Gregg came back into the bedroom. "Don't worry, my dear, my virtue is intact." "My," Maxine responded coolly, "it's obviously healed while you've been out." Gregg smiled tolerantly as he stripped off and climbed into bed. "It was very productive. I found out two very interesting things, well three really. Our Miss Leon is on the receiving of a great deal of wealth as we thought, although it's not in her hands...

3 years ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 8

"Hey, stranger, over here." Susan looked around the student union cafeteria. She found Phil alone at a table. She smiled and went over and joined her brother. "We've got to stop meeting like this," she said coyly, "or your wife will begin to suspect." He chuckled. "What about Jace? He's a big man... not someone I'd like to have call me outside to protect his wife's virtue." Susan grinned. "Well, how's it feel to be an old married man?" "Better than I ever expected," he...

2 years ago
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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 3

Ch. 3 – The Sorcerer’s Apprentice “I’m… a sorcerer?!” “That is correct, David. My friend would not have taken to you as he did were you not,” Merlin chuckled. “This… this is crazy…” “You do not believe me?” “No!” Dave exclaimed. “I am a man of science! I believe in what can be perceived through our senses and confirmed with consistent testing. How am I supposed to throw all that away and believe in sorcery?!” “And what makes you think that the two are not connected?” Merlin...

2 years ago
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LA FunChapter 14

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep. I was really foggy because of lack of sleep this morning. I got up and stretched before using the bathroom and shaving. I went to the bed and leaned down to wake Jules. She really wasn't interested in getting up, but I whispered that I wanted her to come with me today in her ear. She smiled and began coming out of her stupor. The two of us showered and dressed for work. A pot of coffee was already almost done when we went into the kitchen area to make one....

2 years ago
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A Helping Hand

It's been about two years now since Mike bought the house next door, and about a year since we became jacking buddies. And what an incredible year it's been. Mike is straight; however, as I've shared in some of my other my stories, he comes over every other week or so and we masturbate together. Mike is in his early thirties and is very cute. He is about 5'10, 180 lbs, with black eyes and black, close cropped hair. He has a nice size dick, and his erection is very firm with a slight curve...

Gay Male
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A night to remember

It had been seemingly ages since we'd actually laid eyes on one another. I had to take care of some personal matters and was in the States for a few days, when she happened to be on an erotic website we both enjoyed. I poked her to let her know I saw her online and that was I available to chat if she was up for it. A few minutes went by and we were chatting again like time hadn't passed between us. After talking about things that had developed in our own lives, I let her know that I was in...

Oral Sex
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MatureNL Julia North Cheating MILF who loves big dicks and anal sex

Hot MILF Julia North is happily married with an older man. She loves him to death, but there’s something he can’t give her, a big hard cock to fuck her ass! Lucky for her, he’s working a lot and for those days she has a handy big cocked guy standing by, she can call anytime. Today is such a day. Her husband hasn’t been out the door yet, and she has already made the call and within minutes the strapping muscled guy with his huge cock is standing in her bedroom, ready to...

2 years ago
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Cold, windy and snowy. That describes winter in Chicago, IL to a tee. I had just finished a conference. The cab ride to the airport was slow because of the heavy snow falling. As we were stuck in traffic, I called the airport Hilton. The way the snow was coming down, I had a bad feeling that my flight was going to be cancelled.I was sitting at a bar in O’Hare International Airport (ORD), waiting to board my plane for a 4-hour flight home. Sipping on my Absolut and Cranberry, I watched the snow...

3 years ago
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Fucking the Feminist Out of Me

Me and my friends were fired up.  We were young women that wanted to be a part of a movement.  It was the day after the presidential inauguration and we were going to march in Boston.  We got our pink pussy hats on and headed out together full of enthusiasm.  My friend Marcia and I took the train into the city and we got a lot of cheers as we traveled.  We met three other friends once we got there and it was an amazing event. After the rally somehow I got separated from my friends due to the...

4 years ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 22 Drink GichiGami

The difficult part of being mission support is the waiting around. Ensign Antonio Williams wasn't going to learn if he didn't lead. Now two squads of DECO Marines were on the surface for the purpose of capturing the culprits who had abducted Tony Williams from a New York jail. The targets of the Williams' raid were aboard a private yacht cruising Lake Superior—Gichi-gami to the Ojibwe. My part of the raid was diversionary. Imagine that a man, his lion and his wolf are walking down a back...

3 years ago
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Hardintown Glory Hole ndash Lisarsquos Story

I was shocked as she was when I came face to face with Connie the mother of my daughter’s best friend. We were both standing in the hallway behind the video booths that had glory holes.I could see that Connie had seamen on her chin and I could see additional stains on her dress. I knew that she had been enjoying anonymous sex just like me. I suddenly wondered which of us had sex with the most cocks.Jeff laughed as he realized that we knew each other. He opened the door and we both stepped into...

4 years ago
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Couple enjoys the pleasure

Hi readers, i am thankful to all readers of ISS who liked my past incidents. Those who are reading me for the first time i am 28yr old single guy from delhi. I get very little offers from couples who want to enjoy sex toys and vibrators which i provide for usage free of charge. The reason behind the same is the fact that still couples or females are reluctant to confess their sexual demands and needs and moreover they are not ready to come in picture regarding their sexual needs and private...

2 years ago
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Home BusinessChapter 2

Scott's heart was pounding as the elevator swiftly lifted them to the 6th floor. In front of room 627, Ray fished a plastic key card out of his pocket and swiped it. When the door unlocked he turned the knob and pushed the door but it only opened an inch because the safety latch had been engaged on the other side. "It's her old man," said a voice on the other side of the door that obviously belonged to someone looking through the peephole. Then the door was opened. Scott didn't know...

1 year ago
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Jaq Has Photo Session

Many members will know all about Jaq. Jaq is my wife and a very sexy lady. A few years back, Jaq was asked to do some modelling work for her employer; this was just to show off some of the products that the company had for sale. The company sold many products that are used in the building trade. The idea was to have a member of staff demonstrating the products in a provocative manner, something that Jaq was more than capable of doing.The day of the photo shoot arrived and Jaq certainly looked...

Wife Lovers
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Nancy For Lunch

In a little less than an hour’s time, I had concluded an advertising pitch in downtown Chicago, just a couple blocks off Michigan Avenue. The client interrupted me early on in my presentation and asked me five or six rapid fire questions. It may have been the strong coffee I drank that morning, or the adrenaline of my first big meeting at my new job, but I handled each question he asked me and then shut up, just as my boss had instructed. After his last question the client said “I’m good with...

4 years ago
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No Fuck At Work

Pour toi Pascal...When I first started to work, I was helped by an older colleague. She was a lovely lady, almost twenty years older than me. She showed me the dos and don’ts of the business, listened to my problems, and was of good advice in every situation. “No fuck at work,” she used to say. “Too risky, not worthwhile. There are enough other places, so just don’t.” For a while, I had listened to her advice, particularly when I launched my independent business. Several years later, I was...

1 year ago
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3 Laudoko Ek Saath Sambhala

Hi folks, This is my first story on this forum.I m a big fan of the desi stories on this forum I wish to share one of my horniest nights i have ever had with my cousin and 2 of his friends in mahabaleshawar in Jan’13. OK.. Now about me.. I m pooja from mumbai.I m 24yr old from a sindhi family.I m very fair and 5ft 9in in height… fuck with this english.hindi me jo maja hai wo aur kisime nahi. Main bahot gori hu.meri maa se mujhe mera fairness mila hai mere figure ka exactly measurement 34-30-35...

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The ImamChapter 11

THE KISS 19th of Jumaada al-awal 1417 (October 2, 1996) Khozem knew his decisions had been made for him, but he mused how the stars could be swept away one day. He strolled beneath a busy, sparkling sky on the main campus and noticed these same stars set into their background like gems fixed to a crown. The world would spin with or without the wreckage of human kind. While speeding with his bodyguards towards Al Karim that afternoon, he was torn between his future position and grandiose...

3 years ago
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RECAP: I’m staying with my Mom’s Best friend while she’s away on vacation, and we’ve ended up in a strange sexual relationship which is in jeopardy of being exposed by her shrewish bitch of a daughter … Tina, my Arch-enemy of sorts.What in the HELL was happening to me?That question had roamed around in my head for hours after I had full...

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daves younger brother ken and my wife

After Peggy started fucking Ken, She couldn't get enough of him and he couldn't get enough of her. We were supposed to go out of town to her aunts for a party at their cottage and had shipped the k**s off to her mom's in Florida. We got a call that the well broke and they were going to have to get a new well dug. We sat down and said well there goes the weekend. I said maybe not. Call Ken and invite him over. She called and I listened to her talk to him as she said she was dying to suck his big...

3 years ago
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Public sex for a young girl felt exciting

Wartime makes people do the oddest of things you never thought yourself capable off. I married my c***dhood sweetheart when he was called up, God only knows what was going through my head, maybe I thought marriage would exempt him from active overseas service, at least put him in reserve and send all the single men ahead, then it would be all over in a matter of months.How wrong can a girl be?The trouble was every girl and woman where I worked was in the same boat, husbands, sons, brothers and...

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Mommys Hypnotic DisciplineChapter 2 Mommyrsquos Hypnotic Delight

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Shoot,” I cursed beneath my breath. I hadn’t considered my husband would feel guilty for punishing our daughter and fucking the little whore. “Mitch, look at me.” He stood trembling in our kitchen, the cordless phone clutched in his hand. He was naked, a muscular man with short, sandy-blond hair. He looked horrified, his shoulders hunched, his limp cock glistening with our daughter’s virgin pussy cream. s “Mitch, look at me,” I...

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A Tale of Two CheerleadersChapter 6

Summary: All through the tenth grade, Kendal loved everything about school. Her teachers were the best; the girls were really nice, and the cheerleaders treated their squad like one big happy family. Although she didn’t date, she made friends with many guys at school. Although asked out on several occasions, Kendal felt she didn’t have the time to date. Kendal decided that the next year, her junior year, she would start dating. Her mother agreed with her and even commented that she thought...

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Donjeta and the SeaAn Unusual Visitor

Penelope came to see me -- and she almost never came to see me. "Donjeta, you need to prepare. Put on your finest clothes and come to the house, to the main hall." "OK. Why? What's going on?" I sat on a terrace set against the family cottage on the hill above the house. I wore a light woolen tunic, my legs bare. I was watching the harbor, the ships pulling in, the distant waves churning against the shore. A breeze blew, carrying the smell of flowers and the songs of birds. "Mentes,...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Jane Wilde Goes Wild on Her StepBro

Jane Wilde decided to get wild on her own and start masturbating in her bedroom. However, she forgot to close the door all the way. Her step brother ,Tyler Nixon, happened to pass by her room and noticed what she was doing. Tyler pulled out his phone and began to film her masturbating. He got a little too carried away and was too obvious about it, so she quickly discovered him. Jane had enough, if he wanted to see her that badly then she would give him all. Jane got her pussy penetrated by her...

1 year ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 8

They arrived in High Cove after dark. Ellerie was riding at the front of the procession with Boktar and Venni when they reached the outskirts. There was nobody out on the streets, but lights could be seen through windows. As they rode past a cottage, an old woman opened her shutters to stare out at the noise, then closed them with a bang. “This is strange,” Venni said. “I’ve never seen it like this. Where is everyone?” “Asleep?” Boktar guessed, though his voice was uneasy. “It’s late, but...

1 year ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 3

Grandmother looked ... she saw a 13 year old boy. She closed her eyes ... she heard a 55 year old man. A disciplined military man. A dangerous ... even deadly man. Her eyes opened... 13 year old kid. She shut them again... 55 year old killer ... thirteen year old... 55 year old... 13... 55... 13... 55. As long as she kept her eyes shut ... she could believe. As soon as she looked ... not a chance. Me? I was dwelling on the differences: First time: I was the wimp. I couldn't cope with my...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Electra Rayne That Pervy Neighbor Of Mine

Alex Legend is trying to read a book, but his neighbor Electra Rayne suddenly appears at his window, rubbing her bare nipples against the glass! Alex tries to ignore her, so next Electra knocks on his door. He lets her in, but tells her that he’s trying to get some work done, complaining about her distracting behavior and saying that she needs to get herself in check. Electra flashes her tits at him again, saying to get THESE in check. Then she bares her ass and pussy at him. That’s...

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Long Hot Summer Ch 6

The next morning, the day of the wedding I wasn’t going to attend, Eleanor Kaminski was waiting for me at her back door at 9 a.m. She was wearing a man’s white broadcloth shirt, a little frayed at the collar, and nothing else, Like some model in a Swedish pipe tobacco commercial. She unbuttoned it as she led me through her kitchen, and when we reached the hallway she stopped and turned, dropped the shirt to the floor, and knelt in front of me, completely naked.“I can’t think about anything else...

Straight Sex
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Catching Some Rays

I was laying out catching some rays I was all oiled up and I had a margarita on the table I had my allure and cosmo mags to browse through. It was one of those blah days, we all get them. The hot sun on my body helped lift my spirits though. I had my mp3 player on and was listening to my music. I bought the perfect mat for laying out as it has a built in pillow and it has another pillow for your knees. The only draw back was it wasn’t good for lying on your stomach. My house faces north and...

2 years ago
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Like It Or Not Youre A Girl Part VI

Part VI?Like it or not, You?re a Girl! By Christine For now I thought it was best to do nothing. I lay on the bed under the covers completely nude and fell asleep. The door opened in the morning. There stood Danielle. ?Good Morning Melissa?that will be your new name. I always wanted a girlfriend and you are going to be it. I?m afraid that this will be your last meal for the day. We have to starve you for 24 hours before your little procedure. Not to worry, Master...

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Nude Beach

My wife and I decided to walk down the beach to find a nice cove where we could lay our blanket down and sunbathe. We found the perfect spot and I took off my shorts and shirt and already had a huge boner just thinking about being on the nude beach with my wife. My wife laid the blanket out and I sat on it and watched her slowly slip out of her denim jean mini skirt. Then she slide her little black thong off. She sat next to me and then unbuttoned her white blouse until her giant and perfect...

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Honeymoon Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their seventh story. Other stories featuring them include...

1 year ago
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Bigboy 6

Sue continues her quest for bestiality and big cocks. Hey Bo, hope you had a great weekend. Personally, I took some time off so I could recover a bit after the Dane workout. I went back to visit John yesterday and wow, More of the greatest sex ever... A huge human cock and a huge K-9 cock all in the same day. What more could a girl ask for? After the first round we sat at the dining table sharing a beer and chatting. John told me that he owed me big time. I kind of laughed and said that...

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Turkish delight

quite a few years back now. Sarah my wife had enjoyed it at the time, but she was really nervous this day and to be honest so was I. It was really hair raising on the busy roads, with buses, cars, lorries and hundreds of really crazy scooter riders weaving all around us. I had set off that morning with a a plan to go down to a town called Turgutreis, so we could visit the big market there, but I starting to regret it. It was completely crazy on the roads and dangerous for...

2 years ago
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Hanging out with Carole

It was going to be another Saturday much like any other in the small town where I lived, if you could call Korona Florida a town. Pretty much it was one paved road that connected US1 with I-95 and home to maybe a couple dozen families. Nothing ever really happened there, hell we didn't even have a police department. My buddy Dave's parents went out of town every weekend so usually Dave, our friend Kyle and I would sc**** together enough money for a case or two of cheap beer and maybe a few...

2 years ago
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Love Making Experience Under Rain

Hi everyone. Once again I am back with my another sensual experience of love making with Pooja. If any Girl or Lady get wet then don’t forget to remember me at If you are reading my first story let me tell you that Pooja is goddess on earth as she is perfect in her every body part and right flesh at right place. Figure is 32 28 32 and milky white in color. She seems as if someone will touch she can get dirty. I have noticed wherever I touch her that part gets red. It was rainy season and the...

4 years ago
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Sister Sarah and Alec

He is and was the most “enterprising” young man in his class. They all appeared to like him back then. He went on to college along with his friends and that included Sarah who he was dating. She dropped out but not after spending a semi-intimate evening with him. The two of them were “in love” kind of. “Ohhhhhh come one Sarah,” he said. He recalled it and remembered how he shrugged his shoulders as the shy and quiet young lady, of 19, sat on his bed. “We’ll take these pictures. I’ll keep them...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Friend8217s Younger Sister

Dear All, this is a true story that happened two months ago and what a night it was. I have been reading a lot of good stories on this site and though its time to share some of my own with you all. Little about myself, I am 24 years old, 5′ 8 with dusky color and a good features and physique ( I love working out ). I have a 6-inch very thick dick. I belong to a affluent family but very down to earth which has helped me keep friends from all walks of life. I have a big circle of friends and one...

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